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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 9 revisions


LAP internals are in no small part parameterized in terms of environment variables; this is in part motivated by security considerations (e.g. the MongoDB connection parameters do not become visible in the command line this way), in part by an anticipated desire for per-user (or per-workflow), mixed-version use of tools: ultimately, we want it to be possible for there to be different (parallel) instances of the LAP Tree (and possibly also the Library and Tool wrappers, though obviously there will be dependencies among these).

Environment Variables

  • LAPINSTANCE: production, development, or local (set automatically);

  • LAPTREE: root (top level) of the LAP Tree directory tree;

  • LAPLIBRARY: root (top level) of the LAP Library directory tree;

  • LAPTOOLS: root (top level) of the LAP Tools directory tree;

  • LAPSTORE: LAP Store server address, port, user name, and password;

  • LAPOS: linux.x86.64 or linux.x86.32, but currently always the first;

  • LAPCORES: number of available cores (for threads or processes);

  • LAPMEMORY: total memory allocation for all cores (in megabytes);




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