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Releases: census-instrumentation/opencensus-node

v0.13.0 Release

20 May 19:26
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3809c9e Fix missing tags for HTTP metrics (#538)
c85ca67 Add support for custom attributes (#492)
c30010d set CurrentRootSpan correctly (#532)
a7af26c Chore: update GRPC to 1.12.3 (#535)
4a6c3f1 Chore: upgrade engines field to >=8 (#533)
056fee7 Docs: Fix jaeger config syntax (#522)
1e144d4 Fix: handle infinite loop caused by get traceState() (#530)
afc3268 Docs: add some use info to (#531)
e5ff47c Chore: Fix js-yaml vulnerability from Codecov (#523)
26c232c Change CLS import to do stats type more general. (#528)
800520f startChildSpan with SpanOptions interface only. (#521)
0fcb0cb Cleanup type assertion (#525)
940ef79 Chore: remove node 6 ci job (#524)
1a77de1 Docs: Fix missing gitter links (#519)

v0.12.0 Release

13 May 16:25
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88a4ab1 Plug-in Derived Cumulative into the Metric-Registry (#513)
aeb5fd4 Instrumentation/HTTP: Handle incoming requests with long request url … (#515)
727b59c Fix vulnerable dependencies: mocha (#516)
8cc92a4 feat(core): start tracer with span attributes (#514)
89f20bb Add support for Derived Cumulative API (#503)
111223e Cleanup: remove redundant types in JSDoc (#510)
53dab13 Exporting TracerBase as a separate @opencensus/nodejs-base package (#495)
5db22c9 Plug-in Cumulative APIs into the Metric-Registry (#505)
49ef54f Fix README badge URLs (#509)
369127b chore(lerna): add fix script (#508)
d4c3b19 fix(tracer): report every span to exporters (#493)
96a6ab7 Remove triage-me label from ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#502)
ee02283 feat(core): support object type attribute on spans (#496)
d9aac97 Update dependency grpc to ~1.20.0 (#489)
39f3b32 fix(exporter-zpages): zpages template scope (#494)
58dd3ab chore(package): update handlebar to avoid security vulnabirity (#497)
92edaa9 feat(tracer): separate cls from tracer (#484)
2e6709a Update dependency nyc to v14 (#487)
01d4475 Move propagation-binaryformat package to dependencies. (#488)
1b03ba7 Derived Gauge: Add support for extracting value from a function (#469)
9235b50 http-instrumentation: fix propagation errors when using Expect header #481 (#482)
f0cb7e9 fix(deps): update dependency @grpc/proto-loader to ^0.5.0 (#483)
1853dc9 Add support for Cumulative API (#480)
abd41db Consolidating Span and RootSpan to allow Spans to recursively have children (#441)

v0.0.11 Release

09 Apr 01:59
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7609340 Add redis instrumentation plugins by default (#471)
b916ec9 Add support for Opencensus Span links to Thrift Span references (#473)
dff1e54 Fix(deps): update dependency googleapis to v39 (#452)
aa889b2 Fix error in opencensus to stackdriver translation (#474) (#475)
9632157 Remove createScopedRequired usage (#467)
6f5c6b3 Gauge: Add support for constant labels (#468)

v0.0.10 Release

03 Apr 17:35
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Feature and Bug Fixes
bd4f1b6 Message events: use counters instead of hexdecimal value (#446)
27de0b1 update plugin loader (#386)
cbd1d99 Add MetricOptions to simplify all addXGauge (#458)
469d15a [Core] Enforce strictNullChecks (#453)
9f4a627 Regenerate ocagent proto files (#456)
ca97ca3 Exclude JS files from codecov (#451)
3a67125 Add code style checker in unit test workflow (#448)
4b7d14c Use ts-mocha to run tests (#444)
c5a7d07 Add support for gRPC tags propagation (#443)
b5a49c1 Add HTTP/W3C text format serializer to Tag propagation component (#445)
2652f20 Propagation-Jaeger: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#433)
4eaf539 only require userland CLS when needed (#435)
04f1fee Add support for Binary Format serializer for TagMap (#431)
d3e2d7c Make Stackdriver propagation module consistent with other propagations interface (#436)
234c395 opencensus-zpages: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#432)
d838da0 Tags: Add support for TagMetadata (#424)
8b80a65 Stats: Record against implicit (current) tag context (#418)
6e666d3 Propagation/B3: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#421)
d017e2f opencensus-nodejs: Enforce strictNullChecks (#426)
fa110c4 add ioredis instrumentation plugin (#410)
66ebc78 Use instead of options.hostname (#416) (#417)
096eb70 Exporter/Prometheus: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#419)
1c0d0b5 Enforce/strictNullChecks: Stackdriver (#408)
a499b36 Add default labels for issue (#407)
bccd6be Enforce/strictNullChecks: MongoDB Plugin (#412)
fd92679 Add support for recording exemplars (#405)
55efec4 Restrict people who can approve reviews. This is to ensure code quality. (#409)
0d91323 Instrumentation/HTTP2/HTTPS: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#406)
89cb441 Jaeger exporter: remove require wrapper and make requires direct (#302)
36f63e6 Code Enhancement/Refactor (#403)
73f83a1 Exporter/jaeger: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#382)
36ec183 Support sampling per span (#394)
31bfa65 Exporter/Instana: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#390)
85e2fc2 Add support for unregister stats exporter whenever the exporter is not needed anymore (#397)
fa97a9b Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals on opencensus-propagation-tracecontext (#377)
1140dd3 Add a NoRecord RootSpan and Span (#389)
58eff0f Fix mongodb instrumentation not ending span correctly (#358)
fa1ea7f Exporter/Zipkin: Enforce strictNullChecks and noUnusedLocals (#381)
d26ce56 implement redis instrumentation plugin (#359)
2fd1a7b Exporter/Stackdriver: Update childSpanCount (#380)
a5c2971 Add support for recording HTTP stats (#370)
6cb24ee Add HTTP instrumentation guide (#369)
04dcdbe fix: packages/opencensus-propagation-stackdriver/package.json & packages/opencensus-propagation-stackdriver/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#376)
bc0de66 gRPC plugin : remove metrics to stats (#374)
c0fe475 fix: packages/opencensus-nodejs/package.json & packages/opencensus-nodejs/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#372)
fe7606e fix: packages/opencensus-instrumentation-grpc/package.json & packages/opencensus-instrumentation-grpc/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#373)
b74cefa Update examples with latest OC version and format using semistandard (#371)
608943d Add support for child span count (#332)
0f76085 Add support for recording gRPC stats (#357)
4714705 Fix the exporter-ocagent (#366)
d4f36b0 enforce strictNullChecks on HTTP plugin (#364)
8ba7367 Add Measure, TagKey and View constants for recording HTTP stats (#360)
8572750 Fix stackdriver test (#363)
0267db1 Add gRPC integration guide (#355)
622cc75 chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v6 (#350)
2c56a2a add option of passing in an object to the createChildSpan (#349)
5b8dced Use binary format for grpc plugin (#354)
fc5f4d1 Add support for Binary propagation format (#353)
4530fc6 add default value when attributes are not specified (#351)
21b64a0 chore(deps): update dependency nyc to v13.3.0 (#329)
7dac11f fixes http.get patches for header propagation #117 (#324)
0605a67 Update uncompressedSize and compressedSize for exporters (#347)
9d592e6 exporter/Zipkin: Add missing fields (Annotation,Status,MessageEvent etc) (#345)
3638ca5 Add instrumentation for grpc (#343)
a687f7f Add message sizes to addMessageEvent function (#344)

ReadMe and Examples
1bb958a chore: add node 11 ci job (#375)
cc980f2 Update README and CHANGELOG (#378)
7f23366 Add example for tracing (#379)
26eb382 Fix docs (#457)
227fb39 Add gauge example (#460)
5dfea38 Add snyk (vulnerability) badge (#420)

34dd809 Fix vulnerability : handlebars (#398)
1069791 fix(deps): update dependency @grpc/proto-loader to ^0.4.0 (#298)
a887a57 chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to v8 (#303)
342a10e upgrade typescript (#396)
9741369 Update dependency google-proto-files to ^0.20.0 (#428)
1dae581 Update dependency gcp-metadata to v1 (#346)
22409df Update dependency semver to v6 (#449)
0c733be Update dependency @types/semver to v6 (#461)
ac0ef77 Chore: sync package-lock (#440)
6574abf Chore: Remove unwanted dependencies (#439)
9c95aa0 Remove deprecated @types/pkg-dir and pkg-dir (#438)
9f4a627 Regenerate ocagent proto files (#456)

v0.0.9 Release

13 Feb 05:03
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55a5545 Exporter/Stackdriver: Use Trace SDKs (v2 API) (#338)
515789e Update dependency jaeger-client to ~3.14.0 (#308)
38ed0a2 Update dependency googleapis to v37.2.0 (#337)
cb97d3f Update examples to work with global stats instance (#339)
95be16e Use enum for MessageEvent Type, Link Type and SpanKind (#334)
a692467 Enforce message event and annotation limits. (#335)
e95a418 Enforce Links limit (#331)
923148a Enforce attribute limit (#330)
57b1da5 Tracing: Add code and message to Span -> Status (#328)
94cc98c Add message event size fields (#323)
c10212f Add common utils (#321)
f98ec08 Add trace params (#311)
2a13a77 Stats/Stackdriver: Add user agent as client header (#320)
052c352 Update googleapis -> 37.1.0 (#319)
54d46ea Add timeout for AWS MetadataAccessor (#318)
99c04ee Update dependency google-auth-library (#317)
4daea53 Stats/Stackdriver: Use resource util to generate MonitoredResource (#314)
9414faf Auto detect GCE, GKE and AWS EC2 resources (#312)
77eada8 Update stats, zpages, prometheus packages with new Tags API (#307)
de34faf Downgrade mongodb version (#309)
8e3d5aa Make Stats singleton (globalStats), separate registerView from createView (#291)
37fd034 Add usage instructions (#300)
6b9e53d Add opencensus-resource-util package (#299)
7a37197 [core] Add Tags API (#295)
2f5d8be Minor changes to Stackdriver example (#289)
f1983b9 Add validation for tagkey & tagvalue. Fix issue #268 (#280)
3b76356 Stats/Stackdriver: export data using metrics API (#275)
239a9e2 Nit: Export for tests and Singleton instance for BaseMetricProducerManager (#277)
ef3486a chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v3 (#252)
c165623 Readme: update exporters, versioning, plugins, badges data (#278)
90f1905 Set startTimestamp to creation time of cumulative view (#273)
7af93bb Simplify Logger interface, remove silly, make level optional (#271)
3db8bf5 Add helper util to convert OC Metrics data models to SD monitoring data models (#266)
47a672e Get Timestamp with process.hrtime and (#261)
ebbc3e3 export Metrics classes and types (#265)
845c1c0 chore(deps): update dependency gts to ^0.9.0 (#246)
fa325f1 Remove mocha type reference in @opencensus/core release code (#254)
3e1a9a0 Add MetricProducerManager to keep track of all MetricProducers (#253)
fed0ad4 Add start method to StatsEventListener (#259)
c5c1c4c chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~2.9.0 (#247)
07e94f7 Metrics: Fix DistributionValue buckets properties (#258)
52c304e Add configuration support to tracing instrumentation (#160)
f639c4d chore(deps): update dependency nock to v10 (#250)
93d0436 Add codecov for remaining packages (#251)
607edc5 fix(deps): update dependency google-proto-files to ^0.18.0 (#239)
8cc2097 fix(deps): update dependency jaeger-client to ~3.13.0 (#241)
542c4ec chore(deps): update dependency nyc to v13 (#245)
0aee812 chore: update renovate config (#237)
e66d096 Add renovate.json (#233)
b572e5e Minor change to README file (#236)
db78d91 Post Release: update CHANGELOG and example (#235)
d173cc5 Codecov: start reporting code coverage. (#232)


14 Dec 20:55
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e4e19ea Zipkin exporter: Convert "timestamp" and "duration" to "number" type per spec (#231)
5671ac2 Update ts-node to the latest version 🚀 (#229)
6391818 Example : Web Client Monitoring (#218)
614e29b Update @@types/node o the latest version 🚀 (#227)
fa41519 Stats: perform a deepcopy of bucketboundaries when performing measurements (#222)
a6689ea Update @types/mocha to the latest version 🚀 (#226)
6b27a67 add tests, fix viewToMetricDescriptor, fix startTimestamp (#219)
12f184a update dependency gts to ^0.9.0 (#224)
7e22f53 Exporter/Stats/Prometheus: Sanitize metric names (#217)
4116982 Remove min/max from Distribution (#212)
8d5e708 Add stats examples (#210)
e5281f4 Update Core library README (#216)
3f72f14 update nodemon -> 1.18.7 (#215)
cb79b9c Drops whole measurement list if some of value is negative (#208)
8fd0927 Renames DistributionData[sumSquaredDeviations] to [sumOfSquaredDeviation] (#209)
bf85a7b exporter/prometheus/README: should be a Stats exporter, not Tracing. (#204)
765bae3 Exporter/Stats/Stackdriver: fix MetricDescriptor and TimeSeries (#199)
3205530 Add (#202)
9158af5 Add compilerOptions: usedLocals (#200)
04f7649 refactor(perf): Use one long random buffer and slice them [propagation-tracecontext] (#198)
526023e Export package version [core] (#131)
88cb909 Fix typos in comments (#135)
70370f9 Exporter/Stats/Stackdriver: Fix MetricDescriptors ValueType (#197)
d4b3d80 instrumentation-http: Parse URL instead of relying on pathname (#169)
272efd1 Adds contributing document (#189)
92bfc32 Update issue templates (#186)


13 Nov 01:52
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v0.0.7 Pre-release

This release fixes bugs and makes API changes in the exporter-stackdriver.


18e8981 Rename prefix name for [StackdriverStatsExporter] (#185)
49b1185 Disables broken test with newest gcloud (#184)
bf1f90c Drops negative bucket bounds and negative values in record API (#175)
f1685dc fix spanId format (#162)
2fe600d Use setInterval to upload metrics to Stackdriver periodically (#168)


26 Oct 00:39
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v0.0.6 Pre-release

This release fixes bugs.


3ef9251 Fix 'pacth' to 'patch' (#157)
4a3ac8d Uses object as base for local config definition [nodejs] (#159)


19 Oct 21:29
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v0.0.5 Pre-release

This release fixes bugs and makes API changes in the core, exporter-stackdriver, exporter-zpages projects.

The following packages are brand new:

  • @opencensus/opencensus-exporter-ocagent


b171208 Add (#153)
869ce34 Adds metric name prefix override for [exporter-stackdriver] (#151)
0a49765 Adds 1 minute delay on record for [exporter-stackdriver] (#150)
fe4d4ae Update depp-extend package to fix vulnerability. (#138)
311abc1 Removes redundant range min/max from distributedValues for [exporter-stackdriver] (#148)
f9eff1a Fixup typos in (#134)
dfb3b60 fix: remove const enums (#132)
c2764ae feat: initial opencensus agent exporter implementation (#128)
d8462a2 fix: Fix SpanId generation for interoperability (#126)
62e3a6c doc: correct prometheus exporter description in README (#121)
209beba fix: don't attempt to propagate a null span. (#120)
073ddb4 chore(instrumentation-grpc): add prepare command and propose 0.0.5 (#118)
d38efe7 feat: add stats support to zpages exporter (#112)
13cab60 feat: add a default zipkin url (#111)


29 Aug 22:05
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0.0.4 Pre-release

This release fixes bugs and makes API changes in the core, exporter-stackdriver and exporter-jaeger projects. Notably, the core module has added a new Stats API, and the Stackdriver Exporter now supports exporting stats to Stackdriver Monitoring.

The following packages are brand new:

  • @opencensus/propagation-tracecontext
  • @opencensus/exporter-prometheus


59bd216 feat: add tracecontext propagation (#97)
097d1de feat: add prometheus stats exporter to opencensus nodejs (#96)
95218c8 fix: use default logger in jaeger exporter (#107)
f1854f1 doc: clarify the url is a url with an example (#106)
880d3ed doc: fix syntax error in README (#104)
7ca6aba fix: sampler now samples correctly (#100)
ed255e6 fix: change zipkin trace exporter name on readme (#101)
f7e053f feat: add stackdriver stats exporter (#94)
5882009 chore: add type definitions for exporter-jaeger (#93)
c7226d6 feat: add stats implementation (#92)
4c4ce0f feat: add stats view implementation (#89)
6ec40aa feat: Expand OpenCensus span data export to Instana (#91)
703eed0 refactor: Make examples executable (#90)
a6f44e0 feat: add stats recorder implementation (#85)
ce628e4 feat: map span attributes to labels for stackdriver export (#84)