5196 |
@mattn/emmet-vim |
emmet for vim: http://emmet.io/ |
↗️ |
4804 |
@itchyny/lightline.vim |
A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim |
4545 |
@rhysd/vim.wasm |
Vim editor ported to WebAssembly |
↗️ |
2811 |
@Shougo/unite.vim |
🐉 Unite and create user interfaces |
↗️ |
2718 |
@Shougo/dein.vim |
⚡ Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager |
2692 |
@Shougo/neocomplete.vim |
Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache |
2251 |
@Shougo/neobundle.vim |
Next generation Vim package manager |
1553 |
@mattn/vim-gist |
Vim plugin for Gist |
↗️ |
1500 |
@mattn/gist-vim |
Vim plugin for Gist |
↗️ |
1453 |
@itchyny/calendar.vim |
A calendar application for Vim |
1226 |
@Quramy/tsuquyomi |
A Vim plugin for TypeScript |
↗️ |
1122 |
@cocopon/iceberg.vim |
🇦🇶 Bluish color scheme for Vim and Neovim |
↗️ |
1077 |
@kana/vim-textobj-user |
Vim plugin: Create your own text objects |
↗️ |
1065 |
@Shougo/vimshell.vim |
🐚 Powerful shell implemented by vim. |
1009 |
@Shougo/neosnippet.vim |
neo-snippet plugin |
994 |
@Shougo/vimproc.vim |
Interactive command execution in Vim. |
965 |
@haya14busa/incsearch.vim |
🔦 Improved incremental searching for Vim |
↗️ |
836 |
@Shougo/vimfiler.vim |
📁 Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script |
778 |
@rhysd/vim-clang-format |
Vim plugin for clang-format, a formatter for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript and ProtoBuf. |
↗️ |
711 |
@rhysd/git-messenger.vim |
Vim and Neovim plugin to reveal the commit messages under the cursor |
682 |
@rhysd/vim-grammarous |
A powerful grammar checker for Vim using LanguageTool. |
676 |
@b4b4r07/dotfiles |
A repository that gathered files starting with dot |
606 |
@rhysd/clever-f.vim |
Extended f, F, t and T key mappings for Vim. |
↗️ |
587 |
@motemen/git-vim |
My vim files for Git |
564 |
@mattn/webapi-vim |
vim interface to Web API |
↗️ |
552 |
@MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty |
🔦 [Vim script] JSX and TSX syntax pretty highlighting for vim. |
521 |
@cohama/lexima.vim |
Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot... |
520 |
@hail2u/vim-css3-syntax |
CSS3 syntax (and syntax defined in some foreign specifications) support for Vim's built-in syntax/css.vim |
518 |
@lambdalisue/gina.vim |
👣 Asynchronously control git repositories in Neovim/Vim 8 |
↗️ |
456 |
@rhysd/committia.vim |
A Vim plugin for more pleasant editing on commit messages |
433 |
@Shougo/echodoc.vim |
Print documents in echo area. |
414 |
@t9md/vim-choosewin |
Land on window you chose like tmux's 'display-pane' |
412 |
@Shougo/shougo-s-github |
Shougo's git repository - vim, zsh, screen, etc... |
405 |
@mattn/vim-lsp-settings |
Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp |
378 |
@heavenshell/vim-jsdoc |
Generate JSDoc to your JavaScript code. |
362 |
@eagletmt/neco-ghc |
A completion plugin for Haskell, using ghc-mod |
↗️ |
362 |
@tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky |
A super simple function navigator for ctrlp.vim |
↗️ |
345 |
@itchyny/vim-cursorword |
Underlines the word under the cursor |
↗️ |
322 |
@tyru/open-browser.vim |
Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor |
↗️ |
311 |
@kana/vim-smartinput |
Vim plugin: Provide smart input assistant |
307 |
@rhysd/vim-crystal |
Vim filetype and tools support for Crystal language. |
↗️ |
307 |
@simeji/winresizer |
very simple vim plugin for easy resizing of your vim windows |
278 |
@kana/vim-textobj-entire |
Vim plugin: Text objects for entire buffer |
↗️ |
273 |
@lambdalisue/fern.vim |
🌿 General purpose asynchronous tree viewer written in Pure Vim script |
248 |
@liquidz/vim-iced |
Clojure Interactive Development Environment for Vim8/Neovim |
↗️ |
243 |
@cocopon/vaffle.vim |
📁 Lightweight, window-based file manager for Vim |
237 |
@tell-k/vim-autopep8 |
autopep8 plugin for Vim |
↗️ |
235 |
@tyru/caw.vim |
Vim comment plugin: supported operator/non-operator mappings, repeatable by dot-command, 300+ filetypes |
229 |
@mattn/vim-sonictemplate |
Easy and high speed coding method |
↗️ |
227 |
@haya14busa/vim-asterisk |
❄️ *-Improved |
↗️ |
224 |
@lambdalisue/vim-gita |
[Obsolete] An awesome git handling plugin for Vim |
221 |
@Shougo/deol.nvim |
Dark powered shell interface for NeoVim and Vim8. |
217 |
@cohama/agit.vim |
A powerful Git log viewer |
207 |
@kana/vim-arpeggio |
Vim plugin: Mappings for simultaneously pressed keys |
↗️ |
202 |
@kana/vim-vspec |
Vim plugin: Testing framework for Vim script |
↗️ |
198 |
@heavenshell/vim-pydocstring |
Generate Python docstring to your Python source code. |
191 |
@lambdalisue/suda.vim |
🥪 An alternative sudo.vim for Vim and Neovim, limited support sudo in Windows |
183 |
@mattn/sonictemplate-vim |
Easy and high speed coding method |
↗️ |
180 |
@haya14busa/is.vim |
incremental search improved - successor of incsearch.vim |
170 |
@sgur/vim-editorconfig |
Yet another EditorConfig (http://editorconfig.org) plugin for vim written in vimscript only |
167 |
@kana/vim-submode |
Vim plugin: Create your own submodes |
↗️ |
156 |
@aereal/dotfiles |
My config files. |
155 |
@rhysd/github-complete.vim |
Vim input completion for GitHub |
151 |
@glidenote/memolist.vim |
simple memo plugin for Vim. |
↗️ |
150 |
@kana/vim-fakeclip |
Vim plugin: Provide pseudo "clipboard" registers |
↗️ |
150 |
@koron/vim-kaoriya |
Vim+kaoriya build system |
150 |
@lambdalisue/vim-gista |
An alternative gist.vim, vim plugin which manipulate gists in Vim. |
↗️ |
150 |
@t9md/vim-quickhl |
quickly highlight or visually selected word |
↗️ |
146 |
@rhysd/reply.vim |
REPLs play nicely with :terminal on Vim and Neovim |
141 |
@Shougo/vinarise.vim |
Ultimate hex editing system with Vim |
134 |
@rhysd/devdocs.vim |
Open devdocs.io from Vim |
133 |
@mattn/calendar-vim |
calendar vimscript |
↗️ |
132 |
@Quramy/vim-js-pretty-template |
highlights JavaScript's Template Strings in other FileType syntax rule |
↗️ |
129 |
@Shougo/context_filetype.vim |
Context filetype library for Vim script |
129 |
@skanehira/docker.vim |
Manage docker images, containers in Vim |
128 |
@rhysd/conflict-marker.vim |
Weapon to fight against conflicts in Vim. |
124 |
@t9md/vim-textmanip |
easy text manupilation for vim |
↗️ |
121 |
@Shougo/neomru.vim |
MRU plugin includes unite.vim/denite.nvim MRU sources |
115 |
@rhysd/vim-operator-surround |
Vim operator mapping to enclose text objects with surrounds like paren, quote and so on. |
112 |
@itchyny/landscape.vim |
A colorscheme and syntax for Vim |
112 |
@mattn/vim-maketable |
111 |
@basyura/TweetVim |
twitter client for vim |
↗️ |
111 |
@haya14busa/go-vimlparser |
⚡ Vim Script Parser written in Go |
↗️ |
111 |
@mattn/livestyle-vim |
Emmet LiveStyle for Vim |
↗️ |
108 |
@tyru/eskk.vim |
eskk is pure Vim script implementation of input method engine SKK |
101 |
@lambdalisue/vim-pyenv |
Activate the versions and the virtualenvs of pyenv within a live VIM session |
101 |
@rhysd/dogfiles |
dog + dotfiles = dogfiles |
↗️ |
98 |
@haya14busa/vim-edgemotion |
Move to the edge! |
98 |
@skanehira/preview-markdown.vim |
Markdown preview plugin for Vim |
98 |
@tyru/open-browser-github.vim |
Open GitHub URL of current file, etc. from Vim editor (supported GitHub Enterprise) |
97 |
@itchyny/thumbnail.vim |
A thumbnail-style buffer selector for Vim |
↗️ |
97 |
@mattn/vim-starwars |
Playing StarWars on Vim |
94 |
@Shougo/neoinclude.vim |
Include completion framework for neocomplete/deoplete |
94 |
@itchyny/vim-gitbranch |
Provides the branch name of the current git repository |
91 |
@mattn/vim-brain |
Neural Networks written in Vim script |
91 |
@rhysd/wandbox-vim |
Wandbox plugin for vimmers. http://melpon.org/wandbox/ |
89 |
@Quramy/vison |
A Vim plugin for writing JSON with JSON Schema |
↗️ |
89 |
@rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax |
GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax highlight extension for Vim |
86 |
@Shougo/neco-vim |
The vim source for neocomplete/deoplete |
86 |
@mattn/vim-goimports |
Vim plugin for Minimalist Gopher |
85 |
@itchyny/vim-haskell-indent |
If the plugin does not work for some syntax, feel free to report to the issue tracker! |
80 |
@lambdalisue/fila.vim |
Asynchronous file explorer in Pure Vim script |
68 |
@Shougo/neoyank.vim |
Saves yank history includes unite.vim/denite.nvim history/yank source. |
67 |
@skanehira/translate.vim |
translate language plugin |
65 |
@Jxck/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
64 |
@archSeer/colibri.vim |
A subtle, elegant color scheme for vim. |
↗️ |
64 |
@archseer/colibri.vim |
A subtle, elegant color scheme for vim. |
↗️ |
62 |
@Shougo/neco-syntax |
Syntax source for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm |
62 |
@kana/vim-altr |
Vim plugin: Switch to the missing file without interaction |
↗️ |
61 |
@JunichiIto/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
61 |
@creasty/dotfiles |
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers |
60 |
@rhysd/vim-textobj-anyblock |
A text object for any of '', "", (), {}, [] and <>. |
60 |
@sgur/vim-textobj-parameter |
A fork of textobj-parameter 0.1.0 |
↗️ |
59 |
@yaasita/edit-slack.vim |
Open slack, like a file |
58 |
@basyura/unite-rails |
a unite.vim plugin for rails |
↗️ |
58 |
@joker1007/vim-markdown-quote-syntax |
vim plugin for highliting code in markdown quote |
58 |
@mattn/vim-sqlfmt |
57 |
@mattn/vim-fz |
Ultra Fast Fuzzy Finder for Vim8 |
57 |
@rhysd/vim-go-impl |
A Vim plugin to use impl command |
↗️ |
56 |
@aereal/vim-colors-japanesque |
The colorscheme featuring Japanese traditional colors. |
55 |
@kana/vim-niceblock |
Vim plugin: Make blockwise Visual mode more useful |
54 |
@itchyny/dictionary.vim |
Dictionary.app interface for Vim |
54 |
@rhysd/rust-doc.vim |
Search Rust documents and open with browser from Vim. |
54 |
@saihoooooooo/glowshi-ft.vim |
improve movement of f/t with glow shift. |
54 |
@tyru/current-func-info.vim |
Get current function name |
↗️ |
53 |
@rhysd/vim-wasm |
WebAssembly filetype support for Vim |
53 |
@tyru/skk.vim |
skk.vim with miscellaneous hacks. patches/forks are welcome. if you are insterested in improving skk.vim, please contact me by twitter, email, and so on. |
↗️ |
52 |
@cocopon/colorswatch.vim |
🌈 Beautiful color swatch from the current buffer |
50 |
@itchyny/vim-parenmatch |
An efficient alternative to the standard matchparen plugin |
50 |
@rhysd/vim-textobj-ruby |
Make text objects with various ruby block structures. |
49 |
@cocopon/pgmnt.vim |
🎨 Template engine for Vim color schemes, in pure Vim script |
49 |
@rbtnn/vim-puyo |
Puyo on Vim |
48 |
@Shougo/neossh.vim |
SSH interface for Vim plugins |
48 |
@rbtnn/vim-rabbit-ui |
Rich UI Vim script Library |
46 |
@mattn/vim-terminal |
46 |
@rbtnn/puyo.vim |
Puyo on Vim |
45 |
@haya14busa/dein-command.vim |
utility comamnds of dein.vim with rich completion. |
45 |
@koron/codic-vim |
Codic vim plugin |
↗️ |
44 |
@itchyny/screensaver.vim |
Screensavers for Vim |
↗️ |
42 |
@joker1007/vim-ruby-heredoc-syntax |
vim plugin for highliting code in ruby here document |
42 |
@yuku-t/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
41 |
@rbtnn/vim-mario |
Mario on Vim |
40 |
@mattn/vim-xxdcursor |
40 |
@miyakogi/livemark.vim |
Real time markdown preview plugin for vim |
40 |
@tyru/columnskip.vim |
Move vertically with skipping whitespaces |
39 |
@haya14busa/vim-poweryank |
Copy text over SSH |
39 |
@mattn/vim-nyancat |
nyancat in vim statusline |
39 |
@pocke/sushibar.vim |
Vim ❤️ 🍣 |
38 |
@lambdalisue/vim-unified-diff |
A plugin for using unified diff in vimdiff |
38 |
@miyakogi/seiya.vim |
Clear and make transparent vim's background color in terminal |
37 |
@haya14busa/vim-gtrans |
Google Translate in Vim |
35 |
@kana/vim-metarw |
Vim plugin: A framework to read/write fake:path |
↗️ |
35 |
@lambdalisue/vim-manpager |
Use Vim as a MANPAGER program |
35 |
@suzuken/dotfiles |
This is my dotfiles. |
35 |
@violetyk/cake.vim |
Utility for CakePHP developers. |
34 |
@skanehira/docker-compose.vim |
Vim plugin wrapping docker-compose |
34 |
@tyru/config |
config files (home/) and essential tools to self-build (src/) |
33 |
@b4b4r07/vim-hcl |
Vim syntax for HCL |
33 |
@tyru/capture.vim |
Show Ex command output in buffer |
32 |
@mattn/vimplenote-vim |
rewrite of https://github.com/mrtazz/simplenote.vim in pure vimscript. |
↗️ |
32 |
@tyru/dotfiles |
dotfiles in home directory |
32 |
@tyru/operator-camelize.vim |
snake_case -> SnakeCase, CamelCase -> camel_case |
↗️ |
31 |
@delphinus/lightline-delphinus |
Yet another theme for lightline |
31 |
@deris/vim-rengbang |
vim plugin for sequencial numbering with pattern |
31 |
@lambdalisue/reword.vim |
🧬 Vim plugin to provide case-preserving substitutuion |
30 |
@haya14busa/vital-power-assert |
💪 Power Assert in Vim script |
30 |
@lambdalisue/vim-fullscreen |
A plugin which help users to toggle a fullscreen mode on GVim or MacVim. |
30 |
@nishigori/increment-activator |
[Vim] Enhance to increment candidates U have defined |
↗️ |
29 |
@mattn/vim-sl |
SL |
28 |
@mattn/vim-lexiv |
Yet Another Lexima |
28 |
@yaasita/ore_markdown |
俺のmarkdown |
28 |
@zchee/vim-vgo |
Vim syntax highlighting for golang.org/x/vgo go.mod |
↗️ |
27 |
@Shougo/junkfile.vim |
Create temporary file for memo, testing, ... |
27 |
@mattn/vim-corona-stats |
27 |
@mattn/vim-mastodon |
Mastodon client for Vim |
27 |
@rhysd/ghpr-blame.vim |
Vim plugin which is like git-blame , but for pull requests on GitHub |
26 |
@cocopon/inspecthi.vim |
🔍 Small tool for inspecting highlighting link structure |
26 |
@himanoa/ttene.nvim |
さなちゃん改行するところ見てて… |
26 |
@kana/vim-textobj-fold |
Vim plugin: Text objects for foldings |
↗️ |
26 |
@rbtnn/vim-vimconsole |
This is immediate-window for Vim script. It is like Google Chrome Developer Console. |
26 |
@t9md/vim-ezbar |
&statusline configuration helper for minimalist. |
26 |
@zchee/.nvim |
dotfiles for neovim |
25 |
@mattn/qiita-vim |
25 |
@skanehira/session.vim |
ゴリラ.vimのハンズオン資料 |
24 |
@aiya000/vim-ghcid-quickfix |
Increse your Haskell development via ghcid! |
24 |
@haya14busa/vim-open-googletranslate |
Open Google Translate (https://translate.google.com/) from Vim. |
24 |
@mattn/die-vim |
24 |
@tyru/notify-changed.vim |
Notify buffer changed lines using OS notification system (supported: macOS/Windows/WSL/Linux, Vim 8.1+/Neovim 0.5+) |
23 |
@Genki-S/dotfiles |
My lovely settings. |
23 |
@akiomik/git-gutter-vim |
git gutter for vim |
23 |
@deris/dotfiles |
23 |
@id774/scripts |
Scripts collection for system administration |
23 |
@itchyny/vim-qfedit |
Edit the quickfix/location list freely |
23 |
@mattn/googlesuggest-complete-vim |
complete function using google suggest API. perhaps, you should input japanese without IME. |
↗️ |
23 |
@mattn/vim-tanakh |
(´・_・`) |
23 |
@pocke/keycast.vim |
Display key strokes on Vim. |
23 |
@tyru/restart.vim |
Restart your gVim |
↗️ |
22 |
@haya14busa/dotfiles |
22 |
@mattn/vim-findroot |
Find project root directory of the file. |
22 |
@rbtnn/vim-coloredit |
This plugin provides to edit RGB and HSL. |
22 |
@rhysd/vim-healthcheck |
Polyfill of Neovim's health-check for Vim |
21 |
@lambdalisue/vim-backslash |
Automatically insert a leading backslash when editing Vim scripts |
21 |
@mattn/vim-webapp |
21 |
@tsukkee/config |
My dotfiles. |
20 |
@cho45/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
20 |
@cocopon/lightline-hybrid.vim |
Bring awesome color scheme 'hybrid' into lightline.vim |
20 |
@deris/vim-duzzle |
This is puzzle game on vim |
20 |
@heavenshell/vim-genshijin |
Genshinize your Japanese text |
20 |
@koron/imcsc-vim |
Input method control scripts collection for Vim |
20 |
@rhysd/vim-fixjson |
Vim plugin for fixjson; a JSON fixer for Humans |
↗️ |
20 |
@rhysd/vim-goyacc |
Vim filetype support for goyacc |
↗️ |
19 |
@itchyny/lightline-powerful |
Powerful settings for lightline.vim |
19 |
@mopp/sky-color-clock.vim |
A clock widget for statusline with sky color at the time |
18 |
@heavenshell/vim-textlint |
Wrapper for textlint |
18 |
@lambdalisue/readablefold.vim |
A Vim plugin to improve foldtext for better looks |
18 |
@mattn/transparency-windows-vim |
windows port of http://vim-users.jp/2011/10/hack234/ |
↗️ |
18 |
@mrkn/vim-cruby |
CRuby syntax for Vim. |
18 |
@rhysd/vim-github-actions |
(Outdated) Vim syntax/indent support for GitHub Actions *.workflow files |
18 |
@rhysd/vim-llvm |
Vim filetype support for LLVM (including official files) |
↗️ |
18 |
@ryym/vim-riot |
Vim syntax plugin for Riot.js |
18 |
@skanehira/badapple.vim |
Play Bad Apple!! ascii animation |
17 |
@Layzie/dotfiles |
Mainly vimfiles |
17 |
@aiya000/vim-quickrepl |
The Simplest Faster way to open your REPL for filetypes. |
17 |
@ayapi/dotfiles |
ギャルでもかけるvim |
17 |
@cocopon/dotfiles |
⚙️ My configuration files (including organized, standalone .vimrc) |
17 |
@heavenshell/vim-prettier |
Prettier-Eslint-Cli for Vim |
17 |
@lambdalisue/vital-Whisky |
vital.vim external module collection |
17 |
@rbtnn/vim-game_engine |
This is Game Engine for Vim script. |
17 |
@skanehira/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
16 |
@basyura/twibill.vim |
twitter api wrapper like a Rubytter.rb ... maybe |
↗️ |
16 |
@cohama/.vim |
vim configuration files |
16 |
@rbtnn/game_engine.vim |
This is Game Engine for Vim script. |
16 |
@sgur/unite-everything |
A source which uses result of everything (http://www.voidtools.com/) for unite.vim |
↗️ |
16 |
@tyru/markdown-codehl-onthefly.vim |
Realtime code highlight (```) in Markdown buffer with no configuration |
16 |
@yosssi/vim-ace |
Vim syntax highlighting for Ace templates |
15 |
@Shougo/deorise.nvim |
The dark powered hexa decimal editor interface for neovim |
15 |
@hokaccha/dotfiles |
my config files |
15 |
@januswel/dotfiles |
software setting files |
15 |
@mattn/vim-lsp-icons |
15 |
@rhysd/vim-notes-cli |
Vim plugin for notes-cli |
↗️ |
15 |
@rhysd/vim-syntax-christmas-tree |
Vim filetype plugin for X'mas |
↗️ |
14 |
@delphinus/vim-auto-cursorline |
Show / hide cursorline automatically |
14 |
@giginet/castle |
🏰 All my dotfile are belong to us. BUT MY CREDENTIALS ARE IN ANOTHER CASTLE. |
14 |
@lambdalisue/vim-amake |
An example Vim plugin for asynchronous script runner |
14 |
@mattn/streem-vim |
ごめんなさいごめんなさい |
14 |
@mattn/vim-pixela |
14 |
@rbtnn/vim-popup_signature |
vim-popup_signature provides to show a signature of a vim's build-in function under the cursor and uses +textprop feature. |
13 |
@arcseldon/dotfiles-vim |
Opinionated set of tmux, vim, zshrc configuration files, instructions on setup, and tutorial referencing this setup's keybindings. |
13 |
@b4b4r07/vim-sqlfmt |
A plugin for SQL formatter like gofmt |
13 |
@cooldaemon/dotfiles |
It's files put on my home directory. |
13 |
@itchyny/vim-highlighturl |
URL highlight everywhere |
13 |
@lambdalisue/dotfiles |
Personal dotfiles |
13 |
@lambdalisue/fern-renderer-devicons.vim |
🌿 fern.vim plugin which add file type icon through vim-devicons |
13 |
@mollifier/config |
config files |
↗️ |
13 |
@mopp/autodirmake.vim |
This is a Vim Plugin for making directory automatically. |
13 |
@mopp/dotfiles |
Configuration files |
13 |
@tyru/qfpopup.vim |
(EXPERIMENTAL) Deadly simple Vim plugin to pop up the error under cursor |
13 |
@withgod/vim-sourcepawn |
SourcePawn support files |
12 |
@AtsushiSakai/julia.vim |
Vim plugin for Julia. |
12 |
@MaxMEllon/vim-shiny |
🔦 [Vim script] A plugin goal is user friendly highlight. |
12 |
@delphinus/vim-firestore |
A syntax / code completion plugin for Firestore Security Rules. |
12 |
@deris/vim-popupiece |
popup text around tag, local decraration, etc |
12 |
@greymd/oscyank.vim |
Yank with OSC52/PASTE64. |
12 |
@heavenshell/vim-quickrun-hook-unittest |
Quickrun hook for enable to unittest by selecting method. |
12 |
@marocchino/dotfiles |
slate, bash, fish, tmux, vim settings |
12 |
@mattn/vim-goimpl |
12 |
@mrkn/mrkn256.vim |
A color scheme for vim available on 88- and 256-color xterm. |
↗️ |
12 |
@rbtnn/vim-mrw |
Most Recently Written using +popupwin feature |
12 |
@rcmdnk/dotfiles |
setting files at HOME |
12 |
@rhysd/unite-go-import.vim |
A source of unite.vim to import Go packages. |
12 |
@yukihr/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
11 |
@AtsushiSakai/myvim |
My Vim |
11 |
@Quramy/tsuquyomi-vue |
vim plugin for TypeScript and Vue.js |
11 |
@Songmu/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
11 |
@aiya000/dotfiles |
my dotfiles for public. |
11 |
@cohama/the-ocamlspot.vim |
A wrapper Vim plugin for OCamlSpotter written in pure Vim Script. |
11 |
@hamaco/dotfiles |
dotfilesですよー。 |
11 |
@haya14busa/vim-gofmt |
Formats Go source code asynchronously with multiple Go formatters. |
11 |
@itchyny/vim-gof |
11 |
@mainyaa/dotfiles |
mainyaa's dotfiles |
11 |
@matschaffer/vim-islime2 |
SLIME-like support for running Vim with iTerm2 |
11 |
@mattn/vim-prompter |
11 |
@mattn/vimgon-quest-menu |
11 |
@pocke/dotfiles |
dotfiles / public domain |
11 |
@tmsanrinsha/dotfiles |
11 |
@tyru/empty-prompt.vim |
Vim plugin to add mappings only when shell prompt is empty |
11 |
@walf443/dotfiles |
10 |
@b4b4r07/vim-ansible-vault |
Encrypt/Decrypt the file contents on the buffer from Vim command line with ansible-vault |
10 |
@heavenshell/vim-flood |
A simple Vim plugin for facebook flow |
10 |
@hrsh7th/vim-versions |
useful interface for version control. |
10 |
@itchyny/vim-external |
Switch to external applications from Vim |
10 |
@koron/vim-monochromenote |
monochromenote color scheme plugin for Vim |
10 |
@koron/vim-voiceroid |
VOICEROID plugin for Vim |
10 |
@lambdalisue/battery.vim |
Show battery information on statusline/tabline of Neovim/Vim |
10 |
@lambdalisue/glyph-palette.vim |
🎨 An universal palette for Nerd Fonts |
10 |
@lambdalisue/session.vim |
Yet another simple session management plugin for Vim/Neovim |
10 |
@mattn/vim-colorss |
10 |
@rhysd/npm-filetypes.vim |
Highlight npm-debug.log and .npmrc for human readability |
↗️ |
10 |
@suguru/dotfiles |
9 |
@DeaR/dotfiles |
Vim, NYAGOS, etc |
9 |
@aiya000/aho-bakaup.vim |
aho-bakaup.vim backs up any files when you write the file |
9 |
@emonkak/vim-operator-comment |
Vim plugin: Operator for comment and uncomment |
9 |
@fujimura/dotfiles |
~/. |
9 |
@koturn/vim-replica |
Easy REPL in Vim |
9 |
@lambdalisue/nerdfont.vim |
👓 Fundemental plugin to handle Nerd Fonts in Vim |
9 |
@mattn/excitetranslate-vim |
Translate between English and Japanese using Excite |
↗️ |
9 |
@mattn/vim-metarw-simplenote |
metarw scheme for simplenote |
↗️ |
9 |
@rbtnn/vim-winsbar |
9 |
@skanehira/vsession |
vim session manager |
9 |
@tokorom/vim-review |
Vim syntax for Re:VIEW |
9 |
@tyru/open-browser-unicode.vim |
Open fileformat.info page about character on current cursor / given character |
8 |
@aiya000/aref-web.vim |
Web dictionaries on the vim with async. |
8 |
@deris/columnjump |
column jump vim plugin |
8 |
@emonkak/vim-metarw-gist |
Vim plugin: metarw scheme for gist |
8 |
@fieldville/dotvim |
Vimconfig |
8 |
@halogenandtoast/vim |
vim |
8 |
@hrsh7th/vim-neco-calc |
neocomplcache/neocomplete/deoplete calculates plugin. |
8 |
@lambdalisue/qfloc.vim |
8 |
@mattn/vim-godoc |
8 |
@mattn/vim-reading-vimrc |
vimrc 読書会クライアント |
8 |
@miyakogi/sidepanel.vim |
A vim plugin to manage "sidebar type" plugins. |
8 |
@monochromegane/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
8 |
@rbtnn/vim-jumptoline |
Jump to the line if cursorline includes a filename with lnum such as a line of build errors |
8 |
@rbtnn/vim-vimscript_lasterror |
jump to the Vim script's last error |
8 |
@shinespark/vim-list2tree |
Convert a markdown list format to a tree format. |
8 |
@tyru/tapi-reg.vim |
Seamless vim register manipulation in :terminal buffer via terminal-api |
8 |
@utatti/dotfiles |
dotfiles for me |
8 |
@vimtaku/vim-mlh |
8 |
@vimtaku/vim-textobj-keyvalue |
7 |
@MaxMEllon/.vim |
:vim: |
7 |
@adlerhsieh/.vim |
My .vim & .vimrc |
7 |
@anekos/hledger-vim |
For writing hledger journal |
7 |
@hachibeeDI/dotfiles |
my rc file repository |
7 |
@heavenshell/vim-jikoku |
Convert given timestamp to local date time and utc |
7 |
@kana/vim-better-tag-jump |
7 |
@lambdalisue/wifi.vim |
Show wifi information on statusline/tabline of Neovim/Vim |
7 |
@mattn/asyncomplete-google-suggest.vim |
7 |
@mattn/vim-ale-icons |
7 |
@mattn/vim-fixedsearch |
7 |
@mattn/vim-goaddtags |
7 |
@mattn/vim-lsp |
7 |
@mattn/vim-lsp1 |
7 |
@mattn/vim-quickrun-switcher |
7 |
@nocotan/dotfiles |
dotfiles vimrc, bashrc, zshrc, etc... |
7 |
@pocke/tnite.vim |
Apply action to output of :terminal. It's simple. |
7 |
@punytan/dot-files |
dot-files |
7 |
@rbtnn/vim-mru |
Most Recently Used using +popupwin feature |
7 |
@superbrothers/dotfiles |
my config files |
7 |
@tokorom/swift-dict.vim |
Swift keywords dictionary for vim |
7 |
@vwrs/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
7 |
@xaicron/dotfiles |
It's my dotfiles! |
7 |
@ymotongpoo/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
7 |
@zchee/vim-go-slide |
Vim syntax highlight for go slide(present) |
6 |
@JohnTitor/gozainurse.nvim |
さなちゃんコード書くとこ見てて…… |
6 |
@aiya000/mastodon.vim |
[WIP] A mastodon client for vim and neovim |
6 |
@aiya000/vim-fmap |
Support key mappings for f, like nnoremap/vnoremap/onoremap |
6 |
@anekos/my-config |
6 |
@b4b4r07/vim-crowi |
A simple vim plugin for Crowi |
↗️ |
6 |
@haya14busa/.vim |
6 |
@heavenshell/vim-tslint |
Vim plugin for tslint |
6 |
@itchyny/vim-winfix |
Fix the focus and the size of windows in Vim |
6 |
@kaneshin/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
6 |
@lambdalisue/edita.vim |
🖊 A pseudo EDITOR to stay in Vim/Neovim |
6 |
@lambdalisue/trea.vim |
POC project for next fila.vim |
6 |
@lambdalisue/vim-operator-breakline |
A vim operator to break lines even on words |
6 |
@lambdalisue/vim-quickrun-neovim-job |
6 |
@liquidz/vim-iced-coc-source |
vim-iced plugin for completing with coc.nvim |
6 |
@maedana/dotfiles |
6 |
@mattn/vim-asyncgrep |
asynchronized grep for vim |
↗️ |
6 |
@mopp/vim-operator-convert-case |
a Vim plugin to provide some operators to convert a word case. |
6 |
@motemen/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
6 |
@rbtnn/vim-diffy |
vim-diffy provides to jump to the line in a modified file for git-diff. |
6 |
@ryankanno/vim-config |
My vim configuration. Complete with plugin goodness. |
↗️ |
6 |
@skanehira/http.vim |
6 |
@takeshik/configurations |
Configuration files for my environment which may be useful |
↗️ |
6 |
@tyru/emap.vim |
Extended map command for Vim. |
6 |
@tyru/vim-uglifier.vim |
Uglifier of Vim script |
6 |
@tyru/winmove.vim |
Move your gVim |
↗️ |
5 |
@Kuniwak/dotfiles |
My dotfiles. |
5 |
@archseer/dotfiles |
My current set of dotfiles. |
5 |
@ashchan/dotfiles |
Everybody has one. |
5 |
@asonas/dotfiles |
5 |
@b4b4r07/vim-sunset |
Automatically set background on local sunrise/sunset time |
5 |
@eagletmt/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
↗️ |
5 |
@h-east/dotfiles_simple |
Simple dotfiles |
5 |
@heavenshell/vim-misspell |
misspell for Vim. |
5 |
@hecomi/dotfiles |
... |
5 |
@holysugar/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
5 |
@itchyny/vim-grep |
The only grep in Vim that I need... |
5 |
@kana/vim-operator-siege |
Vim plugin: Operators to besiege text |
5 |
@keijiro/dotfiles |
My dot files. |
5 |
@kohga/vimrc |
5 |
@lambdalisue/ake.vim |
A Promise based asynchronous task runner in pure Vim script |
5 |
@lambdalisue/fern-renderer-nerdfont.vim |
🌿 fern.vim plugin which add file type icon through nerdfont.vim |
5 |
@lcolaholicl/vim-v |
Vim syntax highlighter for V programming language |
5 |
@liquidz/vim-textimer |
Text based timer vim plugin heaviliy inspired by Efforless. |
5 |
@mas9612/dotfiles |
5 |
@noraesae/dotfiles |
dotfiles for me |
5 |
@petitviolet/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
5 |
@rbtnn/vim-gloaded |
This is to disable default vim plugins contained in $VIMRUNTIME. |
5 |
@rhysd/tempclone.vim |
Transfer codes seeing on GitHub to Vim instantly |
5 |
@takuyan/dotfiles |
takuyan's dotfiles |
5 |
@tyru/operator-html-escape.vim |
operator-html-escape provides operator to escape HTML entities. |
↗️ |
5 |
@tyru/operator-star.vim |
This plugin provides the operator versions of |star|, |gstar|, |#|, |g#|. |
↗️ |
5 |
@tyru/sync-term-cwd.vim |
Sync your shell's working directory with Vim |
5 |
@tyru/vivo.vim |
This is my answer for vim plugin manager (!!!THIS IS DEVELOPMENT VERSION!!!) |
5 |
@ueokande/popupdict.vim |
読力、活力、元気 |
5 |
@unasuke/dotfiles |
My dotfiles repository. |
5 |
@yuuki/dotfiles |
vimrc and zshrc etc |
5 |
@zchee/vim-flatbuffers |
Google FlatBuffers file syntax plugin for vim. |
4 |
@JugglerShu/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
4 |
@TheAtlasEngine/PastelColors |
A color scheme using pastel colors |
4 |
@acro5piano/vim-jsx-replace-tag |
A Vim plugin to edit jsx both opening and closing tag interactively. |
4 |
@aiya000/dhall-to-vim |
The dhall-lang language binding for Vim script. |
4 |
@dictav/vim-swift |
4 |
@emonkak/config |
My config |
4 |
@enocom/vim-config |
A minimalist's vim-config |
4 |
@fukamachi/neovim-config |
~/.config/nvim |
4 |
@himkt/.dotfiles |
My config files (Vim, Zsh, Tmux, etc) and some tools |
4 |
@hiroakis/cyberspace.vim |
A dark color scheme for vim |
4 |
@hiroppy/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
4 |
@hrsh7th/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
4 |
@kadoppe/dotfiles |
My dotfiles. |
4 |
@kami-zh/dotfiles |
My dotfiles. |
4 |
@kamichidu/vim-vital-layout |
Under development, to be deleted this repository. |
4 |
@kaorimatz/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
4 |
@kfdm/dotfiles |
#Dotfiles for @kfdm |
4 |
@lambdalisue/fern-git-status.vim |
Add Git status badge integration on file:// scheme on fern.vim |
4 |
@lambdalisue/seethrough.vim |
Make Vim transparent |
4 |
@lambdalisue/vital-Rx |
ReactiveX module of vital.vim written in pure Vim script |
4 |
@mattn/ctrlp-swoop |
4 |
@mattn/vim-fz-launcher |
4 |
@mizukmb/slackstatus.vim |
Update Slack status by Vim. |
4 |
@ohbarye/dotfiles |
Setup procedure for myself. |
4 |
@pakutoma/toggle-terminal |
Toggle :terminal for Vim8 |
4 |
@pocke/ika2.vim |
4 |
@pocke/yaml-path.vim |
Display the path of YAML on cursor. |
4 |
@rhysd/vim-github-support |
An all-in-one Vim plugin for filetype supports for GitHub things. |
4 |
@ryo33/powerful-type.vim |
A way to type powerfully which doesn't break your keyboard |
4 |
@tyru/nesk.vim |
(DOES NOT WORK NOW) Input method framework for Vim. Currently nesk-skk(next version of eskk.vim) is also being developed in this repository |
4 |
@tyru/operator-reverse.vim |
Operator to reverse text/lines |
↗️ |
4 |
@tyru/project-guide.vim |
4 |
@tyru/tabsidebar-boost.vim |
Add extra features to Vim-TabSideBar (see https://rbtnn.github.io/vim/ for Vim-TabSideBar patch) |
4 |
@tyru/ws.vim |
Simple workspace plugin for Vim |
4 |
@violetyk/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
4 |
@yudoufu/dotfiles |
new dotfiles dir |
4 |
@yui540/.dotfiles |
3 |
@DeaR/vim-tabpagebuffer-misc |
To control the buffer belonging to the tab page |
3 |
@Jessidhia/dotfiles |
Basic dotfiles |
3 |
@Quramy/dotfiles |
settings |
3 |
@Surgo/dotfiles |
Lazy dotfiles. |
3 |
@ToruNiina/satysfi.vim |
syntax highlighter for SATySFi |
3 |
@Yatsuku/Dotfiles |
My shell, git, vim, and other config files. |
3 |
@akiyan/config |
3 |
@akiyan/vim-textobj-xml-attribute |
3 |
@akyoto/home |
🏠 Home directory files (configuration etc.) |
3 |
@archSeer/dotfiles |
My current set of dotfiles. Assumes tmux+vim+zsh, Paraiso Dark color theme. |
3 |
@basyura/unite-mdfind |
you can find file by mdfind |
3 |
@deeeki/dotfiles |
[Environment] dotfiles at home directory. |
3 |
@dnpp73/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
3 |
@dtan4/dotfiles |
My dotfiles |
3 |
@everpeace/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
↗️ |
3 |
@frandiox/dotfiles |
Linux user dotfiles |
3 |
@h-michael/dotfiles |
my dotfiles |
3 |
@ha1t/vimrc |
my vimrc |
3 |
@hachibeeDI/python_hl_lvar.vim |
highlight local variables in function |
3 |
@hadashiA/dotfiles |
3 |
@hatanakay/dotfiles |
My Home Directory Files |
3 |
@haya14busa/vital-hit-a-hint |
3 |
@heavenshell/vim-snowflake |
An asynchronous Python source code checker for Vim. |
3 |
@hnagato/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
3 |
@hrsh7th/vim-unmatchparen |
highlight unmatch parens. |
3 |
@ingtk/dotfiles |
3 |
@itchyny/vim-autoft |
Set filetype automatically in Vim |
3 |
@itchyny/vim-closebuffer |
Close buffers in Vim |
3 |
@itchyny/vim-cmdline-ranges |
Quickly start/edit cmdline-ranges in Vim |
3 |
@iyuuya/trello.vim |
3 |
@ka2n/dotfiles |
my .* files |
3 |
@kana/vim-metarw-esa |
Vim plugin: metarw scheme for esa posts |
3 |
@kana/vim-vcsi |
Vim plugin: Version Control System Interface |
3 |
@kei-s/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
3 |
@keijiro/WindowsDotFiles |
Dotfiles for a Windows environment |
3 |
@kfly8/dotfiles |
dotfiles |
3 |
@koturn/vim-config |
koturn's configuration for Vim |
3 |
@koturn/vim-mplayer |
Mplayer frontend for Vim |
3 |
@lambdalisue/fern-mapping-project-top.vim |
3 |
@lambdalisue/golangci-lint.vim |
3 |
@lambdalisue/lista.vim |
3 |
@lambdalisue/pyvenv.vim |
3 |
@lambdalisue/smarthl.vim |
Automatically disable hlsearch when user move cursor after search |
3 |
@liquidz/vim-iced-fern-debugger |
vim-iced debugging plugin powered by fern.vim |
3 |
@mattn/vim-gorename |
3 |
@muratas/vim-andon |
Colorscheme for Vim |
↗️ |
3 |
@nishigori/dotfiles |
3 |
@pocke/vanner |
An implementation of banner written in Vim script. |
3 |
@ponko2/dotfiles |
3 |
@rbtnn/vim-close_scratch |
3 |
@rbtnn/vim-lime |
This is a colorscheme to use same colors everywhere(e.g. Windows's cmd.exe, Mac's Terminal and GVim). |
3 |
@rbtnn/vim-lsfiles |
3 |
@rbtnn/vim-vimscript_formatter |
Vim script's formatter |
3 |
@rhysd/vim-syntax-codeowners |
Vim syntax support for CODEOWNERS file supported by GitHub |
↗️ |
3 |
@rhysd/y-output.vim |
Vim syntax file for y.output, which is generated file by YACC |
3 |
@rinx/radiko.vim |
Listening radiko.jp via Vim |
3 |
@sakatam/dotfiles |
wish this makes my life easy |
3 |
@sgur/vim-hlparen |
Vim plugin to highlight matching parens |
3 |
@shuhei/dotfiles |
🍞 My personal dotfiles. Mostly for vim, tmux, git, etc. |
3 |
@skanehira/popupfiles.vim |
3 |
@skanehira/say.vim |
3 |
@skyriser/dotfiles |
configファイル管理 |
3 |
@summerwind/dotfiles |
Yet another bootstrapper. |
3 |
@supermomonga/vimshell-inline-history.vim |
Inline history completion for VimShell |
3 |
@t32k/dotfiles |
わい、黒い画面の向こうに行ってみたいねんっ! |
3 |
@tanacasino/dotfiles |
dotfiles tmux,vim,zsh,git,hg |
3 |
@tattn/dotfiles |
My Settings |
3 |
@todesking/qf_sbt.vim |
Vim SBT integration |
3 |
@tyru/homevim |
My ~/.vim/* files |
3 |
@tyru/kirikiri.vim |
syntax file for 吉里吉里 |
3 |
@uu59/vimenv |
my vim files |
3 |
@yaasita/myvimrc |
my vimrc setting |
3 |
@yamahigashi/sendtomaya.vim |
Vim plugin for Autodesk Maya. Send current (or selected) buffer into maya via command port |
3 |
@ypresto/dotfiles |