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Community Meeting 20201015

Adrian McEwen edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Meeting due to take place at 7pm on Thursday 15 October 2020

Present: JP, MC, AMc, CT, SJ

How is everyone?

Everyone is fine.

Review of/actions from last meeting

  • MG and SG to go through boxes on the storage shelves to get rid of any old ones and make sure everyone who has a membership has a box (Carried over - 6 months)

  • SG to work with laser team to collate ideas for laser room tidiness and small scale maintenance after a couple of weeks, then create the poster - not enough feedback yet, SG to create something and hope people are offended enough by how bad it is to fix it (Carried over - 3 month)

    * JP to put up a sign warning people we'll get rid of the clutter in the laser-room at the end of Oct (or a month's notice) and post to the Google Group

  • Adrian to update our mailing list of councillors and the like - SG to attempt to sit down with Adrian to go through the list. (carried forward 3 months)

  • SG to "come up with options" re: adding copy to the mugs to say what we do - (Github Issue Carried Forward - 2 months)

  • SG to find out who would be interested in running basic skills classes, and in what - Email sent, so will carry over.

  • SG to discuss best community meeting days/times with the daytime crowd.

  • MG to update the issue already covering a construction for sheet storage

* Suggestions from the community for the 'Things we need in order to make Things' list

Recent Events

None, due to the pandemic.

Upcoming Events

Still waiting to hear more details about the possible sParkIT popup repair café.


TBC when @johnmckerrell has the created the financial report for this month. However, we're generally doing okay.


Al Jazerra are visiting tomorrow to interview JP and AMc, for a piece about how Liverpool creatives are dealing with the pandemic.


Table saw. It needs commissioning; would be a red class of device and so we need to ensure that it's fitted with its riving knife and guard, and requires an induction first.

Mitre saw. Similarly needs commissioning so that it can be used safely.

Most of the parts for Tony (the Tremendously Large Laser-cutter) are now here. SJ is chipping away at the work for it, and suggested we get an RCCD isolating breaker for it too.

Confirm time & date of next meeting

Thursday 7pm 19th November 2020

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