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Release notes: sprint 9

njx edited this page Jun 2, 2012 · 20 revisions

What's new in Sprint 9

We didn't add major new user-visible features in Sprint 9. Our main goals for the sprint were similar to the previous sprint - Continue to make progress on the extensibility architecture of Brackets: research, basic architecture and extensibility API:

  • Architecture / Research

    • CEF3 vs. Chromium Content Shell research (Glenn)
    • Node vs V8 for bridging into native (Glenn, Joel, Raymond) Note: "This is research in a very early stage, however a prototype implementation is checked into the node-proxy branches in adobe/brackets and adobe/brackets-app repos".
  • Extensibility:

Major external contributions

  • ryanstewart made improvements to the performance of sidebar resizing
  • cantrell added Increase/Decrease Font Size (Cmd-=/-)
  • jrowny upgraded LESS to 1.3.0 and investigated migrating to Bootstrap 2
  • idflood enabled syntax coloring for a bunch of different file types
  • conradz made it so you can open multiple files from the Open dialog
  • bugfixes from timkim and amritayan

Bugs fixed in Sprint 9

See closed sprint 9 bugs. A few other bugs might have been fixed that weren't tagged.

Known issues in Sprint 9

Upcoming features

Here are some things we're planning to do over the next few sprints:

  • Commit Scrolling CodeMirror Enhancements
  • Increase / Decrease Code Font Size
  • Editor HTML Context Menus and Submenues
  • Specify css stylesheets
  • Continue performance research and enhancements
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