A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Arduino
- AsciiDoc
- Batchfile
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- D
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Fluent
- Game Maker Language
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jupyter Notebook
- Lua
- Markdown
- Others
- Perl
- PowerShell
- PureBasic
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sass
- Shell
- Smarty
- Svelte
- TeX
- TypeScript
- UnrealScript
- Visual Basic .NET
- Vue
- JChristensen/ledFire_FW - LED PWM Fire Effect using ATtiny84A (firmware)
- krlawrence/graph - Practical Gremlin - An Apache TinkerPop Tutorial
- massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
- kaburkett/office-pranks - Compilation of assorted pranks designed for Windows OS. Most require admin privileges only, or access to a users pc while they are away.
- fooinha/nginx-json-log - Highly configurable JSON format logging per Location - nginx logging module - aka. kasha 🍲
- redcanaryco/atomic-red-team - Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
- gtworek/PSBits - Simple (relatively) things allowing you to dig a bit deeper than usual.
- nbs-system/naxsi - NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX
- obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- heXeo/ubnt-fan-speed - Ubiquiti ubnt-fan-speed
- rzander/sccmclictr - Client Center for Configuration Manager
- MSEndpointMgr/PSInvoker - Utility application to silently running PowerShell scripts without flashing windows.
- MudBlazor/MudBlazor - Blazor Component Library based on Material design with an emphasis on ease of use. Mainly written in C# with Javascript kept to a bare minimum it empowers .NET developers to easily debug it if needed.
- HotCakeX/Harden-Windows-Security - Harden Windows Safely, Securely using Official Supported Microsoft methods and proper explanation | Always up-to-date and works with the latest build of Windows | Provides tools and Guides for Persona
- WindowsGSM/WindowsGSM - 🎲 A powerful tool to manage game servers. Equipped with a GUI for server admins to install, import, start, stop, restart, update, and automate multiple servers with a push of a button.
- santisq/PSParallelPipeline - Parallel processing of pipeline input objects!
- netwrix/pingcastle - PingCastle - Get Active Directory Security at 80% in 20% of the time
- pnp/powershell - PnP PowerShell
- Kareadita/Kavita - Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with you
- eviabs/downtify-premium - Downtify is an open source Spofity downloader which makes it possible to download all your favourite songs and/or playlists directly from spotify. A Spotify Premium account is required.
- mikeroyal/Windows-11-Guide - Windows 10/11 Guide. Including Windows Security tools, Encryption, Nextcloud, Graphics, Gaming, Virtualization, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2), Software Apps, and Resources.
- santisq/PSTree - tree like PowerShell cmdlet!
- insomnimus/ps-dotenv - A feature complete and unintrusive direnv for Powershell Core
- PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer - Download ScriptAnalyzer from PowerShellGallery
- DevToys-app/DevToys - A Swiss Army knife for developers.
- jborean93/PSOpenAD - Cross-platform PowerShell module alternative to Microsoft's Active Directory module
- Revolutionary-Games/Thrive - The main repository for the development of the evolution game Thrive.
- files-community/Files - A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders.
- PowerShell/SecretManagement - PowerShell module to consistent usage of secrets through different extension vaults
- microsoft/PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
- olefriis/Eco2 - Take control of your Danfoss Eco™ 2 thermostats!
- shravan2x/Gameloop.Vdf - A fast, easy-to-use Valve Data Format parser for .NET
- SeeminglyScience/EditorServicesCommandSuite - Collection of editor commands for use in PowerShell Editor Services.
- AdhocAdam/smletsexchangeconnector - SMLets PowerShell based Exchange Connector for controlling Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2016+
- PowerShell/ConsoleGuiTools - Modules that mix PowerShell and GUIs/CUIs!
- PowerShell/PSReadLine - A bash inspired readline implementation for PowerShell
- microsoft/PSRule - Validate infrastructure as code (IaC) and objects using PowerShell rules.
- powercode/PSParallel - PowerShell module to invoke scriptblocks in parallel runspaces
- ctigeek/InvokeQueryPowershellModule - A Powershell module of Cmdlets for querying most types of databases.
- frgnca/AudioDeviceCmdlets - AudioDeviceCmdlets is a suite of PowerShell Cmdlets to control audio devices on Windows
- luisperezphd/RunAsService - RunAsService is a command line tool that allows you to setup a regular console application to run as a service.
- armageddonapps/QueryMaster -
- Pscx/Pscx - PowerShell Community Extensions module repository
- raandree/NTFSSecurity - Managing permissions with PowerShell is only a bit easier than in VBS or the command line as there are no cmdlets for most day-to-day tasks like getting a permission report or adding permission to an
- ebekker/ACMESharp - An ACME client library and PowerShell client for the .NET platform (Let's Encrypt)
- renisac/O365-Management-and-Log-Scripts - Security-Focused O365 Management and Log Scripts
- chocolatey/choco - Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows
- pnp/PnP-PowerShell - SharePoint PnP PowerShell CmdLets
- Julien-Marcou/RadialMenu - A WPF RadialMenu
- PowerShell/platyPS - Write PowerShell External Help in Markdown
- SeidChr/RunHiddenConsole - Created executable can be renamed to powershellw.exe or pwshw.exe and put next to the corresponding assembly. Calls to the added assembly will be forwarded to the console without creating a window.
- heaths/psmsi - Windows Installer PowerShell Module
- PoshCode/Pansies - Powershell ANSI Escape Sequences, functions for colored output, etc.
- Invoke-IR/PowerForensics - PowerForensics provides an all in one platform for live disk forensic analysis
- cjmurph/PmsService - Plex Media Server service wrapper for windows
- PowerShell/PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
- thoemmi/7Zip4Powershell - Powershell module for creating and extracting 7-Zip archives
- PhonicUK/CLRCLI - CLRCLI is an event-driven library for building line-art user interfaces in C#/.Net command-line applications.
- Neo23x0/Raccine - A Simple Ransomware Vaccine
- electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection -
- textbrowser/spot-on - Complexity is beautiful. Anyware, everyone. Completed.
- wazuh/wazuh - Wazuh - The Open Source Security Platform. Unified XDR and SIEM protection for endpoints and cloud workloads.
- qbittorrent/qBittorrent - qBittorrent BitTorrent client
- SerenityOS/serenity - The Serenity Operating System 🐞
- ossrs/srs - SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time media server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, HTTP-TS, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181.
- arvidn/libtorrent - an efficient feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
- transmission/transmission - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository
- chrxh/alien - ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
- microsoft/winget-cli - WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
- diasurgical/devilutionX - Diablo build for modern operating systems
- microsoft/mfcmapi - MFCMAPI
- HCI-Lab-Saarland/MultiTouchKit -
- adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel - Arduino library for controlling single-wire LED pixels (NeoPixel, WS2812, etc.)
- spease/Sensirion - Library for Sensirion SHT1x & SHT7x family temperature and humidity sensors
- microsoft/terminal - The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
- itsharryle/LED_CUBE - 8x8x8 LED cube powered by an arduino
- fudfomo/BlazorAuthDemo -
- damienbod/MicrosoftEntraIDMudBlazor - Securing a MudBlazor UI web application using security headers and Microsoft Entra ID
- lipis/flag-icons - 🎏 A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration
- jgthms/bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian - 🕶️ Awesome stuff for Obsidian
- EliverLara/firefox-sweet-theme - 🍬 A dark and modern theme for firefox with vibrant colors
- penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
- tonsky/FiraCode - Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
- abraunegg/onedrive - OneDrive Client for Linux
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
- OWASP/wstg - The Web Security Testing Guide is a comprehensive Open Source guide to testing the security of web applications and web services.
- janeczku/calibre-web - 📚 Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database
- mthcht/awesome-lists - Awesome Security lists for SOC/CERT/CTI
- omicronrex/renex-engine - A modern fork of various IWBTG engines for GM8.2
- badsectorlabs/sccm-http-looter - Find interesting files stored on (System Center) Configuration Manager (SCCM/CM) shares via HTTP(s)
- PowerShell/DSC-Samples - Samples and tutorials for DSC v3
- drakkan/sftpgo - Full-featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
- Miguel-Dorta/rtsp-recorder - A very basic/simple RTSP recorder for Linux
- miniflux/v2 - Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
- restic/restic - Fast, secure, efficient backup program
- crowdsecurity/crowdsec - CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
- lkarlslund/Adalanche - Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer - who's really Domain Admin? (Commerical versions available from NetSection)
- multiprocessio/dsq - Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- slackhq/nebula - A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
- tenable/terrascan - Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
- syncthing/syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- photoprism/photoprism - AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
- zyedidia/micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome - Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
- ddev/ddev - Docker-based local PHP+Node.js web development environments
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- ChristianLempa/boilerplates - This is my personal template collection. Here you'll find templates, and configurations for various tools, and technologies.
- microsoftgraph/msgraph-sample-blazor-clientside - This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK to access data in Office 365 from Blazor WebAssembly apps.
- maester365/maester - The core repository for the Maester module with helper cmdlets that will be called from the Pester tests.
- VulcanWM/global-css-art -
- terkelg/awesome-creative-coding - Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
- lamw/homelab - VMware Community Homelabs
- clong/DetectionLab - Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
- adamfowlerit/msportals.io - MSPortals.io - Microsoft Administrator Sites, Training, and Licensing Resources
- neonpangolin/geospatial-intelligence-library - 🛰 Your geospatial intelligence tool belt for digital investigations
- trickest/cve - Gather and update all available and newest CVEs with their PoC.
- xvvvyz/tilde - Minimal browser startpage.
- google/fonts - Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
- SorkinType/Merriweather - Merriweather is a serif typeface. It is offered in Variable font format and static formats ( OTF, TTF WOFF etc).
- tabler/tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
- all-contributors/all-contributors - ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨
- github/personal-website - Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
- Xainey/PSTestReport - Simple Bootstrap PowerShell Test Report
- RetroPage/RetroPage - A lightweight homepage to quickly get you where you need to go.
- SeleniumHQ/selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- jlegewie/zotfile - Zotero plugin to manage your attachments: automatically rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, An
- wpaix/magnethover.js - Dynamic magnet hover JS effect.
- tdjsnelling/sqtracker - A modern private BitTorrent tracker platform
- dan335/dominus - Dominus - Multiplayer Social Strategy Web Game
- typosquatter/ail-typo-website - Website for ail-typo-squatting library
- paperjs/paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
- joeiddon/perlin - A JavaScript library for Perlin Noise generation
- bgstaal/multipleWindow3dScene - A quick example of how one can "synchronize" a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage
- damian-pastorini/reldens - Reldens - You can make it - Open Source MMORPG Platform
- trekhleb/javascript-algorithms - 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- PaulLereverend/NextcloudDuplicateFinder - Save some space by finding your duplicate files
- cockpit-project/cockpit - Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers.
- kasuganosoras/SuperMicro-IPMI-LicenseGenerator - 🔑 SuperMicro 超微主板 IPMI 高级功能授权解锁 Key 生成工具
- okaybenji/text-engine - A browser-based text adventure game engine and sample game
- ToolJet/ToolJet - Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application
- NodeBB/NodeBB - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
- gchq/CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
- cypress-io/cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D Library.
- vercel/next.js - The React Framework
- andreypopov/node-red-contrib-miio-roborock - Xioami Roborock node-red nodes
- Hypfer/Valetudo - Cloud replacement for vacuum robots enabling local-only operation
- NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager - Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
- Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt - Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
- bludit/bludit - Simple, Fast, Secure, Flat-File CMS
- magicsunday/webtrees-pedigree-chart - SVG based pedigree chart module for webtrees genealogy application.
- magicsunday/webtrees-descendants-chart - SVG based descendants chart module for webtrees genealogy application.
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- TryGhost/Ghost - Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
- pixelfed/docs - Pixelfed Documentation
- louislam/uptime-kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- marktext/marktext - 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
- typemill/typemill - Typemill is a lightweight, flat-file CMS designed for simple, fast, and flexible website and eBook creation using Markdown.
- microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners - 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Short code snippets for all your development needs
- emilstahl/ipv6 - IPv6-adresse.dk source & data
- Novik/ruTorrent - Yet another web front-end for rTorrent
- simple-icons/simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
- ShinobiCCTV/Shinobi - ⚡ Shinobi Pro - The Next Generation in Open-Source Video Management Software with support for over 6000 IP and USB Cameras
- copy/v86 - x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
- emmabostian/react-button - Created with CodeSandbox
- ebekker/pwsh-github-action-base - Base support for implementing GitHub Actions in PowerShell
- andreasbm/web-skills - A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer
- lukePeavey/quotable - Random Quotes API
- carloscuesta/gitmoji-cli - A gitmoji interactive cli tool for using emojis on commits. 💻
- ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard - Build beautiful websites with PowerShell.
- apexcharts/apexcharts.js - 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG
- pi0/clippyjs - Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia
- WeiChiaChang/modern-js-cheatsheet - Modern-JS-Cheatsheet 繁體中文版
- evanplaice/jquery-csv - A jQuery CSV parser plugin. Battle Tested | Optimized | 100% IETF RFC 4180 Complete
- facebook/create-react-app - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
- Xainey/powershell-electron-demo - A PowerShell and Electron Demo
- FortAwesome/Font-Awesome - The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
- facebook/react - The library for web and native user interfaces.
- adam-p/markdown-here - Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
- bundyfx/resizer - A modern NodeJS/Lambda Image resizer
- MicrosoftDocs/office-docs-powershell - PowerShell Reference for Office Products - Short URL: aka.ms/office-powershell
- ToxicRevolution/CSGORankMeWeb - Web interface for Rank Me CSGO Stat tracking plugin
- alexcroox/Arsenal.js - Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal in Javascript
- robertdebock/ansible-role-rsyslog - Install and configure rsyslog on your system.
- metno/ansible-role-rsyslog - Configuration of sending logs to one or more syslog servers.
- hifis-net/ansible-collection-toolkit - This Ansible collection provides production-ready Ansible roles used for providing services used in research and by research software engineers, but not exclusively.
- dev-sec/ansible-collection-hardening - This Ansible collection provides battle tested hardening for Linux, SSH, nginx, MySQL
- microsoft/Data-Science-For-Beginners - 10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
- dfinke/PowerShellHumanizer - PowerShell Humanizer wraps Humanizer: meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
- craftzdog/dotfiles-public - My personal dotfiles
- koreader/koreader - An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
- codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
- thenikk/Oceanleaf - Scripts & files for my blog.
- SkipToTheEndpoint/OpenIntuneBaseline - Community-driven baseline to accelerate Intune adoption and learning.
- ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101 - Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
- matiassingers/awesome-readme - A curated list of awesome READMEs
- stamparm/ipsum - Daily feed of bad IPs (with blacklist hit scores)
- pallebone/StrictBlockPAllebone - Manually curated IP Blocklist. Recommended only to update your firewalls weekly with this list. Please read how to use before implementing.
- ngosang/trackerslist - Updated list of public BitTorrent trackers
- HDVinnie/Torrent-Tracker-Platforms - A Curated List Of Torrent Tracker Platforms/Codebases Written In Multiple Coding Languages
- practical-tutorials/project-based-learning - Curated list of project-based tutorials
- cloudcommunity/Free-Certifications - A curated list of free courses & certifications.
- fr0gger/Awesome-GPT-Agents - A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity
- LearningKijo/KQL - Threat Hunting query in Microsoft 365 Defender, XDR. Provide out-of-the-box KQL hunting queries - App, Email, Identity and Endpoint.
- fabionoth/awesome-cyber-security - A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security.
- sbilly/awesome-security - A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security.
- hjorrip/Email-Redirect-Phishing-Hunt -
- bungle/awesome-resty - A List of Quality OpenResty Libraries, and Resources.
- tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
- h5bp/server-configs-nginx - Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs
- Corsinvest/awesome-proxmox-ve - A collection of awesome Proxmox VE documentation, tools, api, blogs, site
- brootware/awesome-cyber-security-university - 🎓 Because Education should be free. Contributions welcome! 🕵️
- AllThingsSmitty/css-protips - ⚡️ A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro 🦾
- alebcay/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking - A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
- Nickyie/Cybersecurity-Resources - A Library of various cybersecurity resources
- decalage2/awesome-security-hardening - A collection of awesome security hardening guides, tools and other resources
- 0xRadi/OWASP-Web-Checklist - OWASP Web Application Security Testing Checklist
- trimstray/the-practical-linux-hardening-guide - This guide details creating a secure Linux production system. OpenSCAP (C2S/CIS, STIG).
- 6mile/DevSecOps-Playbook - This is a step-by-step guide to implementing a DevSecOps program for any size organization
- Rem0o/FanControl.Releases - This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
- arallsopp/hass-hue-icons - Additional vector icons for home assistant to model Philips Hue bulbs and fixtures.
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- mauran/API-Danmark - 🇩🇰 Liste over danske API'er
- siemucsm/siemucsm - SIEM USE Case Selection Methodology
- wallarm/awesome-nginx-security - 🔥 A curated list of awesome links related to application security related to the environments with NGINX or Kubernetes Ingres Controller (based on NGINX)
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- eugeneyan/applied-ml - 📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
- juntossomosmais/frontend-guideline - 📝 Front-end Guideline by Juntos Somos Mais
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- notable/notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
- microsoft/azure-pipelines-yaml - Azure Pipelines YAML examples, templates, and community interaction
- leereilly/games - 🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- mjtechguy/wireguard-site-to-site - Wireguard site-to-site (network-to-network) VPN Configuration examples
- GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars - 100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars.
- OyvindSabo/gremlin-style-guide - A style guide for the Gremlin query language
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- zenika-open-source/promote-open-source-project - 📄 How to promote my open source project?
- bennettsharon/AZ-Study-Guides -
- stevemao/github-issue-templates - 🔣 A collection of GitHub issue, pull request and security templates
- sdras/awesome-actions - A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
- jwasham/coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- dsccommunity/TheDSCBook - leanpub manuscript for The DSC Book, forever edition
- PaulSec/awesome-windows-domain-hardening - A curated list of awesome Security Hardening techniques for Windows.
- JChristensen/ledFire_HW - LED PWM Fire Effect using ATtiny84A (hardware design)
- metmuseum/openaccess - The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Open Access Initiative
- n0shake/Public-APIs - 📚 A public list of APIs from round the web.
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- jtleek/datasharing - The Leek group guide to data sharing
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- MSAdministrator/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- k88hudson/git-flight-rules - Flight rules for git
- PowerShell/DscResources - Central repository for PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources.
- PoshCode/PowerShellPracticeAndStyle - The Unofficial PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide
- google/material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
- jaredpalmer/awesome-react-render-props - Awesome list of React components with render props
- matiasdelellis/facerecognition - Nextcloud app that implement a basic facial recognition system.
- inovector/MixpostApp - Standalone application with the Laravel Package of Mixpost Lite pre-installed and configured
- AndrewPaglusch/FlashPaper - One-time encrypted password/secret sharing
- Leantime/leantime - Leantime is a goals focused project management system for non-project managers. Building with ADHD, Autism, and dyslexia in mind.
- phpipam/phpipam - phpipam development repository
- MISP/MISP - MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform
- bsmithio/OPNsense-Dashboard - A functional and useful dashboard for OPNsense that utilizes InfluxDB, Grafana, Graylog, and Telegraf.
- Yupy/BtiTracker-1.5.0 - BitTorrent Tracker Source
- mkucej/i-librarian-free - I, Librarian - open-source version of a PDF managing SaaS.
- fr0tt/benotes - An open source self hosted notes and bookmarks taking web app.
- Kovah/LinkAce - LinkAce is a self-hosted archive to collect links of your favorite websites.
- verza22/glarium - Ikariam clone
- linuxserver/Heimdall - An Application dashboard and launcher
- pterodactyl/panel - Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while ex
- Yaro2709/New-Star - Web. browser game engine :)
- jstar88/opbe - Ogame probabilistic battle engine
- supernova-ws/SuperNova - oGame-like browser sci-fi space strategy
- RackTables/racktables - RackTables current development repository
- statamic/cms - The core Laravel CMS Composer package
- monicahq/monica - Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.
- mchekin/rpg - Online Role Playing Game (based on Laravel)
- osTicket/osTicket - The osTicket open source ticketing system official project repository, for versions 1.8 and later
- flarum/framework - Simple forum software for building great communities.
- nextcloud/server - ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
- dokuwiki/dokuwiki - The DokuWiki Open Source Wiki Engine
- laravel-streams/streams - Streams is an open-source web application multi-tool for Laravel.
- pyrocms/pyrocms - Pyro is an experienced and powerful Laravel PHP CMS.
- OleVik/grav-theme-scholar - Scholar is an academic-focused theme, for publishing papers, articles, books, documentation, your blog, and even your resumé, with Grav.
- LycheeOrg/Lychee - A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
- getkirby/kirby - Kirby's core application folder
- picocms/Pico - Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
- Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-browser - Tool to browse data exposed by Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
- imperian-systems/unifi-controller - Open source Unifi controller
- mdziekon/UniEngine - OGame-like Game Engine
- BookStackApp/BookStack - A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
- GetDKAN/dkan - DKAN Open Data Portal
- giansalex/Php-Nuget-Server - PHP Nuget Server
- Piwigo/Piwigo - Manage your photos with Piwigo, a full featured open source photo gallery application for the web. Star us on Github! More than 200 plugins and themes available. Join us and contribute!
- SimonPadbury/b4st - A Bootstrap 4 Starter Theme, for WordPress
- getgrav/grav - Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
- xPaw/PHP-Source-Query - 🐘 PHP library to query servers that implement Steam query protocol (also known as Source Engine Query protocol)
- mex/vman.info -
- cweagans/composer-patches - Simple patches plugin for Composer
- planetteamspeak/ts3phpframework - Modern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to manage TeamSpeak 3 Server instances
- owasp-modsecurity/ModSecurity-nginx - ModSecurity v3 Nginx Connector
- ugurkocde/IntuneBrew -
- philjorgensen/Intune -
- DanysysTeam/PS-SFTA - PowerShell Set File Type Association
- ChrisTitusTech/winutil - Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
- HCRitter/entra-powershell - Microsoft Entra PowerShell
- rafallz10100/AutopilotV2 - Device Serial Number Import Tool for Intune Autopilot V2
- ShaunLawrie/PwshSpectreConsole - 👻 PwshSpectreConsole is a PowerShell wrapper for the awesome Spectre.Console library
- erlwes/Get-LenovoInfo - Get product- and warranty information of Lenovo PCs
- asjimene/CMPackager - Creates ConfigMgr Applications using XML Recipe Files
- AntoPorter/Intune-Remediations - I hope these Microsoft Intune Remediations inspire you to make your own!
- ugurkocde/IntuneAssignmentChecker -
- FlorianSLZ/scloud - Code Snippets mentioned at my Blog: scloud.work
- MHimken/toolbox - This is my toolbox. Watch where you step.
- PatchMyPCTeam/Community-Scripts - This repository contains, curated scripts from the Patch My PC community. Note this repository is managed by the Patch My PC team. Please see the read me for additional information.
- FlorianSLZ/IntuneBulkMaster - The IntuneBulkMaster provides a set of functions for managing and interacting with Microsoft Intune. It is designed to perform bulk operations on Intune-managed devices, such as rebooting, collecting
- erlwes/PSAdaptiveCards - Generate Adaptive Cards JSON with PowerShell-code
- LearningKijo/MDEtester - MDE Tester is designed to help testing various features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
- ugurkocde/Intune - Intune related scripts
- okieselbach/Intune - Intune Scripts and Helpers.
- andrew-s-taylor/WindowsAutopilotInfo -
- mtniehaus/AutopilotBranding -
- mtniehaus/PS7Bootstrap -
- ChrisTitusTech/powershell-profile - Pretty PowerShell that looks good and functions almost as good as Linux terminal
- Joly0/Run-in-Sandbox - Run PS1, VBS, EXE, MSI in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-click
- microsoft/mggraph-intune-samples - Repository to hold Microsoft Intune script samples for the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
- belibug/Mold - Mold is a fast and powerful templating and cloning engine for PowerShell (and beyond!)
- ThomasKur/M365Documentation - Automatic Microsoft 365 Documentation to simplify the life of admins and consultants.
- petripaavola/Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics - Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics script analyzes Intune IME logs and shows events in Timeline
- OSDeploy/OSDCloud - OSDCloud is a process to fully deploy a Windows OS from a WinPE Environment
- damienvanrobaeys/Run-in-Sandbox - Run PS1, VBS, CMD, EXE, MSI, Intunewin, MSIX, or extract ISO, ZIP in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-click
- haavarstein/Intune -
- haavarstein/Automation-Framework-Community-Edition -
- windows-admins/Intune -
- windows-admins/ConfigMgr -
- mtniehaus/UpdateOS - Sample app for installing Windows updates during an Autopilot deployment
- MG-Cloudflow/Intune-Toolkit - The Intune-Toolkit offers a basic & user-friendly interface to connect to Microsoft Graph, manage policy assignments, and handle backup and restore operations
- byteben/Win32App-Migration-Tool -
- PeterKlapwijk/PowerShell -
- andrew-s-taylor/Intune-Config -
- MSEndpointMgr/IntuneEnhancedInventory - Repository for the Intune Enhanced Inventory solution by MSEndpointmgr.com
- andrew-s-taylor/public - Public Scripts and Apps
- Orange-Cyberdefense/GOAD - game of active directory
- Raphire/Win11Debloat - A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve
- voytas75/VoytasCodeLab - A diverse collection of scripts, snippets, and functions
- Micke-K/IntuneManagement - Copy, export, import, delete, document and compare policies and profiles in Intune and Azure with PowerShell script and WPF UI. Import ADMX files and registry settings with ADMX ingestion. View and ed
- MSEndpointMgr/ConfigMgr - Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager scripts and tools
- MSEndpointMgr/IntuneWin32App - Provides a set of functions to manage all aspects of Win32 apps in Microsoft Intune.
- MSEndpointMgr/Intune - Microsoft Intune scripts
- OSDeploy/OSD - OSD Shared Functions
- ztrhgf/useful_powershell_modules - Source code for modules placed in PowerShell Gallery and on my https://doitpshway.com blog.
- djust270/IntuneEndpointTools - A set of tools for managing and diagnosing Intune on Windows endpoints
- DeploymentResearch/HydrationKitWS2022 -
- 38ES/PSMake - PSMake is an all-in-one project management and lifecycle toolset for PowerShell.
- canix1/ADACLScanner - Repo for ADACLScan.ps1 - Your number one script for ACL's in Active Directory
- evild3ad/Microsoft-Analyzer-Suite - A collection of PowerShell scripts for analyzing data from Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID
- invictus-ir/Microsoft-Extractor-Suite - A PowerShell module for acquisition of data from Microsoft 365 and Azure for Incident Response and Cyber Security purposes.
- farag2/Utilities - Useful things
- imabdk/PowerShell - All my PowerShell scripts which I'm referencing in the various posts on https://imab.dk
- gwblok/garytown - GaryTown Scripts, Downloads, Etc
- ChiefIntegrator/Steam-GetOnTop - This is a suite of PowerShell scripts to get on top of the burden of managing an unwieldy Steam library.
- I-Am-Jakoby/PowerShell-for-Hackers - This repository is a collection of powershell functions every hacker should know
- Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate - WAU daily updates apps as system and notify connected users. (Allowlist and Blocklist support)
- PSModule/Utilities - A PowerShell module with a collection of functions that should have been in PowerShell to start with.
- PSModule/Template-PSModule - Template for a PowerShell module repo.
- PSModule/Build-PSModule - Action that is used to build a PowerShell module.
- PSModule/Process-PSModule - Process a module from source code to published module.
- JustinGrote/ModuleFast-action -
- TrimarcJake/Locksmith - A small tool built to find and fix common misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services.
- JustinGrote/ModuleFast - A "fast and loose" way to install modules from Powershell Gallery quickly. Meant for CICD, not production
- ansible-collections/ansible.windows - Windows core collection for Ansible
- fsackur/poke - A powerful reflection module for powershell.
- Bert-JanP/Incident-Response-Powershell - PowerShell Digital Forensics & Incident Response Scripts.
- Cloud-Architekt/AzureAD-Attack-Defense - This publication is a collection of various common attack scenarios on Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) and how they can be mitigated or detected.
- last-byte/PersistenceSniper - Powershell module that can be used by Blue Teams, Incident Responders and System Administrators to hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. Official Twitter/X account @PersistSniper. Made with
- jaols/ServiceAccountHandler - Handle change of windows service account passwords. Highly adapteble.
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/PowerSharpPack -
- PoshCode/Actions - Github actions for PowerShell projects
- rstolpe/MaintainModule - This module update, install, uninstall old versions of your PowerShell modules in a easy way
- NetSPI/MicroBurst - A collection of scripts for assessing Microsoft Azure security
- psclplg/aad-guardian -
- EvotecIT/PowerBGInfo - PowerBGInfo is a PowerShell module that is used to generate background information for Windows machines. It's a replacement for BGInfo that doesn't require installation and is much more flexible.
- adamdriscoll/pwsh-github-actions - Examples of using PowerShell in GitHub actions
- PowerShellGuides/PowerShellGuide - The Standard Repository for all PowerShell Knowledge and Wisdom
- Jaykul/PowerShellTemplate -
- quonic/weakshell - Just a few PS scripts that I use from time to time to help automate tasks.
- builtbybel/bloatbox - ☑️🌠 Remove Bloatwares from Windows 10
- LxLeChat/ConvertToPSClass - Convert PSObject to PS Classes. I'm using it to create PS Classes from Json strings.
- 12Knocksinna/Office365itpros - Office 365 for IT Pros PowerShell examples
- mdgrs-mei/FancyClearHost - Clears your PowerShell host in a fancy way.
- EvotecIT/PSPGP - PSPGP is a PowerShell module that provides PGP functionality in PowerShell. It allows encrypting and decrypting files/folders and strings using PGP.
- TobiasPSP/Modules.PsoProgressButton - Easy access to taskbar button animation such as progress bar or colorization
- microsoft/Microsoft365DSC - Manages, configures, extracts and monitors Microsoft 365 tenant configurations
- safebuffer/vulnerable-AD - Create a vulnerable active directory that's allowing you to test most of the active directory attacks in a local lab
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/WinPwn - Automation for internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security
- gaelcolas/Sampler - Module template with build pipeline and examples, including DSC elements.
- bjompen/PSSecretScanner - Scan your repos for accidentily exposed secrets using powershell
- StartAutomating/PSSVG - Script SVGs with PowerShell
- scipag/HardeningKitty - HardeningKitty - Checks and hardens your Windows configuration
- SynEdgy/nxtools_old - PowerShell object-oriented wrappers for GNU and Posix tools
- farag2/Sophia-Script-for-Windows - ⚡ The most powerful PowerShell module on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11
- lptstr/winfetch - 🛠 A command-line system information utility written in PowerShell. Like Neofetch, but for Windows.
- scriptrunner/ActionPacks - Public PowerShell script gallery for ScriptRunner.
- soteria-security/365Inspect - A PowerShell script that automates the security assessment of Microsoft 365 environments.
- ConfigJon/Firmware-Management - Firmware and BIOS management scripts.
- mmims/PSUtilities - Collection of PowerShell utility scripts.
- fleschutz/PowerShell - 500+ free PowerShell scripts (.ps1) for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
- actions/runner-images - GitHub Actions runner images
- Gerenios/AADInternals - AADInternals PowerShell module for administering Azure AD and Office 365
- FriedrichWeinmann/Refactor - PowerShell Code analysis and refactoring framework
- PhrozenIO/PowerRemoteDesktop - Remote Desktop entirely coded in PowerShell.
- LoicVeirman/HardenAD - Hardening Active Directory version 2
- devblackops/Terminal-Icons - A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal
- improsec/Get-bADpasswords - Get insights into the actual strength and quality of passwords in Active Directory.
- jdhitsolutions/PSClock - ⌚ A set of PowerShell commands for creating and managing a transparent WPF-based clock that runs on your Windows desktop.
- SP3269/posh-jwt - JWT (JSON Web Tokens) implementation in Powershell
- potatoqualitee/psmodulecache - This action makes caching PowerShell modules from the PowerShell Gallery easy for Linux, Windows and macOS runners.
- dfinke/PowerShellPivot -
- microsoft/ps-rule - Validate infrastructure as code (IaC) and DevOps repositories using GitHub Actions.
- baswijdenes/Optimized.Mga - PowerShell module for Microsoft Graph REST API. To optimize, speed, and bulk use Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell. You can can enter your own URL so you aren't restricted to the limitations of the of
- SUBnet192/PKI - PKI Infrastructure build
- FriedrichWeinmann/AutoRest -
- FriedrichWeinmann/RestConnect -
- 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening - HardeningKitty and Windows Hardening Settings
- jhoneill/MsftGraph - A PowerShell module for interacting with the Microsoft Graph API for Directory, OneNote, OneDrive, Outlook, Planner, Teams and Sharepoint in Office 365 or consumer versions
- ansible-collections/community.windows - Windows community collection for Ansible
- alexverboon/MDATP - MDATP
- pluralsight/PS-AutoLab-Env - A PowerShell module for creating lab configurations using Lability and Desired State Configuration. Look at README.md for more information.
- EvotecIT/O365Essentials - A module that helps to manage some tasks on Office 365/Azure via undocumented API
- MicrosoftDocs/windows-powershell-docs - This repo is used to contribute to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and MDOP PowerShell module documentation.
- Azure/Microsoft-Defender-for-Cloud - Welcome to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud community repository
- commial/LiveDiffAD - AD Live changes viewer
- quonic/ProxmoxCLI - A Proxmox PowerShell module for accessing your Proxmox APIs
- cfalta/PowerShellArmoury - A PowerShell armoury for security guys and girls
- davidprowe/BadBlood - BadBlood by @davidprowe, Secframe.com, fills a Microsoft Active Directory Domain with a structure and thousands of objects. The output of the tool is a domain similar to a domain in the real world. A
- WiredPulse/EventLog_Parsers - Series of scripts to parse the event log for analysis
- leeford/Backup-TeamsChat - Backup Teams chat messages (not channel messages) for safe keeping
- rabadiw/ps1 - PowerShell scripts and modules to help with daily developer tasks.
- PoshCode/Metadata - Serialization for the PowerShell metadata format
- PowerShell/Crescendo - a module for wrapping native applications in a PowerShell function and module
- pspete/psPAS - PowerShell module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security REST API
- StartAutomating/Irregular - Regular Expressions made Strangely Simple
- EliteLoser/ConvertTo-Json - Svendsen Tech's ConvertTo-STJson is a pure-PowerShell ConvertTo-Json for PowerShell version 2
- JustinGrote/Press - A continuous developement environment for Powershell Modules either via local development or leveraging GitHub and Github Actions
- T0pCyber/hawk - Powershell Based tool for gathering information related to O365 intrusions and potential Breaches
- StartAutomating/OnQ - Easy Asynchronous Event-Driven Scripting with PowerShell
- damienvanrobaeys/PS1ToEXE-Generator - PS1 to EXE Generator: Create an EXE for your PS1 scripts
- steviecoaster/Uh-Oh - PowerShell wrapper for https://staytus.co
- FriedrichWeinmann/SPOTools - Sharepoint Online Utilities
- Badgerati/PSClass - PowerShell module to help determine class dependencies, and the order that you need to import them
- arcanecode/DataFabricator - A PowerShell Module for Generating Data
- jdhitsolutions/WindowsSandboxTools - 🐫 My PowerShell scripts and tools for setting up and configuring the Windows Sandbox
- JM2K69/TrueNas - PowerShell module to interact with TrueNas Server
- Kriegel/BeautyOfPower - PowerShell Module to tidy / beautify PowerShell sourcecode and to do refactoring.
- stax76/Get-MediaInfo - Get-MediaInfo is a PowerShell MediaInfo solution
- PowerShell/GitHub-Actions -
- dfinke/PSYamlQuery - PowerShell wrapper for
, enables a better PowerShell pipeline experience - lahell/SNMPv3 - PowerShell Module for SNMPv3
- ryan-leap/GreenMeansGoMutexDemo - Demonstrates how to use a Mutex in PowerShell
- ebekker/pwsh-github-action-tools - Supporting tools for implementing GitHub Actions in PowerShell
- scho89/Update-Office365 - Update script for Office 365 click to run client.
- HumanEquivalentUnit/PowerShell-Misc - Small proof-of-concept, testing, or demo pieces of code
- dgoldman-msft/PSServicePrincipal - PowerShell module for creating and deleting enterprise and registered applications as well as SPN object (single and batch) for automation. This can be used as a facilitator for setting up Exchange Po
- KelvinTegelaar/RunAsUser - a PowerShell module that allows you to impersonate the currently logged on user, while running PowerShell.exe as system.
- nightroman/Invoke-Build - Build Automation in PowerShell
- mikeslattery/tunic - Install Linux from a running Windows system, without need for a live USB.
- JustABearOz/PoshColor - Adds customizable color and themes to Powershell
- andrewmatveychuk/powershell.sample-module - Sample CI/CD pipeline for PowerShell module
- keithbabinec/PowerShellCiPipelineStarterKit - A minimal PowerShell script module starter with Azure DevOps CI Pipeline configuration.
- keithbabinec/PowerShellModuleStarterKit - A starter kit for new PowerShell script modules including unit tests.
- PowershellFrameworkCollective/PSModuleDevelopment - Provides tools that help with module development
- dataplat/dbatools - 🚀 SQL Server automation and instance migrations have never been safer, faster or freer
- kevinblumenfeld/Posh365 - Connect. Provision. Maintain.
- PoShLog/PoShLog - 🔩 PoShLog is PowerShell cross-platform logging module. It allows you to log structured event data into console, file and much more places easily. It's built upon great C# logging library
- mandiant/flare-vm - A collection of software installations scripts for Windows systems that allows you to easily setup and maintain a reverse engineering environment on a VM.
- proxb/PoshRSJob - Provides an alternative to PSjobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background, freeing up the console and allowing throttling on the jobs.
- majkinetor/posh - Powershell modules and functions by majkinetor
- AutomationStudyGroup/Homework - Homework
- TheTaylorLee/AdminToolbox - Repository for the AdminToolbox PowerShell Modules
- SteffenBlake/PowershellOauth - An extremely simple lightweight standalone Powershell script that lets you perform OAuth in the command line
- EvotecIT/PSPublishModule - This module is a module builder helper that helps build PowerShell modules "Evotec way". It allows us to make sure our modules are built the same way every time making the process really easy to build
- blindzero/Connect-MS365 - Powershell module to connect to all MS365 services and install required modules or packages.
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh2 - A prompt theming engine for Powershell
- microsoft/winget-pkgs - The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
- StartAutomating/EZOut - EZOut is a PowerShell module to help take the pain out of writing format and types XML
- rmbolger/Posh-ACME - PowerShell module and ACME client to create certificates from Let's Encrypt (or other ACME CA)
- jdhitsolutions/PSTypeExtensionTools - A set of PowerShell tools for working with type extensions.
- dfinke/NameIT - PowerShell module for randomly generating data
- StartAutomating/PowerArcade - A Retro Arcade Game Console in PowerShell
- ShowUI/ShowUI - ShowUI is a PowerShell module to help build graphical user interfaces in script.
- RamblingCookieMonster/Invoke-Parallel - Speed up PowerShell with simplified multithreading
- DTW-DanWard/PowerShell-Beautifier - A whitespace reformatter and code cleaner for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core
- lwsrbrts/PoSHue - Windows PowerShell 5/PowerShell Core 6 Classes for controlling Philips Hue Bridge and Hue Lights, Groups, Sensors.
- EliteLoser/PSipcalc - Svendsen Tech's PSipcalc mimics the Linux utility ipcalc in PowerShell and shows extensive network information given a CIDR or IP and subnet mask.
- ryan-leap/ShapeArray - Produces an array (with optional embedded text) which can be used for formatting console output
- jdhitsolutions/PSBackup - A collection of PowerShell scripts and functions that I use to backup key files and folders. This is not a PowerShell module.
- alt3/Docusaurus.Powershell - Docusaurus websites for PowerShell modules
- techthoughts2/Catesta - Catesta is a PowerShell module and vault project generator. It uses templates to rapidly scaffold test and build integration for a variety of CI/CD platforms.
- techthoughts2/PSGalleryExplorer - Search, explore, and discover PowerShell Gallery modules.
- gravejester/psInlineProgress - Write inline progress bars in PowerShell.
- lazywinadmin/nxtools - PowerShell tools for Linux Operating System
- nightroman/PowerShellTraps - Collection of PowerShell traps and oddities
- EvotecIT/PSWritePDF - PowerShell Module to create, edit, split, merge PDF files on Windows / Linux and MacOS
- bmoadmin/PowerplanUtils - PowerShell module to interact with Windows power plans.
- miriamxyra/EventList - EventList
- PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit - PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
- byteben/DNS - Powershell Scripts for DNS Functions
- mczerniawski/pChecksAD - Pester infrastructure checks for ActiveDirectory
- MathieuBuisson/PSCodeHealth - PowerShell module gathering PowerShell code quality and maintainability metrics
- chrisdee/Scripts - GitHub repository for sysadmin related scripts
- matriex/cmatrix - The Matrix effect
- EdwardsCP/powershell-scripts -
- markekraus/PSMSGraph - A PowerShell module for the Microsoft Graph API
- KevinMarquette/KMT.ModuleBuilder - Kevin Marquette Tools: Powershell module for building modules
- Badgerati/PoshHosts - Cross-platform module to control the hosts file from the command line
- ili101/Module.Template - Powershell Module Template with GitHub, PowerShellGallery and AppVeyor.
- QuietusPlus/Write-Menu - PowerShell - A console menu for PowerShell (CLI) - Keyboard navigation + Pages + MultiSelect + Nested Menu's
- steviecoaster/PSChocoConfig -
- sysgoblin/PSUmbrella - Powershell module for administering Cisco Umbrella.
- sysgoblin/PSURLScanio - 🔎 Use urlscan.io with PowerShell!
- gpduck/MSTerminalSettings -
- microsoft/MSCloudLoginAssistant - PowerShell Module Handling Authentication to Cloud Services
- samratashok/nishang - Nishang - Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security.
- MessagingAdmin/DiskSpaceReport - Using PSHTML module, create a dashboard which shows Disk usage of servers in your network.
- chocolatey-community/chocolatey-packages-template - A template to use when setting up to create packages both manual and automatic
- jantari/LSUClient - Orchestrate driver, BIOS/UEFI and firmware updates for Lenovo computers 👨💻
- psake/PowerShellBuild - Common build tasks for psake and Invoke-Build that build and test PowerShell modules
- RootITUp/Logging - Powershell Logging Module
- BloodHoundAD/BloodHound - Six Degrees of Domain Admin
- PowerShell/JEA - Just Enough Administration
- RamblingCookieMonster/PSSQLite - PowerShell module to query SQLite databases
- pcgeek86/PSGitHub - This PowerShell module contains commands to manage GitHub through its REST API.
- EvotecIT/PSDiscord - Simple PowerShell module allowing to send messages to Discord Channel over webhooks
- EvotecIT/PSWinReporting - This PowerShell Module has multiple functionalities, but one of the signature features of this module is the ability to parse Security logs on Domain Controllers providing easy to use access to AD Eve
- devblackops/Stucco - An opinionated Plaster template for high-quality PowerShell modules
- IISResetMe/PSCache - Generic PowerShell cache implementation
- dfinke/PSKit - A suite of command-line tools for working with PowerShell Arrays. From querying to doing array statistics.
- jantari/poshwal - Generate terminal themes from your wallpaper with poshwal!
- PoshCode/ModuleBuilder - A PowerShell Module to help scripters write, version, sign, package, and publish.
- RamblingCookieMonster/BuildHelpers - Helper functions for PowerShell CI/CD scenarios
- potatoqualitee/kbupdate - 🛡 KB Viewer, Saver, Installer and Uninstaller
- Windos/BurntToast - Module for creating and displaying Toast Notifications on Microsoft Windows 10.
- StartAutomating/Splatter - Simple Scripts to Supercharge Splatting
- FriendsOfMDT/PSD - PowerShell Deployment
- microsoft/Requirements - PowerShell framework for declaratively defining and idempotently imposing system configurations
- jantari/powerfetch - PowerShell-based cross-platform 'screenfetch'-like tool
- StartAutomating/HelpOut - A Helpful Toolkit for Managing PowerShell Help
- PowershellFrameworkCollective/psframework - A module that provides tools for other modules and scripts
- Jaykul/PowerLine - A more PowerShell prompt
- ironmansoftware/psavalonia - Avalonia bindings for PowerShell
- mattparkes/PoShFuck - PowerShell implementation of "The Fuck" (https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck)
- PowerShell/Operation-Validation-Framework -
- AutomatedLab/AutomatedLab - AutomatedLab is a provisioning solution and framework that lets you deploy complex labs on HyperV and Azure with simple PowerShell scripts. It supports all Windows operating systems from 2008 R2 to 20
- jdhitsolutions/PSHyperV - A set of PowerShell tools for working with Hyper-V from a Windows 10 desktop.
- jeremymcgee73/WindowsFacts - An API to tell Windows Facts. This is written in PowerShell using AWS Lambda / API Gateway
- fsackur/LazyLoading - Demo code for Powershell objects that lazy-load properties
- google/ps_log -
- DomainGroupOSS/psrapid - A PowerShell based API framework, with an emphasis on rapid prototyping
- Badgerati/Fudge - Fudge is a PowerShell tool to help manage software packages via Chocolatey for specific development projects. Think NPM and Bower, but for Chocolatey
- bwya77/Master-User-Creator - GUI Application written in PowerShell to easily and quickly create, and configure Active Directory and/or Office 365 Users in a single window. Enable MFA, apply licenses, add to groups, and much more
- EvotecIT/PSTeams - PSTeams is a PowerShell Module working on Windows / Linux and Mac. It allows sending notifications to Microsoft Teams via WebHook Notifications. It's pretty flexible and provides a bunch of options. I
- SCRT-HQ/PSGSuite - Powershell module for Google / G Suite API calls wrapped in handy functions. Authentication is established using a service account via P12 key to negate the consent popup and allow for greater handsof
- vexx32/PSKoans - A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the PowerShell language through Pester unit testing.
- microsoft/PowerShellForGitHub - Microsoft PowerShell wrapper for GitHub API
- MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs - The official PowerShell documentation sources
- microsoft/PSCredentialTools - PSCredential Tools provides varions methods for securly storing and retrieving credentials used in PowerShell scripts
- DomainGroupOSS/bartender - PowerShell Modules Made easy
- masters274/pfSense_API - Automate your pfSense management
- NotNotWrongUsually/OutConsolePicture - Powershell cmdlet for rendering image files to console
- dfinke/ImportExcel - PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
- KevinMarquette/PSGraph - A set of utilities for working with Graphviz in Powershell
- Stephanevg/PSClassUtils - A set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
- nullbind/Powershellery - This repo contains Powershell scripts used for general hackery.
- BornToBeRoot/PowerShell - Collection of useful PowerShell functions, scripts, snippets and templates
- Scine/Powershell - Misc. Powershell Scripts
- Scine/Office365 - Office 365 Powershell scripts
- rgel/PowerShell - Must-have PowerShell scripts and modules
- MSAdministrator/PPRT - This module is used to report phishing URLs to their WHOIS/RDAP abuse contact information.
- MicrosoftDocs/Virtualization-Documentation - Place to store our documentation, code samples, etc for public consumption.
- apurin/powershellget-module - Unofficial example of PowerShellGet-friendly package. How to create, publish and use.
- whistler-consulting/LenovoInfo - Powershell module to determine Lenovo device warranty status
- RamblingCookieMonster/PSDepend - PowerShell Dependency Handler
- EvotecIT/PSSharedGoods - PSSharedGoods is little PowerShell Module that primary purpose is to be useful for multiple tasks, unrelated to each other. I've created this module as “a glue” between my other modules.
- dotps1/PSFunctions - Repository for holding script-functions that are published to the PowerShell Gallery.
- devblackops/github-action-psscriptanalyzer - GitHub Action to run PSScriptAnalyzer static code analysis
- EliteLoser/RemoveOldFiles - Use Svendsen Tech's Remove-OldFiles function to delete files based on date logic with time granularity ranging from milliseconds to months, and an optional file name regex filter.
- cunninghamp/PowerShell-Stored-Credentials - PowerShell functions to manage stored credentials on your admin computers
- poshsecurity/Posh-SYSLOG - Send SYSLOG messages from PowerShell
- squid808/CanvasApis - PowerShell clients for the Canvas LMS APIs
- mmims/PSConsoleTheme - PowerShell module to manage Windows console colors and PSReadline token colors.
- lazywinadmin/Monitor-ADGroupMembership - PowerShell script to monitor Active Directory groups and send an email when someone is changing the membership
- markwragg/PowerShell-MacNotify - A PowerShell module with a cmdlet for triggering notifications on MacOS.
- EvotecIT/PSWriteWord - PSWriteWord is powershell module to create Microsoft Word documents without Microsoft Word installed...
- PowerShell/Polaris - A cross-platform, minimalist web framework for PowerShell
- bgelens/DSCPullServerAdmin - PowerShell module to provide a better Admin oriented DSC Pull Server experience.
- pester/Pester - Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell.
- mcaulr09/PowerShell -
- ironmansoftware/poshud - Dashboard used for Poshud.com
- My-Random-Thoughts/QA-Checks-v4 - PowerShell scripts to ensure consistent and reliable build quality and configuration for your servers
- poshbotio/PoshBot - Powershell-based bot framework
- fresh2dev/AnyBox - The easiest way to develop apps for Windows.
- MSAdministrator/TemplatePowerShellModule - A Template PowerShell Module
- adamdriscoll/selenium-powershell - PowerShell module to run a Selenium WebDriver.
- NathanTheGr8/SCCMPackageAutomation - A Powershell Module for SCCM Package Automation
- dahlbyk/posh-git - A PowerShell environment for Git
- lazywinadmin/CiresonPortalPS - PowerShell module to interact with the Cireson Portal API
- MicksITBlogs/PowerShell - PowerShell scripts for Mick's IT Blogs
- MSAdministrator/PSNetStat - A PowerShell Module which recreates netstat.exe functionality
- steviecoaster/PSSysadminToolkit - A collection of Powershell scripts to make life as a sysadmin just a tiny bit more bearable
- Sycnex/Windows10Debloater - Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
- junecastillote/Get-WebUpStatus - Use Get-WebUpStatus.ps1 to programmatically check the availability status of Sharepoint Sites or any WebSites
- microsoft/MSLab - Azure Stack HCI, Windows 10 and Windows Server rapid lab deployment scripts
- iainbrighton/PScribo - PowerShell documentation framework
- PrateekKumarSingh/Graphical - Open-Source, Platform independent module that consumes data points as input and plots them on a 2D graph 📈📊💹 [Scatter / Bar / Line] on the PowerShell Console/Terminal
- janikvonrotz/awesome-powershell - A curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources
- FuzzySecurity/PowerShell-Suite - My musings with PowerShell
- Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
- RamblingCookieMonster/PSStackExchange - PowerShell module to query Stack Exchange API
- PsPsam/DSC-Lab - My Home Lab
- adbertram/PSADSync - A PowerShell module to sync users from an external data source to Active Directory.
- adbertram/Random-PowerShell-Work - Random PowerShell Work
- adbertram/PowerShellForSysadmins -
- jdhitsolutions/PSScriptTools - 🔧 🔨 A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerSh
- PrateekKumarSingh/Gridify - 'Gridify' Powershell module provides cmdlet that can resize and arrange applications in an automatic grid layout with predefined formats using the Processes passed as parameter
- damienvanrobaeys/WPF_PS_EN -
- PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit - Project Homepage & Forums
- lazywinadmin/LazyWinAdmin_GUI - PowerShell Script that generates a GUI/WinForms loaded with tons of functions
- lazywinadmin/PowerShell - PowerShell functions and scripts (Azure, Active Directory, SCCM, SCSM, Exchange, O365, ...)
- W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10 - A Collection of Scripts Which Disable / Remove Windows 10 Features and Apps
- torgro/cliMenu - Build interactive CLI menus in Powershell
- tugich/WinAutopilotImport - This tool provides a simple GUI for registering your Windows device with Windows Autopilot.
- tugich/SetupPackagerIntune - Setup Packager helps you to easily package your software installation for Intune or other device management solutions. With just a few clicks you can create a PSADT-capable package from your files and
- alexta69/metube - Self-hosted YouTube downloader (web UI for youtube-dl / yt-dlp)
- cisagov/LME - Logging Made Easy (LME) is a no-cost and open logging and protective monitoring solution serving all organizations.
- socfortress/Wazuh-Rules - Advanced Wazuh Rules for more accurate threat detection. Feel free to implement within your own Wazuh environment, contribute, or fork!
- CorralPeltzer/newTrackon - newTrackon, a public open BitTorrent trackers monitoring tool
- jerrymakesjelly/autoremove-torrents - Automatically remove torrents according to your strategies.
- vkbo/novelWriter - novelWriter is an open source plain text editor designed for writing novels. It supports a minimal markdown-like syntax for formatting text. It is written with Python 3 (3.9+) and Qt 5 (5.15) for cros
- thinkst/opencanary - Modular and decentralised honeypot
- QuivrHQ/quivr - Opiniated RAG for integrating GenAI in your apps 🧠 Focus on your product rather than the RAG. Easy integration in existing products with customisation! Any LLM: GPT4, Groq, Llama. Any Vectorstore:
- JPCERTCC/LogonTracer - Investigate malicious Windows logon by visualizing and analyzing Windows event log
- GNS3/gns3-gui - GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator
- maxhoesel-ansible/ansible-collection-pterodactyl - A collection to manage Pterodactyl Panel and Daemon hosts
- mvelazc0/BadZure - BadZure orchestrates the setup of Azure AD tenants, populating them with diverse entities while also introducing common security misconfigurations to create vulnerable tenants with multiple attack pat
- OTRF/ThreatHunter-Playbook - A community-driven, open-source project to share detection logic, adversary tradecraft and resources to make detection development more efficient.
- ckan/ckan - CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers catalog.data.gov, open.canada.ca/data, data.hu
- TKCERT/pfFocus - Generate meaningful output from your pfSense configuration backup, like Markdown documentation.
- benbusby/whoogle-search - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- stamparm/maltrail - Malicious traffic detection system
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- yandex/gixy - Nginx configuration static analyzer
- netbox-community/netbox - The premier source of truth powering network automation. Open source under Apache 2. Try NetBox Cloud free: https://netboxlabs.com/free-netbox-cloud/
- Z4nzu/hackingtool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
- tohojo/flent - The FLExible Network Tester.
- byt3bl33d3r/CrackMapExec - A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- MTrab/energidataservice - Fetches spot prices from Energi Data Service
- custom-components/nordpool - This component allows you to pull in the energy prices into Home-Assistant.
- locustio/locust - Write scalable load tests in plain Python 🚗💨
- gto76/python-cheatsheet - Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- MTrab/HAConfig - My Home Assistant Configuration
- freqtrade/freqtrade - Free, open source crypto trading bot
- openai/glide-text2im - GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model
- Textualize/textual - The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.
- smicallef/spiderfoot - SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.
- dgtlmoon/changedetection.io - The best and simplest free open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monito
- fuatakgun/eufy_security - Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors.
- JonasPed/homeassistant-eloverblik - Home Assistant Custom Component showing data from eloverblik.dk
- jkirkcaldy/plex-utills - Manage your Plex library automatically
- legrego/homeassistant-elasticsearch - Publish Home-Assistant events to Elasticsearch
- roxy-wi/roxy-wi - Web interface for managing Haproxy, Nginx, Apache and Keepalived servers
- yt-dlp/yt-dlp - A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- bunkerity/bunkerweb - 🛡️ Open-source and next-generation Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- LibrePhotos/librephotos-linux - Here you can find the installation script for a local Linux install.
- LibrePhotos/librephotos - A self-hosted open source photo management service. This is the repository of the backend.
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- nonsleepr/ha-eufy-security - Custom integration of Home Assistant with EufySecurity
- roflcoopter/viseron - Self-hosted, local only NVR and AI Computer Vision software. With features such as object detection, motion detection, face recognition and more, it gives you the power to keep an eye on your home, o
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor - This tool/script retrieves tokens for all devices connected to Xiaomi cloud and encryption keys for BLE devices.
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- itu-summer/qualification-seminar-materials-2018 - Material for the qualification seminar 2018
- maybe-finance/maybe - The OS for your personal finances
- forem/forem - For empowering community 🌱
- fluent/fluentd - Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)
- hartator/wayback-machine-downloader - Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.
- sottenad/jService - A set of simple trivia service that serves the answers/questions pulled from jArchive
- dkhamsing/awesome_bot - ✅ Validate links in awesome projects
- microsoft/sudo - It's sudo, for Windows
- torrust/torrust-index - This repository serves as the backend for the Torrust Index project.
- PowerShell/DSC - This repo is for the DSC v3 project
- qarmin/czkawka - Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
- typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide - A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
- atuinsh/atuin - ✨ Magical shell history
- starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- alacritty/alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- tonarino/innernet - A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.
- rstacruz/cheatsheets - Cheatsheets for web development - devhints.io
- A3Antistasi/A3-Antistasi - A3-Antistasi is the new official Antistasi version
- Weilbyte/PVEDiscordDark - A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI.
- bhdicaire/visioStencils - 4,450 visio 🎨 shapes, stencils, symbols, and icons collection to visually represent your IT infrastructure
- microsoft/mdatp-xplat - Microsoft Defender for macOS/Linux - config samples, auxiliary tools
- X4BNet/lists_vpn - Lists of VPN providers (automatically updated)
- firehol/blocklist-ipsets - ipsets dynamically updated with firehol's update-ipsets.sh script
- luchina-gabriel/OSX-PROXMOX - Voilà, install macOS on ANY Computer! This is really and magic easiest way!
- infothrill/ansible-role-lynis - An Ansible role to install Lynis, an open source security auditing tool.
- MisterCalvin/pterodactyl-swat4-egg - SWAT 4 egg for Pterodactyl Panel
- MisterCalvin/swat4-server-docker - SWAT 4 Dedicated server running inside a Docker container (with mod support)
- frenck/awesome-home-assistant - A curated list of amazingly awesome Home Assistant resources.
- marrobHD/proxmox-tools - 📦 A collection of stuff that I and others wrote for Proxmox 📦
- vlombardino/Proxmox - Notes and scripts
- tteck/Proxmox - Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts
- CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- nextcloud/vm - 💻☁📦 The Nextcloud VM (virtual machine appliance), Home/SME Server and scripts for RPi (4). Community developed and maintained.
- netson/ubuntu-unattended - Script to create unattended Ubuntu ISO
- unofficial-unifi/unifi-pfsense - A script that installs the UniFi Controller software on pfSense and other FreeBSD systems
- StamusNetworks/SELKS - A Suricata based IDS/IPS/NSM distro
- hassio-addons/addon-matrix - Matrix - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
- pfelk/pfelk - pfSense/OPNsense + Elastic Stack
- ej52/proxmox-scripts -
- whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install -
- lancachenet/monolithic - A monolithic lancache service capable of caching all CDNs in a single instance
- DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-server-docker - A Docker image for a non-censoring, non-logging, DNSSEC-capable, DNSCrypt-enabled DNS resolver
- angristan/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN installer for Linux servers
- MaxWinterstein/homeassistant-addons -
- GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM - The command-line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of Linux dedicated game servers.
- TheFrenchGhosty/TheFrenchGhostys-Ultimate-YouTube-DL-Scripts-Collection - The ultimate collection of scripts for YouTube-DL.
- EnergizedProtection/block - Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
- complexorganizations/wireguard-manager - ✔️ WireGuard-Manager is an innovative tool designed to streamline the deployment and management of WireGuard VPNs. Emphasizing user-friendliness and security, it simplifies the complexities of VPN con
- Legion2/arduino-builder-action - Github Action to run arduino-builder for sketches and see if they compile
- dgibbs64/SteamCMD-AppID-List-Servers - Complete Steam Dedicated Servers AppID List
- angristan/openvpn-install - Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
- pi-hole/PADD - PADD (formerly Chronometer2) is a more expansive version of the original chronometer.sh that is included with Pi-Hole. PADD provides in-depth information about your Pi-hole.
- pi-hole/pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements
- Shadowss/TravianZ - Travian T3.6 , BEST VERSION EVER
- dbgate/dbgate - Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application
- david-christiansen/itu-thesis - A highly unofficial, still experimental LaTeX document class for ITU M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses and dissertations
- OneUptime/oneuptime - OneUptime is the complete open-source observability platform.
- G-Ray/pikatorrent - BitTorrent client ⚡. For mobile, desktop & server.
- dbeaver/cloudbeaver - Cloud Database Manager
- total-typescript/beginners-typescript-tutorial - An interactive TypeScript tutorial for beginners
- streetwriters/notesnook - A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
- AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com - ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
- Lissy93/personal-security-checklist - 🔒 A compiled checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2024
- photoview/photoview - Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers
- mermaid-js/mermaid - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
- withfig/autocomplete - IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
- mattermost-community/focalboard - Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
- PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card - This card provides a user-friendly way to fully control map-based vacuums in Home Assistant. Supported brands include Xiaomi (Roborock/Viomi/Dreame/Roidmi/Valetudo/Valetudo RE), Neato, Wyze, Roomba, E
- Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
- Budibase/budibase - Low code platform for building business apps and workflows in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s, and more 🚀
- pawelmalak/flame - Flame is self-hosted startpage for your server. Easily manage your apps and bookmarks with built-in editors.
- juice-shop/juice-shop - OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
- PowerShell/vscode-powershell - Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code
- ardoq/ardoq-sdk-js - A software development kit for integrating with Ardoq
- hedgedoc/hedgedoc - HedgeDoc - Ideas grow better together
- AitorDB/home-assistant-sun-card - Home assistant sun card based on Google weather design
- denysdovhan/vacuum-card - Vacuum cleaner card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI
- rbardini/resumed - 👔 Lightweight JSON Resume builder, no-frills alternative to resume-cli
- n8n-io/n8n - Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
- jesec/flood - A modern web UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and React frontend.
- strapi/strapi - 🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first.
- tone-row/flowchart-fun - Easily generate flowcharts and diagrams from text ⿻
- webiny/webiny-js - Open-source serverless enterprise CMS. Includes a headless CMS, page builder, form builder, and file manager. Easy to customize and expand. Deploys to AWS.
- pawelgrzybek/snippet-generator - Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom
- karanpratapsingh/fullstack-starterkit - GraphQL first full-stack starter kit with Node, React. Powered by TypeScript
- material-extensions/vscode-material-icon-theme - Available on the VSCode Marketplace
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- coder/code-server - VS Code in the browser
- pnp/cli-microsoft365 - Manage Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Framework projects on any platform
- mqttjs/MQTT.js - The MQTT client for Node.js and the browser
- ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap - Angular powered Bootstrap
- mui/material-ui - Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
- directus/directus - The flexible backend for all your projects 🐰 Turn your DB into a headless CMS, admin panels, or apps with a custom UI, instant APIs, auth & more.
- schickling/chromeless - 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
- OpenRVS-devs/OpenRVS - Source code for the OpenRVS Raven Shield patch
- eezstreet/SWATEliteForce - A modification for SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate
- Xinecraft/SWAT-Vote - SWAT4 Voting Mod By Xinecraft
- sergeii/swat-gs2 - SWAT4 GameSpy v2 protocol query listener
- mithrandyr/SimplySql - PowerShell module for querying various SQL databases
- markdomansky/WebJEA - WebJEA - Secure Self Service Web Forms from PowerShell Scripts
- joni1802/ts3-manager - A modern web interface for maintaining Teamspeak3 servers
- requarks/wiki - Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
- ansible-lockdown/UBUNTU22-CIS - Ansible role for Ubuntu22 CIS Baseline
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