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Silmar A. Marca edited this page Jan 10, 2014 · 5 revisions

Author: Silmar A. Marca

  1. To block spyware and dangerous content, use in acl_check_mime. Executable files: (html or text format: http[s]://<virus site>/executable.exe)

Before, set these in Main Configuration Settings:

EXT_Executaveis_Link = exe|bat|cmd|ws|wsc|wsf|wsh|js|jse|vb|vbe|vbs|pif|lnk|url|msi|hta|scr|cpl|reg|ins|isp|

After, put in acl_check_mime:

#-BLK: Nega links para arquivos com extensoes perigosas
drop   condition      = ${if <= {$message_size}{SIZ_LinkExecutaveis}{yes}{no}}
       !senders       = wildlsearch;/etc/exim4/lst/fre_lnkexec
       mime_regex     = (?ixs)["']?\\s*(http[s]?|ftp)::\/\/([^"'=>\\s]*)\/([^?"'=>\\s]*)[.](EXT_Executaveis_Link)([?=#]\\w*\\s*)?["']?([<>]|\\s)
       message        = This message contains an link to unwanted file extension mime
       delay          = 45s
  1. Spyware images style: (html source: <img src="http[s]://www.<spyware site>/emailvalidationscript.php?id=youridtovalidate> Before, set these in Main Configuration Settings: SIZ_EmbebedCGI = 2M

After, put in acl_check_mime:

#-BLK: Nega links com query cgi
drop   condition      = ${if <= {$message_size}{SIZ_EmbebedCGI}{yes}{no}}
       !senders       = wildlsearch;/etc/exim4/lst/fre_imgcgi
       mime_regex     = (?ixs)src\\s*=\\s*["']?\\s*(http[s]?|ftp)::\/\/([^"'=>\\s]*)\/([^?"'=>\\s]*)[?=#]([^?"'=>\\s]*)\\s*["']?
       message        = This message contains an unwanted Embedded-CGI mime
       delay          = 45s
  1. Block False links: (html source: <a href="http[s]://www.<hidden and dangerous>/redirecttovirus.php>http[s]://www.<another inofensive link>/</a>

Before, set these in Main Configuration Settings: SIZ_LinkFakeShow = 2M

After, put in acl_check_mime:

drop   condition      = ${if <= {$message_size}{SIZ_LinkFakeShow}{yes}{no}}
       mime_regex     = (?ixs)href\\s*=\\s*["']?\\s*(http::\/\/)(.+)([\/](.*))?\\s*["']?(\\s*\\w*)+>(\\s*\\w*)+(http::\/\/)(.*)[\/]*(\\s*\\w*)+<
       !mime_regex    = (?ixs)href\\s*=\\s*["']?\\s*(http::\/\/)(.+)([\/](.*))?\\s*["']?(\\s*\\w*)+>(\\s*\\w*)+(http::\/\/)(\\2)[\/]*(\\s*\\w*)+<
       message        = This message displays a link fake, hidden and insecure
       delay          = 45s
  1. Block Singature style virus of outlook:

In system_filter you put:

#Virus tipo Assinatura OUTLOOK
if $message_body matches "(?ixm-s)\
                ([^\>]* \
                 (?:Encode) \
  logwrite "$tod_log $message_id H=${sender_fullhost} Destinatarios(${recipients_count}): ${recipients} - Remetente: ${sender_address} => Script: $1 - Subject: $header_subject"
  fail text "This message contains an unwanted script encode\n\
             Script: $1"
  seen finish
  1. Block Object files embeebed (optional, outlook 2k use it):

In system_filter you put (otional):

#Objetos Vinculados
#if $message_body matches "(?ixm-s)\
#       (?:OBJECT.*classid=)\
#           (classid=".*"
#            codebase=
#                ([^\">]* \
#       [^\">]*)"
#  logwrite "$tod_log $message_id H=${sender_fullhost} Destinatarios(${recipients_count}): ${recipients} - Remetente: ${sender_address} => Objeto: $1 - Subject: $header_subject"
#  fail text "This message contains an unwanted link for embebbed object\n\
#             Obj: $1"
# seen finish
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