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Logo Competition

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome! This is the place for finding out everything about the XMMS2 Logo competition!

This competition will select a Logotype to use in all XMMS2 related sites and programs. Follow the "How to contend" below.

How to contend?

  1. Make a cool logotype in scalable format

  2. Make the same cool logotype in 16x16 pixeled format

  3. Name the logotype your_email-logoname-date.svg and your_email-logoname-date.png (i.e: tru_xmms_org-coolstuff-070223.svg)

  4. Submit the logo to as a ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

    1. The logos have to be submitted in SVG format and PNG.
  5. We will put your logos on our blog and let everyone comment on it.

  6. You can re-submit the logo after you got feedback from the blog. Re-submission is allowed as many times as you like.

  7. After the 13th of April 2007 00:00 UTC we will not accept more submissions.

  8. Shortly after the deadline, everyone who has contributed to XMMS2 can rank the logotypes, the logotype with most points will be selected.

  9. Winner will receive his/her prize!

  10. Logotype will be printed / used and abused everywhere!


First prize will be a gift-certificate on valid for $400 that can be used to buy whatever you want!


  • Logo must be in scalable format (SVG) and a proof-of-concept 16x16 version of the logo must be also sent.
  • Logo must be submitted before 13th of April 2007 00:00 UTC.
  • Artist can submit infinite number of logos.
  • Copyright of the winning submission will be handed over to XMMS2 Team and they can use it as they see fit.
  • Potential taxes on the prize will be payed by the winner.
  • Result of the contest can not be overruled or questioned.
  • Tobias Rundström and Anders Gustafsson will have veto.

What are we looking for?

  • Something clean and simple
  • Works in both color and black / white
  • Not the same old speaker, cd, note thing that all other projects have
  • If the word "XMMS2" is included it should be as ONE word, not XMMS + 2. The 2 is as important as the XMMS.
  • XMMS2 stands for X(Cross)-platform Music Multiplexer System 2
  • A cool tagline will get bonus points
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