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reaperrr edited this page Mar 8, 2020 · 1795 revisions

This is the changelog for the next stable release. The changelog for the development branch can be found separately. Additionally, changes from earlier releases can be found on the historical changelogs page.

Next Playtest

General Improvements

  • Fixed aircraft not taking off properly without rallypoint path. [#17776]

Playtest 20200303

General Improvements

  • Added a "Battlefield Viewport" option to adjust the size of the gameplay viewport. [#16996, #17026, #17095, #17308, #17431, #17424, #17467, #17468, #17465]
  • Added a "UI Scale option" to adjust the size of the sidebar and menu UI. [#17509, #17581, #17511, #17489, #17732, #17749]
  • Added/Fixed/Changed many parts of the settings menu:
    • Simplify and explain classic vs modern control schemes. [#17586]
    • Fixed cursor size option with hardware accelerated cursors. [#17435]
    • Added VSync and overhauled frame limiter options. [#17439]
    • Added Display selector for multi-monitor setups. [#17648]
    • Added a confirmation prompt for the settings panel reset. [#17617]
    • Added a setting to disable the default background music in menus. [#17682]
  • Added an introduction dialog with the basic control and visual options. [#17622]
  • Added high resolution UI artwork for players with HiDPI displays or larger UI scales. [#17494, #17495, #17587, #17504, #17506, #17604, #17674, #17715, #17712, #17669, #17741]
  • Added automatic HiDPI detection for Linux. [#17623]
  • Added a hotkey to cycle harvesters. [#17482]
  • Added a hotkey to select the current production structure (Tab) and moved the hotkey to select the next production structure to Ctrl + Tab. [#17490]
  • Added support for queuing paths on production rallypoints (hold Shift when clicking), and hide the default rallypoint. [#17021, #17473, #17462, #17625]
  • Added support for queued MCV redeploy. [#17615]
  • Added selection box colors to indicate when the "all" or "support" selection modes are active. [#17365]
  • Added an "Army" tab in the spectator UI. [#16709, #17692]
  • Added an "Audio Muted" indicator to the player/spectator UI. [#17696]
  • Added the option to kick spectators after the game has started. [#17662]
  • Fixed Gatekeeper warnings on recent macOS versions. [#17652]
  • Fixed minimap revealing resource harvesting underneath the fog of war. [#17076, #17672]
  • Fixed "select" cursor overriding attack in some unwanted case with left-click controls. [#17686]
  • Fixed a crash with Attack Move. [#17653]
  • Fixed a crash and incorrect behaviour with aircraft targeting. [#17619, #17689, #17694, #17754]
  • Fixed several issues with the lobby player color validation logic. [#17272]
  • Fixed a collection of minor UI bugs. [#17593, #17616, #17611, #17665, #17685]
  • Changed rendering API from OpenGL 2.1 to OpenGL 3.2 / OpenGL ES 3.0 [#16984, #17042, #17010, #17566, #17603, #17673]
  • Changed networking logic to anonymise the player IP addresses reported to other players and saved in replays. [#17575]
  • Improved unit pathfinding. [#16408, #17131, #17141, #17274, #17531, #17541, #17618, #17756]
    • Improved behaviour when units are blocked by other units.
    • Allow units to move over empty service depots / repair pads.
    • Fixed only one infantry at a time being able to enter cells with crates or mines.
  • Improved performance. [#16752, #17005, #17281, #17383, #17585]

Red Alert

  • Fixed a crash when using the production cycling hotkey on Bomber John. [#17216]
  • Fixed infantry not being produced on the shellmap. [#17729]* Improved minefields targeting logic. [#17019, #17101]
  • Fixed transparent pixels in the Mobile Flack icon. [#17724]
  • Improved infantry 'zapped' death animation. [#17627]

Tiberian Dawn

  • Fixed AI build trigger in mission GDI 04b. [#17569]
  • Fixed that Nod missions 9, 10a and 10b could show GDI sidebar. [#17693]
  • Fixed a collection of scripting issues and changed all missions to use a common template. [#16568, #17533]

Dune 2000

  • Fixed a script error in Ordos 05. [#17716]

Map Editor

  • Added a history tab with undo and redo options. [#16772, #17180, #17496]
  • Added "Spawn Child Actor" and "Deployed" checkboxes for actors with these abilities. [#16947]
  • Fixed copy/paste ignoring several types of actor (e.g. flares, waypoints, cameras). [#16900]
  • Fixed the "lose unsaved changes" dialogue appearing when there are no unsaved changes. [#17240]
  • Changed default actor facing to be exactly south-west (96 instead of 92). [#16754]

Engine and Modding

  • Fixed crash when a mod attempts to use an undefined cursor type. [#17519]
  • Fixed some crashes/limitations related to Frames and Reverses sequence fields. [#17627]
  • Fixed crash when bot modules are enabled by default. [#17303]
  • Fixed crash when all ProductionParadrop exits are blocked. [#17738]
  • Fixed incorrect sequence validation checks. [#16767]
  • Fixed mod AUTHORS file overriding the OpenRA engine credits. [#17460]
  • Fixed empty production types from preventing produced units to exit. [#17729]
  • Added support for placing pluggables at a free spot when clicking anywhere on the target actor. [#17215]
  • Added support for launch sounds to all support powers that were missing it. [#17636]
  • Added cursor palette support to GIMP/Jasc palette definitions. [#17558]
  • Added support for 32-bit RGBA cursors and sprite sequences. [#16885, #17471]
  • Added a ShakeScreenWarhead to replace hardcoded screen shaking. [#17283]
  • Added support for defining Asset Browser SupportedFormats in mod.yaml. [#17539]
  • Added single Frames definition support to sprite sequence Combine. [#17723]
  • Removed support for yes/no strings for boolean values. Use true/false instead. [#17196]
  • Removed update rules of releases older than release-20190314. [#17609]
  • Removed UPnP specific color definitions from metrics. [#17633]
  • Trait changes:
    • Aircraft: Trait is now conditional, with a paused state replacing LandOnCondition. Fixed non-vtol aircraft ignoring the InitialFacing value. [#17136, #17231]
    • BaseBuilderBotModule: Added PlaceDefenseTowardsEnemyChance field. [#17236]
    • CashTrickler: Added UseResourceStorage field. [#17239]
    • ClonesProducedUnits: Added ProductionType field. [#17434]
    • DisguiseTooltip: Trait is now properly conditional. [#17601]
    • Exit: Added priority field to allow fallback exits to be defined for use when the primary exits are blocked. [#17183]
    • Explodes: The damage type of the attack is now used for death handling. [#17505]
    • FallsToEarth: Added MaximumSpinSpeed field. [#17136]
    • FreeActorWithDelivery: Trait is now conditional. [#17643]
    • GrantCondition: Added GrantPermanently field. [#17305]
    • GrantConditionOnAttack: Trait is now pausable-conditional. [#16793]
    • GrantConditionOnProduction: Fixed ShowSelectionBar field. [#17703]
    • GrantPrerequisiteChargeDrainPower: New trait that implements "firestorm wall"-like charge/drain logic. [#16347]
    • HitShape: Added Turret field to allow the shape to rotate with an assigned turret. [#17280]
    • NukePower: Can now be defined on actors that don't exist in the world (e.g. crate proxies). [#17457]
    • PaletteFromGimpOrJascFile: Added TransparentIndex field to support artwork that uses a different transparent palette index. [#17538]
    • PaletteFromRGBA: Added TransparentIndex field to support artwork that uses a different transparent palette index. [#17538]
    • Parachutable: Now supports subclassing by mods. [#17426]
    • ProductionAirdrop: Added BaselineSpawn and Facing fields. ActorType is now a required field. [#16595, #17406]
    • RallyPoint: Added Notification field. [#17697]
    • Rearmable: Units can no longer move through unpassable (x or X) footprint cells on resupply actors. Use = or the new + footprint types instead. [#17141]
    • RejectsOrders: Improved support for simultaneously active traits. [#16737]
    • ReloadAmmoPool: Fixed reload time modifiers being ignored when ResetFire: true. [#17454]
    • ResourceRenderer: New trait that renders the resource fields on the map. [#16710]
    • TakeCover works now together with conditions and ProneTime was renamed to Duration. [#17522]
    • WithResourceLevelOverlay: Added Palette and IsPlayerPalette fields. [#17338]
    • WithDeathAnimation: Added Delay field. [#16977]
    • WithDisguisingInfantryBody: Fixed incorrect behaviour when the target defines different idle animations. [#17742]
    • WithPermanentInjury: Obsolete trait has been removed. Use conditions with TakeCover instead. [#17264]
  • Lua API Changes:
    • Added Lua exception when setting an owner to null/nil. [#17163]
    • Added Lua support for querying actor tooltips. [#17164]
    • Changed default message prefix for Lua Media.DisplaySystemMessage API to "Battlefield Control". [#17570]
    • Removed GrantUpgrade, RevokeUpgrade, GrantTimedUpgrade and AcceptsUpgrade. [#16971]
    • Added ActivateParatroopers. Deprecates SendParatroopers, SendParatroopersFrom. [#16971]
  • Utility Changes
    • Fixed crash in --extract-language-strings command. [#17224]
    • Fixed crash in --check-yaml command. [#17203]
    • Added new --debug-chrome-regions command to help visualize and debug chrome.yaml entries. [#17624]
  • Internal engine changes:
    • Refactored part of the internal order handling code. [#17478, #17479, #17480]
    • Implemented IEquatable on structs. [#17088]
    • Replaced look-up methods in AmmoPool with properties. [#17255]
    • Fixed coding style issue. [#17485]
    • Changed the server and world order protocol (increased version) to allow to send actor IDs within an order. [#16999]
    • Changed default LocalClientId in ReplayConnection to -1. [#17382]
    • Refactored internal warhead code. [#16994, #17119, #17654]
    • Cleaned up internal usage of CancelActivity. [#17020]
    • Moved mod specific code to their own projects. [#17357, #17358, #17440, #17441, #17579]
    • Cleaned up the Cargo trait code. [#17376, #17561]
    • Renamed FlyCircle to FlyIdle and made it tick TickIdle. [#16797]


  • Added a SupportDir argument to launch-dedicated scripts to support per-instance logging. [#17642]
  • Added a ShareAnonymizedIPs argument to launch-dedicated scripts to allow disabling the reporting of anonymised IPs to other players. [#17575]
  • Added a GeoIPDatabase argument to launch-dedicated scripts to specify the path to a MaxMind GeoIP database. Upstream license changes mean that we can no longer ship this data with OpenRA. [#17575, #17750]

Players ๐ŸŽฒ

Modders โœ๏ธ

Developers ๐Ÿ”ง

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