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Stephan Oepen edited this page Jul 24, 2022 · 5 revisions


Between 2004 (or so) and 2022, the DELPH-IN consortium operated a range of subscription-based email lists for internal communication. As communication patterns have evolved, and with increasing challenges in keeping a self-hosted email solution free of spam, the DELPH-IN Standing Committee in mid-2022 made official what has been the actual state of affairs for a little while, to deactive all email lists and focus on communication and collaboration on M$ GitHub and the UW-hosted Discourse forum instead. The original email communication remains available for archival purposes.

Historic Archives

  • developers (all DELPH-IN contributors and active users)
  • erg (the English Resource Grammar)
  • itsdb (the [incr tsdb()] Profiling Environment)
  • lkb (the Linguistic Knowledge Builder)
  • logon (the integrated LOGON distribution)
  • matrix (the LinGO Grammar MatriX)
  • pet (the LinGO Grammar MatriX)