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Jose Luis Cercos-Pita edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

itafiat508cm-buildpic Fiat 508CM


Vehicles are in general faster and stronger than infantry, becoming by themselves a determinant factor in terrain battles. However, vehicles have some significant drawbacks to be considered as well: In general, manufacturing vehicles is not a cheap operation, and their line of sight is quite limited, usually requiring some infantry scouting support.

This specific vehicle has been designed to offer a good line of sight, which can be conveniently used to support other armoured vehicles to engage enemy units. This vehicle is poorly armoured, so it should not be excesivelly exposed to enemy fire.

Structural details

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Cost Cost 1100 Health Health points 528.125

Category Targeted as: minetrigger, softveh,

Armor Damaged as: unarmouredvehicles

Line of sight

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
LOS Sight range 120.000008 AirLOS Air detection 480.000031 SeismicLOS Noise detection 0


Parameter Value Parameter Value
Speed Max speed 85 km/h Turn Turn rate 68 º/s
Slope Max slope 0.10899347 Depth Max water depth 1 m


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