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Alexandre Rademaker edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 15 revisions

DELPH-IN 2021 (virtual) summit


The 17th DELPH-IN summit will be held virtually on July 19--23 2021.

The registration is free.

Anyone already in the organization is encouraged to register via the Virtual2021Participants wiki. If you are a DELPH-IN participant but were not yet added to the Github org, please email about it.

Communications and Zoom info

Communications (including any Zoom links) will be via the usual participants mailing list and in addition, there will be posts on the Github discussion board, visible only to the Github Participants team. Please email Olga and Dan (or summit at delph dash in dot net) if you are unsure where to find the Zoom links.


The schedule is up: Virtual2021Schedule

The program will consist of short presentations, long presentations, and discussions. All of it will be live (no prerecorded videos this year). We will not record anything (though if you would like to have your talk recorded, we can do that on case-by-case basis).

Each day, there will be three sessions, one of which (Session 1) we hope is possible to attend for all participants, from all time zones. Session 1 runs 13:00--15:30 UTC. The other two sessions are only really comfortable for two out of three "major time zones" (the Americas, Europe and Africa, and Asia and Oceania).

In lieu of a banquet, we will have a scheduled social event on Thursday in Session 1, and it will be a trivia game. There will also be 30-minute scheduled socials after Session 1 on every other day, in lieu of real-life coffee breaks. Other kinds of breaks, allowing people to leave the computer and rest between talks, will also be included in most sessions.

The program committee this year consists of Dan Flickinger and Olga Zamaraeva.

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