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John McKerrell edited this page Dec 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Financials November 2021

A breakdown of our finances for the month.

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The following reflect the overall status of the finances at the end of the month.

Current Assets: £14,429.47

  • Current Account: £1,781.21
  • Petty Cash (approximate): £74.86
  • Paypal: £478.24
  • Deposit Account: £12,095.16

Liabilities: £17,586.06

  • Out of Hours Deposits (approximate): £6,100.00
  • Business Rates: £6,992.00
  • Visor Project Surplus: £4,494.06

Money Owed: £1,093.00

  • Outstanding Invoices 21st December: £1,093.00

Notes of interest

Expensive month with insurance payment going out causing a loss overall. Did have an event booking that brought some extra money in but otherwise unremarkable month.


Turnover: £5,570

  • Sales: £5,570

add Other Income: £60

  • Grant Income: £60

less Cost of Sales: £335

  • Materials: £335

less Admin Expenses: £4,172

  • Office Costs: £1,177
    • Electricity (October usage): £354.86
  • Rent: £1,740
  • Web Hosting: £19
  • Computer Software: £100
  • Internet & Telephone: £396
  • Sundries: £11
  • Bank/Finance Charges: £14
  • Insurance: £716

less Staff Costs: £705

  • Staff Training: £180
  • Salaries: £525

Operating Profit: £418

Generated from a FreeAgent report exported on 2021-12-21 16:47:33 +0000, also summary financial-summary-202111.yaml

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