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Github > JavaScript > Electron

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Github > JavaScript > Electron > Boilerplates

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  • (⭐ 12,292 x 🍴2,028 x 😁96) - electron-react-boilerplate (2015) - A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
  • (⭐ 10,037 x 🍴1,009 x 😁71) - electron-vue (2016) - An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
  • (⭐ 5,988 x 🍴2,989 x 😁42) - electron-quick-start (2015) - Clone to try a simple Electron app
  • (⭐ 2,726 x 🍴686 x 😁33) - angular-electron (2017) - Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular 8 and Electron 5 (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤
  • (⭐ 2,698 x 🍴454 x 😁42) - electron-boilerplate (2015) - Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
  • (⭐ 1,281 x 🍴142 x 😁6) - electron-boilerplate (2015) - Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app with Electron
  • (⭐ 608 x 🍴42 x 😁8) - bozon (2016) - Scaffold, Run, Test and Package Electron application with ease
  • (⭐ 602 x 🍴51 x 😁4) - generator-electron (2015) - Scaffold out an Electron app boilerplate
  • (⭐ 374 x 🍴16 x 😁6) - lein_template_descjop (2015) - A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
  • (⭐ 157 x 🍴26 x 😁26) - electron-next-skeleton (2017) - An example Electron app built with Next.js
  • (⭐ 62 x 🍴13 x 😁2) - electron-sandbox (2017) - A simple example for a (more reasonably) secure electron application, by enabling the sandbox and forcing communication over IPC.
Github > JavaScript > Electron > Components

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  • (⭐ 8,291 x 🍴419 x 😁20) - react-desktop (2015) - React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10
  • (⭐ 5,004 x 🍴302 x 😁26) - menubar (2015) - ➖ high level way to create menubar desktop applications with electron
  • (⭐ 1,001 x 🍴134 x 😁5) - chrome-tabs (2013) - Chrome-style tabs in HTML/CSS.
  • (⭐ 438 x 🍴36 x 😁1) - titlebar (2015) - Emulate OS X window title bar
  • (⭐ 349 x 🍴40 x 😁3) - react-photonkit (2015) - 🔋 Photon components built with React
  • (⭐ 253 x 🍴33 x 😁5) - electron-window (2015) - Convenience methods for Electron windows.
  • (⭐ 121 x 🍴20 x 😁3) - electron-cookies (2015) - Adds support for cookies in Electron. Cookies are persisted through localStorage.
  • (⭐ 89 x 🍴9 x 😁4) - electron-input-menu (2016) - Context menu for electron input elements.
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - brightwheel (2016) - Build beautiful Electron user interfaces with Photon and Etch
Github > JavaScript > Electron > Tools

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Github > JavaScript > Electron > Tools > For Electron

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  • (⭐ 10,111 x 🍴677 x 😁26) - nedb (2013) - The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
  • (⭐ 7,209 x 🍴831 x 😁100) - electron-builder (2015) - A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
  • (⭐ 6,428 x 🍴617 x 😁58) - electron-packager (2015) - Customize and package your Electron app with OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JS or CLI
  • (⭐ 5,488 x 🍴314 x 😁78) - got (2014) - Simplified HTTP requests
  • (⭐ 1,598 x 🍴49 x 😁6) - electron-store (2016) - Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc
  • (⭐ 1,468 x 🍴82 x 😁12) - devtron (2016) - An Electron DevTools Extension
  • (⭐ 1,226 x 🍴187 x 😁34) - spectron (2015) - 🔎 Test Electron apps using ChromeDriver
  • (⭐ 1,071 x 🍴295 x 😁29) - electron-release-server (2016) - A fully featured, self-hosted release server for electron applications, compatible with auto-updater.
  • (⭐ 1,021 x 🍴116 x 😁25) - electron-compile (2015) - DEPRECATED: Electron supporting package to compile JS and CSS in Electron applications
  • (⭐ 925 x 🍴234 x 😁22) - nuts (2015) - 🌰 Releases/downloads server with auto-updater and GitHub as a backend
  • (⭐ 918 x 🍴64 x 😁8) - electron-json-storage (2016) - 📦 Easily write and read user settings in Electron apps
  • (⭐ 770 x 🍴96 x 😁39) - ember-electron (2015) - ⚡ Build, test, compile and package desktop apps with Ember and Electron
  • (⭐ 657 x 🍴69 x 😁15) - node-auto-launch (2014) - Launch applications or executables at login (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
  • (⭐ 625 x 🍴81 x 😁21) - electron-context-menu (2016) - Context menu for your Electron app
  • (⭐ 568 x 🍴72 x 😁13) - electron-dl (2015) - Simplified file downloads for your Electron app
  • (⭐ 550 x 🍴49 x 😁11) - electron-debug (2015) - Adds useful debug features to your Electron app
  • (⭐ 544 x 🍴111 x 😁39) - electron-rebuild (2015) - Package to rebuild native Node.js modules against the currently installed Electron version
  • (⭐ 538 x 🍴38 x 😁10) - electron-util (2017) - Useful utilities for Electron apps and modules
  • (⭐ 516 x 🍴74 x 😁11) - electron-devtools-installer (2016) - An easy way to ensure Chrome DevTools extensions into Electron
  • (⭐ 500 x 🍴46 x 😁4) - electron-settings (2015) - 📝 A simple persistent user settings framework for Electron.
  • (⭐ 452 x 🍴47 x 😁5) - electron-redux (2016) - Use redux in the main and browser processes in electron
  • (⭐ 437 x 🍴60 x 😁13) - electron-log (2016) - Just a simple logging module for your Electron application
  • (⭐ 395 x 🍴26 x 😁3) - electron-vibrancy (2016) - Make your electron windows vibrant!
  • (⭐ 384 x 🍴48 x 😁14) - electron-window-state (2015) - A library to store and restore window sizes and positions for your Electron app
  • (⭐ 326 x 🍴20 x 😁1) - electron-reloader (2018) - Simple auto-reloading for Electron apps during development
  • (⭐ 299 x 🍴39 x 😁15) - electron-osx-sign (2015) - Codesign Electron macOS apps
  • (⭐ 298 x 🍴8 x 😁3) - electron-timber (2018) - Pretty logger for Electron apps
  • (⭐ 292 x 🍴43 x 😁12) - electron-sudo (2015) - Electron subprocesses with administrative privileges, prompting the user with an OS dialog if necessary.
  • (⭐ 279 x 🍴29 x 😁10) - electron-localshortcut (2015) - Add keyboard shortcuts locally to a BrowserWindow instance, without using a Menu
  • (⭐ 277 x 🍴33 x 😁6) - electron-installer-windows (2016) - Create a Windows package for your Electron app.
  • (⭐ 250 x 🍴47 x 😁1) - electrify (2015) - Package your Meteor apps with Electron, and butter
  • (⭐ 242 x 🍴27 x 😁5) - electron-better-ipc (2018) - Simplified IPC communication for Electron apps
  • (⭐ 241 x 🍴25 x 😁5) - electron-is-dev (2016) - Check if Electron is running in development
  • (⭐ 225 x 🍴27 x 😁10) - electron-about-window (2015) - 'About This App' mini-window for Electron apps
  • (⭐ 221 x 🍴12 x 😁3) - electron-unhandled (2017) - Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections in your Electron app
  • (⭐ 220 x 🍴22 x 😁5) - electron-gh-releases (2015) - :shipit: Electron auto-update by releasing on Github.
  • (⭐ 217 x 🍴21 x 😁5) - electron-updater (2015) - Deprecated. Part of electron-builder now.
  • (⭐ 216 x 🍴20 x 😁5) - electron-serve (2018) - Static file serving for Electron apps
  • (⭐ 199 x 🍴29 x 😁3) - electron-drag (2015) - Window dragging for electron applications
  • (⭐ 197 x 🍴45 x 😁12) - electron-installer-debian (2016) - Create a Debian package for your Electron app.
  • (⭐ 183 x 🍴65 x 😁18) - electron-download (2015) - Download Electron release artifacts
  • (⭐ 178 x 🍴15 x 😁6) - electron-positioner (2015) - 📌 Helps positioning your electron windows.
  • (⭐ 172 x 🍴9 x 😁5) - electron-is (2016) - An 'is' utility for Electron which provides a set of handy functions, with a self-descriptive name.
  • (⭐ 164 x 🍴50 x 😁2) - electron-pdf-window (2016) - view PDF files in electron browser windows
  • (⭐ 160 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - run-electron (2018) - Run Electron without all the junk terminal output
  • (⭐ 153 x 🍴11 x 😁2) - electron-osx-appearance (2016) - 🍎 APIs for accessing OS X's Appearance Settings.
  • (⭐ 145 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - fix-path (2015) - Fix the $PATH on macOS when run from a GUI app
  • (⭐ 125 x 🍴16 x 😁3) - trilogy (2016) - TypeScript SQLite layer with support for both native C++ & pure JavaScript drivers.
  • (⭐ 114 x 🍴9 x 😁6) - debug-menu (2015) - Chrome-like debugging context menu for electron.
  • (⭐ 112 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - electron-ipc-stream (2015) - Duplex stream that runs over Electron's IPC
  • (⭐ 100 x 🍴19 x 😁7) - electron-process-manager (2017) - Process manager UI for Electron applications
  • (⭐ 75 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - debugtron (2018) - A command line tool to debug in-production Electron based app
  • (⭐ 70 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - electron-router (2016) - Router solving Electron hell callback passing, helpfull for MVC
  • (⭐ 66 x 🍴8 x 😁5) - electron-release (2015) - Publish a new release of your app to Github.
  • (⭐ 65 x 🍴10 x 😁5) - is-electron-renderer (2015) - Check if code is running in Electron renderer process
  • (⭐ 57 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - electron-detach (2015) - Restart an electron app as a detached process
  • (⭐ 50 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - elemon (2016) - live-reload Electron application during development
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - babel-preset-electron (2016) - Babel preset for all plugins needed with the latest electron
  • (⭐ 37 x 🍴24 x 😁12) - electron-installer-redhat (2016) - Create a Red Hat / RPM package for your Electron app.
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - electron-require (2016) - Simplified require in electron applications
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴5 x 😁4) - electron-chrome-extension (2017) - Implementation of Chrome extension APIs for Electron
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - electron-is-accelerator (2016) - Check if a string is a valid Electron accelerator
  • (⭐ 8 x 🍴3 x 😁3) - electron-ssl-pinning (2018) - Prevents MITM in Electron applications
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - chromium-net-errors (2015) - Chromium network errors for Node.js
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - electron-ipc-proxy (2017) - Transparent asynchronous electron remoting using IPC.
Github > JavaScript > Electron > Tools > Using Electron

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  • (⭐ 20,050 x 🍴1,147 x 😁82) - nativefier (2015) - Make any web page a desktop application
  • (⭐ 10,480 x 🍴612 x 😁85) - reactotron (2016) - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
  • (⭐ 3,809 x 🍴179 x 😁5) - devtool (2016) - [OBSOLETE] runs Node.js programs through Chromium DevTools
  • (⭐ 927 x 🍴112 x 😁25) - electron-pdf (2015) - 📄 A command line tool to generate PDF from URL, HTML or Markdown files.
  • (⭐ 443 x 🍴48 x 😁16) - electron-windows-store (2016) - 📦 Turn Electron Apps into Windows AppX Packages
  • (⭐ 319 x 🍴26 x 😁2) - geojsonapp (2015) - Preview geojson files locally w/ electron and mapbox gl
  • (⭐ 305 x 🍴58 x 😁26) - electron-mocha (2015) - Run Mocha tests in Electron
  • (⭐ 107 x 🍴15 x 😁9) - electron-stream (2015) - Streaming wrapper around electron
  • (⭐ 33 x 🍴10 x 😁4) - electron-har (2015) - A command-line tool for generating HTTP Archive (HAR) (based on Electron)

Github > JavaScript > Node

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Github > JavaScript > Node > Mad science

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  • (⭐ 19,818 x 🍴1,905 x 😁100) - webtorrent (2013) - ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
  • (⭐ 16,510 x 🍴3,912 x 😁78) - js-xlsx (2012) - 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
  • (⭐ 9,829 x 🍴753 x 😁50) - brain.js (2016) - 🤖 Neural networks in JavaScript
  • (⭐ 5,954 x 🍴564 x 😁33) - NodeOS (2013) - Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace
  • (⭐ 5,789 x 🍴1,049 x 😁72) - cytoscape.js (2011) - Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
  • (⭐ 5,299 x 🍴703 x 😁55) - pdfkit (2011) - A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser
  • (⭐ 5,178 x 🍴662 x 😁54) - peerflix (2013) - Streaming torrent client for node.js
  • (⭐ 4,530 x 🍴493 x 😁84) - turf (2013) - A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript
  • (⭐ 3,921 x 🍴141 x 😁40) - isomorphic-git (2017) - A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers!
  • (⭐ 3,777 x 🍴643 x 😁100) - js-ipfs (2014) - IPFS implementation in JavaScript
  • (⭐ 3,548 x 🍴285 x 😁24) - js-git (2013) - A JavaScript implementation of Git.
  • (⭐ 3,547 x 🍴1,323 x 😁65) - bitcoinjs-lib (2011) - A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.
  • (⭐ 3,269 x 🍴1,297 x 😁100) - bitcore (2013) - A full stack for bitcoin and blockchain-based applications
  • (⭐ 908 x 🍴102 x 😁4) - yodaos (2018) - AI OS for Node.js Community
  • (⭐ 444 x 🍴63 x 😁19) - dat-node (2016) - Node module for creating Dat applications with distributed file systems.
  • (⭐ 427 x 🍴29 x 😁3) - peercast (2014) - torrent-stream + chromecast
  • (⭐ 397 x 🍴24 x 😁2) - webcat (2015) - Mad science p2p pipe across the web using webrtc that uses your Github private/public key for authentication and a signalhub for discovery
  • (⭐ 341 x 🍴47 x 😁6) - skale-engine (2016) - High performance distributed data processing engine
  • (⭐ 291 x 🍴15 x 😁2) - peerwiki (2014) - all of wikipedia on bittorrent
  • (⭐ 179 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - seedshot (2016) - ⚡ Temporary peer to peer screenshot sharing from your browser.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Command-line apps

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  • (⭐ 21,459 x 🍴1,629 x 😁100) - standard (2015) - 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
  • (⭐ 14,346 x 🍴2,459 x 😁100) - eslint (2013) - A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript
  • (⭐ 8,844 x 🍴662 x 😁26) - pageres (2014) - Capture website screenshots
  • (⭐ 8,590 x 🍴667 x 😁25) - localtunnel (2012) - expose yourself
  • (⭐ 8,508 x 🍴1,001 x 😁60) - http-server (2011) - a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
  • (⭐ 7,668 x 🍴299 x 😁5) - gtop (2017) - System monitoring dashboard for terminal
  • (⭐ 7,644 x 🍴226 x 😁19) - cash (2016) - Cross-platform Linux commands in ES6
  • (⭐ 6,933 x 🍴292 x 😁20) - taskbook (2018) - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
  • (⭐ 5,642 x 🍴162 x 😁10) - fkill-cli (2015) - Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
  • (⭐ 4,602 x 🍴225 x 😁50) - xo (2015) - ❤️ JavaScript linter with great defaults
  • (⭐ 4,492 x 🍴192 x 😁56) - np (2015) - A better npm publish
  • (⭐ 4,111 x 🍴90 x 😁5) - carbon-now-cli (2018) - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
  • (⭐ 3,316 x 🍴159 x 😁26) - vtop (2014) - Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top.
  • (⭐ 3,177 x 🍴135 x 😁6) - speed-test (2015) - Test your internet connection speed and ping using from the CLI
  • (⭐ 3,083 x 🍴191 x 😁23) - alex (2015) - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
  • (⭐ 2,786 x 🍴323 x 😁29) - live-server (2012) - A simple development http server with live reload capability.
  • (⭐ 2,431 x 🍴64 x 😁7) - cost-of-modules (2016) - Find out which of your dependencies are slowing you down 🐢
  • (⭐ 2,067 x 🍴44 x 😁5) - themer (2016) - 🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
  • (⭐ 1,810 x 🍴71 x 😁7) - emoj (2016) - Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line 😮 ✨ 🙌 🐴 💥 🙈
  • (⭐ 1,807 x 🍴67 x 😁17) - trash (2014) - Move files and directories to the trash
  • (⭐ 1,368 x 🍴47 x 😁6) - svg-term-cli (2017) - Share terminal sessions via SVG and CSS
  • (⭐ 1,248 x 🍴85 x 😁29) - jscpd (2013) - Copy/paste detector for programming source code.
  • (⭐ 1,026 x 🍴37 x 😁6) - trymodule (2016) - ➰ It's never been easier to try nodejs modules!
  • (⭐ 1,015 x 🍴50 x 😁7) - auto-install (2016) - Install dependencies as you code ⚡️
  • (⭐ 881 x 🍴69 x 😁21) - david (2013) - 👓 Node.js module that tells you when your package npm dependencies are out of date.
  • (⭐ 860 x 🍴127 x 😁44) - license-checker (2013) - Check NPM package licenses
  • (⭐ 774 x 🍴44 x 😁5) - Atmo (2016) - ✔️ Mock data for your prototypes and demos. Remote deployments to Zeit now.
  • (⭐ 748 x 🍴70 x 😁10) - is-online (2014) - Check if the internet connection is up
  • (⭐ 626 x 🍴54 x 😁10) - wallpaper (2015) - Manage the desktop wallpaper
  • (⭐ 550 x 🍴69 x 😁9) - torrent (2014) - download torrents with node from the CLI
  • (⭐ 430 x 🍴22 x 😁2) - dark-mode (2014) - Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line
  • (⭐ 419 x 🍴31 x 😁7) - public-ip (2014) - Get your public IP address - very fast!
  • (⭐ 380 x 🍴35 x 😁3) - itunes-remote (2015) - 🎶 Control iTunes via CLI
  • (⭐ 373 x 🍴12 x 😁6) - discharge (2017) - ⚡️ A simple, easy way to deploy static websites to Amazon S3.
  • (⭐ 358 x 🍴14 x 😁7) - pjs (2014) - Pipeable javascript. Quickly filter, map, and reduce from the terminal
  • (⭐ 341 x 🍴52 x 😁14) - browser-run (2013) - The easiest way of running code in a browser environment
  • (⭐ 331 x 🍴11 x 😁2) - clipboard-cli (2016) - Access the system clipboard (copy/paste)
  • (⭐ 318 x 🍴10 x 😁5) - is-up (2014) - Check whether a website is up or down
  • (⭐ 284 x 🍴13 x 😁2) - node-bcat (2014) - A pipe to browser utility
  • (⭐ 279 x 🍴13 x 😁4) - pen (2015) - We need a better Markdown previewer.
  • (⭐ 245 x 🍴12 x 😁3) - kill-tabs (2015) - Kill all Chrome tabs to improve performance, decrease battery usage, and save memory
  • (⭐ 224 x 🍴34 x 😁15) - cpy (2014) - Copy files
  • (⭐ 208 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - iponmap (2015) - commandline IP location finder
  • (⭐ 197 x 🍴15 x 😁3) - normit (2014) - Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal as a node package
  • (⭐ 196 x 🍴24 x 😁8) - diff2html-cli (2015) - Simple CLI for diff2html library
  • (⭐ 169 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - wifi-password-cli (2016) - Get current wifi password
  • (⭐ 166 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - dev-time-cli (2015) - Get the current local time of a GitHub user.
  • (⭐ 159 x 🍴5 x 😁5) - brightness-cli (2015) - Change the screen brightness
  • (⭐ 156 x 🍴7 x 😁4) - npm-home (2016) - Open the npm page, Yarn page, or GitHub repo of a package
  • (⭐ 156 x 🍴21 x 😁5) - Jsome (2015) - ✨ Make your JSON look AWESOME
  • (⭐ 148 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - gh-home (2016) - Open the GitHub page of the given or current directory repo
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴14 x 😁4) - subdownloader (2015) - 📝 Painless subtitle downloader
  • (⭐ 110 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - tmpin (2014) - Add stdin support to any CLI app that accepts file input
  • (⭐ 108 x 🍴20 x 😁10) - npm-name (2014) - Check whether a package or organization name is available on npm
  • (⭐ 106 x 🍴9 x 😁7) - cash-cli (2017) - 💰💰 Convert Currency Rates using your terminal!
  • (⭐ 103 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - lessmd (2016) - Minimal marked based unix terminal document viewer/pager with many features like markdown to terminal translation, file change watching and more.
  • (⭐ 101 x 🍴3 x 😁5) - empty-trash (2014) - Empty the trash
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - mobicon-cli (2015) - Mobile icon generator
  • (⭐ 42 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - mobisplash-cli (2016) - Mobile app splash screen generator
Github > JavaScript > Node > Functional programming

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  • (⭐ 39,945 x 🍴4,146 x 😁100) - lodash (2012) - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • (⭐ 27,734 x 🍴1,611 x 😁100) - immutable-js (2014) - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • (⭐ 19,037 x 🍴1,953 x 😁100) - rxjs (2015) - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 16,563 x 🍴1,066 x 😁100) - ramda (2013) - 🐏 Practical functional Javascript
  • (⭐ 6,132 x 🍴337 x 😁83) - bacon.js (2012) - Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript
  • (⭐ 5,690 x 🍴287 x 😁29) - lazy.js (2013) - Like Underscore, but lazier
  • (⭐ 1,577 x 🍴98 x 😁39) - kefir (2014) - A Reactive Programming library for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 1,561 x 🍴91 x 😁23) - folktale (2015) - A standard library for functional programming in JavaScript
  • (⭐ 1,130 x 🍴105 x 😁32) - mout (2013) - Modular JavaScript Utilities
Github > JavaScript > Node > HTTP

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  • (⭐ 61,532 x 🍴4,991 x 😁100) - axios (2014) - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • (⭐ 22,895 x 🍴2,696 x 😁100) - request (2011) - 🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client.
  • (⭐ 14,298 x 🍴1,204 x 😁100) - superagent (2011) - Ajax for Node.js and browsers (JS HTTP client)
  • (⭐ 10,312 x 🍴1,538 x 😁100) - node-http-proxy (2010) - A full-featured http proxy for node.js
  • (⭐ 5,488 x 🍴314 x 😁78) - got (2014) - Simplified HTTP requests
  • (⭐ 4,147 x 🍴424 x 😁43) - node-fetch (2015) - A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js
  • (⭐ 870 x 🍴124 x 😁19) - download (2013) - Download and extract files
  • (⭐ 356 x 🍴90 x 😁37) - wreck (2013) - 🏢 HTTP Client Utilities
  • (⭐ 202 x 🍴16 x 😁2) - http-fake-backend (2016) - Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
  • (⭐ 195 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - gotql (2017) - GraphQL query utility for serverside apps
  • (⭐ 179 x 🍴20 x 😁9) - cacheable-request (2017) - Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache support
  • (⭐ 137 x 🍴21 x 😁14) - gh-got (2015) - Convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API
  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴21 x 😁15) - flashheart (2015) - A fully-featured Node.js REST client built for ease-of-use and resilience
  • (⭐ 30 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - global-agent (2019) - Global HTTP/HTTPS proxy agent configurable using environment variables.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Debugging / Profiling

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  • (⭐ 12,430 x 🍴773 x 😁61) - node-inspector (2010) - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
  • (⭐ 9,250 x 🍴207 x 😁10) - ndb (2018) - ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools
  • (⭐ 7,756 x 🍴660 x 😁99) - debug (2011) - A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers
  • (⭐ 2,373 x 🍴83 x 😁3) - iron-node (2015) - Debug Node.js code with Chrome Developer Tools.
  • (⭐ 1,540 x 🍴76 x 😁26) - 0x (2016) - 🔥 single-command flamegraph profiling 🔥
  • (⭐ 1,380 x 🍴43 x 😁2) - leakage (2016) - 🐛 Memory leak testing for node.
  • (⭐ 966 x 🍴37 x 😁10) - why-is-node-running (2016) - Node is running but you don't know why? why-is-node-running is here to help you.
  • (⭐ 707 x 🍴66 x 😁25) - llnode (2015) - An lldb plugin for Node.js and V8, which enables inspection of JavaScript states for insights into Node.js processes and their core dumps.
  • (⭐ 268 x 🍴16 x 😁4) - locus (2013) - Locus is a debugging module for node.js
  • (⭐ 252 x 🍴16 x 😁1) - njstrace (2014) - A Node.js tracing and instrumentation utility
  • (⭐ 197 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - stackman (2014) - He is like Batman, but for Node.js stack traces
  • (⭐ 103 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - ctrace (2016) - Well-formatted and improved trace system calls and signals (when the debugger does not help)
  • (⭐ 55 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - node-vstream (2014) - instrumented streams
Github > JavaScript > Node > Logging

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  • (⭐ 13,567 x 🍴1,253 x 😁100) - winston (2010) - A logger for just about everything.
  • (⭐ 7,629 x 🍴216 x 😁9) - signale (2018) - Highly configurable logging utility
  • (⭐ 4,235 x 🍴251 x 😁93) - pino (2016) - 🌲 super fast, all natural json logger 🌲
  • (⭐ 559 x 🍴26 x 😁3) - storyboard (2016) - End-to-end, hierarchical, real-time, colorful logs and stories
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴11 x 😁3) - console-log-level (2015) - The most simple logger imaginable
Github > JavaScript > Node > Command-line utilities

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  • (⭐ 12,500 x 🍴474 x 😁44) - chalk (2013) - 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
  • (⭐ 11,654 x 🍴274 x 😁40) - ink (2017) - 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
  • (⭐ 10,481 x 🍴661 x 😁100) - Inquirer.js (2013) - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
  • (⭐ 9,883 x 🍴571 x 😁67) - shelljs (2012) - 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
  • (⭐ 8,484 x 🍴386 x 😁12) - blessed (2013) - A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
  • (⭐ 7,850 x 🍴336 x 😁31) - bit (2017) - Easily share code between projects with your team.
  • (⭐ 6,455 x 🍴581 x 😁100) - yargs (2013) - yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
  • (⭐ 4,974 x 🍴185 x 😁33) - ora (2016) - Elegant terminal spinner
  • (⭐ 3,918 x 🍴163 x 😁44) - cross-env (2015) - 🔀 Cross platform setting of environment scripts
  • (⭐ 3,683 x 🍴113 x 😁26) - oclif (2018) - Node.js Open CLI Framework. Built with 💜 by Heroku.
  • (⭐ 2,231 x 🍴194 x 😁26) - node-progress (2011) - Flexible ascii progress bar for nodejs
  • (⭐ 2,183 x 🍴92 x 😁20) - listr (2016) - Terminal task list
  • (⭐ 1,864 x 🍴93 x 😁24) - meow (2014) - CLI app helper
  • (⭐ 1,233 x 🍴105 x 😁39) - update-notifier (2012) - Update notifications for your CLI app
  • (⭐ 851 x 🍴24 x 😁9) - omelette (2013) - Omelette is a simple, template based autocompletion tool for Node projects with super easy API. (For Bash, Zsh and Fish)
  • (⭐ 812 x 🍴36 x 😁9) - node-drawille (2014) - Drawing in terminal with unicode braille characters
  • (⭐ 677 x 🍴33 x 😁11) - log-update (2015) - Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc.
  • (⭐ 560 x 🍴40 x 😁13) - boxen (2015) - Create boxes in the terminal
  • (⭐ 496 x 🍴20 x 😁3) - cfonts (2015) - Sexy fonts for the console
  • (⭐ 472 x 🍴49 x 😁24) - insight (2012) - Node.js module to help you understand how your tool is being used by anonymously reporting usage metrics to Google Analytics
  • (⭐ 442 x 🍴20 x 😁8) - log-symbols (2014) - Colored symbols for various log levels
  • (⭐ 436 x 🍴53 x 😁18) - conf (2016) - Simple config handling for your app or module
  • (⭐ 423 x 🍴20 x 😁2) - terminal-image (2018) - Display images in the terminal
  • (⭐ 371 x 🍴18 x 😁1) - gradient-string (2017) - 🌈 Beautiful color gradients in terminal output
  • (⭐ 358 x 🍴19 x 😁8) - figures (2014) - Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
  • (⭐ 337 x 🍴26 x 😁8) - columnify (2013) - Create text-based columns suitable for console output. Supports cell wrapping.
  • (⭐ 301 x 🍴10 x 😁6) - sparkly (2014) - Generate sparklines ▁▂▃▅▂▇
  • (⭐ 261 x 🍴21 x 😁7) - ansi-escapes (2015) - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
  • (⭐ 249 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - node-multispinner (2015) - Multiple, simultaneous, individually controllable spinners for concurrent tasks in Node.js CLI programs
  • (⭐ 243 x 🍴20 x 😁8) - loud-rejection (2015) - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
  • (⭐ 224 x 🍴21 x 😁9) - get-stdin (2014) - Get stdin as a string or buffer
  • (⭐ 221 x 🍴19 x 😁3) - chart (2014) - Ansi charts for nodejs
  • (⭐ 207 x 🍴9 x 😁4) - terminal-link (2018) - Create clickable links in the terminal
  • (⭐ 187 x 🍴6 x 😁3) - cliffy (2018) - NodeJS Framework for Interactive CLIs
  • (⭐ 160 x 🍴15 x 😁8) - yn (2014) - Parse yes/no like values
  • (⭐ 151 x 🍴13 x 😁7) - string-width (2015) - Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it
  • (⭐ 92 x 🍴5 x 😁6) - term-size (2016) - Reliably get the terminal window size
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴10 x 😁13) - cli-table3 (2018) - Pretty unicode tables for the command line
  • (⭐ 75 x 🍴6 x 😁5) - sudo-block (2013) - Block users from running your app with root permissions
  • (⭐ 65 x 🍴5 x 😁3) - first-run (2015) - Check if it's the first time the process is run
  • (⭐ 59 x 🍴7 x 😁5) - cli-cursor (2014) - Toggle the CLI cursor
  • (⭐ 44 x 🍴7 x 😁7) - cli-truncate (2016) - Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - cli-columns (2016) - Columnated lists for the CLI. Unicode and ANSI safe.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Build tools

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  • (⭐ 49,719 x 🍴6,263 x 😁100) - webpack (2012) - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffe…
  • (⭐ 32,256 x 🍴1,464 x 😁100) - parcel (2017) - 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
  • (⭐ 31,305 x 🍴4,409 x 😁100) - gulp (2013) - The streaming build system
  • (⭐ 15,947 x 🍴718 x 😁100) - rollup (2015) - Next-generation ES module bundler
  • (⭐ 13,898 x 🍴523 x 😁21) - pkg (2016) - Package your Node.js project into an executable
  • (⭐ 6,574 x 🍴461 x 😁100) - brunch (2011) - 🍴 Web applications made easy. Since 2011.
  • (⭐ 3,779 x 🍴239 x 😁100) - fuse-box (2016) - A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  • (⭐ 3,214 x 🍴212 x 😁40) - broccoli (2013) - Browser compilation library – an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser
  • (⭐ 478 x 🍴15 x 😁6) - start (2015) - 🔴 Functional task runner for Node.js
  • (⭐ 62 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - ygor (2016) - Task toolkit. For when npm run isn't enough and everything else is too much.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Hardware

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  • (⭐ 10,621 x 🍴1,588 x 😁100) - johnny-five (2012) - JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
  • (⭐ 3,999 x 🍴819 x 😁100) - node-serialport (2010) - Access serial ports with JavaScript. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!
  • (⭐ 830 x 🍴91 x 😁12) - onoff (2012) - GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
  • (⭐ 815 x 🍴185 x 😁24) - node-usb (2012) - Improved USB library for Node.js
  • (⭐ 526 x 🍴54 x 😁5) - pigpio (2015) - Fast GPIO, PWM, servo control, state change notification and interrupt handling with Node.js on the Raspberry Pi
  • (⭐ 187 x 🍴25 x 😁3) - i2c-bus (2014) - I2C serial bus access with Node.js
  • (⭐ 100 x 🍴32 x 😁5) - GPS.js (2016) - A NMEA parser and GPS utility library
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴8 x 😁1) - spi-device (2016) - SPI serial bus access with Node.js
Github > JavaScript > Node > Templating

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  • (⭐ 18,373 x 🍴1,898 x 😁100) - pug (2010) - Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
  • (⭐ 14,571 x 🍴1,867 x 😁100) - handlebars.js (2010)false
  • (⭐ 9,077 x 🍴564 x 😁93) - marko (2014) - A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun
  • (⭐ 6,127 x 🍴536 x 😁100) - nunjucks (2012) - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
  • (⭐ 3,623 x 🍴411 x 😁100) - ejs (2014) - Embedded JavaScript templates --
Github > JavaScript > Node > Web frameworks

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  • (⭐ 44,505 x 🍴7,474 x 😁100) - express (2009) - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
  • (⭐ 41,158 x 🍴5,037 x 😁100) - meteor (2012) - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
  • (⭐ 38,551 x 🍴4,676 x 😁100) - next.js (2016) - The React Framework
  • (⭐ 26,522 x 🍴2,414 x 😁100) - koa (2013) - Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
  • (⭐ 21,025 x 🍴1,804 x 😁100) - nuxt.js (2016) - The Vue.js Framework
  • (⭐ 17,294 x 🍴1,203 x 😁96) - nest (2017) - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀
  • (⭐ 12,757 x 🍴1,176 x 😁100) - loopback (2013) - LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
  • (⭐ 11,247 x 🍴1,156 x 😁100) - hapi (2011) - 🏢 Server Framework for Node.js
  • (⭐ 11,164 x 🍴689 x 😁100) - fastify (2016) - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
  • (⭐ 11,092 x 🍴477 x 😁100) - feathers (2011) - A REST and real-time API layer for Node.js, React Native and the browser.
  • (⭐ 9,306 x 🍴956 x 😁100) - node-restify (2011) - The future of Node.js REST development
  • (⭐ 8,484 x 🍴425 x 😁47) - micro (2016) - Asynchronous HTTP microservices
  • (⭐ 4,894 x 🍴630 x 😁47) - thinkjs (2013) - Use full ES2015+ features to develop Node.js applications, Support TypeScript.
  • (⭐ 3,441 x 🍴303 x 😁49) - seneca (2010) - A microservices toolkit for Node.js.
  • (⭐ 2,380 x 🍴190 x 😁34) - type-graphql (2018) - Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
  • (⭐ 2,005 x 🍴241 x 😁87) - actionhero (2011) - actionhero.js is a multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks
  • (⭐ 672 x 🍴63 x 😁16) - hemera (2016) - 🔬 Writing reliable & fault-tolerant microservices in Node.js
  • (⭐ 579 x 🍴169 x 😁6) - mern-cli (2016) - ⛔️ DEPRECATED - A cli tool for getting started with MERN
  • (⭐ 89 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - zeronode (2017) - Zeronode - minimal building block for NodeJS microservices
Github > JavaScript > Node > Documentation

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  • (⭐ 9,451 x 🍴1,087 x 😁80) - jsdoc (2010) - An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 4,659 x 🍴392 x 😁94) - documentation (2015) - 📖 documentation for modern JavaScript
  • (⭐ 3,403 x 🍴584 x 😁79) - docco (2010) - Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty.
  • (⭐ 2,462 x 🍴190 x 😁36) - esdoc (2015) - ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript
Github > JavaScript > Node > Filesystem

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  • (⭐ 5,872 x 🍴522 x 😁67) - node-fs-extra (2011) - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
  • (⭐ 5,552 x 🍴389 x 😁80) - chokidar (2012) - A neat wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / FSEvents
  • (⭐ 3,245 x 🍴189 x 😁19) - rimraf (2011) - A rm -rf util for nodejs
  • (⭐ 1,164 x 🍴86 x 😁32) - globby (2014) - User-friendly glob matching
  • (⭐ 976 x 🍴55 x 😁14) - del (2014) - Delete files and directories
  • (⭐ 865 x 🍴104 x 😁18) - node-graceful-fs (2011) - fs with incremental backoff on EMFILE
  • (⭐ 480 x 🍴34 x 😁8) - fs-jetpack (2013) - Better file system API for Node.js
  • (⭐ 381 x 🍴26 x 😁6) - make-dir (2017) - Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think mkdir -p
  • (⭐ 237 x 🍴13 x 😁5) - filenamify (2015) - Convert a string to a valid safe filename
  • (⭐ 234 x 🍴25 x 😁11) - find-up (2015) - Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories
  • (⭐ 224 x 🍴34 x 😁15) - cpy (2014) - Copy files
  • (⭐ 185 x 🍴17 x 😁5) - tempy (2017) - Get a random temporary file or directory path
  • (⭐ 148 x 🍴11 x 😁6) - filehound (2016) - Flexible and fluent interface for searching the file system
  • (⭐ 146 x 🍴36 x 😁11) - load-json-file (2015) - Read and parse a JSON file
  • (⭐ 125 x 🍴28 x 😁7) - write-json-file (2015) - Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically
  • (⭐ 121 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - move-file (2017) - Move a file - Even works across devices
  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴11 x 😁5) - pkg-dir (2015) - Find the root directory of a Node.js project or npm package
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴19 x 😁12) - node-proper-lockfile (2014) - An inter-process and inter-machine lockfile utility that works on a local or network file system.
  • (⭐ 57 x 🍴6 x 😁4) - istextorbinary (2013) - Determine if a filename and/or buffer is text or binary. Smarter detection than the other solutions.
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴9 x 😁8) - fs-write-stream-atomic (2014) - Like fs.createWriteStream(...), but atomic.
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - lnfs (2014) - Safely force create symlinks
Github > JavaScript > Node > Control flow

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  • (⭐ 25,762 x 🍴2,328 x 😁100) - async (2010) - Async utilities for node and the browser
  • (⭐ 19,037 x 🍴1,953 x 😁100) - RxJS (2015) - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 18,372 x 🍴2,284 x 😁100) - bluebird (2013) - 🐦 ⚡ Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
  • (⭐ 3,172 x 🍴153 x 😁56) - highland (2012) - High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
  • (⭐ 2,506 x 🍴62 x 😁3) - promise-fun (2016) - Promise packages, patterns, chat, and tutorials
  • (⭐ 2,214 x 🍴127 x 😁18) - js-csp (2014) - CSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go)
  • (⭐ 1,170 x 🍴81 x 😁12) - pify (2015) - Promisify a callback-style function
  • (⭐ 537 x 🍴40 x 😁13) - zen-observable (2015) - An Implementation of Observables for Javascript
  • (⭐ 405 x 🍴21 x 😁6) - p-map (2016) - Map over promises concurrently
  • (⭐ 334 x 🍴34 x 😁14) - delay (2015) - Delay a promise a specified amount of time
  • (⭐ 248 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - awesome-observables (2016) - Awesome Observable related stuff - An Observable is a collection that arrives over time.
  • (⭐ 248 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - awesome-observables (2016) - Awesome Observable related stuff - An Observable is a collection that arrives over time.
  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴6 x 😁3) - each-async (2013) - Async concurrent iterator (async forEach)
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - promise-memoize (2016) - Memoize promise-returning functions. Includes cache expire and prefetch.
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - valvelet (2016) - Limit the execution rate of a function
Github > JavaScript > Node > Streams

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  • (⭐ 1,579 x 🍴111 x 😁15) - through2 (2013) - Tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise
  • (⭐ 753 x 🍴164 x 😁37) - readable-stream (2012) - Node-core streams for userland
  • (⭐ 281 x 🍴47 x 😁4) - node-byline (2011) - Line-by-line Stream reader for node.js
  • (⭐ 177 x 🍴18 x 😁11) - get-stream (2015) - Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array
  • (⭐ 169 x 🍴18 x 😁8) - multistream (2014) - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another (streams2)
  • (⭐ 162 x 🍴12 x 😁4) - pumpify (2014) - Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify
  • (⭐ 154 x 🍴31 x 😁9) - duplexify (2014) - Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream with support for async initialization and streams1/streams2 input
  • (⭐ 130 x 🍴6 x 😁5) - into-stream (2015) - Convert a string/promise/array/iterable/buffer/typedarray/arraybuffer/object into a stream
  • (⭐ 112 x 🍴18 x 😁6) - from2 (2014) - Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2"
  • (⭐ 75 x 🍴13 x 😁8) - stream-combiner2 (2014)false
  • (⭐ 70 x 🍴8 x 😁5) - through2-concurrent (2014) - Simple Node.JS stream (streams2) Transform that runs the transform functions concurrently (with a set max concurrency)
  • (⭐ 66 x 🍴17 x 😁6) - binary-split (2013) - a fast newline (or any delimiter) splitter stream - like require('split') but specific for binary data
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - peek-stream (2014) - Transform stream that lets you peek the first line before deciding how to parse it
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴3 x 😁6) - first-chunk-stream (2014) - Transform the first chunk in a stream
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - pad-stream (2015) - Pad each line in a stream
Github > JavaScript > Node > Real-time

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  • (⭐ 46,809 x 🍴8,541 x 😁100) - (2010) - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
  • (⭐ 10,671 x 🍴1,016 x 😁4) - uWebSockets (2016) - Simple, secure & standards compliant web I/O for the most demanding of applications
  • (⭐ 5,346 x 🍴283 x 😁25) - socketcluster (2013) - Highly scalable realtime framework
  • (⭐ 4,580 x 🍴824 x 😁100) - MQTT.js (2011) - The MQTT client for Node.js and the browser
  • (⭐ 4,200 x 🍴386 x 😁33) - faye (2009) - Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
  • (⭐ 3,909 x 🍴281 x 😁60) - primus (2013) - ⚡ Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
  • (⭐ 422 x 🍴65 x 😁26) - aedes (2015) - Barebone MQTT broker that can run on any stream server, the node way
  • (⭐ 240 x 🍴85 x 😁22) - (2014) - The Browser / Node.js Client for
  • (⭐ 178 x 🍴39 x 😁6) - rpc-websockets (2016) - JSON-RPC 2.0 implementation over WebSockets for Node.js and JavaScript
  • (⭐ 89 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - kalm.js (2017) - The socket manager
Github > JavaScript > Node > Image

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  • (⭐ 13,260 x 🍴723 x 😁92) - sharp (2013) - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
  • (⭐ 8,205 x 🍴523 x 😁97) - jimp (2014) - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
  • (⭐ 5,708 x 🍴543 x 😁68) - gm (2010) - GraphicsMagick for node
  • (⭐ 2,212 x 🍴215 x 😁12) - lwip (2014) - Light Weight Image Processor for NodeJS
  • (⭐ 1,663 x 🍴156 x 😁17) - pica (2014) - Resize image in browser with high quality and high speed
  • (⭐ 242 x 🍴33 x 😁6) - probe-image-size (2015) - Get image size without full download. Supported image types: JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP, BMP, TIFF, SVG, PSD.
  • (⭐ 183 x 🍴11 x 😁4) - image-type (2014) - Detect the image type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
Github > JavaScript > Node > Text

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  • (⭐ 4,254 x 🍴442 x 😁100) - i18next (2011) - i18next: learn once - translate everywhere
  • (⭐ 2,366 x 🍴390 x 😁42) - i18n-node (2011) - Lightweight simple translation module for node.js / express.js with dynamic json storage. Uses common __('...') syntax in app and templates.
  • (⭐ 2,143 x 🍴173 x 😁7) - he (2013) - A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 2,084 x 🍴221 x 😁29) - iconv-lite (2011) - Convert character encodings in pure javascript.
  • (⭐ 434 x 🍴26 x 😁8) - matcher (2016) - Simple wildcard matching
  • (⭐ 341 x 🍴44 x 😁14) - camelcase (2014) - Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar
  • (⭐ 315 x 🍴31 x 😁4) - escape-string-regexp (2014) - Escape RegExp special characters
  • (⭐ 203 x 🍴10 x 😁8) - babelfish (2011) - human friendly i18n for javascript (node.js + browser)
  • (⭐ 132 x 🍴18 x 😁8) - detect-indent (2013) - Detect the indentation of code
  • (⭐ 87 x 🍴11 x 😁6) - strip-indent (2014) - Strip leading whitespace from each line in a string
  • (⭐ 76 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - execall (2015) - Find multiple RegExp matches in a string
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴5 x 😁5) - string-length (2014) - Get the real length of a string - by correctly counting astral symbols and ignoring ansi escape codes
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴11 x 😁8) - indent-string (2014) - Indent each line in a string
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - splice-string (2015) - Remove or replace part of a string like Array#splice
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - unhomoglyph (2016) - Replace all homoglyphs with base characters. Useful to detect similar strings.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Number

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  • (⭐ 100 x 🍴6 x 😁5) - round-to (2015) - Round a number to a specific number of decimal places: 1.234 → 1.2
  • (⭐ 70 x 🍴6 x 😁3) - unique-random (2013) - Generate random numbers that are consecutively unique
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - random-int (2015) - Generate a random integer
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - random-float (2015) - Generate a random float
Github > JavaScript > Node > Math

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  • (⭐ 8,693 x 🍴795 x 😁100) - mathjs (2013) - An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
  • (⭐ 866 x 🍴37 x 😁3) - ndarray (2013) - 📈 Multidimensional arrays for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 74 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - algebra (2012) - means completeness and balancing, from the Arabic word الجبر
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - multimath (2017) - WebAssembly wrapper to simplify fast math coding
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - math-clamp (2015) - Clamp a number
Github > JavaScript > Node > Date

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  • (⭐ 22,166 x 🍴1,016 x 😁100) - dayjs (2018) - ⏰ Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
  • (⭐ 18,357 x 🍴749 x 😁100) - date-fns (2014) - ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️
  • (⭐ 8,408 x 🍴353 x 😁90) - luxon (2015) - ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS
  • (⭐ 1,010 x 🍴123 x 😁23) - node-dateformat (2011) - A node.js package for Steven Levithan's excellent dateFormat() function.
  • (⭐ 57 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - node-cctz (2016) - ⚡️ Fast parsing, formatting and timezone manipulations for dates
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - tz-format (2015) - Format a date with timezone
Github > JavaScript > Node > URL

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  • (⭐ 1,002 x 🍴85 x 😁31) - speakingurl (2013) - Generate a slug – transliteration with a lot of options
  • (⭐ 453 x 🍴27 x 😁7) - url-pattern (2012) - easier than regex string matching patterns for urls and other strings. turn strings into data or data into strings.
  • (⭐ 364 x 🍴55 x 😁28) - normalize-url (2015) - Normalize a URL
  • (⭐ 299 x 🍴49 x 😁9) - linkify-it (2015) - Links recognition library with full unicode support
  • (⭐ 179 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - humanize-url (2015) - Humanize a URL: →
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - embedza (2015) - Create HTML snippets/embeds from URLs using info from oEmbed, Open Graph, meta tags.
  • (⭐ 37 x 🍴1 x 😁3) - url-unshort (2015) - Short links expander for node.js
Github > JavaScript > Node > Data validation

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  • (⭐ 12,328 x 🍴1,006 x 😁100) - joi (2012) - 🏢 Object schema validation
  • (⭐ 5,815 x 🍴439 x 😁85) - ajv (2015) - The fastest JSON Schema Validator. Supports draft-04/06/07
  • (⭐ 876 x 🍴107 x 😁23) - is-my-json-valid (2014) - A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
  • (⭐ 457 x 🍴43 x 😁14) - schema-inspector (2014) - Schema-Inspector is an JSON API sanitisation and validation module.
  • (⭐ 147 x 🍴11 x 😁7) - property-validator (2016) - ✅ Easy property validation for JavaScript, Node and Express.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Parsing

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  • (⭐ 21,091 x 🍴1,152 x 😁281) - postcss (2013) - Transforming styles with JS plugins
  • (⭐ 7,608 x 🍴654 x 😁53) - markdown-it (2014) - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
  • (⭐ 5,701 x 🍴460 x 😁63) - URI.js (2011) - Javascript URL mutation library
  • (⭐ 5,003 x 🍴324 x 😁38) - x-ray (2015) - The next web scraper. See through the noise.
  • (⭐ 3,859 x 🍴495 x 😁60) - js-yaml (2011) - JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast.
  • (⭐ 3,692 x 🍴441 x 😁56) - node-xml2js (2010) - XML to JavaScript object converter.
  • (⭐ 3,397 x 🍴381 x 😁37) - jison (2009) - Bison in JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 3,321 x 🍴367 x 😁24) - pegjs (2010) - PEG.js: Parser generator for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 2,309 x 🍴156 x 😁78) - remark (2014) - Markdown processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
  • (⭐ 2,213 x 🍴152 x 😁39) - nearley (2014) - 📜🔜🌲 Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 2,109 x 🍴162 x 😁20) - parse5 (2013) - HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.js. WHATWG HTML Living Standard (aka HTML5)-compliant.
  • (⭐ 1,665 x 🍴156 x 😁32) - JSONStream (2011) - rawStream.pipe(JSONStream.parse()).pipe(streamOfObjects)
  • (⭐ 1,099 x 🍴102 x 😁29) - chevrotain (2015) - Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript
  • (⭐ 696 x 🍴83 x 😁8) - google-libphonenumber (2014) - The up-to-date and reliable Google's libphonenumber package for node.js.
  • (⭐ 670 x 🍴86 x 😁29) - csv-parser (2014) - Streaming csv parser inspired by binary-csv that aims to be faster than everyone else
  • (⭐ 473 x 🍴85 x 😁28) - fast-xml-parser (2017) - Validate XML, Parse XML to JS/JSON and vise versa, or parse XML to Nimn rapidly without C/C++ based libraries and no callback
  • (⭐ 431 x 🍴33 x 😁13) - strip-json-comments (2013) - Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
  • (⭐ 408 x 🍴82 x 😁18) - xlsx-populate (2015) - Excel XLSX parser/generator written in JavaScript with Node.js and browser support, jQuery/d3-style method chaining, encryption, and a focus on keeping existing workbook features and styles in tact.
  • (⭐ 336 x 🍴92 x 😁14) - ref (2012) - Turn Buffer instances into "pointers"
  • (⭐ 146 x 🍴30 x 😁6) - parse-json (2015) - Parse JSON with more helpful errors
  • (⭐ 142 x 🍴5 x 😁3) - binary-extract (2014) - Extract a value from a buffer of json without parsing the whole thing
  • (⭐ 135 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - stylecow (2014) - Modern CSS to all browsers
  • (⭐ 117 x 🍴8 x 😁3) - neat-csv (2015) - Fast CSV parser
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴7 x 😁6) - strip-css-comments (2014) - Strip comments from CSS
Github > JavaScript > Node > Humanize

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  • (⭐ 2,342 x 🍴155 x 😁30) - ms.js (2012) - Tiny milisecond conversion utility
  • (⭐ 1,241 x 🍴39 x 😁6) - pretty-error (2013) - See node.js errors with less clutter
  • (⭐ 477 x 🍴49 x 😁10) - pretty-bytes (2014) - Convert bytes to a human readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB
  • (⭐ 382 x 🍴30 x 😁12) - pretty-ms (2014) - Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 133700000015d 11h 23m 20s
  • (⭐ 285 x 🍴28 x 😁2) - node-readability (2014) - Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Compression

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  • (⭐ 2,353 x 🍴417 x 😁17) - pako (2014) - high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js
  • (⭐ 1,614 x 🍴173 x 😁24) - node-archiver (2012) - a streaming interface for archive generation
  • (⭐ 411 x 🍴52 x 😁9) - yauzl (2014) - yet another unzip library for node
  • (⭐ 267 x 🍴28 x 😁8) - decompress (2013) - Extracting archives made easy
  • (⭐ 260 x 🍴59 x 😁30) - tar-stream (2013) - tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator.
  • (⭐ 196 x 🍴24 x 😁8) - yazl (2014) - yet another zip library for node
Github > JavaScript > Node > Network

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  • (⭐ 387 x 🍴36 x 😁12) - get-port (2014) - Get an available port
  • (⭐ 244 x 🍴20 x 😁3) - netcat (2017) - 💻 Netcat client and server modules written in pure Javascript for Node.js.
  • (⭐ 194 x 🍴44 x 😁5) - getmac (2013) - Get the mac address of the current machine you are on via Node.js
  • (⭐ 163 x 🍴9 x 😁6) - ipify (2014) - Get your public IP address
  • (⭐ 160 x 🍴44 x 😁7) - node-dhcp (2017) - A DHCP server and client written in pure JavaScript
Github > JavaScript > Node > Database

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  • (⭐ 19,131 x 🍴3,007 x 😁100) - sequelize (2010) - An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js
  • (⭐ 18,925 x 🍴2,628 x 😁100) - mongoose (2010) - MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
  • (⭐ 14,238 x 🍴1,966 x 😁100) - mysql (2010) - A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySQL protocol.
  • (⭐ 13,794 x 🍴1,742 x 😁100) - typeorm (2016) - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  • (⭐ 10,912 x 🍴479 x 😁29) - lowdb (2014) - ⚡️ lowdb is a small local JSON database powered by Lodash (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
  • (⭐ 10,111 x 🍴677 x 😁26) - nedb (2013) - The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
  • (⭐ 9,872 x 🍴1,233 x 😁100) - knex (2012) - A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
  • (⭐ 8,007 x 🍴1,484 x 😁100) - node-mongodb-native (2010) - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver
  • (⭐ 7,459 x 🍴851 x 😁100) - node-postgres (2010) - PostgreSQL client for node.js.
  • (⭐ 6,049 x 🍴607 x 😁84) - ioredis (2015) - 🚀A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
  • (⭐ 5,581 x 🍴487 x 😁100) - bookshelf (2013) - A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js
  • (⭐ 5,023 x 🍴547 x 😁100) - waterline (2013) - An adapter-based ORM for Node.js with support for mysql, mongo, postgres, nedb, redis, and more
  • (⭐ 4,125 x 🍴334 x 😁89) - objection.js (2015) - An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js
  • (⭐ 3,544 x 🍴277 x 😁41) - levelup (2012) - A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers.
  • (⭐ 2,549 x 🍴194 x 😁73) - massive-js (2012) - A data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL.
  • (⭐ 2,256 x 🍴157 x 😁25) - pg-promise (2015) - Promises/A+ interface for PostgreSQL
  • (⭐ 836 x 🍴36 x 😁6) - keyv (2017) - Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
  • (⭐ 713 x 🍴17 x 😁5) - slonik (2017) - A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detailed logging and assertions.
  • (⭐ 417 x 🍴29 x 😁11) - openrecord (2014) - Make ORMs great again!
  • (⭐ 414 x 🍴178 x 😁34) - couchnode (2012) - Couchbase Node.js Client Library (Official)
  • (⭐ 293 x 🍴101 x 😁90) - couchdb-nano (2015) - Apache CouchDB Nano
  • (⭐ 159 x 🍴62 x 😁28) - aerospike-client-nodejs (2014) - Node.js client for the Aerospike database
  • (⭐ 115 x 🍴8 x 😁3) - mongo-seeding (2017) - The ultimate solution for populating your MongoDB database.
  • (⭐ 114 x 🍴21 x 😁39) - finale (2017) - Create flexible REST endpoints and controllers from Sequelize models in your Express app
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - database-js (2017) - Common Database Interface for Node
Github > JavaScript > Node > Testing

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  • (⭐ 26,272 x 🍴3,555 x 😁100) - jest (2013) - Delightful JavaScript Testing.
  • (⭐ 18,059 x 🍴2,441 x 😁100) - mocha (2011) - ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
  • (⭐ 16,487 x 🍴1,075 x 😁100) - ava (2014) - 🚀 JavaScript test runner
  • (⭐ 9,419 x 🍴922 x 😁77) - nightwatch (2012) - Automated testing and continuous integration framework based on Node.js and using the Webdriver protocol
  • (⭐ 8,148 x 🍴596 x 😁100) - nock (2011) - HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
  • (⭐ 7,248 x 🍴713 x 😁100) - sinon (2010) - Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 7,021 x 🍴416 x 😁50) - testcafe (2015) - A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.
  • (⭐ 5,054 x 🍴278 x 😁78) - tape (2012) - tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
  • (⭐ 5,030 x 🍴1,439 x 😁100) - webdriverio (2011) - Next-gen WebDriver test automation framework for Node.js
  • (⭐ 4,125 x 🍴303 x 😁49) - intern (2013) - A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
  • (⭐ 3,537 x 🍴258 x 😁85) - nyc (2015) - the Istanbul command line interface
  • (⭐ 2,583 x 🍴99 x 😁9) - toxy (2015) - Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions
  • (⭐ 2,338 x 🍴64 x 😁11) - power-assert (2013) - Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.
  • (⭐ 2,285 x 🍴384 x 😁100) - CodeceptJS (2015) - Modern Era Acceptance Testing Framework for NodeJS
  • (⭐ 2,155 x 🍴86 x 😁12) - trevor (2015) - 🚦 Your own mini Travis CI to run tests locally
  • (⭐ 1,657 x 🍴151 x 😁31) - loadtest (2013) - Runs a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends.
  • (⭐ 1,416 x 🍴200 x 😁71) - node-tap (2011) - Test Anything Protocol tools for node
  • (⭐ 509 x 🍴69 x 😁9) - abstruse (2017) - Continuous Integration platform built with Node.js and Docker.
  • (⭐ 329 x 🍴58 x 😁33) - mochify.js (2014) - ☕️ TDD with Browserify, Mocha, Headless Chrome and WebDriver
  • (⭐ 169 x 🍴11 x 😁2) - testen (2016) - ✔️ Run tests for multiple versions of Node.js in local env.
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴6 x 😁6) - navit (2015) - Simple client testing from your scripts
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴7 x 😁7) - hook-std (2015) - Hook and modify stdout/stderr
Github > JavaScript > Node > Security

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  • (⭐ 798 x 🍴65 x 😁14) - themis (2015) - Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across ten platforms.
  • (⭐ 431 x 🍴15 x 😁2) - upash (2017) - 🔒Unified API for password hashing algorithms
  • (⭐ 417 x 🍴19 x 😁7) - node-rate-limiter-flexible (2018) - Node.js rate limiter by key and protection from DDoS and Brute-Force attacks in process Memory, Redis, MongoDb, Memcached, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cluster or PM
  • (⭐ 389 x 🍴16 x 😁3) - crypto-hash (2018) - Tiny hashing module that uses the native crypto API in Node.js and the browser
Github > JavaScript > Node > Benchmarking

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  • (⭐ 4,184 x 🍴302 x 😁18) - benchmark.js (2011) - A benchmarking library. As used on
  • (⭐ 514 x 🍴30 x 😁11) - matcha (2011) - A caffeine driven, simplistic approach to benchmarking.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Minifiers

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  • (⭐ 10,060 x 🍴1,077 x 😁100) - UglifyJS2 (2012) - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
  • (⭐ 3,845 x 🍴200 x 😁69) - babili (2016) - ✂️ An ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain (beta)
  • (⭐ 3,306 x 🍴277 x 😁66) - clean-css (2011) - Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web
  • (⭐ 3,208 x 🍴191 x 😁15) - imagemin (2013) - Tense, nervous, minifying images?
  • (⭐ 144 x 🍴24 x 😁12) - minimize (2013) - Minimize HTML
Github > JavaScript > Node > Authentication

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  • (⭐ 15,875 x 🍴937 x 😁31) - passport (2011) - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
  • (⭐ 2,268 x 🍴129 x 😁15) - grant (2014) - OAuth Middleware for Express, Koa and Hapi
  • (⭐ 268 x 🍴36 x 😁5) - cloudrail-si-node-sdk (2016) - Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Plac…
Github > JavaScript > Node > Authorization

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  • (⭐ 1,413 x 🍴91 x 😁25) - casl (2017) - CASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
  • (⭐ 509 x 🍴39 x 😁9) - node-casbin (2018) - An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js
Github > JavaScript > Node > Email

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  • (⭐ 11,316 x 🍴1,006 x 😁91) - Nodemailer (2011) - ✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake!
  • (⭐ 2,497 x 🍴278 x 😁10) - email-templates (2012) - 📫 Create, preview, and send custom email templates for Node.js. Highly configurable and supports automatic inline CSS, stylesheets, embedded images and fonts, and much more!
  • (⭐ 1,748 x 🍴195 x 😁32) - emailjs (2011) - html emails and attachments to any smtp server with nodejs
Github > JavaScript > Node > Job queues

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  • (⭐ 5,912 x 🍴583 x 😁100) - bull (2013) - Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
  • (⭐ 5,489 x 🍴565 x 😁82) - agenda (2013) - Lightweight job scheduling for Node.js
  • (⭐ 1,432 x 🍴100 x 😁16) - bee-queue (2015) - A simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.
  • (⭐ 1,071 x 🍴78 x 😁8) - rsmq (2013) - Redis Simple Message Queue
  • (⭐ 727 x 🍴117 x 😁52) - node-resque (2013) - It's Resque... For node! Background jobs using redis.
  • (⭐ 664 x 🍴145 x 😁35) - sqs-consumer (2014) - Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate
  • (⭐ 147 x 🍴27 x 😁1) - redis-smq (2017) - A simple high-performance Redis message queue for Node.js.
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴3 x 😁4) - idoit (2016) - Redis-backed task queue engine with advanced task control and eventual consistency
Github > JavaScript > Node > Node.js management

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  • (⭐ 11,549 x 🍴589 x 😁66) - n (2011) - Node version management
  • (⭐ 9,368 x 🍴865 x 😁35) - nvm-windows (2014) - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
  • (⭐ 1,207 x 🍴103 x 😁22) - nave (2010) - Virtual Environments for Node
  • (⭐ 1,068 x 🍴121 x 😁57) - nodeenv (2011) - Virtual environment for Node.js & integrator with virtualenv
Github > JavaScript > Node > Natural language processing

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  • (⭐ 8,705 x 🍴815 x 😁100) - natural (2011) - general natural language facilities for node
  • (⭐ 3,017 x 🍴162 x 😁6) - franc (2014) - Natural language detection
  • (⭐ 2,816 x 🍴199 x 😁23) - nlp.js (2018) - An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more
  • (⭐ 1,788 x 🍴91 x 😁9) - retext (2014) - natural language processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
  • (⭐ 448 x 🍴23 x 😁6) - leven (2014) - Measure the difference between two strings with the fastest JS implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm
Github > JavaScript > Node > Process management

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  • (⭐ 29,648 x 🍴1,990 x 😁100) - pm2 (2013) - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
  • (⭐ 18,468 x 🍴1,222 x 😁100) - nodemon (2010) - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
  • (⭐ 4,403 x 🍴506 x 😁93) - passenger (2008) - A fast and robust web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js
  • (⭐ 3,590 x 🍴285 x 😁36) - node-supervisor (2010)false
  • (⭐ 1,733 x 🍴252 x 😁26) - node-windows (2013) - Windows support for Node.JS scripts (daemons, eventlog, UAC, etc).
  • (⭐ 443 x 🍴50 x 😁7) - node-mac (2013) - Node utilities for Mac
  • (⭐ 356 x 🍴55 x 😁9) - node-linux (2013) - Create native background daemons on Linux systems.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Automation

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  • (⭐ 8,034 x 🍴485 x 😁38) - robotjs (2014) - Node.js Desktop Automation.
Github > JavaScript > Node > AST

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Github > JavaScript > Node > Static site generators

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  • (⭐ 10,267 x 🍴2,068 x 😁100) - docsify (2016) - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
  • (⭐ 3,475 x 🍴350 x 😁43) - wintersmith (2012) - A flexible static site generator
  • (⭐ 3,236 x 🍴291 x 😁89) - phenomic (2015) - Websites & apps static generator. Works React, Webpack, ReasonML and whatever you want ⚡️
  • (⭐ 2,992 x 🍴250 x 😁41) - docpad (2011) - Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process all…
Github > JavaScript > Node > Content management systems

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  • (⭐ 15,519 x 🍴1,773 x 😁100) - strapi (2015) - 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
  • (⭐ 14,550 x 🍴2,347 x 😁100) - keystone (2013) - Node.js CMS and web app framework
  • (⭐ 2,736 x 🍴361 x 😁61) - apostrophe (2013) - A CMS framework for Node.js that supports in-context editing, schema-driven content types, flexible widgets, and much more. Hint: start with the docs and use apostrophe-cli.
  • (⭐ 1,953 x 🍴177 x 😁15) - tipe (2014) - 🎉 Next Generation API-first CMS for developers. Generate an API-first CMS from a GraphQL schema with offline prototyping and an inline editor
Github > JavaScript > Node > Forum

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  • (⭐ 10,195 x 🍴2,085 x 😁100) - NodeBB (2013) - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
Github > JavaScript > Node > Blogging

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  • (⭐ 30,268 x 🍴6,544 x 😁100) - Ghost (2013) - 👻 The most popular headless Node.js CMS for professional publishing
  • (⭐ 27,067 x 🍴3,595 x 😁100) - hexo (2012) - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Github > JavaScript > Node > Weird

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  • (⭐ 1,684 x 🍴119 x 😁24) - cool-ascii-faces (2014) - ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
  • (⭐ 331 x 🍴49 x 😁11) - superb (2014) - Get superb like words
  • (⭐ 327 x 🍴36 x 😁7) - cows (2016) - 🐮 ASCII cows
  • (⭐ 211 x 🍴28 x 😁3) - cat-names (2015) - 🐈 Get popular cat names
  • (⭐ 207 x 🍴16 x 😁1) - cat-ascii-faces (2015) - ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ⃛ (=ↀωↀ=)✧ (^・o・^)ノ” cat faces!
  • (⭐ 192 x 🍴15 x 😁2) - superheroes (2015) - Get superhero names
  • (⭐ 96 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - dog-names (2015) - 🐶 Get popular dog names
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴13 x 😁5) - supervillains (2015) - Get supervillain names
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - nerds (2016) - The API after every nerd's heart...
Github > JavaScript > Node > Serialization

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  • (⭐ 5,807 x 🍴876 x 😁54) - protobuf.js (2013) - Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).
  • (⭐ 396 x 🍴41 x 😁19) - node-snappy (2011) - Nodejs bindings to Google's Snappy compression library
  • (⭐ 76 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - compactr.js (2016) - Schema based serialization made easy
Github > JavaScript > Node > Miscellaneous

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  • (⭐ 74,776 x 🍴9,775 x 😁100) - electron (2013) - :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • (⭐ 19,810 x 🍴1,267 x 😁99) - cheerio (2011) - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
  • (⭐ 19,459 x 🍴1,548 x 😁100) - Faker.js (2010) - generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser
  • (⭐ 12,447 x 🍴1,129 x 😁100) - jsdom (2010) - A JavaScript implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML standards, for use with node.js
  • (⭐ 9,307 x 🍴430 x 😁35) - dotenv (2013) - Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.
  • (⭐ 5,154 x 🍴216 x 😁19) - hypernova (2016) - A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views
  • (⭐ 4,129 x 🍴576 x 😁100) - nodegit (2011) - Native Node bindings to Git.
  • (⭐ 3,773 x 🍴737 x 😁94) - node-opencv (2012) - OpenCV Bindings for node.js
  • (⭐ 3,563 x 🍴395 x 😁26) - ssh2 (2012) - SSH2 client and server modules written in pure JavaScript for node.js
  • (⭐ 2,818 x 🍴286 x 😁54) - node-semver (2011) - The semver parser for node (the one npm uses)
  • (⭐ 2,778 x 🍴60 x 😁17) - ow (2017) - Function argument validation for humans
  • (⭐ 2,352 x 🍴103 x 😁33) - execa (2015) - Process execution for humans
  • (⭐ 2,043 x 🍴137 x 😁25) - node-webworker-threads (2012) - Lightweight Web Worker API implementation with native threads
  • (⭐ 1,914 x 🍴338 x 😁52) - node-simplecrawler (2011) - Flexible event driven crawler for node.
  • (⭐ 1,594 x 🍴84 x 😁22) - open (2014) - Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
  • (⭐ 1,117 x 🍴155 x 😁54) - file-type (2014) - Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
  • (⭐ 822 x 🍴62 x 😁25) - is (2017) - Type check values
  • (⭐ 797 x 🍴31 x 😁11) - emittery (2017) - Simple and modern async event emitter
  • (⭐ 746 x 🍴50 x 😁11) - clipboardy (2016) - Access the system clipboard (copy/paste)
  • (⭐ 704 x 🍴32 x 😁11) - bottleneck (2014) - Job scheduler and rate limiter, supports Clustering
  • (⭐ 697 x 🍴33 x 😁6) - hasha (2015) - Hashing made simple. Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.
  • (⭐ 677 x 🍴167 x 😁46) - node-pre-gyp (2013) - Node.js tool for easy binary deployment of C++ addons
  • (⭐ 532 x 🍴30 x 😁12) - mem (2015) - Memoize functions - an optimization technique used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input
  • (⭐ 388 x 🍴36 x 😁17) - dot-prop (2015) - Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
  • (⭐ 204 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - node-video-lib (2016) - Node.js Video Library / MP4 & FLV parser / HLS muxer
  • (⭐ 175 x 🍴15 x 😁4) - import-fresh (2014) - Import a module while bypassing the cache
  • (⭐ 175 x 🍴7 x 😁9) - import-lazy (2014) - Import a module lazily
  • (⭐ 163 x 🍴23 x 😁9) - basic-ftp (2017) - FTP client for Node.js, supports explicit FTPS over TLS, passive mode over IPv6, async/await, and Typescript.
  • (⭐ 143 x 🍴29 x 😁12) - os-locale (2015) - Get the system locale
  • (⭐ 100 x 🍴6 x 😁5) - onetime (2013) - Ensure a function is only called once
  • (⭐ 80 x 🍴7 x 😁6) - resolve-from (2014) - Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path
  • (⭐ 76 x 🍴13 x 😁6) - strip-bom (2014) - Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - remote-git-tags (2014) - Get tags from a remote git repo. Using only JS. No git binary required.
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - env-dot-prop (2017) - ♻️ Get, set, or delete nested properties of process.env using a dot path
  • (⭐ 24 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - adit (2015) - SSH tunnels – in any way you want it
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - json-strictify (2014) - Safely serialize a value to JSON without unintended loss of data or going into an infinite loop due to circular references.

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Github > JavaScript > Vue > Examples

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  • (⭐ 3,067 x 🍴899 x 😁10) - Vue-cnodejs (2015) - 基于vue.js重写Cnodejs.org社区的webapp
  • (⭐ 2,156 x 🍴713 x 😁2) - douban (2017) - Awesome douban DEMO created with Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent
  • (⭐ 1,533 x 🍴159 x 😁4) - vue-design-system (2017) - An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js
  • (⭐ 1,270 x 🍴276 x 😁1) - vue-zhihu-daily (2016) - zhihu daily spa with vue 线上演示在这里 ---->
  • (⭐ 975 x 🍴253 x 😁25) - aspnetcore-Vue-starter (2016) - NEW Core & Vue.js (ES6) SPA Starter kit - Vuex, webpack, Web API, Docker, and more! By @TrilonIO
  • (⭐ 861 x 🍴369 x 😁3) - easy-vue (2016) - Learn vueJS Easily 👻
  • (⭐ 802 x 🍴229 x 😁2) - vueblog (2017) - A blog system based on Nuxt.js
  • (⭐ 735 x 🍴291 x 😁3) - vue2.x-douban (2016) - Vue2.0实现简易豆瓣电影webApp
  • (⭐ 707 x 🍴97 x 😁23) - electron-boilerplate-vue (2015) - Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
  • (⭐ 572 x 🍴214 x 😁3) - vue-shopping (2016) - 基于Vue模仿蘑菇街的单页应用
  • (⭐ 535 x 🍴59 x 😁2) - nuxt-type (2017) - Small demo showing custom page animations with a fake typography site
  • (⭐ 513 x 🍴157 x 😁2) - daily-zhihu (2017) - 基于Vue2.0的知乎日报单页应用
  • (⭐ 436 x 🍴119 x 😁1) - laravel_template_with_vue (2018) - laravel5.5和vue.js结合的前后端分离项目模板。作为程序的起点,可以直接以此为基础来进行业务扩展。模板内容包括基础的用户管理和权限管理、日志管理、集成第三方登录。权限管理包括后端Token认证和前端vue.js的动态权限,解决了前后端完整分离的情况下,vue.js的认证与权限相关的痛点,已在本人的多个项目中集成使用。
  • (⭐ 382 x 🍴178 x 😁3) - Mall-Vue (2018) - 基于Vue+Vuex+iView的电子商城网站
  • (⭐ 368 x 🍴125 x 😁1) - vue-adminLte-vue-router (2016) - SPA about vue-cli+adminLte+vue-router
  • (⭐ 360 x 🍴46 x 😁2) - vue-s3-dropzone (2016) - 💧 Vue.js component works with AWS S3 serverlessly
  • (⭐ 325 x 🍴93 x 😁4) - hello-vue-django (2017) - vuejs and Django integration with hot code reload. Dont use this, use or
  • (⭐ 314 x 🍴61 x 😁2) - vuexpresso (2017) - 🔮 VueJS + Express + GraphQL Boilerplate
  • (⭐ 312 x 🍴73 x 😁3) - laravel-vue-boilerplate (2017) - 🐘 A Laravel 5.5 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.5, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, and Pug.
  • (⭐ 282 x 🍴27 x 😁1) - loopa-news (2016) - Realtime social news app developed from scratch with Elixir, Phoenix, Vue and Vuex
  • (⭐ 270 x 🍴71 x 😁1) - vue-chess (2016) - Multiplayer online chess game use Vue , Nodejs, Webpack, Em6,, Mongodb, Express
  • (⭐ 270 x 🍴77 x 😁4) - vue-sails-example (2017) - Vue.js with Sails.js example project with many features
  • (⭐ 224 x 🍴71 x 😁1) - vue-mini-shop (2016) - Mini Online Shop Built With Vue JS
  • (⭐ 198 x 🍴40 x 😁3) - vue-foundation (2017) - VueJS + Foundation + Vue-Router + Webpack
  • (⭐ 189 x 🍴54 x 😁2) - generator-loopback-vue (2016) - app版本管理,(热更新)前后端分离,vue page分页功能,authenticate 权限控制,accesstoken机制,credentials,CI,docker
  • (⭐ 184 x 🍴25 x 😁1) - vuex-feature-scoped-structure (2017) - 📈 Feature scoped Vuex modules to have a better organization of business logic code inside Vuex modules based on Large-scale Vuex application structures @3yourmind
  • (⭐ 179 x 🍴64 x 😁1) - X-WebDesktop-Vue (2017) - 基于 Vue & Koa 的 WebDesktop 视窗系统 The WebDesktop system based on Vue
  • (⭐ 178 x 🍴81 x 😁1) - vuejs-firebase-shopping-cart (2017) - Shopping cart demo using Vuejs and Firebase
  • (⭐ 177 x 🍴28 x 😁2) - koa-vue-notes-web (2017) - 🤓 A simple SPA built using Koa (2.5.1) as the backend and Vue (2.5.16) as the frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.
  • (⭐ 173 x 🍴53 x 😁2) - vue-simple-pwa (2016) - Simple Progressive Web App Built with Vue Js.
  • (⭐ 162 x 🍴25 x 😁1) - vue-weather-notifier (2017) - A small SVG animation illustrating a weather app notification in Vue
  • (⭐ 162 x 🍴49 x 😁3) - vuex-examples (2017) - Simple Examples on using Vuex to build Real World Apps ⭐ 🌟
  • (⭐ 160 x 🍴40 x 😁2) - vue-laravel-example (2016) - ⚡ Vue - Laravel - Example is a simple example to set Vue with Laravel.
  • (⭐ 156 x 🍴38 x 😁3) - vue-firebase-auth-vuex (2017) - Vue Firebase🔥 Authentication with Vuex
  • (⭐ 129 x 🍴40 x 😁2) - VuejsSSRSample (2016) - ASP.NET Core Vue.js server-side rendering sample:
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - aspnetcore-vue-typescript-template (2018) - Template AspNetCore with Vue, Vue router, Vuex, TypeScript, Bulma, Sass and Jest
  • (⭐ 110 x 🍴73 x 😁2) - vue2.0-demos (2017) - vue2.0-demos(mobile)
  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴27 x 😁2) - vue-zhihudaily-2.0 (2016) - Zhihudaily demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering
  • (⭐ 95 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-twitter-client (2017) - Twitter client created with Vue.js + Electron
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴17 x 😁1) - asp-net-core-vue-starter (2018) - ASP.NET Core + Vue.js starter project
  • (⭐ 87 x 🍴25 x 😁2) - vue-memo (2015) - Using Vue.js for memo web App. webpack, vuex, vue-router, Firebase.
  • (⭐ 86 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - strong-together (2016) - A starter project to build single page Vue.js apps as stand-alone or for Laravel / Laravel Spark projects; based on Browserify and Semantic-UI.
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴26 x 😁1) - X-Flowchart-Vue (2017) - 基于vue的流程图编辑器插件。A flowchart editor plugin based on vue.
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - charcoal (2017) - A Vue.js & Bulma Starter Kit.
  • (⭐ 74 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - phoenix_vuejs_authentication_example (2016) - Basic app developed with Phoenix and Vue 2.0, including authentication.
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴15 x 😁1) - begin (2015) - Simple task manager to keep your life in sync
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - feathers-vue-blog-admin-demo (2016) - Example app for using Feathers with Vue 2.0. It includes authentication, vue-router, vue-infinite-loading and roles.
  • (⭐ 70 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - vuefire-quickstart (2017) - A boilerplate for web applications using Vue.js and Firebase, ft. Webpack and ESLint.
  • (⭐ 69 x 🍴19 x 😁1) - vue-soundcloud (2016) - Vuejs + SoundCloud demo app, for JogjaJS 4th meet up.
  • (⭐ 68 x 🍴25 x 😁1) - Todos_Vuejs (2016) - a simply todolist using vuejs
  • (⭐ 67 x 🍴42 x 😁1) - vue-cart (2018) - 💵 A shop cart made with vue
  • (⭐ 65 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - vue-cion-design-system (2018) - CION - Design system boilerplate for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 60 x 🍴14 x 😁1) - simply-calculator-vuejs (2017) - A simple calculator made by vuejs 用vue.js实现简易计算器
  • (⭐ 53 x 🍴25 x 😁1) - vue.js-v2-crud-application (2016) - Vue.js demo app
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴14 x 😁1) - vue-music-qq (2017) - A qq-music project is based on vue-cli. The pages are simple and smooth
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - reddit-app (2017) - A reddit web app using vue + webpack. Data from reddit API
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴80) - node-webkit-boilerplate (2014) - [Unmaintained]
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-feathers-chat (2017) - A sample realtime chat made with Vue and Feathers.
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴12 x 😁1) - vuejs_boilerplate (2019) - Large scale Vue.js application boilerplate
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - penv-starter (2018) - A basic example of how to use VueJS, Express and PostgreSQL in conjunction.
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - vue-soundcloud (2018) - 🎧 Soundcloud client built with Vue.js 2
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - zhihu-daily-vue (2016) - zhihu daily for vue2.0
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴12 x 😁1) - VueSamples (2015)false
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴12 x 😁1) - vueSocketChatroom (2017) - vue2.x + vue-router2.x+ vuex2.x + vux2.x + express + immediate chat room
  • (⭐ 31 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - bulma-vuejs-demo-website (2018) - A demo website based on framework Bulma (css) & vuejs (JS)
  • (⭐ 30 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - auth0-vue (2018) - A simple Vue.js Demo Application that uses Auth0 for Authentication
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴120) - vuejs-example-stock-trader (2018) - Vue.js + Vue Router + Vuex in a simple Stock Trading game
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴8 x 😁1) - vuefire-auth (2017) - Vue2-Auth-Email Verification with Firebase🔥
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴10 x 😁4) - vue-vuex-todomvc (2017) - Example TodoMVC Vue.js app with Vuex store and server backend via REST
  • (⭐ 24 x 🍴30) - vue-2.x-boilerplate (2016) - A Vue.js 2.x Boilerplate with Vuex, vue-router AND Bulma
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - Resume-Vue (2016) - simple resume based on Vue 2
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vuefire-realtimedatabase (2017) - vue2-realtimedatabaseCRUD with firebase🔥
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴70) - nuxt-element-apollo (2018) - Nuxt boilerplate with Element (custom theme) and Vue Apollo
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vuefire-storage (2017) - Vue2-Storage with Firebase🔥
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - vuejs-music-player (2018) - vuejs lite music player example
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-router-hackernews (2015) - HackerNews clone with vue.js + vue-router
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-chart-starter-kit (2017) - Simple chart page that uses Element UI, Vue Router and Vue Chart
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vuetest (2016) - an ad admin web, with vue, bootstrap, user auth, uploader and WYSIWYG editor in iframe.
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - vuejs-boilerplate (2017) - Storyblok - JavaScript - VueJS Boilerplate
  • (⭐ 15 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - PokedexVueJs (2017) - A Pokedex that will contain all 807 pokemon from the Pokemon series. Created in Vue.js
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴8 x 😁1) - vue-blog-pwa (2017) - Simple blog (vue-pwa) (django-tastypie-backend)
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-template (2018) - A Vue.js web application template designed to be as lightweight as possible while offering an extensive set of features
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-chess-storybook (2017) - Refactoring components to Vue2
  • (⭐ 900) - Vue-JSX-and-Vue-Redux-Navigation-Tab (2017) - Navigation Tab with both plain VUE and VUE + Redux . Featured in Awesome-Vue
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-relay-examples (2018) - ☑️ A collection of example applications using vue-relay.
  • (⭐ 90 x 😁1) - vuejs-websockets-example (2018) - Basic example for the Websockets with Vue.js 2
  • (⭐ 8 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - cinemateka (2016) - Cinemateka. Events schedule webapp. "Seance" magazine. Laravel. VueJS.
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vuex-events-messaging-demo (2016) - A quick demo on how to set up and use Vuex to create a events messaging system
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - ngexplorer-quasar (2016) - Implementation of Ngexplorer client with quasar framework
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - vue-boilerplate (2018) - Vue boilerplate with TypeScript for developing small to large, easy to scale, single page applications.
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-todo-list (2018) - ToDo List sample app based on Vue + Vuex + Vuetify + Vee-Validate
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁1) - vue-table-pagination (2016) - 一款用vue.js制作的带有导航菜单的表格,同时使用boostrap样式。
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁1) - todomvc-vue-webpack (2017) - TodoMVC with Vue.js 2 + Webpack
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁1) - one (2017) - 《ONE》 By Vue2.5
  • (⭐ 400) - fue (2018) - SPA boilerplate with feathersjs and vuejs
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁1) - vue-minesweeper (2017) - deadly simple minesweeper with vuejs
  • (⭐ 2 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - conway (2017) - Conway's Game of Life in Vue.
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁1) - Client-Side-Vue (2019) - Vue.js client-side for tiny, quick-loading, node.js-less Single Page Apps.
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - ngexplorer-vuejs-client (2016) - vuejs client application for Ngexplorer app
  • (⭐ 00 x 😁1) - vuejs-sqljs-boilerplate (2019) - This is a boilerplate to use both Vue.js and sql.js together
Github > JavaScript > Vue > Open Source

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  • (⭐ 10,316 x 🍴1,223 x 😁47) - koel (2015) - 🎶A personal music streaming server that works.
  • (⭐ 8,794 x 🍴2,317 x 😁21) - CoreUI-Free-Bootstrap-Admin-Template (2016) - CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
  • (⭐ 8,609 x 🍴353 x 😁33) - hotel (2015) - 🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
  • (⭐ 5,775 x 🍴234 x 😁8) - vuido (2018) - Native desktop applications using Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 5,148 x 🍴608 x 😁48) - pagekit (2014) - Pagekit CMS
  • (⭐ 5,048 x 🍴985 x 😁100) - vue-storefront (2017) - Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor (
  • (⭐ 4,802 x 🍴651 x 😁24) - wiki (2016) - Wiki.js | A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
  • (⭐ 4,416 x 🍴353 x 😁43) - Stacer (2016) - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring -
  • (⭐ 4,074 x 🍴184 x 😁29) - nativescript-vue (2017) - Native mobile applications using Vue and NativeScript.
  • (⭐ 2,677 x 🍴299 x 😁13) - docute (2016) - 📚 Effortless documentation, done right.
  • (⭐ 2,406 x 🍴620 x 😁17) - blog (2016) - 🌟 PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 2,376 x 🍴602 x 😁77) - CoPilot (2016) - Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
  • (⭐ 2,119 x 🍴146 x 😁16) - goldfish (2017) - A HashiCorp Vault UI written with VueJS and Vault native Go API
  • (⭐ 1,977 x 🍴501 x 😁7) - vuedo (2016) - Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 1,813 x 🍴157 x 😁6) - eme (2016) - Elegant Markdown Editor.
  • (⭐ 1,606 x 🍴88 x 😁2) - astral (2015) - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease
  • (⭐ 1,508 x 🍴102 x 😁10) - astrum (2016) - A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
  • (⭐ 1,233 x 🍴114 x 😁8) - raven-reader (2016) - 📖 Simple RSS Reader app made using electron and vue.js
  • (⭐ 1,115 x 🍴165 x 😁1) - vuegg (2018) - 🐣 vue GUI generator
  • (⭐ 1,111 x 🍴215 x 😁19) - voten (2017) - The code that powers
  • (⭐ 1,066 x 🍴60 x 😁14) - statusfy (2018) - A Marvelous Open Source Status Page System
  • (⭐ 871 x 🍴152 x 😁2) - vms (2017) - A Vue.js 2.0 Content Management System
  • (⭐ 844 x 🍴256 x 😁10) - vue2-admin-lte (2017) - 📊 adminLTE to vuejs v2.x converting project
  • (⭐ 802 x 🍴195 x 😁4) - adminify (2017) - An Admin Dashboard based on Vuetify material
  • (⭐ 789 x 🍴203 x 😁11) - enso (2017) - Laravel Vue SPA, Bulma themed. For demo login use & password -
  • (⭐ 644 x 🍴85 x 😁5) - Buka (2017) - EBook Management
  • (⭐ 589 x 🍴131 x 😁3) - vue-wordpress-pwa (2017) - An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
  • (⭐ 587 x 🍴90 x 😁2) - dockeron (2017) - 🤖🤖🤖 Electron + Vue.js for Docker
  • (⭐ 583 x 🍴68 x 😁10) - code-notes (2018) - A simple code snippet & gist manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js 🚀
  • (⭐ 553 x 🍴99 x 😁10) - flox (2015) - Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List
  • (⭐ 521 x 🍴52 x 😁5) - pomotroid (2018) - 🍅 Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer
  • (⭐ 493 x 🍴59 x 😁3) - Gokotta (2016) - A simple music player built by electron and vue
  • (⭐ 422 x 🍴47 x 😁1) - xmr-miner (2017) - Web-based Cryptocurrency miner, built with Vue.js
  • (⭐ 422 x 🍴92 x 😁14) - tamiat (2017) - ⛵ Vuejs and Firebase based CMS
  • (⭐ 404 x 🍴115 x 😁6) - vue-ghpages-blog (2015) - [DEPRECATED] ✏️ A blog based on GitHub Pages built with Vue.js 2 + webpack 3.
  • (⭐ 362 x 🍴44 x 😁26) - javascript-guessing-game (2016) - You know there are too many JavaScript libraries when there is a game for it 🎯
  • (⭐ 343 x 🍴140 x 😁26) - concept-to-clinic (2017) - ALCF Concept to Clinic Challenge
  • (⭐ 288 x 🍴60 x 😁25) - podlove-web-player (2013) - Podlove Web Player is a Podcast-optimized, HTML5-based audio player based on VueJS.
  • (⭐ 269 x 🍴43 x 😁11) - surfbird (2016) - A Microblogging client built on Electron and Vue
  • (⭐ 264 x 🍴57 x 😁3) - duic (2017) - 分布式配置中心,集中化配置管理,应用配置权限管理,配置实时更新等功能
  • (⭐ 251 x 🍴49 x 😁2) - lulumi-browser (2017) - Lulumi-browser is a lightweight browser coded with Vue.js 2 and Electron.
  • (⭐ 236 x 🍴39 x 😁11) - socialhome (2016) - A federated social home
  • (⭐ 225 x 🍴27 x 😁1) - tomato5 (2016) - Tomato5 is a real-time collaboration tool.
  • (⭐ 223 x 🍴33 x 😁4) - search-engine (2015) - A math-aware search engine.
  • (⭐ 222 x 🍴57 x 😁2) - roastandbrew (2017) - Roast helps coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee. It's also open source to help aspiring developers build a single page app on web and mobile. All tutorials can be found at
  • (⭐ 217 x 🍴49 x 😁1) - mmf-blog-vue2 (2016) - mmf-blog vue2.0 (vue2, vue-router, vuex)
  • (⭐ 216 x 🍴55 x 😁2) - materialize-blog (2016) - redesign blog using material design
  • (⭐ 207 x 🍴40 x 😁5) - hare (2017) - 🐇 Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js
  • (⭐ 194 x 🍴11 x 😁5) - DynamoDb-GUI-Client (2018) - DynamoDb GUI Client
  • (⭐ 193 x 🍴57 x 😁1) - piper (2017) - A drag-and-drop mobile website builder base on Vue
  • (⭐ 181 x 🍴45 x 😁1) - mm (2017) - Open source Web File Manager (Javascript + VueJS 2)
  • (⭐ 181 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - protovue (2018) - A prototyping component library
  • (⭐ 179 x 🍴48 x 😁2) - vue-crud (2018) - Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD system
  • (⭐ 151 x 🍴14 x 😁4) - wildfire (2017) - 🔥From a little spark may burst a flame.
  • (⭐ 145 x 🍴33 x 😁3) - vue-material-dashboard (2017) - Vue Material Dashboard - Inspired by Material Dashboard of Creative Tim.
  • (⭐ 145 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - pomidorus (2017) - 🍅 Pomodoro time tracker build using Vue and D3
  • (⭐ 135 x 🍴25 x 😁2) - eth-vue (2017) - This Truffle Box provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with vue, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled. Connecting to a runnin…
  • (⭐ 134 x 🍴21 x 😁1) - json-schema-editor (2017) - JSON Schema Editor is an intuitive editor for JSON schema. It provides a tree view to present the structure of schema, and a property inspector to edit the properties of schema element. Develop with Vue.js 2 and Firebase.
  • (⭐ 133 x 🍴13 x 😁7) - Epiboard (2018) - Web Extension — A new tab page extension with material design and useful features 🆕 🎉
  • (⭐ 124 x 🍴18 x 😁1) - flamme (2017) - An open source tinder desktop client built with electron and Vue.js for educational purposes
  • (⭐ 119 x 🍴19 x 😁1) - json-editor (2017) - A schema-aware editor for JSON document. It provides a tree view to present the structure of JSON document, user could manipulate the JSON from context menu. It also has a text view to present the content of JSON document, user may edit JSO…
  • (⭐ 114 x 🍴36 x 😁16) - beep (2018) - BEEP Account Security Scanner - Detect if your credentials have been compromised (Vue + Ionic)
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴25 x 😁4) - vue-component-generator (2017) - Vue component generator :)
  • (⭐ 111 x 🍴29 x 😁2) - web-learn (2016) - A free service which provides simple access to thousands of video lessons on web developing and programming
  • (⭐ 110 x 🍴68 x 😁35) - qmk_configurator (2017) - The QMK Configurator
  • (⭐ 109 x 🍴17 x 😁2) - github-explorer (2016) - github-explorer(vue)
  • (⭐ 100 x 🍴11 x 😁2) - ridereceipts (2017) - 🚕 Simple automation desktop app to download and organize your receipts from Uber/Lyft. Try out our new Ride Receipts PRO !
  • (⭐ 99 x 🍴28 x 😁1) - Nucleus (2018) - Vue startup application template that uses ASP.NET Core API layered architecture at the back-end and JWT based authentication
  • (⭐ 96 x 🍴20 x 😁3) - coypu (2016) - Text-editor-like weekly planner
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴7 x 😁10) - (2015) - Compare npm package downloads over time
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - pm86 (2017) - Production process manager for Node.js apps with a built-in load balancer.
  • (⭐ 90 x 🍴24 x 😁1) - leafplayer (2017) - LeafPlayer is a fast and modern personal music streaming server, easily installable by using Docker.
  • (⭐ 89 x 🍴26 x 😁1) - AdminLTE-VueJS2 (2016) - AdminLTE + VueJS 2
  • (⭐ 86 x 🍴33 x 😁2) - vue-music163 (2016) - A webapp what base Vue2.0 contains seaching and playing music
  • (⭐ 85 x 🍴21 x 😁4) - npm-stats (2017) - 📈 npm package statistics dashboard build with vue
  • (⭐ 84 x 🍴18 x 😁2) - YouGet (2018) - YouGet - YouTube Video/Playlist Downloader/Cutter - MP3 Converter
  • (⭐ 80 x 🍴17 x 😁2) - GenVue (2018) - GenVue is a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files. Tech stack: Net Core 2.0 + Vue.js + Vuex + OpenIddict + Vuetifyjs + EF + SQLServer/Postgress
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - exceljson (2016) - convert CSV, TSV to/from JSON.
  • (⭐ 73 x 🍴26 x 😁2) - retrospectify (2016) - An awesome tool for retrospecting, written in Vue
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - openapi-viewer (2017) - Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴23 x 😁3) - laqul (2018) - A complete starter kit that allows you create amazing apps that look native thanks to the Quasar Framework. Powered by an API developed in Laravel Framework using the easy GraphQL queries language. And ready to use the Google Firebase feat…
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴24 x 😁1) - sysmon (2018) - A B/S mode system monitor for linux (demo
  • (⭐ 67 x 🍴13 x 😁2) - vue-pwa-speech (2017) - A Vue2 Performs synchronous speech recognition Speech to text Google Cloud Speech With Progressive Web App
  • (⭐ 66 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - promptie (2017) - A framework written in Vue.js for creating command-line like interfaces in web browsers.
  • (⭐ 61 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - nippon-color (2018) - nippon-color PWA build with vue-cli 3
  • (⭐ 60 x 🍴18 x 😁1) - Vuemmerce (2017) - 👉 Responsive ecommerce template 🛒 built with Vue.js and Nuxt.js
  • (⭐ 59 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - bookmarks (2017) - a simple self-hosted bookmarking app that can import bookmarks from delicious and chrome
  • (⭐ 59 x 🍴14 x 😁6) - vue-chrome-extension-boilerplate (2017) - Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js and Webpack with Hot Reloading Enabled
  • (⭐ 55 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - VueSolitaire (2019) - Solitaire made in Vue
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴5 x 😁3) - tidytab (2017) - ✨ A Chrome extension for tidying up those tabs.
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - leovue (2017) - Use the LEO outlining editor to create a Vue.js webapp.
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴23 x 😁4) - (2016) - A Vue.js single page application for basic Management By Objective tasks using ASP .NET Webapi 2 and SQL server
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - Minimal-Notes (2018) - Minimal Notes web app build with Vue.js
  • (⭐ 48 x 🍴19 x 😁4) - FireX-Proxy (2014) - FireX Proxy for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴130) - explore-github (2017) - 🐙🔍 VueJS 2 Github Explorer Using API v3
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴16 x 😁1) - genealogy (2018) - Genealogy data processing and family tree management. Laravel 5.8 - Vue 2.6
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - vue-org-chart (2019) - Manage and publish your interactive organization chart (orgchart), free and no webserver required.
  • (⭐ 44 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - SDR-News (2016) - News for Web Designers and Developers - Shows aggregated news from multiple sources
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴17 x 😁9) - node-vue-template (2017) - A starter template for building complete application using Node.js and Vue.js with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly.
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴15 x 😁1) - my-animation-list (2017) - My Animation List
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴4 x 😁4) - distrochooser (2014) - An orientation guide for Linux newbies
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - jade-press (2016) - cms based on mongodb, nodejs, koa, vue and more
  • (⭐ 37 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-pug-stylus (2017) - Vue boilerplate 💚 🐶 🖌
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-speech-streaming (2017) - A Vue2 Streaming Speech Recognition Speech to text with Google Cloud Speech
  • (⭐ 34 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - discord-logo (2017) - animated discord logo in svg
  • (⭐ 33 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - v-oogle (2018) -, reVued. 🔎
  • (⭐ 33 x 🍴23 x 😁9) - carpoolear (2016) - The open source Vue.js frontend (mobile and cordova app) for the argentinian carpooling application: Carpoolear
  • (⭐ 30 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - chattier (2017) - Chatty social network from Codecourse tutorial rebuilt from scratch as a single-page app.
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴12 x 😁1) - vue-paper-dashboard (2018)false
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-pwa-vision (2017) - Vue2 + Google Cloud Vision + Progressive Web App With Face Detection
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-pwa-rekognition (2017) - Vue2 + Amazon Rekognition + Amazon S3 + Progressive Web App With Face Detection
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴13 x 😁12) - peregrine-cms (2017) - an api first, head optional cms with based on vuejs and apache sling
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴5 x 😁4) - vuejs-extension-pack (2017) - Popular VS Code extensions for Vue.js development.
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴44 x 😁18) - fd-vue-webapp (2017) - A Vue.js web application for Freedomotic Open IoT framework
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴5 x 😁4) - vue-crossword (2017) - Crossword puzzle builder VueJS application.
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - News-Weaver (2017) - A web based RSS Aggregator
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - hubaga (2017) - A WordPress eCommerce platform for developers
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-input-streaming (2017) - A Vue2 Input Streaming RealTime And Two Way Data Binding Broadcasting with Pusher
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-webpack-buefy (2017) - Vue.js starter with full-featured Webpack and Buefy
  • (⭐ 17 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - Vue-Ecom (2018) - 🛍️ A Full Vue Store-Front open Source Templet.
  • (⭐ 16 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - SaleinaCMS (2018) - An Open Source Static Site CMS Built With Love & Vue.
  • (⭐ 15 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - grid-awesome (2017) - Use Grid-Awesome to generate boilerplate css for grid layouts using the css display: grid; property.
  • (⭐ 15 x 🍴23 x 😁1) - vue-light-bootstrap-dashboard (2018)false
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - chucknorris (2017) - 🏋️ Chuck Norris Jokes Generator
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - jsettlers-web (2018) - web client for JSettlers2
  • (⭐ 130 x 😁1) - vue-array (2018) - Array object operation under Vue
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴8 x 😁4) - ammobin-client (2017) - client for
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - crypto-news (2018) - Crypto News allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place.
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - Book-Trading-Club (2017) - A sample application using node.js api and vuejs
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - TimeMark (2017) - Tools to record times.
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - core-server (2017) - A Vue based web server with an integrated API system
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - chrome-ribbon-reminder (2018) - 🎀 A Chrome extension written using Vue and Async/Await. Uses a popup display and changes badge counts.
  • (⭐ 400) - joy-proxy (2018) - Chrome proxy extension
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - activity-automation (2018) - Manage daily activities and get reports on timely basis.
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - RosterWebApp (2018) - Open source rostering ASP.NET Core. MVC app with Vue.js & Vuetify frontend.
  • (⭐ 2 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - xmr-paper (2018) - Monero (XMR) wallet generator, built with Vue.js
  • (⭐ 00 x 😁1) - mtodo (2019) - MToDo is a simple to do app build with vue.js
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  • (⭐ 1,020 x 🍴65 x 😁1) - vue-content-placeholders (2017) - Composable components for rendering fake (progressive) content like facebook in vue
  • (⭐ 860 x 🍴118 x 😁5) - vue-clipboard2 (2017) - A simple vue2 binding to clipboard.js
  • (⭐ 852 x 🍴133 x 😁3) - vue-particles (2017) - Vue.js component for particles backgrounds ✨
  • (⭐ 549 x 🍴35 x 😁2) - vue-typer (2016) - Vue component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text.
  • (⭐ 465 x 🍴157 x 😁17) - vue-beautiful-chat (2018) - A simple and beautiful Vue chat component backend agnostic, fully customisable and extendable.
  • (⭐ 435 x 🍴53 x 😁11) - vue-avatar (2016) - An avatar component for vue.js
  • (⭐ 431 x 🍴79 x 😁3) - vue-kanban (2017) - A vue based drag and drop kanban board
  • (⭐ 351 x 🍴73 x 😁10) - vue-query-builder (2016) - A UI component for building complex queries with nested conditionals.
  • (⭐ 346 x 🍴42 x 😁3) - vue-touch-ripple (2016) - 👆 Touch ripple component for @vuejs
  • (⭐ 331 x 🍴45 x 😁3) - vue-star-rating (2017) - ⭐ A simple, highly customisable star rating component for Vue 2.x.
  • (⭐ 323 x 🍴104 x 😁1) - vue-page-designer (2017) - Vue component for drag-and-drop to design and build mobile website.
  • (⭐ 297 x 🍴31 x 😁6) - vue-affix (2017) - A Vue.js plugin that affixes an element on the window while scrolling based on a relative element
  • (⭐ 236 x 🍴35 x 😁1) - vue-mindmap (2018) - VueMindmap is a vue component for mindnode maps
  • (⭐ 220 x 🍴30 x 😁12) - vue-cookie-law (2017) - 🍪 👮 Hackable EU Cookie Law Plugin for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 211 x 🍴15 x 😁3) - v-clipboard (2017) - Vue.js clipboard library (no dependencies, less than 2kb)
  • (⭐ 195 x 🍴14 x 😁3) - v-offline (2017) - 🔌 Simple VueJS component to detect offline & online changes.
  • (⭐ 187 x 🍴38 x 😁3) - numeric-keyboard (2017) - Number keyboard for mobile browsers
  • (⭐ 186 x 🍴21 x 😁4) - vue-highlightjs (2017) - Syntax highlighting with highlight.js for Vue.js 2.x
  • (⭐ 183 x 🍴24 x 😁1) - VueWordCloud (2017) - Generates a cloud out of the words.
  • (⭐ 157 x 🍴30 x 😁6) - vue2-hammer (2017) - Hammer.js wrapper for Vue 2.x to support some touching operation in the mobile.
  • (⭐ 152 x 🍴14 x 😁2) - vue-sticker (2017) - Vue component, that helps to make sticky effects
  • (⭐ 141 x 🍴19 x 😁3) - vue-keyboard (2016) - A simple virtual keyboard for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 141 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - vue-prom (2018) - Vue promise wrapper component
  • (⭐ 130 x 🍴15 x 😁4) - vue-twentytwenty (2017) - Image comparison utility
  • (⭐ 124 x 🍴17 x 😁2) - vue-emoji-picker (2018) - Very simple, yet powerful, vue emoji picker 🎉🔥🚀
  • (⭐ 118 x 🍴14 x 😁5) - vue-particle-effect-buttons (2019) - A bursting particles effects buttons component ✨💥❄️🌋
  • (⭐ 115 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-heatmapjs (2017) - Heatmap directive for tracking user activity
  • (⭐ 110 x 🍴11 x 😁3) - vue-status-indicator (2018) - A Vue component to show status indicator as colored dots.
  • (⭐ 108 x 🍴12 x 😁7) - vue-fixed-header (2017) - Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript.
  • (⭐ 107 x 🍴25 x 😁1) - vue-drag-verify (2017) - This is a vue component, which is sliding to unlock some functionalities, such as login or sign up. This is used to protect your web app from attack.
  • (⭐ 101 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-text-highlight (2018) - Text highlighter library for Vue.js 💄
  • (⭐ 95 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-flat-surface-shader (2017) - A Vue component for flat surface shader
  • (⭐ 92 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-info-card (2017) - Simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line, for VueJS.
  • (⭐ 88 x 🍴15 x 😁7) - vue-google-adsense (2018) - 💰 Vue.js Google Adsense Component with InFeed and InArticle Ads support
  • (⭐ 81 x 🍴14 x 😁1) - vue-flashcard (2017) - Rich flashcard component for vue js 2 🎉
  • (⭐ 79 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - vue-gravatar (2017) - A dead-simple gravatar component for VueJS
  • (⭐ 79 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vue-sauce (2018) - "View source" directive for Vue
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴16 x 😁2) - vue-friendly-iframe (2017) - A Vue js component for creating super fast loading, non-blocking iframes.
  • (⭐ 73 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - emoji-vue (2017) - Add emoji keyboard to your vuejs project
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-connection-listener (2018) - Vue event bus plugin listening for online/offline changes
  • (⭐ 68 x 🍴17 x 😁7) - vue-barcode-scanner (2017) - Barcode Scanner Plugin for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 64 x 🍴10 x 😁6) - vue-truncate-collapsed (2017) - A simple component that truncates your text and adds a 'Read More/Show Less' clickable.
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-stars-rating (2018) - A highly dynamic vue stars rating component, similar to google play stars rating
  • (⭐ 62 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-balloon (2017) - A zoomable fixed balloon container. Useful for adding tutorial videos or other page specific content.
  • (⭐ 58 x 🍴9 x 😁4) - vue-cookie-accept-decline (2018) - 👋 Show a banner with text, a decline button, and an accept button on your page. Remembers selection using cookies. Emits an event with current selection and on creation. Good for GDPR requirements.
  • (⭐ 57 x 🍴13 x 😁2) - vue-zoom-on-hover (2018) - responsive image with zoomed image on hover
  • (⭐ 55 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - vue-baberrage (2017) - A simple Barrage plugin Base on Vue.js. | 基于Vue.js弹幕插件.
  • (⭐ 54 x 🍴20 x 😁4) - vue-swipe-actions (2018) - iOS style swipe actions
  • (⭐ 53 x 🍴8 x 😁1) - vue-chessboard (2018) - Chessboard vue component to load positions, create positions and see threats
  • (⭐ 53 x 🍴11 x 😁2) - vue-survey-builder (2018) - Survey builder for vue.js applications
  • (⭐ 51 x 🍴7 x 😁5) - vue-link (2018) - One component to link them all 🔗
  • (⭐ 50 x 🍴4 x 😁5) - vue-invisible-recaptcha (2017) - A simple component to implement Invisible Recaptcha with no hassle
  • (⭐ 50 x 🍴7 x 😁5) - vue-command (2019) - A fully working Vue.js terminal emulator
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - vue-letter-avatar (2017) - A simple and elegant letter avatar component for vue.js
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴5 x 😁5) - vue-avatar-editor (2017) - Avatar editor for Vue.js. Demo on :
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴20) - v-show-slide (2018) - A Vue.js directive for animating an element to and from height: auto in a sliding motion
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-maze (2017) - A Vue.js component of a simple maze game.
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴10 x 😁6) - vue-highlight-text (2018) - 🔦 Vue component for highlight multiple instances of a word
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-if-bot (2018) - Hide stuff from bots (especially cookie consents)
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-embed (2017) - Vue 2.x component based on embed.js
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - vue-identify-network (2018) - ⚡ Identify what kinda internet your users are using!
  • (⭐ 300 x 😁1) - vue-uniq-ids (2017) - Vue.js 2.x plugin that helps to use id-related attributes with no side-effect
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - vue-responsive-image (2018) - A Vue component that lets you quickly create responsive image tags with an optimal number of image sources for all devices.
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-magnifier (2018) - A simple VueJS component for image magnifying / product zooming
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴10 x 😁2) - basic-vue-chat (2018) - Easy to use VueJS chat.
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-resize-text (2018) - A vue directive which automatically resize font size based on element width.
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-rippler (2018) - 🎉 Simple Vue.js plugin for custom ripple effect
  • (⭐ 24 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - vue-katex (2017) - Vue plugin for KaTeX
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - v-rating (2017) - ⭐ Rating component in Semantic-UI made with VueJS (< 1kB, blazing fast)
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vuc (2018) - 🎨 基于 Vuejs 的 Canvas 组件库
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vuc (2018) - 🎨 基于 Vuejs 的 Canvas 组件库
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - vue-clampy (2018) - Vue.js (2+) directive that clamps the content of an element by adding an ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long.
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-highlight-words (2018) - 🖍 Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text.
  • (⭐ 210 x 😁1) - vue-jazzicon (2019) - A dead-simple jazzicon component for VueJS
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴3 x 😁3) - v-currency (2018) - A plugin for formatting currency for different countries in Vue
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-8-puzzle (2018) - A simple 8-puzzle game made as a Vue.js component
  • (⭐ 170 x 😁1) - X-Browser-Update-Vue (2017) - A Vue.js browser-update plugin
  • (⭐ 150 x 😁1) - vue-multivue (2017) - Use multiple Vue apps of the same class on the same page
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-niege (2018) - Vue component to add a snowfall on your page
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-countable (2018) - ✍️ Vue binding for countable.js. Provides real-time paragraph, sentence, word, and character counting.
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - vue-github-profile (2017) - A vue component to view the profile and repos of determined user
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-terminal-ui (2018) - 🖥Terminal UI emulator VueJS component
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue2-heropatterns (2018) - A Vue2 library for HeroPatterns
  • (⭐ 90 x 😁1) - vue-easteregg (2017)false
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-cloneya (2018) - A Vue.js 2 component to clone DOM elements
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-avatar (2018) - An avatar component for VueJS 2.0
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - vue-e164 (2018)false
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - avatio-avatar (2019) - VueJS component to display SVG avatars.
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-contacts (2018) - Mobile contacts component for Vue
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-ribbon (2019) - Vue component for GitHub ribbons
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁3) - vue-creativecommons (2018) - Vue.js components library ©️!
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-tags-ball (2018) - a 3d tags ball for vue
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-pgn (2018) - A Vue.js component for browsing chess games in pgn format.
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-cast-props (2018) - The cast property on your component provides a convenient way of converting props to common data types.
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - vue-insomnia (2019) - Prevents the display of a mobile device from going to sleep by playing a small mp4 video that's positioned off screen on a loop (aka wake lock).
Github > JavaScript > Vue > Tabs

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  • (⭐ 551 x 🍴152 x 😁11) - vue-tabs-component (2017) - An easy way to display tabs with Vue
  • (⭐ 200 x 🍴59 x 😁7) - vue-tabs (2017) - Simplified bootstrap tabs
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-tab (2017) - a touch swipe tab component for vue.js(vue2).
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - vue-tabs-with-active-line (2018) - Simple Vue 2 component, that allows you to make tabs with moving bottom line
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴10) - vue-k-tabs (2018) - An simple tabs components with Gitlab design.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > Canvas

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Github > JavaScript > Vue > Link Preview

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  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴13 x 😁3) - link-prevue (2017) - Vue component for generate a link preview
Github > JavaScript > Vue > Tour

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  • (⭐ 885 x 🍴98 x 😁7) - vue-tour (2018) - Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-page-guide (2018) - Demo/Docs:
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components

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Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Table

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  • (⭐ 1,735 x 🍴310 x 😁2) - vue-easytable (2016) - 🍉 Vue table components, support for cell edit,multi-head fixed, multi-column fixed, clumn drag, sort,conditional filter, custom column ...(vue table 组件,支持 单元格合并、单元格编辑、多表头固定、多列固定、列拖动、排序、自定义列、条件过滤、分页... )
  • (⭐ 1,713 x 🍴299 x 😁30) - vuetable-2 (2016) - data table simplify! -- datatable component for Vue 2.x. See documentation at
  • (⭐ 1,189 x 🍴231 x 😁20) - vue-tables-2 (2016) - Vue.js 2 grid components
  • (⭐ 1,044 x 🍴209 x 😁41) - vue-good-table (2017) - An easy to use powerful data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc
  • (⭐ 822 x 🍴170 x 😁18) - vue-data-tables (2016) - A simple, customizable and pageable table with SSR support, based on vue2 and element-ui
  • (⭐ 752 x 🍴192 x 😁5) - vue2-datatable (2017) - The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it! (DEPRECATED. As I, @kenberkeley, the only maintainer, no longer works for OneWay. Bugs may be fixed but new features or breaking changes might not be mer…
  • (⭐ 684 x 🍴84 x 😁4) - vue-js-grid (2017) - 🍱 Vue.js 2.x responsive grid system with smooth sorting, drag-n-drop and reordering
  • (⭐ 504 x 🍴70 x 😁8) - vuedatatable (2017) - Bulma themed, VueJS powered Datatable with server-side loading and JSON template setup
  • (⭐ 470 x 🍴93 x 😁3) - vue-handsontable-official (2017) - Vue Data Grid with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Official Vue wrapper for Handsontable.
  • (⭐ 399 x 🍴94 x 😁6) - vue-datasource (2017) - A vue.js component to create dynamic tables
  • (⭐ 254 x 🍴75 x 😁1) - vue-crud-x (2018) - Extensible VueJS 2.0 CRUD Component - Wiki Updated 2019 May 25
  • (⭐ 209 x 🍴42 x 😁15) - el-data-table (2018) - base on element-ui, makes crud easily
  • (⭐ 207 x 🍴26 x 😁4) - cheetah-grid (2017) - The fastest open-source data table for web.
  • (⭐ 168 x 🍴53 x 😁3) - el-search-table-pagination (2017) - 🐶Combines Form, Table and Pagination components of Element UI together.
  • (⭐ 116 x 🍴39 x 😁9) - vue-materialize-datatable (2017) - A fancy Materialize CSS datatable VueJS component.
  • (⭐ 97 x 🍴20 x 😁1) - vue-grid (2017) - A flexible grid component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴24 x 😁2) - vue-bootstrap4-table (2018) - Advanced table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4 ⚡️
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴18 x 😁2) - v2-table (2018) - A simple table component based Vue 2.x:
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴12 x 😁3) - vue-scrolling-table (2017) - A Vue component to create tables with vertical and horizontal scrolling. Flexbox-based.
  • (⭐ 66 x 🍴26 x 😁1) - vue-pivot-table (2018) - A vue component for pivot table
  • (⭐ 56 x 🍴15 x 😁2) - vue-ads-table-tree (2018)false
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴4 x 😁6) - toast-ui.vue-grid (2018) - Toast UI Grid for Vue
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - vue-data-tablee (2017) - Yeap, another Vue table component.
  • (⭐ 34 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vuejs-smart-table (2018) - Simple yet powerful Data Table for Vue with vanilla HTML structure
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - teible (2018) - Lightweight and flexible table component for the web ⚡
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - vue-floatThead (2017) - Vue 2 component for jquery.floatThead
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-grid (2017) - A powerful flexbox grid system for Vue.js 2.x, built with inline-styles
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vueye-table (2018) - A data table created using Vue.js
  • (⭐ 8 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-sorted-table (2018) - A basic sorted table for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-table (2018) - Vue component for rendering tables used in ENA projects
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Notification

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  • (⭐ 1,438 x 🍴129 x 😁17) - vue-notification (2017) - 🍦 Vue.js 2 library for showing notifications
  • (⭐ 1,246 x 🍴114 x 😁18) - vue-toasted (2017) - 🖖 Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+
  • (⭐ 601 x 🍴66 x 😁5) - vue-snotify (2017) - Vuejs 2 Notification Center
  • (⭐ 465 x 🍴41 x 😁11) - vue-notifications (2016) - Vue.js agnostic library for non-blocking notifications
  • (⭐ 139 x 🍴22 x 😁6) - vue-notifyjs (2017) - Minimalist 1kb Notification component
  • (⭐ 122 x 🍴16 x 😁3) - vue-notify-me (2017) - Stackable notification Alert for Vue
  • (⭐ 104 x 🍴18 x 😁3) - vuejs-noty (2017) - A Vue JS wrapper around Noty
  • (⭐ 94 x 🍴20 x 😁6) - vue-easy-toast (2016) - A Toast widget for Vue 1 & 2
  • (⭐ 94 x 🍴13 x 😁4) - vueup (2017) - Simple, lightweight and super fast global notification popup for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 69 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-awesome-notifications (2018) - Vue.js version of Awesome Notifications library
  • (⭐ 68 x 🍴18 x 😁3) - vue-izitoast (2017) - Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin implemented for Vue 2 of iziToast
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴11 x 😁4) - vue-flash-message (2017) - Vue js flash messages component
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴11 x 😁4) - vue-flash-message (2017) - Vue js flash messages component
  • (⭐ 53 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - m-message (2018) - A message plugin for vue.
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vuex-flash (2017) - VueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴4 x 😁5) - vue-notification-bell (2018) - Vue.js notification bell component.
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-notice (2017) - Vue.js non-blocking notifications, based on noty.js
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - vue2-notify (2017) - Simple Vue2 notification component
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-snack (2018) - A Vue.JS plugin for Snackbars based on Google Material
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-toastr-2 (2017) - Simple toast notifications for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-toast-notification (2018) - Yet another toast notification plugin for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-notifikation (2017) - Vue.js notification plugin
  • (⭐ 1 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - v-tostini (2018) - Toast plugin for Vue.js 2.x
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Loader

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  • (⭐ 2,899 x 🍴242 x 😁8) - epic-spinners (2017) - Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration
  • (⭐ 1,421 x 🍴73 x 😁17) - vue-wait (2017) - Complex Loader and Progress Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt Applications
  • (⭐ 323 x 🍴28 x 😁3) - vue-simple-spinner (2017) - A simple, flexible spinner for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 319 x 🍴21 x 😁2) - vue-loading-overlay (2018) - Vue.js component for full screen loading indicator
  • (⭐ 238 x 🍴51 x 😁2) - vue-radial-progress (2016) - Radial progress bar component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 186 x 🍴19 x 😁1) - vue-progress-path (2017) - Progress bars and loading indicators for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 150 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - vue-spinners (2018) - 💫 A collection of loading spinner components for Vuejs
  • (⭐ 141 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - vue-promise-btn (2018) - Vue.js plugin that handles buttons async lock state. Demo:
  • (⭐ 125 x 🍴16 x 😁6) - vue-element-loading (2018) - ⏳ Loading inside a container or full screen for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 80 x 🍴150) - svg-progress-bar (2018) - 🐼 A simple,progress bar for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 76 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-loaders (2018) - Vue components for loaders.css (
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vue-spinkit (2018) - 🌀 A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for VueJS
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-blockui (2017) - BlockUI for vue 2, similiar to jquery blockUI, can be used for loading screen.
  • (⭐ 48 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - tb-skeleton (2018) - a vue component about toy bricks of skeleton screen loading
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue2-form-loading (2018) - A VueJS directive can be used with forms in order to disable submit button and make every input readonly after submitting
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-loading-button (2019) - 👇 Vue button with slideout loading indicator
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-yan-progress (2018) - This is a cascading progress bar plugin based on vue
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Progress Bar

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  • (⭐ 1,058 x 🍴129 x 😁17) - vue-progressbar (2016) - A lightweight progress bar for vue
  • (⭐ 243 x 🍴39 x 😁2) - vue2-loading-bar (2016) - Simplest Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue 2.
  • (⭐ 186 x 🍴17 x 😁1) - vue-top-progress (2016) - Yet another top progress loading bar component for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 141 x 🍴22 x 😁4) - nprogress (2016) - Progress bars is based on nprogress for Vue
  • (⭐ 62 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - vue-progress-button (2017) - Animated button for VueJS
  • (⭐ 34 x 🍴3 x 😁6) - easy-circular-progress (2019) - easy circular progress component with counting effect 💫🏺🎡
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - vue-simple-progress (2017) - A simple, flexible progress bar for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-scroll-progress (2018) - 🎉 Simple Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴1 x 😁3) - vue-read-progress (2019) - Customizable progress bar at the top of the page that shows the scroll progress
  • (⭐ 100 x 😁1) - vue-component-loading (2018) - Vuejs package, allow you to manage a loading state inside all component, and to display a progressbar
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Tooltip

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  • (⭐ 1,117 x 🍴134 x 😁20) - vue-tooltip (2016) - 💬 Easy tooltips, popovers, dropdown for Vue 2.x
  • (⭐ 239 x 🍴59 x 😁16) - vue-popper (2017) - 🐳 VueJS popover component based popper.js
  • (⭐ 130 x 🍴27 x 😁4) - vue-directive-tooltip (2017) - Vue.js tooltip directive. Easy to use, configure and style
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴10 x 😁2) - vue-popper-component (2016) - Popper.js directive for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-tooltipster (2017) - Vue tooltipster component
  • (⭐ 30 x 😁1) - k-pop (2019) - 🕺k-pop: Simple Popover Component using Vue
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Overlay

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  • (⭐ 2,548 x 🍴338 x 😁41) - vue-js-modal (2016) - 🍕 Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile friendly Vue.js 2.0+ modal.
  • (⭐ 696 x 🍴109 x 😁3) - v-viewer (2017) - Image viewer component for vue, supports rotation, scale, zoom and so on, based on viewer.js
  • (⭐ 568 x 🍴65 x 😁4) - sweet-modal-vue (2017) - The sweetest library to happen to modals.
  • (⭐ 349 x 🍴49 x 😁7) - v-img (2017)false
  • (⭐ 272 x 🍴51 x 😁11) - vue-gallery (2017) - 📷 Responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.
  • (⭐ 270 x 🍴51 x 😁3) - vodal (2017) - A vue modal with animations.
  • (⭐ 237 x 🍴64 x 😁5) - vuejs-dialog (2017) - A lightweight, promise based alert, prompt and confirm dialog
  • (⭐ 212 x 🍴30 x 😁3) - vue2-simplert (2017) - ⚠️ Vue 2 Simple Alert Component (SweetAlert Inspired)
  • (⭐ 201 x 🍴21 x 😁3) - vue-modal-dialogs (2016) - Promisify dialogs in Vue!
  • (⭐ 152 x 🍴53 x 😁12) - vue-image-lightbox (2016) - A Vue component to display an image gallery lightbox
  • (⭐ 148 x 🍴25 x 😁2) - vue-window (2017) - Window component for vue2
  • (⭐ 116 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - vue-swal (2017) - A small wrapper for integrating SweetAlert to Vuejs
  • (⭐ 102 x 🍴21 x 😁4) - vue-pure-lightbox (2017) - Very simple lightbox plugin (without any dependencies) for Vuejs 🌅
  • (⭐ 102 x 🍴14 x 😁3) - vue-slideout-panel (2018) - Vue JS component for stackable slideout panels
  • (⭐ 85 x 🍴31 x 😁8) - vuedals (2017) - Vue modals with a single component
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - vue-dialog-drag (2017) - Simple vue draggable dialog
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴16 x 😁5) - vue-gallery-slideshow (2018) - 🖼 Lightweight and responsive image gallery for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 67 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - v-dialogs (2018) - A simple and powerful dialog for Vue2, including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast modes
  • (⭐ 56 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-img-orientation-changer (2019) - A vue plugin that can help you display image in correct orientation.
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴17 x 😁5) - modaltor (2018) - modal component for vuejs
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴4 x 😁4) - vue-a11y-dialog (2018) - Vue.js component for a11y-dialog
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴14 x 😁2) - Vue-Semantic-Modal (2017) - Vue modal component for Semantic-Ui no jquery
  • (⭐ 32 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - vudal (2017) - Modal window for vue.js
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - v-gallery (2018) - A Vue2 plugin for images show in gallery or carousel
  • (⭐ 24 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-img-view (2017) - a plugin for Vue.js, you can drag / view / rotate pictures anywhere
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - vue-my-photos (2018) - Simple lightbox component for Vue applications
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-ya-semantic-modal (2017)false
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴50) - vue-modal (2019) - Reusable Modal component, supports own custom HTML, text and classes.
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-messageBox (2017) - the messagebox component for Vue
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-stackable-modal (2019) - Vue stackable modal component by Innologica
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - vue2-image-loader (2018) - a image loader component for vue2
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-cute-modal (2018) - A simple and easy to use Modal component for Vue applications.
  • (⭐ 2 x 🍴10) - vue-topmodal (2019) - A fully customisable Vue.js modal component.
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - v-modal-backdrop (2018) - A simple generic backdrop component for vue
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Parallax

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  • (⭐ 426 x 🍴66 x 😁2) - vue-parallax (2016) - 🌌 Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects
  • (⭐ 130 x 🍴11 x 😁3) - vue-mouse-parallax (2018) - Mouse Parallax Effect in Vue.js
  • (⭐ 68 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - vue-parallax (2016) - Scrolls a image slower than the window to create a neat optical effect.
  • (⭐ 65 x 🍴13 x 😁7) - vue-parallax-js (2017) - Tiny vue component that adds a directive for parallax effect on elements.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Icons

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  • (⭐ 1,914 x 🍴176 x 😁12) - vue-awesome (2016) - Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, built-in with Font Awesome icons.
  • (⭐ 1,097 x 🍴70 x 😁22) - vue-fontawesome (2017) - Font Awesome 5 Vue component
  • (⭐ 523 x 🍴18 x 😁3) - vue-unicons (2019) - 1000+ Pixel-perfect svg icons for your next project as Vue components
  • (⭐ 165 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-eva-icons (2018) - Is a pack of more than 480 beautiful open source Eva icons as Vue components
  • (⭐ 60 x 🍴12 x 😁5) - vue-ionicons (2017) - ⛄️ Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team
  • (⭐ 24 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - vue-country-flag (2018) - Vue component for country flags
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-cryptoicon (2019) - Cryptocurrency icons for your next Vue project
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - vue-icon-font (2017) - IconFont plugin for Vuejs
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - mdi-vue (2017) - Material design icons for vue.js
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-ico (2017) - Dead easy, Google Material Icons for Vue
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴4 x 😁3) - vue-simple-line-icons (2018) - 😸 Vue component for Simple Line Icons and you may choose a SVG or a Font icon just with a prop.
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - g-icon (2018) - A Vue.js plugin/component to help you manage your icons seamlessly
  • (⭐ 90 x 😁1) - md-svg-vue (2018) - Material design icons by Google for Vue.js & Nuxt.js (server side support & inline svg with path)
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-zondicons (2018) - Vue.js component for accessing Zondicon svg icons
  • (⭐ 50 x 😁2) - vue-fa (2018) - Tiny FontAwesome 5 component for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 2 x 🍴2 x 😁4) - vue-lang-code-flags (2018) - Vue component which shows the flag of the country from which the language comes from
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Menu

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  • (⭐ 392 x 🍴47 x 😁9) - vue-burger-menu (2018) - 🍔 An off-canvas sidebar Vue component -
  • (⭐ 291 x 🍴37 x 😁5) - vue-js-dropdown (2017) - 🍡 Vue.js 2 library for dropdowns / popovers / tooltips
  • (⭐ 283 x 🍴62 x 😁1) - vue-drawer-layout (2017) - A simple DrawerLayout component for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 164 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - vue-menu (2017) - Menu/Contextmenu Component for vue2
  • (⭐ 146 x 🍴32 x 😁1) - vue-quick-menu (2017) - This is web navigation component base on vue2.0+. It can be used in both PC and mobile.
  • (⭐ 135 x 🍴19 x 😁1) - vue-accordion (2016) - Simple accordion menu component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 130 x 🍴10 x 😁3) - vue-slideout (2017) - Simple vue implementation of Slideout.js touch sidebar / sidemenu library
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴9 x 😁1) - vue-tree-navigation (2017) - Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router support
  • (⭐ 91 x 🍴12 x 😁4) - v-selectmenu (2018) - A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - vue-simple-search-dropdown (2018) - ✴️ Vue.js simple autocomplete dropdown component
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - bp-vuejs-dropdown (2017) - Dropdown component for Vuejs
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-simple-menu (2017) - Vue component for fast create simple menu block
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-bulma-accordion (2017) - A simple, easily configurable accordion or collapsible for Vue, styled with Bulma
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - vue-dropdown (2018) - A highly dynamic vue dropdown component
  • (⭐ 17 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-router-nav (2017) - Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router.
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-navigation-bar (2019) - 🧭 A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Minus Plus Input

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Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Carousel

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  • (⭐ 7,265 x 🍴1,303 x 😁14) - vue-awesome-swiper (2016) - 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
  • (⭐ 996 x 🍴330 x 😁59) - vue-carousel (2016) - A flexible, responsive, touch-friendly carousel for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 550 x 🍴62 x 😁6) - vue-agile (2017) - A carousel component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 539 x 🍴119 x 😁13) - vue-carousel-3d (2017) - Vue Carousel 3D - Beautiful, flexible and touch supported 3D Carousel for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 413 x 🍴75 x 😁11) - vue-slick (2016) - Vue component for Slick-carousel (
  • (⭐ 270 x 🍴38 x 😁9) - vue-flickity (2016) - A Vue Slider / Carousel Component for Flickity.js
  • (⭐ 254 x 🍴54 x 😁2) - vue-easy-slider (2016) - Slider Component of Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 246 x 🍴35 x 😁14) - hooper (2018) - 🎠 A customizable accessible carousel slider optimized for Vue
  • (⭐ 183 x 🍴26 x 😁6) - vue-picture-swipe (2018) - 🖼 Vue Picture Swipe Gallery (a gallery of image with thumbnails, lazy-load and swipe) backed by photoswipe
  • (⭐ 167 x 🍴20 x 😁2) - vue-flux (2018) - Image slider which comes with 20 cool transitions
  • (⭐ 141 x 🍴22 x 😁2) - vue-glide (2018) - A slider and carousel as vue component on top of the Glide.js
  • (⭐ 112 x 🍴9 x 😁4) - vueper-slides (2018) - A touch ready and responsive slideshow / carousel for Vue JS.
  • (⭐ 75 x 🍴13 x 😁2) - vue-coverflow (2016) - 🔆 Vue coverflow component(vue)
  • (⭐ 73 x 🍴26 x 😁8) - vue-tiny-slider (2017) - Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes created by ganlanyuan in Vue.
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴16 x 😁1) - vue-l-carousel (2017) - A responsive carousel(namely slider or swiper) component for Vue.js v2.x+.
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴38 x 😁2) - vue-owl-carousel (2018) - Vue component for Owl Carousel 2
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴4 x 😁4) - vue-piece-slider (2019) - animated slides in a fragmented look 🐞🌳✡️📐
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴4 x 😁6) - vue-swimlane (2017) - A Text Swimlane plugin for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴14 x 😁2) - lory (2016) - Vue Slider Component is based on lory
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vue2-siema (2018) - A vue 2 plugin wrapper for the great siema carousel
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vuc (2018) - 🎨 基于 Vuejs 的 Canvas 组件库
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - Lingallery (2018) - Lingallery is a simple image gallery component for Vue.js
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Charts

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  • (⭐ 4,556 x 🍴659 x 😁14) - v-charts (2017) - 基于 Vue2.0 和 ECharts 封装的图表组件📈📊
  • (⭐ 3,464 x 🍴641 x 😁12) - vue-echarts (2016) - ECharts component for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 2,996 x 🍴423 x 😁60) - vue-chartjs (2016) - 📊 Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js
  • (⭐ 902 x 🍴63 x 😁5) - vue-trend (2017) - 🌈 Simple, elegant spark lines for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 818 x 🍴113 x 😁2) - vue-echarts-v3 (2016) - Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
  • (⭐ 511 x 🍴49 x 😁3) - vue-chartkick (2016) - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Vue
  • (⭐ 414 x 🍴34 x 😁9) - vue-apexcharts (2018) - 📊 Vue.js component for ApexCharts
  • (⭐ 363 x 🍴83 x 😁4) - vue-charts (2016) - Base on Vue2.0 wrapper for ChartJs.
  • (⭐ 361 x 🍴45 x 😁2) - vue-highcharts (2016) - 📊 Highcharts component for Vue
  • (⭐ 309 x 🍴19 x 😁3) - vue-bar (2017) - Simple, elegant spark bars for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 259 x 🍴64 x 😁1) - vue-d3-network (2017) - Vue component to graph networks using d3-force
  • (⭐ 193 x 🍴34 x 😁3) - vue-charts (2016) - UNSUPPORTED Google Charts plugin for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 188 x 🍴33 x 😁3) - vue-google-charts (2018) - Reactive Vue.js wrapper for Google Charts lib
  • (⭐ 170 x 🍴24 x 😁2) - vue-morris (2017) - VueJS component wrapping Morris.js
  • (⭐ 144 x 🍴28 x 😁8) - v-chart-plugin (2018) - Easily bind a chart to the data stored in your Vue.js components.
  • (⭐ 138 x 🍴28 x 😁4) - vue2vis (2017) - A Vuejs 2 adapter for Visjs
  • (⭐ 105 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - vue-trend-chart (2019) - Simple trend charts for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 79 x 🍴11 x 😁5) - vue2-frappe (2018) - A Vue 2 integration using Frappe Charts
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - d3vue (2018) - A D3 Plugin for VueJS
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴13 x 😁6) - vue-c3 (2017) - vue-c3 is a reusable vue component for c3 charts
  • (⭐ 57 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vue-graph (2018) - Vue components based on the JUI chart available in Vue.js
  • (⭐ 55 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-funnel-graph-js (2019) - Vue.js component drawing SVG Funnel Graphs
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - vue-css-donut-chart (2018) - Lightweight Vue component for drawing pure CSS donut charts
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - g2-vue (2017) - This Project Is Deprecated. Use Viser instead. Factory wrapper for using G2 easily in a Vue Component.
  • (⭐ 33 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-chartist (2017) - A component of Chartist implement by vuejs 2.0
  • (⭐ 31 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vue-d2b (2017) - Vue components for d2b charts.
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - Vue.D3.sunburst (2018) - Vue sunburst component based on D3.js
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴3 x 😁4) - toast-ui.vue-chart (2018) - Toast UI Chart for Vue
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - VueChart (2017) - A simple wrapper for Chart.
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-doughnut-chart (2018) - 🍩 Doughnut chart component for Vue.js, originally created by Greg Willson
  • (⭐ 90 x 😁1) - vue-plotly (2019) - 📈 vue wrapper for plotly.js
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vueplotlib (2018) - Declarative, interactive, linked 📊📈 components
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - vgauge (2019) - A wrapper library for GaugeJS
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - pure-vue-chart (2019) - Simple and lightweight vue chart component without using chart library dependencies
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Time

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  • (⭐ 631 x 🍴87 x 😁41) - vue-timeago (2016) - A timeago component for Vue.
  • (⭐ 87 x 🍴9 x 😁2) - vue-awesome-countdown (2018) - Countdown plug-in with high performance and high accuracy for Vue2.5.0+.
  • (⭐ 86 x 🍴35 x 😁3) - vuejs-countdown (2017) - [🤔 NOT MAINTAINED] A simple countdown timer component for vue js 2.0
  • (⭐ 54 x 🍴23 x 😁1) - vue2-flip-countdown (2018) - A countdown timer with flip effect for Vue 2.x
  • (⭐ 48 x 🍴2 x 😁6) - vue-moment-jalaali (2016) - Jalaali Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project
  • (⭐ 42 x 🍴6 x 😁3) - vue-analog-clock-range (2018) - Vue Analog Clock Range Component
  • (⭐ 31 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-clock2 (2018) - vue clock component
  • (⭐ 30 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - timeline-vuejs (2018) - Minimalist Timeline with VueJS
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴6 x 😁5) - vue-moment-lib (2018) - A simple Vue.js 2.0 MomentJS library (filters & globals)
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - vuejs-countdown-timer (2017) - Countdown timer
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vuemodoro (2019) - Vue component implementing a Pomodoro timer
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Calendar

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  • (⭐ 1,301 x 🍴132 x 😁8) - v-calendar (2017) - A lightweight, dependency-free plugin for building attributed calendars in Vue.js
  • (⭐ 1,117 x 🍴313 x 😁9) - vue-fullcalendar (2016) - vue calendar fullCalendar. no jquery required. Schedule events management
  • (⭐ 580 x 🍴216 x 😁17) - vue-event-calendar (2016) - A simple events calendar for Vue2, no dependencies except Vue2.
  • (⭐ 490 x 🍴199 x 😁14) - vue2-datepicker (2017) - A datepicker / datetimepicker component for Vue2
  • (⭐ 458 x 🍴101 x 😁16) - vue-fullcalendar (2016) - FullCalendar Wrapper for vue
  • (⭐ 442 x 🍴78 x 😁4) - vue2-calendar (2016) - vue 2.x calendar component
  • (⭐ 429 x 🍴76 x 😁11) - vue-simple-calendar (2017) - Simple Vue component to show a month-grid calendar with events
  • (⭐ 258 x 🍴56 x 😁25) - vue-cal (2018) - A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS. 🤘
  • (⭐ 152 x 🍴44 x 😁4) - quasar-calendar (2018) - A full event display calendar for the Quasar framework that has multiple viewing formats.
  • (⭐ 111 x 🍴15 x 😁1) - vue-functional-calendar (2018) - VueJS Functional Calendar | Component/Package
  • (⭐ 107 x 🍴13 x 😁1) - vue-tuicalendar (2018) - Vue.js wrapper for TOAST UI Calendar
  • (⭐ 75 x 🍴17 x 😁4) - toast-ui.vue-calendar (2018) - Toast UI Calendar for Vue
  • (⭐ 55 x 🍴8 x 😁4) - vue-material-year-calendar (2018) - A full 12-Month view calendar made by vue.js.
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue2-event-calendar (2018) - Full calendar base on Vue2 and momentjs.
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴15 x 😁9) - vue-lunar-calendar (2017) - A vue component for lunar calendar.
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴16 x 😁1) - vue-draggableCal (2018) - Not your ordinary datepicker. A Vuejs draggable date selector with a fresh responsive design, mobile ready and 0 dependencies, 17kb gzipped
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-calendar-picker (2017) - Calendar component
  • (⭐ 43 x 🍴14 x 😁7) - vue2-calendar (2017) - A lightweight calendar component for Vue2
  • (⭐ 42 x 🍴10 x 😁5) - vuelendar (2018) - Simple and clean calendar written in Vue.js
  • (⭐ 40 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-calendar (2018) - A calendar component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴10 x 😁2) - vue-jLunar-datePicker (2017) - VUE chinese-lunar date-picker component with festivals and solar terms
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴1 x 😁3) - vue-pikaday (2018) - VueJS wrapper component for Pikaday datepicker
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-infinite-calendar (2018) - A simple infinite calendar component in Vue 2
  • (⭐ 8 x 🍴11 x 😁1) - vue-datepicker-infinite (2018) - easy datepicker of a vue 2.0 component
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Map

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  • (⭐ 1,377 x 🍴228 x 😁10) - vue-baidu-map (2017) - Baidu Map components for Vue 2.x
  • (⭐ 1,343 x 🍴339 x 😁48) - vue-google-maps (2016) - Google maps component for vue with 2-way data binding
  • (⭐ 1,006 x 🍴253 x 😁48) - Vue2Leaflet (2016) - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps
  • (⭐ 450 x 🍴41 x 😁7) - vue-googlemaps (2017) - Integrate Google Maps in your Vue application
  • (⭐ 249 x 🍴79 x 😁7) - vuelayers (2017) - Web map Vue components with the power of OpenLayers
  • (⭐ 181 x 🍴33 x 😁11) - vue-mapbox (2017) - Vuejs 2 components for interacting with mapbox-gl-js
  • (⭐ 170 x 🍴40 x 😁10) - vue-yandex-map (2017) - Yandex Maps Component for VueJS
  • (⭐ 162 x 🍴23 x 😁6) - vue-mapbox-gl (2017) - A Vue.js component for Mapbox GL JS
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴27 x 😁1) - vue-choropleth (2017) - Choropleth Map component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 16 x 🍴10 x 😁1) - vue-static-map (2017) - a simple component to generate an static google map
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Audio / Video

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  • (⭐ 703 x 🍴127 x 😁5) - vue-aplayer (2016) - 🍰 Easy-to-use music player for Vue 2.x
  • (⭐ 442 x 🍴69 x 😁3) - vue-dplayer (2017) - 📹 A Vue 2.x video player component based on DPlayer
  • (⭐ 273 x 🍴31 x 😁6) - vue-plyr (2018) - A set of Vue components for the plyr video & audio player.
  • (⭐ 205 x 🍴41 x 😁3) - vue-audio-recorder (2018) - A simple audio recorder for VueJS applications
  • (⭐ 140 x 🍴26 x 😁3) - vue-audio-visual (2018) - VueJS audio visualization components
  • (⭐ 124 x 🍴23 x 😁4) - vuejs-sound-player (2017) - ▶️ 🎹 🎵 HTML5 tag sound player UI for Vue.js - supports single, loop, pause/stop modes etc
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - vue-canvasvideo (2017) - A Vue.js component for playing videos on HTML canvas. Useful for achieving autoplay videos in iOS and Safari.
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴5 x 😁2) - music (2017) - Web pages based on HTML 5 < audio > music player
  • (⭐ 7 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - v-playback (2018) - A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier
  • (⭐ 30 x 😁1) - vue-video-section (2019) - 📼 A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Infinite Scroll

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  • (⭐ 2,077 x 🍴335 x 😁11) - vue-infinite-scroll (2015) - An infinite scroll directive for vue.js.
  • (⭐ 1,759 x 🍴235 x 😁14) - vue-infinite-loading (2016) - An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js.
  • (⭐ 1,578 x 🍴373 x 😁2) - vue-scroller (2016) - Scroller Component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 818 x 🍴39 x 😁7) - vue-loop (2017) - Infinite content loop for Vue
  • (⭐ 492 x 🍴58 x 😁7) - vue-mugen-scroll (2016) - Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴17 x 😁1) - vue-infinite-slide-bar (2018) - ∞ Infinite slide bar component (no dependency and light weight 1.48 KB)
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - vue-virtual-infinite-scroll (2018)false
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - vue-infinite-list (2018) - infinite list based on vue2
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Pull-to-refresh

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  • (⭐ 618 x 🍴183 x 😁5) - vue-pull-to (2017) - ⚡️ A pull-down refresh and pull-up load more and infinite scroll component for Vue.js --Vue下拉刷新组件
  • (⭐ 97 x 🍴12 x 😁1) - vue-quick-loadmore (2018) - A pull-down refresh and pull-up infinite scroll component for Vue.js.--vue移动端下拉刷新上拉无限滚动加载插件,支持更换加载图片,保存和设置滚动距离等。
  • (⭐ 96 x 🍴24 x 😁2) - vue-pull-refresh (2016) - A pull down refresh component implement by vuejs
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴18 x 😁1) - vue-data-loading (2017) - Another component for infinite scroll and pull down/up to load data.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Markdown

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  • (⭐ 2,732 x 🍴442 x 😁22) - mavonEditor (2017) - mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
  • (⭐ 1,073 x 🍴153 x 😁9) - vue-markdown (2016) - A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue
  • (⭐ 596 x 🍴77 x 😁2) - vue-simplemde (2017) - 📝 Vue-SimpleMDE - use simplemde with vue.js
  • (⭐ 131 x 🍴23 x 😁6) - toast-ui.vue-editor (2018) - Toast UI Editor for Vue
  • (⭐ 35 x 🍴6 x 😁4) - vue-simple-markdown (2017) - A Simple and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > PDF

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  • (⭐ 683 x 🍴129 x 😁9) - vue-pdf (2017) - vue.js pdf viewer
  • (⭐ 210 x 🍴33 x 😁5) - pdfvuer (2018) - A PDF viewer for Vue using Mozilla's PDF.js
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Tree

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  • (⭐ 755 x 🍴176 x 😁8) - vue2-tree (2017) - tree and multi-select component based on Vue.js 2.0
  • (⭐ 513 x 🍴68 x 😁2) - Vue.D3.tree (2016) - Vue component to display tree based on D3.js layout.
  • (⭐ 437 x 🍴37 x 😁1) - bosket (2017) - Collection of tree view components for front-end frameworks. 🌳
  • (⭐ 328 x 🍴55 x 😁10) - vue-json-tree-view (2017) - A JSON Tree View Component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 300 x 🍴91 x 😁2) - vue-jstree (2017) - A Tree Plugin For Vue2.0+
  • (⭐ 209 x 🍴32 x 😁2) - vue-draggable-nested-tree (2018) - Easy to customize and 7kb powerful vue tree component.
  • (⭐ 207 x 🍴39 x 😁10) - liquor-tree (2017) - Tree component based on Vue.js
  • (⭐ 148 x 🍴45 x 😁10) - sl-vue-tree (2018) - Customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 148 x 🍴19 x 😁7) - vuejs-tree (2017) - A highly customizable and blazing fast Vue tree component ⚡🌲
  • (⭐ 126 x 🍴34 x 😁4) - vue-tree-list (2017) - A vue component for tree structure
  • (⭐ 107 x 🍴18 x 😁2) - tree-component (2017) - A reactjs, angular and vuejs tree component.
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - vue-json-component (2019) - Component for rendering a tree view of JSON.
  • (⭐ 17 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - vue-trees (2018) - 🎄 ui base on vue
  • (⭐ 2 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - vue-vtree (2018) - Universal and flexible tree component for Vue.js
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Social Sharing

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  • (⭐ 715 x 🍴104 x 😁19) - vue-social-sharing (2016) - A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue.js 1.X and 2.X
  • (⭐ 264 x 🍴25 x 😁5) - vue-goodshare (2017) - 🍿 Vue.js component for social share. A simple way to share a link on the pages of your website in the most popular (and not so) social networks. Powered by goodshare.js project.
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴8 x 😁1) - vue-socialmedia-share (2018) - 🔊 Vue component for social sharing of links -
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - vue-picture-sharesheet (2018) - A Vue Picture Sharesheet Component heavily inspired by the Image Sharesheet in Apple's Newsroom
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - vue-twitter (2018) - Twitter widgets for Vue.js
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - vue-share-buttons (2019) - 🔗A set of social buttons for Vue.js
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > QR Code

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  • (⭐ 613 x 🍴102 x 😁6) - vue-qrcode-reader (2017) - A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
  • (⭐ 273 x 🍴43 x 😁1) - vue-qart (2017) - the compoent of vue 2.x for qart.js
  • (⭐ 213 x 🍴30 x 😁1) - vue-qriously (2017) - A vue component to draw qr codes using qrious.
Github > JavaScript > Vue > UI Components > Search

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  • (⭐ 3,195 x 🍴303 x 😁36) - reactivesearch (2017) - React, React Native and Vue UI components for building data-driven apps with Elasticsearch
  • (⭐ 192 x 🍴29 x 😁6) - vue-fuse (2017)false
  • (⭐ 108 x 🍴14 x 😁5) - vue-innersearch (2017) - 🔎 UI components built with Vue.js for ElasticSearch

Github > JavaScript > Angular 2

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Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Material Design

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  • (⭐ 313 x 🍴58 x 😁20) - ng2-materialize (2016) - Angular wrap around Materialize library
  • (⭐ 80 x 🍴13 x 😁7) - material (2017) - A lightweight Material Design library for Angular based on Google's Material Components for the Web.
  • (⭐ 38 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - material-light (2017) - 💡 Material Design UI components for Angular (versions 4+)
Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Cheatsheet

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Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Webpack

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  • (⭐ 10,273 x 🍴5,404 x 😁100) - angular-starter (2015) - 🎉 An Angular Starter kit featuring Angular (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod, HMR, Async/Lazy Routes, AoT via ngc), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, TsLint, Codelyzer, Hot Module Replacement, @types,…
  • (⭐ 1,350 x 🍴641 x 😁30) - angular-webpack (2016) - A complete, yet simple, starter for Angular v2+ using webpack
  • (⭐ 909 x 🍴210 x 😁14) - angular-webpack2-starter (2016) - A complete Angular 6 and Webpack 4 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side…
  • (⭐ 485 x 🍴135 x 😁7) - AngularWebpackVisualStudio (2016) - Template for ASP.NET Core, Angular with Webpack and Visual Studio
  • (⭐ 71 x 🍴32 x 😁2) - angular2-typescript-webpack (2016) - Angular2 starter kit with Typescript and Webpack
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴16 x 😁7) - angular-webpack-config (2017) - Shared Webpack config for Angular SPA/Universal development (w/Dll Bundles, Hard Source plugins)
  • (⭐ 5 x 🍴20) - angular2-webpack-toh (2016) - Version of Tour of Heroes angular2 tutorial with angular2 final + webpack + rxjs
  • (⭐ 3 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - angular-starter (2017) - For angular 2+
Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Third Party Components

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  • (⭐ 18,295 x 🍴4,734 x 😁100) - material2 (2016) - Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
  • (⭐ 7,118 x 🍴625 x 😁57) - text-mask (2016) - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
  • (⭐ 5,139 x 🍴1,696 x 😁86) - ng-zorro-antd (2017) - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  • (⭐ 4,941 x 🍴484 x 😁55) - clarity (2016) - UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences
  • (⭐ 4,843 x 🍴868 x 😁71) - nebular (2017) - 💥 Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System (Angular 8 supported!) 🌚✨Dark Mode
  • (⭐ 4,778 x 🍴1,450 x 😁100) - ngx-bootstrap (2015) - Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular (supports Ivy engine)
  • (⭐ 3,529 x 🍴1,204 x 😁100) - ngx-datatable (2016) - ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular
  • (⭐ 3,086 x 🍴777 x 😁100) - ngx-charts (2016) - 📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
  • (⭐ 2,131 x 🍴462 x 😁66) - angular2-jwt (2015) - Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2+ apps
  • (⭐ 1,677 x 🍴647 x 😁65) - angular-google-maps (2015) - Angular 2+ Google Maps Components
  • (⭐ 1,641 x 🍴392 x 😁49) - ng-select (2017) - ⭐ Native angular 6+ select component
  • (⭐ 1,638 x 🍴567 x 😁33) - ng2-file-upload (2015) - Easy to use Angular components for files upload
  • (⭐ 1,630 x 🍴407 x 😁27) - ng2-dragula (2015) - Simple drag and drop with dragula
  • (⭐ 1,522 x 🍴443 x 😁30) - ng2-charts (2015) - Beautiful charts for Angular based on Chart.js
  • (⭐ 1,290 x 🍴656 x 😁30) - ng2-smart-table (2016) - Angular Smart Data Table component
  • (⭐ 1,163 x 🍴189 x 😁24) - ngx-toastr (2016) - 🍞 Angular Toastr
  • (⭐ 1,006 x 🍴176 x 😁17) - ngSemantic (2015) - Angular 2 building blocks 📦 based on Semantic UI
  • (⭐ 767 x 🍴110 x 😁11) - ng-lightning (2016) - Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System
  • (⭐ 728 x 🍴86 x 😁13) - ngx-restangular (2016) - Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
  • (⭐ 685 x 🍴216 x 😁15) - ng2-pdf-viewer (2016) - 📄 PDF Viewer Component for Angular 5+
  • (⭐ 669 x 🍴607 x 😁31) - ng2-select (2015) - Angular based replacement for select boxes
  • (⭐ 661 x 🍴86 x 😁15) - ngx-progressbar (2016) - Angular progress bar ☄
  • (⭐ 573 x 🍴135 x 😁17) - angular-froala-wysiwyg (2016) - Angular 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 plugin for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
  • (⭐ 551 x 🍴77 x 😁4) - ngx-permissions (2017) - Permission and roles based access control for your angular(angular 2,4,5,6,7,9+) applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible
  • (⭐ 530 x 🍴345 x 😁10) - ng2-table (2015) - Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps
  • (⭐ 489 x 🍴105 x 😁12) - ng-zorro-antd-mobile (2018) - A configurable Mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular7. 🐜
  • (⭐ 482 x 🍴54 x 😁2) - ng-animate (2017) - 🌙 A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular 4.2+
  • (⭐ 416 x 🍴79 x 😁12) - ngx-ui (2016) - 🚀 Style and Component Library for Angular
  • (⭐ 353 x 🍴166 x 😁23) - angular2-grid (2015) - A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2
  • (⭐ 339 x 🍴117 x 😁8) - angular-split (2016) - Angular UI library to split views and allow dragging to resize areas using CSS flexbox layout.
  • (⭐ 326 x 🍴115 x 😁4) - angular2-busy (2016) - Show busy/loading indicators on any promise, or on any Observable's subscription.
  • (⭐ 306 x 🍴61 x 😁6) - fuel-ui (2015) - UI Components for use with Angular2 and Bootstrap4
  • (⭐ 278 x 🍴90 x 😁7) - ng-fullcalendar (2017) - An official Angular component for FullCalendar
  • (⭐ 266 x 🍴95 x 😁10) - ng2-handsontable (2015) - Angular 2 directive for Handsontable
  • (⭐ 263 x 🍴25 x 😁3) - ngx-meta (2016) - Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering)
  • (⭐ 246 x 🍴56 x 😁5) - ngx-fullpage (2016) - Angular 2 fullPage.js port library
  • (⭐ 236 x 🍴46 x 😁6) - ng-lottie (2017) - Render After Effects animations on Angular based on lottie-web
  • (⭐ 215 x 🍴51 x 😁4) - ngx-quill-editor (2016) - 🍡@quilljs editor component for @angular
  • (⭐ 206 x 🍴54 x 😁6) - ng2-archwizard (2016) - A wizard component for Angular 5+
  • (⭐ 195 x 🍴44 x 😁10) - ngx-auth-firebaseui (2017) - Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication
  • (⭐ 176 x 🍴36 x 😁12) - ngx-emoji-mart (2018) - Customizable Slack-like emoji picker for Angular
  • (⭐ 175 x 🍴70 x 😁5) - ngu-carousel (2017) - Angular Universal carousel
  • (⭐ 169 x 🍴147 x 😁18) - angular2-multiselect-dropdown (2017) - Angular 2 Dropdown Multiselect
  • (⭐ 146 x 🍴27 x 😁13) - ngx-popper (2017) - An angular wrapper for popper.js, great for tooltips and positioning popping elements
  • (⭐ 142 x 🍴40 x 😁13) - ngx-mapbox-gl (2017) - Angular binding of mapbox-gl-js
  • (⭐ 135 x 🍴38 x 😁7) - ngx-avatar (2017) - Universal avatar component for angular 2+ applications makes it possible to fetch / generate avatar from different sources
  • (⭐ 134 x 🍴13 x 😁6) - ngx-color (2017) - 🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
  • (⭐ 124 x 🍴35 x 😁22) - ngx-store (2017) - Angular decorators to automagically keep variables in HTML5 LocalStorage, SessionStorage, cookies; injectable services for managing and listening to data changes and a bit more.
  • (⭐ 122 x 🍴10 x 😁2) - od-virtualscroll (2017) - 🚀 Observable-based virtual scroll implementation in Angular
  • (⭐ 120 x 🍴77 x 😁9) - Angular-QueryBuilder (2017) - A modernized Angular 4+ query builder based on jquery QueryBuilder
  • (⭐ 117 x 🍴38 x 😁2) - ngx-qrcode (2017) - An Angular 6 Component Library for Generating QR (Quick Response ) Codes
  • (⭐ 113 x 🍴77 x 😁8) - ngx-modal (2016) - Open modal window (dialog box) for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
  • (⭐ 112 x 🍴27 x 😁5) - angular2-cookie (2016) - Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular 2
  • (⭐ 109 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - ngx-cache (2017) - Cache utility for Angular
  • (⭐ 108 x 🍴12 x 😁4) - ngx-config (2016) - Configuration utility for Angular
  • (⭐ 107 x 🍴48 x 😁23) - angular-cesium (2017) - JavaScript library for creating map based web apps using Cesium and Angular
  • (⭐ 104 x 🍴18 x 😁5) - ngx-codemirror (2018) - Codemirror Wrapper for Angular
  • (⭐ 101 x 🍴20 x 😁5) - password-strength (2018) - Angular UI library to illustrate and validate a password's strength with material design - Angular V8 supported
  • (⭐ 84 x 🍴25 x 😁7) - angular2-fontawesome (2016) - Angular5 Components and Directives for Fontawesome
  • (⭐ 81 x 🍴7 x 😁2) - angular-epic-spinners (2018) - Reusable angular components for epic-spinners
  • (⭐ 77 x 🍴16 x 😁8) - ng2-adsense (2016) - Angular Adsense Component
  • (⭐ 74 x 🍴19 x 😁7) - angular-safeguard (2016) - Wrapper around cookies/sessionStorage/localStorage for angular2. If all are unavailable will use an in memory storage.
  • (⭐ 74 x 🍴37 x 😁4) - ng-chat (2017) - 💬 A simple facebook/linkedin lookalike chat module for Angular applications.
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴38 x 😁3) - ngx-dropdown (2016) - Simple dropdown for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴21 x 😁4) - angular2-promise-buttons (2017) - Chilled loading buttons for angular2
  • (⭐ 69 x 🍴21 x 😁4) - angular-fullpage (2018) - Official Angular wrapper for fullPage.js
  • (⭐ 63 x 🍴7 x 😁5) - ngx-trend (2017) - 📈 Simple, elegant spark lines for Angular
  • (⭐ 62 x 🍴3 x 😁5) - ngx-context (2019) - Angular Context: Easy property binding for router outlet and nested component trees.
  • (⭐ 60 x 🍴15 x 😁5) - ng-katex (2017) - Angular module to write beautiful math expressions in TeX syntax boosted by KaTeX library
  • (⭐ 58 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - ngx-img-fallback (2016) - 🖼 Load placeholder image on image error, Angular 5+
  • (⭐ 54 x 🍴22 x 😁3) - fileDroppa (2016) - Angular2 File Dropzone
  • (⭐ 52 x 🍴6 x 😁4) - ng-sq-ui (2018) - Flexible and easily customizable UI-kit for Angular 6+
  • (⭐ 50 x 🍴21 x 😁2) - ngx-countdown (2017) - Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴24 x 😁3) - ng2-sweetalert2 (2016) - A sweetalert2 service for angular2.
  • (⭐ 48 x 🍴22 x 😁6) - ngx-siema (2017) - Lightweight and simple carousel with no dependencies.
  • (⭐ 46 x 🍴15 x 😁3) - ng2-permission (2017) - permission based access control for your angular2 applications.
  • (⭐ 45 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - ngx-auth (2017) - Auth0 platform implementation and JWT authentication utility for Angular & Angular Universal
  • (⭐ 44 x 🍴18 x 😁1) - ngx-select-controls (2016) - Checkbox group and radio group control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
  • (⭐ 41 x 🍴9 x 😁5) - google-maps-autocomplete (2018) - Autocomplete input component for google-maps built with angular material design
  • (⭐ 37 x 🍴17 x 😁2) - ngx-tabs (2016) - Simple tabs control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3
  • (⭐ 36 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - ngx-i18n-router (2017) - Route internationalization utility for Angular
  • (⭐ 32 x 🍴87 x 😁1) - ng2-ace (2016) - A basic ace editor directive for angular 2.
  • (⭐ 31 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - pages (2018) - Open source library for angular apps to illustrate custom material pages content with steps (ideal for tutorials and explanations purposes)
  • (⭐ 30 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - ngx-paginator (2016) - Simple pagination control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3
  • (⭐ 28 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - angular-shepherd (2019) - An Angular wrapper for the site tour library Shepherd
  • (⭐ 27 x 🍴2 x 😁3) - ngx-flow (2017) - flow.js file upload for angular
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - ng2-markdown (2015) - - Angular2 Markdown Web Component
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴8 x 😁5) - ngx-chartjs (2018) - Functional Chart.js wrapper for Angular
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - ngx-rightclick (2018) - Context Menu Service for Angular
  • (⭐ 25 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - Angular-Firebase-Sortable-Table (2017) - Angular Firebase Sortable Table is a module that makes tables creation with firebase an easy task.
  • (⭐ 23 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - angular-http-cache (2017) - Speed up your remote requests by automatically caching them on client and add support for offline navigation.
  • (⭐ 22 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - contacts (2018) - Angular Library to manage contacts and users with a material design
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴18 x 😁5) - angular2-simple-countdown (2015) - a simple countdown angular2 directive with multiple language
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴5 x 😁1) - ngx-progress-bar (2016) - Simple progress bar control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴6 x 😁1) - ng2-fontawesome (2016) - An easy-to-use directive for font awesome icons.
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - ngx-konami (2017) - A simple directive to add easter eggs in your Angular 2+ application 👾
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - ngx-recursive-form (2018) - Angular recursive form at any level based on your json input.
  • (⭐ 19 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - ngx-linkifyjs (2018) - Angular V7 wrapper for linkifyjs - library for finding links in plain text and converting them to HTML tags via linkifyjs
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - ngx-dropzone (2019) - A highly configurable dropzone component for Angular.
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴1 x 😁3) - ngx-droppable (2018) - Give file dropping super-powers to any element or component
  • (⭐ 170 x 😁2) - sula (2018) - Angular UI components with native CSS variables theming and module extracting feature
  • (⭐ 15 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - ng2-storage (2016) - A local and session storage wrapper for angular 2.
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - ng2-swipeable-card (2016) - A simple swipeable card component implemented in Angular2 ✨
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - ng-bootstrap (2018) - Angular Bootstrap UI library for firebase authentication powered by @ng-bootstrap and @angularfire2
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - ng-data-picker (2017) - 🏄🏼 A data picker based on Angular 4+ (like native datetime picker of iOS)
  • (⭐ 100 x 😁1) - ng2-bs (2015) - Experiments with Angular2 directives for Bootstrap
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - faq (2018) - Angular Library built with material design in order to provide a reusable faq (frequently asked questions) component for every project. Ask, Answer and List
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴6 x 😁4) - ng-wormhole (2017) - Render any child view somewhere else on the page.
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - ngx-app-tour (2018) - Angular2+ plugin for building a tour, showcase or a walkthrough for your app
  • (⭐ 80 x 😁1) - ng2-safe-img (2016) - very tiny and safe img for Angular 2
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - ng2-card (2016) - NOT MAINTAINED: Card view component for angular2
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - ng-s-resource (2017) - 🏌🏽 Simplify RESTful http resource generator for Angular 4+
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁2) - ngx-f2 (2018) - Angular for Antvis F2
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - ngx-wheel (2017) - Angular (6+) prize winning wheel
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - ng-fveh (2018) - NG Form Validations Errors Helper - Some helpers to help you with form validation :)
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁1) - dlChart (2018) - Lightweight Angular Chart Library
  • (⭐ 30 x 😁1) - ngx-flexible-select (2019) - The most flexible and customized angular select
  • (⭐ 30 x 😁1) - angular-clickable-click (2018) - Adds cursor: pointer styling to elements having (click) directive, prevents event when disabled.
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁2) - ng2-sheet (2017) - Angular2 sheet component
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁1) - angular-esc (2018) - Angular 4+ Directive adding event for escape key
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁1) - ng-rooster (2019) - roosterjs library for angular!!
Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Pipes

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  • (⭐ 963 x 🍴122 x 😁18) - ngx-pipes (2016) - ⚡️ Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
  • (⭐ 306 x 🍴61 x 😁6) - fuel-ui (2015) - UI Components for use with Angular2 and Bootstrap4
  • (⭐ 178 x 🍴48 x 😁5) - ngx-order-pipe (2017) - ▼ Angular 5+ orderBy pipe
  • (⭐ 96 x 🍴33 x 😁6) - ngx-filter-pipe (2016) - 𝗩 Angular 5+ pipeline for array filtering.
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - angular2-camelcase (2017) - Angular2 pipe to convert camelCase strings to human readable strings
Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Generators

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  • (⭐ 953 x 🍴158 x 😁20) - generator-ngx-rocket (2016) - 🚀 Extensible Angular 7+ enterprise-grade project generator
  • (⭐ 394 x 🍴91 x 😁38) - stagehand (2014) - Dart project generator - web apps, console apps, servers, and more.
  • (⭐ 268 x 🍴44 x 😁6) - generator-angular2 (2015) - A Yeoman Generator to create Angular2 apps right now.
  • (⭐ 44 x 🍴7 x 😁3) - slush-angular2 (2015) - Slush Generator For Angular 2
  • (⭐ 14 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - cli (2017) - [DEPRECATED] now integrated directly into ngX-Rocket generator
  • (⭐ 8 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - core (2017) - 🏭 Core generator for ngX-Rocket add-ons
Github > JavaScript > Angular 2 > Documentation tools

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  • (⭐ 39,238 x 🍴3,217 x 😁100) - storybook (2016) - UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!
  • (⭐ 2,579 x 🍴236 x 😁36) - compodoc (2016) - 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
  • (⭐ 48 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - ng-app-counter (2019) - Count the number of Modules, Lazy Modules, Pipes, Providers, Directives, Components used in an Angular application.
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴5 x 😁3) - ngmodule-viz (2017) - Visualize the dependencies between the NgModules in your Angular 2+ application

Github > JavaScript > React

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Github > JavaScript > React > Development Tools

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  • (⭐ 39,238 x 🍴3,217 x 😁100) - storybook (2016) - UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!
  • (⭐ 19,300 x 🍴3,881 x 😁100) - react-starter-kit (2014) - React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  • (⭐ 10,480 x 🍴612 x 😁85) - reactotron (2016) - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
  • (⭐ 10,191 x 🍴1,464 x 😁100) - react-devtools (2013) - An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools.
  • (⭐ 5,402 x 🍴1,407 x 😁100) - eslint-plugin-react (2014) - React specific linting rules for ESLint
  • (⭐ 5,148 x 🍴230 x 😁68) - react-cosmos (2014) - Dev tool for creating reusable React components
  • (⭐ 2,596 x 🍴148 x 😁56) - loadable-components (2017) - React code splitting made easy ✂️✨
  • (⭐ 1,543 x 🍴284 x 😁71) - eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y (2016) - Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements.
  • (⭐ 581 x 🍴23 x 😁14) - react-axe (2016) - Accessibility auditing for React.js applications
Github > JavaScript > React > Styling

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  • (⭐ 8,365 x 🍴523 x 😁100) - emotion (2017) - 👩‍🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition
  • (⭐ 7,009 x 🍴334 x 😁80) - radium (2015) - A toolchain for React component styling.
  • (⭐ 4,957 x 🍴277 x 😁76) - jss (2014) - JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language.
Github > JavaScript > React > Routing

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  • (⭐ 36,780 x 🍴7,532 x 😁100) - react-router (2014) - Declarative routing for React
  • (⭐ 1,695 x 🍴61 x 😁22) - navi (2016) - Declarative, asynchronous routing for React.
  • (⭐ 221 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - curi (2017) - A JavaScript router for single-page applications
Github > JavaScript > React > UI Libraries

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  • (⭐ 14,299 x 🍴1,248 x 😁100) - blueprint (2016) - A React-based UI toolkit for the web
  • (⭐ 5,407 x 🍴1,120 x 😁100) - office-ui-fabric-react (2016) - React components for building Microsoft web experiences.
Github > JavaScript > React > Components

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  • (⭐ 18,219 x 🍴1,344 x 😁32) - awesome-react-components (2016) - Catalog of React Components & Libraries
  • (⭐ 17,100 x 🍴3,244 x 😁100) - react-select (2014) - The Select Component for React.js
  • (⭐ 16,045 x 🍴1,891 x 😁100) - react-virtualized (2015) - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
  • (⭐ 13,442 x 🍴628 x 😁75) - react-loadable (2017) - ⏳ A higher order component for loading components with promises.
  • (⭐ 11,510 x 🍴1,334 x 😁100) - react-dnd (2014) - Drag and Drop for React
  • (⭐ 10,158 x 🍴816 x 😁64) - react-intl (2014) - Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
  • (⭐ 9,571 x 🍴1,265 x 😁100) - react-dates (2016) - An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web
  • (⭐ 8,909 x 🍴1,130 x 😁48) - react-grid-layout (2014) - A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
  • (⭐ 8,622 x 🍴1,887 x 😁100) - react-admin (2016) - A frontend Framework for building admin applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design
  • (⭐ 7,118 x 🍴625 x 😁57) - text-mask (2016) - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
  • (⭐ 6,682 x 🍴243 x 😁24) - unstated (2018) - State so simple, it goes without saying
  • (⭐ 5,362 x 🍴318 x 😁43) - rebass (2015) - ⚛️ React primitive UI components built with styled-system.
  • (⭐ 5,046 x 🍴596 x 😁100) - grommet (2015) - a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
  • (⭐ 4,631 x 🍴582 x 😁45) - react-draggable (2014) - React draggable component
  • (⭐ 3,675 x 🍴340 x 😁36) - searchkit (2015) - React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
  • (⭐ 3,412 x 🍴446 x 😁92) - react-i18next (2015) - Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
  • (⭐ 3,315 x 🍴1,651 x 😁95) - react-data-grid (2015) - Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • (⭐ 2,765 x 🍴194 x 😁18) - rsuite (2016) - ⚛️ A suite of React components .
  • (⭐ 2,333 x 🍴74 x 😁6) - react-trend (2017) - 📈 Simple, elegant spark lines
  • (⭐ 1,636 x 🍴171 x 😁13) - react-list (2014) - 📜 A versatile infinite scroll React component.
  • (⭐ 1,474 x 🍴175 x 😁9) - qrcode.react (2014) - A component for use with React.
  • (⭐ 1,441 x 🍴149 x 😁19) - rheostat (2015) - Rheostat is a www, mobile, and accessible slider component built with React
  • (⭐ 1,110 x 🍴101 x 😁5) - react-credit-cards (2017) - Beautiful credit cards for your payment forms
  • (⭐ 1,077 x 🍴160 x 😁24) - react-resizable-and-movable (2016) - 🖱 A resizable and draggable component for React.
  • (⭐ 850 x 🍴45 x 😁10) - react-switch (2017) - A draggable toggle-switch component for React. Check out the demo at:
  • (⭐ 839 x 🍴180 x 😁98) - react-instantsearch (2017) - ⚡ Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by Algolia.
  • (⭐ 812 x 🍴182 x 😁16) - react-resizable (2014) - A simple React component that is resizable with a handle.
  • (⭐ 706 x 🍴113 x 😁36) - react-resizable-box (2015) - 📏 A resizable component for React.
  • (⭐ 633 x 🍴190 x 😁3) - react-ui-tree (2015) - React tree component with drag & drop
  • (⭐ 582 x 🍴69 x 😁18) - reactjs-popup (2017) - React Popup Component - Modals,Tooltips and Menus —  All in one
  • (⭐ 572 x 🍴59 x 😁11) - rodal (2015) - A React modal with animations.
  • (⭐ 553 x 🍴44 x 😁15) - react-aria-modal (2015) - A fully accessible React modal built according WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices
  • (⭐ 527 x 🍴23 x 😁6) - react-skeletor (2017) - Skeleton loading for React
  • (⭐ 467 x 🍴58 x 😁22) - react-particles-js (2016) - Particles.js for React
  • (⭐ 457 x 🍴36 x 😁4) - react-filepond (2018) - 🔌 A handy FilePond adapter component for React
  • (⭐ 444 x 🍴37 x 😁9) - react-keydown (2015) - Lightweight keydown wrapper for React components
  • (⭐ 413 x 🍴42 x 😁15) - react-sortable-pane (2016) - ✨ A sortable and resizable pane component for React.
  • (⭐ 402 x 🍴46 x 😁19) - dialog-web-components (2016) - Set of react components for building messaging applications
  • (⭐ 379 x 🍴135 x 😁20) - reactScrollbar (2015) - Scrollbar component for React
  • (⭐ 349 x 🍴68 x 😁4) - react-handsontable (2016) - React Data Grid with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Official React wrapper for Handsontable.
  • (⭐ 340 x 🍴47 x 😁6) - react-motion-menu (2015) - [DEPRECATED] 🍔 A spring animation menu component for React.
  • (⭐ 303 x 🍴51 x 😁9) - react-svg (2014) - 🎨 A React component that injects SVG into the DOM.
  • (⭐ 295 x 🍴16 x 😁6) - react-experiments (2015) - React components for implementing UI experiments
  • (⭐ 287 x 🍴108 x 😁12) - react-d3-tree (2017) - 🌳 React component to create interactive D3 tree graphs
  • (⭐ 262 x 🍴45 x 😁6) - react-vertical-timeline (2017) - Vertical timeline for React.js
  • (⭐ 226 x 🍴47 x 😁6) - sweetalert-react (2015) - Declarative SweetAlert in React
  • (⭐ 187 x 🍴38 x 😁3) - numeric-keyboard (2017) - Number keyboard for mobile browsers
  • (⭐ 174 x 🍴43 x 😁8) - react-credit-card-input (2017) - 💳 A credit/debit card input field for React
  • (⭐ 155 x 🍴65 x 😁16) - react-dropdown-tree-select (2017) - Lightweight, accessible, customizable and fast Dropdown Tree Select component for React
  • (⭐ 110 x 🍴20 x 😁5) - react-ios-switch (2015) - React switch component
  • (⭐ 97 x 🍴22 x 😁7) - react-file-reader-input (2015) - React file input component for complete control over styling and abstraction from file reading.
  • (⭐ 93 x 🍴15 x 😁6) - react-terminal-component (2018) - Terminal emulator component for React. Emulate a terminal/console with autocomplete, commands, a file-system and themes.
  • (⭐ 92 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - react-DnR (2016) - Dragable and Resizable window build with React.js
  • (⭐ 89 x 🍴15 x 😁5) - react-breadcrumbs-dynamic (2017) - 🏡 > breadcrumbs > extremely flexible > and > easy to use
  • (⭐ 88 x 🍴7 x 😁1) - cogo-toast (2018) - Beautiful, Zero Configuration, Toast Messages for React
  • (⭐ 84 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - react-virtualized-sticky-tree (2017) - A React component for efficiently rendering tree like structures with support for position: sticky
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - react-slide-deck (2015) - react carousel, swipe, slide deck, showcase, page section scroll ...
  • (⭐ 82 x 🍴16 x 😁5) - react-ui-cards (2018) - Ready to use card components for React
  • (⭐ 76 x 🍴10 x 😁4) - react-listview-sticky-header (2015) - react listview with sticky section header
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴12 x 😁2) - react-data-menu (2016) - Smart data-driven menu rendered in an overlay
  • (⭐ 72 x 🍴7 x 😁4) - omnibar (2017) - ♠️ Extensible search component for React.
  • (⭐ 64 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - nice-react-layout (2018) - Create complex and nice Flexbox-based layouts, without even knowing what flexbox means
  • (⭐ 54 x 🍴10 x 😁5) - react-browser-detection (2016) - React component to detect browser
  • (⭐ 53 x 🍴14 x 😁1) - react-beautiful-chat (2018) - A simple and beautiful React chat component backend agnostic and with Emoji and File support.
  • (⭐ 51 x 🍴3 x 😁6) - react-colorizer (2015) - 🌈 A Color Picker Component for React and React Native.
  • (⭐ 49 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - material-ui-layout (2017) - Declarative layout for Material UI
  • (⭐ 47 x 🍴10 x 😁4) - react-frame (2015) - React components within an iframe for isolated css styling
  • (⭐ 39 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - react-expandable-listview (2015) - React expandable components, assist you render expandable objects or React components
  • (⭐ 34 x 🍴8 x 😁2) - react-sortly (2017) - React nested sortable component
  • (⭐ 29 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - react-creditcard (2017) - 💳 An awesome react credit card component.
  • (⭐ 280 x 😁1) - react-unveil (2018) - Cross-browser ShowMore component for React with sensible defaults.
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴8 x 😁6) - react-https-redirect (2016) - Force a redirect to HTTPS when not on a local web server
  • (⭐ 21 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - react-fetch-progressbar (2017) - Show a progressbar in React whenever a fetch request is in progress
  • (⭐ 20 x 🍴4 x 😁1) - react-http-request (2016) - React component exposes network request functionality
  • (⭐ 18 x 🍴9 x 😁3) - react-location-picker (2017) - A react component to pick a location using google maps
  • (⭐ 16 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - react-offcanvas (2016) - 🎨 Off-canvas menus for React.
  • (⭐ 15 x 🍴4 x 😁2) - react-file-input-previews-base64 (2017) - This package provides an easy to use, ready to go and customizable wrapper around file input, with option for image previews and returning file as base64 string.
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - email-autocomplete-input (2017) - ⚡️ Email autocomplete input
  • (⭐ 10 x 🍴3 x 😁3) - react-automatic-width (2015) - Automatically sets width property on child components
  • (⭐ 9 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - react-scrolltop-button (2018) - A reusable, customizable scroll-to-top React component
  • (⭐ 6 x 🍴3 x 😁2) - react-livestamp (2016) - A simple and html date countdown component for React
  • (⭐ 60 x 😁1) - react-filter-control (2018) - The React component to build UI for filter creation
  • (⭐ 4 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - gmodal (2018) - Make delightful modal layer
  • (⭐ 40 x 😁1) - reactponsive (2019) - Responsive utils ⚒ in all the flavors 🍕 for your favorite framework ⚛️
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁5) - react-flexbox-svg (2017) - Flexbox for SVG in React, using css-layout
  • (⭐ 10 x 😁1) - is-online-component (2018) - A simple react component that detect online and offline changes
  • (⭐ 0 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - react-paypal-btn (2018) - Add a PayPal button to your React app.
  • (⭐ 00 x 😁1) - folio (2018) - Legacy project. Move out to =>
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  • (⭐ 11,654 x 🍴274 x 😁40) - ink (2017) - 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
  • (⭐ 3,278 x 🍴138 x 😁17) - react-blessed (2015) - A react renderer for blessed.
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  • (⭐ 17,480 x 🍴1,927 x 😁100) - enzyme (2015) - JavaScript Testing utilities for React
  • (⭐ 7,798 x 🍴446 x 😁100) - react-testing-library (2018) - 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
  • (⭐ 752 x 🍴30 x 😁16) - react-hooks-testing-library (2018) - 🐏 Simple and complete React hooks testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
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  • (⭐ 17,089 x 🍴887 x 😁69) - react-motion (2015) - A spring that solves your animation problems.
  • (⭐ 1,250 x 🍴72 x 😁9) - react-spinkit (2014) - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
  • (⭐ 867 x 🍴114 x 😁9) - react-absolute-grid (2015) - An absolutely positioned, animated, filterable, sortable, drag and droppable, ES6 grid for React.
  • (⭐ 736 x 🍴42 x 😁6) - react-loading-skeleton (2017) - Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app!
  • (⭐ 283 x 🍴14 x 😁7) - react-animate (2014) - React animation mixin.
  • (⭐ 173 x 🍴18 x 😁6) - react.animate (2014) - state animation plugin for react.js
  • (⭐ 13 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - animated-number-react (2018) - Super easy way to animate numbers with React
  • (⭐ 12 x 🍴1 x 😁2) - react-singular-component (2018) - move your react component around the dom
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  • (⭐ 16,313 x 🍴1,781 x 😁100) - draft-js (2016) - A React framework for building text editors.
  • (⭐ 14,988 x 🍴1,335 x 😁100) - slate (2016) - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.)
  • (⭐ 13,827 x 🍴1,022 x 😁100) - riotjs (2013) - Simple and elegant component-based UI library
  • (⭐ 11,187 x 🍴458 x 😁52) - react-helmet (2015) - A document head manager for React
  • (⭐ 8,470 x 🍴1,050 x 😁100) - react-toolbox (2015) - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules
  • (⭐ 8,291 x 🍴419 x 😁20) - react-desktop (2015) - React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10
  • (⭐ 7,850 x 🍴336 x 😁31) - bit (2017) - Easily share code between projects with your team.
  • (⭐ 3,932 x 🍴218 x 😁42) - react-responsive (2014) - CSS media queries in react - for responsive design, and more.
  • (⭐ 3,397 x 🍴169 x 😁16) - touchstonejs (2014) - Mobile App Framework powered by React
  • (⭐ 3,195 x 🍴303 x 😁36) - reactivesearch (2017) - React, React Native and Vue UI components for building data-driven apps with Elasticsearch
  • (⭐ 3,101 x 🍴232 x 😁37) - react-icons (2015) - svg react icons of popular icon packs
  • (⭐ 2,735 x 🍴185 x 😁32) - react-snap (2017) - 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
  • (⭐ 1,190 x 🍴56 x 😁12) - omniscient (2014) - A library providing an abstraction for React components that allows for fast top-down rendering embracing immutable data for js
  • (⭐ 1,066 x 🍴259 x 😁57) - primereact (2016) - PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React
  • (⭐ 1,050 x 🍴53 x 😁15) - react-cursor (2014) - Immutable state for React.js
  • (⭐ 784 x 🍴84 x 😁18) - react-magic (2014) - Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React. It's magic!
  • (⭐ 706 x 🍴30 x 😁11) - refract (2018) - Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
  • (⭐ 427 x 🍴19 x 😁1) - Maple.js (2015) - Maple.js is a React webcomponents based framework mixing ES6 with Custom Elements, HTML Imports and Shadow DOM. It has in-built support for SASS and JSX, including a Gulp task for vulcanizing your project.
  • (⭐ 312 x 🍴36 x 😁22) - react-i13n (2015) - A performant, scalable and pluggable approach to instrumenting your React application.
  • (⭐ 242 x 🍴17 x 😁2) - react-lodash (2018) - ⚛️ 🔧 Lodash as React components
  • (⭐ 224 x 🍴12 x 😁3) - Keo (2015) - Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating stateless React components, with functional goodies such as compose, memoize, etc... for free.
  • (⭐ 195 x 🍴13 x 😁9) - tcomb-react (2014) - Alternative syntax for PropTypes
  • (⭐ 116 x 🍴2 x 😁1) - compose-state (2018) - Compose multiple setState or getDerivedStateFromProps updaters in React
  • (⭐ 112 x 🍴2 x 😁2) - react-border-wrapper (2019) - A wrapper for placing elements along div borders.
  • (⭐ 106 x 🍴17 x 😁4) - react-json-schema (2015) - Configure and build views using JSON schemas mapped to React components
  • (⭐ 360 x 😁1) - clearx (2019) - Fast & Effortless global state management for React, Preact and Inferno with zero learning curve
  • (⭐ 34 x 🍴6 x 😁2) - react-with-analytics (2018) - Google Analytics for React apps with ease.
  • (⭐ 26 x 🍴3 x 😁1) - stator (2018) - Simple, plain JavaScript state management with built-in support for React
  • (⭐ 120 x 😁4) - state-trooper (2014) - Centrally manage state for React applications with CSP
  • (⭐ 11 x 🍴1 x 😁1) - react-animated-transitions (2018) - Easy animated transitions in React.
  • (⭐ 30 x 😁1) - react-is-responsive (2018) - A utility to create responsive components in React.
  • (⭐ 20 x 😁1) - react-cache-me-outside (2018) - OTA data updates for React apps. How bow dat!
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