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2239 lines (2238 loc) · 361 KB

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2239 lines (2238 loc) · 361 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
38430 @wasabeef/awesome-android-ui A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries ↗️
10827 @cjwirth/awesome-ios-ui A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries
9026 @humiaozuzu/awesome-flask A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins
8033 @yhatt/marp The site of classic Markdown presentation writer app ↗️
6241 @enocom/gopher-reading-list A curated selection of blog posts on Go
5168 @wasabeef/awesome-android-libraries This is an alphabetical list of libraries for Android development, the majority being actively maintained. ↗️
2097 @hatena/Hatena-Textbook はてな研修用教科書
2011 @jorgebucaran/ A curation of packages, prompts, and resources for the fish shell. 🐚🍤 ↗️
1927 @jorgebucaran/awesome-fish A curated list of packages, prompts, and resources for the fish shell. ↗️
1643 @hoosin/mobile-web-favorites This is a favorites, with a mobile web tips.
1492 @sotayamashita/awesome-css 🎨 A curated contents of amazing CSS Ever :)
1324 @nagadomi/lbpcascade_animeface A Face detector for anime/manga using OpenCV
1220 @jorgebucaran/ Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate.
1190 @diasks2/ruby-nlp A collection of links to Ruby Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries, tools and software
1170 @jorgebucaran/fish-cookbook Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate.
1130 @ShingoFukuyama/WKWebViewTips WKWebView Tips (iOS 8.1.0)
1074 @fengjueming/unblock-NetEaseMusic 海外网易云音乐代理
1073 @cookpad/styleguide Cookpad's coding style guides
1026 @philipperemy/yolo-9000 YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger - Real-Time Object Detection. 9000 classes!
976 @kattgu7/Anti-996-License Anti-996 License Version 1.0
926 @JuanitoFatas/what-do-you-call-this-in-ruby Solving the second hard problem in Computer Science. ↗️
898 @hackerkid/bots ⚡ Tools for building bots
893 @icoxfog417/awesome-text-summarization The guide to tackle with the Text Summarization
886 @jorgebucaran/awesome-fish-shell A curated list of awesome packages, prompts and other nuggets for the fish shell
879 @foostan/crkbd Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
861 @mariotaku/twidere Your Own Twitter App ↗️
795 @hiloki/flocss CSS organization methodology.
727 @azu/awesome-commit-english コミット英語についての記事まとめ
719 @kristate/krackinfo Vendor Response Matrix for KRACK WPA2 (Key Reinstallation Attack)
691 @hotchemi/awesome-android-testing A curated list of awesome android testing libraries.
623 @JorgeBucaran/awesome-fish A curated list of awesome tools, prompts and other cool nuggets for the amazing fish-shell.
583 @cherryljr/PanDownload This product may not be used for commercial purposes Only for entertainment to enjoy
581 @coliff/bootstrap-ie7 Bootstrap 3 CSS for IE7 ↗️
578 @hoosin/EveryDaySport 从今天开始做一个健康的程序员。
564 @yusukekamiyamane/fugue-icons Free stock icons. ↗️
555 @uiureo/remote-in-japan Tech companies in Japan that hire remote workers
508 @myui/hivemall Scalable machine learning library for Apache Hive/Spark/Pig ↗️
499 @jbucaran/awesome-fish A curated list of awesome tools, prompts and other cool nuggets for the amazing fish-shell.
493 @IndieVisualLab/UnityGraphicsProgrammingSeries 書籍「Unity Graphics Programming」シリーズのPDFコレクション
479 @g6ling/React-Native-Tips
474 @AAkira/Kotlin-Multiplatform-Libraries Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library.
444 @BrambleXu/knowledge-graph-learning A curated list of awesome knowledge graph tutorials, projects and communities.
436 @jorgebucaran/hyperawesome A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp & more. ↗️
416 @jorgebucaran/awesome-hyperapp A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp & more. ↗️
386 @JorgeBucaran/fish-shell-cookbook Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate.
370 @sanographix/azusa-keynote 大体いい感じになるKeynoteテンプレート ↗️
364 @sanographix/azusa-colors Keynote template ↗️
362 @matsuu/vagrant-isucon ISUCON過去問を構築するためのVagrantfile集 ↗️
353 @BoostIO/boost-releases 🚀 Boostnote app releases & changelog ↗️
351 @mohayonao/timbre
338 @leemengtaiwan/deep-learning-resources 由淺入深的深度學習資源 Collection of deep learning materials for everyone ↗️
335 @yoshiori/manager-readme
328 @JuanitoFatas/Ruby-Functional-Programming 🔋 From Conferencia Rails 2011: Functional Programming with Ruby
321 @DenisIzmaylov/awesome-telegram-bots Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots
321 @ksoichiro/awesome-gradle A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.
318 @keijiro/VectorFieldExamples Unity VFX Graph examples with vector fields
317 @marcan/speculation-bugs Docs and resources on CPU Speculative Execution bugs
312 @Shinpeim/introduction-to-git Gitをはじめからていねいに
300 @wasabeef/awesome-android-tools A curated list of awesome Android Tools.
285 @SeitaroShinagawa/FavoritePapers
282 @mitsuruog/javascript-style-guide 常に気をつけたい、JavaScriptへの正しい接し方 ↗️
265 @kudakurage/LigatureSymbols Ligature Symbols is WebFont project to display the symbol with a ligature features. This Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License. ↗️
257 @jbucaran/fish-shell-cookbook Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate.
250 @dav009/awesome-spanish-nlp Curated list of Linguistic Resources for doing NLP & CL on Spanish
235 @fengjueming/unblock-NeteastMusic 海外网易云音乐代理
235 @mingfunwong/cogito 收集知乎用户@佐藤謙一 先生回答86个 ↗️
233 @expede/awesome-relay Awesome resources for Relay
231 @kakakakakku/redash-hands-on Redash study materials for beginners 📊
229 @Wizcorp/japanese-dev-lingo Japanese Lingo for Developers
220 @hatena/Git-for-Designers はてなのデザイナ向けの Git 入門ドキュメントです。
217 @splhack/macvim-kaoriya MacVim-KaoriYa
216 @UnaNancyOwen/Kinect2Sample Kinect for Windows SDK v2 Sample Program
207 @nejumi/kaggle_memo
192 @JorgeBucaran/awesome-hyperapp A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp & more. ↗️
187 @jojonki/arXivNotes IssuesにNLP(自然言語処理)に関連するの論文を読んだまとめを書いています.雑です.🚧 マークは編集中の論文です(事実上放置のものも多いです).🍡 マークは概要のみ書いてます(早く見れる的な意味で団子). ↗️
184 @juno/bem-methodology-ja Japanese Translations of BEM-Methodology (BEMの日本語訳)
182 @linyows/github-wiki-search :octocat: Search wiki of the repository on Github ↗️
182 @ymym3412/acl-papers paper summary of Association for Computational Linguistics
173 @philipperemy/timit The DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus
171 @JeremyMain/GPUProfiler GPUProfiler - Understand your application and workflow resource requirements
170 @komi1230/Resume komi1230's Resume
166 @AkihiroSuda/issues-docker 🐳 Docker Issues and Tips (aufs/overlay/btrfs..)
166 @unity3d-jp/FirstTutorial
163 @beinteractive/social-game-check-list
162 @a-know/Pixela A service for generating GitHub-like graphs. Record and Track your habits or effort. All by API. ↗️
156 @wantedly/learning-resources エンジニア向け教材集
154 @jrjohansson/qutip-lectures Lectures on QuTiP: slides and ipython notebooks
152 @keijiro/CMUMocap Unity humanoid animations converted from the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Database
149 @manabuyasuda/styleguide arrange coding rule.
144 @Songmu/ghq-handbook
142 @tcnksm/awesome-container A curated list of awesome container technologies and services
138 @onevcat/iOSWeekly iOS Weekly issue for InfoQ CN
137 @blueimp/nightwatch This project is deprecated in favor of blueimp/wdio. ↗️
137 @greymd/CVE-2017-1000117 Check Git's vulnerability CVE-2017-1000117
132 @philipperemy/financial-news-dataset Reuters and Bloomberg
130 @hatena/solr-tutorial Solrの導入資料です。LAMP構成に特化しています。
129 @icoxfog417/awesome-financial-nlp Researches for Natural Language Processing for Financial Domain
122 @cmod/ahab Ahab! Is a .mobi template for helping you produce Amazon Kindle specific ebooks.
121 @expede/awesome-culture A curated list of awesome thought on tech culture. Inspired by the various awesome-* projects
121 @willnet/capybara-readme-ja Capybara の README 和訳 ↗️
116 @tokuhirom/java-handbook
115 @operando/Android-Command-Note Android Command Note
113 @azu/browser-resources A Collection of official Resources/Status/Issues for browsers.
111 @hiroakis/docker-sensu-server A Dockerfile for Sensu on CentOS
106 @kaiinui/android-awesome-libraries There are many libraries which helps your android development!
105 @cellfusion/LESS.sugar An Espresso sugar for LESS
105 @yuki-kimoto/mojolicious-guides-japanese Japanese localization of Mojolicious API documents
100 @azu/browser-javascript-resource The Collection of official Resources/Status/Issues for browsers.
98 @keijiro/VfxGraphTestbed
97 @masaru-b-cl/introduction-to-vcs Introduction to VCS (Version Control System). Description VCS power, soul, usage considerd SCM (Software Configuration Management).
97 @tkmru/awesome-linux-rootkits a summary of linux rootkits published on GitHub
96 @amachang/webkitd Simple WebKit Server
96 @keijiro/DanishStatues Danish statue models scanned by Geoffrey Marchal ↗️
92 @manabuyasuda/coding-guidelines コードの最低限の品質を保つためのガイドラインです。
92 @tanaikech/taking-advantage-of-google-apps-script Here, CLI tools, libraries, Add-ons, Reports, Benchmarks and Sample Scripts for taking advantage of Google Apps Script which are publishing in my blog, Gists and GitHub are summarized.
91 @chomado/xamarin-dev-doc Xamarin Dev Days Japan で使う 日本語ドキュメントです。
87 @mattn/dotfiles
86 @voluntas/japanese-erlang-elixir-companies 日本で Erlang/OTP や Elixir を利用している会社一覧
85 @keijiro/NeoLowMan Yet another low-poly man
84 @CaseAnon/Dump Knowledge is power
84 @tmk/keyboard_parts.pretty KiCad modules for keyboard design
82 @takanabe/introduction-to-gitに各章で利用するレポジトリを追加したものです。
81 @livedoor/datasets 研究用データセットです。
76 @quipper/handbook This is a handbook for anyone interested in Quipper. ↗️
75 @yonchu/grunt-zsh-completion The zsh completion script for grunt.
74 @mzyy94/like2sushi ついたーの:star:が:heart:に変えられてしまったので:sushi:に戻すやつ ↗️
74 @operando/DroidKaigi DroidKaigiの資料もろもろ
73 @glidenote/learning-tmux
73 @tmk/alps64 Poker X compatible 60% size PCB supports various Alps switch keyboard layouts like AEK, Omnikey, Dell, V60MTS and Infinity(KiCad Project)
73 @zlq4863947/proficient-tradingview 24小时精通TradingView
72 @JuanitoFatas/ruby-style-guide Ruby Style Guide (Chinese) ↗️
72 @atsuya/constitution-of-japan このレポジトリは、現在の日本国憲法、そして現在の日本国憲法に対して日本国憲法改正案がどのような変更点を含むのかを理解するためのものです
72 @rosylilly/zengin_code bank codes and branch codes for japanese
71 @MakeNowJust/sushi-ware 🍣 "THE SUSHI-WARE LICENSE" ↗️
71 @keijiro/Fragments Fragment mesh objects for particle effects in Unity
71 @tatsuyaoiw/effective-java Summarized version of Effective Java 2nd Edition.
71 @yui540/vtuber-wallpaper 🍰僕が作ったVTuber壁紙だよ🍰
70 @ko1/uc_ja 書籍『アンダースタンディング コンピュテーション』のサポートリポジトリです。
69 @ikegami-yukino/dataset-list lists of text corpus and more (mainly Japanese)
69 @onevcat/swift-ui-book-issue
69 @tcnksm/dockerfile-rbenv Dockerfile to build Image which is installed muliple versions of ruby ↗️
69 @tmk/USB2USB_Converter USB to USB keyboard protocol converter supported by TMK keyboard firmware
69 @tmk/kicad_lib_tmk KiCad library for tmk project
68 @usagimaru/Sketch-AppleSystemFont-Plugin A Sketch plugin for applying Apple system font to text layers. (For Japanese designers.)
67 @igaiga/hitotsubashi-ruby-2013 Ruby and Rails lecture documents in Hitotsubashi Univ. in 2013.
66 @AkihiroSuda/docker-issues 🐳 Docker Issues and Tips (aufs/overlay/btrfs..)
66 @athos/japanese-clojure-companies 日本で Clojure/ClojureScript を利用している会社一覧
66 @sanographix/azusa3 Google Slides & Keynote template ↗️
63 @IAMAS/makeathon_agreement ハッカソンやメイカソンにおいて、主催者側、参加者側の双方にとって適切に知的財産を取り扱うことまでを盛り込んだ参加同意書、およびイベントが終了した後、その中での成果とその後の扱いをどのようにするか、公開時の成果物の扱いを確認する書類、およびその解釈を具体例で示したFAQです。法律の専門家である弁護士の監修のもと作成しました。 ↗️
63 @linyows/jquery-emoji A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for emoji parser.
63 @shigeki/node-class-diagram Class Diagram of Node.js
62 @keijiro/DkvfxSketches VFX sketches with Depthkit and Unity ↗️
62 @knu/zsh-git-escape-magic zle tweak for git command line arguments
62 @tanaikech/taking-advantage-of-Web-Apps-with-google-apps-script This is a report to take advantage of Web Apps with Google Apps Script (GAS).
62 @tkmru/linux-insides-ja Japanese version of linux-insides book
62 @wantedly/machine-learning-round-table Gather around the table, and have a discussion to catch up the latest trend of machine learning 🤖 ↗️
61 @koji/Awesome-ITP Awesome things from ITPers
60 @STAIR-Lab-CIT/STAIR-captions STAIR captions: large-scale Japanese image caption dataset ↗️
60 @cookpad/cookpad-internship-2015-summer ↗️
60 @hmatsu47/mysql80_no_usui_hon MySQL 8.0の薄い本 配布用
60 @ngs/sketchplugin-swift-color A Sketch Plugin for generating UIColor and NSColor initializer Swift code from fill color of selected layers. ↗️
59 @foostan/consul-with-docker The environment of Consul with Docker include Consul Template and Registrator
59 @gfx/docker-android-project DEPRECATED because Android SDK license does not allow re-distribution of its binaries
58 @JuanitoFatas/railsconf-2015 Railsconf 2015 talks & videos ↗️
58 @justlaputa/collectd-influxdb-grafana-docker simple demo for influxdb and grafana by docker-compose ↗️
58 @keijiro/VfxGraphModeling Procedural modeling with Unity VFX Graph
58 @r7kamura/awesome-fantasy A collection of awesome FinalFantasy-ish libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
57 @UnaNancyOwen/RealSense2Sample RealSense SDK 2 Sample Program
57 @glidenote/serverspec-snippets vim snippets for Serverspec. ↗️
57 @ledsun/cookbook-of-jmeter Cookbook of Apache JMeter
56 @Swall0w/papers This is a repository for summarizing papers especially related to machine learning.
56 @nguyen-toan/Python3 "Python 3: The Python Environment" online course
55 @1000ch/chrome-extension-hands-on Chrome Extension Hands-on!
55 @keijiro/LwrpVfxTest A testbed project for testing Unity Visual Effect Graph on Lightweight Render Pipeline.
54 @jaseg/Model-M cad files for model M keyboard key caps
54 @kitao/pico8-jp Japanese version of the PICO-8 official manual (pico8.txt)
54 @ytbdken/Meeting-materials 打ち合わせで使う用の資料。ヒアリングやアイデア出しなどのフォーマット。汎用性のあるものを目指します。
53 @jpmartha/iOS-Conferences iOS Conferences
53 @keijiro/UnityProjectTemplate My personal Unity project template
53 @zick/Magical-Language-Lyrical-Lisp A Lisp tutorial game ↗️
52 @Kinokkory/wiwinwlh-jp What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell 日本語訳
52 @himkt/awesome-bert-japanese 📝 A list of pre-trained BERT models for Japanese with word/subword tokenization + vocabulary construction algorithm information
51 @TakayoshiKochi/deprecate-style-in-html-imports Deprecating/Removing <style> application from HTML Imports ↗️
51 @aonotas/neural-figures Neural Networks Figures
51 @haskell-jp/recipe-collection レシピ集、あるいは逆引き辞典
51 @wantedly/objective-c-style-guide
51 @yahoojapan/YJCaptions
50 @acgotaku/BaiduExporter Assistant for Baidu to export download links to aria2/aria2-rpc
50 @rakina/searchable-invisible-dom
49 @akirakanaoka/seclablist 情報セキュリティ関連の大学研究室Webサイトをまとめてみた
49 @cocopon/vscode-iceberg-theme Dark blue color theme for Visual Studio Code ↗️
49 @jojonki/NLP-Corpora List of NLP (Natural Language Processing) Corpora.
49 @keijiro/DabrovicSponza An attempt at rendering the "Dabrovic Sponza" scene with Unity.
49 @ku-nlp/KWDLC Kyoto University Web Document Leads Corpus
49 @syuu1228/process_management_and_process_schedule Software Design誌の記事「Linuxのしくみを学ぶ - プロセス管理とスケジューリング」の原稿公開用リポジトリ
48 @amake/cjk-decomp Decomposition data for 75,000 CJK ideographs; fork (with fixes) of ↗️
48 @expede/teaching-fp Techniques, advice, and anecdotes about how to teach Functional Programming
48 @ics-creative/js-code-recipe 『JavaScript コードレシピ集(技術評論社)』のサンプルファイルと補足です。 ↗️
48 @is8r/ios-psdset
46 @cookpad/global-style-guides Official style guides for Cookpad Global
46 @hotchemi/awesome-recruit-engineer-careers リクルートグループのエンジニア採用情報
45 @jamesknelson/pacomo A Method For Structuring Stylesheets in React-based Applications
45 @matsuu/docker-isucon Dockerfile for isucon
45 @treby/c85-git C85で委託頒布した新刊の原稿です ↗️
44 @Hironsan/IOB2Corpus Japanese IOB2 tagged corpus for Named Entity Recognition.
44 @adrianmcli/omg-counters 😍 Increment decrement counters using various frontend frameworks.
44 @keijiro/unity-shader-bundle Shows how to use a 'common-bundle', to avoid shader compilations.
44 @lepture/chinalaw 请关注
44 @sanographix/tumblr-boilerplate Tumblr boilerplate for theme development ↗️
43 @ajayns/git-cheatsheet A set of basic Git commands that I use
43 @guicho271828/sbcl-wiki maybe-wrong sbcl internals
43 @pepabo/sqale-support のサポートページ ↗️
43 @sgr-ksmt/firebase-ec-demo E-commerce data model, security rules example using Cloud Firestore.
43 @shunk031/awesome-ai-best-papers A curated list of famous CV/NLP/ML/AI best papers, inspired by Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996).
43 @tatsuyah/CycleGAN-Models Models generated by CycleGAN
43 @zchee/h2o-proxy Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative jwilder/nginx-proxy. ↗️
42 @Shougo/BattleEditors "Battle editors" novel in English
42 @kt3k/deno_sticker 🦕 The data I used for submitting for printing deno_sticker.
41 @Hironsan/google-vision-sampler Code examples for Google Vision API.
41 @JuanitoFatas/ruby-performance-tools List of Ruby Tools for doing Performance. ↗️
41 @konifar/twipe Twipe is the fast and easy to use material design Twitter client.
41 @shaoanlu/Audio2Guitarist-GAN Two-stage GANs that generate fingerstyle guitarist images from audio.
41 @totoraj930/atumori 熱盛
40 @kawasima/rascal-scheme ふつうの受託開発のやりかた
40 @lloydmeta/ansible-kafka-cluster Zookeeper quorum + Kafka cluster on CentOS via Vagrant + Ansible
40 @naoya/codeiq-agenda
40 @nowelium/geohash-mysql-func geohash function for mysql ↗️
39 @icyflame/awesome-social-science A curated list of adages, psychological syndromes and behaviour explaining aphorisms.
39 @k2works/atom_introduction Atom入門
39 @kmaehashi/chainer-colab See ➡️ ↗️
39 @mattn/excelview-vim
39 @sjitech/nodejs-android-prebuilt-binaries Prebuilt binaries of NodeJS for Android(arm,arm64,x86,x64,mipsel), full or limited(by --without-snapshot --without-inspector --without-intl)
38 @cookpad/gradle-android-sdk-manager DEPRECATED
38 @evdcush/TensorFlow-wheels Custom built TensorFlow wheels for my machines
38 @fujita/swift3 Swift3 project has moved to OpenStack official repository. ↗️
38 @keijiro/LowPolyShapes Low poly basic shape library for Unity
38 @kjirou/mugen_pazdora A "Puzzle & Dragons" clone by HTML5/JavaScript ↗️
38 @kuu/the-offline-cookbook-ja Japanese translation of The Offline Cookbook by Jake Archibald.
38 @t32k/webpagetest-doc-ja WebPagetest Documentation in Japanese.
38 @willnet/skill-map-for-rails-engineers Rails エンジニアのスキルマップ
37 @rdiankov/collada_robots Robot Files in COLLADA 1.5 Specification
36 @ajayns/github-cmds A set of basic Git commands that I use
36 @asukiaaa/esp32bb A KiCad project for esp-wroom-32 and breadboard.
36 @daitomanabe/Human-Pose-and-Motion Human-Pose-and-Motion History
35 @JuanitoFatas/slime-user-manual This repo is for my personal reading, translation's credit belongs to @unionx ↗️
35 @chengstone/DeeplearningCompleteBook 深度学习私房菜代码链接目录
35 @keichan34/wp-nginx-hhvm-mariadb A bare-bones Vagrant environment for high-performance WordPress.
35 @ryuichiueda/raspimouse_book_info 「Raspberry Piで学ぶ ROSロボット入門」の情報ポータル
35 @sonots/isucon3_cheatsheet cheat sheets for isucon3 middleware settings
35 @takagi/common-lisp-script Isomorphism between browser side and server side in Common Lisp.
35 @takimo/twitter-bootstrap-node Twitter Bootstrap for Node.js
35 @zaki/mac-hun-keyboard A standard Hungarian keyboard layout for Mac OSX 10.6 ↗️
34 @ashchan/bitcoin-ethereum-cryptography 比特币、以太坊加密技术
34 @hail2u/roremu-ipusamu ロレム・イプサムはそこそこ意味の通った英数字交じりの日本語の文章をCC0で登録・収集するプロジェクトです。主にウェブ・ページやウェブ・アプリケーション等のモックアップに使うことを想定しています。 ↗️
34 @kasecato/vscode-javadebug-sample Java Debugging sample in Visual Studio Code
34 @shibatchii/RISC-V RISC-V documentation transrate to Japanese.
34 @supermomonga/awesome-tokyo-kara-hikakuteki-chikaku-no-sokosoko-yasui-onsen-yado 東京から比較的近くのそこそこ安い温泉宿
34 @yugui/evil-ruby A fork of evil-ruby. The original evil-ruby( ) seems to have stopped.
34 @yuuki/yuuki What I learned.
33 @cookpad/cookpad-pad Cookpad Pad — A six keys macro pad made by Cookpad.
33 @glidenote/vagrant-docker-digitalocean
33 @mattn/awesome-sonomasakada
33 @su324749/markdown-memo start 2013/05/19
33 @tamagoya/oeed Open Engineer Energy Drink.
33 @tenntenn/goweb-book Go言語で作るRESTful API
32 @RamenVentures/Operating-Manual Our angel investment philosophy, thesis, and process shared openly with founders. ↗️
32 @mattn/vscode-lisp
32 @t-sin/lisp-alien-wallpapers DON'T PANIC! These are made with secret alien technology.
32 @takahirom/kotlin-coroutines-class-diagram
32 @tmurakam/droid-wrapper Android toolchain wrapper script ↗️
31 @amaotone/kaggle-memo Tips for data science competitions (e.g. Kaggle, SIGNATE)
31 @connectFree/everip The Elastic Versatile Encrypted Relay for IP (EVER/IP) Networking Suite ↗️
31 @keijiro/PcxEffects2
31 @marksard/Keyboards This repository is warehouse of my keyboard architecture.
31 @masuhara/Nullpo ガッ
31 @omochi/swift-ownership-jp
31 @uzyexe/mesos-marathon-demo docker-compose on mesos with marathon
31 @wantedly/microservices_monday Monday is a good day to talk about Microservices
30 @Garyuten/useragentswitcher This is useragent xml for useragentswitcher of firefox, chorme.
30 @alohaas/language-nunjucks Syntax highlighting for nunjucks templates in atom.
30 @gfx/android-oss-best-practices Best practices on hosting Android OSS library projects [JA]
30 @kajidai/php-libmemcached php-libmemcached is a php extension for libmemcached(new memcached client)
30 @maximemoreillon/mi_band_2_iot Control IoT devices with a Xiaomi Mi Band 2
30 @quipper/marionette-style-guide A Style Guide for Marionette and Backbone JS.
30 @shu223/APIClientCollection-for-iOS A collection of API clients & SDKs for iOS.
30 @suguru/awesome-mobile-ui UI/UX resources
30 @uupaa/WebKitChangeLog
30 @yasuhirohoshino/TouchDesigner_PostEffects
30 @ymrl/thesis-template SFCの修士論文に(たぶん)準拠したLaTeXテンプレート ↗️
29 @agektmr/webaudio-knob Visual knob element for Web Audio using Polymer
29 @bschwind/esp-32-build A Dockerfile for building and flashing ESP32 applications
29 @chezou/ml_in_production Machine Learning infrastructure/architecture/operation for productionization
29 @hoosin/MarkDown 写文档好帮手 ↗️
29 @hoosin/pay Pay API document
29 @keijiro/BentNormalTest Test project for the "specular occlusion from bent normal" feature in Unity HDRP
29 @shimizu/H25_yearly_income 平成25年住宅・土地統計調査 - H25家計を主に支える者の年齢・世帯年収区分
29 @takahashim/ruby-history A chronology of Ruby programming language since 1993
29 @udzura/rack-handbook Discipline for understanding rack - from
29 @yhirano55/sentry-docker-compose How to setup a full Sentry instance with docker-compose.yml
28 @gavinzhou/ci-minikube run minikube on ci
28 @hnakamur/mastadon-ansible-playbook さくらのVPSでmastodonをセットアップするAnsibleプレイブック
28 @lucidfrontier45/PyTorch-Book
28 @masakielastic/twig-ja Twig の古いマニュアルです。このドキュメントはメンテナンスされていませんので、最新のドキュメントは Symfony ユーザー会のリポジトリをご覧ください。 ↗️
28 @mzyy94/Slidoon SplatoonっぽいKeynote theme ↗️
28 @quangctkm9207/mobile-guidelines Best practices for both Android and iOS development.
28 @twada/macbook-provisioning "Mac の開発環境構築を自動化する (2015 年初旬編)" で書いた playbook です ↗️
28 @willnet/redash-on-heroku Dockerfiles for hosting redash on heroku
28 @yoshiori/social_hosts みんなで変なところは弾く hosts ファイルを共有しましょう。
27 @GLambard/Molecules_Dataset_Collection Collection of data sets of molecules for a validation of properties inference
27 @KeenS/whitelie A self hosted whitespace compiler
27 @UnaNancyOwen/NuiTrackSDKSample NuiTrack SDK Sample Program
27 @cocodrips/keynote-themes Free Keynote templates.
27 @ericmuyser/jquery-ui-less-theme A port of the base jQuery UI theme to LESS. ↗️
27 @foostan/kbd Publish data for Keyboard
27 @foostan/mkbd Meishi Keyboard
27 @hanachin/idobata-api-doc
27 @hnakamur/RapidSVN-IntelMac
27 @kmdsbng/zipcode_jp zipcode_jp provides Japan zip code database/API.
27 @plenprojectcompany/plen-3DModel_Fusion360 PLEN2's 3D model data implemented by Autodesk Fusion 360.
27 @sonots/growthforecast-tuning GrowthForecast/RRDtool チューニング秘伝の書
27 @tnantoka/hello-spritekit How to create a breakout clone with Sprite Kit. ↗️
26 @BoostIO/boost-app-discussions Is there some trouble with using Boostnote app? Feel free to ask us :D ↗️
26 @Joker316701882/Udacity-ML-nanodegree This is the repository which contains all 6 projects' source code in ML nano degree.
26 @kurianbenoy/Awesome-GSoC-List
26 @lotz84/machine-learning
26 @mayuco/emolett
26 @nakamap/docs API Documents
26 @tokiwoousaka/YuruhuwaHaskell ゆるふわHaskell入門会
25 @cdepillabout/post-about-nix-and-haskell
25 @idobatter/node-win32api Asynchronous, non-blocking win32api bindings for node.js . ↗️
25 @mah0x211/lenv Lua Version Manager
25 @neologd/neologd NEologd : neologism dictionary generator
25 @tsupo/Twitter-API-Specification--written-in-Japanese- translate Twitter API Specification into Japanese ↗️
24 @JuanitoFatas/rails-style-guide
24 @eiel/StudySessions 日本の勉強会についてまとめたり、談義したり。
24 @gfx/swift-words Swift訳語集 ↗️
24 @ics-creative/151124_createjs_waves HTML5 Canvasで表現するウェーブ表現のソースコードです。 ↗️
24 @ics-creative/tutorial-three WebGLのフレームワーク「Three.js」の入門サイトです。初学者から学べるように基本から解説しつつ、発展的な内容までまとめています。このサイトを通して、Webでのインタラクションデザインについて学んでいきましょう。 ↗️
24 @masahide/ansible-lssd Large scale server deploys using BitTorrent and the BitTornado library by Murder (
24 @mtei/SemiErgo_Layout A proposal of ergonomic key layout for standard size keyboard
24 @pasberth/gijinka #言語擬人化学園もの
24 @shrynx/awesome-ppx-reasonml curated list of reasonml PPX rewriter
24 @simurai/octocat-avatars This is a Sketch library with Octocat avatars.
24 @tdtds/esr_trilogy_ja ESR三部作をReVIEW使ってEPUB/Mobi化
24 @wasabeef/vagrant-kali-linux Vagrant Boxes - Kali Linux
23 @SeeedJP/ReButton Docs for ReButton ↗️
23 @bati11/learn-scala Scala入門ハンズオンの資料 ↗️
23 @egri-nagy/popbook Poetry of Programming - Puzzle Based Introduction to Functional Programming ↗️
23 @erutaso/THE-IDOL-MASTER-MOVIE 劇場版 THE IDOL M@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ をテキストで補完した ↗️
23 @kazunori279/my-sessions-and-bio My bio and the list of session agendas
23 @keijiro/KodeLife2020
23 @kenjiSpecial/tubugl module base webgl library for personal use
23 @peta-okechan/xv6textjp xv6のテキスト(book-rev6.pdf)を超適当翻訳してPDF化したもの
23 @plenproject/PLEN2 PLEN2 starter kit. (This repository has *.stl files, firmware, and motions.)
23 @r9y9/jsut-lab HTS-style full-context labels for JSUT v1.1 ↗️
23 @razorgirl/docker-couchpotato Dockerfile to set up a Couchpotato container
23 @ryonakae/micss My CSS Rules
23 @shibukawa/awesome-opencensus
23 @stakedtechnologies/PolkadotWP Polkadot White Paper
23 @t32k/licecap-icon A better icon for LICEcap.
23 @tenntenn/bio
23 @textlint-ja/textlint-ja textlintの日本語コミュニティ ↗️
23 @upura/papers What I read
22 @AtsushiSakai/PythonRoboticsGifs Animation gifs of PythonRobotics
22 @LAC-Japan/OWASP-Mobile-Top-10-2016 OWASP Mobile Top 10 2016 日本語訳
22 @Shougo/neocomplcache-rsense.vim The neocomplcache source for RSense
22 @coliff/ Testing inputmode ↗️
22 @rbtnn/etc-about-vimscript About vimrc and summarizes change of the language specification on Vim script.
22 @shin1x1/docker-laravel-on-php7-apache
22 @t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus-keymaps-for-surround provides default keymap for surround ↗️
22 @unity3d-jp/XmlToCustomAsset XMLからカスタム形式のアセットデータを作成して利用するサンプル
21 @JeremyMain/ngputop Yet another ncurses GPU utilization monitor inspired by htop
21 @UnaNancyOwen/AzureKinectSample Sample Program for Azure Kinect Sensor SDK and Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK
21 @aonotas/awesome-deep-learning-chainer-examples-list Chainer example codes list
21 @bannzai/PersonalHistory My programmer personal history.
21 @concrete5cojp/concrete5-Coding-Guideline concrete5 Coding Guideline / concrete5.7.x 以降でテーマを自作する人のためのコーディングガイドラインです。
21 @genki/erubis ↗️
21 @igaiga/hitotsubashi-ruby-2012 Ruby and Rails lecture documents in Hitotsubashi Univ. in 2012.
21 @jrjohansson/reproduced-papers A collection of IPython notebooks with reproduced numerical results of some interesting papers.
21 @katzueno/concrete5-Coding-Guideline concrete5 Coding Guideline / concrete5.7.x 以降でテーマを自作する人のためのコーディングガイドラインです。
21 @making/blog-handson
21 @matsuu/terraform-templates Template files for Terraform
21 @r7kamura/works 過去につくったもの
21 @tachyons/bmtc-api BMTC Intelligent Transport Solution API
21 @takyamamoto/BNN-ANN-papers Papers : Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
21 @wakayama-pref-org/toilet-map 和歌山県内観光地の主な公共トイレを掲載したものです。
21 @wakita/visual_programming_paper ビジュアルプログラミングについての一考察
20 @clear-code/internship Log for internship by ClearCode. ↗️
20 @g200kg/WhiteboardDrum
20 @guicho271828/common-lisp-extensions list of extensions beyond CL available in lisp implementations, and the status of its spread.
20 @kenchan/keynote-theme My keynote theme file
20 @keralaai/deeplearning-resources
20 @kitasenjudesign/bookmarks creator and production bookmarks
20 @knqyf263/vuln-list NVD, RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine
20 @lotz84/sawada-fanclub A collection about Yasuharu Sawada on the internet.
20 @masuhara/Defaults This is defaults files which you can adjust your storyboard to iPhone6 and iPhone6+.
20 @operando/Notes Notes
20 @pepabo/shopping-cart-poetry 第4回ペパボテックカンファレンス 「ウェブサービスを開発するために詩を書いた話」資料
20 @uniba/knowledge_base
19 @3dcgarts/MMD-Shader-for-Unity
19 @IAMAS/open_source_project_policy
19 @SachaG/shopify-emails-i18n Translations for the default Shopify email notifications
19 @Shougo/neocomplcache-clang Use of clang to complete in C/C++.
19 @archseer/arch-linux-surface (Arch) Linux setup for Surface gen7 (2019) devices
19 @gugod/Taipei-MRT-In-Git Draw MRT Route map in Git
19 @hirokidaichi/application-security-2014 text of application security
19 @keijiro/unity-shaderfog-example An example of HLSL fog and surface shader fog.
19 @pepabo/textbook ペパボの研修の教科書
19 @tcnksm/vagrant-digitalocean-coreos Create CoreOS cluster on DigitalOcean by Vagrant
19 @tokuhirom/gearman-stat.psgi Display gearman stats.
19 @yasslab/railstutorial.jp_starter_kit Railsチュートリアルの環境構築で困っている方へ
19 @yuukinajima/bootstrap.scss bootstrap.scss is port from bootstrap form twitter for scss freaks.
18 @ATR-DNI/VBCCA Variational Bayesian Canonical Correlation Analysis
18 @EtherUniverse/whitepaper
18 @Kinokkory/fp-papers 関数型プログラミングに関する論文の非公式日本語訳
18 @coliff/awesome-website-testing-tools Resource of web-based testing and validation tools ↗️
18 @cookpad/2018-newgrads-engineer-portfolio クックパッド 2018 年度新卒採用選考エントリーシート提出方法と、その時に利用するファイル一式です。 ↗️
18 @increments/vscode-qiita Qiita theme for VSCode
18 @ixkaito/NotoSansCJKjp-subset Noto Sans CJK JP サブセット (OTF, WOFF, EOT) ↗️
18 @kaiinui/note My notes.
18 @keiji/draw9patch2 The new Draw 9-patch Tool
18 @keijiro/CodameScans 3D scans by CODAME, decimated for real-time use. ↗️
18 @lestrrat/daemontools-plack-runner My utility script to run plack scripts
18 @mathematical-systems/cl-gui Browser-based Common Lisp Gui Library
18 @onevcat/Notes My Notes:
18 @toshimaru/hybrid-next-plus VSCode Hybrid Next Plus Theme. ↗️
17 @Kuniwak/stamp My stamp images ↗️
17 @NANJ-COIN/token NANJCOIN token contract code ↗️
17 @ToyoshiMorioka/PixelStorm
17 @UnaNancyOwen/OpenCVDNNSample OpenCV DNN Sample Program for C++
17 @atotto/yasnippet-golang emacs snippet (yasnippets) for golang
17 @brtriver/sfMongoSessionStorage sfMongoSessionStorage manages session storage via MongoDB with symfony
17 @dai-shi/lets-compare-global-state-with-react-hooks Comparing global state libraries with React Hooks
17 @ixkaito/NotoSerifCJKjp-subset Noto Serif CJK JP サブセット (OTF, WOFF) ↗️
17 @keijiro/VfxGraphSlideMaterials
17 @kitfactory/vscode-template markdown templates for fast meetings
17 @nao-pon/elFinder-nightly elFinder nightly builds
17 @neuecc/Resume My Resume
17 @nopnop2002/OrangePi-ZERO-FAN-HAT Cooling FAN HAT for OrangePi ZERO
17 @p-chan/emoji-commit-message-guideline 🎨 絵文字を使ったコミットメッセージの書き方ガイドライン
17 @siman-man/ruby-golf-style-guide Code golf tips of ruby.
17 @stken2050/wayland-desktop-container How to set up your nested Wayland Desktop Environment with systemd-nspawn container, like VirtualBox
17 @susieyy/react-native-catalog A catalog of React Native components and examples
17 @tdtds/kindlizer-backend this project was closed
17 @toru-hamaguchi/sublime-fish-shell Sublime text 2 package for fish-shell.
17 @uchida/docker-markdown-pdf markdown-pdf installed docker image to convert markdown to pdf, including Noto CJK fonts ↗️
17 @volanja/ansible-Proxy set Proxy by ansible
17 @walkingice/taipei-mrt-map Provide CC licensed map of Taipei MRT
17 @wantedly/ios_night Let's talk about iOS development -- iOS Night 📱🌙 You might apply to this meetup from ↗️
17 @yaakaito/ForHeadHunters こんにちは!
17 @yimajo/objective-c-style-guide
17 @yusuke/twitter4s A Scala wrapper for Twitter4J
16 @NicolasDorier/NBitcoin.Docs Documentation of NBitcoin
16 @ScratchBuild/MIUI8-XML-Japanese Japanese MIUI 8 translation for
16 @XiGou/moha 膜法段子搜集,为以后申请非物质文化遗产做准备。
16 @chocopie116/alfred-remember-the-milk alfred workflows to post remember the milk quickly
16 @faisalazeez7/RangeSlider-VideoTrim Video trim with Range Slider.
16 @gaj-cg/ray-mmd-docs-ja ray-mmdの日本語ドキュメント
16 @hico-horiuchi/ansible-playbooks 研究室サーバ用のAnsible Playbook集
16 @hideyukitone/SketchTemplate_iOSAppIcon Sketch_iOSアプリアイコンのテンプレート
16 @howdy39/google-picker-api-demo google picker api demo ↗️
16 @ics-creative/150820_effect_samples
16 @jilljenn/japan Guide à l'arrache pour le Japon
16 @june29/product-design-toolbox プロダクト開発のための道具箱
16 @mattn/vim-vfs
16 @mohayonao/MMLEmitter this package is renamed to mml-emitter
16 @netheroes/nhplate Net Heroes Template Engine for Node.js and browsers
16 @noriji/Microsoft-Icon-vectorImage Microsoft CloudnEnterprise Symbolsのベクター形式(eps、pptx)
16 @snaka/cyg-apt apt-get like package manager for Cygwin. Forked from ↗️
16 @sonsongithub/IntroduceCollectionView Getting started UICollectionView
16 @uiureo/seiseki.pdf
16 @unknowntokyo/Quantumult-Rules 夕立之音 - リバティ
16 @uzulla/how_to_setup_path_on_windows 色んなWindowsに環境変数のPathを設定する方法
15 @JuanitoFatas/remote 💖 Remote resources for you and me 💞
15 @KOBA789/helloworld-deep-dive-in-rust
15 @Maecenas/Master_US 🎒 US Graduate Preparation
15 @Shinpeim/learning_data_types
15 @abalone0204/Cloud-Computing-Concepts Course by Indranil Gupta on coursera
15 @cognitom/Qiita Articles on Qiita
15 @cookpad/guides Guides for getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.
15 @csakatoku/ganglia-pymodule_nginx_status Ganglia python module for nginx
15 @hanamiju/El-Capitan-UI-Kit El Capitan UI Kit .sketch file
15 @hansode/ruby-2.0.0-rpm Updated build/specs for ruby-2.0.0
15 @hchbaw/list-colors.zsh # fancy list-colors originally by nicoulaj
15 @hkusu/github_document_demo
15 @jedahan/hypermac run hypercard 2.1 in system 6.08 on linux and os x
15 @jedahan/living-room recurse center research notes and tracker
15 @karlcow/karl-resume My Resume on github
15 @kawanet/social-library-ios5 Social Library for iOS5
15 @leonhartX/docker-machine-zsh-completion A more functional and up-to-date zsh completion for docker-machine
15 @mocchicc/ColorCode-for-GoogleIME-Japanese
15 @nishimura/minimal-yasnippet-php-mode Minimal php-mode scripts for yasnippet. ↗️
15 @oshow/why-bundler-exists の翻訳
15 @rosylilly/docrystal hosts documentation for Crystal packages on GitHub ↗️
15 @rosylilly/isucondar "イスコンダル" is Benchmarker framework for ISUCON
15 @shigeki/code_and_learn_nodefest_tokyo_2016 Code and Learn in Node Festival Tokyo 2016
15 @yhoshino11/ArchLinux my minimum Arch Linux Installution
14 @Fandekasp/Trello-Git Interact with Trello from your git commits ↗️
14 @J1wu/question-driven-learning Stay hungry stay foolish
14 @YCAMInterlab/GRPContractForm Open source contract for a collaborative project of research and development with researchers.
14 @astj/docker-centos5-vault A drop-in replacement of centos:5.11 with modified yum repository spec with ↗️
14 @azu/dive-into-ast Dive into AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) in JavaScript. ↗️
14 @darashi/jpmobile-rack jpmobile for rack ↗️
14 @dlang-jp/dlang-jp 日本D言語ユーザーグループ
14 @foostan/petit_split
14 @fukatani/awesome-hdl A curated list of awesome HDL, libraries, typical implementation and references.
14 @furuhashilab/AGU_SIS2017_1 空間情報システム入門I レポジトリ
14 @g200kg/WebGL-Audio-processing audio processing sample with WebGL shader program
14 @hansode/ruby-2.1.x-rpm ruby-2.1-rpm
14 @hiloki/spacer Just a space.
14 @hokaccha/x-sushiyuki
14 @j1wu/question-driven-learning Stay hungry stay foolish
14 @j1wu/read-the-source Explore the magic behind things
14 @karlcow/browserfeatures A very simple JSON db on browser features and their associated bugs in different bug trackers
14 @karlcow/webarch How to explain in simple terms Web Architecture and HTTP for UX, marketing, front-end developers, etc.
14 @keijiro/MetronomeAbleton A simple Ableton project generating a click track (metronome)
14 @kurihei/Ethereum-WhitePaper-JP Japanese translation of Ethereum White Paper
14 @mikewlange/cheatsheets-ai-fork Cheat Sheets for deep learning and machine learning. ↗️
14 @naoya/serverless-conf-agenda
14 @p1ch-jp/emoji-commit-message-guideline 🎨 絵文字を使ったコミットメッセージの書き方ガイドライン
14 @pepabo/contents インターネットコンテンツ置き場です。
14 @rakina/find-in-page-api
14 @shibukawa/rest-licenses OSS licenses in reStructuredText format
14 @tmiyamon/android-studio-template Custom templates for Android Studio
14 @tuyapin/Annoyance ネット上にあるいわゆる「害悪」と言われるもののリスト ↗️
14 @uiureo/yuigon 遺言書
14 @ukstudio/ngtyk ↗️
14 @yu1l/ArchLinux my minimum Arch Linux Installution
14 @yukihr/wkhtmltopdf-0.12.0-build-osx-10.9.1 wkhtmltopdf binary built on Mac OSX 10.9.1 Mavericks
13 @DQNEO/Renshu 練習用です。ご自由にforkしてPull Requestを送ってください。↓ 「Git/Github超入門:猿でもできるPull Request」 ↗️
13 @Echos/maven-zsh-completion Zsh completion for Maven.
13 @Kimtaro/docker-mecab Dockerfile with MeCab, the Japanese morphological analyzer and IPADIC
13 @Kuniwak/iceberg.icls A dark blue color scheme for IntelliJ IDEA (original is for Vim) ↗️
13 @ToyoshiMorioka/TouchDesignerStudy
13 @VoQn/vimperator-colorscheme This repository is directories of User color scheme and CSS for Vimperator. ↗️
13 @anoyetta/spespetime anoyetta のスペスペたいむ置き場
13 @bannzai/SwiftLove hogehogehogehoge
13 @daitomanabe/Light-Installations-in-public a survey about light installation in public
13 @db0sch/awesome_webradios A list of cool web radios
13 @dnpp73/try-Swift-Report try! Swift カンファレンスに参加してきたので簡単にまとめ
13 @hitode909/jquery-lazylist Lazy list built on jQuery Deferred
13 @idobatter/node-win32com node-win32com - Asynchronous, non-blocking win32com ( win32ole / win32api ) wrapper and tools for node.js . ↗️
13 @kana/TokyoVim Vimに関する何かをやる会。 ↗️
13 @konn/satysfi-steamer Steamer: presentation in SATySFi
13 @ksoichiro/Android-CodingGuideline Androidアプリのコーディングガイドライン
13 @lamanotrama/learning-nagios 新卒研修資料
13 @livedoor/cicindela2 a highly customizable recommendation engine written in perl + MySQL
13 @mike-neck/practical-exception
13 @mizchi/mizchi
13 @odawara/linux-magictrackpad kernel module for the Apple Wireless "Magic" Mouse & Trackpad
13 @ohac/ditz-ja Ditzのユーザーグループです。この日本語が読める人が対象です。興味があるだけという人も歓迎。
13 @pepabo/user-styles-for-github
13 @riywo/msh Mesos shell
13 @shinokada/vimnotes Personal Vim notes
13 @sinmetal/gaego_handson
13 @sotarok/wikihub-wiki wikihubwiki ↗️
13 @takahashim/epubsample EPUB sample files and souces ↗️
13 @ten-A/AiMenuObject Strings for executeMenuCommand
13 @tomorrowkey/sketch3-mosaic-plugin A plugin for Sketch3 to apply mosaic easily
13 @totovr/Processing Programs using Processing
13 @wantedly/frontend-night Friday is a good day to talk about Frontend
13 @youz/xyttr xyttr -- twitter client on xyzzy
13 @yui540/raphtalia.css 🎨CSS Animation Library⚔
13 @yuroyoro/yuroyoro_diary 秘密の日記☆です
12 @JuanitoFatas/sketch-octicons Sketch Octicons ↗️
12 @MihailJP/merydef Keyword highlighting definition for Mery
12 @SerialLain3170/ComputerVision-Papers Papers about computer vision
12 @TI-Tokyo/riak-community-admin This GitHub contains documents relating to the formation of a Riak Community.
12 @ashchan/cheatsheets drop in whatever I find useful
12 @axcelwork/Noto-Snas-subset のとさんのサブセットです
12 @brettwooldridge/bretts-curated-technical-list
12 @domfarolino/cascadiajs
12 @drselump14/alfred-change-sound-output alfred-change-sound-output
12 @fumiyas/translation-ja 各種文書の日本語訳
12 @garyc40/Vintage-Origami Origami shortcut keys for Vintage users
12 @gunta/ios-otalistphp Generates a list of the .ipa files for download, by parsing the .plist files in the current directory.
12 @increments/Qiita-Team-Templates Shared templates for teams ↗️
12 @inket/terminal-setup My Terminal theme/settings
12 @jedahan/research recurse center research notes and tracker
12 @jmettraux/flon an evolution of ruote
12 @kaminogoya/mt-theme-scale
12 @kawasima/mentr ソフトウェアエンジニアに対するメンタリングを考えるリポジトリ
12 @keijiro/Pix2PixWeights Weight data files exported from pre-trained pix2pix models
12 @kenjiskywalker/memo
12 @knu/imedic-shogi Shogi terminology dictionary for Japanese input method editors ↗️
12 @kodai100/TD_NanoKontrol2
12 @ktoso/sbt-bash-completion A simple sbt bash completion script (with caching) ↗️
12 @kubosho/Curriculum-Vitae kubosho's CV.
12 @mame/enumerabler enumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator. ↗️
12 @mattn/vim-go2
12 @okuramasafumi/awesome-ruby-articles A curated list of awesome Ruby articles
12 @operando/english
12 @osakavim/OsakaVim Vimに関する何かをやる会。
12 @remore/gemstat A PoC rubygem recommends you a bunch of gems by collaborative filtering approach(something like Amazon's "Customers Who Bought This Also Bought")
12 @rsky/php-extension-snippets Code snippets for writing PHP extensions.
12 @sasezaki/php-history-around-japan
12 @sasukeh/Phippy-books-i18n-ja_jp
12 @syossan27/awesome-react-me A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem for me.
12 @takanabe/git-quiz Quizzes for git practice
12 @tkosuga/boyfriend_require 彼氏募集中でーす。条件のあう人がいらっしゃたら紹介してください。m(_ _)m
12 @typester/ark-advent-2009 ↗️
12 @yosuke-furukawa/TokyoNodeFestival2014 東京Node学園祭2014リポジトリ
12 @yshrsmz/awesome-android-tech-sources Curated list of awesome Android tech podcasts, blogs and mail magazines
12 @yuk7/arch-prebuilt prebuilt pkg.tar.xz files for Arch Linux
12 @zchee/docker-h2o Docker Image for H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 server ↗️
12 @ziyan/django-comet Websocket, ajax long polling, xmlhttprpc long polling for Django.
11 @44uk/catapult-docker Experimental: Catapult Server docker image
11 @44uk/catapult-server-docker Experimental: Catapult Server docker image
11 @DaikiMaekawa/navigation2d_example Example for using UTM-30LX with navigation2d of ROS node ↗️
11 @Hypercubed/javascript-the-esoteric-parts JavaScript: The Esoteric Parts
11 @Shougo/neobundle-vim-recipes vim-plugins receipes repository for neobundle
11 @Sixeight/sinatra-japanese-readme Tlansrate the Sinatra README.rdoc to Japanese. (SinatraのREADME.rdocを日本語に訳していきます)
11 @albatrosary/material-design-jp
11 @aptpod/RFC
11 @chikoski/rust-handson
11 @chomado/MS-MVP Microsoft MVP 制度についてのまとめ
11 @cocopon/xcode-iceberg Dark blue color theme for Xcode ↗️
11 @donayama/TiNote
11 @fu-sen/MSX-BASIC MSX-BASIC command reference (Japanese) ↗️
11 @gaspanik/fbcover-template-for-sketch FbCover Template for Sketch 3
11 @gfx/swift-resources List of Resources on the Swift programming language
11 @houtbrion/fritzing-parts parts definition for fritzing.
11 @icoxfog417/tech_book_2 技術書典2で出店する書籍の紹介ページです
11 @juno/google-japanese-input-dvorak-jp-romaji-table Customized dvorak-jp romaji table for Google Japanese Input.
11 @kanripo/KR-Catalog Catalog files for Kanseki Repository 各種漢籍目録
11 @kazupon/vue-handson-beginner 🔰 Vue.js Hands-on for beginner ↗️
11 @kazutan/awesome-ggplot2 ggplot2に関連する素敵なパッケージリスト
11 @keijiro/KodeLife2018
11 @kengonakajima/profile
11 @kshoji/STLViewer STL Viewer app for Android
11 @ktoso/intellij-theme-happy-hakking
11 @lambdalisue/rook A personal castle repository of homeshick
11 @mackerelio/documents Source markdown files of Mackerel documentation hosted on
11 @masui/Block8008 1977年ごろ書いた8008マイコンのブロック崩し
11 @matschaffer/zundle DEPRECATED: Use
11 @melpon/myself-release-notes じぶんリリースノート
11 @mooz/awesome-inequality A curated list of inequalities in our life
11 @nithinbekal/ruby-cheatsheet A Ruby cheatsheet for beginners
11 @operando/JobScheduler-Code-Reading JobScheduler Code Reading
11 @polm/awesome-digital-collections Publicly accessible digital collections.
11 @potato4d/nuxt-tech-book Nuxt tech book support document ↗️
11 @rinx/trackpoint-iris How to implement a trackpoint to Iris mechanical keyboard
11 @sgr-ksmt/Curriculum-Vitae
11 @shin1x1/vagrant-centos-docker Docker ready Vagrantfile with CentOS6.5
11 @stanaka/docker-mackerel-agent Docker image for mackerel-agent
11 @t32k/sublime-text-icon A replacement icon for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3
11 @teppeis/typescript-spec-md Markdown version of TypeScript Specification
11 @tokuhirom/blosxom.psgi cho45 style blosxom thing for psgi. see
11 @typester/jperl-advent-calendar-2009 just skeleton
11 @uota/handspinner hand spinner for Mobile Browsers
11 @usagimaru/SketchTurbo A plugin for Sketch that adjusts scroll speed on a canvas.
11 @wakayama-pref-org/list-of-public-facilities 福祉のまちづくりマップに掲載された公共施設一覧です。
11 @zick/ImplOfR6RSAppA A Lisp interpreter based on the formal semantics of R6RS Scheme in Prolog
10 @AkihiroSuda/awesome-swarm [OUTDATED] 🐳 🐳 🐳 A curated list of Swarm (Docker >=1.12) resources and projects
10 @Asyley/taisyoku say goodbye
10 @Hironsan/google-natural-language-sampler Code examples for Google Natural Language API.
10 @Joker316701882/DL-Paper-Recommendation Milestone/Inspiring paper for deep learning practitioner.
10 @KeithYokoma/wercker-container-android Docker container for wercker to build android app
10 @LAC-Japan/OWASP-MASVS OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) 日本語訳
10 @ShinokiRyosei/Gomenna-SideStep
10 @aajisaka/hadoop-metrics Our goal is to document all of the default metrics of Apache Hadoop
10 @ashikase/Localization Localizations for my iOS projects.
10 @cocopon/cookbook My recipes
10 @daitomanabe/Telepresence-Performance a survey of telepresence live performances
10 @dijeesh/redis-sentinel-cluster-setup Three node redis sentinel cluster setup
10 @doches/ConfigParser.sugar A ConfigParser (RFC 822) Sugar for Espresso ↗️
10 @dongri/emv-qrcode-doc
10 @enchainasia/bao_whitepaper Whitepapers for Blockchains As Organization
10 @eniehack/Learn-ActivityPub Summrize ActivityPub written by Japanese.
10 @fukamachi/yapool A Common Lisp command-line tool for executing shell commands via SSH.
10 @guicho271828/common-lisp-project-ideas Discuss future project ideas
10 @j5ik2o/scala-js-angular-example AngularJS example by using Scala.js
10 @jaicab/frontend2engineer Everything JS engineers know that some web developers don't.
10 @kairyu/tkg-firmware A collection of firmwares compiled for TKG (TMK Keymap Generator).
10 @keijiro/UnityCustomPackageTest A small project for testing the custom package features of Unity Package Manager
10 @knqyf263/CVE-2018-6389 WordPress DoS (CVE-2018-6389)
10 @ktoso/intellij-colors-happy-hakking My custom IntelliJ colour scheme, nicknamed "happy hakking"
10 @m4kvn/Keynote-Style 僕が考えた最強のKeynoteテンプレート ↗️
10 @mattn/freenode-mobile-gateway IRC gateway for freenode writen in perl. ↗️
10 @mccrodp/drupal-docker-compose Simple Docker Compose Drupal Setup
10 @meso/dwanGo ドワンゴ主催によるGolang勉強会 ↗️
10 @motemen/Travel-Handbook 旅の栞
10 @myfinder/aws-casual-3 AWS Casual Talks #3
10 @nasum/electron.d.ts electron.d.ts project
10 @pocke/resume
10 @polm/gamefaces Public domain headshots
10 @predominant/deploy_kit CakePHP Deployment Kit ↗️
10 @r-plus/DoubleCut Double input key shortcut tweak.
10 @rust/file_column file_column plugin :: Support Rails 2.2.2, and confirmation view
10 @sayonari/twitchTransFree
10 @shiba24/awesome-self-driving A curated list of awesome Self-driving tutorials, projects and communities.
10 @shigeki/ask_nishida_about_quic_jp QUICトランスポート機能に関して tcpm/mptcp wg chair の西田先生にいろいろ聞いてみる会
10 @shu223/iOS-Experiments-Contents Table of Contents of my repo "iOS-Experiments"
10 @shugo/eruby Embedded Ruby Language
10 @swanmatch/colosseum60 FullcolorBacklight3Dkeyboard
10 @syon/wiki ↗️
10 @takuyaa/wedding
10 @tanabe/Advent-calendar-2011
10 @tototoshi/play-dependency-graph
10 @unicco/smillie Smillie! is a service which create a photo slideshow on site ↗️
10 @unity3d-jp/UnityChanSSU UnityChan Sunny Side Up! Style for Unity
10 @uupaa/LatestLog History of Web news and Web technologies.
10 @wasabeef/adball Adb All devices command
10 @y13i/aws-eks-example AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) example.
10 @yaakaito/nice-catch-precure ナイスキャッチ!プリキュア!
10 @yasuoza/Hybrid-Theme-for-Xcode Hybrid theme for Xcode
9 @0918nobita/DeepDiveCoding プログラミング教材の内容について議論し、実際の教材制作に繋げていくプロジェクト
9 @Akira-Hayasaka/ofxOpenCV22 openCV2.2 addon for opanFrameworks. Tested and created on OSX 10.6 oF0062..
9 @Gab-km/update-monads_jp F# 界の重鎮、とましゅぴー御大による update monad の記事( )についての非公式翻訳
9 @JuanitoFatas/ruby-security Automatically exported from
9 @KEINOS/google-ime-user-dictionary-ja-en ✅GoogleIME用カタカナ語辞書プロジェクトのアーカイブです。Project archive of Google IME user dictionary from Katakana word ( Japanese loanword ) to English.
9 @KageKirin/ssbn Screen Space Bent Normals
9 @RyosukeCla/twitter-md-chrome Extend Twitter to tweet markdown as png. Chrome Extension.
9 @Saqoosha/PixelBender3D-tmbundle TextMate bundle for Pixel Bender 3D. ↗️
9 @UnaNancyOwen/qt_visualizer
9 @a-know/aws-network-basic 「さわって学ぶクラウドインフラ・Amazon Web Services 基礎からのネットワーク&サーバー構築」( )の内容を CloudFormation を用いて構築を試みているリポジトリです。
9 @asonas/for-jigsaw じぐぃ。
9 @atsuya/yc-startups-reviews personal reviews of yc startups.
9 @chomado/WindowsMR_GettingStarted Windows Mixed Reality の始め方
9 @cookpad/2016-internship-engineer-portfolio クックパッド 2016 インターンの応募方法と、その時に利用するファイル一式です。
9 @cookpad/2017-internship-engineer-portfolio クックパッド サマーインターンシップ 2017 への応募方法についての説明です。
9 @dsh0416/rime-logic A rime input method designed for logic. 爲邏輯系統設計的 Rime 輸入方案
9 @expede/awesome-quantum-computing A curated list of awesome quantum computing resources. Inspired by the various awesome-* projects
9 @fullkawa/dqz "dqz"(あるいは"Xan")は四則演算を基本システムとするカードゲームです。 ↗️
9 @funnythingz/AburaSoba 油そばのレシピ
9 @glidenote/hub-zsh-completion
9 @gyuque/shadergo shader test using golang
9 @hnw/docker-openwrt-sdk
9 @ichiban/unagi
9 @igrep/awful-daylight-saving-time サマータイムの 恐ろしさ・よさ まとめ
9 @inutano/training texts and scripts for training course
9 @jbucaran/_
9 @jins-meme/documentation Technical information for both JINS MEME versions. "Must check repository" for the first time. ↗️
9 @kametan0730MC/ObjdumpedMCPE
9 @karlcow/acte2 Les propositions de culture - acte 2: Contribution aux politiques culturelles à l’ère numérique
9 @kimh/circleci-build-recipies
9 @kmc-jp/git_hands_on イケイケなgit 講座
9 @koike/public Past presentation materials
9 @koji/easyGAN DCGAN for everyone ↗️
9 @komagata/heroku-static Static file application template in Heroku. ↗️
9 @kshoji/Android-Audio-Router The library to force audio source on music apps.
9 @kyubuns/Aprot Accelerated Prototyping Framework for Unity ↗️
9 @l15n/fish-tmbundle TextMate bundle for the fish shell
9 @lhajh/licenses.dash-license licenses.dash-license
9 @machu/dotfiles Mac OS X dotfiles
9 @makimoto/handson
9 @making/java-cnb-builder Cloud Native Buildpacks for Java
9 @manabuyasuda/class-name CSSのクラス名に使われる単語一覧
9 @matsuu/vagrant-yisucon Vagrantfile for building Yahoo! JAPAN ISUCON environment
9 @mattn/learn-vimscript japanese knowhow text for vimscript. ↗️
9 @onevcat/pokemaster-images Images for PokeMaster
9 @pikepikeid/mod_unarist とーけーるー
9 @rockkingjy/NotesOnMachineLearning Updated reading notes on machine learning Deep Learning Reinforcement Learning etc.
9 @ryugoo/SummerTi Summer Titanium
9 @shugo/oedo06 Slides for oedo06
9 @soskek/dynamic_neural_text_model A Neural Language Model for Dynamically Representing the Meanings of Unknown Words and Entities in a Discourse, Sosuke Kobayashi, Naoaki Okazaki, Kentaro Inui, IJCNLP 2017
9 @sue445/git-base-study ドリコム社内で行った「Git基礎勉強会」の資料です ↗️
9 @t9md/cmdline-fu simple CLI front-end for
9 @takuyaa/coursera-machine-learning
9 @tcnksm/dockerfile-centos-buildpack-deps Docker CentOS Image for buildpack-deps ↗️
9 @tokorom/ios-vim-snippets This is a snippet file for snipMate.vim and neocomplcache. This contains some snippets for iOS programming.
9 @tomohisa/scrollmenu cocos2d page scroll enable layer and sample
9 @typester/ kayac open source website ↗️
9 @uzulla/y8-2017-spring-talks
9 @vietnamese-engineer-in-japan/seminar Contains information about technical seminars in Japan
9 @yahoojapan/ja-vg-vqa
9 @yasuhirohoshino/TouchDesignerExamples
9 @yimajo/iOSDC2020-CombineArticle このドキュメントはiOSアプリ開発者のカンファレンスiOSDC JAPAN2020で採択された『図解で整理するCombineフレームワークの全体像(2ページ)』の原稿です。 ↗️
9 @yomotsu/figures-to-explain-webgl-threejs figures to explain WebGL and three.js
9 @yosuke-furukawa/awesome-sonots awesomeなsonotsを集める所です。 ↗️
9 @yukiawano/dclbasicjp Dart Code Lab Basic (Japanese)
9 @znz/ansible-role-rbenv rbenv install to /opt/rbenv ↗️
8 @Akkiesoft/how-to-make-mikutter-work-again MAKE MIKUTTER GREAT AGAIN
8 @BoostIO/boostnote-locale Boostnote landing page! :D ↗️
8 @Harurow/Hidemaru-Settings 秀丸の設定
8 @IAMAS/co-creation_project_agreement
8 @Kinokkory/fp-blogs 関数型プログラミング界隈のブログの非公式日本語訳
8 @Kumikomi/OpenReroc OpenReroc (Open source Reconfigurable robot component) ↗️
8 @STAR-ZERO/necomimi #scmbc 2012/07/22
8 @SilverBut/avr_helper Some helpful things for AVR
8 @ToyoshiMorioka/language-touchdesigner-glsl
8 @TsingJyujing/Java-Scala-Kotlin-Comparation Java/Scala/Kotlin语言快速切换对照表
8 @Waseda-NCLab/Workshop Members' work in NCLab.
8 @alfasado/mt-tools-rebuild-archives The rebuild-archives script can be rebuild archives from the command line.
8 @amyu/DroidKaigiMasterOfCanvas
8 @and-design/empathy-map チームでお互いのことを知り、ゴールや目的を共有する。 ↗️
8 @ashikase/Sample_AlertAtStartup Sample SpringBoard extension demonstrating how to show an alert at startup (after unlock)
8 @azu/textlint-reviewdog-example textlint + reviewdog example project
8 @bangucs/ScrumMastersChecklist
8 @basyura/vrapperrc vrapper's rc ↗️
8 @coliff/bootstrap-rfs Easy-to-add CSS for adding Responsive Font Sizes (RFS) to Bootstrap 4 ↗️
8 @cookpad/engineer-portfolio クックパッド 2016 インターンの応募方法と、その時に利用するファイル一式です。
8 @davidsiaw/hexlife Hexagonal Game of Life ↗️
8 @db0sch/linux_laptops A list of linux friendly laptops
8 @dkolom/GALA2D Adaptive gradient-augmented level set method for a two-dimensional advection equation
8 @ducanh841988/awesome-math-recognition This repository summaries publications on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
8 @edy555/gnuradio-trial gnuradio sample
8 @fu-sen/IchigoJam-BASIC IchigoJam BASIC コマンド一覧 command reference (Japanese) ↗️
8 @fukayatsu/sushiyuki-for-http studying http status code with SUHIYUKI
8 @genomegraph/vg_reverse_lookup
8 @geta6/result 戦果resultが上がったネー
8 @hamukazu/home_policy_pc 子供がPCやタブレットを使うときのルール
8 @hanhan1978/study_notes
8 @hashnao/aws-cloudformation
8 @hfm/itamae-snippets Vim snippets for Itamae
8 @hiromi2424/translate 日本語訳プロジェクト。 Project for translation in japanese. ↗️
8 @icyflame/oneliners Bash one-liners that are always useful ❤️
8 @ikwzm/msgpack-vhdl-examples Example for msgpack-vhdl
8 @inutano/docker-ngs-tools A catalogue of docker images for NGS data analysis tools
8 @irshadpc/iOS-Developement-Toolkit
8 @justincase-jp/policy_doc justInCase's insurance policy documents
8 @kakakakakku/mysql-beginner-hands-on MySQL study materials for beginners 🎹 ↗️
8 @kametan0730MC/MixEdge Server software that can join from both Minecraft:BedrockEdition and Minecraft:JavaEdition
8 @kaminogoya/scss-corner-ribbon SCSS Corner Ribbon
8 @kawasima/money-saving-engineer 節約エンジニアのためのポータルを目指します。
8 @keijiro/GitPackageTest Test repository for Git support on Unity Package Manager. ↗️
8 @keijiro/PointCacheExamples
8 @keijiro/SrpTest A repository that contains local test cases for Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline
8 @keijiro/jp.keijiro.beta A rigged human dummy model with a non-uniform topology
8 @keijiro/unity-ibl-example Static image based lighting example for Unity 3.5
8 @kodai100/TD_WaveSimulation
8 @konn/category-agda Category Theory in Agda
8 @ktoso/GitHubDiff An Gmail Contextual Gadget, that allows viewing diffs if an commit url is mentioned in the email. ↗️
8 @lestrrat/go-config Libraries to aid configuration for golang applications
8 @lyokato/objc-atompub AtomPub for Objective-C
8 @marccarre/dell-xps-13-9360 Files & utilities for Dell XPS 13 9360
8 @masaru-b-cl/niigata-scm Niigata.scm関連リソース管理用 ↗️
8 @masuP9/seya_emoji せやしな
8 @matthew-andrews/s3-static-website-cloudformation a CloudFormation script that does a static file hosting
8 @mattn/awesome-ezoe
8 @maxime/ruby-pg-for-ruby-1.9.1rc2 this is just a hacked version of ruby-pg that compiles with ruby 1.9.1rc2
8 @mohayonao/react-code-reading
8 @mollifier/github-practice GitHub練習用リポジトリ。公開リポジトリです。
8 @morishin/seiseki.pdf
8 @motemen/hatena-welcome-speech
8 @moutend/raspi-playbook My ansible playbooks for Raspberry Pi.
8 @moznion/MyLife This is my life.
8 @naist-robotics/naist-openhand-m2s
8 @nayutaya/stackstockbooks Utilities for Stack Stock Books ↗️
8 @neet/neet Profile page for @neet
8 @nicolas-raoul/Indiclash Intents between dictionaries and flashcards Android applications ↗️
8 @ntddk/
8 @nulltask/jquery-peekaboo Triggers appear/disappear event on scrolling. ↗️
8 @ofl/TiSafari Titanium mobile web browser sample.
8 @onevcat/XcodeScheme
8 @plenproject/plen__3DModel_for_SolidWorks 3D model data which are implemented by SolidWorks.
8 @poppen/plagger_plugin
8 @quolc/Note
8 @railsdm/podcast Railsdm Podcast
8 @rakshasa/rtorrent-doc RTorrent wiki repository
8 @rbtnn/etc-ag4mingw the silver searcher builded on Windows using MinGW.
8 @remore/StudyTDD TDD practice materials designed for #actinagile workshop held on June 16th, 2011
8 @satoruhiga/TouchDesigner-FrameDelayCalculator
8 @shibayan/IIS.Compression.SiteExtension IIS.Compression (better gzip and brotli support) for Azure App Service
8 @shugo/ximapd IMAP server
8 @sjitech/build-android-in-OS-X-Yosemite-Xcode-7 build whole android (AOSP) in Mac OS X Yosemite + Xcode 7.0.1
8 @stanaka/check_tw A nagios plugin for checking status of 3ware RAID card by tw_cli
8 @syou6162/SimpleHMM
8 @syuu1228/osv-ja-wiki
8 @tomoyukikashiro/pivotaltracker-alfred-workflow This workflow allow you to search projects/stories in alfred then copy those ID/URL and open in browser.
8 @ttskch/mac-ansible My Mac OS X provisioner with ansible.
8 @uPhyca/press_release 株式会社ウフィカのプレスリリースです。
8 @uupaa/JavaScript JavaScript document and reference.
8 @wakita/fp2015 2015年度 関数型言語特論
8 @wantedly/aws-es-auth-proxy Authentication Proxy for Amazon Elasticsearch Service
8 @wantedly/kubernetes-code-reading-party Kubernetes 読書会
8 @yahoojp-marketing/sponsored-search-api-documents Technical Reference for Sponsored Search API
8 @yoko/javascript-qunit-tmbundle TextMate bundle for QUnit. ↗️
8 @yui540/Shinteki-Byojaku-Fantasy これは、『臆病な魔女』のその後のお話。
8 @yumetodo/moritomo_gakuen 森友学園への国有地売却の決裁文書をめぐる財務省の調査結果
8 @zonuexe/emacs-php-info 日本語でEmacsでのPHPの開発情報を集約するリポジトリです
7 @Kinokkory/lens-japanese のドキュメントの非公式日本語訳
7 @MysticDoll/JobHunting 就活~~ ↗️
7 @Nkzn/textlint-prh-template A writing environment watched by textlint & prh
7 @SerialLain3170/SpeechProcessing-Papers Papers about speech processing
7 @Takazudo/outline.vim create outline window for commented source code.
7 @TanUkkii007/blog ブログの下書き
7 @UnaNancyOwen/NiTE2Sample NiTE 2 Sample Program
7 @abhaikollara/cs-textbooks
7 @akafugu/cmoy Eagle Design files for our cmoy headphone amplifier
7 @aki77/zsh-completion zsh completion. symfony, pear
7 @alunux/rpm-specfiles My RPM spec files
7 @aogilvie/markdownLinkTest This tests links in Github markdown.
7 @brtriver/PullRequestMatsuri practice for PR
7 @dichika/ojisan Images of Japanese famous "ojisan" engineer
7 @esminc/xpe2nd-reading XPE2nd読書会@ESM
7 @eyesjapan/fabcoffee
7 @fand/byob-kyoto-2018 LET 鴨川 BE LIGHT
7 @freedomofkeima/opencv-playground Comparing 2D and 3D OpenCV Cascade Classifier
7 @gaspanik/SketchSlideHD HD Slide Template for Sketch 3
7 @glidenote/ag-zsh-completion
7 @groonga/meetup Repository for Groonga meetup
7 @hackerkid/help :octocat: Get help from the awesome people of Github
7 @haniokasai/my-nukkit-plugins my-nukkit-plugins
7 @hatena/Hatena-Blog-Logo obsolete: 素材集 - 株式会社はてな をご利用ください。 ↗️
7 @hermanschaaf/allrgb A Go image generator that uses all colors in the color palette exactly once
7 @heyjii/PhotoFrames An Android app to edit photos.
7 @higanworks/os_catalog file or one command
7 @hiloki/coffee my coffee gear and recipe.
7 @hirofumi0810/end2endASR_ranking
7 @hirokawa/mammoth5c 「PHP徹底構築」のサンプルを公開します
7 @hrst-jp/vscode.yamahart YAMAHA RTシリーズのハイライトなど
7 @ics-creative/180725_two_waves
7 @ikegami-yukino/coding-tips ど忘れしたときのためのメモ
7 @itchyny/shell-function-and shell function: and
7 @iwamatsu/git-study Git study data repositry
7 @januswel/Cxx0xISja Japanese translations of recent C++0x draft ↗️
7 @jojonki/Switch-Sound-Output-alfred-workflow An Alfred workflow for switching your sound device.
7 @kazuho/App-Restarter restart command when files change
7 @koba04/YouTube-Continuous-Player JavaScript sample of youtube continuous play ↗️
7 @koji/RaspberryPi-Note Raspberry Pi note
7 @koujikozaki/JSAI2019Tutorial JSAI2019でのチュートリアル講演 「オントロジー工学に基づくセマンティック技術」の資料公開用
7 @ku/javascripter.js drawing on any web page
7 @lepture/ansible-scrapyd Ansible role for scrapyd.
7 @lepture/learn-ios-development Keep the tune of learning.
7 @lestrrat/PerlGuts-Book Two Fools Are Attempting to Write a Book About Perl Guts (nothing to see here yet)
7 @lin714093880/p2poj P2P Online Judge
7 @m-mizutani/practical-security-monitoring 入門セキュリティ監視
7 @making/prometheus-kustomize
7 @manhg/pyv8-python3 Builds PyV8 binary artifact for use on Python3
7 @masakielastic/symfonybook-ja symfony 完全ガイド (The Definitive Guide to symfony) の翻訳です ↗️
7 @masayuki0812/ip-country-mapping Generate mappings between IP ranges and countries.
7 @masui/mdfind2 Replacement of mdfind
7 @matsuu/docker-nethack-server Dockerfile for Public NetHack server
7 @mootoh/DayOneToEvernote A handy Automator workflow that imports your DayOne starred note to Evernote.
7 @morishitter/gridbugs A community-curated list of CSS Grid issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.
7 @morizotter/objective-c-style-guide It's my objective-c style guide
7 @naoa/docker-word2vec
7 @naotaka/CotEditor-themes Themes for CotEditor 2 ↗️
7 @nwtgck/ghost-nginx-http3-docker-compose Ghost + Nginx + HTTP/3 powered by Quiche in Docker Compose, Example of
7 @nwtgck/piping-server-pkg Piping Server as an portable executable
7 @ochko/MongolianFont Traditional Mongolian Script
7 @ogom/css-tooltip CSS Only Tooltip ↗️
7 @progedu/after-nyobi-intro N予備校 プログラミング入門コースで作るものと、その他の JavaScript / Node.js を使ってできるプログラミング
7 @r7kamura/gigdb
7 @rhysd/neco-ruby-keyword-args A source of neocomplcache which completes keyword argments in Ruby
7 @riaf/rhaco2-doc TODO: rhaco2 の解説的なものをちまちまと書く ↗️
7 @rust/mysqlmemcheck Check memory size used by MySQL Server
7 @ryuichiueda/robosys2018
7 @ryuichiueda/writers_checklist Checklist for writers mainly for academic writing
7 @saki7/saya (Deprecated) Please go to saya-io/saya ↗️
7 @satoruhiga/TouchDesigner-FFMPEG_Pipe
7 @serima/centos7-initalize-ansible Initial set up playbook for CentOS 7
7 @shin1x1/cakephp_composer_json
7 @showwin/FeVPN VPN Auto Connection App for OS X written in AppleScript
7 @sile/readings My Reading List
7 @studiomohawk/three Try to save you from tl;dr
7 @suin/php-playground 🧪🧬🔬My experimental codes of PHP.
7 @suzuken/LOD-Tutorial Tutorial for publishing linked open data.
7 @t-sin/LLGPL.ja Japanese translation of LLGPL (Lisp GNU Lesser General Public License); to help understanding
7 @t32k/Coda-Completion-for-jQuery-Mobile ↗️
7 @tako0910/release
7 @tcnksm/vagrant-runc Play with runC on Ubuntu14.04 by Vagrant
7 @tenntenn/findtypo 標準パッケージのタイポみつけるやーつ
7 @tobynet/japanese_test test git repogitory for japanese characters
7 @tsukaworks/letssplitcase 3D printed Let's Split case
7 @wata727/homebrew-tflint DEPRECATED: The formula is now hosted by homebrew/core. Homebrew package for TFLint ↗️
7 @wozozo/Hemisu-Light-iTerm2 Hemisu Color Scheme for iTerm2 ↗️
7 @yasuaki/repo-help-ja Japanese translation of repo help
7 @yory-design/sketch-plugins-services Sketchのおすすめプラグインや連携サービスを紹介しています
7 @youcune/wordpress-ansible-sakura さくらのレンタルサーバーに WordPress を設置するための Ansible Playbook です
7 @yui540/ 『今日もあたしはウェブを彷徨う。』
7 @yuroyoro/Hatsu-Kakiko-domo
7 @zaki50/bundles_maven_repo
7 @zchee/docker-rubymine Rails development using docker for rubymine. ↗️
7 @zchee/golang-wiki Personal fork of Go GitHub wiki ↗️
7 @zembutsu/zabbix-docker
7 @zick/NewNicoLisp A Lisp interpreter on Nico Nico Douga ↗️
6 @0918nobita/0918nobita Blazing fast, safe, sophisticated jobless geek living in Japan ↗️
6 @0918nobita/Portfolio ポートフォリオ
6 @0918nobita/slide-synchronizer 主音声に同期してスライドのページを自動で切り替えるシステム
6 @BoostIO/ Boostnote landing page! :D ↗️
6 @DQNEO/ansible-role-php7
6 @DenisIzmaylov/webstorm-twilight2-theme Custom Webstorm color theme based on Twilight
6 @JunichiIto/task-management-sheet For your better task management.
6 @KEINOS/GrovePi-Japanese-Manual ✅ Grove Pi+ 日本語マニュアル。Grove Pi+ fan made Japanese translation of Grove Pi+ manual in Markdown style, and additional information for Japanese environment.
6 @KeenS/satysfi-rejit PoC of compiling regex using multi-stage programming
6 @MakeNowJust/commlog Commit Log as a Blog ↗️
6 @Pittan/sushi 🍣 Sushi images
6 @Shougo/deoppet-snippets The standard snippets repository for deoppet
6 @Tetsuya3850/Resources Resources that made me who I am as a developer
6 @UnaNancyOwen/CubemosSample Sample Program for Skeleton Tracking SDK by Cubemos
6 @YCAMInterlab/BioTIPS
6 @acid-chicken/OutletTwit-for-Windows dead repository
6 @aereal/magica-colors some color themes inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica
6 @akabekobeko/electron-release-notes-ja-private-edition Electron release notes translated into Japanese (Private Edition).
6 @akihikomatsumoto/M4L-PseudoScratch M4L PseudoScratch
6 @akihikomatsumoto/Max-MSP-Foreverb Freeze Reverb Max/MSP + gen~ ↗️
6 @algas/haskell-playbook Ansible playbook to install GHC and cabal
6 @ashbb/shoes_gallery Shoes Gallery: List of Tiny Demo Videos
6 @authorNari/yaruo_gc The Yaruo
6 @beinteractive/ShaderSubGraphLibrary Custom sub graph library for Shader Graph
6 @blivesta/font-jp-subset A subset of open source Japanese fonts
6 @cgcardona/sf_activities_list A list of things to do in San Francisco
6 @chomado/HoloLensHandsOnTraining ホロレンズのハンズオン資料
6 @compsci-alliance/information-compression CSA Lecture "Information Compression in Computational Science" (計算科学における情報圧縮)
6 @dominiccooney/earley An Earley parser in C#
6 @dsh0416/rime-bopomofo-symbols 用於中州韻輸入注音和方音符號的輸入法
6 @edy555/ftd2xxj FTD2XX stub in Java for OS X
6 @freedomofkeima/awesome-japan-otaku A curated list of otaku-related events and places that you should not miss while you're in Japan!
6 @g6ling/How-to-add-Firebase-Auth-with-react-native
6 @gfx/JSX-Hacking-Guide Memories of a possible future...
6 @hackerkid/hero :octocat: Get help from the awesome people of Github
6 @hajimehoshi/starruby-samplerpg Sample RPG of Star Ruby
6 @hideo54/poems 美しい言葉は人を強くする
6 @hoshinotsuyoshi/zsh-on-coreos
6 @hoto17296/docker-japanese-nlp 一瞬で(日本語)自然言語処理の分析環境を用意するための Docker イメージ ↗️
6 @igrep/daily-commits GitHubのPublic Contribution Mapをどうしても途切れさせたくないために、毎日、OSSに何らかの形で寄与するか、何かしら技術を磨いたりブログ書いたりしたら更新する。
6 @ikawaha/trie ↗️
6 @in-the-box/vscode-simple-dark-mode simple dark mode for vscode
6 @is8r/icon-psdset
6 @jamesknelson/node-joyo-kanji A list of the Joyo Kanji packaged for node.js
6 @jaseemts/Overlay-Effect-Menu-with-CSS3 ↗️
6 @jaseg/sticker
6 @jaseg/tachibana_talk
6 @k-tsj/scala-mode.l scala-mode for xyzzy
6 @kakutani/rubykaigi2014 A Web Site for RubyKaigi 2014.
6 @kamipo/mysqlbrew
6 @kana/vigorsh vi-like text editor based on Gauche
6 @kawasin73/knowledge 気になったツールやサイト、勉強した内容をまとめます。
6 @kazeburo/heroku-buildpack-perl-procfile a Heroku buildpack that runs any perl applications from Procfile
6 @kazeburo/rpm my rpm repository
6 @kazuho/puby
6 @kechako/emacs-evernote-mode-developer-token Add developer token authentication to emacs-evernote-mode.
6 @keijiro/music Music projects with Ableton Live. ↗️
6 @keijiro/unity-github-tutor
6 @kgmyshin/memorandum
6 @khirayama/styleguide
6 @kmc-jp/tanzaku INORI
6 @kmuto/review-coteditor ReVIEW helper macro mode of CotEditor
6 @knu/imedic-mahjong Mahjong terminology dictionary for Japanese input method editors ↗️
6 @kosaki/munin-plugins
6 @ktanaka117/CurriculumVitae
6 @ktsn/learning-typescript Personal notes to learn TypeScript
6 @ku/npapicache a npapi file download plugin based on npsimple.
6 @kyohsuke/srpms CentOS Source RPMs ↗️
6 @luckypool/github-contributions-calendar
6 @making/sonarqube-on-cf How to deploy SonarQube on Cloud Foundry
6 @masuidrive/mobiruby-rubyconf2012 Presentation slides and note for RubyConf 2012 in Denver.
6 @matsuu/docker-pt-query-digest Dockerfile for pt-query-digest(Percona Toolkit) ↗️
6 @matsuu/vagrant-pixiv-isucon2016 Vagrantfile for building Pixiv ISUCON 2016 environment
6 @mattn/gouploadr flickr uploader written in golang
6 @mcfiredrill/liquidsoap-quickstart A simple but useful starting point for a liquidsoap/icecast netradio.
6 @misonuma/strsum A code for "Unsupervised Neural Single-Document Summarization of Reviews via Learning Latent Discourse Structure and its Ranking" in ACL2019
6 @mitmul/intel-chainer
6 @mono0926/live_templates
6 @mootoh/toddledatabase SQLite wrapper library for iPhone development
6 @motemen/wercker-box-golang-goxc Wercker box for cross-compiling Go using goxc ↗️
6 @nabeken/awesome-tutorial A awesome tutorial for Japanese ↗️
6 @naoya/20191105-cto-meetup-agenda
6 @nojimage/nomore-hiwatashi ↗️
6 @onevcat/onevcat
6 @philipperemy/HFT-FIX-Parser Ultra low latency FIX Parser
6 @plenproject/plen__firmware_for_Arduino PLEN2’s firmware for Arduino (Atmega32u4), code name "Cytisus" (version 1.x.x).
6 @rakuishi/monolog Maybe Everything I Own
6 @razorgirl/nzedb-blacklists Optional binary blacklist filters for nZEDb
6 @rbtnn/mstdn-picker これはマストドンのローカルタイムラインの一部を切り抜くサービスです。 ↗️
6 @satococoa/p4d-hackathon-3rd p4d と NUBoard の欧文印刷株式会社さんとの共同開催でエンジニア x デザイナハッカソン
6 @satonayu/HimeJson JSON library for Kuin.
6 @shiena/docker-unity-accelerator Docker images for Unity Accelerator ↗️
6 @shigeki/interop-iij-http2 Information for HTTP/20 interop testing for iij-http2
6 @shijuvar/gopher Shiju Varghese's consulting and training on Go (Golang), Distributed Systems and Microservices.
6 @shirosaidev/farmview Render farm log analytics using Elasticsearch
6 @sk2sat/multiboot2-spec-ja マルチブート2仕様 非公式日本語翻訳
6 @smellman/job_transfer_request my job transfer request
6 @srndpty/unity5-ugui-fader Fader utility script for unity5 using uGUI(C#).
6 @ssig33/money_requirements 金くれ
6 @stanaka/mackerel A server management tool
6 @suvene/plagger
6 @suwa-yuki/LruCacheSample Android Tips #39 のサンプルソースです。
6 @suzana-ilic/cpp C++ projects for beginners
6 @syoyo/tinylinalg Tiny linear algebra and matrix math library
6 @syuilo/misskey-deck
6 @t-yuki/ooxml-xsd
6 @takaishi/Redmine_Twitter_Auth Twitter OAuth for Redmine
6 @takara9/vagrant-kubernetes create k8s cluster on vagrant, master, node1, node2
6 @tatsuosakurai/meta-programming-ruby2-reading メタプログラミングRuby2読書会
6 @tcnksm/wercker-box-gox Wercker box for mitchellh/gox, cross-compiling golang project parallelly
6 @team-lab/coding-standards teamlab coding standards
6 @terrierscript/semicolon-less-javascript A list of resources for semicolon-less JavaScript (TypeScript) coding style.
6 @tkmru/xss_dict xss dictionary for Google 日本語入力
6 @tkoma2/iik-dev1 IT is Kansai Dev会 vol.1 用リポジトリ
6 @tokibito/docker-sphinx-texlive Docker image for Sphinx PDF build. ↗️
6 @tomorrowkey/wercker-container-android Docker image to build android app on Wercker ↗️
6 @ukstudio/ManmaruDrop Theme for Limechat for Mac OS X
6 @unicco/titanium-extractL Simple module to extract i18n L method like L('...') from js file and replace them to multi language.
6 @unicco/titanium-oauth-adapter OAuth Adapter for Titanium, CommonJS style
6 @uupaa/UnitePlayer.js UnitePlayer is multi track sound player for MobileSafari and Android Browser
6 @virusvn/awesome-vietnamese Open source by Vietnamese people
6 @wasabeef/java-code-style IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Wasabeef's Java and Android projects.
6 @xcir/C81-VarnishCache-inline-C-VMOD-guidebook ↗️
6 @xuwei-k/sasukamez さすかめZ ↗️
6 @y13i/bucket2bucket A ruby script to copy every objects from a Amazon S3 bucket to another.
6 @yamamuteki/orca-jma-receipt This is the Git repo of the Docker image for the ORCA (Online Receipt Computer Advantage) server in a development environment ↗️
6 @yewton/zabbix-kafka-template
6 @yimajo/swift-style-guide Swiftコーディングスタイルガイド
6 @ymyzk/awesome-playgrounds Curated list of playgrounds where you can test snippets online
6 @ytnobody/docker-alpine-perl docker container / alpine + perl + cpanm + plack
6 @yui540/illustration 🎨yui540が描いたイラスト集🎨
6 @yusugomori/deeplearning-lookup ML/DL Lookup Table / 機械学習・深層学習の単語集
6 @zchee/go-tips
6 @zzak/ruby-openssl-docker This project has moved: ↗️
5 @10sr/editorconfig-core-emacslisp EditorConfig Core Library Written Purely in Emacs Lisp
5 @AAkira/MaterialColorPaletteTemplate This is values of color for Android
5 @ChunML/neural_network_vba An attempt to create neural network model with VBA Excel
5 @CloudRemix/geocities Geocities URL List ↗️
5 @HirokiNakahara/Coca-Cola-DL Coca-Cola DL: Co-design and verification on Colaboratory for Deep Learning
5 @Joker316701882/Deep-Learning-Paper
5 @Joker316701882/paper-selection
5 @KatsuhiroMorishita/Eagle-Libraly-by-Morishita 個人的に作成した電子回路CADソフトEagleのライブラリ(部品データ)です。
5 @LISTEN-moe/documentation Repo that hosts all of our docs ↗️
5 @Ladicle/emoji Slack emoji project
5 @MatsumotoJ/Tetroplater An open-source circuit for microwire tetrode gold plating
5 @MihailJP/Russkopis a free Cyrillic cursive font ↗️
5 @Miraikomachi/MiraikomachiPMX Mirai komachi for MMD
5 @Miraikomachi/MiraikomachiVRM Mirai komachi 3D model for VRM ↗️
5 @NISTEP/minutes 議事録メタデータセット
5 @Nodeclipse/nodeclipse-blog Nodeclipse team old blog ↗️
5 @OUCC/biogorillacatan 2014年度の夏合宿中に平和にカタンで遊んでいた部員たち。 そんな過剰に発展したカタン島へ突然バイオゴリラが襲来! 「ジャングル ジンコウブツ ナイ!」 無慈悲なバイオゴリラが、家を、街を、道を薙ぎ払う! 圧倒的暴力によりカタン島は再び未開の地へと姿を変えるのだ!
5 @Phystam/pak256-release Pak256 release ↗️
5 @Takazudo/jQuery.ui.swipable This was iPad, iPhone swipe event handling... BUT NOTE! USE jQuery mobile instead! This project is out of maintenance now.
5 @UdonDa/anime 見たアニメ
5 @aike/rsense_for_xyzzy RSense client for xyzzy editor ↗️
5 @aiya000/xmonad-config A windows manager implementation that is implemented by xmonad as a window manager buliding library.
5 @akiomik/alfred-haskell-inspector An Alfred workflow for searching with Hoogle and Hayoo
5 @and-design/Poster_DesignPrinciples-ja イギリス政府のデジタルサービスにおけるデザイン原則。Japanese version of GOV.UK Design Principle Poster ↗️
5 @and-design/f18-method-cards アメリカ政府機関の18Fが作ったメソッドカード。イノベーション・デザイン手法がひとまとめ。The 18F Method Cards are a collection of tools that describe how our teams put human-centered design into practice. ↗️
5 @and-design/team-canvas チームでお互いのことを知り、ゴールや目的を共有する。Japanese version of Team Canvas ↗️
5 @atmarksharp/svl12000-everyday
5 @azu/vscode-textlint-example VS Codeを使ったtextlint projectのサンプル
5 @bannzai/psui UI for ps.
5 @bannzai/sqlboiler_utility
5 @basyura/redmine_default_due_date This is a plugin for Redmine to set default due date
5 @beinteractive/Bubbles
5 @blockworks/EmojiSymbolsFont EmojiSymbols Font. This is a Web font specialized for use on the Internet.
5 @bolero-MURAKAMI/Vampire_weather 『吸血鬼日和』 ラブコメ小説です。
5 @champierre/fiscal_year Add 'fiscal_year' method, that returns the fiscal year, to Ruby Date, Time and DateTime classes.
5 @champierre/scratch_curriculum_chain_reaction
5 @chokkan/tcrf Tree-structured Conditional Random Fields (TCRFs)
5 @citbrains/RoboCupRule ロボカップサッカー・ヒューマノイドリーグのルールを翻訳
5 @codeyu/raspberry-pi-monitor
5 @cournape/numpy-macosx-installer Scripts to create the new numpy mac os x installer
5 @creasty/ansible-playbooks-example Example playbooks using
5 @cryptoeconomicslab/proxyspool-whitepaper Trustless Staking Pool Protocol for the Proxiable Staking Protocol
5 @dallarosa/dotfiles
5 @dan5/uno
5 @darashi/emoji4ruby Emoji transcoder for Ruby 1.9 ↗️
5 @deris/vim-gdb Vim plugin for debugging by gdb
5 @dnishiyama85/PRML-exercise-solution PRML (Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning) Solution Manual in Japanese
5 @dominhhai/AndroidOCR An adaptive Tesseract for Android.
5 @domitry/KC3_D3js The documents for KC3
5 @e-jigsaw/atom-house-hackathon atom house hackathon
5 @exabugs/LTspice
5 @eyasuyuki/golang-fastcgi-nginx Golang fastcgi served by nginx on Docker
5 @fand/MUTEK2018
5 @fand/meetup-todo 勉強会のTODOリストだよ!みんなPullReqしてね!
5 @fladdict/FLDKit A series of iPhone classes for flash developers by fladdict. ↗️
5 @foostan/lskbd Let's Split compatible Keyboard
5 @gfhelper/GFHelper Girls Frontline Helper 少女前线脱机游戏助手 ↗️
5 @glidenote/git-issue-zsh-completion
5 @gsc-aoyama/pokemongo4agu Pokémon GO x 青山学院大学:ゲーム以外の活用法を探るリポジトリ
5 @hakatashi/poems 宮沢賢治がGitを使っていれば、銀河鉄道の夜の初稿も散逸しなかったでしょう
5 @hansode/life-with-vagrant Life with Vagrant
5 @hashnao/monit configurations for monit
5 @hatena/renovate-config A shareable config preset for Renovate used in Hatena. ↗️
5 @hbase-study-ja/project-home
5 @hidesys/IFLS_GIS Longitude and Latitude data for Indonesian Family Life Survey
5 @hkrn/nanoem This is currently reserved repository for
5 @hotchemi/android.casual
5 @htanjo/noscript-modal Modal box using only CSS. ↗️
5 @hyperbridge/electron-sexykit An Electron starter kit bringing the sexy back 💃🕺
5 @idobatter/wxDl wxDl (wxWidgets) ↗️
5 @idobatter/wxReversePolishNotation wxReversePolishNotation ↗️
5 @inket/HAPU-rules Detection rules for HAPU (
5 @inuscript/semicolon-less-javascript A list of resources for semicolon-less JavaScript (TypeScript) coding style.
5 @ixkaito/highlight-monokai-theme Monokai Theme for Hightlight
5 @ixkaito/wapuu-stroke This project helps to change the stroke widths/colors, fill colors, or poses of Wapuu.
5 @jaicab/Sosa-Icon-Font-CSS A CSS file for Sosa Icon Font ↗️
5 @japboy/vagrant-skel-rpi My Raspberry Pi bootstrap virtualizing with Vagrant and provisioning with Ansible.
5 @jonwaller/Safecast-ClickCounter Android app for Previously at ↗️
5 @kadoppe/bluehub-keynote-theme Original Keynote Themes
5 @kaminogoya/mt-theme-harmonium
5 @kanendosei/kane-box Web-based interface for the (now defunct) kane-box project
5 @karad/NoseRubJapaneseTransration NoseRub Japanese Transration
5 @karlcow/Data-Independence-Guidelines Data Independence And Survival Best Practices collects ideas around data independence. How to better share your data by promoting reusability, standards and clear policies.
5 @karlcow/pagination To discuss about pagination issues on the Web
5 @keijiro/ThreeDScansWorking Working repository of my ThreeDScans project.
5 @keijiro/jp.keijiro.test-assets UPM package that contains test/prototyping assets.
5 @keita/github-contest
5 @kekyo/TortoiseMergePortable Pseudo portable version TortoiseMerge based TortoiseSVN.
5 @kjim/config my home configuration files ↗️
5 @kmc-jp/git_practice_20140629 Git ハンズオン ↗️
5 @kmc-jp/javascript2014-docs ↗️
5 @kobake/metro-css-card CSS business card template like metro design
5 @kodai100/TouchDesignerStudyWeekend
5 @koike/jiritsu 自律して生きてる
5 @koji/automation Automation of Installation on Mac w/ Ansible
5 @komi1230/Text_Distribution
5 @konojunya/browsee-template 💻 browsee template is keynote master template
5 @kt3k/deno_talk_1 ↗️
5 @kubo39/RustConcurrency WIP: Research project
5 @kyokonishito/docker-handson Docker ハンズオン
5 @lambdalisue/vital-System-Job [Deprecated] Job wrapper Vital module for Vim/Neovim
5 @laysakura/WelcomeToPython Python初心者がPyPIライブラリを作れるように教育する(しごく)ためのレポジトリ
5 @leios/DistributedTranspose.jl This repo is intended to scale n-dimensional tranposes to massively parallel systems, such as interconnected GPU devices or computer nodes found in high-performance computing
5 @leios/swim Swim With Individualized Modules
5 @lestrrat/local-lib-cgi use local::lib to install modules from cgi-only rental servers
5 @likr/kplib Test instances for knapsack problems
5 @lislis36/jQuery-ArrowMark jQuery ArrowMark draws the arrow mark that ties the HTML elements. The color and the shape of the arrow can be customized by changing the option. Even if the elements moves, the arrow automatically pursues the elements. Arrows are drawn on canvas elements. ↗️
5 @lloydmeta/centos-spark-cluster CentOS w/ Zookeeper quorum and Spark cluster
5 @locona/awesome-rust
5 @loftkun/conference 勉強会のメモなど
5 @lotz84/dai-in-jp ↗️
5 @lumely/mhlw-opendata To redistribute cleaned data of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
5 @mackintosh/avalon Avalon is an online game server written in C# ↗️
5 @mackintosh/naoscape Open-source Runescape Server ↗️
5 @mactkg/awesome-fms
5 @manzyun/NotTiteProgrammingSchool プログラミングスクールの教科書というのか講師用ノート。英語にする予定は皆無。
5 @marccarre/kubernetes-deployment-strategies Kubernetes deployment strategies
5 @mathematical-systems/cl-tokyo-tyrant Tokyo Tyrant Binding for Common Lisp
5 @matsuu/docker-pixiv-isucon2016 Dockerfile for building Pixiv ISUCON 2016 environment
5 @matsuu/isucon2-cloudformation AWS CloudFormation templates for isucon2
5 @mattn/fluxflex-plack-min mimimum project running on fluxflex ↗️
5 @miyamuko/xl-mintty Launch Mintty, a terminal emulator for Cygwin, from xyzzy. ↗️
5 @mizchi/mzl
5 @mizchi/underscore.d.ts
5 @mkouhei/playbook-slapd example playbook with ansible-ldap module
5 @mktakuya/kosen_life Love lovely KOSEN days
5 @mopemope/rbevent ruby extension library for libevent
5 @morizyun/rails-high-productivity Tips for development productivity in Ruby on Rails
5 @mountainboooy/TrailPlan This is the plan for my journey.
5 @moznion/DeisuiHackathon2013 限りなく泥酔ハッカソン2013 のオフィシャルに近い何か
5 @myfinder/mackerel-meetup-3 Mackerel Meetup #3 の資料
5 @nagayasu-shinya/ccache-win64 It is ccache binary file (executable file) for 64bit Windows, build by MINGW64.
5 @naoya/myprofile naoya's profile
5 @nekokak/the-schwartz-plugin-logger TheSchwartz Logger ↗️
5 @nevil/010-Templates Templates for 010 Editor
5 @ninoseki/ti-config
5 @nishidayuya/rdtool RD formater and utilities. (RD is Ruby's POD) ↗️
5 @nlab-mpg/nlp-papers Survey of NLP papers
5 @nolili/Konashi-iBeacon
5 @nownabe/awesome-itamae A curated list of Itamae plugins, tools and open recipes
5 @nownabe/metabase-gae Metabase for Google App Engine
5 @nulab/commit-guidelines
5 @nulab/nginx-too-many-requests-retryafter-patch
5 @pepabo/symbolfonts オリジナルシンボルフォントを作ります。
5 @philipperemy/API-Ratp API to retrieve real time schedule times for Paris transports
5 @pi9min/anime 個人的アニメ予想下馬評
5 @piece/piece-orm An object-relational mapping framework ↗️
5 @pokutuna/pokutuna-sozai
5 @potato4d/sublime-HSP This is the Sublime Text HSP syntax package.
5 @potato4d/today-meshi 今日のメシ記録
5 @project-abgal/hccc Handwritten Cuneiform Character Collection (HCCC)
5 @puhitaku/pyconjp_2018_c_ext
5 @pyar6329/ansible-anyenv anyenv installation with ansible ↗️
5 @r-plus/AppTweeter Tweet about appInfo from AppStore's "Tell a Friend" button.
5 @r-plus/SlideCut Slide shortcut via space key.
5 @r9y9/kiritan_singing_extra Extra resources derived from for DNN-based singing voice synthesis ↗️
5 @rbtnn/a-list-of-vimplugins It is categorized lists of Vim plugins.
5 @rch850/nextjs-demo
5 @reiinakano/my-resume Here be my resume.
5 @rejasupotaro/paper-reading
5 @riywo/CAPtheorem
5 @rockkingjy/DeepLearningSettings Deeplearning computer settings using caffe darknet matlab tensorflow movidius etc.
5 @runexec/uber-mobile-rider-endpoints Unofficial Documentation of Uber Endpoints (Rider)
5 @ryo24/PhotoshopDuotoneExplain Photoshopの基本機能を学びながらDuotone画像を作成する方法
5 @ryota-ka/seiseki.pdf 成績がいいのはドイツ語だけ
5 @ryuichiueda/robosys2017 2017年度ロボットシステム学
5 @ryuzee/neosnippet_chef_recipe_snippet Vim snippet for Chef
5 @safx/Metal-CommandLine-Sample-Swift A sample command line app for compute command of Metal, written in Swift
5 @sekiyaeiji/lodash_doc_in_jpn lodash.js の日本語メソッドリスト
5 @shellTeMP/AthenaWiki Athena RO Wiki
5 @shibayan/classic-asp-docker Docker image for Classic ASP on Windows Server Core
5 @shin1x1/osx-provisioning-with-ansible
5 @sile/ruby-dawg Direct-Acyclic-Word-Graph for Ruby
5 @sios-tech/ansible-zabbix-rhel7
5 @smizy/docker-sentencepiece Google SentencePiece docker image based on alpine
5 @snmsts/wxc wxwidgets binding for ffi
5 @sorah/cdd-vim Very useful zsh script cdd for vim. zsh version:
5 @sorah/termtter-doc Termtter document complete project ↗️
5 @sr229/code-server-ansible Ansible for deploying your own code-server complete with dependencies.
5 @stefafafan/stefafafan
5 @sunaot/perl-oop
5 @supermomonga/awesome-yamada A curated list of awesome yamada.
5 @t9md/js-study JavaScript self study notes
5 @tado/DigitalArtSeminar13 openFrameworks worksop at Ditigal Art Seminar 2013
5 @taichi/learningRiak learning Riak and Erlang for taichi by taichi.
5 @taichi/modernjs
5 @tanakahisateru/jedit_gui-ja jEdit i18n resource for Japanese / jEdit 日本語化リソース
5 @tatsuro-ueda/Objective-C
5 @tattn/.swiftlint.yml My SwiftLint
5 @teckup-tokyo/LT もともと貴族会LTだったなにか
5 @tgfjt/sketch-version versions archives of
5 @todokr/You_Dont_Need_jQuery_via_Scalajs Original repo via Vanilla JS:
5 @tokuhirom/hamipan create your own perl module index like CPAN
5 @tokuhirom/henta my own web aplication framework
5 @tokuhirom/neee niconico borwser
5 @tokuhirom/oreore-go-launcher my own go launcher
5 @totoraj930/CSS-Muining 虚無を掘れ -
5 @twxxk/zfstudy20090404zendform zend form samples used on zf-study at 20090404 ( ↗️
5 @tyokinuhata/twitter-block-list インターネットやめろ
5 @typester/toybox my toybox
5 @unak/usagit maybe a joke ↗️
5 @unity3d-jp/unityads-help-jp Unity Ads ヘルプ
5 @usagimaru/Mojave-HUD-Panel-Kit macOS Mojave HUD Panel Kit for Sketch
5 @usualoma/ruby-with-therubyracer Docker files for ruby with therubyracer
5 @utahta/flask-gae-template flask skeleton for google app engine. using buildout.
5 @virusvn/awesome-vietnamese-language All about Vietnamese
5 @waigania13/geohex-plpgsql
5 @walf443/vimtutorial my vimtutorial for newbies
5 @walf443/xircd
5 @wantedly/ctmcp-reading Reading: "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" ↗️
5 @weed/Objective-C
5 @xibbar/acts_as_section_map rails plugin for the section map( ex. organization tree) using better nested set
5 @yanbe/screencast4linux Video4Linux compatible loopback devide driver for streaming X Window System to ↗️
5 @yhara/unbabel The 'universal' foreign-funciton interface
5 @ymotongpoo/ bucho
5 @yoshiharatakeru/TrailPlan This is the plan for my journey.
5 @youz/go-mode Go言語用メジャーモード for xyzzy
5 @youz/xyzzy-lisp snipetts for xyzzy ↗️
5 @yusukebe/BigConcept A Big Concept for Next Society. This is just POC. ↗️
5 @yusukebe/PerlTamago Perl初心者向けのごくごくシンプルなサンプルスクリプト集
5 @zchee/jsonschema Collection of JSON Schema
5 @zchee/rails-crossite.vm A Vagrant starterkit for developing Ruby on Rails
5 @zchee/template A repository template implements a project template README with CI badge.
5 @zembutsu/HTTP-Safe-Guard To detect DoS Attack and auto filtering with iptables.
4 @0918nobita/Kamishibai 「スライド + 音声」で、わかりやすいプログラミング教材を作成・共有する
4 @0918nobita/wasm-ts TypeScript type definitions for WebAssembly API ↗️
4 @0x0c/musin 無心になって見ることのできるアニメ一覧
4 @1000ch/webponize ⚠️ Temporary repository for Sparkle update ↗️
4 @2bbb/Profile My Profile
4 @9SQ/jma-eqarea-centroid 気象庁がXML電文などで使用する区域と、その重心(緯度,経度)を対応づけたリスト
4 @AdiChat/Infinite-tunnel At that darkest moment, while drowning in the Abyss of Emotional Bankruptcy, reflect on this universal truth: the difference between success and failure is one more time.
4 @BoostIO/Boostlog-feedback Give us any feedback while using boostlog!
4 @BoostIO/issuehunt-materials Feel free to use them on your Readme and blog :D
4 @EtherUniverse/Imagenest
4 @Harekaze/Y467 Y467 Ship
4 @JuanitoFatas/readings ↗️
4 @KazuCocoa/design-document-template my personal design document template
4 @Kazuma/Textbook 講義する時の資料置き場
4 @KinkumaDesign/ImageSnippet Command Pannel for Fireworks extension.
4 @Konata9/gundam-data UC系列高达台词数据库
4 @LBOgd/VTosters
4 @LoliGothick/cpprefjp-draft
4 @MSakamaki/GeneratorAPI
4 @MasahiroSaito/Keynote-Style 僕が考えた最強のKeynoteテンプレート ↗️
4 @OTL/vscode-urdf vscode extension for URDF
4 @PINTO0309/OpenCVonARMv7 Deb package for introducing OpenCV to RaspberryPi3. ↗️
4 @RobotClubKut/kicad-library KiCadのライブラリ (バトルキメランテス)
4 @ScratchBuild/MIUI9-XML-Japanese Japanese MIUI 9 translation for
4 @ShingoFukuyama/limit-login-attempts-ja.po 日本語訳作ってみました。
4 @SpringMT/unite_japan_2014
4 @Token-Engineering-Tokyo/Project-Briefing
4 @ToyoshiMorioka/20180818_BRDG
4 @ToyoshiMorioka/TDPractice
4 @Watson1978/macruby-test Unit test results of MacRuby
4 @YasuhiroABE/CouchDB-WebProxy_Auth_Handler another authentication handler for CouchDB
4 @YasuhiroABE/Yamaneko An android application as a sample of CursorLoader and AsyncTaskLoader like 'A Network-MVC' using the compatibility package.
4 @YutaroOgawa/about_me 自己紹介です
4 @a-know/Pixela-docs API document for Pixela ( ↗️
4 @abhaikollara/GDG-Calicut-Talk
4 @abhaikollara/RL-Resources
4 @acid-chicken/Information.NET WIP Proj: A .NET Library for all of "Information Network" services.
4 @acidlemon/OpenCV-trunk-for-iOS Native Xcode project of OpenCV (without CMake!)
4 @acotie/perl-acme-hok
4 @airtoxin/Sublime-SoundSets Sound set of Sublime-Sound
4 @akiyan/cakephp-mysql-fulltext-search-patch Support to MySQL fulltext search syntax in CakePHP Model::find method. ↗️
4 @aklaswad/mt-plugin-favicon-manager easy to add favicon for blog. ↗️
4 @alfasado/mt-tools-optimize-mysql The optimize-mysql script can be optimize mysql database from the command line.
4 @alfasado/mt-tools-periodic-tasks Do run_tasks but do not work_periodically(or vice versa).You can run_tasks specify the tasks ID(optional).
4 @algyan/touch_and_try-ReButton
4 @aliceinwire/JoinGentoo How to contribute to gentoo
4 @appleple/guideline アップルップルのガイドライン
4 @ariarijp/5min-pentaho-biserver Pentaho BIをVagrantで起動するためのVagrantfileです、
4 @aromajoin/controller-sdk-java Enable developers to connect and control Aroma Shooter. ↗️
4 @ashchan/dockerfiles Toy around with dockerized containers. Some are production ready some not.
4 @asonas/rubima-rubykaigi-2013
4 @asukiaaa/SideBBForM5Stack
4 @bannzai/GraphQLBoiler
4 @bannzai/Presentations LT等で発表したやつここに置こう。ローカルでいつも見失っちゃう
4 @bannzai/Switcher
4 @bannzai/Yamru Easily read and write for yaml file.
4 @bannzai/Yggdrasill Yggdrasill.
4 @bannzai/swift_ui I amazed SwiftUI
4 @beinteractive/ShaderGraphSketches My shader graph sketches
4 @buhrmi/rails-vue Vue components in Rails
4 @calmtech/RubyAomoriEvent Ruby勉強会@青森 予定管理ツール
4 @caster-inc/we_are_hiring We are hiring! ↗️
4 @chezou/cdsw-serve-docker REST API server example with Docker for Cloudera Data Science Workbench
4 @cocoatomo/CTPython CPython modified by cocoatomo (CT)
4 @cognitom/sankaku 三角かな配列 ― USキーボードでカナ入力 ↗️
4 @concrete5japan/package_translations Japanese translation files for marketplace packages
4 @contiki9/ogijima
4 @coord-e/slide-type-class-impl Haskellで作ってわかる型クラス ↗️
4 @crishoj/foreign_key_associations
4 @cu39/pure-lang-manuals-ja The manuals for the Pure programming language (FPL based on term rewriting), translated into Japanese. ↗️
4 @db0sch/facebook-messenger-bot-config
4 @dcsan/botkit-tips tips and techniques for working with botkit
4 @den8/clear_expired_session Clear expired session for ActiveRecord session store.
4 @dice/github_code_of_conduct GitHub Code of Conduct translations
4 @dice/kyotomc
4 @dominhhai/awesome-posts Awesome posts/ articles from Internet
4 @dopin/HTML-Coords-Tool HTML area tag generatortool especially for getting coordinates.
4 @egisatoshi/AutoTheoremProvers Auto theorem proving algorithms in Egison
4 @eiel/okagit-object 岡山Git勉強会 201302 の資料です。
4 @exKAZUu/JMOOC_Week2
4 @expede/idris-styleguide An Idris style guide
4 @fakufaku/kurodako A beaglebone black cape with 8 microphone arrays, as many as an octopus has legs.
4 @firebasejp/awesome-firestore 🔥🔥🔥Curated list of Cloud Firestore🔥🔥🔥
4 @fu-sen/MSX-DOS2 MSX-DOS2 command reference (Japanese) ↗️
4 @fu-sen/fcitx-mint-skin Fcitx Linux Mint color skin
4 @fumi/dbpedia-japanese-usecases Datasets for Use cases of DBpedia Japanese
4 @furuhashilab/GEE4GSC Google Earth Engine 活用法メモ
4 @furuhashilab/README 古橋研究室(古橋ゼミ)に興味のある学生は、最初に読んでください。 ↗️
4 @garbagetown/ansible-redmine ansible playbook to install git, subversion and redmine via passenger
4 @genomegraph/vg-cheatsheet
4 @gioext/lanczos lanczos ↗️
4 @glassesfactory/GAEStudy GAE study ↗️
4 @glidenote/tw-zsh-completion
4 @gsi-cyberjapan/mokuroku-spec Specifications for mokuroku.csv.gz, GSI Tile List / 地理院タイル目録の仕様
4 @gugod/cpan-sets Manage multiple sets of local::lib in $HOME
4 @hackerkid/Awesome-P2P Curated list of awesome Peer to Peer projects
4 @hackerkid/awesome-copy
4 @hanazuki/readings
4 @haniokasai/My-MiNET-Plugins My-MiNET-Plugins
4 @harai/vscode-light-theme-for-color-blind-people Light Theme for Color Blind People
4 @hayamiz/beamerMoreBlue LaTeX Beamer theme
4 @hfu/noteworthy noteworthy things in markdown
4 @hidenorigoto/ReadingMemo
4 @higashiku/gulp
4 @hirocaster/PHPMatsuri-TDD PHPMatsuri Let's TDD ↗️
4 @hokaccha/relay-handbook Relay Handbook ↗️
4 @hokkai7go/acsl2010ruby repository of acsl2010 Ruby team
4 @hondaminori/awsarticle
4 @hrix/munin-plugin-ip_conntrack For some huge access servers...
4 @hyperbridge/EIPs Hyperbridge EIPs (Ecosystem Improvement Proposals)
4 @icoxfog417/git-sparse git command extention for sparse-checkout
4 @ics-creative/190402-js-code-recipe-event 『JavaScriptコードレシピ集』のイベント『いま押さえておくべきJavaScriptの最新機能とは?』のフォローアップドキュメントです ↗️
4 @ics-creative/191211_fullpage_scroll
4 @ieee0824/isucon7-qualify-docker
4 @ishikawa/sphinx-theme-modipyd Sphinx theme for Modipyd project ↗️
4 @ishikawa/sublime-text-2-mirah Sublime Text 2 package for Mirah
4 @iteman/phpmatsuri-accesscontrol
4 @ito-artsfarm/2016website 糸島芸農2016HP制作プロジェクト(仮)
4 @ito-artsfarm/ItoArtsFarm2016
4 @iwamatsu/debian-study-live-cd A live-helper preference for Japanese Debain study society events
4 @ixkaito/lightning-talk-logo
4 @jaicab/laptop Quickly setup new MacBook for designer / developer
4 @jamesknelson/react-armory-helpers Packages that can used with ES6 import within React Armory guides
4 @januswel/react-native-bridge-ja translations for "Bridging in React Native"
4 @jedahan/kiss-universe
4 @jhorology/KompletePack4Bitwig Native Instruments Komplete factory presets and device panel mapping for Bitwig Studio
4 @johtani/call-for-papers 日本国内のカンファレンスのCall-for-Papersの情報をIssueに登録して管理するためのリポジトリです。
4 @june29/emkc2
4 @june29/shuuhoo Weekly report template generator. ↗️
4 @k-tsj/test.l A unit testing framework for xyzzy
4 @k1LoW/emacs-key-cast Key Storke Casting Minor Mode for Emacs ↗️
4 @kaakaa/drone-ci-sample docker-compose.yml - / gogs / postgres
4 @kakisoft/HowToUseGitPitch2 【スライド】GitHubだけでスライドが作れる、GitPitch の使い方。 ~設定編~ ↗️
4 @kamera25/git_dakishimete git抱きしめてのリポジトリです。
4 @kami-zh/prezto-prompt-simple A simple theme for Prezto.
4 @kana/vim-exfiletype Vim plugin: :filetype wrapper for reliable configuration
4 @kanamekojima/STR-realigner
4 @kaorun55/PerC_Primer 連載:Intel Perceptual Computing(PerC) SDK入門 - Build Insider(のサンプルコードです
4 @karuna/vscode-rspec-snippets
4 @kawasima/exceltron Excel on Electron
4 @kawasin73/vagrant-centos-rails Vagrantfile for rails app with CentOS6.7
4 @kazuho/friendsd server of the friends program, used at from 1996 to 1999
4 @keijiro/UnityBasicShapes Basic shape models for Unity.
4 @keijiro/unity-shadercipher Encipher/Decipher images with GLSL shader.
4 @kenjihiranabe/aaguide-jp Agile Alliance サイトにある地下鉄プラクティスマップの日本語
4 @kenjiskywalker/chrome-keiryu-hannnyashinkyo 渓流般若心経
4 @kikaigyo/plist
4 @kimushu/duktape-types Type declaration for Duktape
4 @kiridaruma/worldwitches-knowledge-base ワールドウィッチーズシリーズ知識ベースプロジェクト
4 @kmuto/review-hidemaru ReVIEW helper macro mode of Hidemaru
4 @knqyf263/nvd-list NVD as JSON files
4 @knu/plum An IRC proxy with plug-in architecture, Japanese encodings and UTF-8 support, IPv6, etc. written in legacy perl ↗️
4 @koike/Unity-Analysis Analysis of .apk made of Unity
4 @konifar/droidkaigi-session DroidKaigiセッションの草稿です。私がもがき苦しむ様子が垣間見えます。
4 @konifar/presentation-android-resource-refactoring 仕事でAndroidリソースのリファクタリングをして美しくなったので、その知見を発表するための雑メモ置き場です
4 @koron/GoogleReaderLowriseHeader Make google reader's header LOWRISE.
4 @koron/jquery-monta jQuery Monta-method plugin ↗️
4 @koron/xps13-2015 Issues for non-normal usage of XPS13-2015 model
4 @kshimo69/stap systemtap scripts
4 @ktakayama/smsalert ↗️
4 @ktoso/akkakucity-actors A collection of useful Akka Actors
4 @ku/iview-for-tombloo
4 @kubosho/textlint-starter-kit textlint starter kit.
4 @kui/graphviz-editor Live editor for graphviz with viz.js ↗️
4 @kyanny/trade-off-sliders-template Trade-off Sliders template for Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) and OpenDocument Presentation (.odp)
4 @lacolaco/angular-after-tutorial
4 @lanyusea/djiros
4 @leios/Grim Grim's Memoir: the story of a coffin salesman named Grim
4 @lepture/python-wheels Build my wheels ↗️
4 @libelabo/libelabo Libelabo's public project ↗️
4 @local-jp/office ↗️
4 @lyokato/javascript-tagcloud JavaScript TagCloud Engine
4 @macks/rubyasn1 ASN.1 encoder and decoder for Ruby. (based on a porting of Convert::ASN1 for Perl) ↗️
4 @manzyun/FullSVGWebPage Full or SVG on HTML web page. It's reserch project.
4 @maoe/gitlab Haskell interface to GitLab API
4 @masakielastic/swiftmailer-ja の翻訳です。pdf は Download のページにあります。 ↗️
4 @masaru-b-cl/resume 職務経歴書
4 @masuidrive/mobiruby-ios Moved
4 @mattn/perl-xs-example example for perl xs ↗️
4 @mattn/yet-another-github-growler yet another github growler
4 @mcfiredrill/tokyo-burrito places in Tokyo you can get a burrito (fusion counts too)
4 @misshie/docker-ucsc-blat Dockerfiles for UCSC BLAT servers with hg19 and hg38 reference genomes
4 @miyako/4d-component-classic-query-editor Replica of the pre-v14 era query editor, with some enhancements.
4 @miyamuko/ansi-loop ANSI Common Lisp LOOP macro for xyzzy Lisp ↗️
4 @miyamuko/xl-pcl xl-pcl - PCL CLOS implementation for xyzzy Lisp. #experimental
4 @mnishikawa/agilebook 『わかりやすいアジャイルソフトウェア開発の教科書』(ソフトバンククリエイティブ)の書籍素材公開用リポジトリ
4 @mohemohe/Konsole-Argonaut Argonaut color scheme for KDE Konsole (and also Yakuake)
4 @mohemohe/WindowsTerminal-Argonaut Argonaut color scheme for Windows Terminal
4 @mono0926/swift-design-patterns
4 @moriyoshi/wxgo This will be a Go binding of wxWindow
4 @moriyoshi/ xn--28ja4b7g8dc
4 @morizotter/swift-style-guide Swift style guide for me
4 @moxuse/orca-sketch
4 @mrkn/pdfdiv An utility for dividing each page in PDF files.
4 @mrtc0/honeypot-log HoneyPot (cowri, Glastopf, Dionaea) Logs
4 @mshr-h/awesome-bouldering A curated list of bouldering
4 @mstssk/ati :ati: / 圧倒的当事者意識, Slack emoji ↗️
4 @mumoshu/anydep General-purpose project/application dependency manager
4 @mumoshu/helmfile-gitops
4 @mumoshu/versapack Versatile package manager. Version and host anything in Helm charts repositories
4 @naota/GentooCamp
4 @naoya/perl-algorithm-divsufsort Fast suffix sorting with libdivsufsort
4 @neutronest/vexml (ABANDON!) a deep learning framework for OCaml (another big news
4 @nickjanssen/docker-nodebb Dockerfile to install NodeBB.
4 @ninoseki/MISP-japanization MISP Japananization / MISP日本語化プロジェクト
4 @ninoseki/panels A collection of hashes of an HTTP response of a C2 / admin panel
4 @nithinbekal/rhg A woefully inadequate and incomplete translation of the Japanese Ruby book, Ruby Hacking Guide, that discusses the internals of Ruby 1.8.
4 @noagarcia/awesome-vqa-pytorch List of PyTorch repositories for visual question answering
4 @norio-nomura/swift-dev Managing Swift Repositories
4 @nota/CalilChromeExtention ↗️
4 @nov/iknow moved to smartfm
4 @nownabe/kubernetes-doc [WIP] Japanese Kubernetes Documentations ↗️
4 @nwtgck/neural-network-dot Neural Network by Graphviz
4 @nyarla/faker (OBSOLETED) This code is no longer maintenance
4 @ogawa/mt-DBConverter
4 @okomok/ainan Factor training ground
4 @okuoku/the-epoc-repo An example repository for my blog article
4 @omatty198/XcodeSwiftSnippets iOS dev snippets for Xcode
4 @onevcat/GitHubActionPlayground
4 @onishi/Tokime-Keyword tokimeku keyword
4 @oyamad/theory14 Course repository for Topics in Economic Theory 2014
4 @pei0804/Gogland-goa-LiveTemplate
4 @pepabo/personal-achievement パーソナル実績システム
4 @peta-okechan/ Reading 7 segment LED number with Python and OpenCV ↗️
4 @philipperemy/Monte-Carlo-Pi-Computation This projects aims at computing PI using Monte Carlo method
4 @philipperemy/Quantitative-Market-Data-Generator Equity Prices Generator using Quantitative methods such as Brownian Motion
4 @pi9min/anisama2013 Animelo Summer Live 2013のセトリ予想
4 @pikepikeid/mod_neko_akane ネコ帽子茜ちゃんエディション ↗️
4 @ppworks/neko ↗️
4 @predominant/Something-Cool Its cool yeah ↗️
4 @progedu/commands 入門コース内で入力が大変なコマンド/URL集
4 @r7kamura/mastodon-docker Build and push assets-precompiled Mastodon Docker image using CircleCI.
4 @rbtnn/cpp-vimgrep This is vimgrep which is an external command.
4 @reactarmory/react-armory-helpers Packages that can used with ES6 import within React Armory guides
4 @reallyenglish/bootstrap-freebsd-ami bootstrapping scripts for FreeBSD AMI
4 @rightgo09/Perl-for-Rubyist RubyistのためのPerl
4 @routehachi/r8_CM3D2_Mod MOD置き場
4 @ruby/dev-meeting-log
4 @runceel/MVVMRxSample MVVM + Prism + Reactive Extensions sample application
4 @ryomo/ebextensions-phalcon Elastic Beanstalk config files for Phalcon
4 @ryota-ka/yuigon
4 @sadmb/AnnoPerfumeGlobalAE After Effects Project File for Anno Perfume Global Site Project
4 @saki7/cpp-encoding-guide A structured answer to "Which character class should I use?" in C++
4 @sakuraio/sakuraio-pcb-libraries PCB Libraries for Sakura IoT Platform
4 @sanokazuya0306/simpleVJ
4 @satococoa/first_step_rubymotion RubyMotion 本を書いてみたいと思い。
4 @scramble-ssl/wheel_BLDCMD_brd Wheel BLDC Motor Driver
4 @sekido/chat-logger Skype Chat Logging System
4 @sekiyaeiji/vue2x-demo
4 @shin1x1/event
4 @shiumachi/sed1line-jp sed test scripts (Japanese)
4 @shufo/ansible-sudo-ldap A playbook for sudo administration with ldap server.
4 @shugo/babel Sather compiler for .NET
4 @shuhei/knowledge ✏️ A heap of TIL
4 @shunsuk/air-memo memopad by Adobe AIR
4 @slywalker/CakePlugins My favorite CakePHP2.x plugins
4 @smzht/mozc_emacs_helper mozc_emacs_helper for Windows
4 @sorah/prof Profile of sorah. ↗️
4 @stan/how-to
4 @studiomohawk/IIT Inherited Initial Toolkit
4 @studiomohawk/demo-styleguide This is a demo for Style Guide
4 @suin/awesome-typescript A curated list of amazingly awesome TypeScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
4 @suwa-yuki/swagger-3.0-oauth-with-cognito
4 @syou6162/diary
4 @syoyo/raw-images RAW photo images
4 @syuhari/ImageHelper Helper for CakePHP ↗️
4 @syuilo/misskeyjs Misskey JavaScript library
4 @syuu1228/osv-in-docker OSv building environment on Docker, for non-Fedora users
4 @t-hiroyoshi/awesome-z A community driven curated list of awesome functional programming libraries.
4 @tachyons/en-ml-apertium Outdated repo, see
4 @takahirom/til
4 @takeshik/linqpad-queries LINQPad Query Files by takeshik
4 @takke/docker-android-wercker
4 @takumakume/mha-rpm **Please use this ** This is RPM build tool at mha4mysql-manager and mha4mysql-node
4 @tanakh/MonadPoint A Monadic Presentation Tool ↗️
4 @tanakh/yesod-bbs A BBS written in Yesod ↗️
4 @tawawa/elasticsearch-kibana-marvel-sense Simple and lightweight docker image for previewing Elasticsearch, Kibana, Marvel & Sense
4 @tcnksm/dockerfiles @tcnksm does Dockerfile
4 @tcnksm/vagrant-appc Play with CoreOS/Rocket in Vagrant
4 @ten-A/WorkspaceSwitcherforAI
4 @thomas-moulard/deprecated-ros-hrp2 ROS stack containing HRP-2 specific packages
4 @thunderrabbit/unity3d-starter the barest minimest I use for all Unity 3D repos
4 @tmtysk/mbsmtp a SMTP client (extended from Net::SMTP) for sending messages to mobile-phone in Japan.
4 @tochi/leap-motion-controller-example Leap Motion Controller Example for Javascript.
4 @tokuhirom/flanki our own wiki
4 @tokuhirom/p5-devel-ffi libffi wrapper for perl5
4 @tokuhirom/qrcode ↗️
4 @toliner/bitzeny-yescrypt An document of yescrypt used by bitzeny for Japanese
4 @tomonari-yamashita/japan-camel-user-group
4 @tomoya/material-ui-snippets Material-UI snippets for Atom ↗️
4 @tsu-nera/CurriculumVitae 職務履歴
4 @tsu-nera/ask-me-anything tsu-nera先生への質問リポジトリです
4 @tsu-nera/bakuchi 仮想通貨システムトレード基盤
4 @tyoshikawa1106/apex-slds-docked-composer Lightning Design System Docked Composer Sample
4 @uetchy/awesome-satysfi A curated list of awesome SATySFi packages, libraries, and resources.
4 @ursm/watch-night A timer application based on SproutCore.
4 @usagi/usagi.kicad わたしが欲しいと思った KiCad のフットプリント・3Dモデルのらいぶらりー
4 @uzyexe/dockerfile-kibana-packetbeat packetbeat Dockerfile
4 @vietnamese-engineer-in-japan/workshop All information related to workshop
4 @virusvn/vietnamese-awesome All about Vietnamese
4 @vochicong/deepdive-dev-docker A docker for HazyResearch/DeepDive development environment
4 @wakayama-pref-org/policy-of-open-data 「和歌山県オープンデータの推進に係る指針」及び「和歌山県ウェブサイト公開情報標準利用規約」について、和歌山県ホームページでの公表に併せ、当サイトにも掲載しました。
4 @wantedly/ios_lunch Let's talk about iOS development while eating a lunch! 🍱
4 @wantedly/swift-style-guide
4 @windymelt/Yukikaze Image Administration Tool
4 @xin9le/Resume My resume
4 @yahoojapan/AntPickax AntPickax provides basic libraries, components and systems ↗️
4 @yahoojapan/VSU-Dataset
4 @yamanetoshi/Git-Handson
4 @yamashitam/balloon_challenge ICPC国内予選向けの風船プログラム
4 @ychubachi/chubachi_pbl_2012 中鉢PBL2012
4 @yhikishima/Blockchain-env Blockchain env
4 @ykob/study-threejs-lighting It is my study of WebGL lighting with three.js and original shaders.
4 @yosssi/ace-tmbundle Ace TextMate/Sublime Text Bundle
4 @yosuke-furukawa/esmodules_on_node
4 @youz/coco-mode Coco用メジャーモード for xyzzy
4 @yukkurisinai/How-to-create-ERC20-token
4 @yuroyoro/liftropy Tropy clone - implemeted by scala ,Lift ↗️
4 @zaki/lua-style-guide Style recommendations for Lua
4 @zchee/go-internals
4 @zigorou/lex_yacc_howto
4 @zlq4863947/TradingViewPlatformWikiCn
4 @znz/ansible-role-github-users Setup users with github users' ssh keys
3 @008pranjal/CS50 This repository contains all the projects of the CS50 course
3 @0918nobita/book_of_ocaml 入門書「OCaml ではじめるプログラミング」(構想段階)
3 @0918nobita/revised-tsconfig Semantic validation for tsconfig.json powered by CUE
3 @0918nobita/s-life 人生
3 @1024jp/CocoaDeveloperSet-coteditor CotEditor syntax style set for Cocoa developers
3 @284km/chrome-extension-minimal
3 @3846masa/docker-ngrokd Make your private ngrok with docker-compose.
3 @5ch/PHP_Edition 5ちゃんねるは、複数スレッド式掲示板群を運営するために作られたオープンソースのサーバーサイドプログラム群です。
3 @AltGr/ocaml-system Virtual OCaml package definition for custom sytem OCaml compilers
3 @ArcCosine/operakeyboard ArcCosine's Opera Keyboard ini repos ↗️
3 @Asyley/mikutter_puni ぷにぷにするだけのmikutterプラグインぷに
3 @BoostIO/issuehunt-requests Do you want to fund some issues in a repository which isn't registered in Issuehunt yet? Please ping us so we could help you!
3 @BrainPad/OpenBrainPad OpenBrainPad活動のwebページ ↗️
3 @FMS-Cat/FMS-Cat
3 @Fandekasp/reinforcement_learning_exercices Training on AI / ML / RL
3 @Genki-S/gsoc2015
3 @Hiroshiba/iOS-Flat-UI-Libraries The flat UI Libraries for iOS, which I collect.
3 @IshitaTakeshi/VITAMIN-E Just experiment
3 @ItinoseSan/Rails-API-1.0 🔏Rails API which has authentication Token (Making now) 
3 @Itoen/ASE-LWRP
3 @Joy-Division/KCEJ-Wiki Documentation
3 @KEINOS/HowToSwapFaces-JA ✅このリポジトリは、アタリで描かれたアニメーションや漫画の顔を学習させたキャラクターの顔と入れ替えるための記事です。
3 @KxNxT/jisha-bukkaku 寺社仏閣の説明 資料
3 @LeeChSien/jquery-option-tree This jquery plugin converts passed JSON option tree into dynamically created elements allowing you to choose one nested option from the tree.
3 @MSakamaki/javascript-handson-beginner-21cafe はじめてのプログラミングの資料です。
3 @MizukiSonoko/Meta-Program 中学2年生の頃に綴っていた小説
3 @MoriKen254/StefAny_release
3 @Nodeclipse/JavaScriptContainer Container for JavaScript components to be used inside Eclipse
3 @PSYGIG/psygig-triage-sdk-doc Documentation for the PSYGIG Triage SDK ↗️
3 @Qithub-BOT/items Qiitaコラボ記事の本文データ(Markdownファイル)置き場。このデータが Qithub により Qiita記事に反映されます。 ↗️
3 @RKX1209/ My web page
3 @RossyWhite/nem2-cli-zsh-completion Completion function for
3 @S64/types-react-cookie @types/react-cookie
3 @Satoh-D/HalfImageSize
3 @Seasons7/translate_ej You can translate English to Japanese.This script was created by Ruby.
3 @SerialLain3170/GAN-papers Papers about GAN
3 @Siketyan/Olang (Concept) Object-based programming language on C# and .NET Core
3 @Siketyan/Siketyan
3 @Taishi-Y/Android-Bootcamp-Cliffnotes-Japanese-by-CodePath Androidデベロッパーのための大規模オープンソースガイド
3 @TestOurGitHub/tumegit Heisya TsumeGit Project.
3 @TokenPocket/tokens TokenPocket Token images
3 @TsuyoshiUshio/DevOpsHackathon DevOpsHackathon Support Page
3 @UdonDa/2018_winter_anime 2018年アニメのまとめ
3 @VoQn/NowIamFeelingThat the smallest repositry
3 @Wild-Family/Milestone To the bright future.
3 @YU-MITC/moodle-local_yukaltura YU Kaltura Media Local Libraries for Moodle
3 @YanceyOfficial/blog-archive 大前端文章归档。
3 @YasuakiHonda/ECL-Precompiled-Binaries Several pre-compiled binaries (including ECL) for Android OS are posted here.
3 @a-r-g-v/minecraft-docker
3 @ab25cq/qemu-debian-ppc64-image
3 @abcang/mac-like-autokey LinuxでMac風のショートカットを使えるようにする設定
3 @abhaikollara/ai-starters A meeting point for AI learners
3 @ahomu/x-ahomu I'm ahomu
3 @aigarashi/errata-copl 「プログラミング言語の基礎概念」の正誤表
3 @aike/rails_recommendation_demo Rails + Cicindela demo application (social bookmark with recommendation)
3 @aike/rsense_for_hidemaru RSense client for Hidemaru Editor ↗️
3 @akafugu/eagleup_models Our models for EagleUp
3 @aki77/vscode-rails-extension-pack The collection of extensions for working with Rails in VS Code. ↗️
3 @akihikomatsumoto/M4LBiquadFilter M4LBiquadFilter
3 @akihikomatsumoto/Max-MSP-Psychoacoustics-Patch Max/MSP Psychoacoustics Patch ↗️
3 @akinori-kawamitsu/wpsirm WordPress Security Incident Response Manual
3 @akirak/emacs-config-library Package-specific configuration files for Emacs
3 @akiritsu/bddbl BDDBL Denotes Dummy BDD Library. ↗️
3 @akiym/alpine-nsjail nsjail docker image on Alpine Linux
3 @akuraru/ShouldWrite100Test あなたが新しいプログラミング言語を覚えるときに書くべき100のテスト
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-use-HTML5-application-cache
3 @amatsuda/
3 @amatsuda/git_commands
3 @amatsuda/prsnt prsnt prttyp
3 @and-design/RDCL-toolkit-ja-ja 顧客中心のプロダクトビジョンからプロダクト戦略を導き出す。Japanese version of RDCL Toolkit ↗️
3 @ap0sec/binary_lecture バイナリ問題を解こう!関連ファイル置き場
3 @arikui1911/Xyzzy-lisps Xyzzy (Emacsen editor for Windows) extensions ↗️
3 @aromajoin/controller-sdk-android Enable developers to connect and control Aroma Shooter. ↗️
3 @aromajoin/controller-sdk-ios Enable developers to connect and control Aroma Shooter. ↗️
3 @aromajoin/controller-sdk-windows Enable developers to connect and control Aroma Shooter. ↗️
3 @arubdesu/Experimental-Brew-Cask-Recipes EXPERIMENTAL! No warranty granted or implied! This should only be a starting point to adapt into working recipes.
3 @ashbb/samegame_on_shoes SameGame on Green Shoes
3 @athos/TIL Today I Learned
3 @awakia/catchup Issue based repository to catch up technologies and movements
3 @awau/api
3 @aya-eiya/Othello-Scala-Practice- Scala練習プロジェクト ↗️
3 @b4b4r07/zplug-cd
3 @backpaper0/todo-sample
3 @bannzai/Copyable
3 @bannzai/GitPitchRepo Repository for slide using by gitpitch.
3 @bannzai/GitPitchSubRepo Subrepository for slide using by gitpitch.
3 @bannzai/Kawauso Library for test to extended XCTestCase and call setup then execute each run context.
3 @bannzai/OSSSampleViews oss sample views
3 @bannzai/SwiftTUI TUI utility framework with Swift.
3 @bannzai/TechBookTableDrivenTestsGo
3 @bannzai/TechBookTableDrivenTestsSwift
3 @bannzai/TechMemo 技術系のもので読んで役に立ちそうなものをまとめるRepository
3 @bannzai/hoge
3 @bannzai/
3 @becyn/kc-tsuyama-wiki 高専カンファレンスin津山のWikiの更新履歴をこちらで管理します。(バックアップ大切)
3 @bmf-san/vagrant-development-workflow Vagrant Development Workflow
3 @boj/ruby-ffnn Ruby feed forward neural network.
3 @bolero-MURAKAMI/epitaph-complex ラノベ(途中)
3 @cakecatz/rust-guide-ja システムプログラミング言語Rustの日本語版ガイド。
3 @calcul/GeoHexAS3 AS3 class for GeoHex encoding/decoding ↗️
3 @callmekohei/Neovimfs_future_delete Neovimfs is a web app hosted on local Suave server and it provides auto completion list for F# code.
3 @cdepillabout/open-blog-posts Blog posts ↗️
3 @champierre/microbit_for_beginner
3 @chatii/fuelphp_setup FuelPHP を Composer を使ってインストールします。
3 @chitsaou/japanese-tech-words English-Japanese tech word dictionary for software industry ↗️
3 @cho45/APD Anything Protocol for Download
3 @chomado/jkgf_bot 技術系彼女bot
3 @chsh/solr-text-n11n Text Normalization Filter for Solr
3 @cocoatomo/TAPL_Tokyo documentation prepared and used for TAPL_Tokyo
3 @cocodrips/oishi-omise
3 @cocodrips/shell-collection shell script
3 @codeforhakodate/streetcar-timetable A data of Hakodate Street Car
3 @codeyu/Ext.NET.Community Community release version of Ext.NET for AGPL licensing ↗️
3 @cooldaemon/firefox_searchplugins searchplugins for firefox. ↗️
3 @cooldaemon/gauche-dbd-mysql5 This is my localports for Gauche-dbd-mysql.
3 @cosmo0920/rpi3-yocto-conf
3 @cournape/pydata-talk pydata talk data
3 @cryptoeconomicslab/litigable_protocols_whitepaper
3 @dagbrown/zfs-fuse A git fork of Ricardo Correia's zfs-fuse project ↗️
3 @dai0304/brainfuck-scala
3 @dai0304/daisuke-archetype-quickstart
3 @dai0304/hanahozy
3 @daipdaip/docss My CSS Rules
3 @daitomanabe/ofxKinectDataReader kinect data reader
3 @daitomanabe/ofxKinectDataWriter kinect data writer with openFrameworks
3 @danmaq/touhou-taa-danmakufu 🎮☯ 東方時封城 - the Alternative Age: ORIGINAL VERSION. ↗️
3 @dav009/LatinamericanTextResources A collection of Latinamerican Corpora, dictionaries to serve as resources for Text processing and Text mining.
3 @de-sh/CSE A collection of all notes I have ever made for myself during my Computer Science and Engineering Degree
3 @domitry/sciruby-docker Docker Image for SciRuby users
3 @dongri/emvco-qrcode-doc
3 @ducanh841988/Artificial-Online-Handwritten-Mathematical-Expressions This is artificial online handwritten mathematical expressions that generated by linear distortion models
3 @edom18/iPhone-button-CSS-template iPhoneボタンを、1クラスで実装するCSSテンプレートです。 ↗️
3 @edom18/ieRotate Rotation elements for IEs (6, 7, 8) ↗️
3 @ericmuyser/ls-partials Collection of CMS partials for LemonStand.
3 @eryngii-mori/android-developer-preview Automatically exported from
3 @esminc/scrum Project Management doesn't hurt. ↗️
3 @euske/how-to-read Japanese Translation of "How to Read a Paper"
3 @f440/chocolatey-HaskellPlatform [UNMAINTAINED] Chocolatey package for Haskell Platform. ↗️
3 @f440/lxc-rpm
3 @fc2ist/markdown.github GithubのMarkdown風のスタイルシートです。
3 @feb19/Flash-Linkage-Name-Utilities Flash Professional CS5 以降対応「リンケージ名にいくつかの操作ができるコマンド集」
3 @freakeinstein/a-mma-documentation This is the one and only documentation hub for all official a-mma projects. Discussions:
3 @furuhashilab/howtocollaboratewithPokemonoGOxOSM PokemonGOやINGRESSなどNiantic製位置ゲーコミュニティとOSMコミュニティとの共生について
3 @gaaamii/100satsu 技術書100冊読むぞ
3 @gaspanik/medium-inspired-sketch Just a sample .sketch
3 @genki/acts_as_searchable_with_similarity
3 @genki/gem_plugin Gem Based Plugin System ↗️
3 @genki/rubyforge A script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. ↗️
3 @genzouw/ansible-role-apache-vhosts
3 @gfngfn/satysfi-external-repo Custom OPAM repository for external libraries of SATySFi
3 @gfngfn/satysfi-test
3 @gfx/java-codemodel-example An example to generate Java source code with CodeModel
3 @gijo-varghese/netlify-url-shortener Simple Private URL Shortener using Netlify
3 @goking/lightning-network-paper-ja
3 @goofmint/NNC_Handson
3 @gotoken/combinatoria Combinatorics utilities for Ruby
3 @guicho271828/unordinary-guide-to-common-lisp Unordinary guide to Common Lisp the language
3 @h-matsuo/circleci-orb-github-release CircleCI orb to manage GitHub's Releases ↗️
3 @hackerkid/hackerkid Posts that are too main stream for blog
3 @hackerkid/mentorships ToDos and Materials for students who are mentored by me
3 @hackerkid/talks
3 @hackers-champloo/cfp2017 Call for Paper 2017
3 @hajimehoshi/hajimehoshi
3 @hakatashi/emoji Emoji created by hakatashi
3 @hanachin/ucchin
3 @hansode/ruby-rpm ruby-rpm
3 @hashnao/mysqmha configurations for MySQL MHA
3 @haskell-jp/logo Haskell-jpのロゴ画像などの素材置き場
3 @hatena/Hatena-Blog-Docs Documents for Hatena Blog
3 @hatena/net-hatena-id Hatena ID Discovery Lite ↗️
3 @hideakihata/BugReportClassificationDataset Dataset for the study "Classifying Bug Reports to Bugs and Other Requests Using Topic Modeling"
3 @hidenorigoto/PHPerKaigi2018
3 @hidenorigoto/sfjp-doc-for-beginners Symfonyユーザー会入門ドキュメント ↗️
3 @hideo54/emoji Emojis created by hideo54
3 @hikarock/x-emoji 🐈 A web component to display Emoji
3 @himkt/survey
3 @himura/twitter-types-lens DEPRECATED: see
3 @hiroakis/cubism-example
3 @hirocaster/MarsEditPlugIn
3 @hirokidaichi/p5-Data-Destructuring-Assignment harmony's destructuring assignment for perl5
3 @hirose31/cidr-manager
3 @hirose31/monitor-latency store result of ping command (% of packet loss and RTT) in rrd file
3 @hisasann/CSS3Lightbox ぴゅあなCSS3だけでLightBoxを実現する方法。 ↗️
3 @hitode909/miyamoto morning BGM
3 @hitode909/slitscan-screensaver
3 @hlxwell/cap-ssh-key-man
3 @hnakamur/ansible-role-anyenv An Ansible role to install anyenv
3 @hnakamur/ansible-role-oh-my-zsh An Ansible role to install oh-my-zsh
3 @hnw/macports-repos-hnw Local ports repository for MacPorts ↗️
3 @hrdtbs/vscode-apacheconf-snippets Apache Conf Snippets for VS Code. Install → ↗️
3 @hyoshiok/ttf-ipafont debian package of IPA font
3 @icoxfog417/tensorflow-windows-build tensorflow wheel file builded on Windows
3 @ieee0824/CVE-2017-1000117
3 @ieee0824/UDON_DASHI うどんの出汁
3 @ikikko/ikikko-archetype-quickstart ikikko's Java Project Archetype
3 @ikwzm/ZynqMP-FPGA-Xserver X-Windows Server for ZynqMP-FPGA-Linux
3 @imcoddy/bitcoinsv-wiki Wikipedia for BSV
3 @inket/Duat.terminal color theme/profile
3 @inouetakuya/phpstorm-config
3 @int128/latest-gradle-wrapper Latest version of Gradle Wrapper, continuously updated by CI ↗️
3 @iorionda/the_little_book_on_coffeescript
3 @ishkawa/GHFSupport
3 @itchyny/fractal fractal figures in gnuplot
3 @itsu020402/Jupiter Nukkit fork ↗️
3 @ixkaito/gitignore My .gitignore template
3 @janog-ug/nog-list nog-list
3 @januprasad/swipe-pulltorefresh-listvew swipe-pulltorefresh-listvew-app
3 @jaseg/kicad-xilinx Here go any components I create for KiCAD
3 @jenuprasad/swipe-pulltorefresh-listvew swipe-pulltorefresh-listvew-app
3 @jj1bdx/openbox-clearlooks-solarized Solarized-colored Clearlooks Theme for Openbox
3 @jneen/ix a lightweight, easily configurable modal editor
3 @jneen/netherpad An online, plugin-friendly, shared document in node (wip)
3 @jneen/netherquill Share documents!
3 @joemphilips/Translate_Snakemake_Tutorial Snakemake のチュートリアル翻訳
3 @jorgebucaran/_jorgebucaran I'm a Japanese software engineer interested in UI/UX, math, and functional programming languages. ↗️
3 @jshimazu/circlci-s3deploy-example CircleCI Setting Example for Build and deploy to AWS S3
3 @k2works/aws_cloudformation_introduction
3 @k5342/tsksee-hsp tsksee [ Open Source(?) ]
3 @kadoppe/vagrant-kurento Vagrantfile for Kurento
3 @kaiinui/ glossary in JSON Schema
3 @kajidai/bddforcakephp BDD for CakePHP
3 @kana/vim-ctxabbr Vim plugin: Context-sensitive abbreviations ↗️
3 @kana/vim-ku-args Vim plugin: ku source for argument list ↗️
3 @kana/vim-ku-bundle Vim plugin: ku source for bundles ↗️
3 @kana/vim-ku-metarw Vim plugin: ku source for metarw ↗️
3 @kana/vim-ku-quickfix Vim plugin: ku source for quickfix list ↗️
3 @kanru/ctxnotes ctxnotes - ConTeXt Chinese document
3 @kapsy/tuyano-tricks Android tricks of the trade, modified samples from:
3 @karad/wpjelly_vol_1
3 @karlcow/grange-babel translation of texts on La Grange
3 @katsuma/flickr-gadget ↗️
3 @katsuma/mt-delicious-bookmark-counter ↗️
3 @katsuma/sbm-comment ↗️
3 @katsura-jp/tour-of-albumentations example of albumentations
3 @kawahara/OpenPNE3.1-Document Documents of the OpenPNE3
3 @kawakub0/pkgsrc-localpatches Various bug fixes for pkgsrc-current
3 @kazeburo/mssh ssh tool
3 @kazoo04/HaruIconGenerator はるアイコンつくるやつ
3 @kazutan/stan-d Dockerfile for rstan on RStudio Server. ↗️
3 @kdmsnr/hikidoc2tex
3 @keijiro/ableton-sketches Sketches made with Ableton Live
3 @keijiro/unity-shuriken-test
3 @keita/dtask DTask provides easy way to deploy web applications.
3 @keita/ruby-linux-smaps ruby-linux-smaps provides a interface to /proc/PID/smaps
3 @kenakamu/botbuilderv4completeguide Microsoft Bot Framework v4 完全制覇ブログのサンプルコード
3 @kenju/lpic_guides Open-Source Guides for Linux and LPIC Exams
3 @kenkiti/stock 株価取得スクリプト等
3 @kentaro/perl-sql-class SQL Generator for Perl
3 @kevincobain2000/ionic-market-hack How to get the source code for apps on the ionic-market that have android demo
3 @kimoto/sourcemod-plugins my sourcemod small plugins
3 @kishikawakatsumi/iOSDC-2020-UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
3 @kitasenjudesign/CreativeCodingDictionary
3 @kkeisuke/ My Profile, Skill, Contact, Work, Portfolio etc. ↗️
3 @kkohtaka/kubernetes-metrics
3 @kkrnt/jiritsu 自律して生きてる
3 @kmc-jp/Pidet
3 @kmizu/kmizu A programming language executed by me
3 @knqyf263/kube-trivy Trivy for Kubernetes
3 @knu/stow-utils Complementary utilities for GNU stow (
3 @kobake/Year2015 2015年目標等
3 @koduki/twitcaffe Flash base Twitter Client
3 @komagata/canvasGantt Gantt chart by canvas
3 @konifar/English This is my English learning repository.
3 @koshian/placeheart Get GPS data from API of iPhone App "placeheart" like place engine and Bonjour.
3 @koyachi/js-chromeless-mp3-player javascript mp3 player inspired by youtube chromeless player
3 @kozima/xyzzy-fsharp-mode F# mode for xyzzy
3 @kristate/zig-exp EXP: The Experimental Standard Library for Zig
3 @kshoji/BLE-MIDI-for-.NET MIDI over Bluetooth LE library for Windows 8.1
3 @kshoji/ImageIO-for-Android ImageIO porting for Android platform
3 @ksksue/Android-USB-Serial-Driver USB Serial Driver for Android 3.1 or upper. The driver support CDC and FTDI protocol.
3 @kt3k/DCSA Why DCSA architecture?
3 @ktlacaelel/playground A place to experiment with github features
3 @ktoso/rx-wiki
3 @ktym/GenomeBento Genome bento project with YCAM
3 @kubosho/mylife Issue tracker for my life.
3 @kui/kui-octopress-min-theme ↗️
3 @kurisubrooks/blockcraft 🗻 a simple, original minecraft texture pack
3 @kuroda/test Just a test
3 @kurokouji/XteaAccdb20150714
3 @kurotaky/data-analysis R Data Analysis Examples
3 @kuroyu/TEAM-Stock-Thmod TEAM Stock Rom mod
3 @kwappa/twicoro twitter アイコン変更ツール (PHP)
3 @kyanny/L-99 L-99: Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems ↗️
3 @kyanny/wishlist
3 @kyokutyo/jquery-arbr A jQuery plugin provides "荒ぶる(araburu)" text. ↗️
3 @kyorohiro/umiuni2d deprecated: Game library for flutter and html5 ↗️
3 @kyoto-u/rdm_rubric Japanese Translation of Research Data Management (RDM) rubric, originally designed by California Digital Library (CDL)
3 @kyotorb/code_quizzes
3 @lambdalisue/django.vim A simple compiler for using Django unittest on VIM ↗️
3 @lambdalisue/lambdabio Python Biology Library and Software
3 @leemengtaiwan/tfjs-models Trained tfjs model for inference
3 @lepture/ansible-elasticsearch Ansible role which manage Elasticsearch 2.x.
3 @lepture/book-chenmaoxiu 九一話人生 陳茂修自傳
3 @lepture/vue-translate A translator directive for Vue.
3 @lesguillemets/ Vim plugin for three.js development.
3 @limitusus/google_docs_up A Tool to Upload File to Google Documents by using command-line.
3 @lindwurm/chattels 所持品
3 @liquidz/default default repository
3 @liyang/stm-proof Correctness proof of a log-based semantics for software transactional memory with respect to a stop-the-world semantics, using Agda.
3 @localhost9292/hanami.rb
3 @lyokato/as3tinysegmenter TinySegmenter for ActionScript3
3 @lyokato/javascript-ratingstars JavaScript RatingStars Engine
3 @ma34s/make_bootanim create helpler script (WSH)
3 @mackato/hamackathon Hamackathon GitHub Space ↗️
3 @mah-jp/tsudamag_mail2epub Mail-Magazine "津田大介の「メディアの現場」" Converting EPUB Web Service (津田さんメルマガ→ePub変換ウェブサービス) ↗️
3 @making/demo-concourse-spinnaker
3 @making/elastic-stack-bosh-deployment BOSH Deployment for Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
3 @makoto-unity/asset-store-maniacs-articles
3 @maloninc/iRemoteWipe Provide the ActiveSync Remote Wipe functionality WITHOUT Exchange Server
3 @mamemomonga/mstdn-jp-beginners-book の入門書 ↗️
3 @mandel59/psil
3 @masaedw/textproc GUI frontend framework for oneliner
3 @masaki/bot-irc Bot::IRC is a framework for pluggable IRC bot.
3 @masakielastic/essential-js-design-patterns-ja Essential JavaScript Design Patterns の翻訳です。 ↗️
3 @masakyst/aws-perloneb_simple Perl on AWS Elastic Beanstalk hook
3 @masasuzu/resume resume
3 @masui/GyacoServer Gyacoクライアントからのデータアップロードとデータ管理
3 @masui/GyacoUploader Intent経由でAndroidからGyacoにアップロード
3 @masui/Real.UI Real.UIプロジェクトWebページ
3 @masutaka/circleci-tfupdate-orb CircleCI orb for tfupdate.
3 @mats116/ansible-role-mautic
3 @mats16/ecs-spot-deregister EC2 Spot Instances auto-deregister from ECS cluster.
3 @matschaffer/apex-injection-test
3 @matschaffer/friends The app I came out with after working through the ADC MacRuby tutorial ↗️
3 @matschaffer/ My github page ↗️
3 @matsubara0507/awesome-backpack A collection of awesome Backpack of Haskell links.
3 @matsubara0507/stack-templates Project templates for stack new
3 @mattn/SparkleShare SparkleShare
3 @mattn/labo-mattn labo for mattn: example source, example projects. ↗️
3 @maxfie1d/vscode-color-theme-spirited-away Color theme for VSCode inspired by Spirited Away
3 @mellowchanter/translate-wordpress-pinboard-theme This is Japanese language file for Pinboard theme.
3 @miki/WebService-WebSequenceDiagrams
3 @milligramme/hiroshimarb_logo logo for hiroshima.rb
3 @mingfunwong/real-bitcoin-private-key
3 @minhpqn/One-Month-Challenge Thử thách bản thân với những công việc làm liên tục trong vòng 1 tháng (30 ngày)
3 @miyako/4d-utility-build-application Tools to simplify BUILD APPLICATION
3 @miyamuko/xl-ppcre Portable Perl-compatible regular expressions for xyzzy Lisp ↗️
3 @miyamuko/xl-softalk xl-softalk - SofTalk を使ってテキストの読み上げ (TTS) ↗️
3 @miyamuko/xml-http-request xml-http-request - 同期・非同期をサポートした HTTP 通信ライブラリ ↗️
3 @mizchi/bcon
3 @mokehehe/reversi monte calro reversi in Haskell
3 @mokemokechicken/reversi-alpha-zero-models Models trained by reversi-alpha-zero
3 @mono0x/xinput-hsp A XInput wrapper for HSP
3 @monsat/PluginManager
3 @moriyoshi/freelance-kit
3 @motchie/mtfs Movable Type as a File System
3 @motemen/javascript-libraries-playground Play with arbitary libraries hosted on cdnjs
3 @motemen/kao-vault my kaomoji collection
3 @motoishmz/Cooking_Note
3 @mousepancyo/ARDrone-for-AS3
3 @moyashi/send-url-from-firefox-to-yorufukurou Firefoxで表示中のページのタイトルとURLをYoruFukurouに送るAppleScript ↗️
3 @mrkn/irc-say-bot Say bot for IRC
3 @myakura/
3 @myfinder/docker-norikra
3 @mzp/docker-bucklescript
3 @nakamura001/Unity-ProgressBar Unityでプログレスバー(ProgressBar)を実装
3 @nakao/togows-on-r TogoWS REST API for R ↗️
3 @namachan10777/Dman_Bible D言語くん記
3 @namusyaka/Mr.Easiness 2chまとめを簡単にするブックマークレット ↗️
3 @nao-pon/xoops_xupdate_store
3 @naoaki011/mt5-theme-mtvicuna-origin
3 @naokomc/wpjapomo Japanese language files for various plugins, themes and other mini projects.
3 @naota/umai_meshi_ya 美味しいごはん屋さんを共有しよう
3 @naoto/ruby_study
3 @naototty/centos7-rdo-icehouse setup rdo-icehouse on centos7 files
3 @naoya/perl-algorithm-suffixarray Suffix Array with libdivsufsort
3 @nayutaya/pure-nkf Pure RubyなNKF実装(非互換99%)
3 @ncxx-sl-lab/members メンバー紹介のリポジトリ
3 @nekokak/nekokak-dotfiles nekokak's dotfiles ↗️
3 @nevil/anki-jlpt-kanji-stats Plugin for Anki to display how many Kanji in each JLPT level is in the deck
3 @ngs/heroku-docker-nginx nginx Docker Image for Heroku ↗️
3 @nguyenlab/VSoLSCSum-Dataset The Vietnamese dataset for social context summarization
3 @nicolas-raoul/Nicolas-Raoul-Blog Code samples to illustrate/support articles of my blog ↗️
3 @nishimotz/libkuraji Japanese Braille translator originally developed for NVDAJP
3 @nisshiee/async-crawler ↗️
3 @nocotan/slides
3 @noriji/decode2019 2019/05/29-30 decode2019用の Azure Logic Apps サンプル集
3 @nukosuke/life 人生ずっとアルファ版
3 @nulab/nginx-gzip-filter-allow-weak-etag-patch Nginx patch to allow gzip filter to keep weak ETag
3 @nwiizo/Serverless_architecture_books サーバーレスアーキテクチャを支える技術 結局wordで作成しているので2018年中には公開します.
3 @nwiizo/saygodoon Python Framework Serverless Single Page Apps for AWS
3 @nzigen/coding-styles エヌ次元のコーディングスタイルを記述します。
3 @ocornut/imgui-doc Documentation/testing system for ImGui ocornut/imgui#435
3 @odentools/Diagram_log Update logs of timetable.
3 @ohac/ditz-patches patches for Ditz
3 @ojisan/STM32f4_btstack
3 @onevcat/ It's a user page
3 @ongxuanhong/Preprocessing-with-horse-colic-dataset
3 @ounziw/Atnd-User-List This addon shows Atnd User List on your site. This is a Concrete5 Block. ↗️
3 @ozt-ca/PTGH Parameter Tuning by God's Hand, an automatic parameter optimization framework based on Deep Learning and MCMC parameter search
3 @ozt-ca/struggle Competition portal like Kaggle for data preprocessing, data munging, data cleansing, ... anything like them that are absolutely required for ideal predictive modeling, regardless of whether statistics or machine learning
3 @patdx/git-magic-epub Git Magic in EPUB ebook form
3 @patorash/ansible-mac-provisioning Ansibleを使ってMacの開発環境を整える
3 @philsci/LiteStep-Archive An archive of binaries and sources by the LiteStep development team and many contributors on the ground.
3 @piece/piece-flow-editor
3 @pikepikeid/mod_hata ほた(はた)
3 @plen-admin/plen-3DModel_SolidWorks [STOPPED DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE] 3D model data implemented by SolidWorks.
3 @plenproject/plen__control_server A communication tool between HTTP and Serial for PLEN.
3 @plenprojectcompany/plen-3DModel_SolidWorks [STOPPED DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE] 3D model data implemented by SolidWorks.
3 @plouc/nivo-api-docker Docker image for the nivo API
3 @pocke/cookpad-summer-internship-2016-meshitero
3 @polm/awesome-gamedev-jp ゲーム開発に役立つリンク集
3 @pottava/docker-awscli ↗️
3 @pottava/docker-nodejs
3 @pottava/docker-php
3 @progedu/assessment あなたのいいところ診断ゲーム (ISC License)
3 @proppy/gce-elements Polymer Web Components for managing Google Compute Engine resources
3 @qmau-me/books Quick notes about books I read ↗️
3 @r-plus/ConfirmDictation shows confirmation before dictation.
3 @r-plus/DictGoogle Google search from iOS5's system wide dictionary.
3 @r-plus/NoCandidateBar opensource implementation of inlinecandidate concept.
3 @r-plus/PullToSyncForReeder add tweetie like pull to sync/read feature to
3 @r-plus/ScrollThindicator Thin Scrollbar!
3 @r-plus/SearchWordHighlighter Highlight searched word for MobileSafari
3 @rallat/uscis-visa-status-checker uscis visa status checker script
3 @rbtnn/nightlybuild-tabsidebar-for-windows This repository is to build Vim with tabsidebar for Windows by Github Actions automatically
3 @realglobe-Inc/edo 本人同意に基づいてサービス間でデータ流通を安全に行うための仕様セット。現在、開発中。 ↗️
3 @recruitcojp/RCtoolsUDF Recruitで利用しているhiveユーザ定義関数(UDF)の中から汎用的なものをセレクト
3 @rewish/CakePHP-DataShell CakePHP - Data (im|ex)port shell ↗️
3 @riseshia/til Today I Learned
3 @riseshia/til-deprecated Today I Learned
3 @rjyo/new-macbook-touchpad-fixer Have you had palm rejection on the new Macbook touchpad? Did you feel it's unnecessarily too large? There is a fix for it!
3 @rosylilly/pprocess push to pushover
3 @rrreeeyyy/giploc A minimal container runtime written in golang
3 @rsky/8cc.rust C Compiler by Rust
3 @ruedap/dapicons Icon Fonts for my products
3 @ryosms/AndroidLibraries
3 @ryosms/MarkdownLab for checking the behavior of markdown
3 @ryotarai/vagrant-docker-registry docker-registry with vagrant
3 @sakano/linq.tjs LINQ for TJS
3 @sakatam/sublimetext2-icon-updater Replaces Sublime Text 2's app icon in one shot.
3 @sakuramilk/sc02c_wiki sc02c wiki
3 @sambatriste/groovy-code-conventions Groovyコーディング規約
3 @sanographix/ie-owakon IEユーザーにメッセージを出す
3 @sasezaki/zf2userguide Zend Framework 2 userguide navigation (Japanese) for gh-pages ↗️
3 @sasurai-usagi3/camera web版SN◯W ↗️
3 @satococoa/p4d-summer-camp-2014 2014 年 #p4d 夏合宿
3 @scipy-japan/welcome Japanese Communities for Data Analysys by Python
3 @scommunity/wat2 Webからつかえる、自律分散型の電子地域通貨システム
3 @sh19910711/google-summer-of-code-2016 📄 Application draft for GSoC 2016 ↗️
3 @sh19910711/test ☕ test
3 @shibayan/azure-templates Azure Resource Manager Templates
3 @shifumin/vagrant-ansible-centos This is Ansible playbook to provision a CentOS box suitable for production on a local Vagrant environment.
3 @shigashiyama/nlp_survey
3 @shimizu/dataSet データセット寄せ集め。あとで分離する予定
3 @shimizukawa/docker-td-agent simple docker container for td-agent on ubuntu
3 @shin1x1/ansible-laravel Ansible playbook for Laravel 4
3 @shin1x1/zephir-docker Zephir Docker container
3 @shinmura0/OneClassAnomalyDetection-for-sound
3 @shiraji/KotlinConf2017 KotlinConf準備用レポジトリ。
3 @shogo82148/Iedenwa イエデンワ New Twitter Client
3 @shu0115/p4d-git-test
3 @shufo/docker-v8js-php7 A v8js image with php 7. ↗️
3 @shugo/ruby3summit Proposal of Proc#using
3 @shuji/jsdojo-fizzbuzz #jsdojo
3 @sinmetal/webproject-template front end web project template for sinmetal
3 @skyriser/dqx-woodcraft-notes ドラゴンクエストXの木工職人メモです。
3 @smartfm/smartfm_javascript Javascript Library ↗️
3 @snaka/snaka-pandion-plugins My pandion plugins ↗️
3 @somtd/LocalCacheSample Local Cache Sample using
3 @sonots/isucon5_cheatsheet
3 @sonots/ruby-capi (Unofficial) Doxygen generated C API references of CRuby ↗️
3 @sonsongithub/CommonCrypto Framework to include "CommonCrypto.h" for Swift
3 @sotayamashita/ A temporary repository to review welcome message of until it will be open sourcing
3 @spesnova/docker-nginx-example Dockerize Example for Nginx reverse proxy
3 @stanaka/munin-plugins munin plugins of stanaka's developing
3 @stormcat24/goose-docker
3 @stv-ekushida/iOSTraining スキルアップ実践編の問題
3 @stv-ekushida/ios-design-guide [WIP]Smart Tech Ventures Inc. Development Starndard
3 @sugarshin/circleci-orbs Sources for the CircleCI Orbs. ↗️
3 @suin/github-actions-playground
3 @suin/xoopscube-cheatsheet
3 @suvene/ My GitHub Page ↗️
3 @suzuki-shunsuke/alpine-sudo.docker
3 @swanmatch/meishi666
3 @syamn/Kuin.tmLanguage Kuin syntax definitions for Sublime Text 2
3 @syoyo/cycles cycles experimental
3 @syuchan1005/MCPluginDebugger Minecraft Server(Spigot) plugin develop assistant
3 @syuhari/SoftPhysics SoftPhysics for Cocos2d-x
3 @syuilo/joinmisskey
3 @syuilo/misspress A static site generator with Misskey
3 @syuu1228/cxxbacktrace Human readable backtrace for C++ ↗️
3 @t-yuki/snmptools A go library with SNMP helpers and types. ↗️
3 @taea/d4p
3 @tafuji/deocde2019-hands-on de;code 2017 ハンズオンセッション : DT62/DT63 Azure DevOps と Visual Studio App Center で体験する Xamarin アプリの開発・テスト・配布・監視の世界
3 @tagomoris/itunesconnect-reviews-bookmarklet bookmarklet to load all reviews from all of countries in iTunes Connect
3 @takahashim/ebpaj-guide 電書協 EPUB 3 制作ガイド 【非公式markdown版】
3 @takahashim/eif-sample 電子書籍交換フォーマット仕様書(β2)に基づく電子書籍データの見本
3 @takahashim/epub-check-test invalid epub documents to test epub validator conformance.
3 @takahashim/heiseirb202001
3 @takahashim/more97prog more 97 things every programmer should know
3 @tanaikech/getSpreadsheetByRange This is a simple way for retrieving Spreadsheet ID from a range. As an application, we introduce the enhanced copyTo() which can copy from a range to other Spreadsheet.
3 @tanaka-takayoshi/hello-typescript-nodejs TypeScript sample for Node.js
3 @tanakh/stacktracecpp Show stacktrace of C++ program
3 @tatsuro-ueda/p140125-Vagrantfile-jp 日本語版のVagrantfile
3 @tcnksm/coreos-meetup-tokyo CoreOS meetup tokyo
3 @theoldmoon0602/sadamas
3 @tk0miya/
3 @tkobayas/jbpm5study-ja jBPM5 Developer Guide Study Session for Japanese
3 @tmichi/octree A simple octree implementation in C++
3 @tmtysk/mbtermdb The utilities/database to develop a web site for mobile phone in Japan.
3 @tokuda109/SwitchArtboard.sketchplugin Sketch 3 plugin to quickly switch between artboards
3 @tokuhirom/acme-fuzzy fuzzy method resolution for perl
3 @tokuhirom/v8libs v8libs
3 @tom3q/initramfs_droidboot Initramfs for DroidBoot project.
3 @tom3q/platform_manifest Repository manifest for Android 4.0
3 @tota/freebsdport-ja-asterisk-sounds unofficial FreeBSD port japanese/asterisk-sounds
3 @tototoshi/stumpwmrc
3 @tottokug/AWS_Simple_Icons_for_omnigraffle
3 @treby/c86-git gitbook resources for C86. ↗️
3 @tsupo/ tsupo's github page ↗️
3 @twistcube/touchdesigner
3 @tyoshikawa1106/visualforce-and-lightning-design-system Visualforce & Lightning Design System Sample ↗️
3 @u-aizu/aizu-members aizu-members
3 @udzura/haml-rakefile Rakefile for converting haml/sass ↗️
3 @ueda/OusamaKing
3 @uetchy/uetchy Hi there🌊
3 @unlearned/P-CKM-N P@CKM@N for GDD exam ↗️
3 @upa/vxlan-vyos VyOS CLI extension for kernel VXLAN interface
3 @uphy/novnc-alpine-docker
3 @upura/marp-examples Presentation slides created by Marp ↗️
3 @usagi/Lectures my lecture data for students
3 @uskanda/yatex-yasnippet yasnippets for yatex-mode ↗️
3 @uyamazak/gdrive_update_notifier Google Driveで更新があった際にメール通知を送るGoogle Apps Script。
3 @uzyexe/dockerfile-curl cURL docker container
3 @vain0/abdata [hsp] リストや辞書などのデータ構造を提供するモジュール
3 @viirya/pagerank_php A php extension for pagerank algorithm
3 @violetyk/neco-php A neocomplcache plugin for PHP
3 @vishnugopal/caffeine A one-file PHP MVC framework (fork of the original). ↗️
3 @vvakame/Docker-circleci-gke
3 @wadahiro/mod_auth_openidc_rpmbuild_container RPM build docker container for mod_auth_openidc
3 @waiei/waiei2_bug
3 @waigania13/csmap_plugin csmap plugin for qgis
3 @walf443/as3-goban Goban in ActionScript3
3 @wanasit/facebook-chat Facebook's chat with Node.js, XMPP and oAuth .
3 @wantedly/intern-info Wantedlyのインターン情報や新卒採用についてのインフォメーションです
3 @wata909/foss4g2018jp-link FOSS4G 2018 Okayam/Tokyo の発表資料のリンク
3 @watilde/awesome-php-linter A nice list of linting utility for PHP on the GitHub.
3 @weed/p140125-Vagrantfile-jp 日本語版のVagrantfile
3 @wgkoro/PyCherryPick A simple python downloader ↗️
3 @wgkoro/postmessage_test
3 @windymelt/technical-docs 技術的なハウツーや情報の共有用レポジトリ
3 @woohgit/ansible-training Ansible Training Full CD Pipeline
3 @worthmine/YAML-username-ban
3 @wyukawa/hive-sample
3 @xuwei-k/sho ↗️
3 @yagi5/AWS_Lv1 learn aws : Lv1
3 @yahoojp-marketing/ydn-api-documents Technical Reference for YDN API
3 @yanarchy/brain-food Trying to consume meaningful material
3 @yasslab/weekend_fabrication A create-share-learn cyclic course for students in Okinawa, Japan ↗️
3 @yasulab/FacebookCard No More Biz Cards; just need iPhone/Android apps instead.
3 @yhara/gauche_on_rails Fork of
3 @yohasebe/objective-wordnet
3 @yohei/test-project just test
3 @yoichiro/codelabs ↗️
3 @yoko/blosxom-plugins
3 @yoko/colon : is a JavaScript Framework.
3 @yoshi1125hisa/twimob-twitter-cliant This is an application that displays Twitter for Mobile in a small window of Chrome on Mac OS.
3 @youchan/pragmatic-opal-support
3 @youz/coffee-mode CoffeeScript用メジャーモード for xyzzy
3 @youz/satysfi-pixels
3 @youz/shobon (´・ω・`)
3 @youz/xl-repl lisp-repl-mode for xyzzy
3 @yu-iskw/SPARK-5992-LSH-design-doc
3 @yuji/mt-plugin-this-is-good A Plugin for quick comment form. ↗️
3 @yuk7/cashless-go-jp キャッシュレス消費者還元事業 消費者向けリスト pdfから抽出 csv,json ↗️
3 @yuk7/regfiles Windows Registry Files
3 @yusugomori/jQueryPinterest
3 @yusukebe/Instagram-Search Search Instagram photos from Twitter.
3 @yusukebe/neta ↗️
3 @yusukebe/webservice-oneday-02 1日でわかるWebサービス制作実践講座 ↗️
3 @yutailang0119/PixelaUI-App PixelaUI documentations
3 @yutopp/dman_3d dman
3 @yyuu/fabfile-redis fabric recipe to build and deploy redis
3 @yyuu/scribe-munin munin plugins for scribe ↗️
3 @z80oolong/tmux-eaw-fix tmux 2.5 以降において East Asian Ambiguous Character を全角文字の幅で表示する ↗️
3 @zaki/ReiWiiControllerPlugin Wii controller plugin for 3Di Viewer "Rei"
3 @zchee/nvim-lsp A Language Server Protocol(LSP) plugin for Neovim written in Go
3 @zh/banano-awesome BANANO currency related resources - documents, sites, projects etc. ↗️
3 @zick/CeylonLisp Lisp implementation in Ceylon
3 @zk-phi/gemini-keyboard [Keyboard] My endgame split ergo of this month
3 @znz/ansible-role-dokku
3 @znz/ansible-role-ja_jp ansible role for ja_jp ↗️
3 @zonuexe/php-beginners-handbook