A curated list of awesome Rust frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-go.
Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock!
- Applications
- Development tools
- Libraries
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astronomy
- Asynchronous
- Audio
- Authentication
- Automotive
- Bioinformatics
- Caching
- Cloud
- Command-line
- Compression
- Computation
- Concurrency
- Configuration
- Cryptography
- Database
- Data processing
- Data structures
- Data visualization
- Date and time
- Distributed systems
- Encoding
- Filesystem
- Game development
- Geospatial
- Graphics
- Graph processing
- Image processing
- Industrial automation
- Language specification
- Logging
- Macro
- Markup language
- Mobile
- Network programming
- Parsing
- Peripherals
- Platform specific
- Scripting
- Template engine
- Text processing
- Text search
- Unsafe
- Virtualization
- Web programming
- Registries
- Resources
- License
See also Rust — Production(organizations running Rust in production).
- alacritty — A cross-platform, GPU enhanced terminal emulator
- asm-cli-rust — interative assembly shell written in rust.
- AnderEnder/s3find-rs — A command line utility to walk an Amazon S3 hierarchy, an analog of find for Amazon S3
- cloudflare/boringtun — A Userspace WireGuard VPN Implementation
- denoland/deno — A secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8, Rust, and Tokio
- ivanceras/diwata — A database administration tool for postgresql
- linkerd/linkerd2-proxy — Ultralight service mesh for Kubernetes.
- darrint/device-blocker — Limit screen time to children's various mobile devices by blocking internet access on the family Wifi router.
- dlecan/generic-dns-update — A tool to update DNS zonefiles with your IP address
- Factotum — A system to programmatically run data pipelines
- fcsonline/drill — A HTTP load testing application inspired by Ansible syntax
- Fractalide — Simple Rust Microservices
- habitat — An tool created by Chef to build, deploy, and manage applications.
- Herd — an experimental HTTP load testing application
- intecture/api — an API-driven server management and configuration tool
- jedisct1/flowgger — A fast, simple and lightweight data collector
- kbknapp/docli — A command line utility for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure
- limonite — static blog/website generator
- MaidSafe — A decentralized platform.
- mdBook — A command line utility to create books from markdown files
- nicohman/eidolon — A steam and drm-free game registry and launcher for linux and macosx
- notty — A new kind of terminal
- Pijul — A patch-based distributed version control system
- rsign — A simple command-line tool used to generate/sign/verify digital signatures designed to be compatible with Minisign
- Sandstorm Collections App
- Servo — A prototype web browser engine
- trust-dns — A DNS-server
- Weld — Full fake REST API generator
- kytan - High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN
- WezTerm — A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
- indiscipline/zrtstr — A command line utility for checking if stereo wav files are faux-stereo (i.e. have identical channels) and converting such files to mono.
- Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision — A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV .
- cardano-cli — Cardano Command Line Interface (CLI)
- ChainX — Fully Decentralized Interchain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot.
- coinbase-pro-rs — Coinbase pro client in Rust, supports sync/async/websocket
- ethaddrgen — Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust
- Grin — Evolution of the MimbleWimble protocol
- hdwallet — BIP-32 HD wallet related key derivation utilities.
- infincia/bip39-rs — Rust implementation of BIP39.
- Joystream — A user governed video platform.
- nearprotocol/nearcore — decentralized smart-contract platform for low-end mobile devices.
- Nervos CKB — Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, the common knowledge layer of Nervos network.
- Nimiq — Rust implementation of Nimiq node
- Parity-Bitcoin — The Parity Bitcoin client
- Parity-Bridge — Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks
- Parity-Ethereum — Fast, light, and robust Ethereum client
- Parity-Zcash — Rust implementation of the Zcash protocol
- Polkadot — Heterogeneous multi‑chain technology with pooled security
- rbtc — Convert BTC to any currency and vice-versa.
- rust-cardano — Rust implementation of Cardano primitives, helpers, and related applications
- Substrate — Generic modular blockchain template written in Rust
- wagu — Generate a wallet for any cryptocurrency
- zcash — Zcash is an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol.
- Holochain — Scalable P2P alternative to blockchain for all those distributed apps you always wanted to build
- indradb — Rust based graph database
- noria — Dynamically changing, partially-stateful data-flow for web application backends
- PumpkinDB — an event sourcing database engine
- seppo0010/rsedis — A Redis reimplementation in Rust
- ParityDB — Fast and reliable database, optimised for read operation
- SurrealDB — A scalable, distributed, document-graph database in Rust
- tikv — A distributed KV database in Rust
See also crates matching keyword 'emulator'.
- Commodore 64
- Gameboy
- Gekkio/mooneye-gb —
- mvdnes/rboy —
- NivenT/RGB —
- mohanson/gameboy — Full featured Cross-platform GameBoy emulator. Forever boys!.
- Playstation
- ZX Spectrum
- pacmancoder/rustzx —
- rodrigorc/raze — For WebAssembly, live version here
- Virtual Boy
- Intel 8080 CPU
- mohanson/i8080 — Intel 8080 cpu emulator by Rust
- Emulator Development tools
- ioncodes/snesutilities — ROM analyser/extractor
See also Games Made With Piston.
- lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust — A minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format
- swatteau/sokoban-rs — A Sokoban implementation
- Zone of Control — A turn-based hexagonal strategy game . Discontinued. There are no forks.
- rhex — hexagonal ascii roguelike
- citybound — The city sim you deserve
- ozkriff/zemeroth — A small 2D turn-based hexagonal strategy game
- rsaarelm/magog — A roguelike game in Rust
- schulke-214/rsnake — Snake written in Rust.
- schulke-214/connect-four — A simple connect four implementation.
- cristicbz/rust-doom — A renderer for Doom, may progress to being a playable game
- Thinkofname/rust-quake — Quake map renderer in Rust
- aleshaleksey/TGWM — An RPG with turned-based mechanics (work in progress)
- garkimasera/rusted-ruins — Extensible open world rogue like game with pixel art
- Veloren — An open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG.
- Limeth/euclider — A real-time 4D CPU ray tracer
- ivanceras/svgbob — converts ASCII diagrams into SVG graphics
- RazrFalcon/svgcleaner — tidies SVG graphics
- Twinklebear/tray_rust — A ray tracer
- Image processing:
- spejss/Image-Processing-CLI-in-Rust — CLI for processing images, generating histograms.
- slowtec/tokio-modbus — A tokio-based modbus library.
- locka99/opcua — A pure rust OPC UA library.
- BiancoRoyal/modbus-iiot-rust — A pure rust modbus library with no or less dependencies.
See also A comparison of operating systems written in Rust.
- redox-os/redox —
- thepowersgang/rust_os —
- tock/tock — A secure embedded operating system for Cortex-M based microcontrollers
- nebulet/nebulet — A microkernel that implements a WebAssembly "usermode" that runs in Ring 0.
- eureka — A CLI tool to input and store your ideas without leaving the terminal
- BenSchZA/pier — A central repository to manage (add, search metadata, etc.) all your one-liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs
- arvancloud/libinjection-rs — Rust bindings for libinjection
- kpcyrd/badtouch — A scriptable network authentication cracker
- replydev/cotp - Trustworthy, encrypted, command-line TOTP/HOTP authenticator app with import functionality.
- kpcyrd/rshijack — A TCP connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack
- kpcyrd/sniffglue — A secure multithreaded packet sniffer
- kpcyrd/sn0int — A semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
- Gymmasssorla/anevicon — The most powerful UDP-based load generator, written in Rust
- Gymmasssorla/finshir — A coroutines-driven Low & Slow traffic generator, written in Rust
- Ockam — A suite of tools, programming libraries and infrastructure that make it easy to build devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.
- brocode/fblog — Small command-line JSON Log viewer
- buster/rrun — A command launcher for Linux, similar to gmrun
- cristianoliveira/funzzy — A configurable filesystem watcher inspired by entr
- dalance/procs — A modern replacement for 'ps' written by Rust
- ddh — Fast duplicate file finder
- fselect — Find files with SQL-like queries
- j0ru/kickoff — Fast wayland program launcher
- k0pernicus/zou — A download accelerator
- lotabout/rargs [rargs] — xargs + awk with pattern matching support
- lotabout/skim — A fuzzy finder in pure rust
- mitnk/cicada — A bash-like Unix shell
- mmstick/concurr — Alternative to GNU Parallel w/ a client-server architecture
- mmstick/fontfinder — GTK3 application for previewing and installing Google's fonts
- mmstick/parallel — Reimplementation of GNU Parallel
- mmstick/tv-renamer — A tv series renaming application with an optional GTK3 frontend.
- netscanner - TUI Network Scanner
- Peltoche/lsd — An ls with a lot of pretty colors and awesome icons
- ogham/exa — A replacement for 'ls'
- pop-os/debrep — APT repository tool for building and managing an APT repo
- pop-os/popsicle — GTK3 & CLI utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel
- pop-os/system76-power — Linux power management daemon (DBus-interface) with CLI tool.
- Ralvke/logram — Push log files' updates to Telegram
- redox-os/ion — Next-generation system shell
- sharkdp/bat — A cat(1) clone with wings.
- sharkdp/fd — A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- sitkevij/hex — A colorized hexdump terminal utility.
- supercilex/fuc - Fast
commands - m4b/bingrep — Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them.
- uutils/coreutils — A cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- watchexec — Executes commands in response to file modifications
- XAMPPRocky/tokei — counts the lines of code
- nushell/nushell — A multiplatform, data oriented shell and a scripting language
- gblach/reflicate — Deduplicate data by creating reflinks between identical files.
- gblach/imge — Write disk images to physical drive or vice versa with on-the-fly compression/decompression.
- gchp/iota — A simple text editor
- mathall/rim — Vim-like text editor written in Rust
- Remacs — A community-driven port of Emacs to Rust.
- xi-editor — A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
- xray — An experimental next-generation Electron-based text editor.
- TankerHQ/ruplacer — Find and replace text in source files
- ripgrep — combines the usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of grep
- sd — Intuitive find & replace CLI
- lavifb/todo_r — Find all your TODO notes with one command!
- whitfin/runiq — an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input.
- whitfin/bytelines — Read input lines as byte slices for high efficiency.
- vishaltelangre/ff — Find files (ff) by name!
- xsv — A fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.)
- brycx/checkpwn — A Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) command-line utility tool that lets you easily check for compromised accounts and passwords.
- evansmurithi/cloak — A Command Line OTP (One Time Password) Authenticator application.
- arthrp/consoletimer - Simple timer for your terminal.
- myfreeweb/freepass — The free password manager for power users.
- arthrp/quick-skeleton — Project scaffolding tool, similar to Yeoman and Slush.
- yaa110/rubigo — Golang dependency tool and package manager, written in Rust
- whitfin/s3-concat — A command line tool to concatenate Amazon S3 files remotely using flexible patterns.
- whitfin/s3-meta — A command line tool to gather metadata about your Amazon S3 buckets.
- Tabiew — A lightweight TUI app to view and query CSV files.
- Tuckr — A dotfile and symlink manager that requires no configuration, inspired by GNU Stow's approach.
- amar-laksh/workstation — A commandline tool to help you manage your workstation by distancing you from your screen, locking your screen when you aren't there among other things with OPENCV!
- aleshaleksey/AZDice — A dice roll success distribution generator for tabletop homebrewers.
- fcsonline/tmux-thumbs — A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator.
- repoch — Convert epoch to datetime and datetime to epoch
- yaa110/cb — Command line interface to manage clipboard
- yuvadm/slingr — A simple CLI for streaming media files over a local network to UPnP media renderers
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker — A lightweight virtual machine for container workload Firecracker Microvm
- oracle/railcar — Docker-like container OCI runtime implementation in Rust
- tailhook/vagga — A containerization tool without daemons
- way-cooler/way-cooler — A customizable Wayland compositor (window manager)
- Plume-org/Plume — ActivityPub federating blogging application
- rustlang-cn/ruster — online community in rust for rust community
- Man In The Middle Proxy — A MITM Proxy Written in Rust 🦀! Toolkit for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets with SSL/TLS Capabilities.
- Poem Framework — A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
- thecoshman/http — Host These Things Please — A basic http server for hosting a folder fast and simply
- svenstaro/miniserve — A small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP
- TheWaWaR/simple-http-server — simple static http server
- wyhaya/see — Static file server
- Mini RPS - Mini reverse proxy server, HTTPS, CORS, static file hosting and template engine (minijinja)
- ATAC — ATAC is Arguably a Terminal API Client. It is based on well-known clients such as Postman, Insomnia, or even Bruno, but inside your terminal without any specific graphical environment needed.
- clippy — Rust lints
- clog-tool/clog-cli — generates a changelog from git metadata (conventional changelog)
- create-rust-app — Set up a modern rust+react web app by running one command.
- dan-t/rusty-tags — create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies
- frewsxcv/crate-deps — generates images of dependency graphs for crates hosted on crates.io
- git-journal — The Git Commit Message and Changelog Generation Framework
- rust-lang-nursery/rustfix — automatically applies the suggestions made by rustc
- just — A handy command runner for project-specific tasks
- Module Linker — Extension that adds
links to references inmod
andextern crate
statements at GitHub. - Ockam — A suite of tools, programming libraries and infrastructure that make it easy to build devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.
- ptags — A parallel universal-ctags wrapper for git repository
- Racer — code completion for Rust
- rustfmt — A Rust code formatter
- Rustup — the Rust toolchain installer
- Rust Language Server — A server that runs in the background, providing IDEs, editors, and other tools with information about Rust programs
- Rust Regex Playground — Web tool to evaluate rust regular expressions
- artifact — the design doc tool made for developers
- semantic-rs — automatic crate publishing
- fw — workspace productivity booster
- tinyrick a basic task dependency tool emphasizing Rust functions over raw shell commands.
- frolic — An API layer to build customer facing dashboards 10x faster
- Cargo — the Rust package manager
- cargo-benchcmp — A utility to compare Rust micro-benchmarks
- cargo-bitbake — A cargo extension that can generate BitBake recipes utilizing the classes from meta-rust
- cargo-cache — inspect/manage/clean your cargo cache (
), print sizes etc - cargo-check — A wrapper around
cargo rustc -- -Zno-trans
which can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks - cargo-count — lists source code counts and details about cargo projects, including unsafe statistics
- cargo-deb — Generates binary Debian packages
- cargo-deps — build dependency graphs of Rust projects
- cargo-do — run multiple cargo commands in a row
- cargo-ebuild — cargo extension that can generate ebuilds using the in-tree eclasses
- cargo-edit — allows you to add and list dependencies by reading/writing to your Cargo.toml file from the command line
- cargo-find deprecated — Find crates from command line
- cargo-graph — updated fork of
with additional features. Unmaintained, seecargo-deps
- cargo-info — queries crates.io for crates details from command line
- cargo-license — A cargo subcommand to quickly view the licenses of all dependencies.
- cargo-limit — Cargo with less noise: warnings are skipped until errors are fixed, Neovim integration, etc.
- cargo-make — Rust task runner and build tool.
- cargo-modules — A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules.
- cargo-multi — runs specified cargo command on multiple crates
- cargo-outdated — displays when newer versions of Rust dependencies are available, or out of date
- cargo-release — tool for releasing git-managed cargo project, build, tag, publish, doc and push
- cargo-script — lets people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package ecosystem
- cargo-testify — watches files changes, runs tests and notifies about the result with friendly OS notification
- cargo-tree – Cargo subcommand that visualizes a crate's dependency graph in a tree-like format
- cargo-update — cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables
- cargo-watch — utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change
- liuchong/cargo-x — A very simple third-party cargo subcommand to execute a custom command
- dtolnay/cargo-expand — Expand macros in your source code
- CMake
- Devolutions/CMakeRust — useful for integrating a Rust library into a CMake project
- SiegeLord/RustCMake — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
- Github actions
- icepuma/rust-action — rust github action
- Webpack
- Ralvke/rust-loader — Webpack Rust loader (wasm)
- lldb_batchmode.py — allows to use LLDB in a way similar to GDB's batch mode.
- CodeLLDB — A LLDB extension for Visual Studio Code.
- rr
- rr — rr is a lightweight tool for recording and replaying execution of applications
- Docker
- emk/rust-musl-builder — Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-libc and musl-gcc, with static versions of useful C libraries
- kpcyrd/mini-docker-rust — An example project for very small rust docker images
- liuchong/docker-rustup — A multiple version (with musl tools) Rust Docker image
- messense/rust-musl-cross — Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-cross
- rust-lang-nursery/docker-rust — the official Rust Docker image
- Google App Engine
- DenisKolodin/rust-app-engine — App Engine Rust boilerplate
- Heroku
- emk/heroku-buildpack-rust — A buildpack for Rust applications on Heroku
- Cross compiling
- japaric/rust-cross — everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs
- japaric/xargo — effortless cross compilation of Rust programs to custom bare-metal targets like ARM Cortex-M
- Raspberry Pi
- Ockam — A suite of tools, programming libraries and infrastructure that make it easy to build devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.
- Ogeon/rust-on-raspberry-pi — instructions for how to cross compile Rust projects for the Raspberry Pi .
- Arduino
- avr-rust/ruduino ^`^t Reusable components for the Arduino Uno.
See also Foreign Function Interface, The Rust FFI Omnibus (a collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages) and FFI examples written in Rust.
- C
- rlhunt/cbindgen — generates C header files from Rust source files. Used in Gecko for WebRender
- Sean1708/rusty-cheddar — generates C header files from Rust source files
- C++
- rust-lang/rust-bindgen — A Rust bindings generator
- Erlang
- rusterlium/rustler — safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
- Haskell
- mgattozzi/curryrs — Bridge the gap between Haskell and Rust
- mgattozzi/haskellrs — Rust in Haskell FFI Example
- mgattozzi/rushs — Haskell in Rust FFI Example
- Java
- j4rs — use Java from Rust
- bennettanderson/rjni — use Java from Rust
- drrb/java-rust-example — use Rust from Java
- jni — use Rust from Java
- jni-sys — Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h
- rucaja — use Java from Rust
- rawrasaur/rust-jdbc — uses JDBC from Rust
- Lua
- jcmoyer/rust-lua53 — Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust
- kballard/rust-lua — Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1
- tickbh/td_rlua — Zero-cost high-level lua 5.3 wrapper for Rust
- tomaka/hlua — Rust library to interface with Lua
- mruby
- anima-engine/mrusty — mruby safe bindings for Rust
- Node.js
- neon-bindings/neon — use Rust from Node.js
- Objective-C
- SSheldon/rust-objc — Objective-C Runtime bindings and wrapper for Rust
- Perl
- vickenty/mi-rust — Adds support to M::I for building modules with Cargo
- vickenty/perl-xs — Create Perl XS modules using Rust
- Python
- getsentry/milksnake — extension for python setuptools that allows you to distribute dynamic linked libraries in Python wheels in the most portable way imaginable.
- dgrunwald/rust-cpython — Python bindings
- PyO3/PyO3 — Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
- R
- rustr/rustr — use Rust from R, and use R in Rust
- Ruby
- d-unseductable/ruru — native Ruby extensions written in Rust
- danielpclark/rutie — native Ruby extensions written in Rust and vice versa
- tildeio/helix — write Ruby classes in Rust
- Web Assembly
- rustwasm/wasm-pack — 📦 ✨ pack up the wasm and publish it to npm!
- rustwasm/wasm-bindgen — A project for facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules and JS.
See also Are we (I)DE yet? and Rust Tools.
- Atom
- Eclipse
- Emacs
- rust-mode — Rust Major Mode
- flycheck-rust — Rust support for Flycheck
- emacs-racer — Autocompletion (see also company and auto-complete)
- lsp-rust — Add rls support to lsp-mode
- gitpod.io — Online IDE with full Rust support based on Rust Language Server
- gnome-builder native support for rust and cargo since Version 3.22.2
- Helix - A post-modern text editor
- Kakoune
- ul/kak-lsp — LSP client. Implemented in Rust and supports rls out of the box.
- NetBeans
- IntelliJ
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust —
- intellij-rust/intellij-toml — basic Toml support
- Ride —
- SolidOak — A simple IDE for Rust, based on GTK+ and Neovim
- Sublime Text
- rust-lang/rust-enhanced — official Rust package
- sublimehq/packages — native Sublime support (already installed)
- Vim — the ubiquitous text editor
- rust.vim — provides file detection, syntax highlighting, formatting, Syntastic integration, and more.
- vim-cargo — command bindings to quickly run cargo stuff from vim.
- vim-racer — allows vim to use Racer for Rust code completion and navigation.
- autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim — LSP client. Implemented in Rust and supports rls out of the box.
- Visual Studio
- PistonDevelopers/VisualRust — A Visual Studio extension for Rust
- dgriffen/rls-vs2017 — Rust support for Visual Studio 2017 Preview
- Visual Studio Code
- rust-lang/rls-vscode — Rust support for Visual Studio Code
- CodeLLDB — A LLDB extension
- crates — crates is an extension for crates.io dependencies.
- KalitaAlexey/vscode-rust — A fork of RustyCode
- sfikas/rusteval — A tool used to evaluate the output of retrieval algorithms
- sharkdp/hyperfine — A command-line benchmarking tool
- performancecopilot/hornet — A Performance Co-Pilot memory-mapped values instrumentation library
- nokia/memory-profiler — A memory profiler for Linux
- ellisonch/rust-stopwatch — A stopwatch library
- FlameGraphs
- mrhooray/torch — generates FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info
- TyOverby/flame —
- deps.rs — Detect outdated or insecure dependencies
- docs.rs — Automatic documentation generation of crates
- static_assertions — Compile-time assertions to ensure that invariants are met
- mockiato — A strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018
- mutagen — A source-level mutation testing framework (nightly only)
- AlKass/polish — Mini Testing/Test-Driven Framework
- httpmock — HTTP mocking
- proptest — property testing framework inspired by the Hypothesis framework for Python
- quickcheck — A Rust implementation of QuickCheck
- mockito — HTTP mocking
- speculate — An RSpec inspired minimal testing framework for Rust
- rust-fuzz/afl.rs — A Rust fuzzer, using AFL
- tarpaulin — A code coverage tool designed for Rust
- trust — A Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows
- immunant/c2rust — C to Rust translator and cross checker built atop Clang/LLVM.
- jameysharp/corrode — A C to Rust translator written in Haskell.
- tsync — A utility to generate typescript types from rust code.
- andschwa/rust-genetic-algorithm — A genetic algorithm for academic benchmark problems
- thomasbratt/watchmaker — Genetic Algorithm library. Implement a single trait for your problem and call a single method. Supports progress reporting, configurable parameters.
- thomasbratt/watchmaker_vm — A virtual machine for use with genetic algorithms. Any random sequence of bytes is a valid program. Simple orthogonal instruction format. Each instruction is a 64 bit value, including operands.
- Martin1887/oxigen — Fast, parallel, extensible and adaptable genetic algorithm library. A example using this library solves the N Queens problem for N = 255 in only few seconds and using less than 1 MB of RAM.
- innoave/genevo — Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way.
- willi-kappler/darwin-rs — This library allows you to write evolutionary algorithms (EA) using the Rust programming language. Written by Willi Kappler, License: MIT — Version 0.4 (2017.06.26).
- m-decoster/RsGenetic — Genetic Algorithm library in Rust. In maintenance mode.
- mneumann/evo-rs — Evolutionary Algorithm Library for Rust. Without changes for 3 years.
- yurytsoy/revonet — Rust implementation of real-coded GA for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks.
See also About Rust’s Machine Learning Community.
- AtheMathmo/rusty-machine — Machine learning library for Rust
- avinashshenoy97/RusticSOM — Rust library for Self Organising Maps (SOM).
- autumnai/leaf — Open Machine Intelligence framework. . Abandoned project. The most updated fork is spearow/juice.
- tensorflow/rust — Rust language bindings for TensorFlow.
- maciejkula/rustlearn — Machine learning crate for Rust.
- LaurentMazare/tch-rs — Rust language bindings for PyTorch.
- saurvs/astro-rust — astronomy for Rust
- fitsio — fits interface library wrapping cfitsio
- flosse/rust-sun — A rust port of the JS library suncalc
- Async-graphql —
is a high-performance server-side library that supports all GraphQL specifications. - zonyitoo/coio-rs — A coroutine I/O library with a working-stealing scheduler
- dpc/mioco — Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library
- TeaEntityLab/fpRust — Monad/MonadIO, Handler, Coroutine/doNotation, Functional Programming features for Rust
- rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs — Zero-cost futures in Rust
- mio — MIO is a lightweight IO library for Rust with a focus on adding as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions
- Xudong-Huang/may — rust stackful coroutine library
- rustasync/runtime - A runtime agnostic API designed to make async feel like its part of stdlib
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-fmod — FMOD bindings
- jhasse/ears — A simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile
- jpernst/alto — OpenAL 1.1 bindings
- musitdev/portmidi-rs — PortMidi bindings
- hound — A WAV encoding and decoding library
- tomaka/rodio — A Rust audio playback library
- RustAudio
- RustAudio/rust-portaudio — PortAudio bindings
- Keats/jsonwebtoken — JSON Web Token lib in rust
- Ockam — A suite of tools, programming libraries and infrastructure that make it easy to build devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.
- canparse — A CAN signal and definition parser
- j2534 — J2534 PassThru bindings
- JulianSchmid/dlt_parse — Rust DLT (Diagnostic Log and Trace) packet parser
- JulianSchmid/someip_parse [someip_parse] — A library for parsing the SOME/IP network protocol (without payload interpretation)
- LibreTuner/tuneutils [tuneutils] — Utilities for interfacing with, diagnosing, and tuning car
- marcelbuesing/can-dbc [can-dbc] — A parser for the DBC format
- marcelbuesing/tokio-socketcan-bcm [tokio-socketcan-bcm] — Linux SocketCAN BCM support for tokio
- mbr/socketcan [socketcan] — Linux SocketCAN library
- oefd/tokio-socketcan [tokio-socketcan]] — Linux SocketCAN support for tokio based on the socketcan crate
- Sensirion/lin-bus [lin-bus] — LIN bus driver traits and protocol implementation