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Airbyte CI CLI

What is it?

airbyte-ci is a command line interface to run CI/CD pipelines. The goal of this CLI is to offer developers a tool to run these pipelines locally and in a CI context with the same guarantee. It can prevent unnecessary commit -> push cycles developers typically go through when they when to test their changes against a remote CI. This is made possible thanks to the use of Dagger, a CI/CD engine relying on Docker Buildkit to provide reproducible builds. Our pipeline are declared with Python code, the main entrypoint is here. This documentation should be helpful for both local and CI use of the CLI. We indeed power connector testing in the CI with this CLI.

How to install


  • A running Docker engine with version >= 20.10.23

Install or Update

The recommended way to install airbyte-ci is using the Makefile.

# from the root of the airbyte repository
make tools.airbyte-ci.install

Setting up connector secrets access

If you plan to use Airbyte CI to run CAT (Connector Acceptance Tests), we recommend setting up GSM access so that Airbyte CI can pull remote secrets from GSM. For setup instructions, see the CI Credentials package (which Airbyte CI uses under the hood) README's Get GSM Access instructions.

Updating the airbyte-ci tool

To reinstall airbyte-ci, run the following command:

airbyte-ci update

or if that fails, you can reinstall it with the following command:

# from the root of the airbyte repository
make tools.airbyte-ci.install

Checking the airbyte-ci install

To check that airbyte-ci is installed correctly, run the following command:

make tools.airbyte-ci.check

Cleaning the airbyte-ci install

To clean the airbyte-ci install, run the following command:

make tools.airbyte-ci.clean

Disabling telemetry

We collect anonymous usage data to help improve the tool. If you would like to disable this, you can set the AIRBYTE_CI_DISABLE_TELEMETRY environment variable to true.

Installation for development


  • Poetry >= 1.1.8
  • Python >= 3.10


If you are developing on pipelines, we recommend installing airbyte-ci with poetry:

cd airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/
poetry install
poetry shell
cd ../../

Alternatively, you can install airbyte-ci with pipx so that the entrypoint is available in your PATH:

make tools.airbyte-ci.install

However, this will not automatically install the dependencies for the local dependencies of airbyte-ci, or respect the lockfile.

Its often best to use the poetry steps instead.

Running Tests

From airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines:

poetry run pytest tests

You can also run a subset of tests:

poetry run pytest pipelines/models/

More options, such as running test by keyword matching, are available - see the pytest CLI documentation for all the available options.```

Checking Code Format (Pipelines)

poetry run ruff check pipelines

Commands reference

At this point you can run airbyte-ci commands.

airbyte-ci command group

The main command group option has sensible defaults. In local use cases you're not likely to pass options to the airbyte-ci command group.


Option Default value Mapped environment variable Description
--yes/--y False Agrees to all prompts.
--yes-auto-update False Agrees to the auto update prompts.
--enable-update-check/--disable-update-check True Turns on the update check feature
--enable-dagger-run/--disable-dagger-run --enable-dagger-run Disables the Dagger terminal UI.
--is-local/--is-ci --is-local Determines the environment in which the CLI runs: local environment or CI environment.
--git-branch The checked out git branch name CI_GIT_BRANCH The git branch on which the pipelines will run.
--git-revision The current branch head CI_GIT_REVISION The commit hash on which the pipelines will run.
--diffed-branch origin/master Branch to which the git diff will happen to detect new or modified files.
--gha-workflow-run-id GHA CI only - The run id of the GitHub action workflow
--ci-context manual The current CI context: manual for manual run, pull_request, nightly_builds, master
--pipeline-start-timestamp Current epoch time CI_PIPELINE_START_TIMESTAMP Start time of the pipeline as epoch time. Used for pipeline run duration computation.
--show-dagger-logs/--hide-dagger-logs --hide-dagger-logs Flag to show or hide the dagger logs.

connectors command subgroup

Available commands:

  • airbyte-ci connectors test: Run tests for one or multiple connectors.
  • airbyte-ci connectors build: Build docker images for one or multiple connectors.
  • airbyte-ci connectors publish: Publish a connector to Airbyte's DockerHub.


Option Multiple Default value Mapped Environment Variable Description
--use-remote-secrets/--use-local-secrets False If --use-remote-secrets, connectors configuration will be pulled from Google Secret Manager. Requires the GCP_GSM_CREDENTIALS environment variable to be set with a service account with permission to read GSM secrets. If --use-local-secrets the connector configuration will be read from the local connector secrets folder. If this flag is not used and a GCP_GSM_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set remote secrets will be used, local secrets will be used otherwise.
--name True Select a specific connector for which the pipeline will run. Can be used multiple times to select multiple connectors. The expected name is the connector technical name. e.g. source-pokeapi
--support-level True Select connectors with a specific support level: community, certified. Can be used multiple times to select multiple support levels.
--metadata-query False Filter connectors by the data field in the metadata file using a simpleeval query. e.g. 'data.ab_internal.ql == 200'
--use-local-cdk False False Build with the airbyte-cdk from the local repository. " "This is useful for testing changes to the CDK.
--language True Select connectors with a specific language: python, low-code, java. Can be used multiple times to select multiple languages.
--modified False False Run the pipeline on only the modified connectors on the branch or previous commit (depends on the pipeline implementation).
--concurrency False 5 Control the number of connector pipelines that can run in parallel. Useful to speed up pipelines or control their resource usage.
--metadata-change-only/--not-metadata-change-only False --not-metadata-change-only Only run the pipeline on connectors with changes on their metadata.yaml file.
--enable-dependency-scanning / --disable-dependency-scanning False --disable-dependency-scanning When enabled the dependency scanning will be performed to detect the connectors to select according to a dependency change.
--docker-hub-username DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME Your username to connect to DockerHub. Required for the publish subcommand.
--docker-hub-password DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD Your password to connect to DockerHub. Required for the publish subcommand.

connectors list command

Retrieve the list of connectors satisfying the provided filters.


List all connectors:

airbyte-ci connectors list

List certified connectors:

airbyte-ci connectors --support-level=certified list

List connectors changed on the current branch:

airbyte-ci connectors --modified list

List connectors with a specific language:

airbyte-ci connectors --language=python list

List connectors with multiple filters:

airbyte-ci connectors --language=low-code --support-level=certified list

connectors test command

Run a test pipeline for one or multiple connectors.


Test a single connector: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi test

Test multiple connectors: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi --name=source-bigquery test

Test certified connectors: airbyte-ci connectors --support-level=certified test

Test connectors changed on the current branch: airbyte-ci connectors --modified test

Run acceptance test only on the modified connectors, just run its full refresh tests: airbyte-ci connectors --modified test --only-step="acceptance" --acceptance.-k=test_full_refresh

What it runs

flowchart TD
    entrypoint[[For each selected connector]]
    subgraph static ["Static code analysis"]
      qa[Run QA checks]
      sem["Check version follows semantic versionning"]
      incr["Check version is incremented"]
      metadata_validation["Run metadata validation on metadata.yaml"]
      sem --> incr
    subgraph tests ["Tests"]
        build[Build connector docker image]
        unit[Run unit tests]
        integration[Run integration tests]
        pyairbyte_validation[Run PyAirbyte validation tests]
        cat[Run connector acceptance tests]
        secret[Load connector configuration]

    report["Build test report"]


Option Multiple Default value Description
--skip-step/-x True Skip steps by id e.g. -x unit -x acceptance
--only-step/-k True Only run specific steps by id e.g. -k unit -k acceptance
--fail-fast False False Abort after any tests fail, rather than continuing to run additional tests. Use this setting to confirm a known bug is fixed (or not), or when you only require a pass/fail result.
--code-tests-only True False Skip any tests not directly related to code updates. For instance, metadata checks, version bump checks, changelog verification, etc. Use this setting to help focus on code quality during development.
--concurrent-cat False False Make CAT tests run concurrently using pytest-xdist. Be careful about source or destination API rate limits.
--<step-id>.<extra-parameter>=<extra-parameter-value> True You can pass extra parameters for specific test steps. More details in the extra parameters section below
--ci-requirements False


  • The above options are implemented for Java connectors but may not be available for Python connectors. If an option is not supported, the pipeline will not fail but instead the 'default' behavior will be executed.

Extra parameters

You can pass extra parameters to the following steps:

  • unit
  • integration
  • acceptance

This allows you to override the default parameters of these steps. For example, you can only run the test_read test of the acceptance test suite with: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi test --acceptance.-k=test_read Here the -k parameter is passed to the pytest command running acceptance tests. Please keep in mind that the extra parameters are not validated by the CLI: if you pass an invalid parameter, you'll face a late failure during the pipeline execution.

connectors build command

Run a build pipeline for one or multiple connectors and export the built docker image to the local docker host. It's mainly purposed for local use.

Build a single connector: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi build

Build a single connector with a custom image tag: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi build --tag=my-custom-tag

Build a single connector for multiple architectures: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi build --architecture=linux/amd64 --architecture=linux/arm64

You will get:

  • airbyte/source-pokeapi:dev-linux-amd64
  • airbyte/source-pokeapi:dev-linux-arm64

Build multiple connectors: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-pokeapi --name=source-bigquery build

Build certified connectors: airbyte-ci connectors --support-level=certified build

Build connectors changed on the current branch: airbyte-ci connectors --modified build

What it runs

For Python and Low Code connectors:

flowchart TD
    arch(For each platform amd64/arm64)
    connector[Build connector image]
    load[Load to docker host with :dev tag, current platform]
    spec[Get spec]
    arch-->connector-->spec--"if success"-->load

For Java connectors:

flowchart TD
    arch(For each platform amd64/arm64)
    distTar[Gradle distTar task run]
    base[Build integration base]
    java_base[Build integration base Java]
    normalization[Build Normalization]
    connector[Build connector image]

    normalization--"if supports normalization"-->connector

    load[Load to docker host with :dev tag]
    spec[Get spec]
    connector-->spec--"if success"-->load


Option Multiple Default value Description
--architecture/-a True Local platform Defines for which architecture(s) the connector image will be built.
--tag False dev Image tag for the built image.

connectors publish command

Run a publish pipeline for one or multiple connectors. It's mainly purposed for CI use to release a connector update.


Publish all connectors modified in the head commit: airbyte-ci connectors --modified publish


Option Required Default Mapped environment variable Description
--pre-release/--main-release False --pre-release Whether to publish the pre-release or the main release version of a connector. Defaults to pre-release. For main release you have to set the credentials to interact with the GCS bucket.
--spec-cache-gcs-credentials False SPEC_CACHE_GCS_CREDENTIALS The service account key to upload files to the GCS bucket hosting spec cache.
--spec-cache-bucket-name False SPEC_CACHE_BUCKET_NAME The name of the GCS bucket where specs will be cached.
--metadata-service-gcs-credentials False METADATA_SERVICE_GCS_CREDENTIALS The service account key to upload files to the GCS bucket hosting the metadata files.
--metadata-service-bucket-name False METADATA_SERVICE_BUCKET_NAME The name of the GCS bucket where metadata files will be uploaded.
--slack-webhook False SLACK_WEBHOOK The Slack webhook URL to send notifications to.
--slack-channel False SLACK_CHANNEL The Slack channel name to send notifications to.
--ci-requirements False Output the CI requirements as a JSON payload. It is used to determine the CI runner to use.
--python-registry-token False PYTHON_REGISTRY_TOKEN The API token to authenticate with the registry. For pypi, the pypi- prefix needs to be specified
--python-registry-url False PYTHON_REGISTRY_URL The python registry to publish to. Defaults to main pypi
--python-registry-check-url False PYTHON_REGISTRY_CHECK_URL The python registry url to check whether a package is published already

I've added an empty "Default" column, and you can fill in the default values as needed.

What it runs

flowchart TD
    validate[Validate the metadata file]
    check[Check if the connector image already exists]
    build[Build the connector image for all platform variants]
    publish_to_python_registry[Push the connector image to the python registry if enabled]
    upload_spec[Upload connector spec to the spec cache bucket]
    push[Push the connector image from DockerHub, with platform variants]
    pull[Pull the connector image from DockerHub to check SPEC can be run and the image layers are healthy]
    upload_metadata[Upload its metadata file to the metadata service bucket]


Python registry publishing

If remoteRegistries.pypi.enabled in the connector metadata is set to true, the connector will be published to the python registry. To do so, the --python-registry-token and --python-registry-url options are used to authenticate with the registry and publish the connector. If the current version of the connector is already published to the registry, the publish will be skipped (the --python-registry-check-url is used for the check).

On a pre-release, the connector will be published as a .dev<N> version.

The remoteRegistries.pypi.packageName field holds the name of the used package name. It should be set to airbyte-source-<package name>. Certified Python connectors are required to have PyPI publishing enabled.

An example remoteRegistries entry in a connector metadata.yaml looks like this:

    enabled: true
    packageName: airbyte-source-pokeapi

connectors bump_version command

Bump the version of the selected connectors.


Bump source-openweather: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-openweather bump_version patch <pr-number> "<changelog-entry>"


Argument Description
BUMP_TYPE major, minor or patch
PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER The GitHub pull request number, used in the changelog entry
CHANGELOG_ENTRY The changelog entry that will get added to the connector documentation

connectors upgrade_cdk command

Upgrade the CDK version of the selected connectors by updating the dependency in the file.


Upgrade for source-openweather: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-openweather upgrade_cdk <new-cdk-version>


Argument Description
CDK_VERSION CDK version to set (default to the most recent version)

connectors upgrade_base_image command

Modify the selected connector metadata to use the latest base image version.


Upgrade the base image for source-openweather: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-openweather upgrade_base_image


Option Required Default Mapped environment variable Description
--docker-hub-username True DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME Your username to connect to DockerHub. It's used to read the base image registry.
--docker-hub-password True DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD Your password to connect to DockerHub. It's used to read the base image registry.
--set-if-not-exists False True Whether to set or not the baseImage metadata if no connectorBuildOptions is declared in the connector metadata.

connectors migrate_to_base_image command

Make a connector using a Dockerfile migrate to the base image by:

  • Removing its Dockerfile
  • Updating its metadata to use the latest base image version
  • Updating its documentation to explain the build process
  • Bumping by a patch version


Migrate source-openweather to use the base image: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-openweather migrate_to_base_image

connectors migrate-to-poetry command

Migrate connectors the poetry package manager.


Migrate source-openweather to use the base image: airbyte-ci connectors --name=source-openweather migrate-to-poetry

format command subgroup

Available commands:

  • airbyte-ci format check all
  • airbyte-ci format fix all


Option Required Default Mapped environment variable Description
--quiet/-q False False Hide formatter execution details in reporting.
--ci-requirements False Output the CI requirements as a JSON payload. It is used to determine the CI runner to use.


  • Check for formatting errors in the repository: airbyte-ci format check all
  • Fix formatting for only python files: airbyte-ci format fix python

format check all command

This command runs formatting checks, but does not format the code in place. It will exit 1 as soon as a failure is encountered. To fix errors, use airbyte-ci format fix all.

Running airbyte-ci format check will run checks on all different types of code. Run airbyte-ci format check --help for subcommands to check formatting for only certain types of files.

format fix all command

This command runs formatting checks and reformats any code that would be reformatted, so it's recommended to stage changes you might have before running this command.

Running airbyte-ci format fix all will format all of the different types of code. Run airbyte-ci format fix --help for subcommands to format only certain types of files.

poetry command subgroup

Available commands:

  • airbyte-ci poetry publish


Option Required Default Mapped environment variable Description
--package-path True The path to the python package to execute a poetry command on.


  • Publish a python package: airbyte-ci poetry --package-path=path/to/package publish --publish-name=my-package --publish-version="1.2.3" --python-registry-token="..." --registry-url="http://host.docker.internal:8012/"

publish command

This command publishes poetry packages (using pyproject.toml) or python packages (using to a python registry.

For poetry packages, the package name and version can be taken from the pyproject.toml file or be specified as options.


Option Required Default Mapped environment variable Description
--publish-name False The name of the package. Not required for poetry packages that define it in the pyproject.toml file
--publish-version False The version of the package. Not required for poetry packages that define it in the pyproject.toml file
--python-registry-token True PYTHON_REGISTRY_TOKEN The API token to authenticate with the registry. For pypi, the pypi- prefix needs to be specified
--python-registry-url False PYTHON_REGISTRY_URL The python registry to publish to. Defaults to main pypi

metadata command subgroup

Available commands:

  • airbyte-ci metadata deploy orchestrator

metadata deploy orchestrator command

This command deploys the metadata service orchestrator to production. The DAGSTER_CLOUD_METADATA_API_TOKEN environment variable must be set.


airbyte-ci metadata deploy orchestrator

What it runs

flowchart TD
    test[Run orchestrator tests] --> deploy[Deploy orchestrator to Dagster Cloud]

tests command

This command runs the poe tasks declared in the [tool.airbyte-ci] section of our internal poetry packages. Feel free to checkout this Pydantic model to see the list of available options in [tool.airbyte-ci] section.

You can find the list of internal packages here


Option Required Multiple Description
--poetry-package-path/-p False True Poetry packages path to run the poe tasks for.
--modified False False Run poe tasks of modified internal poetry packages.
--ci-requirements False False Output the CI requirements as a JSON payload. It is used to determine the CI runner to use.


You can pass multiple --poetry-package-path options to run poe tasks.

E.G.: running Poe tasks on the modified internal packages of the current branch: airbyte-ci test --modified


Version PR Description
4.7.1 #36961 Temporarily disable python connectors dependencies upload until we find a schema the data team can work with.
4.7.0 #36892 Upload Python connectors dependencies list to GCS on publish.
4.6.5 #36722 Fix incorrect pipeline names
4.6.4 #36480 Burst the Gradle Task cache if a new CDK version was released
4.6.3 #36527 Handle extras as well as groups in airbyte ci test [poetry packages]
4.6.2 #36220 Allow using migrate-to-base-image without PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER
4.6.1 #36319 Fix ValueError related to PR number in migrate-to-poetry
4.6.0 #35583 Implement the airbyte-ci connectors migrate-to-poetry command.
4.5.4 #36206 Revert poetry cache removal during nightly builds
4.5.3 #34586 Extract connector changelog modification logic into its own class
4.5.2 #35802 Fix bug with connectors bump_version command
4.5.1 #35786 Declare live_tests as an internal poetry package.
4.5.0 #35784 Format command supports kotlin
4.4.0 #35317 Augment java connector reports to include full logs and junit test results
4.3.2 #35536 Make QA checks run correctly on *-strict-encrypt connectors.
4.3.1 #35437 Do not run QA checks on publish, just MetadataValidation.
4.3.0 #35438 Optionally disable telemetry with environment variable.
4.2.4 #35325 Use connectors_qa for QA checks and remove redundant checks.
4.2.3 #35322 Declare connectors_qa as an internal package for testing.
4.2.2 #35364 Fix connector tests following gradle changes in #35307.
4.2.1 #35204 Run poetry check before poetry install on poetry package install.
4.2.0 #35103 Java 21 support.
4.1.4 #35039 Fix bug which prevented gradle test reports from being added.
4.1.3 #35010 Use poetry install --no-root in the builder container.
4.1.2 #34945 Only install main dependencies when running poetry install.
4.1.1 #34430 Speed up airbyte-ci startup (and airbyte-ci format).
4.1.0 #34923 Include gradle test reports in HTML connector test report.
4.0.0 #34736 Run poe tasks declared in internal poetry packages.
3.10.4 #34867 Remove connector ops team
3.10.3 #34836 Add check for python registry publishing enabled for certified python sources.
3.10.2 #34044 Add pypi validation testing.
3.10.1 #34756 Enable connectors tests in draft PRs.
3.10.0 #34606 Allow configuration of separate check URL to check whether package exists already.
3.9.0 #34606 Allow configuration of python registry URL via environment variable.
3.8.1 #34607 Improve gradle dependency cache volume protection.
3.8.0 #34316 Expose Dagger engine image name in --ci-requirements and add --ci-requirements to the airbyte-ci root command group.
3.7.3 #34560 Simplify Gradle task execution framework by removing local maven repo support.
3.7.2 #34555 Override secret masking in some very specific special cases.
3.7.1 #34441 Support masked secret scrubbing for java CDK v0.15+
3.7.0 #34343 allow running connector upgrade_cdk for java connectors
3.6.1 #34490 Fix inconsistent dagger log path typing
3.6.0 #34111 Add python registry publishing
3.5.3 #34339 only do minimal changes on a connector version_bump
3.5.2 #34381 Bind a sidecar docker host for airbyte-ci test
3.5.1 #34321 Upgrade to Dagger 0.9.6 .
3.5.0 #33313 Pass extra params after Gradle tasks.
3.4.2 #34301 Pass extra params after Gradle tasks.
3.4.1 #34067 Use dagster-cloud 1.5.7 for deploy
3.4.0 #34276 Introduce --only-step option for connector tests.
3.3.0 #34218 Introduce --ci-requirements option for client defined CI runners.
3.2.0 #34050 Connector test steps can take extra parameters
3.1.3 #34136 Fix issue where dagger excludes were not being properly applied
3.1.2 #33972 Remove secrets scrubbing hack for --is-local and other small tweaks.
3.1.1 #33979 Fix AssertionError on report existence again
3.1.0 #33994 Log more context information in CI.
3.0.2 #33987 Fix type checking issue when running --help
3.0.1 #33981 Fix issues with deploying dagster, pin pendulum version in dagster-cli install
3.0.0 #33582 Upgrade to Dagger 0.9.5
2.14.3 #33964 Reintroduce mypy with fixes for AssertionError on publish and missing report URL on connector test commit status.
2.14.2 #33954 Revert mypy changes
2.14.1 #33956 Exclude pnpm lock files from auto-formatting
2.14.0 #33941 Enable in-connector normalization in destination-postgres
2.13.1 #33920 Report different sentry environments
2.13.0 #33784 Make airbyte-ci test able to run any poetry command
2.12.0 #33313 Add upgrade CDK command
2.11.0 #32188 Add -x option to connector test to allow for skipping steps
2.10.12 #33419 Make ClickPipelineContext handle dagger logging.
2.10.11 #33497 Consider nested .gitignore rules in format.
2.10.10 #33449 Add generated metadata models to the default format ignore list.
2.10.9 #33370 Fix bug that broke airbyte-ci test
2.10.8 #33249 Exclude git ignored files from formatting.
2.10.7 #33248 Fix bug which broke airbyte-ci connectors tests when optional DockerHub credentials env vars are not set.
2.10.6 #33170 Remove Dagger logs from console output of format.
2.10.5 #33097 Improve format performances, exit with 1 status code when fix changes files.
2.10.4 #33206 Add "-y/--yes" Flag to allow preconfirmation of prompts
2.10.3 #33080 Fix update failing due to SSL error on install.
2.10.2 #33008 Fix local connector build.
2.10.1 #32928 Fix BuildConnectorImages constructor.
2.10.0 #32819 Add --tag option to connector build.
2.9.0 #32816 Add --architecture option to connector build.
2.8.1 #32999 Improve Java code formatting speed
2.8.0 #31930 Move pipx install to airbyte-ci-dev, and add auto-update feature targeting binary
2.7.3 #32847 Improve --modified behaviour for pull requests.
2.7.2 #32839 Revert changes in v2.7.1.
2.7.1 #32806 Improve --modified behaviour for pull requests.
2.7.0 #31930 Merge airbyte-ci-internal into airbyte-ci
2.6.0 #31831 Add airbyte-ci format commands, remove connector-specific formatting check
2.5.9 #32427 Re-enable caching for source-postgres
2.5.8 #32402 Set Dagger Cloud token for airbyters only
2.5.7 #31628 Add ClickPipelineContext class
2.5.6 #32139 Test coverage report on Python connector UnitTest.
2.5.5 #32114 Create cache mount for /var/lib/docker to store images in dind context.
2.5.4 #32090 Do not cache docker login.
2.5.3 #31974 Fix latest CDK install and pip cache mount on connector install.
2.5.2 #31871 Deactivate PR comments, add HTML report links to the PR status when its ready.
2.5.1 #31774 Add a docker configuration check on airbyte-ci startup.
2.5.0 #31766 Support local connectors secrets.
2.4.0 #31716 Enable pre-release publish with local CDK.
2.3.1 #31748 Use AsyncClick library instead of base Click.
2.3.0 #31699 Support optional concurrent CAT execution.
2.2.6 #31752 Only authenticate when secrets are available.
2.2.5 #31718 Authenticate the sidecar docker daemon to DockerHub.
2.2.4 #31535 Improve gradle caching when building java connectors.
2.2.3 #31688 Fix failing CheckBaseImageUse step when not running on PR.
2.2.2 #31659 Support builds on x86_64 platform
2.2.1 #31653 Fix CheckBaseImageIsUsed failing on non certified connectors.
2.2.0 #30527 Add a new check for python connectors to make sure certified connectors use our base image.
2.1.1 #31488 Improve airbyte-ci start time with Click Lazy load
2.1.0 #31412 Run airbyte-ci from any where in airbyte project
2.0.4 #31487 Allow for third party connector selections
2.0.3 #31525 Refactor folder structure
2.0.2 #31533 Pip cache volume by python version.
2.0.1 #31545 Reword the changelog entry when using migrate_to_base_image.
2.0.0 #31424 Remove airbyte-ci connectors format command.
1.9.4 #31478 Fix running tests for connector-ops package.
1.9.3 #31457 Improve the connector documentation for connectors migrated to our base image.
1.9.2 #31426 Concurrent execution of java connectors tests.
1.9.1 #31455 Fix None docker credentials on publish.
1.9.0 #30520 New commands: bump_version, upgrade_base_image, migrate_to_base_image.
1.8.0 #30520 New commands: bump_version, upgrade_base_image, migrate_to_base_image.
1.7.2 #31343 Bind Pytest integration tests to a dockerhost.
1.7.1 #31332 Disable Gradle step caching on source-postgres.
1.7.0 #30526 Implement pre/post install hooks support.
1.6.0 #30474 Test connector inside their containers.
1.5.1 #31227 Use python 3.11 in amazoncorretto-bazed gradle containers, run 'test' gradle task instead of 'check'.
1.5.0 #30456 Start building Python connectors using our base images.
1.4.6 #31087 Throw error if airbyte-ci tools is out of date
1.4.5 #31133 Fix bug when building containers using with_integration_base_java_and_normalization.
1.4.4 #30743 Add --disable-report-auto-open and --use-host-gradle-dist-tar to allow gradle integration.
1.4.3 #30595 Add --version and version check
1.4.2 #30595 Remove directory name requirement
1.4.1 #30595 Load base migration guide into QA Test container for strict encrypt variants
1.4.0 #30330 Add support for pyproject.toml as the prefered entry point for a connector package
1.3.0 #30461 Add --use-local-cdk flag to all connectors commands
1.2.3 #30477 Fix a test regression introduced the previous version.
1.2.2 #30438 Add workaround to always stream logs properly with --is-local.
1.2.1 #30384 Java connector test performance fixes.
1.2.0 #30330 Add --metadata-query option to connectors command
1.1.3 #30314 Stop patching gradle files to make them work with airbyte-ci.
1.1.2 #30279 Fix correctness issues in layer caching by making atomic execution groupings
1.1.1 #30252 Fix redundancies and broken logic in GradleTask, to speed up the CI runs.
1.1.0 #29509 Refactor the airbyte-ci test command to run tests on any poetry package.
1.0.0 #28000 Remove release stages in favor of support level from airbyte-ci.
0.5.0 #28000 Run connector acceptance tests with dagger-in-dagger.
0.4.7 #29156 Improve how we check existence of requirement.txt or file to not raise early pip install errors.
0.4.6 #28729 Use keyword args instead of positional argument for optional paramater in Dagger's API
0.4.5 #29034 Disable Dagger terminal UI when running publish.
0.4.4 #29064 Make connector modified files a frozen set.
0.4.3 #29033 Disable dependency scanning for Java connectors.
0.4.2 #29030 Make report path always have the same prefix: airbyte-ci/.
0.4.1 #28855 Improve the selected connectors detection for connectors commands.
0.4.0 #28947 Show Dagger Cloud run URLs in CI
0.3.2 #28789 Do not consider empty reports as successfull.
0.3.1 #28938 Handle 5 status code on MetadataUpload as skipped
0.3.0 #28869 Enable the Dagger terminal UI on local airbyte-ci execution
0.2.3 #28907 Make dagger-in-dagger work for airbyte-ci tests command
0.2.2 #28897 Sentry: Ignore error logs without exceptions from reporting
0.2.1 #28767 Improve pytest step result evaluation to prevent false negative/positive.
0.2.0 #28857 Add the airbyte-ci tests command to run the test suite on any airbyte-ci poetry package.
0.1.1 #28858 Increase the max duration of Connector Package install to 20mn.
0.1.0 Alpha version not in production yet. All the commands described in this doc are available.

More info

This project is owned by the Connectors Operations team. We share project updates and remaining stories before its release to production in this EPIC.



make tools.airbyte-ci.check

This command checks if the airbyte-ci command is appropriately installed.

make tools.airbyte-ci.clean

This command removes the airbyte-ci command from your system.

Common issues

airbyte-ci is not found

If you get the following error when running airbyte-ci:

$ airbyte-ci
zsh: command not found: airbyte-ci

It means that the airbyte-ci command is not in your PATH.

Try running

make make tools.airbyte-ci.check

For some hints on how to fix this.

But when in doubt it can be best to run

make tools.airbyte-ci.clean

Then reinstall the CLI with

make tools.airbyte-ci.install


airbyte-ci is not found

To fix this, you can either:

  • Ensure that airbyte-ci is installed with pipx. Run pipx list to check if airbyte-ci is installed.
  • Run pipx ensurepath to add the pipx binary directory to your PATH.
  • Add the pipx binary directory to your PATH manually. The pipx binary directory is usually ~/.local/bin.

python3.10 not found

If you get the following error when running pipx install --editable --force --python=python3.10 airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/:

$ pipx install --editable --force --python=python3.10 airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/
Error: Python 3.10 not found on your system.

It means that you don't have Python 3.10 installed on your system.

To fix this, you can either:

  • Install Python 3.10 with pyenv. Run pyenv install 3.10 to install the latest Python version.
  • Install Python 3.10 with your system package manager. For instance, on Ubuntu you can run sudo apt install python3.10.
  • Ensure that Python 3.10 is in your PATH. Run which python3.10 to check if Python 3.10 is installed and in your PATH.

Any type of pipeline failure

First you should check that the version of the CLI you are using is the latest one. You can check the version of the CLI with the --version option:

$ airbyte-ci --version
airbyte-ci, version 0.1.0

and compare it with the version in the pyproject.toml file:

$ cat airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/pyproject.toml | grep version

If you get any type of pipeline failure, you can run the pipeline with the --show-dagger-logs option to get more information about the failure.

$ airbyte-ci --show-dagger-logs connectors --name=source-pokeapi test

and when in doubt, you can reinstall the CLI with the --force option:

$ pipx reinstall pipelines --force