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Releases: metatron-app/metatron-discovery


19 Apr 08:15
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#703 Improved Scroll UI usabilitype
#1540 Improved constraints for changing the column type
#1817 Support login page for external apps.
#1818 Add an extension of data connection for mssql
#1819 Improve oauth token issuance process
#1840 Add "second" granularity for timestamp column
#1871 Change loading method for Point type WKT column


#1504 Icon overlaps the last column of query result
#1721 Continuous update failure in detailed snapshot
#1784 Line chart custom color initialized
#1787 Linked data source can not be downloaded.
#1812 Bug on multi-sheet import
#1820 Workbench icon reordered for extended connections
#1821 Alias for value doesn't work.
#1823 Create data source: fail to get list of database
#1826 The widget is not saved when the layer created with choropleth option in Geospatial Analysis.
#1827 Selected row is not refreshed after rule is applied
#1843 Geospatial operation error If the main layer is a shape type (line, polygon)
#1868 Connection parameter error when creating datasource


05 Apr 09:02
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New feature

#1295 Support pluggable data connection

Bug fix

#394 Returning some other grid when snapshot is created with hive
#1049 No preview of Geo type values for linked data
#1170 The dataset uploaded to HDFS has a wrong URI.
#1370 Hard to recognize errors using dataprep expression functions
#1379 Cannot see suggestion if there're many target expressions
#1495 An error occurs when using reserved words for field names.
#1541 Arrays are stored as struct<> in hive snapshots
#1588 Cannot create a dataset with Presto DB
#1594 exceeding max character per column value of csv parser.
#1599 Wrong stage index after REDO
#1632 Fix misusable configuration template
#1660 Error display time due to processing time zone
#1664 Data preview fails when creating data source
#1665 If hive connection fails remove hive option in create snapshot popup
#1667 No response when mismatched or missing values exist
#1671 Error when calling api from notebook
#1690 Hive Ingestion Missing Column
#1717 Rename fails when snapshot create popup is opened in edit mode
#1735 Misidentify scheme when creating new directory
#1760 Can't create a datasource using metatrone engine


#540 Generate decent error messages for Hadoop, Hive misconfigurations
#796 copying cell data at main grid
#1223 Suggest dataset naming rule
#1331 Auto-add a rename rule for Hive snapshot
#1374 Determining column count on file datasets
#1463 Spatial operation functions for mapview
#1490 Add Double quote when you click on table name of LNB of Druid workbench.
#1516 Edit dataset immediately after creation in Prep
#1553 UPDATE doesn't support suppression
#1603 Logging support for granting Datasource permissions.
#1604 Support array type column in search API
#1625 Add validation for geo(wkt) type
#1631 Some UX improvements when creating datasets with multiple file uploads.
#1644 URI type dataset support
#1647 The maximum number of characters in the dataset name is too short
#1650 When creating a dataset, the user must be able to control the column count
#1651 Upload files to final destination
#1681 Make the cloned W.DS naming follows the original W.DS
#1693 Show file upload location when creating dataset with file
#1745 need display rules for the UI elements in the chart area of ​​the data flow.
#1757 Change fetching connection process in dataprep


11 Mar 04:19
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3.2.0-rc3 Pre-release


#657 Add an ingest via data snapshot of data source type
#1107 Support multi-layer on map view widget
#1209 Show the workbench's connection information from the contents list in the workspace
#1237 Change the concept to equate logical information between datasource and metadata
#1245 Enable to edit column's logical information of datasource and sync with column of metadata
#1396 Improve performance clustering on map view
#1515 Multi file import function and large file upload function in prep
#1579 Add snapshot table name validation

Bug fix

#1108 Null pointer error (or infinite waiting) when cannot connect to DB
#1216 Script Error Occurs When You View Column Detail, If You Preview the Chart on the Workbench
#1375 CSV read stops
#1378 column not found error when isnull() is compared
#1380 window rule column generation order
#1404 Remove staging connection api in dataprep
#1420 Expression error in edit rule using column with white space
#1425 If you assign more than 20 users to a user group, only 20 or fewer are exposed
#1444 Multiple filter selection error
#1446 Date/Time filter granularity change error
#1447 Filter edit popup error
#1455 Null pointer exception with json type snapshot
#1468 Hive file compression error when creating snapshot
#1472 remove adding unnecessary advanced filter specification even if doing nothing
#1477 Totalbytes, totalLines missing from server response in file type imported dataset
#1489 A sort error occurs if the data grid contains blanks.
#1492 Cannot read a file with BOM of UTF-8
#1494 An error occurs if the format of the timestamp field is not defined when creating the data source.
#1496 When creating a temporary data source, the user does not know when the data source has been created.
#1532 Fix name input in dataprep (dataset/snapshot)
#1562 Histogram request fails when column count is too big (>1800)
#1568 CSV read error (header processing)


22 Feb 00:51
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3.2.0-rc2 Pre-release


#592 Improve usage flow and function associated with deleting members
#667 In the case of the same name, identity information must be exposed.
#748 Make datasets with multiple sheets in excel
#941 Add displaying error message when failing query (step of JDBC data source creation)
#944 Improve filter functions for high cardinality columns.
#1151 Upgrade base library - angular and echart
#1350 Download the uploaded file(I.DS)
#1397 If the timestamp column is more than a unit of day, the time zone is meaningless
#1400 Snapshot grid paging processing
#1099 Support Druid SQL

Bug fix

#159 Unable to click cancel button and X button when generating metadata
#312 If the combo chart is selected, the screen will be distorted when 'fit to data scale'
#1161 Out of bar chart x-axis range in combined chart.
#1275 Memory leaks when maintaining Presentation Mode for long time
#1308 Workspaces are not created under certain conditions in I.E Browser.
#1340 'No database selected' error when selecting 'Overwrite only incremental' when creating DB type datasource
#1367 The icon in the results pane disappears when you query the workbench.
#1376 should also consider object type not just string type
#1381 Snapshot detail page grid error
#1393 Apply timestamp format to rename pop-up
#1401 Down arrow event in korean input mode.
#1403 SVG icon error in IE
#1406 Dataprep main grid css error
#1438 Filters do not apply to line charts.
#1459 Histogram bar click error in dataprep main grid
#1475 Button has no margin


01 Feb 02:29
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3.2.0-rc1 Pre-release


#199 Event definitions for entering and applying values for UI components
#1057 Enhance validation for local file ingestion
#1193 Support timezone for field of timestamp type
#1203 Add handling StageDB usage by configuration
#1224 Unify preview code in dataprep (including auto type detection)
#1289 Apply new suggestion to Window, aggregate, pivot.
#1306 Using URI to Create a File Type Snapshot


#463 Errors in bar chart display when pivoting a column on a row value
#971 If the crossing shelf contains two dimension values, the exposure is exposed to a meaningless sum or avg value.
#1129 The data represented in the chart does not match the download data.
#1274 Checkbox global filter widget does not work properly
#1276 Fail to process response error when downloading original data.
#1292 JSON snapshot icon error while creating
#1296 Modify file type snapshot information
#1300 Hiding aggregate tooltip
#1311 Metadata list is not shown
#1319 Error in multi column rename popup
#1341 Cannot ingest with text formatted hive table.
#1345 Custom delimiter doesn't work in snapshot generation


18 Jan 10:08
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#118 granularity is not set properly on metatron engine
#160 Error display for counted row on text table(grid)
#416 Alias display error when setting chart detail
#475 Filters set in presentation mode will continue to apply in the future, but not visible
#725 Not show partition keys in datasource create step and detail
#740 URI Format Adress Not Seen Consistently in the Data Connection List
#743 Query did not saved after sql beautifier.
#932 Add create dataset button in dataset swap popup
#968 The records in the data table do not match the actual data.
#972 If the data table dimension is 3, and the measure value is 2, the browser does not work
#973 Sorting function of data table does not work properly.
#1121 Dataset summary is wrong in add dataset popup
#1158 The ignoreInvalidRow option does not work when loading a measure column
#1159 Support for querying data in a table with a very large number of columns.
#1168 Request validation removal for the valuation of properties
#1171 Data preparation is using the user's different information
#1176 Preview of dataset fails if the 1st column is empty
#1210 problem of reading some excel file occurs
#1220 Sending request too many times when getting snapshot list
#1229 When using the first row as a header in the data source creation, the first value line disappears.
#1242 If cell value is null, it shows "null" of string value
#1256 Log sub-thread error stack in dataprep
#1260 Histogram error when the timestamp range is too wide
#1284 Initialize finish time after workbench retry


#640 Intuitive phrase change request in Job Log Detail
#795 Horizontal scroll in histogram area
#1059 Set type constraint according to the type of original column and role classification
#1064 Support for adding basemap in mapview via configuration
#1076 Change user guide from pdf to web link
#1077 Add icons in snapshot list
#1092 Add validation interval on ingestion stage
#1141 preparation custom PATCH controller
#1173 Add rule list on Wrangled dataset detail
#1184 Show warnings when rule has "aggregate"
#1186 Add function to modify snapshot name
#1192 update message file
#1208 Improve auto-completion in dataprep.
#1215 Change the rollup value to false when previewing the chart on the workbench


20 Dec 08:37
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#607 File upload using HTML5 File API (experiment on dataprep)
#1086 Download file or staging db snapshots as JSON files
#1069 Support setting custom color for layer in map view
#175 Secondary axis set into combination chart
#1047 Improve legend design in map view
#1058 Support granularity automation on ingestion stage
#1074 Create JSON file type snapshot
#827 Implement custom dataset-creation API for error handling
#1071 PrDataset will not use the projection interface


#1095 Be able to download over 1000 original data
#1019 Timestamp type column error when deleting
#1143 Bugfix on creating database type dataset
#1072 Bugfix on migrating MetaDB tables regarding on dataprep
#1118 Rule can not be restored with undo button.
#1119 Can not import JSON file from hive type snapshot
#1104 Sorting error in gauge chart
#985 Error message is not intuitive for expression parsing error (dataprep)
#1056 Problem with settings the mandatory filter in the link-type datasource
#1043 Database drop down is missing in dataset creation process (query)
#522 Improve file not found error message
#1072 Bugfix on migrating MetaDB tables regarding on dataprep
#528 Canceling HDFS type snapshot is failed
#1081 Error in displaying column header information in MySQL

11 Dec 05:36
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Hotfix for queries using timestamp filter
and change preparation's migration log level.

Resolved issue is #1055 and #1046.


07 Dec 09:59
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#616 Support userdefined field and time filter on map view
#637 When viewing data, hide current time column
#659 Check the map library usability and create a new structure for the map view
#684 Enhanced search within Data Storage(Datasource, Data Connection) list screen
#744 When connecting to db, administrator want to set list of database to hide
#752 Add API to handle status and options for real-time ingestion
#790 Multi-column split and extract on dataprep
#841 Create dataset with JSON file
#907 Change label, meaning 'Do not use data source'
#920 Add geo aggregation type : geohex
#953 Set timeout for canceling query on workbench
#958 Hiding notebook-specific features in workspace that no assigned notebook server

Bug Fix

#360 Server error occurs when dimension alias is changed
#603 Sometimes filter disappear when combining filters
#618 Map chart does not re-draw after resizing
#761 Keep/Delete rows by clicking histogram with timestamp values
#762 excution time is wrong when query executes using retrying button
#778 Clone Workbook errors
#780 Errors in "Create shared workspace"
#832 "Gets only the first" option doesn't work
#874 Workbench LNB screen related issues
#887 Delay in loading of segments after file data source creation causes data source status to fail.
#898 On the data prep page, when an error occurs, the message key value is output.
#900 Error checking similarity datasources to join
#901 Missing checking catalog name duplication when creating the catalog
#904 Need to fix displaying list of Text widget
#905 Error display folder depth in workspace
#909 An error occurs when execute data preview query
#917 Fixed error deleting multiple expressions
#918 Sorting error in dataset list
#923 fix settype editor
#929 Split rule error in dataprep
#933 Previous selection is initialised in Create DB type dataset
#955 Under the personal workspace, the "Hide / Show" function for dashboards is meaningless
#960 Missing deleting history data when deleting data source
#966 Global filter condition changed when copying dashboard.
#969 Calculated value of 'Total Row' filter differs from actual value.
#970 Legend selection (selection through dimension of color setting) is not possible when there are two dimension values.
#976 bug on set rule via context menu
#983 Partition column as timestamp role didn't recognized in StageDB(Hive) ingestion
#986 Close context menu when scrolling
#1015 Fix UI in create dataset with Database
#1046 Migration of dataprep entities

29 Nov 04:37
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Hotfix for unhandled error messages.

Resolved issue is #898