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A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.




  • massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - A Windows and Office activator using HWID / Ohook / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections.


  • grocy/grocy - ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home



  • Sophia-Community/SophiApp - โšก The most powerful open source tweaker on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11
  • valheimPlus/ValheimPlus - A HarmonyX Mod aimed at improving the gameplay and quality of life of the game Valheim.
  • Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming - Play your favorite games in a borderless window; no more time consuming alt-tabs.
  • Ryochan7/DS4Windows - Like those other ds4tools, but sexier
  • maximmax42/Discord-CustomRP - Simple custom Rich Presence manager (Playing status) for Discord. Only supports Windows 7 and above. Features running on startup and minimizing to tray. Translated to multiple languages.
  • srwi/EverythingToolbar - Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
  • miroslavpejic85/p2p - ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ P2P Remote Desktop - Portable, No Configuration or Installation Needed.
  • akshinmustafayev/EasyJob - ๐Ÿ”จ EasyJob - keep and execute your PowerShell and BAT scripts from one interface
  • deadlydog/PathLengthChecker - Path Length Checker is a stand-alone app that returns the path and length of all files and directories in a given directory.
  • win-acme/win-acme - A simple ACME client for Windows (for use with Let's Encrypt et al.)
  • rocksdanister/lively - Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
  • JonasNilson/idle_master_extended - ๐Ÿƒ Get your Steam Trading Cards the Fast Way (Fast Mode Extension ๐Ÿš€)
  • duplicati/duplicati - Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
  • gitextensions/gitextensions - Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing git repositories. It also integrates with Windows Explorer and Microsoft Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019).
  • DigitalRuby/IPBan - Since 2011, IPBan is the worlds most trusted, free security software to block hackers and botnets. With both Windows and Linux support, IPBan has your dedicated or cloud server protected. Upgrade to I
  • quasar/Quasar - Remote Administration Tool for Windows
  • Metabolix/HackBGRT - Windows boot logo changer for UEFI systems
  • cairoshell/cairoshell - Cairo is a customizable, intuitive desktop environment for Windows.
  • Jonno12345/TileIconifier - Creates tiles for most Windows 8.1 and 10 start menu icons
  • chocolatey/choco - Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows
  • felixse/FluentTerminal - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
  • NickeManarin/ScreenToGif - ๐ŸŽฌ ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
  • 0x7c13/Notepads - A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.
  • tsasioglu/Total-Uninstaller - Windows software uninstaller
  • dotnet/roslyn - The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.
  • dnSpy/dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor
  • BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager - A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!





  • IceWhaleTech/CasaOS - CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
  • IzakMarais/reporter - Service that generates a PDF report from a Grafana dashboard
  • hashicorp/terraform-provider-azuread - Terraform provider for Azure Active Directory
  • drakkan/sftpgo - Full-featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
  • ponzu-cms/ponzu - Headless CMS with automatic JSON API. Featuring auto-HTTPS from Let's Encrypt, HTTP/2 Server Push, and flexible server framework written in Go.
  • 42wim/matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (m
  • schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another ๐ŸŠ ๐Ÿ“ฆ
  • jpillora/cloud-torrent - โ˜๏ธย Cloud Torrent: a self-hosted remote torrent client
  • FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
  • weaveworks/scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
  • mojocn/felix - A Friendly SSH Jumper Bastion Fortress Server
  • odeke-em/drive - Google Drive client for the commandline
  • semaphoreui/semaphore - Modern UI for Ansible, Terraform, OpenTofu, Bash, Pulumi
  • openfaas/faas - OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
  • alexellis/k3sup - bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s ๐Ÿš€
  • vmware-tanzu/kubeapps - A web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters
  • mum4k/termdash - Terminal based dashboard.
  • goharbor/harbor - An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
  • twpayne/chezmoi - Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
  • JulienBalestra/monitoring - Monitoring tools and libs
  • gliderlabs/registrator - Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters
  • linuxkit/linuxkit - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
  • moby/moby - The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • rancher/os - Tiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers
  • bettercap/bettercap - The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.
  • marco-lancini/goscan - Interactive Network Scanner
  • filebrowser/filebrowser - ๐Ÿ“‚ Web File Browser
  • traefik/traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy
  • requilence/integram - Integrate Telegram into your workflow โ€“ Trello, Gitlab, Bitbucket and other bots
  • caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
  • avelino/awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
  • keybase/client - Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
  • hashicorp/consul - Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
  • hashicorp/vault - A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
  • wagoodman/bashful - Use a yaml file to stitch together commands and bash snippits and run them with a bit of style. Why? Because your bash script should be quiet and shy-like (...and not such a loud mouth).




  • chunky-dev/chunky - A path tracer to create realistic images of your Minecraft worlds.
  • kaikramer/keystore-explorer - KeyStore Explorer is a free GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool and jarsigner.
  • bastillion-io/Bastillion - Bastillion is a web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. Web-based administration is combined with management and distribution of user's public SSH keys.
  • wildfly/wildfly - WildFly Application Server
  • angryip/ipscan - Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner
  • theonedev/onedev - Git Server with CI/CD, Kanban, and Packages. Seamless integration. Unparalleled experience.
  • subhra74/snowflake - Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities
  • OpenRefine/OpenRefine - OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
  • cflint/CFLint - Static code analysis for CFML (a linter)
  • 1hakr/AnExplorer - ๐Ÿ“ Another Android Explorer ( File Manager ) is an All-in-One Open source file manager. AnExplorer File Manager (File Explorer) is designed for all android devices including Phones, Phablets, Tablets,
  • yeriomin/YalpStore - Download apks from Google Play Store



  • davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
  • netbootxyz/ - Your favorite operating systems in one place. A network-based bootable operating system installer based on iPXE.



  • tldr-pages/tldr - ๐Ÿ“š Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands




  • firefly-iii/firefly-iii - Firefly III: a personal finances manager
  • librenms/librenms - Community-based GPL-licensed network monitoring system
  • outroll/vesta - VESTA Control Panel
  • phpipam/phpipam - phpipam development repository
  • dokuwiki/dokuwiki - The DokuWiki Open Source Wiki Engine
  • openmediavault/openmediavault - openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. Thanks to the modular design of the framework it can be enhanced via plugins. openmediavault is pri
  • pterodactyl/panel - Pterodactylยฎ is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while ex
  • nextcloud/server - โ˜๏ธ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
  • opnsense/core - OPNsense GUI, API and systems backend
  • astralapp/astral - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease
  • therabidbanana/kermit_router - Router software written in php that interacts with data of dd-wrt + rflow
  • docker/labs - This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contributions welcome.
  • causefx/Organizr - HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP
  • pfsense/pfsense - Main repository for pfSense
  • Jsitech/JShielder - Hardening Script for Linux Servers/ Secure LAMP-LEMP Deployer/ CIS Benchmark
  • glpi-project/glpi - GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.
  • snipe/snipe-it - A free open source IT asset/license management system
  • PrivateBin/PrivateBin - A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.
  • linuxserver/Heimdall - An Application dashboard and launcher



  • jrsoftware/issrc - Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability.


  • lamw/vmware-scripts - Various scripts for VMware based solutions
  • mrash/fwknop - Single Packet Authorization > Port Knocking
  • inverse-inc/packetfence - PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source network access control (NAC) solution. Boasting an impressive feature set including a captive-portal for registration and remediation, c
  • sullo/nikto - Nikto web server scanner






  • mqtt/ - The website
  • nostalgic-css/NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework | ใƒ•ใ‚กใƒŸใ‚ณใƒณ้ขจCSSใƒ•ใƒฌใƒผใƒ ใƒฏใƒผใ‚ฏ



Standard ML


Visual Basic .NET

  • DrewNaylor/guinget - Unofficial GUI for Microsoft's Windows Package Manager (winget). Kinda like Synaptic, but for Windows. Not associated with either Microsoft or the Synaptic project, and Microsoft does not endorse this






To the extent possible under law, UnknownDoggo has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


A curated list of my GitHub stars!






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