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Jose Luis Cercos-Pita edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

rusyak3-buildpic Yak-9U


Designed to hunt enemy aircrafts. However, it can be very useful to strike against infantry, deployed guns, or even light vehicles.

Structural details

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Cost Cost 985 Health Health points 235

Category Targeted as: air,

Armor Damaged as: planes

Line of sight

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
LOS Sight range 0 AirLOS Air detection 4000 SeismicLOS Noise detection 0


Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
Speed Max speed 162 km/h Turn Turn rate 8 º/s Fuel Max fuel 120 s



Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Pitch Pitch -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 890 m Explosion Effect radius 0.5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.04182457 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.03485691
Penetration Penetration (100m) 11.0621347 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 1.77270651 mm
Reload Fire rate 8.5714283 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 0 units/bullet

Targets Targets: air, infantry, turret, ship, largeship, para, softveh, deployed, openveh,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 5.55555582, armouredvehicles = 41.6666641, bunkers = 0.0001, guns = 50, hardships = 0.0001, heavytanks = 0.0001, infantry = 62.5, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 3.125, lighttanks = 0.0001, mediumtanks = 0.0001, mines = 0.0001, planes = 33.3333359, ships = 4, shipturrets = 21.4285717, unarmouredvehicles = 50, default = 8.33333397,


Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Pitch Pitch -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 890 m Explosion Effect radius 0.5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.04182457 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.03485691
Penetration Penetration (100m) 11.0621347 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 1.77270651 mm
Reload Fire rate 8.5714283 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 0 units/bullet

Targets Targets: air, infantry, turret, ship, largeship, para, softveh, deployed, openveh,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 5.55555582, armouredvehicles = 41.6666641, bunkers = 0.0001, guns = 50, hardships = 0.0001, heavytanks = 0.0001, infantry = 62.5, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 3.125, lighttanks = 0.0001, mediumtanks = 0.0001, mines = 0.0001, planes = 33.3333359, ships = 4, shipturrets = 21.4285717, unarmouredvehicles = 50, default = 8.33333397,


Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Pitch Pitch -4.9999852 º 4.99998522 º 8 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 900 m Explosion Effect radius 5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.03485691 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.03485691
Penetration Penetration (100m) 0 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 0 mm
Reload Fire rate 3 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost -2 units/bullet

Targets Targets: deployed, infantry, turret, ship, hardveh, largeship, softveh, air, openveh,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 40.2000008, armouredvehicles = 33.5, bunkers = 33.5, guns = 40.2000008, hardships = 33.5, heavytanks = 22.333334, infantry = 100.5, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 53.6000023, lighttanks = 22.333334, mediumtanks = 22.333334, mines = 67, planes = 67, ships = 143.571426, shipturrets = 40.2000008, unarmouredvehicles = 67, default = 67,

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