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Roadmap Meeting March 3rd 2017 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 7 revisions
  • Chair: Don Moses
  • Notes: Melissa Anez

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Rosie LeFaive, Melissa Anez, Mark Jordan, Nick Ruest, Danny Lamb, Gavin Morris, Jordan Fields, Jonathan Green, David Wilcox, Will Panting, Bryan Brown, Carell Jackimiek, Mark Baggett


Old Business

New Business

  • Travis users for Islandora

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon
  • iCampEU

Round Table


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes
  • Islandora 7.x-1.9 release
  • LSAP: Islandora badges
    • results - pull requests are being made. Merges must wait for after the release so that links don't get broken. Should make it into next release.
  • LSAP Review
    • community feedback
    • Questions about why Islandora Labs has the same workflow (Committers-only for merging) as the main repo and whether this prevents more modules from being submitted. Melissa proposes that we ask the Committers to evaluate the current workflow, whether it should apply to labs, and if not, to recommend a new workflow for labs.
    • Question of whether requiring use in three institutions is a fair bar for modules to enter the release. Putting things into the release requires that there be enough people using it to support it through a release cycle- maintainer, testers, auditors, documenters, etc. There is concern that it may reduce contributions, but also that we need a high bar to ensure support for modules, as the IF does not have the resource to be the maintainer. This is the standard (3 sites) that Fedora uses for its contributions. Rosie calls a vote to keep the language as is: +1(6) +0(5) -1(0)
    • What is sufficient testing? Discussion about not 'baking in' the details because they may change and updating the LSAP is a long and involved process. Prefer to leave this vague and work with contributors in order to meet it. Suggestion that we could use an example or documentation for guidance. Adding Dan Aitken's testing documentation to the clause for help.
    • Rosie proposes we accept the draft as it stands and pass it to the Board of Directors for approval. Result: +1(5) +0(5) -1(0).

New Business

  • Travis users for Islandora
    • Islandora's Travis users do not belong to the Islandora Foundation. We're borrowing from a couple of community members. Performance issues during Code Freeze may just be a result of using a free service heavily. Will has some ideas for improving performance that he will bring to the Committers Call.
    • We will discuss further when Diego is on the call

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
    • meeting notes. Meetings from here on out will be on an as-needed basis.
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
    • Dev Ops Group met on Wednesday, March 1st. Planning topic sprints internally and will communicate with other groups once finished.
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
    • Talked tickets for Usage states and scholar, managed ot get some in for the Code Freeze
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
    • Meeting postponed due to code freeze


  • First contributions from University of Saskatchewan will be merged soon 🎆 . Contributions from UTSC and Lyrasis also coming through. Deadline for MVP is looking good.
  • Amanda Lehman from U of Wyoming went through and added pull request templates for all CLAW repos.
  • API-X specification is still out there for comment. We'll be building against it, so this is important

Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon
    • Registration is strong. Hackfest planning starts soon.
  • iCampEU

Round Table

  • Bryan: Comparative Solution Pack is still in the works.
  • Carell: saw a IIIF framework session at a conference recently. Is happy to see this will be a part of CLAW.
    • Nick: can't speak to the specifics yet because it's too early in development, but this will be in CLAW. It will open up many viewers as possibilities for CLAW.
  • David: Highlights the API-X Spec again. Looking to do a code sprint around this for test compatibility kits. Organizing another camp, probably in Texas in the fall.
  • DPLA applications has been approved. Also, Marmot Library Network is upgrading to a Partner in the Islandora Foundation.
  • Melissa: upcoming Islandora sessions at CNI, APLA, and OR2017
  • Nick: Heading off on sabbatical this summer. Will likely be replaced by a colleague on Roadmap. Working locally to bring up more York developers to work on CLAW and 7.x, with training days and Islandoracon. York has also signed a cCLA for the Islandora Foundation.
  • Will: dgi has a pull request to fix up fcrepo3 to help upgrading tomcat.

Next meeting: March 17th

  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: David Wilcox

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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