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v4.13.0: Perceiver, ImageGPT, mLUKE, Vision-Text dual encoders, QDQBert, new documentation frontend

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@LysandreJik LysandreJik released this 09 Dec 16:07

New Model additions


Eight new models are released as part of the Perceiver implementation: PerceiverModel, PerceiverForMaskedLM, PerceiverForSequenceClassification, PerceiverForImageClassificationLearned, PerceiverForImageClassificationFourier, PerceiverForImageClassificationConvProcessing, PerceiverForOpticalFlow, PerceiverForMultimodalAutoencoding, in PyTorch.

The Perceiver IO model was proposed in Perceiver IO: A General Architecture for Structured Inputs & Outputs by Andrew Jaegle, Sebastian Borgeaud, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Carl Doersch,
Catalin Ionescu, David Ding, Skanda Koppula, Daniel Zoran, Andrew Brock, Evan Shelhamer, Olivier Hénaff, Matthew M.
Botvinick, Andrew Zisserman, Oriol Vinyals, João Carreira.

Compatible checkpoints can be found on the hub:


The mLUKE tokenizer is added. The tokenizer can be used for the multilingual variant of LUKE.

The mLUKE model was proposed in mLUKE: The Power of Entity Representations in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models by Ryokan Ri, Ikuya Yamada, and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka. It's a multilingual extension
of the LUKE model trained on the basis of XLM-RoBERTa.

  • Add mLUKE by @Ryou0634 in #14640

Compatible checkpoints can be found on the hub:


Three new models are released as part of the ImageGPT integration: ImageGPTModel, ImageGPTForCausalImageModeling, ImageGPTForImageClassification, in PyTorch.

The ImageGPT model was proposed in Generative Pretraining from Pixels by Mark
Chen, Alec Radford, Rewon Child, Jeffrey Wu, Heewoo Jun, David Luan, Ilya Sutskever. ImageGPT (iGPT) is a GPT-2-like
model trained to predict the next pixel value, allowing for both unconditional and conditional image generation.

Compatible checkpoints can be found on the hub:


Eight new models are released as part of the QDQBert implementation: QDQBertModel, QDQBertLMHeadModel, QDQBertForMaskedLM, QDQBertForSequenceClassification, QDQBertForNextSentencePrediction, QDQBertForMultipleChoice, QDQBertForTokenClassification, QDQBertForQuestionAnswering, in PyTorch.

The QDQBERT model can be referenced in Integer Quantization for Deep Learning Inference: Principles and Empirical
by Hao Wu, Patrick Judd, Xiaojie Zhang, Mikhail Isaev and Paulius

  • Add QDQBert model and quantization examples of SQUAD task by @shangz-ai in #14066

Semantic Segmentation models

The semantic Segmentation models' API is unstable and bound to change between this version and the next.

The first semantic segmentation models are added. In semantic segmentation, the goal is to predict a class label for every pixel of an image. The models that are added are SegFormer (by NVIDIA) and BEiT (by Microsoft Research). BEiT was already available in the library, but this release includes the model with a semantic segmentation head.

The SegFormer model was proposed in SegFormer: Simple and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers by Enze Xie, Wenhai Wang, Zhiding Yu, Anima Anandkumar, Jose M. Alvarez, Ping Luo. The model consists of a hierarchical Transformer encoder and a lightweight all-MLP decode head to achieve great results on image segmentation benchmarks such as ADE20K and Cityscapes.

The BEiT model was proposed in BEiT: BERT Pre-Training of Image Transformers by Hangbo Bao, Li Dong, Furu Wei. Rather than pre-training the model to predict the class of an image (as done in the original ViT paper), BEiT models are pre-trained to predict visual tokens from the codebook of OpenAI’s DALL-E model given masked patches.

Vision-text dual encoder

Adds VisionTextDualEncoder model in PyTorch and Flax to be able to load any pre-trained vision (ViT, DeiT, BeiT, CLIP's vision model) and text (BERT, ROBERTA) model in the library for vision-text tasks like CLIP.

This model pairs a vision and text encoder and adds projection layers to project the embeddings to another embeddings space with similar dimensions. which can then be used to align the two modalities.


CodeParrot, a model trained to generate code, has been open-sourced in the research projects by @lvwerra.

Language model support for ASR

See for more information.

Flax-specific additions

Adds Flax version of the vision encoder-decoder model, and adds a Flax version of GPT-J.

TensorFlow-specific additions

Vision transformers are here! Convnets are so 2012, now that ML is converging on self-attention as a universal model.

Want to handle real-world tables, where text and data are positioned in a 2D grid? TAPAS is now here for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Automatic checkpointing and cloud saves to the HuggingFace Hub during training are now live, allowing you to resume training when it's interrupted, even if your initial instance is terminated. This is an area of very active development - watch this space for future developments, including automatic model card creation and more.


A new class to automatically select processors is added: AutoProcessor. It can be used for all models that require a processor, in both computer vision and audio.

New documentation frontend

A new documentation frontend is out for the transformers library! The goal with this documentation is to be better aligned with the rest of our website, and contains tools to improve readability. The documentation can now be written in markdown rather than RST.

LayoutLM Improvements

The LayoutLMv2 feature extractor now supports non-English languages, and LayoutXLM gets its own processor.

  • LayoutLMv2FeatureExtractor now supports non-English languages when applying Tesseract OCR. by @Xargonus in #14514
  • Add LayoutXLMProcessor (and LayoutXLMTokenizer, LayoutXLMTokenizerFast) by @NielsRogge in #14115

Trainer Improvements

You can now take advantage of the Ampere hardware with the Trainer:

  • --bf16 - do training or eval in mixed precision of bfloat16
  • --bf16_full_eval - do eval in full bfloat16
  • --tf32 control having TF32 mode on/off

Improvements and bugfixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.12.0...v4.13.0