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New daily trending repos in C++ #29

vitalets opened this issue Nov 9, 2017 · 31 comments

New daily trending repos in C++ #29

vitalets opened this issue Nov 9, 2017 · 31 comments


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vitalets commented Nov 9, 2017

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Repository owner locked and limited conversation to collaborators Nov 9, 2017
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New daily trending repos in C++!

NVIDIA / cutlass
CUDA Templates for Linear Algebra Subroutines
+8 stars today

microsoft / onnxruntime-genai
Generative AI extensions for onnxruntime
+7 stars today

boostorg / beast
HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
+7 stars today

envoyproxy / envoy
Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
+4 stars today

project-chip / connectedhomeip
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance.
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

ByConity / ByConity
ByConity is an open source cloud data warehouse
+141 stars today

A fast usermode x86 and x86-64 emulator for Arm64 Linux
+23 stars today

ceph / ceph
Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
+5 stars today

espressif / arduino-esp32
Arduino core for the ESP32
+5 stars today

doctest / doctest
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework
+4 stars today

jarro2783 / cxxopts
Lightweight C++ command line option parser
+4 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

duckdb / duckdb
DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system
+180 stars today

infiniflow / infinity
The AI-native database built for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast full-text and vector search
+22 stars today

lich0821 / WeChatFerry
微信机器人底层框架,可接入Gemini、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。WeChat Robot Hook.

The underlying framework of WeChat robots can be connected to large models such as Gemini, ChatGPT, ChatGLM, iFlytek Spark, and Tigerbot. WeChat Robot Hook.

+13 stars today

hku-mars / FAST_LIO
A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
+10 stars today

carla-simulator / carla
Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
+8 stars today

zealdocs / zeal
Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
+6 stars today

zeromq / libzmq
ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1
+2 stars today

ydb-platform / ydb
YDB is an open source Distributed SQL Database that combines high availability and scalability with strong consistency and ACID transactions
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

jellyfin / jellyfin-media-player
Jellyfin Desktop Client based on Plex Media Player
+14 stars today

fmtlib / fmt
A modern formatting library
+11 stars today

ssloy / tinyrenderer
A brief computer graphics / rendering course
+8 stars today

cloudflare / workerd
The JavaScript / Wasm runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers
+4 stars today

hzeller / rpi-rgb-led-matrix
Controlling up to three chains of 64x64, 32x32, 16x32 or similar RGB LED displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO
+4 stars today

google / benchmark
A microbenchmark support library
+4 stars today

opencv / opencv_contrib
Repository for OpenCV's extra modules
+3 stars today

microsoft / onnxruntime-inference-examples
Examples for using ONNX Runtime for machine learning inferencing.
+2 stars today

abseil / abseil-cpp
Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

hyprwm / Hyprland
Hyprland is a highly customizable dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
+27 stars today

meshtastic / firmware
Meshtastic device firmware
+7 stars today

xbmc / xbmc
Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS and Windows.
+2 stars today

texstudio-org / texstudio
TeXstudio is a fully featured LaTeX editor. Our goal is to make writing LaTeX documents as easy and comfortable as possible.
+1 stars today

microsoft / cpprestsdk
The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

rhasspy / piper
A fast, local neural text to speech system
+20 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

google / googletest
GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
+12 stars today

rui314 / mold
Mold: A Modern Linker 🦠
+4 stars today

RPCS3 / rpcs3
PS3 emulator/debugger
+4 stars today

s3fs-fuse / s3fs-fuse
FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
+4 stars today

gnuradio / gnuradio
GNU Radio – the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
+2 stars today

dalathegreat / Battery-Emulator
This software enables EV battery packs to be used for stationary storage in combination with solar inverters.
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

ggerganov / llama.cpp
LLM inference in C/C++
+100 stars today

ClickHouse / ClickHouse
ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics DBMS
+20 stars today

ossrs / srs
SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time video server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181.
+11 stars today

NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
+8 stars today

scylladb / scylladb
NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
+6 stars today

gem5 / gem5
The official repository for the gem5 computer-system architecture simulator.
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

juce-framework / JUCE
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, LV2 and AAX audio plug-ins.
+8 stars today

ethereum / solidity
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
+8 stars today

microsoft / LightGBM
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
+4 stars today

ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM
+2 stars today

lballabio / QuantLib
The QuantLib C++ library
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

grpc / grpc
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
+12 stars today

catchorg / Catch2
A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
+5 stars today

ApolloAuto / apollo
An open autonomous driving platform
+5 stars today

facebookresearch / habitat-sim
A flexible, high-performance 3D simulator for Embodied AI research.
+4 stars today

assimp / assimp
The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure.
+3 stars today

google / gemma.cpp
lightweight, standalone C++ inference engine for Google's Gemma models.
+2 stars today

AztecProtocol / aztec-packages
+2 stars today

openthread / openthread
OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol
+1 stars today

nodejs / node-addon-api
Module for using Node-API from C++
+1 stars today

eProsima / Fast-DDS
The most complete DDS - Proven: Plenty of success cases. Looking for commercial support? Contact

open-telemetry / opentelemetry-cpp
The OpenTelemetry C++ Client

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New daily trending repos in C++!

protocolbuffers / protobuf
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+42 stars today

simdjson / simdjson
Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second : used by Facebook/Meta Velox, the Node.js runtime, ClickHouse, WatermelonDB, Apache Doris, Milvus, StarRocks
+9 stars today

li-plus / chatglm.cpp
C++ implementation of ChatGLM-6B & ChatGLM2-6B & ChatGLM3 & GLM4 & more LLMs
+5 stars today

cocos / cocos-engine
Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment.
+4 stars today

apple / foundationdb
FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
+4 stars today

facebook / yoga
Yoga is an embeddable layout engine targeting web standards.
+4 stars today

oneapi-src / oneDNN
oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)

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New daily trending repos in C++!

k2-fsa / sherpa-onnx
Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speaker recognition using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 servers, websocket server/client, C/C++, Python, Kotlin, C#, Go, NodeJS, Java, Swift, Dart, JavaScript
+52 stars today

godotengine / godot
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
+34 stars today

facebook / folly
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
+34 stars today

PCSX2 / pcsx2
PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator
+10 stars today

LMMS / lmms
Cross-platform music production software
+6 stars today

PabloMK7 / citra
A Nintendo 3DS Emulator
+5 stars today

ton-blockchain / ton
Main TON monorepo
+5 stars today

esphome / esphome
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
+5 stars today

azerothcore / azerothcore-wotlk
Complete Open Source and Modular solution for MMO
+5 stars today

wxWidgets / wxWidgets
Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

SoftFever / OrcaSlicer
G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.)
+13 stars today

OpenTTD / OpenTTD
OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe
+8 stars today

CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA
Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
+6 stars today

PrismLauncher / PrismLauncher
A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once (Fork of MultiMC)
+6 stars today

citizenfx / fivem
The source code for the modification frameworks, such as FiveM, RedM and LibertyM, as well as FXServer.
+5 stars today

Nevcairiel / LAVFilters
LAV Filters - Open-Source DirectShow Media Splitter and Decoders
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

aristocratos / btop
A monitor of resources
+30 stars today

barry-ran / QtScrcpy
Android real-time display control software
+13 stars today

huihut / interview
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library, interview experience, recruitment, recommendation…

📚 Summary of basic knowledge of C/C++ technical interviews, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library and other knowledge as well as interview experience, recruitment, internal referral and other information. This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library, interview experience, recruitment, recommendation…

+11 stars today

FrederoxDev / Amethyst
Native c++ modding for MCBE for building client side mods
+9 stars today

google / flatbuffers
FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
+8 stars today

qgis / QGIS
QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)
+6 stars today

PixarAnimationStudios / OpenUSD
Universal Scene Description
+4 stars today

risc0 / risc0
RISC Zero is a zero-knowledge verifiable general computing platform based on zk-STARKs and the RISC-V microarchitecture.
+3 stars today

loveBabbar / CodeHelp-DSA-Busted-Series
This repo is creating providing students easy access to all the programs taught under Codehelp's DSA Busted Series.
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

tstack / lnav
Log file navigator
+44 stars today

google / leveldb
LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
+16 stars today

google / filament
Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2
+7 stars today

tdlib / td
Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
+2 stars today

rizsotto / Bear
Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling.
+2 stars today

NVIDIA / nccl
Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

chiteroman / PlayIntegrityFix
Fix Play Integrity (and SafetyNet) verdicts.
+33 stars today

vnotex / vnote
A pleasant note-taking platform.
+15 stars today

davisking / dlib
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
+6 stars today

gcc-mirror / gcc
+4 stars today

capnproto / capnproto
Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system - core tools and C++ library
+2 stars today

owasp-modsecurity / ModSecurity
ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis.
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

niedev / RTranslator
RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app.
+181 stars today

opencv / opencv
Open Source Computer Vision Library
+23 stars today

PointCloudLibrary / pcl
Point Cloud Library (PCL)
+2 stars today

oneapi-src / oneTBB
oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)
+2 stars today

CGAL / cgal
The public CGAL repository, see the README below
+2 stars today

Tencent / rapidjson
A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
+1 stars today

open-source-parsers / jsoncpp
A C++ library for interacting with JSON.
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

facebook / rocksdb
A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
+14 stars today

carbon-language / carbon-lang
Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README)
+4 stars today

osquery / osquery
SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
+4 stars today

tzapu / WiFiManager
ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
+4 stars today

microsoft / AirSim
Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
+3 stars today

BYVoid / OpenCC
Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
+2 stars today

zeromq / cppzmq
Header-only C++ binding for libzmq
+1 stars today

BehaviorTree / BehaviorTree.CPP
Behavior Trees Library in C++. Batteries included.

PowerDNS / pdns
PowerDNS Authoritative, PowerDNS Recursor, dnsdist

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New daily trending repos in C++!

qbittorrent / qBittorrent
qBittorrent BitTorrent client
+16 stars today

topjohnwu / Magisk
The Magic Mask for Android
+13 stars today

ExpressLRS / ExpressLRS
STM32/ESP32/ESP8285-based High-Performance Radio Link for RC applications
+13 stars today

transmission / transmission
Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository
+8 stars today

Atmosphere-NX / Atmosphere
Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch.
+5 stars today

Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
+4 stars today

AlexandreRouma / SDRPlusPlus
Cross-Platform SDR Software
+3 stars today

bambulab / BambuStudio
PC Software for BambuLab's 3D printers
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

harfbuzz / harfbuzz
HarfBuzz text shaping engine
+39 stars today

nomic-ai / gpt4all
GPT4All: Chat with Local LLMs on Any Device
+34 stars today

soulsmods / ModEngine2
Runtime injection library for modding Souls games. WIP
+6 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

tesseract-ocr / tesseract
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
+20 stars today

nlohmann / json
JSON for Modern C++
+20 stars today

microsoft / onnxruntime
ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
+15 stars today

Light-City / CPlusPlusThings

C++ things

+14 stars today

swoole / swoole-src
🚀 Coroutine-based concurrency library for PHP
+6 stars today

maplibre / maplibre-native
MapLibre Native - Interactive vector tile maps for iOS, Android and other platforms.
+3 stars today

Tencent / MMKV
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

zeek / zeek
Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
+65 stars today

electron / electron
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
+23 stars today

zeux / meshoptimizer
Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render
+14 stars today

qinguoyi / TinyWebServer
🔥 Linux下C++轻量级WebServer服务器

🔥 C++ lightweight WebServer server under Linux

+9 stars today

alibaba / MNN
MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba
+5 stars today

colmap / colmap
COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
+3 stars today

CLIUtils / CLI11
CLI11 is a command line parser for C++11 and beyond that provides a rich feature set with a simple and intuitive interface.
+3 stars today

google / perfetto
Performance instrumentation and tracing for Android, Linux and Chrome (read-only mirror of
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

google-ai-edge / mediapipe
Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
+14 stars today

dail8859 / NotepadNext
A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++
+12 stars today

BlackINT3 / OpenArk
The Next Generation of Anti-Rookit(ARK) tool for Windows.
+8 stars today

microsoft / winget-cli
WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
+8 stars today

jbeder / yaml-cpp
A YAML parser and emitter in C++
+4 stars today

danmar / cppcheck
static analysis of C/C++ code
+3 stars today

YimMenu / YimMenu
YimMenu, a GTA V menu protecting against a wide ranges of the public crashes and improving the overall experience.
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

Mozilla-Ocho / llamafile
Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
+38 stars today

rapidsai / cudf
cuDF - GPU DataFrame Library
+6 stars today

AGWA / git-crypt
Transparent file encryption in git
+5 stars today

TrinityCore / TrinityCore
TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340, wotlk_classic =, cata classic =
+3 stars today

yhirose / cpp-httplib
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
+3 stars today

o3de / o3de
Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.
+3 stars today

mixxxdj / mixxx
Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

ml-explore / mlx
MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
+13 stars today

zhuzichu520 / FluentUI
FluentUI for QML
+7 stars today

strato-emu / strato
Run Nintendo Switch homebrew & games on your Android device!
+4 stars today

taskflow / taskflow
A General-purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++
+3 stars today

facebookincubator / velox
A C++ vectorized database acceleration library aimed to optimizing query engines and data processing systems.
+3 stars today

libcpr / cpr
C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
+2 stars today

IntelRealSense / librealsense
Intel® RealSense™ SDK
+1 stars today

openxla / xla
A machine learning compiler for GPUs, CPUs, and ML accelerators
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

WerWolv / ImHex
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
+2120 stars today

ocornut / imgui
Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
+54 stars today

LizardByte / Sunshine
Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
+40 stars today

ValveSoftware / Proton
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
+11 stars today

Alexays / Waybar
Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. ✌️ 🎉
+5 stars today

Aircoookie / WLED
Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
+4 stars today

FreeCAD / FreeCAD
This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
+4 stars today

diasurgical / devilutionX
Diablo build for modern operating systems
+3 stars today

stenzek / duckstation
Fast PlayStation 1 emulator for x86-64/AArch32/AArch64/RV64
+2 stars today

TheCherno / Hazel
Hazel Engine
+2 stars today

multitheftauto / mtasa-blue
Multi Theft Auto is a game engine that incorporates an extendable network play element into a proprietary commercial single-player game.
+1 stars today

atcoder / ac-library
AtCoder Library

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New daily trending repos in C++!

livinamuk / Hell2024
+21 stars today

xenia-project / xenia
Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project
+4 stars today

uNetworking / uWebSockets
Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications
+4 stars today

tbnobody / OpenDTU
Software for ESP32 to talk to Hoymiles/TSUN/Solenso Inverters
+2 stars today

liyunfan1223 / mod-playerbots
AzerothCore Playerbots Module
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

minetest / minetest
Minetest is an open source voxel game-creation platform with easy modding and game creation
+57 stars today

facebook / react-native
A framework for building native applications using React
+28 stars today

MaaAssistantArknights / MaaAssistantArknights
《明日方舟》小助手,全日常一键长草!| A one-click tool for the daily tasks of Arknights, supporting all clients.

The little assistant of "Arknights" can help you grow grass every day with just one click! | A one-click tool for the daily tasks of Arknights, supporting all clients.

+13 stars today

apache / arrow
Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
+8 stars today

pytorch / executorch
On-device AI across mobile, embedded and edge for PyTorch
+6 stars today

ArduPilot / ardupilot
ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source
+6 stars today

triple-Mu / YOLOv8-TensorRT
YOLOv8 using TensorRT accelerate !
+4 stars today

include-what-you-use / include-what-you-use
A tool for use with clang to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

tensorflow / tensorflow
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
+37 stars today

facebookresearch / faiss
A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
+29 stars today

dolphin-emu / dolphin
Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
+19 stars today

CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab / openpose
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
+19 stars today

microsoft / IoT-For-Beginners
12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, IoT for All!
+12 stars today

MAZHARMIK / Interview_DS_Algo
Super Repository for Coding Interview Preperation
+6 stars today

dmlc / xgboost
Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
+4 stars today

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New daily trending repos in C++!

SerenityOS / serenity
The Serenity Operating System 🐞
+135 stars today

vslavik / diff-pdf
A simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
+85 stars today

google / or-tools
Google's Operations Research tools:
+15 stars today

cyberbotics / webots
Webots Robot Simulator
+3 stars today

PX4 / PX4-Autopilot
PX4 Autopilot Software
+2 stars today

HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / VINS-Mono
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator

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New daily trending repos in C++!

TensorRT-LLM provides users with an easy-to-use Python API to define Large Language Models (LLMs) and build TensorRT engines that contain state-of-the-art optimizations to perform inference efficiently on NVIDIA GPUs. TensorRT-LLM also contains components to create Python and C++ runtimes that execute those TensorRT engines.
+18 stars today

gabime / spdlog
Fast C++ logging library.
+15 stars today

isl-org / Open3D
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
+12 stars today

ZLMediaKit / ZLMediaKit
WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
+10 stars today

apache / brpc
brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. "brpc" means "better RPC".
+5 stars today

openvinotoolkit / openvino
OpenVINO™ is an open-source toolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference
+3 stars today

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