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Jose Luis Cercos-Pita edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 8 revisions

usm7priest-buildpic M7 HMC Priest


Vehicles are in general faster and stronger than infantry, becoming by themselves a determinant factor in terrain battles. However, vehicles have some significant drawbacks to be considered as well: In general, manufacturing vehicles is not a cheap operation, and their line of sight is quite limited, usually requiring some infantry scouting support.

This is a self-propelled artillery. Self-prop. guns are much more expensive than towed ones, however the increase of mobility can be quite convenient in some contexts, allowing it to run away to avoid counter artillery fire, or even to get close to the enemy base to maximize the accuracy.

Structural details

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Cost Cost 4500 Health Health points 2628.95166

Category Targeted as: minetrigger, openveh,

Armor Damaged as: lighttanks

Ammo Max ammo: 13

Base armour

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Armour Front armour 51 mm ArmourSlope Front armour slope 55 º
Armour Rear armour 38 mm ArmourSlope Rear armour slope 0 º
Armour Sides armour 38 mm ArmourSlope Sides armour slope 0 º
Armour Top armour 20 mm ArmourSlope Top armour slope 0 º

Line of sight

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
LOS Sight range 90 AirLOS Air detection 480.000031 SeismicLOS Noise detection 0


Parameter Value Parameter Value
Speed Max speed 38.9999962 km/h Turn Turn rate 15.1999998 º/s
Slope Max slope 0.14735985 Depth Max water depth 1.25 m



Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -7.499989 º 7.49998903 º 16 º/s
Pitch Pitch -7.499989 º 7.49998903 º 16 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 4320 m Explosion Effect radius 65.5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.09437864 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.09437864
Penetration Penetration (100m) 0 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 0 mm
Reload Fire rate 0.08888889 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 30 units/bullet

Targets Targets: deployed, openveh, turret, ship, building, hardveh, largeship, softveh, infantry,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 2616, armouredvehicles = 2180, bunkers = 2180, guns = 2616, hardships = 2180, heavytanks = 1453.33337, infantry = 6540, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 3488, lighttanks = 1453.33337, mediumtanks = 1453.33337, mines = 4360, planes = 4360, ships = 9342.85645, shipturrets = 2616, unarmouredvehicles = 4360, default = 4360,


Parameter Minimum Maximum Speed
Heading Heading -360 º 360 º 16 º/s
Pitch Pitch -90 º 90 º 16 º/s
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Range Range 1170 m Explosion Effect radius 0.5 m
Accuracy Inaccuracy 0.06271397 Accuracy Moving inaccuracy 0.08357594
Penetration Penetration (100m) 28.2127113 mm Penetration Penetration (1000m) 15.1879148 mm
Reload Fire rate 5.33333349 bullets/s AmmoCost Ammo cost 0 units/bullet

Targets Targets: air, para,

Damage Damage: armouredplanes = 5.55555582, armouredvehicles = 41.6666641, bunkers = 0.0001, guns = 50, hardships = 0.0001, heavytanks = 0.0001, infantry = 62.5, invincible = 0.0001, lightbuildings = 3.125, lighttanks = 0.0001, mediumtanks = 0.0001, mines = 0.0001, planes = 33.3333359, ships = 4, shipturrets = 21.4285717, unarmouredvehicles = 50, default = 8.33333397,

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