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Jose Luis Cercos-Pita edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

uspararifle-buildpic M1 Garand Rifle


This is an infantry soldier. Soldiers are the basic unit in Spring-1944, and you always want to have a number of them deployed along the battlefield... Don't stop recruiting them! Along this line, infantry units are the very only units that can capture terrain flags, and are one of the most efficient ways to provide a line of sight for armoured vehicles (it should be recalled that vehicles have in general a quite limite sight distance).

Infantry is cheap, but very fragile... And vulnerable to almost every weapon of the game. On top of that, infantry can be easily suppressed by fear.

Close-Quarters Assault Infantry and Long-range Rifle Infantry are the most basic infantry units, ideal to setup your front line, providing a line of sight to other longer-range guns. Rifle weapon can just be used to shoot against another infantry units, or eventually to cause tiny damage to deployed guns. On the other hand, grenades can be used to kill several infantry units by a single shot, damage deployed guns and structures, or even slightly damage armoured vehicles. Unfortunately, grenade strikes can be only carried out in a dramatically short range.

Structural details

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
Cost Cost 65 Health Health points 140 Flag Flag capturing 1

Category Targeted as: minetrigger, infantry,

Armor Damaged as: infantry

Line of sight

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
LOS Sight range 390.000031 AirLOS Air detection 480.000031 SeismicLOS Noise detection 840


Parameter Value Parameter Value
Speed Max speed 10.7999992 km/h Turn Turn rate 161.599991 º/s
Slope Max slope 0.4122147 Depth Max water depth 1.25 m



Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -85 º 85 º 161.599991 º/s
Pitch Pitch -85 º 85 º 161.599991 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 321 m Explosion Effect radius 0.5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.01890274 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.06187886
Penetration Penetration (100m) 0 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 0 mm
Reload Fire rate 0.58823526 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 0 units/bullet

Targets Targets: deployed, softveh, infantry, para,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 3.66666675, armouredvehicles = 27.5, bunkers = 0.0001, guns = 33, hardships = 0.0001, heavytanks = 0.0001, infantry = 41.25, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 2.0625, lighttanks = 0.0001, mediumtanks = 0.0001, mines = 0.0001, planes = 22, ships = 2.63999987, shipturrets = 14.1428576, unarmouredvehicles = 33, default = 5.5,


Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -85 º 85 º 161.599991 º/s
Pitch Pitch -85 º 85 º 161.599991 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 108.000008 m Explosion Effect radius 20 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.15928139 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.02091686
Penetration Penetration (100m) 28 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 28 mm
Reload Fire rate 0.125 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 0 units/bullet

Targets Targets: deployed, openveh, infantry, ship, building, softveh, largeship, hardveh,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 1450, armouredvehicles = 1450, bunkers = 1450, guns = 1087.5, hardships = 1450, heavytanks = 580, infantry = 4350, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 966.666687, lighttanks = 580, mediumtanks = 580, mines = 1450, planes = 1450, ships = 2900, shipturrets = 2900, unarmouredvehicles = 1450, default = 1450,

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