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Joris Gillis edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 7 revisions

Many functions in CasADi have links in their documentation.

E.g. Python help(casadi.substitute) or Matlab help casadi.subsitute may show lines like this:

    Extra doc:
    Doc source:

The Extra doc link leads to a wiki page, editable by anyone.

What can I edit in the wiki page?

In principle, everything. It's a wiki right.

Do note that the 'Standard documentation for ...' section is auto-generated from source (Doc source link). Your edits in this section will be lost when a new release happens.

The 'Extra documentation' section is the best place to write additions.

The purpose of the 'Extra documentation' is to present the community with a low-barrier mechanism to add documentation (not needing to delve into source code and work with pull requests). Information you add here may end up in the official source code eventually.

What kind of information would be useful to add?

Anything that may have helped you when you first set out to understand a certain function:

  • minimal examples
  • typical use
  • caveats
  • links to literature
  • links to other software frameworks

Will my addition be reviewed?

Not necessarily, no. The 'Extra documentation' is a community effort. We do not monitor changes in the wiki.

What if I want to contribute to the documentation source?

Navigate to the Doc source link, and make a pull request. Here is an example of a commit that edits documentation source:

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