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Joel Andersson edited this page Aug 12, 2014 · 1 revision

Coding guidelines for CasADi

  • Keep a clear separation between public classes and internal classes. Public classes should be interfaced to SWIG/Python.
  • SXElement should be avoided in examples and tutorials in favor of SX too keep the number of new concepts introduced to users low.
  • MX should mirror SX as close as possible
    • This is why indexing into SX returns a 1x1 matrix, rather than SX. The same holds for DMatrix
  • The mapping from CasADi C++ to a hosted language should be close to 1-to-1
  • No external dependencies are allowed in the core
  • There is one exception to this rule: OpenCL is now an optional dependency
  • CasADi should throw helpful and information-loaded error messages for new/confused users
  • E.g. When multiplying matrices of unequal size
   RuntimeError: matrix_matrix: dimension mismatch.
   Left argument has shape (2 x 2 = 4 | 4), right has shape (5 x 5 = 25 | 25)
  • CasADi uses the following naming conventions:
  • Non-public data members should have lower-case names and end with underscore "_"
  • Public data members should have lower-case names
  • Local variables have lower-case names, this includes function arguments
  • Classes use CamelCase
  • Function (member functions and other) have lower-case names
  • Abreviations "QP", "NLP" etc. are written in upper-case
  • Constants are written in UPPER_CASE
  • Options using the OptionsFunctionality class are written in lower-case
  • CasADi is a C++ package, C syntax is not permitted, e.g.
  • No "printf" for printing, use input/output streams
  • Error handling by exceptions not return flags
  • Avoid macros and defines, use typedefs and constants instead
  • Use new/delete instead of malloc/free, or better avoid it altogether and use CasADi's reference counting
  • SharedObject internal classes must have one constructor only, use of the implicit copy constructor (and hence also operator=) is strongly encouraged
  • Also have a lock at the following style guidelines
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