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Releases: mui/material-ui


29 May 11:24
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A big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible.
This release focuses primarily on 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.







All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @akash191095, @brijeshb42, @canac, @DavidCnoops, @gitstart, @hbjORbj, @JhonnK08, @LukasTy, @michaldudak, @necatiozmen, @nicolas-ot, @oliviertassinari, @sai6855, @ZeeshanTamboli, @zignis


22 May 16:53
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A big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
📚 This release focuses primarily on documentation improvements.




All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @brijeshb42, @cherniavskii, @danilo-leal, @m4theushw, @michaldudak, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @PunitSoniME, @sai6855, @TinaSay, @ZeeshanTamboli


17 May 07:10
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A big thanks to the 25 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🌏 Added Central Myanmar (my-MY), Malay (ms-MS), Nepali (ne-NP), Tagalog (tl-TL) locales (#37017) @cccEric
  • 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.


  • [Autocomplete] Allow tooltip text selection (#36503) @safeamiiir
  • [Dialog] Fixed broken dialog when using maxWidth="xs" and custom breakpoint unit (#37237) @jguddas
  • [l10n] Add Central Myanmar (my-MY), Malay (ms-MS), Nepali (ne-NP), Tagalog (tl-TL) locales (#37017) @cccEric


  • [utils] Fix downstream bundlers remove React 17 useId compatibility (#37183) @nickiaconis


  • [Select][base] Keep focus on the trigger element when listbox is open (#37244) @michaldudak




All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @Bastian, @binh1298, @cccEric, @cherniavskii, @DerTimonius, @DiegoAndai, @flaviendelangle, @hbjORbj, @jguddas, @kkocdko, @kriskw1999, @mauwaz, @michaldudak, @mnajdova, @nickiaconis, @nicolas-ot, @oliviertassinari, @PunitSoniME, @richbustos, @safeamiiir, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @uuxxx, @zanivan, @ZeeshanTamboli


10 May 08:18
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A big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🚀 Base UI is now in beta - all planned breaking changes are now complete!
  • 🗺 We have a new project roadmap on GitHub where you can learn about what's coming next.
  • 🐛 Various bug fixes, 📚 documentation and 🧪 testing improvements






All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @akash191095, @DanailH, @danilo-leal, @DerTimonius, @gerdadesign, @hbjORbj, @kriskw1999, @michaldudak, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @PunitSoniME, @romgrk, @sai6855, @ulrichstark, @uuxxx, @wewakekumar, @ZeeshanTamboli, @zignis


02 May 15:07
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May 2, 2023

A big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • all planned breaking changes for Base UI are done. The first beta release should come next week 🎉
  • 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.




Breaking changes

  • The component prop is no longer supported because it can be replaced with the slots API. This is how the transformation will look like:

    -  component="span"
    +  slots={{ root: "span" }}

    If using TypeScript, the custom component type should be added as a generic on the Button component.

    +<Button<typeof CustomComponent>
       slots={{ root: CustomComponent }}

    There is codemod that you can run in your project to do the transformation:

    npx @mui/codemod v5.0.0/base-remove-component-prop <path>

    The full documentation about the codemod can be found here.

    This is the list of PR related to this change:

  • ​[base] Improve API consistency (#36970) @michaldudak

    Brought consistency to Base UI components and hooks' parameters and return values:

    1. Whenever a hook needs a ref, it's now called <slot_name>Ref, which matches the get<slot_name>Props in the return value.
    2. All hooks that accept external refs now return merged refs, making combining multiple hooks on one element easier. This was proven necessary in several compound components (like menuItem being both a button and a list item). The type of this value is React.RefCallback as using the more general React.Ref caused variance issues.
    3. Type of accepted refs is standardized to React.Ref<Element>
    4. Naming and typing of the forwarded ref in unstyled components were standardized - it's forwardedRef: React.ForwardedRef (unless a more specific type is needed).
    5. The shape of the definition of unstyled components was standardized - it's React.forwardRef(function Component(props: Props, forwardedRef: React.Ref) { ... });. Specifically, the generic parameters of forwardRef were removed as they are specified in function arguments.


  • ​[FormControl][base] Do not use optional fields in useFormControlContext's return value (#37037) @michaldudak



All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @cherniavskii, @DavidBoyer11, @hbjORbj, @jakub-stastny, @joserodolfofreitas, @maxdestors, @michaldudak, @mj12albert, @mnajdova, @navedqb, @nicolas-ot, @oliviertassinari, @PunitSoniME, @sai6855, @samuelsycamore, @siriwatknp, @varunmulay22, @ZeeshanTamboli


25 Apr 16:51
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Apr 25, 2023

A big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • ⚠️ [BREAKING CHANGE] The Unstyled suffix has been removed from Base UI component names, including names of types and other related identifiers – a codemod script is provided to assist with the change.
  • 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.



Breaking changes

  • ​[base] Remove unstyled suffix from Base components + Codemod script (#36873) @hbjORbj

    The Unstyled suffix has been removed from all Base UI component names, including names of types and other related identifiers.

    You can use this codemod to help with the migration:

    npx @mui/codemod v5.0.0/base-remove-unstyled-suffix <path>


  • ​[codemod][base] Improve the removal of component prop codemod script (#36952) @hbjORbj
  • ​[codemod][base] Write a migration script for removal of component prop from components (#36831) @hbjORbj
  • ​[Base][useButton] Allow useButton params to be completely optional (#36922) @mj12albert


  • ​[Joy][Chip] Chip button not showing up in Firefox browser (#36930) @TakhyunKim
  • ​[Joy] Add invertedColors to Menu and Alert (#36975) @siriwatknp
  • ​[joy][Select] Set focus visible on select options when navigating with arrow keys (#36689) @gitstart



All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @cherniavskii, @danilo-leal, @gitstart, @hbjORbj, @michaldudak, @mj12albert, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @PupoSDC, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @TakhyunKim, @tomaskebrle


17 Apr 16:22
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Apr 17, 2023

A big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible. This release was mostly about 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.


  • ​[Autocomplete] Fix autocomplete left padding (#36649) @mj12albert
  • ​[Button] Fix contained with inherit prop not adapting on dark mode (#34508) @jesrodri
  • ​[FormControlLabel] Add required prop (#34207) @emlai
  • ​[Tabs] Fix null reference in ScrollbarSize after unmounting (#36485) @rkdrnf
  • ​[TextField] Fix type error when using inputTypeSearch class for outlined and filled inputs (#36740) @sai6855
  • ​[ThemeProvider] Fix theme proptypes (#36852) @siriwatknp


Breaking changes

  • ​[Grid2] Replace context with cloneElement (#36399) @siriwatknp

    Grid2 now uses React.cloneElement instead of React context for passing the spacing and columns to the next container. The change is close to how CSS flexbox behaves.



Breaking changes

  • ​[base] Refactor the compound components building blocks (#36400) @michaldudak
    Components affected by the changes are:
    • Menu
      • MenuUnstyledContext is replaced by MenuProvider. The value to pass to the provider is returned by the useMenu hook.
      • MenuUnstyled's onClose prop is replaced by onOpenChange. It has the open parameter and is called when a menu is opened or closed
    • Select
      • SelectUnstyledContext is replaced by SelectProvider. The value to pass to the provider is returned by the useSelect hook.
      • SelectUnstyled's popup is permanently mounted.
      • The defaultOpen prop was added to the SelectUnstyled. The open/close state can now be controlled or uncontrolled, as a value.
    • Tabs
      • TabsContext is replaced by TabsProvider. The value to pass to the provider is returned by the useTabs hook.
      • To deselect all tabs, pass in null to Tabs' value prop, instead of false. This is consistent with how Select works.
      • The value prop is still technically not mandatory on TabUnstyled and TabPanel, but when omitted, the contents of the selected tab panel will not be rendered during SSR.


  • ​[Table][Joy] Replace uses of css selector *-child to *-of-type (#36839) @keyvanm


  • ​ [docs][base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for BadgeUnstyled (#36723) @varunmulay22
  • ​[docs][base] Mention that the hook does not accept any parameters in the Parameters section of the API docs (#36773) @ZeeshanTamboli
  • ​[docs][base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for ModalUnstyled (#36580) @gitstart
  • ​[docs][base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for Tabs (#36577) @gitstart
  • ​[docs][base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for Popper (#36578) @gitstart
  • ​[docs][base] Move styles to the bottom of demos code for TablePagination (#36593) @gitstart
  • ​[docs] Remove the incorrect info about useButton's ref parameter (#36883) @michaldudak
  • ​[docs] Sync between projects (#36785) @oliviertassinari
  • ​[docs] Add guides to overriding component structure in Base UI and Joy UI docs (#34990) @samuelsycamore
  • ​[docs] Content changed from 'row' to 'orientation=horizontal' (#36858) @navedqb
  • ​[docs][Joy] component, slots, slotProps must be visible in Prop table in API docs (#36666) @hbjORbj
  • ​[docs][Select] Fix duplicate ID in small size Select demo (#36792) @sai6855


All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @emlai, @flaviendelangle, @gitstart, @hbjORbj, @jesrodri, @keyvanm, @michaldudak, @mj12albert, @navedqb, @oliviertassinari, @rkdrnf, @sai6855, @samuelsycamore, @siriwatknp, @varunmulay22, @ZeeshanTamboli


11 Apr 09:59
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Apr 11, 2023

A big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:


  • ​[system] Introduce theme scope for using multiple design systems (#36664) @siriwatknp


  • ​[PopperUnstyled] Do not merge internal ownerState with ownerState from props (#36599) @hbjORbj


  • ​[Joy] Add tests for slots/slotProps for all components (#36828) @hbjORbj
  • ​[Joy] Support slots/slotsProps for every component (components with only root slot too) (#36540) @hbjORbj



All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alirezahekmati, @danilo-leal, @hbjORbj, @Lioness100, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @ZeeshanTamboli


05 Apr 05:12
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Apr 4, 2023

A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 💅 Added tabs on API pages of Base UI to switch between component and hook references (#35938) @mnajdova
  • 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.






All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @amal-qb, @danilo-leal, @DevinCLane, @gitstart, @hbjORbj, @HeVictor, @LadyBluenotes, @michaldudak, @mj12albert, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @RBerthier, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @viclafouch, @yushanwebdev


28 Mar 13:10
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Mar 28, 2023

A big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. We have one big highlight this week ✨:




  • [Autocomplete] Update autoSelect prop description (#36280) @sai6855
  • [TablePagination][base] Improve actions type in slotProps (#36458) @sai6855
  • [Base] Add JSDoc comments for classes of Base components (#36586) @hbjORbj
  • [useSlider][base] Add API docs for the hook parameters and return type (#36576) @varunmulay22




All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @danilo-leal, @hbjORbj, @IFaniry, @joserodolfofreitas, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @varunmulay22