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Releases: openshift/rosa


20 May 10:18
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v1.2.40-rc1 Pre-release



  • 18b89dd OCM-5581 | feat: Add support for ListInstanceTypes method
  • ed112de OCM-6391 | feat: Change default value back
  • 640be58 OCM-7256 | feat: Move list machinepool non-cmd funcs to pkg, split, test
  • dc82090 OCM-7256 | feat: Move non-cmd funcs to pkg, split, test
  • e151f74 OCM-7257 | feat: Refactor list machine pool cmd to use new default runner
  • d0f6390 OCM-7258 | feat: Move delete machinepool/nodepool funcs to pkg
  • e20f332 OCM-7263 | feat: Add the ability to list KubeletConfigs for a cluster
  • d0090ba OCM-7264 | feat: Updated to support create kubeletconfig for HCP clusters
  • 3eccd47 OCM-7265 | feat: Added the ability to edit KubeletConfigs for HCP clusters
  • fb55c25 OCM-7266 | feat: Added support for delete of KubeletConfig for HCP clusters
  • 04f1989 OCM-7267 | feat: Added ability to describe Kubeletconfigs for HCP clusters
  • 65c4c3f OCM-7268 | feat: Update create machinepool command to support kubeletconfigs
  • 0c5dba3 OCM-7269 | feat: Added list of kubeletconfigs to describe HCP machinepool output
  • a63f63d OCM-7415 | feat: Ensure account roles have expected attached policies Signed-off-by: marcolan018
  • 72e98c3 OCM-8020 | feat: Update rosa edit machinepool command for kubeletconfig support
  • d856ad9 SDA-4329 | feat: Validation for user creating account-roles

Bug fixes

  • 51b2ccd OCM-5085 | fix: lower mapAZcreated to 1
  • a7a66af OCM-5576 | fix: Edit autoscaling max replicas of nodepool force to set min replicas
  • cb1b1f6 OCM-6391 | fix: Add region deprecation disablement to sub-commands
  • a511dea OCM-6391 | fix: Change default value for disable region dep. flag
  • 58de4d1 OCM-6391 | fix: Fix deprecation warn printing when creating cluster
  • 68b8970 OCM-6391 | fix: Remove duplicate oidcprovider cmd call
  • fd6acd3 OCM-6527 | fix: adjust describe ingress binding
  • fb1e4cf OCM-6569 | fix: Hide the duplicate output of operator roles
  • 148cdeb OCM-6569 | fix: print role arn for hcp
  • 0a3c0ed OCM-7169 | fix: warn revoked break glass credential
  • 95238e9 OCM-7264 | fix: Ensured that name is optional when creating a KubeletConfig
  • a5553b3 OCM-7526 | fix: Display min/max in describe machinepool
  • aae814b OCM-7535 | fix: change not found to info
  • a0b5f77 OCM-7573 | fix: ensure version option args are initialised
  • 56e4b45 OCM-7673 | fix: Provide the default value to the external auth
  • 5a82d5c OCM-7725 | fix: ensure arbitrary policy not removed during cluster roles deletion Signed-off-by: marcolan018
  • e4b2263 OCM-7729 | fix: check policy attached in detach manual mode Signed-off-by: marcolan018
  • 4df1a99 OCM-7792 | fix: unhide breakglass and externalauth
  • 4b34704 OCM-7795 | fix: update aws sdk to fix imds v2 issue
  • ea30075 OCM-7811 | fix: hide attach and detach commands
  • 56c28c0 OCM-7855 | fix: return message if there is no breakglass can be revoked
  • 264754f OCM-7860 | fix: add detach commands for arbitrary policies Signed-off-by: marcolan018
  • 592dda0 OCM-7870 | fix: Display external-auth-providers-enabled flag
  • 9bd26c4 OCM-7881 | fix: skips policy compatibility check when version supplied is empty
  • 689ac81 OCM-7924 | fix: list machinepool should show inline
  • c9d870e OCM-7927 | fix: Get the orgin junit file from ArtifactDir
  • dc61e69 OCM-7937 | fix: allow 0 min replicas for classic cluster autoscaling mp
  • 04e86a0 OCM-7990 | fix: allow min_replicas 0 with edit machinepools
  • 2cf5dd5 OCM-8054 | fix: add region parameters for deleting oidc config command
  • 49a9a79 OCM-8055 | fix: Check kubeletconfig exists by name if user specifies it for Classic cluster
  • 5545239 OCM-8057 | fix: Ensure the ID of the KubeletConfig is printed by rosa describe kubeletconfig
  • 89ab77e OCM-8058 | fix: Ensure --name option is required for working with KubeletConfigs on HCP clusters
  • 4eed5d9 OCM-8059 | fix: Allow users to use positional args for specifying the name of kubeletconfig
  • 87232a4 OCM-8075 | fix: Ensure users can only supply a single kubeletconfig for HCP MachinePools
  • c0507a7 OCM-8076 | fix: Ensure the user is prompted if they change the kubelet-config on their nodepool
  • 86ed435 OCM-8082 | fix: Ensure --kubelet-configs flag is not supported for ROSA Classic MachinePools
  • db1bba7 OCM-8112 | fix: Force users into interactive mode if omitting a name when creating a KubeletConfig for HCP clusters
  • de02cd2 OCM-8121 | fix: Show correct describe message for expired breakglass
  • 0f92d57 OSD-22376 | fix: prevents overwriting the client id if set for fedramp with keycloak


  • 49bf273 OCM-4458 | test: automate id:71946 validation for create/list/delete idp and admin for external_auth_config cluster
  • 6ab90ae OCM-4460 | test: automate id:OCP-73018 validations work for break_glass_credentials
  • df308fd OCM-5479 | ci: Refactor the day 1 creation - supported subnets,proxy,KMS key,security group,audit log, version y,z-1
  • 687dba6 OCM-5508 | test: automate id:OCP-70859 validation for operator-roles and oidc-provider
  • 252c67d OCM-6318 | ci: Build up deprovision step
  • c5c5bb8 OCM-6729 | test: automate id:73492 create/describe nodepool with tags
  • 06791e2 OCM-6899 | chore: increment master version (to 1.2.40)
  • b73fe5d OCM-6900 | chore: bump version to 1.2.40-rc1
  • f7938a5 OCM-6900 | chore: bump version to 1.2.41
  • 7f17d8c OCM-7263 | chore: Added additional aliases to the rosa list kubeletconfig command.
  • de6e096 OCM-7263 | chore: Updated OCM SDK to v0.1.419
  • 74a86ac OCM-7537 | ci: Fixed a small CI failure
  • 85641e2 OCM-7537 | ci: fix id:45161,id:49137,id:66362,id:36128,id:43046
  • b08e5bb OCM-7738 | ci: Enhance the output of rosacli e2e testing
  • 6aaef6a OCM-7801 | ci: Remove redundant cleaner to fix resource clean issue
  • f6b2777 OCM-7828 | chore: update release process to goreleaser
  • 57371e1 OCM-7880 | ci: Automate cases 65799 and 64767
  • 6c9cb8e OCM-7902 | ci: Bump ocm-common to support key re-generation for proxy preparation
  • a85debf OCM-7925 | ci: Fix ingress list result cannot be reflect issue
  • 8942af6 OCM-7927 | ci: Generate the junit file for report portal
  • 6834412 OCM-7956 | ci: Added exclude label for tc-id OCP-60202
  • 96a8c5e OCM-7958 | ci: Update readme for tests folder to document how to prepare cluster and how to run day2 cases
  • 043d3e1 OCM-7960 | ci: Automated id:38770,38778,72162,46187,45176,44511
  • ad25d95 OCM-7993 | test: Automated id:38835 List/Edit the default ingress on ROSA cluster via rosa-cli will succeed
  • 94e3bf8 OCM-8012 | docs: Add presubmit readme for rosa CLI testing
  • fa2b0af OCM-8045 | test: Automated cases id:73753,73754 for kubeletconfig porting on HCP and update id:68828,68835,68836,64767
  • 171912e OCM-8133 | ci: Update readme for test folder to document how to destroy resources


15 May 19:54
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • OCM-7169 | fix: error message when describe credential that status is revoked by @chenz4027 in #1905
  • OCM-6314 | ci: Refactor day1 creation function for test by @xueli181114 in #1861
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 55729/56782/60202/63178/61139/67414 by @radtriste in #1904
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test cases 68828|68835|68836|38787|66872 by @xueli181114 in #1910
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case 45159 by @xueli181114 in #1911
  • OCM-7346 | chore: increment master version (to 1.2.39) by @davidleerh in #1914
  • OCM-6391 | feat: Deprecate the region flag in commands which do not utilize it by @hunterkepley in #1890
  • OCM-6079 | feat: support cluster admin day-1 creation for HCP cluster by @marcolan018 in #1863
  • OCM-7188: GitHub IDP Add hostname validation by @mnecas in #1909
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add poll length for break glass credential by @chenz4027 in #1915
  • OCM-7365 | ci: Automated cases 38838 and 68172 and verified 43251 by @xueli181114 in #1916
  • OCM-7358 | fix: invert describe out for cluster delete protection by @ciaranRoche in #1920
  • OCM-7401 | fix: allow empty GitHub IDP hostname by @mnecas in #1923
  • OCM-6729 | feat: Show user tags on describe machine pool for HCP by @willkutler in #1917
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43051|57441|62083|52580|43046|66359|57056|57570 by @xueli181114 in #1921
  • OCM-7412 | fix: list instance types filter by region requires installer role arn by @gdbranco in #1924
  • OCM-7252 | feat: Move describe machinepool funcs to pkg, test, split up, make interface by @hunterkepley in #1922
  • OCM-6309: Verify test case 52419 by @jfrazierRH in #1926
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 45161|35878|35896|49137|46187|38850|34102|66362|36128 by @xueli181114 in #1925
  • OCM-6501 | fix: Adjust describe machine pool output by @oriAdler in #1927
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add info msg for empty case by @chenz4027 in #1930
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Fixed bug where deprecation shows for parent cmd by @hunterkepley in #1931
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 63323|64917|64040|61138 by @yingzhanredhat in #1929
  • [OCM-7442] Get the test case IDs by @yasun1 in #1933
  • OCM-4806 | fix: align list users with list idps by @chenz4027 in #1932
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43070|60971 by @xueli181114 in #1935
  • OCM-6391 | fix: only show message when region is changed and no output mode set by @gdbranco in #1936
  • OCM-6199 | ci: migrate the Dockerfile from the repo release to rosa by @yasun1 in #1934
  • OCM-4624 | feat: add cache for fetching versions from mirror by @ciaranRoche in #1777
  • OCM-6199 | ci: fix can not find go.mod by @yasun1 in #1942
  • OCM-7451 | test: automate id:OCP-63179 create nodepool with tuning config will validate well by @aaraj7 in #1928
  • OCM-7483 | ci: Mask AWS account from the automation log by @xueli181114 in #1943
  • OCM-7079 | feat: select security groups interactive - filtering by @oriAdler in #1913
  • OCM-7498 | test: automate id:OCP-72715 create/edit nodepool with node… by @aaraj7 in #1948
  • OCM-5186 | fix: align nodepool actions with machinepools by @chenz4027 in #1940
  • OCM-5247 | fix: block HCP operator-roles with unmanaged policies acco… by @chenz4027 in #1947
  • Warn users if not using latest release. by @AlexVulaj in #1570
  • OCM-7253 | feat: Refactor describe machine pool cmd to use new default runner by @hunterkepley in #1938
  • OCM-7533 | ci: add Dockerfile for rosa-aws-cli:release by @yasun1 in #1952
  • OCM-7488 | fix: remove dependency on OCM for checking ROSA version by @ciaranRoche in #1953
  • OCM-6527 | feat: add describe ingress command by @gdbranco in #1841
  • OCM-6723 | feat: allow to supply user tags on creation of hcp machine pool by @gdbranco in #1850
  • OCM-7307 | fix: remove older attributes for component routes by @gdbranco in #1956
  • OCM-7566 | chore: bump ocm sdk to version 0.1.416 by @ciaranRoche in #1957
  • OCM-1308 | fix: filter empty subnet id by @chenz4027 in #1950
  • OCM-6542 | feat: add cmd to attach policy by @marcolan018 in #1941
  • OCM-7593 | test: automate id:OCP-36128 Updated a new checkpoint by @aaraj7 in #1959
  • OCM-7531 | test: automate id:OCP-61322,OCP-63164 create/delete tuning… by @aaraj7 in #1951
  • OCM-7570 | fix: Small bugfix for rosa describe machinepool by @hunterkepley in #1967
  • OCM-6716 | feat: classic mp aws tags on create/describe by @gdbranco in #1968
  • OCM-6543 | feat: detach cmd to detach policy by @marcolan018 in #1961
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Ability to disable region flag deprecation manually by @hunterkepley in #1946
  • OCM-5247 | fix: error message for unmanaged policies by @chenz4027 in #1963
  • OCM-7669 | fix: valide rolename and policyarn in rosa attach/detach cmd by @marcolan018 in #1971
  • OCM-7647 | test: automate id:OCP-72899 create/list/describe/delete br… by @aaraj7 in #1970
  • OCM-7619 | ci: Automated 73469 for tags supporting on classic by @xueli181114 in #1972
  • OCM-4597 | test: automate id:OCP-73391 validations for editing machinepool by @aaraj7 in #1973
  • OCM-7614 | fix: Get the merged commit but not the pull request commit by @yasun1 in #1965
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7573 | fix: ensure version option args are initialised by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1978
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7811 | fix: hide attach and detach commands by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1981
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7792 | fix: unhide breakglass and externalauth by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1983
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7870 | fix: Display external-auth-providers-enabled flag by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2006
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-6391 | fix: Fix deprecation warn printing when creating cluster by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2007
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-6391 | fix: Add final disablement on final command in create cluster for region flag by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2009
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-6391 | fix: Add region deprecation disablement to sub-commands by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2010
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-6391 | fix: Remove duplicate oidcprovider cmd call by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2008
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7937 | fix: allow 0 min replicas for classic cluster autoscaling mp by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2030
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7990 | fix: allow min_replicas 0 with edit machinepools by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #2041

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.38...v1.2.39


13 May 23:07
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v1.2.39.rc4 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.39.rc3...v1.2.39.rc4


10 May 15:20
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v1.2.39.rc3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.39.rc2...v1.2.39.rc3


30 Apr 21:23
Choose a tag to compare
v1.2.39.rc2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • OCM-7169 | fix: error message when describe credential that status is revoked by @chenz4027 in #1905
  • OCM-6314 | ci: Refactor day1 creation function for test by @xueli181114 in #1861
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 55729/56782/60202/63178/61139/67414 by @radtriste in #1904
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test cases 68828|68835|68836|38787|66872 by @xueli181114 in #1910
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case 45159 by @xueli181114 in #1911
  • OCM-7346 | chore: increment master version (to 1.2.39) by @davidleerh in #1914
  • OCM-6391 | feat: Deprecate the region flag in commands which do not utilize it by @hunterkepley in #1890
  • OCM-6079 | feat: support cluster admin day-1 creation for HCP cluster by @marcolan018 in #1863
  • OCM-7188: GitHub IDP Add hostname validation by @mnecas in #1909
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add poll length for break glass credential by @chenz4027 in #1915
  • OCM-7365 | ci: Automated cases 38838 and 68172 and verified 43251 by @xueli181114 in #1916
  • OCM-7358 | fix: invert describe out for cluster delete protection by @ciaranRoche in #1920
  • OCM-7401 | fix: allow empty GitHub IDP hostname by @mnecas in #1923
  • OCM-6729 | feat: Show user tags on describe machine pool for HCP by @willkutler in #1917
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43051|57441|62083|52580|43046|66359|57056|57570 by @xueli181114 in #1921
  • OCM-7412 | fix: list instance types filter by region requires installer role arn by @gdbranco in #1924
  • OCM-7252 | feat: Move describe machinepool funcs to pkg, test, split up, make interface by @hunterkepley in #1922
  • OCM-6309: Verify test case 52419 by @jfrazierRH in #1926
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 45161|35878|35896|49137|46187|38850|34102|66362|36128 by @xueli181114 in #1925
  • OCM-6501 | fix: Adjust describe machine pool output by @oriAdler in #1927
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add info msg for empty case by @chenz4027 in #1930
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Fixed bug where deprecation shows for parent cmd by @hunterkepley in #1931
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 63323|64917|64040|61138 by @yingzhanredhat in #1929
  • [OCM-7442] Get the test case IDs by @yasun1 in #1933
  • OCM-4806 | fix: align list users with list idps by @chenz4027 in #1932
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43070|60971 by @xueli181114 in #1935
  • OCM-6391 | fix: only show message when region is changed and no output mode set by @gdbranco in #1936
  • OCM-6199 | ci: migrate the Dockerfile from the repo release to rosa by @yasun1 in #1934
  • OCM-4624 | feat: add cache for fetching versions from mirror by @ciaranRoche in #1777
  • OCM-6199 | ci: fix can not find go.mod by @yasun1 in #1942
  • OCM-7451 | test: automate id:OCP-63179 create nodepool with tuning config will validate well by @aaraj7 in #1928
  • OCM-7483 | ci: Mask AWS account from the automation log by @xueli181114 in #1943
  • OCM-7079 | feat: select security groups interactive - filtering by @oriAdler in #1913
  • OCM-7498 | test: automate id:OCP-72715 create/edit nodepool with node… by @aaraj7 in #1948
  • OCM-5186 | fix: align nodepool actions with machinepools by @chenz4027 in #1940
  • OCM-5247 | fix: block HCP operator-roles with unmanaged policies acco… by @chenz4027 in #1947
  • Warn users if not using latest release. by @AlexVulaj in #1570
  • OCM-7253 | feat: Refactor describe machine pool cmd to use new default runner by @hunterkepley in #1938
  • OCM-7533 | ci: add Dockerfile for rosa-aws-cli:release by @yasun1 in #1952
  • OCM-7488 | fix: remove dependency on OCM for checking ROSA version by @ciaranRoche in #1953
  • OCM-6527 | feat: add describe ingress command by @gdbranco in #1841
  • OCM-7795 | fix: update aws sdk to fix imds v2 issue by @ciaranRoche in #1979
  • OCM-6723 | feat: allow to supply user tags on creation of hcp machine pool by @gdbranco in #1850
  • OCM-7307 | fix: remove older attributes for component routes by @gdbranco in #1956
  • OCM-7566 | chore: bump ocm sdk to version 0.1.416 by @ciaranRoche in #1957
  • OCM-1308 | fix: filter empty subnet id by @chenz4027 in #1950
  • OCM-6542 | feat: add cmd to attach policy by @marcolan018 in #1941
  • OCM-7593 | test: automate id:OCP-36128 Updated a new checkpoint by @aaraj7 in #1959
  • OCM-7531 | test: automate id:OCP-61322,OCP-63164 create/delete tuning… by @aaraj7 in #1951
  • OCM-7570 | fix: Small bugfix for rosa describe machinepool by @hunterkepley in #1967
  • OCM-6716 | feat: classic mp aws tags on create/describe by @gdbranco in #1968
  • OCM-6543 | feat: detach cmd to detach policy by @marcolan018 in #1961
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Ability to disable region flag deprecation manually by @hunterkepley in #1946
  • OCM-5247 | fix: error message for unmanaged policies by @chenz4027 in #1963
  • OCM-7669 | fix: valide rolename and policyarn in rosa attach/detach cmd by @marcolan018 in #1971
  • OCM-7647 | test: automate id:OCP-72899 create/list/describe/delete br… by @aaraj7 in #1970
  • OCM-7619 | ci: Automated 73469 for tags supporting on classic by @xueli181114 in #1972
  • OCM-4597 | test: automate id:OCP-73391 validations for editing machinepool by @aaraj7 in #1973
  • OCM-7614 | fix: Get the merged commit but not the pull request commit by @yasun1 in #1965
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7573 | fix: ensure version option args are initialised by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1978
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7811 | fix: hide attach and detach commands by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1981
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7792 | fix: unhide breakglass and externalauth by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1983

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.38...v1.2.39.rc2


30 Apr 11:26
Choose a tag to compare
v1.2.39.rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • OCM-7169 | fix: error message when describe credential that status is revoked by @chenz4027 in #1905
  • OCM-6314 | ci: Refactor day1 creation function for test by @xueli181114 in #1861
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 55729/56782/60202/63178/61139/67414 by @radtriste in #1904
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test cases 68828|68835|68836|38787|66872 by @xueli181114 in #1910
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case 45159 by @xueli181114 in #1911
  • OCM-7346 | chore: increment master version (to 1.2.39) by @davidleerh in #1914
  • OCM-6391 | feat: Deprecate the region flag in commands which do not utilize it by @hunterkepley in #1890
  • OCM-6079 | feat: support cluster admin day-1 creation for HCP cluster by @marcolan018 in #1863
  • OCM-7188: GitHub IDP Add hostname validation by @mnecas in #1909
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add poll length for break glass credential by @chenz4027 in #1915
  • OCM-7365 | ci: Automated cases 38838 and 68172 and verified 43251 by @xueli181114 in #1916
  • OCM-7358 | fix: invert describe out for cluster delete protection by @ciaranRoche in #1920
  • OCM-7401 | fix: allow empty GitHub IDP hostname by @mnecas in #1923
  • OCM-6729 | feat: Show user tags on describe machine pool for HCP by @willkutler in #1917
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43051|57441|62083|52580|43046|66359|57056|57570 by @xueli181114 in #1921
  • OCM-7412 | fix: list instance types filter by region requires installer role arn by @gdbranco in #1924
  • OCM-7252 | feat: Move describe machinepool funcs to pkg, test, split up, make interface by @hunterkepley in #1922
  • OCM-6309: Verify test case 52419 by @jfrazierRH in #1926
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 45161|35878|35896|49137|46187|38850|34102|66362|36128 by @xueli181114 in #1925
  • OCM-6501 | fix: Adjust describe machine pool output by @oriAdler in #1927
  • OCM-7340 | fix: Add info msg for empty case by @chenz4027 in #1930
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Fixed bug where deprecation shows for parent cmd by @hunterkepley in #1931
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 63323|64917|64040|61138 by @yingzhanredhat in #1929
  • [OCM-7442] Get the test case IDs by @yasun1 in #1933
  • OCM-4806 | fix: align list users with list idps by @chenz4027 in #1932
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Verify test case(s) 43070|60971 by @xueli181114 in #1935
  • OCM-6391 | fix: only show message when region is changed and no output mode set by @gdbranco in #1936
  • OCM-6199 | ci: migrate the Dockerfile from the repo release to rosa by @yasun1 in #1934
  • OCM-4624 | feat: add cache for fetching versions from mirror by @ciaranRoche in #1777
  • OCM-6199 | ci: fix can not find go.mod by @yasun1 in #1942
  • OCM-7451 | test: automate id:OCP-63179 create nodepool with tuning config will validate well by @aaraj7 in #1928
  • OCM-7483 | ci: Mask AWS account from the automation log by @xueli181114 in #1943
  • OCM-7079 | feat: select security groups interactive - filtering by @oriAdler in #1913
  • OCM-7498 | test: automate id:OCP-72715 create/edit nodepool with node… by @aaraj7 in #1948
  • OCM-5186 | fix: align nodepool actions with machinepools by @chenz4027 in #1940
  • OCM-5247 | fix: block HCP operator-roles with unmanaged policies acco… by @chenz4027 in #1947
  • Warn users if not using latest release. by @AlexVulaj in #1570
  • OCM-7253 | feat: Refactor describe machine pool cmd to use new default runner by @hunterkepley in #1938
  • OCM-7533 | ci: add Dockerfile for rosa-aws-cli:release by @yasun1 in #1952
  • OCM-7488 | fix: remove dependency on OCM for checking ROSA version by @ciaranRoche in #1953
  • OCM-6527 | feat: add describe ingress command by @gdbranco in #1841
  • OCM-6723 | feat: allow to supply user tags on creation of hcp machine pool by @gdbranco in #1850
  • OCM-7307 | fix: remove older attributes for component routes by @gdbranco in #1956
  • OCM-7566 | chore: bump ocm sdk to version 0.1.416 by @ciaranRoche in #1957
  • OCM-1308 | fix: filter empty subnet id by @chenz4027 in #1950
  • OCM-6542 | feat: add cmd to attach policy by @marcolan018 in #1941
  • OCM-7593 | test: automate id:OCP-36128 Updated a new checkpoint by @aaraj7 in #1959
  • OCM-7531 | test: automate id:OCP-61322,OCP-63164 create/delete tuning… by @aaraj7 in #1951
  • OCM-7570 | fix: Small bugfix for rosa describe machinepool by @hunterkepley in #1967
  • OCM-6716 | feat: classic mp aws tags on create/describe by @gdbranco in #1968
  • OCM-6543 | feat: detach cmd to detach policy by @marcolan018 in #1961
  • OCM-6391 | fix: Ability to disable region flag deprecation manually by @hunterkepley in #1946
  • OCM-5247 | fix: error message for unmanaged policies by @chenz4027 in #1963
  • OCM-7669 | fix: valide rolename and policyarn in rosa attach/detach cmd by @marcolan018 in #1971
  • OCM-7647 | test: automate id:OCP-72899 create/list/describe/delete br… by @aaraj7 in #1970
  • OCM-7619 | ci: Automated 73469 for tags supporting on classic by @xueli181114 in #1972
  • OCM-4597 | test: automate id:OCP-73391 validations for editing machinepool by @aaraj7 in #1973
  • OCM-7614 | fix: Get the merged commit but not the pull request commit by @yasun1 in #1965
  • [release_1.2.39] OCM-7573 | fix: ensure version option args are initialised by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1978

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.38...v1.2.39.rc1


24 Apr 19:09
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • OCM-5718 | feat: Display login error if --govcloud supplied with commercial region by @hunterkepley in #1844
  • OCM-6822 | fix: add validations for external auth by @chenz4027 in #1865
  • OCM-6879 | fix: allow user specify cluster-admin as admin username in day-1 by @marcolan018 in #1869
  • OCM-5677 | feat: Added rosa describe autoscaler command by @robpblake in #1837
  • OCM-4966 | feat: Add keyring support for configuration by @tylercreller in #1825
  • OCM-6858 | Add validator for node drain grace period in interactive mode by @philipwu08 in #1866
  • OCM-6652 | task: update --best-effort help message by @thomasmckay in #1840
  • OCM-6926 | fix: Support local envs in GetEnv() by @tirthct in #1870
  • OCM-6926 | fix: needs to also go through admin fedramp url aliases by @gdbranco in #1872
  • OCM-6883 | fix: rosa describe admin can list the admin with custom name by @marcolan018 in #1873
  • OCM-5549 | feat: Disable listing services while using FedRAMP login by @hunterkepley in #1874
  • OCM-4460 | feat: Add actions for break glass credential by @chenz4027 in #1855
  • OCM-7047 | fix: panic when not supplying '=' delimiter component routes by @gdbranco in #1876
  • OCM-6822 | fix: use cluster name in error message by @chenz4027 in #1875
  • OCM-6375 | fix: error out if cluster is enabled with external auth by @chenz4027 in #1879
  • OCM-6302 | ci: Prow job update to check PR author in commit check by @hunterkepley in #1881
  • Revert ocm-6883 by @gdbranco in #1883
  • OCM-6883 | fix: disable the feature for custom username of cluster admin by @marcolan018 in #1887
  • Revert "OCM-6119 | fix: block users from passing region flag when creating an oidc provider" by @gdbranco in #1892
  • OCM-6926 | fix: Added back the condition to check for empty env flag by @tirthct in #1893
  • OCM-6820 | fix: add checks for mandatory parameters by @chenz4027 in #1884
  • OCM-7110 | fix: GitHub IDP validation by @mnecas in #1895
  • OCM-7098 | chore: request to add 'davidleerh' to the list of approvers by @davidleerh in #1888
  • OCM-6955 | fix: provide better message for external auth creation by @chenz4027 in #1896
  • OCM-5942 | feat: allow users set delete protection on cluster by @ciaranRoche in #1877
  • Display AWS Billing Account on non-HCP by @paradigm in #1894
  • OCM-7136 | fix: support create breakglasscredential without optional flags by @chenz4027 in #1897
  • OCM-6697 | fix: upgrade role error should print extra info when invoke from upgrade cluster by @mikeshng in #1878
  • OCM-7135 | fix: add validation for revoking breakglasscredential by @chenz4027 in #1900
  • OCM-6840 | fix: Add json output test for external auth by @chenz4027 in #1899
  • OCM-6568 | fix: ensure "mode" in interactive mode defaults to users input by @ciaranRoche in #1902
  • OCM-5174 | fix: error message should distinguish between labels and taints by @andreadecorte in #1903
  • OCM-6161 | ci: Automate HCP machinepool creation with security groups by @xueli181114 in #1898
  • OCM-6309 | ci: Setup day2 test cases by @radtriste in #1886
  • OCM-7168 | fix: Add info after successfully created breakglasscredentials by @chenz4027 in #1901
  • OCM-7318 | chore: update the list jira helper to ignore reverts when listing release jiras by @ciaranRoche in #1907
  • OCM-6595| chore: 1.2.38-RC2 cut with cherrypicked release blocker by @davidleerh in #1944
  • [release_1.2.38] OCM-7566 | chore: bump ocm sdk to version 0.1.416 by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #1958

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.37...v1.2.38


23 Apr 13:36
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v1.2.38.rc3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.38.rc2...v1.2.38.rc3

Release v1.2.38.rc2

18 Apr 17:52
Choose a tag to compare
Release v1.2.38.rc2 Pre-release

OCM-7412 | fix: list instance types filter by region requires installer role arn
OCM-7358 | fix: invert describe out for cluster delete protection

Release v1.2.38.rc1

08 Apr 18:36
Choose a tag to compare
Release v1.2.38.rc1 Pre-release

ocm-6822 | fix: add validations for external auth
ocm-5718 | feat: display login error if --govcloud supplied with commercial region
ocm-5677 | feat: added rosa describe autoscaler command
ocm-6879 | fix: allow user specify cluster-admin as admin username signed-off-by: marcolan018
ocm-6926 | fix: support local envs in getenv()
ocm-6926 | fix: remove else condition and move fedramp logic before normal check
ocm-4966 | feat: add keyring support for configuration
ocm-6858 | fix: add validator for node drain grace period in interactive mode
ocm-6652 | fix: update --best-effort help message
ocm-6926 | fix: simplified the condition for fedramp
ocm-6926 | fix: needs to also go through admin fedramp url aliases
ocm-6883 | fix: rosa describe admin can list the admin with custom name signed-off-by: marcolan018
ocm-5549 | feat: add fedramp gating to all managedservice funcs+tests
ocm-4460 | feat: add actions for break glass credential
ocm-7047 | fix: panic when not supplying '=' delimiter component routes
ocm-6822 | fix: use cluster name in error message
ocm-6375 | fix: error out if cluster is enabled with external auth
ocm-6302 | ci: prow job update to check pr author in commit check
ocm-6883 | chore: allow gh made reverts on commit check
ocm-6697 | fix: upgrade role error should print extra info when invoke from upgrade cluster
ocm-6820 | fix: add checks for mandatory parameters
ocm-6883 | fix: disable the feature for custom username of cluster admin signed-off-by: marcolan018
ocm-7098 | chore: request to access maintainer access to rosa repo
ocm-6926 | fix: added back the condition to check for empty env flag
ocm-6926 | fix: added test case
ocm-6142 | feat: display aws billing account on non-hcp
ocm-7110 | fix: github idp validation
ocm-6955 | fix: provide better message for external auth creation
ocm-5942 | feat: allow users set delete protection on cluster
ocm-7136 | fix: support create breakglasscredential without optional flags
ocm-7135 | fix: add validation for revoking breakglasscredential
ocm-6840 | fix: add json output test for external auth
ocm-6568 | fix: ensure "mode" in interactive mode defaults to users input
ocm-5174 | fix: error message should distinguish between labels and taints
ocm-7168 | fix: add info after successfully created breakglasscredentials
ocm-6161 | ci: automate hcp machinepool creation with security groups
ocm-6309 | ci: setup day2 test cases
ocm-7318 | chore: update the list jira helper to ignore reverts when listing release jiras