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Releases: memgraph/memgraph


01 Nov 16:55
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v2.12 - Nov 1, 2023

New features and improvements

  • Snapshot and WAL files version have been updated. Snapshot and WAL files created with Memgraph v2.12 and higher won't be usable in previous versions of Memgraph (v2.11.1 and lower). #1281
  • Memgraph can now start the instance in any storage mode, defined by the --storage-mode configuration flag.
  • The SHOW STORAGE INFO; query now returns memory allocations in B, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB, rather than just B to make the information easily readable.#1366
  • Client libraries you can use to connect to Memgraph are now able to retry the queries in order to complete the transactions successfully. #1361
  • Information about the graph after running the ANALYZE GRAPH; is now persistent between instance reruns. #1281
  • Now, you can employ index hints to fine-tune the planner behavior. #1345
  • In certain situations, Memgraph returns a hint to create indexes to speed up read queries. #1343
  • The SHOW INDEX INFO; now also returns the information about the number of assigned indexes. #1229
  • Now, you can register REPLICA instances using DNS names. #1323
  • You can now use keys() and values() functions to get a list of keys and values of a map.#1246
  • You can now use schema procedures to get information about nodes and
    relationships or convert.str2object() function to convert strings to objects using Python's json.dumps function. #1384
  • In your custom query modules, you can now remove the last element of a path in C++ API using path.Pop(), C API using mgp_path_pop and Python API using path.pop(). #1249
  • KeyExists function that checks the existance of a key in a map has been added to the C++ API.#1336
  • You can now change the relationship type using mgp::Graph::ChangeType in C++ API and mgp::graph_edge_change_type in C API.
  • Reading of nodes stored on disk is now 2x faster. #1266
  • Searching for relationships stored on disk is now faster due to the ability to expand from a single node, rather than searching through all relationships.#1335
  • Due to several smaller improvements, Memgraph uses less memory and the garbage collection is more efficient. #1387
  • The query inspection report using EXPLAIN and PROFILE clauses now provides information about the operands of the Filter operator. #1265
  • Queries that have multiple MATCH clauses and the results are joined in aWHERE clause now execute more efficiently, due to the to the new HashJoin operator. #1226
  • The new Cartesian product operator optimizes queries that match nodes without relationship. #1193
  • Filtering and producing expressions in WITH and FILTER clauses have been optimized by adding cache. #1432
  • The verification of unique and existence constraints has been optimized. Constraints are now verified only when updating node labels or properties, as updates on relationships do not influence constraints. #1341

Bug fixes

  • The DISTINCT clause no longer influences other aggregates, that is, shows distinct values as exepcted. #1235
  • Any attempt to change the isolation level in in-memory analytical and on-disk storage mode will throw an exception. #1367
  • A bug that would cause the memory limit not to be honored has been fixed. #1250
  • The SHOW CONFIG; query now shows the correct values for the configuration settings, even if they were changed during runtime. #1278
  • Procedure names of the key:value pairs mapped in a JSON file no longer need to be identical to be correctly mapped. #1252
  • There are no longer data discrepancies between a REPLICA instance which is syncin with a new MAIN instance that became MAIN by being upgraded from the REPLICA role. #1370
  • A bug has been fixed which would shut down Memgraph when fetching data from SQL database. #1299
  • When setting a memory limit using --memory-limit config flag, Memgraph now stops the transactions exceeding the limit as expected. #1250 #1340
  • Memgraph now throws an exception when its out of memory, insted of not reporting an issue. #1379


13 Sep 17:48
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v2.11 - Sep 13, 2023

New features and improvements

  • The following configurational settings can now be changed during runtime:
    server name, query execution timeout, log level and the option to log to
    stderr. Use the following queries to set the configuration:
    SET DATABASE SETTING '' TO 'new-name';
    SET DATABASE SETTING 'query.timeout' TO '100';
    SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.to_stderr' TO 'true`;
  • The default value of --bolt-server-name-for-init is now Neo4j/v5.11.0 compatible graph database server - Memgraph. #1183
  • When working at a snapshot isolation level, if a certain graph object is
    changed multiple times as a part of one of many parallel transactions, the
    delta chain tracking its changes becomes very long. Every other parallel
    transaction dependent on that object needs to access and process that delta
    chain to get its correct state, which can be very expensive regarding CPU
    usage. Now, Memgraph is caching delta chains of 128 or more changes that need
    to be frequently accessed, which eliminates the need of processing the chain
    and improves performance. If you would benefit from changing at what length
    the delta chain should be cashed, adjust the value of the
    --delta-chain-cache-threshold configuration flag.
  • During recovery from a snapshot, the recovery of each graph object or property
    is no longer logged in the TRACE setting. The log now only indicates the
    recovery progress. #1054
  • Updating indices and constraints has been streamlined, significantly improving
    execution time for everybody making heavy use of them.
    #1159 #1142
  • Queries that build maps with multiple same-variable property lookups have been
    optimized. #1168
  • The batch update of properties improves performance when setting a large
    number of properties, as in this example:
    FOREACH (i in range(0, 1000000) | CREATE (n:Label {id:i}));                              
    CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id);                                                              
    FOREACH (i IN range(0, 1000000, 3) | MERGE (n:Label {id:i}) SET n += {prop2:"a1", prop3:"b2", prop4:"c3", prop5:"d4", prop6:"e5", prop7:"f6", prop8:"g7", prop9:"h8", prop10:"i9", prop11:"j10 q"});
  • Setting properties is also improved by caching mappings of property name to
    internal property id. #1147
  • Performance has been improved for concurrent operations contending on the same
    node. #1187
  • When a query is executing in many iterations over the graph entities, the
    performance has been improved by 100% due to faster scanning of nodes, for example:
    UNWIND RANGE (1, 500) AS i CREATE ();
    MATCH (),(),() RETURN COUNT(*);
  • The query engine is more performant as at all times it is scanning and
    expanding nodes instead of scanning both source and destination nodes and
    then expanding to the relationship between them.
  • The expansion of node is no longer only done from left to right. Depending on
    the previous executions and how many relationships needed to be check on
    MERGE, the engine knows the fewest vector necessary to expand.
  • Users can now call ToString() method on mgp::Value and Memgraph's data
    types when writing query modules using C++
  • Trigger functions can now access deleted vertices from deleted edge when
    processed. #1209
  • When developing query modules using C++ API, you can now get the In and
    Out degrees of a node in O(1) time complexity. #1217
  • The C++ API now enables you to change relationship start (from) and end (to)
    nodes with mgp::Graph.SetFrom and mgp::Graph.SetTo methods.
  • SHOW INDEX INFO now displays index information in alphabetic order for
    easier orientation. #1178
  • The performance of DETACH DELETE query has been improved.
  • The PROFILE query now generates a table with operators in the same order as
    in the plan constructed with the EXPLAIN query.
  • The import of relationships in on-disk storage mode can be improved by
    switching to READ ONLY VERTEX MODE;.

Bug fixes

  • When projecting a map from a variable that happens to be null, the projection
    will have a null value instead of displaying an error.
  • When using the C++ API you can now construct std::set of values (find unique
    values) by iterating over mgp::List as expected, and successfully perform
    any other operations dependent on the STL container requirements.
  • The mgp::DispatcherGuard also works as expected now.


22 Aug 11:42
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v2.10.1 - Aug 22, 2023

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Improved performance on batch update of properties, e.g., MATCH (n) SET n += {prop1:1, prop2:2, ...}; #1115
  • Added a delta cache to improve query performance. This helps in situations of repeated reads of vertices which have many delta changes caused by another transaction while the current transaction is operating with snapshot isolation level and so needs to process those deltas. This can be tuned using --delta-chain-cache-threshold. #1124
  • Concurrent access to the same query module had a race-condition on the pointer that was used to handle the custom memory management. A mapping has been added that keeps the information about what thread used what pointer to handle the memory resources, which should be fine since the respected query executions are running on a dedicated thread. Access to the mapping itself is thread-safe. A simple RWLock has been implemented here, as we shouldn't include memgraph::utils from this header and a traditional mutex might be overkill. A simple RAII wrapper for the mapping container has been also added for simpler client-side use #1158


02 Aug 16:59
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v2.10 - Aug 2, 2023

New features and improvements

  • The new multi-tenant support available in the Enterprise Edition of Memgraph enables you to manage multiple isolated databases within a single instance. The primary objective is to facilitate efficient resource isolation, maintain data integrity, and manage access for different clients. #952
  • The configuration flag storage-recover-on-startup has been deprecated and replaced with data_recovery_on_startup to support multi-tenancy. The storage-recover-on-startup can still be used until the next release planned for mid-September.
  • If you want to replace procedure names your application calls without changing the application code, you can define the mapping of the old and new procedure names in a JSON file, then set the path to the files as the value of the query-callable-mappings-path configuration flag. #1018
  • The C++ API for writing custom query modules now enables:
    • inserting mgp::Any datatype into Record. #1094
    • comparing two mgp::Value variables with the < operator. #1090
    • printing the type of mgp::Type enumeration using the << operator. For example, if you have a mgp::List list, cout<< list <<endl will output "list". #1080
    • printing mgp::Value variables (except mgp::Path, mgp::List and mgp::Map types) using the << operator. #1127
    • using the mgp::Value variables and all its subtypes (mgp::Map, mgp::Path, ...) inside hash structures such as std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set. #1093
    • deleting and updating map elements with mgp::Map.Update(key, &value), mgp::Map.Update(key, &&value) and mgp::Map.Erase(key) functions. #1103
    • removing properties from nodes with RemoveProperty() function and labels with RemoveLabel() function. #1128 #1126
    • Also, the mgp::Value wrapper for Memgraph's data types has been extended to return subtypes which are modifiable (non-const). #1099
  • The C API for writing custom query modules now enables:
    • deleting and updating map elements with mgp_map_update(map, key, value) and mgp_map_erase(map, key) functions. #1103
    • removing labels from nodes with RemoveLabel() function. #1126
  • Memgraph supports transaction timeouts defined by the Bolt protocol if the connection to the database is established via the JavaScript client. #1046
  • Queries exploring all shortest paths now use considerably less memory without significant performance deterioration. #981
  • Users with fine-grained privileges will experience better performance when running queries due to user information cashing. Any changes to the user privileges will be ignored until the next login. #1109

Bug fixes

  • Connection with Bolt v5.2 now works as expected when returning a path as a result. #1108
  • Serializing vertex and edge properties to RocksDB now works as expected even when the serialization buffer is exactly 15B. #1111
  • Users created in the Community Edition persist when the instance is upgraded to an Enterprise Edition. #1067


20 Jul 14:06
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v2.9.0 - July 20, 2023

NOTE: In order to enable the REPLICA instances to restart and continue their role in the replication cluster without disconnecting from it, Memgraph 2.9 introduced a new configuration flag --replication-restore-state-on-startup which is false by default. Using this configuration flag you decided whether any instance, MAIN or REPLICA, will regain their previous role in the replication cluster. If your current project is using replication and you do not introduce this configuration flag set to true on MAIN instances, upon restart they will be disconnected from their replication clusters. By setting this configuration flag to true on REPLICA instances, upon restart REPLICAs will remember their role and configuration in a replication cluster.

New features and improvements

  • The new ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL storage mode allows you to store data on disk rather than in-memory. Check the implementation and implications in the reference guide. #850
  • Memgraph now works with all Bolt v5.2 drivers. #938
  • The LOAD CSV clause has several new improvements:
    • You can now import data from web-hosted CSV files by passing the URL as a file location. You can also import files compressed with gzip or bzip2 algorithms. #1027
    • To speed up the execution of the LOAD CSV clause, you can add MATCH and MERGE entities prior to reading the rows from a CSV file. But, the MATCH or MERGE clause has to return just one row or Memgraph will throw an exception. #916
    • If a certain sequence of characters in a CSV file needs to be imported as null, you can now specify them with the NULLIF option of the LOAD CSV clause. #914
  • You can now use mgp::Type::Any while developing a custom query procedure with the C++ API to specify that the argument of the procedure can be of any type. #982
  • When you need to differentiate transactions, you can now define and pass transaction metadata via the client and check it in Memgraph by running the SHOW TRANSACTIONS; query. #945
  • You can now create custom batch procedures in Python and C++ that process data in batches, thus consuming less memory.
  • The ANALYZE GRAPH; query now includes information about the degree of all nodes to enhance the MERGE optimizations on supernodes. #1026
  • The --replication-restore-state-on-startup configuration flag allows you to define whether instances in the replication cluster will regain their roles upon restart (true) or restart as disconnected "blank" MAIN instances (default setting false). This flag resolved the unwanted behavior of restarted REPLICA instances disconnecting from the cluster, but it also needs to be introduced to MAIN instances so they are not disconnected from the cluster upon restart. #791

Bug fixes

  • init-file and init-data-file configuration flags allow the execution of queries from a CYPHERL file, prior to or immediately after the Bolt server starts and are now possible to configure in the Community Edition as well. #850
  • The IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL storage mode now deallocates memory as expected and no longer consumes memory excessively. #1025
  • When no values are returned from a map, a null is returned instead of an exception occurring. #1039


18 May 11:47
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v2.8 - May 18, 2023

New features and improvements

  • Data recovery is now up to 6x faster depending on the number of available cores, as snapshot loading is distributed among several threads. #868
  • During the recovery, indexes can also be created using multiple threads, thus speeding up the process. #882
  • Memgraph now exposes system metrics via an HTTP endpoint, so you can get information about transactions, query latency and various other properties. #940
  • It’s now possible to use the map projection syntax to create maps. Map projections are convenient for building maps based on existing values and they are used by data access tools like GraphQL and Spring Data. #892
  • You can now check if the data directory is (un)locked with the DATA DIRECTORY LOCK STATUS; query. #933
  • You can now check the current the current storage mode and isolation levels by running the SHOW STORAGE INFO; query. #883
  • Check the suspected build type of the Memgraph executable by running the SHOW BUILD INFO; query. #894
  • Performance has been improved by optimizing the deallocation of resources in Memgraph's custom PoolResource memory allocator. #898

Bug fixes

  • Running Python procedures now consume less memory. #932
  • Memory allocation in LOAD CSV queries has been optimized to avoid performance degradation. #877
  • Query profiles of the LOAD CSV queries now show the correct values of memory usage. #885


05 Apr 13:28
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New features and improvements

  • You can now choose between two different storage modes:
    • Transactional mode - the default database mode that favors
      strongly-consistent ACID transactions using WAL files and periodic
      snapshots, but requires more time and resources during data import and
    • Analytical mode - speeds up import and data analysis but offers no ACID
      guarantees besides manually created snapshots.
      Switch between modes within the session using the STORAGE MODE IN_MEMORY_{TRANSACTIONAL|ANALYTICAL}; query. #772
  • You can now call subqueries inside existing queries using the CALL clause. #794
  • When you want to filter data using properties that all have label:property
    indexes set, you can make Memgraph analyze the properties on all or several
    labels with the ANALYZE GRAPH; query. By calculating the distribution of
    property values, Memgraph will be able to select the optimal index for the
    query and it will execute faster. #812
  • If, for example, you are no longer interested in the results of the query you
    ran, or the procedure you built is running in an infinite loop, you can stop
    the transaction with the TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS tid; query; Find out the
    transaction ID with SHOW TRANSACTIONS; query. #790
  • With the new flag password-encryption-algorithm you can choose between
    bcrypt, sha256, and sha256-multiple encryption algorithms. SHA256 offers
    better performance compared to the more secure but less performant bcrypt. #839
  • Import using the LOAD CSV clause has been further improved by


  • The users who have global visibility on the graph will experience a slight
    improvement in performance regarding label-based access control as the engine
    no longer check privileges for each node. #837
  • The All shortest paths algorithm now supports multiedges. #832


08 Mar 14:50
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Major features and improvements

  • Importing speed using the LOAD CSV clause has been improved due to two changes:
    • Performance improvement in accessing values from large arrays or maps with numerous properties. #744
    • Upon creating a large number of node or relationship properties, properties are stored in a property store all at once, instead of individually. #788
  • Newly implemented exists() function allows using patterns as part of the filtering clause. Check the Cypher Manual for usage. #818
  • With the new Python mock query module API, you can now develop and test Python query modules for Memgraph without having to run a Memgraph instance. The mock API is compatible with the Python API and thus developed modules can be added to Memgraph as-is. #757
  • Memgraph now supports Fedora 36 and Ubuntu 22.04 for ARM. #787 #810

Bug fixes

  • torch and igraph can no longer be removed from the svs.modules cache to avoid issues after reload. #720
  • Newly created nodes now comply with the set label based authorisation rules. #755
  • Constructing LocalDateTime objects with invalid parameters doesn’t crash Memgraph anymore, but throws an informative exception. #819


27 Jan 12:08
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Bug Fixes

  • Variables can be used inside nested FOREACH clauses. #725
  • FOREACH clause can now use indexes if needed (e.g. in case of MERGE). #736
  • C++ API now allows setting and getting node and relationship properties. #732
  • OPTIONAL MATCH can now use label property indexes that are referencing the previously matched variables. #736
  • Iterating over all relationships in a graph now works as expected, as well as checking whether the graph contains a given relationship. #743
  • Implementation of the All Shortest Paths algorithm was fixed so the paths are no longer duplicated when the upper bound is used. #737


19 Jan 14:09
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Bug Fixes

  • The LOAD CSV clause now uses less RAM to load a whole CSV file. #712
  • read_write_type_checker logic correction so queries have the right rw_type, which was a blocker for use on replicas. #709
  • Fixed a trigger bug where Memgraph is configured to run without properties on edges. Triggers are now working as expected where there are no properties on edges. #717
  • qid now available in transactions as part of metadata. #721