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EricZinda edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 12 revisions

ERG Reference Documentation Working Group Open Issues

  • What "documentation" work has already been done. Need to do a survey
    • Francis work with web interface to browse grammar
    • Annotations in the source
    • The Wiki
    • Existing papers
    • etc.
  • Where does the documentation live?
  • What form are the docs written in?
  • How do you search?
  • Who can help write content?
  • Are there two sets of some docs?
    • One set for folks who just need practical how to stuff (including Grad Students)?
    • One set for grammarians, Grad Students?
    • We will see how far we can get unifying these in our prototyping
  • How does the community feel about erase existing wiki content? Feels destructive. Do we have a history that we can revert to? Or are we always writing new docs?
  • I'm unclear about our comfort level with linking and citations from"the literature" and what is considered definitive, etc. Be good to establish this (for ericz at least).
  • We should discuss what canonical MRS form we want for all the docs
  • Understand how to exploit the mechanism that francis and colleagues have built to to tie examples with example sentences better for grammarians
    • Having the doc strings in the grammar has worked well in principle but in practice we can't share the burden beyond Dan. Is there a branch of the ERG where people can put in docs and it gets reviewed?
    • How large is the pool of people that can document the semantics of the ERG?
  • Figure out how to do release notes with the grammar
    • Changes to grammar rule names: irritating but inevitable. Give some thought to the fact that underlying things will change. Find a way to alert people that changes have happened.
  • How to getting visibility into the current plan for the ERG?