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@hangc0276 hangc0276 released this 18 Sep 01:39
· 6030 commits to master since this release


  • Fix the issue of all web threads get stuck when deleting a namespace #11596
  • Improve error logs in BacklogQuotaManager #11469
  • Solve the issue of precise rate limiting does not take effect #11446
  • Fix replicated subscriptions direct memory leak #11396
  • Change ContextClassLoader to NarClassLoader in ProtocolHandler #11276
  • Fix the issue of ledger rollover scheduled tasks were executed before reaching the ledger maximum rollover time #11116
  • Fix publish_time not set error when broker entry metadata enable without AppendBrokerTimestampMetadataInterceptor #11014
  • Fix parseMessageMetadata error cause by not skip broker entry metadata #10968
  • Fix issue where Key_Shared consumers could get stuck #10920
  • Fix throwable exception not thrown #10863
  • Handle multiple topic creation for the same topic-name in broker #10847
  • Add REST API to enable or disable replicated subscriptions #10790
  • Fix issue that message ordering could be broken when redelivering messages on Key_Shared subscription #10762
  • Fix set-publish-rate when using preciseTopicPublishRateLimiterEnable=true #10384
  • Upgrade BookKeeper version to resolve the BouncyCastle issue #11759
  • Fix getPreviousPosition NPE #11621
  • Remove duplicated configuration #11283
  • Source tarball: apply executable file permissions to shell scripts #11858
  • Fix java_test_functions build failed #11829
  • Fix generate javadoc for kafka-connect-adaptor failed #11807
  • Fix unnecessary user interactions when building pulsar-standalone image #11623
  • Do not expose meaningless stats for publisher #11454
  • Add metrics storageLogicalSize for the TopicStats and NamespaceStats #11430
  • Compress managed ledger info #11490
  • Print message metadata when getting message by id #11092
  • Query parameter "negativeAckRedeliveryDelay" should be effective even if DLQ is disabled #11495
  • Fix websocket TLS bug #11243
  • Fix the Pulsar Proxy flaky test (Collector already registered that provides name: jvm_memory_direct_bytes_used) #11900
  • Fix flaky test testReacquireLocksAfterSessionLost #11815
  • Fix flaky test testUpdateDynamicLocalConfiguration #11115
  • Fix flaky test testBrokerRanking #11114
  • Fix flaky test in AdminApiOffloadTest #11028
  • Fix the flaky test in the ManagedLedgerTest #11016
  • Make Metadata ZKSessionTest less Flaky #10955
  • Make MetadataCacheTest reliable. #10877
  • Fix pulsar_standalone docker image build failed #11862
  • Producer getting producer busy is removing existing producer from list #11804
  • Revert PR 11594 to avoid copy data to direct buffer #11792
  • Upgrade aircompressor to 0.20 #11790
  • Fix wrappedBuffer always using the same block of memory #11782
  • Fix com.squareup.okhttp-okhttp-2.7.4.jar unaccounted for in LICENSE bug #11769
  • Handle NPE and memory leak when full key range isn't covered with active consumers #11749
  • Call .release() when discarding entry to prevent direct memory leak #11748
  • Avoid duplicated disconnecting producers after fail to add entry#11741
  • Expose compaction metrics to Prometheus #11739
  • Fix the topic in a fenced state and can not recover#11737
  • Remove subscription when closing Reader on non-persistent topics #11731
  • Fix branch-2.8 cherry-pick issue. #11694
  • KeyShared dispatcher on non-persistent topics was not respecting consumer flow-control #11692
  • Fix the bug, can not update topic when the update topicName is contained by an existed topic as a part #11686
  • If a topic has compaction policies configured, we must ensure the subscription is always pre-created #11672
  • Fix testSetReplicatedSubscriptionStatus run failed #11661
  • Fix Pulsar didn't respond error messages when throw InterceptException #11650
  • Fix license mismatch #11645
  • Remove unnecessary jar name in LICENSE files #11644
  • Fix java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer when enabling topic metadata compression #11594
  • Fix decode compression managedLedgerInfo data #11569
  • Fix data lost when using earliest position to subscribe to a topic #11547
  • Add test for auto-created partitioned system topic #11545
  • Replace orElse with orElseGet to avoid calling too many times. #11542
  • Fix the schema deletion when delete topic with delete schema #11501
  • Add metrics for writing or reading size of cursor #11500
  • Do not create system topic for heartbeat namespace #11499
  • Add additional servlet support to broker #11498
  • Add metrics [AddEntryWithReplicasBytesRate] for namespace #11472
  • Deep copy the tenants to avoid concurrent sort exception #11463
  • Reduce the probability of cache inconsistencies #11423
  • Reduce integration test memory usage in CI #11414
  • Swap getTopicReference(topic) with serviceUnit.includes to reduce calling getTopicReference #11405
  • Invalidate the read handle after all cursors are consumed#11389
  • Parallel Precise Publish Rate Limiting Fix #11372
  • Fix concurrency issues in NarUnpacker #11343
  • Close the replicator and replication client when delete cluster#11342
  • Add multi roles support for authorization #11341
  • Fix NPE when unloading persistent partitioned topic #11310
  • Fixed retention of keys in compaction #11287
  • Fix missing replicator metrics #11264
  • Simplify managedLedger retention trim logic #11255
  • Fix retention size policy delete too much ledgers #11242
  • Fix init WebSocketService with ClusterData #11234
  • Make the compaction phase one loop timeout configurable #11206
  • Fixed using CommandSubscribe.getConsumerName() without checking #11199
  • Fix some typos of the PersistentTopics #11187
  • Fix failing auth test. #11186
  • Fix the deadlock when using hasMessageAvailableAsync and readNextAsync #11183
  • Fix compaction entry read exception #11175
  • Set -Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true for pulsar processes #11138
  • Fix broker dispatch byte rate limiter. #11135
  • Change test group to broker for ReplicatorTest and fix the test #11134
  • Fix subscription permission not working in reset cursor #11132
  • Fix Flaky-test: [TopicFromMessageTest].[testMultiTopicConsumerBatchShortName #11125
  • Fix the timestamp description for resetCursor #11121
  • Fix MsgDropRate missing from NonPersistentTopics stats output. #11119
  • Fix GetListInBundle return all Topics in bundle #11110
  • Added missing configuration entries #11095
  • Fix inputs to return a list of topic #11094
  • Add authoritative flag for topic policy to avoid redirect loop #11051
  • Made the PulsarClusterMetadataTeardown deletes idempotent #11042
  • Fix flaky test testEnableAndDisableTopicDelayedDelivery #11009
  • Do not expose meaningless stats for consumers#11005
  • Fix NoClassDefFoundError - io.airlift.compress.lz4.UnsafeUtil #10983
  • Fix direct memory leak in getLastMessageId #10977
  • Fix the backlog issue with --precise-backlog=true #10966
  • Fix create partitioned topic in replicated namespace #10963
  • Fix incorrect port of advertisedListener #10961
  • Fix NonRecoverableLedgerException when get last message ID by Reader #10957
  • Fix compaction not working for system topic #10941
  • Fix peek message failure when broker entry metadata is enabled #10924
  • Fix the unit tests for the websocket and run tests under websocket group #10921
  • When the Replicator is enabled, no managedLedger is created when updating the number of partitions #10910
  • Correct code example in transaction doc #10901
  • When topic does not exist, optimize the prompt message #10845

Topic Policy

  • Refine topic level backlog quota policies warning log #11863
  • Avoid redundant calls for getting the offload policies from the offloader #11629
  • Fix some topic policy operation without backoff #11560
  • Add backoff for setting for getting topic policies#11487
  • Disable replicating system topic across clusters#11376
  • When deleting a topic, delete the topic policy together#11316
  • Fix using partitioned topic name to get Policy #11294
  • Fix replay topic policy message not work #11136
  • Fix race condition of the SystemTopicBasedTopicPoliciesService #11097
  • Fix retention policy in topic policy not work #11021
  • Fix potential data lost on the system topic when topic compaction have not triggered yet #11003
  • Make getTopicPoliciesAsyncWithRetry as a default method #11518


  • Fixed Proxy leaking outbound connections #11848


  • Support protobuf schema for Pulsar function #11709
  • Fix cast exception occurs if function/source/sink type is ByteBuffer #11611
  • Fix source stats exposing empty exceptions list #11478
  • Set exposePulsarAdmin to true if enabled #11417
  • Add instanceId and fqn into log message properties #11399
  • Fix tls_validate_hostname is not supported in python functions runtime #11087
  • Use the subscription name defined in function details #11076
  • Fix build failure because of spotbugs #10792
  • Use keyword argument to create pulsar_client #11080

Java Client

  • Fixed accessing MessageImpl after it was enqueued on user queue #11824
  • Remove consumer reference from PulsarClient on subscription failure #11758
  • Clean up MultiTopicsConsumerImpl reference on consumer creation failure #11754
  • Fix null MessageId may be passed to its compareTo() method #11607
  • Fix Consumer listener does not respect receiver queue size #11455
  • Avoid infinite waiting for consumer close #11347
  • Fix non-persistent topic get partitioned metadata error on discovery #10806
  • Add AvroSchema UUID support fix #10428
  • Handle receiveAsync() failures in MultiTopicsConsumer #11843
  • Fix bin/pulsar-client produce not supporting v2 topic name through websocket #11069
  • Fixed race condition on multi-topic consumer #11764
  • Forget to update memory usage on message send timeout #11761
  • Fixed block forever bug in Consumer.batchReceive #11691
  • Fix add listenerName for geo-replicator #10779

C++ Client

  • Use same regex code at ZTSClient #11323
  • Use sendRequestWithId to add timeout to hasMessageAvailable #11600
  • Fix bugs that were not exposed by broken C++ CI before #11557
  • Simple implementation of getting number of references from C++ client #11535
  • Fix brew error in site docs to compile C++ client. #11512
  • Support Windows Debug mode build #11302
  • Fix missed header for some compilers #11152
  • Fix boost download link in Dockerfile #11129
  • Fix Setting KeySharedMeta in SubscribeCommand #11088
  • Fix Windows 32 bits compile and runtime failures #11082
  • Add connection timeout configuration #11029
  • Fix Windows build issues about static library #10956
  • Fix incorrect connect timeout implementation #11889
  • Fix CPP build not failing when tests fail #11575
  • Avoid throwing exceptions when setting socket option #11329

Python Client

  • Fix redefined Record or Enum in Python schema #11595
  • Fix Python doc generate #11585
  • Fix Python schema array map with record #11530
  • Fixed import when AvroSchema is not being used #11034
  • Fix deadlock caused by ExecutorService::close #11882
  • Fixed crash when using Python logger #10981
  • Ensure producer is keeping the client object alive #11887
  • Fix fields that are ignoring the required key argument #11508
  • Fix handle complex schema #11400
  • Check if the record is not None #11559


  • Upgrade commons-compress to 1.21 #11345
  • Fix GetTopicsOfNamespace with binary lookup service not check auth #11172
  • Use ubuntu:20.04 base image for Pulsar docker images #11026
  • Upgrade vertx to 3.9.8 to address CVE-2019-17640 #10889
  • Exclude and remove freebuilder dependency #10869
  • Upgrade bouncycastle version to 1.69 #10867
  • Upgrade K8s client-java to 12.0.1 #10866
  • Upgrade caffeine to 2.9.1 #10865
  • Upgrade commons-codec to 1.15 #10864
  • Load credentials from secrets for Kinesis connectors #10822
  • Forbid to read other topic's data in managedLedger layer #11912
  • Bump Netty version to 4.1.66.Final #11344


  • Pending ack set managed ledger config true #11494
  • Add getTxnID method in #11438
  • Fix direct memory leak related to commit and abort markers #11407
  • Fix transaction buffer client handle endTxn op when topic or sub have been deleted#11304
  • Fix the transaction markers that are not deleted as expected#11126
  • Fix delete sub then delete pending ack#11023
  • Prevent NPE in case of closeAsync() without a successful execution of startAsync() #10948
  • Fixed possible deadlock in the initialization of MLTransactionLog #11194
  • Fix broker init transaction related topic. #11022

Pulsar Admin

  • Fix pulsar admin method:getMessageById#11852
  • Allow create functions with package URL #11666
  • Add compacted topic metrics for TopicStats in CLI #11564
  • Fix time based backlog quota. #11509
  • Add offload ledger info for admin topics stats #11465
  • Add complete metadata for admin.topics().examineMessages #11443
  • Remove duplicate check for replicationClusterSet #11429
  • Pulsar Admin List Subscription lists only subscriptions created for Partition-0 when partition specific subscriptions are created #11355
  • Expose broker entry metadata and deliverAtTime to peekMessages/getMessages #11279
  • Allow null to be set as namespace level subscription TTL #11253
  • Enable peeking encrypted batch messages #11244
  • Fix async response filter #11052
  • Add error log for schema admin operation #11427

Tiered Storage

  • OffloadPoliciesImplBuilder missing method and not implements OffloadPolicies.Builder #11453
  • Remove unused listener to reduce creating executor pool #11215

Pulsar IO

  • Make KafkaSourceRecord ack() non-blocking to avoid deadlock #11435
  • Allow Sinks to use native AVRO and JSON #11322
  • Refine the key in redis sink when key is null #11192
  • Change the nar package name for pulsar-io-kafka-connect-adaptor #10976