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Releases: MbinOrg/mbin


31 May 23:14
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This is the 1.6.0 release of Mbin. It brings several changes and improvements including, but not limited to, a new UI filter for sorting threads and microblog posts, a new hashtag system, Microsoft Azure and SimpleLogin SSO additions, private instance mode, framework upgrade to Symfony 7.0, outgoing federation of delete actions, several backend improvements to address federation stability and compatibility, UI fixes and route changes, etc. A full change log can be seen at the bottom of these release notes.

A total of 98 reviewed and approved pull requests have been merged into this release! As always, a special thank you to new and existing contributors, without you, future Mbin releases would not be possible!


Please review the upgrade notes below before proceeding. Do NOT interrupt the database migration process... database migrations may take several minutes to finish. If a migration deadlocks, please make sure there are no lingering database sessions active and try the upgrade again.

Comparison to previous version 1.5.3:

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing
☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Upgrade Instructions

For Docker

  1. Get the official image or checkout the code and build it locally
  2. Stop all containers docker compose down
  3. Start all containers docker compose up -d

For Bare Metal

  1. Stop all messenger processes by running supervisorctl stop messenger:* as the root user
  2. Login as the mbin/kbin user: su mbin
  3. Go to your repo cd /var/www/mbin
  4. Get the new release: git fetch && git checkout v1.6.0
  5. Run the update script: bash bin/ If you get an error when running the db migrations you maybe have to stop your webserver, so nothing is trying to access the database.
  6. Run exit so we are back at the root user (or put a sudo infront of every command)
  7. flush your redis db by running redis-cli, type in AUTH [YOUR PASSWORD] and then FLUSHDB
  8. clear your opcache by reloading php fpm systemctl reload php8.2-fpm
  9. Refresh supervisor and start the new messenger group: supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update && supervisorctl start messenger:*

What's Changed

Read more


14 Apr 11:46
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Do NOT checkout this release if you normally track main. Continue to track main as always. This release is ONLY for those that previously were on 1.5.2 0e63cdd. Those that track main already have these fixes and will get the new version number as usual.

Hotfix to circular chain activity messages and an account deletion FK violation that would cause deadlocks. Advise bringing down messengers in order the migrate the DB successfully, as there may be lock conflicts with the table changes.

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.5.3


04 Apr 22:43
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Quick hotfix to some issues regarding local user actions and account deletion

In some scenarios:

  • Local user replies to other local users weren't federating out
  • Deleting your own posts may also have failed
  • Account deletion may have failed due to foreign key constraints

These issues should now be resolved

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing
☑️ ☑️ ☑️

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2

Release v1.5.1 📦

29 Mar 16:56
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Most important: Fix email sent issues (both during registration as well as contact form). The reason to create this patch release.

Have a nice Easter!

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


25 Mar 17:09
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This is the 1.5.0 release of Mbin. It brings changes to messenger queue layout (again), adds Zitadel SSO support, UI improvements, a proper account deletion which is controlled by the user, performance improvements, and a bunch of bug fixes and security updates in our dependencies.

An explanation of the new messenger queues can be found here: and other documentation improvements.

DB migration may take multiple minutes for new index creation.

Comparison to previous version 1.4.1:

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing
☑️ ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Upgrade Instructions

For Docker

  1. Get the official image or checkout the code and build it locally
  2. Stop all containers docker compose down
  3. Start all containers docker compose up -d

For Bare Metal

  1. Stop all messenger processes by running supervisorctl stop messenger:* as the root user
  2. Edit the supervisor messenger config located at /etc/supervisor/conf.d/messenger-worker.conf to
command=php /var/www/mbin/bin/console messenger:consume scheduler_default old async outbox deliver inbox resolve receive failed --time-limit=3600

Adjust the numprocs parameter to your needs. Also be aware of the path to the mbin repo. If you are coming from kbin and never changed your folder structure then the second line has to be changed to:

command=php /var/www/kbin/bin/console messenger:consume scheduler_default old async outbox deliver inbox resolve receive failed --time-limit=3600 
  1. Login as the mbin/kbin user: su mbin
  2. Go to your repo cd /var/www/mbin
  3. Get the new release: git fetch && git checkout v1.5.0
  4. Run the update script: bash bin/ If you get an error when running the db migrations you maybe have to stop your webserver, so nothing is trying to access the database.
  5. Run exit so we are back at the root user (or put a sudo infront of every command)
  6. flush your redis db by running redis-cli, type in AUTH [YOUR PASSWORD] and then FLUSHDB
  7. clear your opcache by reloading php fpm systemctl reload php8.2-fpm
  8. Refresh supervisor and start the new messenger group: supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update && supervisorctl start messenger:*

What's Changed

Read more


28 Feb 03:16
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Hi everyone, v1.4.1 is here to address some critical bugs that were discovered in v1.4.0 that may cause 500 errors and/or odd behavior under the right conditions, so please update at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

Comparison to previous version: v1.4.0

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1


27 Feb 17:01
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Hi everybody this is our v1.4.0 release bringing big changes to the messenger queue layout, our background worker system. And because of that the update process is a little more complicated than usually. For a little more info you can check out our FAQ#messenger-queue-is-building-up-even-though-my-messengers-are-idling and our Admin Guide#symfony-messenger-queues

Comparison to previous version: v1.3.0

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing
☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Upgrade Instructions

For Docker

We removed one of the containers in the docker compose, because we do not have separate workers for the different queues anymore. That means that the default is only one work process on the messenger queue.
If you need more than that, you can

  • copy & paste the messenger part of the docker/compose.yml and give them unique container names or
  • use the docker compose replicas option instead: comment out container_name for messenger service and this block and just change amount of replica you need
      mode: replicated
      replicas: <number of replicas here>
  1. Get the new docker image by either checking out the new code and building the image or pull the published image
  2. Stop the containers and remove the messenger containers: docker compose down && docker compose rm
  3. Start the containers docker compose up -d

For Bare Metal

  1. Stop all supervisor messenger processes: supervisorctl stop messenger-ap:* messenger-kbin:*
  2. Remove the all process groups supervisorctl remove messenger-ap messenger-kbin
  3. Edit the messenger config at /etc/supervisor/conf.d/messenger-worker.conf to:
command=php /var/www/mbin/bin/console messenger:consume async async_ap failed --time-limit=3600

Adjust the numprocs parameter to your needs. Also be aware of the path to the mbin repo. If you are coming from kbin and never changed your folder structure then the second line has to be changed to:

command=php /var/www/kbin/bin/console messenger:consume async async_ap failed --time-limit=3600
  1. Get the new release: git fetch && git checkout v1.4.0
  2. Run the update script: bash bin/ If you get an error when running the db migrations you maybe have to stop your webserver, so nothing is trying to access the database.
  3. Refresh supervisor and start the new messenger group: supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update && supervisorctl start messenger:*

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0

Release v1.3.0 📦

21 Jan 16:02
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Happy new year! This is our v1.3.0 release, as always with new features, frontend changes, bug fixes and various other improvements.

Thank you everybody for all your contributions and being part of our Mbin community.

Comparison to previous version: v1.2.0

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0

Release v1.2.1 📦

15 Dec 15:13
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Thank you contributors and users! Wishing everyone a happy holiday season! ☃️

Comparison to previous version: v1.2.0

DB migrations New ENV vars Admin guide changes Suggest cache clearing

What's Changed

  • Changes to report links and magazine report fix by @e-five256 in #320
  • Use the official PHPUnit Bridge recipe again for phpunit v10 by @melroy89 in #321
  • Add an edit my profile button to your own user profile pages by @e-five256 in #322
  • Update symfony packages by @melroy89 in #324
  • Add missing deleted by translations by @melroy89 in #325
  • fix debug log typo in ActivityPubManager by @asdfzdfj in #327
  • ingest incoming AP object source property by @asdfzdfj in #312
  • change inline js on*= actions to stimulus controllers/actions by @asdfzdfj in #330
  • Unable to ban admin by @melroy89 in #331
  • Change URL to the weblate engage page by @melroy89 in #332
  • change AP as:Hashtag text property key to 'name' by @asdfzdfj in #328
  • add some missing contexts for AP/json-ld output by @asdfzdfj in #329
  • connect window.KBIN_XXX to notifications controller by @asdfzdfj in #334
  • Move menu's to dedicated twig templates + small refactoring by @melroy89 in #335
  • do not automatically show media previews of nsfw posts by @e-five256 in #300
  • Introducing a Project Info service (updates useragent version as well) by @melroy89 in #336
  • using blurhash for entry thumbnail blurred background by @asdfzdfj in #333
  • Add a small margin between top level entry comments by @e-five256 in #337
  • Add current sort and time options to navbar links by @e-five256 in #340
  • Hide NSFW posts on user overview page when logged out or hide NSFW enabled by @e-five256 in #339
  • recognize image url with extension case insensitively by @asdfzdfj in #344
  • fix comment sort order being used for navbar sort by @e-five256 in #343
  • using blurhash for obscuring sensitive image by @asdfzdfj in #342
  • Translations update from Hosted Weblate by @weblate in #346
  • update version from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 by @e-five256 in #347

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1

Release v1.2.0 📦

29 Nov 15:04
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Thank you to everyone making this possible!

Comparison to previous version: v1.1.0

DB migrations New ENV vars Will log users out
☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Major Features

  • exiftool image cleaning
    • By default, if exiftool is found, sanitize local uploads of GPS data
    • Can be configured via env vars to turn off / scrub more details / work on external images
  • Subscriber counts now populated from source magazines
  • Implementation of FEP-1b12
    • Moderators will now appear from AP software that implement linked FEP
    • Likewise, Mbin moderators will now appear for other software that implement it
  • New indexes for reducing DB CPU usage
  • Many improvements to markdown parsing, media type previewing, and more

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0