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Roadmap Meeting February 17th 2017 11:30 am AST

Rosie Le Faive edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 7 revisions
  • Chair: Mark Baggett
  • Notes: Don Moses

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
    • Melissa Anez
    • Bryan Brown (Chair)
    • Carell Jackimiek
    • David Wilcox
    • Diego Pino Navarro
    • Jordan Fields
    • Gavin Morris
    • Gabriela M
    • Jonathan Green
    • Mark Jordan
    • Rosie Le Faive (notes)
    • Nick Ruest
    • William Panting
  • Regrets
    • Kirsta Stapelfeldt
    • Jennifer Eustis


Old Business

New Business

  • LSAP revision
  • OAI-ORE support in Islandora
  • OR2017 - Islandora attendance

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon

Round Table


  • [Diego] Islandora 7.x-1.9 release is going well! Code Freeze is March 1, and we're getting a lot done before that - including audits. Whoo!
    • Importer and Populator needed Documenting and Testing... which were then adopted by Mark Baggett and Bryan Brown.
  • Islandora Badges LSAP:
    • Discussion on how best to implement how badges subsumes the existing altmetrics module. It was decided that the smoothest transition would be instead of transferring ownership, to submit the code as a PR against islandora_altmetrics (with approprate testing so that existing variables are maintained), then islandora_altmetrics would be renamed to islandora_badges.
    • Vote to accept: 14 +1's, 0 0's, 0 -1's
  • LSAP revision:
    • Comments addressed.
      • description of module and relevance to the community added to listserv template
      • README and coding standards moved to basic criteria for Labs as well as Release.
      • It was suggested to have a standard for tests in new modules, but as of now we do not have one. The criterion remains vaguely "has sufficient tests."
      • Suggestion that pull requests are preferred to new module was added to the introduction.
    • Will open this document to the community for comments for 14 days, then bring it to the Board by e-mail.
      • Melissa will produce a clean copy and share with the broader community on Monday.
  • OAI-ORE - for e-theses for LAC.
    • Need feedback for the variety of described specs
    • Mark Jordan will continue to work with LAC for more details on requirements, will then consult with IR IG and interested parties.
  • OR 2017
    • Should we recommend to the Board to use remaining funding from CLAW fund will send someone to OR? Vote passed, yes.
  • [Interest groups skipped as time ran out!]
  • CLAW Update

Next meeting: March 3rd

  • Chair: Don Moses
  • Notes: Melissa Anez

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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