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Roadmap Meeting August 19 2016 11:30 am AST

Mark Baggett edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 9 revisions
  • Chair: Gabriela Mircea
  • Notetaker: Kirsta Stapelfeldt

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
    • Melissa Anez
    • Gabriella Mircea (Chair)
    • Danny Lamb
    • Nick Ruest
    • Mark Baggett (Notetaker)
    • Rosie Le Faive
    • Jordan Fields
    • Brian Harrington
    • Jean Phillips
    • Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Apologies:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa):
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer):
  • IR interest group (Mark):
  • Security Interest Group (Will):


Islandora Camps

  • iCampMO:
  • Islandoracon:

Round Table

Next meeting: Sept 1

  • Chair: Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Notes: Jennifer Eustis


  • Islandora Bibliography
  • LSAP Offer: Oral Histories Solution Pack
    • LSAP
    • Need a maintainer if they want it to go into the release
    • Can go into labs without a maintainer
    • Nick suggests it can go into labs for now
      • Labs is meant as a staging ground / incubation place
    • Kirsta wants it in a more neutral place
      • Make it easier for pull requests from community
    • Nick is worried about something like Archidora happening
      • Came in without a maintainer
      • Just kind of sat there
    • Jean suggests having a policy to clean out stuff that sits idle in lab
    • Vote on moving Oral Histories to Labs:
      • Melissa will follow up with absentees
    • Michigan State interested in maintaining -- not sure yet
  • Updated cCLA
    • There was some incorrect language in the old cCLA
    • Current cCLAs will be grandfathered in
  • 7.x-1.8 Release Team - Call for Volunteers
    • Will encourage people on committers call to volunteer to be component managers
    • New documentation for all roles
    • New roles
      • Communication Manager -- Melissa will do this time
      • Component Manager
      • Testing Manager
      • Documentation Manager
      • Audit Manager
  • Interest Groups
  • CLAW
    • Sprint
      • Will be a design sprint
      • Will work through the design of the MVP
      • End goal is to finish the document and get it out so that people can respond
      • Once the MVP is fleshed out, actionable tickets can be created
      • This will allow us to have things developers can work on.
      • If you have developers who could contribute, be thinking about this. Nick always willing to talk and answer questions.
    • CLAW Calls
      • Well attended
      • Talked about Alpaca -- the Camel piece
      • Talked about PDX -- the PCDM piece
      • Talked about what to do with the D7 work -- whether or not it should be tagged
      • Tagging
        • Will tag Alpaca
        • Will tag Docker
        • Can't tag Ansible
    • Cross community
    • PCDM 2.0
      • Need feedback from community
        • Specifically the idea of filesets
        • Do we have any use cases for filesets
        • Forcing complexity on the model that will cause performance issues
      • Not everyone in CLAW is in favor of 2.0
      • See more here
      • Making things more complicated around something that never happens
    • Fedora Tech Meeting
      • Welcomed new committer -- Aaron Birkland
      • Have noticed an issue with ETags for Containers
        • This disussion has moved up to LDP Next community for discussion
        • Danny: this is really crucial
          • They are a way to check if something has changed while they are busy.
          • It's the basis for all forms of concurrency control.
          • Super important for us to figure this out
      • Fedora Value Proposition
    • Import / Export
    • How to prompt better discussion?
      • Not always getting great response
      • How can we get better engagement at design level
      • What does this group think?
      • D8 Entities and PCDM in CLAW
      • It'd be good to have nondevelopers in Design Sprint and on CLAW calls
      • Danny: the problem is that it's intimidating. Not a lot of people asking Danny questions. It's okay if you don't know. Need people to know its okay if you don't know.
      • Melissa: what about an Admin Q and A themed call
      • Gabriella: what about a webinar
      • Danny is good with any format.
      • Melissa: A lot more prep work on a webinar / would have to borrow someone else's infrastructure. Maybe both.
      • Jean: Explain it like I'm 5 -- Not a programmer. How can I participate?
      • Kirsta: One observation I would make is that when CLAW is introduced, we need to make sure that we aren't over assuming that a group understood the way that existing Islandora functions.
      • Intro to Claw
      • Rosie: Could we explain things and then tell people to read the documentation rather than the opposite
  • Camps
    • Missouri
      • Have 25 people signed up
    • Islandoracon
      • Had a planning meeting 2 days ago
      • Covered a lot of ground, but meeting again next Friday
      • Will open registration on October 15
      • Going to do early bird, speaker, and student rates
      • Put some additional funding into scholarships
      • The theme is "Beyond the Island"
      • Planning document
  • Roundtable *

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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