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LilingTan edited this page Jul 29, 2013 · 8 revisions

A page for the discussion of MRS-Wordnet mappings (part of the work on Lexical Semantics).


  • want to get semantic back-off in parse ranking

  • want to get better tokenization for wordnet annotation (three-toed sloth)

  • combine structural and lexical semantics so we can show semantic compatibility across languages

Francis: * There is a SemCor mapping to DMRS on SemCor page. There's a long tail of things where the representation in MRS is different from the representation in WN. E.g. "here" in WN is here_a_1, "here" in ERG (e10:loc_nonsp = here_a1; x11:place_n = here_n1). * Single words are easy, but Zina says if you have the gold mapping and map to the correct tree in English, then mapping is good. But if the English tree is wrong then the MRS-WN mapping is incorrect. * Quantifiers are sometimes in WN and sometimes not, in particular invisible quantifiers. If we use the ERG as tokenizers, then we are not using the words but the predicates.

Ann: Is there anything useful in monolingual WN for closed class word?

Francis: Closed class word are not in WN but things that have synonymy and adj like are in WN.

Ann: Is there anything useful in the linked WN?

Francis: No, the assumption is that closed class words are not in WN.

Francis: * Complex semantics with decomposed things

  • WN has here_adv is diff from here_n, but ERG diff is the presence of absence of loc_nonsp.
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