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Fabian F. Voigt edited this page Mar 10, 2019 · 9 revisions

mesoSPIM room preparations

  • Currently, all mesoSPIM setups have a dedicated optical table. The total setup footprint is 1.1 x 0.75 x 0.7 m (length x width x height), but usually, the optical tables are larger (e.g. 1,2 x 2,4 m or 1,5m x 1,2 m) to have space for placing lasers etc. or to have room to grow in the future.
  • Smaller tables (1,35 m x 1,20 m) can also be used if the lasers are kept under the table (see image below)
  • Standard optical tables such as the RS-2000 series from Newport or the Science Desks Series from Thorlabs are suitable. Minimum table thickness is 100 mm.
  • Foresee enough space for a desk with a large (40inch+) screen for the imaging computer
  • Fast network & storage access are beneficial, even though a mesoSPIM is usually producing data at a far slower rate than other light-sheet microscopes
  • ⚠️ For imaging in organic solvents such as DBE for iDISCO, good ventilation is necessary. Most setups have a movable ventilation duct suspended from the ceiling that can be placed close to the imaging cuvette.
  • Power outlets: Foresee enough power outlets for the instrument. Total power uptake is a few kW at maximum
  • ⚠️ Air conditioning - especially for long-running acquisitions, temperature in the room should be stable.
  • For sample preparation, a wet lab bench / a hood and a sink in the vicinity of the microscope are recommended.
  • Order the neon signs from (

Two Toptica lasers mounted in a small rack under the table along with a BNC breakout box for the analog controls of laser power

Detection path

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