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Joris Gillis edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

Standard documentation for Sparsity.qr_sparse,qr_sparse:

 Symbolic QR factorization.

 qr_sparse(self, bool amd) -> (Sparsity OUTPUT, Sparsity OUTPUT, [int] OUTPUT, [int] OUTPUT)

Returns the sparsity pattern of V (compact representation of Q) and R as well as vectors needed for the numerical factorization and solution. The implementation is a modified version of CSparse Copyright(c) Timothy A. Davis, 2006-2009 Licensed as a derivative work under the GNU LGPL

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 Symbolic QR factorization.

 qr_sparse(DM A, bool amd) -> (DM OUTPUT1, DM OUTPUT2, DM OUTPUT3, [int] OUTPUT4, [int] OUTPUT5)
 qr_sparse(SX A, bool amd) -> (SX OUTPUT1, SX OUTPUT2, SX OUTPUT3, [int] OUTPUT4, [int] OUTPUT5)

Returns the sparsity pattern of V (compact representation of Q) and R as well as vectors needed for the numerical factorization and solution. The implementation is a modified version of CSparse Copyright(c) Timothy A. Davis, 2006-2009 Licensed as a derivative work under the GNU LGPL

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