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Nikita Vladimirov edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Sample handling

Sample mounting strategies

Sample handling strategies

mesoSPIM sample handling strategies

The sample XYZ & rotation stages carry a KB25/M kinematic base (Thorlabs). This allows quick exchange of samples – they can be “clicked” in and suspended below the stages within seconds. For mounting samples, we either use cuvettes or sample clamps: For example, CLARITY cleared whole-mouse brains are usually immersed in 10x20x45 mm3 quartz cuvettes (Portmann Instruments) in a refractive-index matching solution (RIMS). The same approach is recommended for all samples that are swollen or fragile. Samples cleared with organic solvents (i.e. DISCO, iDISCO, or BABB) tend to shrink and harden in the clearing process and can be clamped in a holder (usually 3D-printed). As immersion media such as BABB or DBE tend to dissolve plastic, we recommend using nylon (polyamide) screws and 3D-printed parts for this purpose - these tend to be very resistant.

mesoSPIM sample holders

First-generation holders

(left to right): CLARITY/CUBIC cuvette holder for 10x20 mm cuvettes (3D printed), iDISCO sample holder (3D printed, BABB/DBE compatible), iDISCO sample holder (machined). Sample holders - first-gen

Second-generation holders

(left to right): two universal cuvette holders for 10x20mm and 10x10mm cuvettes (3D printed, single-piece, compliant mechanism), large sample clamp (3D printed, 2-piece, black stained), medium sample clamp (3D printed, 2-piece, white, BABB/DBE compatible), small sample clamp (3D printed, 2-piece, black stained). All holders are mounted with M4 screw and KB25/M kinematic base (not shown for clamps on the right).

Sample holders - second-gen

CAD models were made with the help of Sascha Weidner and Fabian Eggimann from UZH AMF Facility. The 3D prints are made from polyamide-12 (nylon) using industrial SLS printer at UZH AMF Facility. Polyamide is resistant to strong solvents like BABB/DBE, has excellent strength and stability. The black-stained holders, however, leak the dye in BABB/DBE, so they are recommended only for non-agressive media (CLARITY/CUBIC/ECi/RapiClear etc.).

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