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2947 lines (2946 loc) · 507 KB

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2947 lines (2946 loc) · 507 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
5931 @Hironsan/BossSensor Hide screen when boss is approaching. ↗️
5570 @dae/anki Anki for desktop computers
5223 @Shougo/deoplete.nvim 🌠 Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8
5120 @wkentaro/labelme Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).
4305 @euske/pdfminer Python PDF Parser (Not actively maintained). Check out pdfminer.six. ↗️
3494 @hhatto/autopep8 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. ↗️
3303 @miyakogi/pyppeteer Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial port of puppeteer)
3011 @farizrahman4u/seq2seq Sequence to Sequence Learning with Keras
2934 @mooz/percol adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of UNIX shell
2089 @philipperemy/keras-attention-mechanism Attention mechanism Implementation for Keras.
2066 @chakki-works/doccano Open source text annotation tool for machine learning practitioner. ↗️
1954 @lepture/authlib The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included. ↗️
1909 @reiinakano/scikit-plot An intuitive library to add plotting functionality to scikit-learn objects.
1826 @lepture/mistune A fast yet powerful Python Markdown parser with renderers and plugins. ↗️
1782 @Shougo/denite.nvim 🐉 Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
1731 @ryanmcgrath/twython Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs. ↗️
1681 @sukeesh/Jarvis Personal Assistant for Linux and macOS
1531 @r9y9/wavenet_vocoder WaveNet vocoder ↗️
1524 @philipperemy/tensorflow-1.4-billion-password-analysis Deep Learning model to analyze a large corpus of clear text passwords.
1386 @lepture/flask-oauthlib YOU SHOULD USE
1374 @r9y9/deepvoice3_pytorch PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models ↗️
1368 @13o-bbr-bbq/machine_learning_security Source code about machine learning and security.
1365 @alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework A python chatbot framework with Natural Language Understanding and Artificial Intelligence.
1340 @Hironsan/anago Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech Tagging and so on. ↗️
1240 @reiinakano/xcessiv A web-based application for quick, scalable, and automated hyperparameter tuning and stacked ensembling in Python. ↗️
1238 @OsciiArt/DeepAA make ASCII Art by Deep Learning
1215 @moskomule/senet.pytorch PyTorch implementation of SENet
1182 @wkentaro/pytorch-fcn PyTorch Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks. (Training code to reproduce the original result is available.)
1174 @chezou/tabula-py Simple wrapper of tabula-java: extract table from PDF into pandas DataFrame
1109 @lepture/flask-wtf Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload and Recaptcha integration. ↗️
1080 @neubig/nn4nlp-code Code Samples from Neural Networks for NLP
1070 @Ceruleanacg/Personae 📈 Personae is a repo of implements and environment of Deep Reinforcement Learning & Supervised Learning for Quantitative Trading.
1021 @vanhuyz/CycleGAN-TensorFlow An implementation of CycleGan using TensorFlow
902 @i2y/mochi Dynamically typed functional programming language
867 @hiroharu-kato/neural_renderer "Neural 3D Mesh Renderer" (CVPR 2018) by H. Kato, Y. Ushiku, and T. Harada. ↗️
858 @lepture/python-livereload livereload server in python (MAINTAINERS NEEDED) ↗️
858 @shirosaidev/diskover File system crawler, disk space usage, file search engine and file system analytics powered by Elasticsearch ↗️
853 @sugyan/tensorflow-mnist ↗️
843 @achiku/jungle AWS operations by cli should be simpler
825 @odashi/latexify_py Generates LaTeX math description from Python functions.
804 @Swall0w/torchstat Model analyzer in PyTorch
770 @philipperemy/keract Activation Maps (Layers Outputs) and Gradients in Keras.
769 @yusuketomoto/chainer-fast-neuralstyle Chainer implementation of "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution".
737 @farizrahman4u/recurrentshop Framework for building complex recurrent neural networks with Keras
732 @hhatto/ Nudity detection with Python
727 @Shougo/defx.nvim 📁 The dark powered file explorer implementation
700 @shirosaidev/stocksight Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis ↗️
676 @nineties/py-videocore Python library for GPGPU on Raspberry Pi
669 @shuyo/iir Machine Learning / Natural Language Processing / Information Retrieval ↗️
667 @kazuto1011/deeplab-pytorch PyTorch implementation of DeepLab v2 on COCO-Stuff / PASCAL VOC
649 @lepture/captcha A captcha library that generates audio and image CAPTCHAs.
643 @kamalkraj/BERT-NER Pytorch-Named-Entity-Recognition-with-BERT
632 @ljvmiranda921/pyswarms A research toolkit for particle swarm optimization in Python ↗️
589 @Joker316701882/Deep-Image-Matting This is tensorflow implementation for paper "Deep Image Matting"
589 @doloopwhile/PyExecJS Run JavaScript code from Python (EOL:
584 @mumoshu/kube-airflow A docker image and kubernetes config files to run Airflow on Kubernetes
572 @mokemokechicken/reversi-alpha-zero Reversi reinforcement learning by AlphaGo Zero methods.
560 @Hironsan/bertsearch Elasticsearch with BERT for advanced document search. ↗️
560 @miyosuda/async_deep_reinforce Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
556 @rezoo/illustration2vec A simple deep learning library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrations.
550 @gogotanaka/hilbert 👯 Implement mathematics. ↗️
529 @thombashi/sqlitebiter A CLI tool to convert CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets to a SQLite database file. ↗️
519 @Kuniwak/vint Fast and Highly Extensible Vim script Language Lint implemented in Python.
519 @Yukinoshita47/Yuki-Chan-The-Auto-Pentest Automate Pentest Tool
512 @wkentaro/gdown Download a large file from Google Drive (curl/wget fails because of the security notice).
496 @kazuto1011/grad-cam-pytorch PyTorch implementation of Grad-CAM, vanilla/guided backpropagation, deconvnet, and occlusion sensitivity maps
476 @rois-codh/kmnist Repository for Kuzushiji-MNIST, Kuzushiji-49, and Kuzushiji-Kanji
469 @mooz/xkeysnail Yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment
462 @philipperemy/deep-speaker Deep Speaker: an End-to-End Neural Speaker Embedding System.
457 @philipperemy/deep-learning-bitcoin Exploiting Bitcoin prices patterns with Deep Learning.
455 @thombashi/tcconfig A tc command wrapper. Make it easy to set up traffic control of network bandwidth/latency/packet-loss/packet-corruption/etc. to a network-interface/Docker-container(veth). ↗️
445 @PINTO0309/OpenVINO-YoloV3 YoloV3/tiny-YoloV3+RaspberryPi3/Ubuntu LaptopPC+NCS/NCS2+USB Camera+Python+OpenVINO ↗️
444 @humiaozuzu/wechat-explorer 微信聊天记录导出、分析工具
437 @chakki-works/sumeval Well tested & Multi-language evaluation framework for text summarization.
432 @naoto0804/pytorch-AdaIN Unofficial pytorch implementation of 'Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization' [Huang+, ICCV2017]
414 @Hiroshiba/become-yukarin Convert your voice to favorite voice ↗️
390 @shiba24/learning2rank Learning to rank with neuralnet - RankNet and ListNet
387 @skoczen/will Will is a simple, beautiful-to-code bot for slack, hipchat, and a whole lot more. ↗️
383 @naoto0804/pytorch-inpainting-with-partial-conv Unofficial pytorch implementation of 'Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions' [Liu+, ECCV2018]
383 @zchee/deoplete-jedi deoplete.nvim source for Python
382 @recamshak/django-debug-panel django-debug-toolbar in WebKit DevTools. Works fine with background Ajax requests and non-HTML responses.
379 @Joker316701882/Salient-Object-Detection This is tensorflow implementation for cvpr2017 paper "Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short Connections"
376 @thombashi/pytablewriter pytablewriter is a Python library to write a table in various formats: CSV / Elasticsearch / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LaTeX / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / NumPy / Excel / Pandas / Python / reStructuredText / SQLite / TOML / TSV. ↗️
374 @chakki-works/seqeval A Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation(named-entity recognition, pos tagging, etc...)
373 @miyosuda/unreal Reinforcement learning with unsupervised auxiliary tasks
369 @farizrahman4u/qlearning4k Q-learning for Keras
367 @mitmul/deeppose DeepPose implementation in Chainer ↗️
354 @cydonia999/Tiny_Faces_in_Tensorflow A Tensorflow Tiny Face Detector, implementing "Finding Tiny Faces" ↗️
352 @satojkovic/DeepLogo A brand logo detection system using tensorflow object detection API.
350 @zchee/deoplete-go Asynchronous Go completion for Neovim. deoplete source for Go.
341 @leetenki/YOLOv2 YOLOv2のchainerの再現実装です(darknetのchainerローダと、完全なchainer上での訓練コードを含みます)
336 @philipperemy/keras-activations Activation Maps (Layers Outputs) in Keras.
320 @chakki-works/typot Detect typo automatically, Adopt fix just by checking ↗️
319 @studio-ousia/mprpc A fast Python RPC library ↗️
316 @chakki-works/chakin Simple downloader for pre-trained word vectors ↗️
303 @lambdalisue/django-permission An enhanced permission system which support object permission in Django ↗️
295 @PINTO0309/MobileNet-SSD-RealSense [High Performance / MAX 30 FPS] RaspberryPi3(RaspberryPi/Raspbian Stretch) or Ubuntu + Multi Neural Compute Stick(NCS/NCS2) + RealSense D435(or USB Camera or PiCamera) + MobileNet-SSD(MobileNetSSD) + Background Multi-transparent(Simple multi-class segmentation) + FaceDetection + MultiGraph + MultiProcessing + MultiClustering ↗️
294 @nyoki-mtl/pytorch-segmentation PyTorch implementation for semantic segmentation (DeepLabV3+, UNet, etc.)
290 @ojii/django-sekizai Django Template Blocks with extra functionality ↗️
288 @ninoseki/shodan-dojo Learning Shodan through katas
286 @hirofumi0810/tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition End-to-End speech recognition implementation base on TensorFlow (CTC, Attention, and MTL training)
286 @neubig/nn4nlp2017-code Code Samples from Neural Networks for NLP
286 @ojii/django-classy-tags Class based template tags for django ↗️
284 @mitmul/chainer-faster-rcnn Object Detection with Faster R-CNN in Chainer
284 @naoto0804/cross-domain-detection Cross-Domain Weakly-Supervised Object Detection through Progressive Domain Adaptation [Inoue+, CVPR2018]. ↗️
282 @r9y9/nnmnkwii Library to build speech synthesis systems designed for easy and fast prototyping. ↗️
279 @philipperemy/keras-visualize-activations Activation Maps Visualization for Keras.
272 @philipperemy/Stanford-OpenIE-Python Stanford Open Information Extraction made simple!
267 @naokazuterada/MarkdownTOC SublimeText3 plugin which generate a table of contents (TOC) in a markdown document. ↗️
262 @soskek/bookcorpus Crawl BookCorpus
257 @Hironsan/HotPepperGourmetDialogue Restaurant Search System through Dialogue in Japanese.
256 @mblondel/soft-dtw Python implementation of soft-DTW.
254 @kamalkraj/Named-Entity-Recognition-with-Bidirectional-LSTM-CNNs Named-Entity-Recognition-with-Bidirectional-LSTM-CNNs
253 @PyYoshi/cChardet universal character encoding detector
252 @cpprefjp/site cpprefjpサイトのMarkdownソース ↗️
252 @yukitsuji/3D_CNN_tensorflow KITTI data processing and 3D CNN for Vehicle Detection
251 @rcmdnk/homebrew-file Brewfile manager for Homebrew ↗️
251 @satoshiiizuka/siggraphasia2019_remastering Code for the paper "DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement".
249 @jilljenn/tryalgo Algorithms and data structures for preparing programming competitions: basic and advanced ↗️
249 @ojii/pymaging Pure Python imaging library with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.1+ support ↗️
249 @philipperemy/n-beats Pytorch/Keras implementation of N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting.
248 @hirofumi0810/neural_sp End-to-end ASR/LM implementation with PyTorch
248 @r9y9/pysptk A python wrapper for Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK). ↗️
242 @chengstone/cchess-zero AlphaZero implemented Chinese chess. AlphaGo Zero / AlphaZero实践项目,实现中国象棋。
241 @takiyu/portrait_matting Implementation of "Automatic Portrait Segmentation" and "Deep Automatic Portrait Matting" with Chainer.
239 @mokemokechicken/keras_npi NPI(Neural Programmer-Interpreters) implementation with Keras
238 @mitmul/ssai-cnn Semantic Segmentation for Aerial / Satellite Images with Convolutional Neural Networks including an unofficial implementation of Volodymyr Mnih's methods ↗️
232 @chakki-works/chazutsu The tool to make NLP datasets ready to use ↗️
232 @yokawasa/azure-functions-python-samples Azure Functions Python Sample Codes
230 @icoxfog417/tensorflow_qrnn QRNN implementation for TensorFlow
228 @philipperemy/Deep-Learning-Tinder Simple Tinder algorithm able to swipe left and right based on the recommendations of a pre-trained deep neural network (Machine Learning).
225 @philipperemy/FX-1-Minute-Data HISTDATA - Full Dataset composed of 68 FX trading pairs / Simple API to retrieve 1 Minute data Historical FX Prices (up to June 2019).
223 @AtsushiSakai/PyAdvancedControl Python codes for advanced control
219 @cydonia999/VGGFace2-pytorch PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age'
217 @tkmru/nao Simple No-meaning Assembly Omitter for IDA Pro (This is just a prototype)
216 @tatsuhiro-t/apt-metalink Make 'apt-get' faster by downloading Debian/Ubuntu packages from multiple servers concurrently.
210 @takerum/vat_tf Virtual adversarial training with Tensorflow
208 @wkentaro/fcn Chainer Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks. (Training code to reproduce the original result is available.)
207 @euske/pyrexecd Standalone SSH server for Windows
202 @kfdm/gntp GNTP Python Library - #growl #gntp ↗️
202 @soskek/dynamic_routing_between_capsules Implementation of Dynamic Routing Between Capsules, Sara Sabour, Nicholas Frosst, Geoffrey E Hinton, NIPS 2017
201 @lepture/example-oauth2-server DEPRECATED Example for OAuth 2 Server. See instead.
201 @miyakogi/m2r Markdown to reStructuredText converter
200 @kanezaki/pytorch-unsupervised-segmentation
199 @upa/deadman deadman is a curses-based host status checking application using ping
198 @jaseg/python-mpv Python interface to the awesome mpv media player ↗️
198 @ugo-nama-kun/DQN-chainer
194 @soskek/bert-chainer Chainer implementation of "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding"
187 @Aixile/chainer-cyclegan Chainer CycleGAN
184 @miurahr/pykakasi NLP: Convert Japanese Kana-kanji sentences into Kana-Roman in simple algorithm. ↗️
184 @miyosuda/disentangled_vae Replicating "Understanding disentangling in β-VAE"
182 @Hiroshiba/realtime-yukarin An application for real-time voice conversion
182 @kamalkraj/BERT-SQuAD SQuAD Question Answering Using BERT, PyTorch
180 @humiaozuzu/YaH3C 中山大学东校区校园网认证的客户端(非官方)
179 @KamitaniLab/DeepImageReconstruction Data and demo codes for Shen, Horikawa, Majima, and Kamitani (2019) Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity. PLoS Comput. Biol.
179 @icoxfog417/fastTextJapaneseTutorial Tutorial to train fastText with Japanese corpus ↗️
176 @liaoziyang/OpenIE-Spider Extract Information from web corpus using Open Information Extraction.
174 @Shougo/deoppet.nvim The dark powered snippet plugin for neovim
174 @hiroharu-kato/mesh_reconstruction Code of single-image 3D reconstruction "Neural 3D Mesh Renderer" by H. Kato, Y. Ushiku, and T. Harada. ↗️
174 @lepture/zerqu ZERQU is a content-focused API-based platform.
174 @mitmul/caltech-pedestrian-dataset-converter Download Caltech Pedestrian Dataset and convert them for Python users without using MATLAB
173 @skoczen/django-seo-js SEO support for react, Vue, angular, backbone,, and other SPA apps built with django.
172 @adilmoujahid/deeplearning-cats-dogs-tutorial Source code for blog post: A Practical Introduction to Deep Learning with Caffe and Python ↗️
172 @tk0miya/testing.postgresql
171 @HirokiNakahara/GUINNESS GUINNESS: A GUI-based binarized deep Neural NEtwork SyntheSizer toward an FPGA
170 @kcct-fujimotolab/3DCNN 3D convolutional neural network for video classification
170 @yusugomori/deeplearning-tensorflow-keras 詳解ディープラーニング
169 @naokishibuya/car-behavioral-cloning Built and trained a convolutional network for end-to-end driving in a simulator using Tensorflow and Keras
168 @yusuketomoto/chainer-char-rnn karpathy's char-rnn ( implementation by Chainer
165 @exomut/evernote-dump Convert Evernote .enex files to markdown and extract the attachments with correct file dates.
165 @takiyu/hyperface Deep Neural Network (DNN) which predicts face/non-face, landmarks, pose and gender simultaneously with Chainer.
162 @zchee/deoplete-clang deoplete.nvim source for C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++ with clang-python3
161 @shirosaidev/sharesniffer Network share sniffer and auto-mounter for crawling remote file systems
160 @sugyan/tf-dcgan DCGAN implementation by TensorFlow
159 @PINTO0309/PINTO_model_zoo A repository that shares tuning results of trained models generated by Tensorflow. Post-training quantization (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization), Quantization-aware training. OpenVINO. ↗️
159 @philipperemy/Reuters-full-data-set Full dataset of Reuters composed of 8,551,441 news titles, links and timestamps (Jan 2007 - Aug 2016). Generate your own up to today!
157 @aonotas/deep-crf An implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) with Deep Learning Method ↗️
156 @ikegami-yukino/neologdn Japanese text normalizer for mecab-neologd
154 @r9y9/nnsvs Neural network-based singing voice synthesis library for research
151 @nyanp/nyaggle Code for Kaggle and Offline Competitions
150 @kamalkraj/ALBERT-TF2.0 ALBERT model Pretraining and Fine Tuning using TF2.0
149 @cournape/Bento A tool to nicely wrap-up your python softwares ↗️
149 @mblondel/fenchel-young-losses Probabilistic classification in PyTorch/TensorFlow/scikit-learn with Fenchel-Young losses
148 @shiba24/3d-unet Chainer implementations of 3D UNet
147 @liaoziyang/negapoji Japanese negative positive classification.日本語文書のネガポジを判定。
146 @djour/PyBRML Python Version of BRML toolbox for Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
146 @lepture/flask-weixin Weixin implementation in Flask.
145 @alifelab/alife_book_src 「作って動かすALife - 実装を通した人工生命モデル理論入門」サンプルコード
144 @CaiJiJi/VulScritp 内网渗透脚本
140 @philipperemy/tensorflow-class-activation-mapping Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization (2016)
139 @hermanschaaf/mafan A toolbox for working with the Chinese language in Python
137 @saitoha/PySixel View full-pixel color graphics on SIXEL-supported terminals(xterm/mlterm/DECterm/Reflection/kermit/RLogin/tanasinn/yaft)
132 @freedomofkeima/transfer-learning-anime Transfer Learning for Anime Characters Recognition ↗️
132 @mitmul/chainer-cifar10 Various CNN models for CIFAR10 with Chainer ↗️
132 @nttcslab-sp/kaldiio A pure python module for reading and writing kaldi ark files
131 @mumumu/pep8-ja PEP8 日本語版 ↗️
131 @n0ts/ansible-human_log This Ansible callback plugin for human-readable result logging for Ansible 1.9/2.0-2.4.
130 @ikegami-yukino/jaconv Pure-Python Japanese character interconverter for Hiragana, Katakana, Hankaku and Zenkaku ↗️
129 @dvcrn/sublimious Sublime configuration kit inspired by spacemacs and focused around VIM
128 @ykamikawa/tf-keras-SegNet SegNet including indices pooling for Semantic Segmentation with tensorflow and keras
127 @hhatto/ smartcrop implementation in Python
127 @iwasaki-kenta/keita My personal toolkit for PyTorch development.
126 @shibukawa/snowball_py Snowball stemming library collection for Python
125 @jojonki/BiDAF Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension, Minjoon Seo, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Ali Farhadi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
124 @Bemmu/PyNamecheap Namecheap API client in Python.
124 @kamalkraj/BERT-NER-TF Named Entity Recognition with BERT using TensorFlow 2.0
123 @yusugomori/deeplearning-tf2 Deep learning model zoo with TensorFlow 2.X (& Keras)
122 @dae/ankiplugins Plugins for Anki on the desktop ↗️
122 @farseerfc/pacvis Visualize pacman local database using Vis.js, inspired by pacgraph. ↗️
120 @philipperemy/tensorflow-ctc-speech-recognition Application of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) for Speech Recognition (Tensorflow 1.0).
119 @ymoch/apyori A simple implementation of Apriori algorithm by Python.
118 @odashi/chainer_examples Example usages of Chainer for natural language processing.
117 @neo1691/ A simple python script to fetch cricket scores and send notifications.
117 @philipperemy/tensorflow-phased-lstm Phased LSTM: Accelerating Recurrent Network Training for Long or Event-based Sequences (NIPS 2016) - Tensorflow 1.0
116 @aidiary/PRML PRMLのアルゴリズムをPythonで実装したサンプルプログラム
116 @rois-codh/kaokore Dataset for the Collection of Facial Expressions from Japanese Artwork
116 @tatsy/keras-generative Deep generative networks, coded with Keras.
115 @marcan/cl-waifu2x OpenCL implementation of waifu2x image upscaling
115 @miurahr/aqtinstall aqt: Another (unofficial) Qt CLI Installer on multi-platforms ↗️
114 @crcrpar/pytorch.sngan_projection An unofficial PyTorch implementation of SNGAN (ICLR 2018) and cGANs with projection discriminator (ICLR 2018).
112 @ljvmiranda921/seagull A Python Library for Conway's Game of Life ↗️
112 @okunishinishi/python-stringcase String case converter for python. ↗️
112 @peaceiris/emoji-ime-dictionary 日本語で絵文字入力をするための IME 追加辞書 📙 Google 日本語入力などで日本語から絵文字への変換を可能にする IME 拡張辞書です
111 @doloopwhile/pyjq A Python binding for ./jq
110 @MasazI/cnn_depth_tensorflow depth estimation using tensorflow
108 @lepture/otpauth Implements two-step verification of HOTP/TOTP. Also known as one time password. ↗️
108 @r9y9/pylibfreenect2 A python interface for libfreenect2 ↗️
104 @gunyarakun/python-shogi A pure Python shogi library with move generation and validation and handling of common formats.
103 @anandsaha/pytorch.cyclic.learning.rate Using the CLR algorithm for training (
103 @thombashi/allpairspy A python library for test combinations generator. The generator allows one to create a set of tests using "pairwise combinations" method, reducing a number of combinations of variables into a lesser set that covers most situations.
103 @tkamishima/mlmpy Machine Learning Meets Python : A tutorial of NumPy / SciPy for machine learners who want to implement their own algotithms in Python (written in Japanese) ↗️
102 @Hironsan/natural-language-preprocessings Some recipes of natural language pre-processing
102 @IshitaTakeshi/PCANet A Python implementation of PCANet
102 @SeitaroShinagawa/chainer-partial_convolution_image_inpainting Reproduction of Nvidia image inpainting paper "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions"
102 @fukatani/stacked_generalization Library for machine learning stacking generalization.
102 @merkremont/LineVodka May the Vodka be with you...
102 @skoczen/polytester Polytester is a simple, easy-to-use multi-language test runner.
100 @AtsushiSakai/rosbag_to_csv Converter from ros bag to csv
100 @hillbig/binary_net experimental binary net implementation in chainer
100 @kanezaki/rotationnet
100 @takerum/vat Code for reproducing the results on the MNIST dataset in the paper "Distributional Smoothing with Virtual Adversarial Training"
99 @aonotas/adversarial_text Code for Adversarial Training Methods for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
99 @himkt/konoha 🌿 An easy-to-use Japanese Text Processing tool, which makes it possible to switch tokenizers with small changes of code. ↗️
99 @jiali-ms/JLM A fast LSTM Language Model for large vocabulary language like Japanese and Chinese ↗️
99 @tsurumeso/waifu2x-chainer Chainer implementation of waifu2x
97 @lepture/getbook Generate ebooks from a collection of web links.
97 @minhpqn/nlp_100_drill_exercises 100 bài luyện tập xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên
96 @Ceruleanacg/Reinforcement-Learning 🤖 Implements of Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
96 @GINK03/kawaii-term terminalを可愛くします
96 @GLambard/AdamW_Keras AdamW optimizer for Keras
96 @leemengtaiwan/cat-recognition-train Train and deploy a cat vs dog image recognition model using TensorFlow ↗️
96 @marcy-terui/lamvery User-friendly deployment and management tool for AWS Lambda function ↗️
95 @marcan/blitzloop Open source karaoke software
94 @CuteChibiko/TalkingData TalkingData AdTracking Fraud Detection Challenge
94 @karlcow/markdown-testsuite A markdown test suite
94 @thombashi/SimpleSQLite SimpleSQLite is a Python library to simplify SQLite database operations: table creation, data insertion and get data as other data formats. Simple ORM functionality for SQLite. ↗️
93 @takuti/flurs 🌊 FluRS: A Python library for streaming recommendation algorithms ↗️
92 @ChunML/text-generator Having fun with LSTMs by creating a simple text generator.
92 @adilmoujahid/Twitter_Analytics Source code for blog post: An Introduction to Text Mining using Twitter Streaming API and Python
92 @kvmanohar22/Generative-Models Comparison of Generative Models in Tensorflow ↗️
92 @mitsuse/autocomplete-swift Autocompletion for Swift in NeoVim with deoplete.
91 @yu-iskw/tensorflow-serving-example Examples to server tensorflow models with tensorflow serving ↗️
90 @ogom/sublimetext-markdown-slideshow Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for markdown slideshow ↗️
89 @Hiroshiba/yukarin ディープラーニング声質変換の第1段階モデルの学習コード
88 @hirokidaichi/gilot a tool to analyze and visualize git logs.
88 @miquelcampos/mgear mGear: Rigging framework for Autodesk Maya
88 @mitmul/pynvvl A Python wrapper of NVIDIA Video Loader (NVVL) with CuPy for fast video loading with Python
88 @uidilr/gail_ppo_tf Tensorflow implementation of Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning(GAIL) with discrete action
87 @Joker316701882/Salience-Object-Detection This is tensorflow implementation for cvpr2017 paper "Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short Connections"
87 @knjcode/imgdupes Finding and deleting near-duplicate images based on perceptual hash.
87 @liaoziyang/Stanford-OpenIE-Spider Extract Information from web corpus using Stanford Open Information Extraction.
87 @studio-ousia/mojimoji A fast converter between Japanese hankaku and zenkaku characters
87 @sugyan/tf-face-recognizer
87 @toshi-k/kaggle-satellite-imagery-feature-detection 9th place solution in "Dstl Satellite Imagery Feature Detection"
86 @applenob/paper_manager A command-line manager programed in python, help with managing your local academic papers.
86 @kazuto1011/svm-pytorch Linear SVM with PyTorch
86 @naotokui/SpecGAN SpecGAN - generate audio with adversarial training
86 @peo3/cgroup-utils cgroup-utils helps your cgroups life
86 @wkentaro/morefusion MoreFusion: Multi-object Reasoning for 6D Pose Estimation from Volumetric Fusion ↗️
85 @Lewuathe/COVID19-SIR COVID-19 SIR model estimation ↗️
85 @aidiary/keras-examples Kerasのサンプルプログラム
85 @philipperemy/my-first-bitcoin-miner For the curious minds who want to understand how Bitcoin Blockchain works!
84 @PINTO0309/MobileNet-SSD MobileNet-SSD(MobileNetSSD) + Neural Compute Stick(NCS) Faster than YoloV2 + Explosion speed by RaspberryPi · Multiple moving object detection with high accuracy. ↗️
84 @chengstone/FindFaceInVideo This is a Deep Learning practice Demo which can find person in the video by human face.人脸识别的小demo,通过待识别的人脸图像在视频影像中找人。
84 @freedomofkeima/MoeFlow Repository for anime characters recognition website, powered by TensorFlow ↗️
84 @jojonki/Gated-Convolutional-Networks A PyTorch implementation of : Language Modeling with Gated Convolutional Networks.
82 @myuon/AI artificial intelligence on python!
81 @megabitsenmzq/ARU-Stickers ARU Stickers for iMessage
81 @oinume/tomahawk A simple ssh wrapper to execute commands into many hosts. ↗️
79 @TsingJyujing/DataSpider Spider cluster of several data source
79 @doloopwhile/Python-CoffeeScript A bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler (EOL: Please use coffee command or webpack). ↗️
79 @higepon/tensorflow_seq2seq_chatbot
79 @polm/cutlet Japanese to romaji converter in Python
78 @hiroharu-kato/style_transfer_3d Code of 2D-to-3D style transfer in the paper "Neural 3D Mesh Renderer" by H. Kato, Y. Ushiku, and T. Harada. ↗️
77 @abhaikollara/CNN-Sentence-Classification A tensorflow implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
77 @builtinnya/aws-sns-slack-terraform A Terraform module which sends SNS events to Slack with AWS lambda function
76 @bschwind/ir-slinger A small C library for sending infrared packets on the Raspberry Pi
76 @lepture/tornado.ext !!!DEACTIVATE!!!
76 @mitmul/chainer-pspnet PSPNet in Chainer
76 @sinhrks/japandas pandas japanese extension
76 @tsurumeso/vocal-remover Vocal Remover using Deep Neural Networks
76 @wellflat/cat-fancier cat detection, recognition, classifier engine 🐱
75 @BrainPad/FindYourCandy
75 @hoxo-m/densratio_py A Python Package for Density Ratio Estimation ↗️
75 @noagarcia/keras_rmac RMAC implementation in Keras
75 @noagarcia/visdom-tutorial A simple tutorial to use Visdom to plot your PyTorch training graphs
75 @unnonouno/cudnnenv
74 @Hironsan/ja.text8 Japanese text8 corpus for word embedding. ↗️
74 @dhgrs/chainer-VQ-VAE A Chainer implementation of VQ-VAE.
74 @ryanmcgrath/twython-django An example Django application to showcase how to use OAuth with Twitter in Django using Twython.
74 @taniwha/io_object_mu Python .mu reader/writer and blender import/export addon
73 @Hironsan/keras-crf-layer Implementation of CRF layer in Keras.
73 @laysakura/rainbow_logging_handler Ultimate Python colorized logger -
73 @methane/wsaccel Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython
73 @philipperemy/cond_rnn Conditional RNNs made easy with Tensorflow and Keras.
73 @toshi-k/kaggle-airbus-ship-detection-challenge Oriented SSD for "Kaggle Airbus Ship Detection Challenge"
72 @chakki-works/karura karura enables you to use machine learning automatically & interactively ↗️
72 @delphinus/homebrew-sfmono-square SFMono Square - patched font: SFMono + Migu 1M + Nerd Fonts
72 @yamahigashi/fabric-fabrik-fullbody-ik Fabric Engine Canvas tool for full-body IK system, based on FABRIK (Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics)
71 @ChunML/NLP This is where I put all my work in Natural Language Processing ↗️
71 @philipperemy/expressvpn-python ExpressVPN - Python Wrapper (public IP auto fetch)
71 @wkentaro/imgviz imgviz: Image Visualization Tools (object detection, semantic and instance segmentation) ↗️
71 @yukoba/CnnJapaneseCharacter ↗️
70 @philipperemy/amazon-reviews-scraper Yet another multi language scraper for Amazon targeting reviews.
70 @ymym3412/position-rank PositionRank: An Unsupervised Approach to Keyphrase Extraction from Scholarly Documents
70 @yohokuno/dl4nlp Deep learning for natural language processing
69 @iij/fontmerger DEPRECATED: FontForge script for to merge any fonts
69 @jedahan/haiku-wifi turn your wireless router's extra radios into a public billboard!
68 @Keats/rodent Turn your laptop into a CCTV!
68 @ahq1993/inverse_rl Adversarial Imitation Via Variational Inverse Reinforcement Learning
68 @qingfeng/mikoto Markdown Render Library for Douban Code
68 @studio-ousia/ntee Neural Text-Entity Encoder (NTEE)
67 @shibukawa/imagesize_py
66 @Aixile/chainer-gan-experiments Various GANs with Chainer
66 @moskomule/homura PyTorch utilities including trainer, reporter, etc.
65 @Shougo/deoplete-clangx X version of clang source for deoplete
65 @hakatashi/RictyDiminished-with-FiraCode 日本一美しいプログラミングフォント Ricty Diminished に、FiraCodeのプログラミング合字をミックス。
65 @marcan/deresuteme The code behind
65 @moskomule/pytorch.rl.learning for learning reinforcement learning using PyTorch.
65 @skoczen/django-longer-username An app to easily provide a longer username field for django.
65 @ykamikawa/SegNet SegNet including indices pooling for Semantic Segmentation with tensorflow and keras
64 @AdiChat/Faces Do you look like a Nobel Laureate 🎖️, Physicist, Chemist, Mathematician, Actor or a Programmer? God gave you one face and you went on to get a peek into the mind of God. 🌩️ ↗️
64 @dominhhai/captcha-breaker High Accuracy Captcha Breaker with Tensorflow and Node.js
64 @shiba24/deep-learning-for-human-part-discovery-in-images Implementation with Chainer
64 @wolfv/uberwriter A distraction free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux made with GTK+ ↗️
64 @yoshiya0503/Hermetica 📖Hermetica is scaffold tools, and wiki to implement better flask applications.
63 @ChunML/seq2seq
63 @ChunML/ssd-tf2 A super clean implementation of SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) made possible by Tensorflow 2.0
63 @PINTO0309/TPU-MobilenetSSD Edge TPU Accelerator / Multi-TPU + MobileNet-SSD v2 + Python + Async + LattePandaAlpha/RaspberryPi3/LaptopPC ↗️
63 @kanezaki/pytorch-rotationnet
63 @philipperemy/fractional-differentiation-time-series As described in Advances of Machine Learning by Marcos Prado.
63 @wolfv/pyjet JET is a different approach to make numeric python substantially faster
62 @icoxfog417/techcircle_openai_handson Tech-Circle OpenAI Handson Repository ↗️
62 @jrjohansson/wavefunction Python package for calculating wavefunctions for 1D and 2D potentials.
62 @yu-iskw/machine-learning-microservice-python Example to implement machine learning microservice with gRPC and Docker in Python ↗️
61 @OTL/cozmo_driver Anki cozmo ROS driver
61 @hiroharu-kato/deep_dream_3d Code of 3D DeepDream in the paper "Neural 3D Mesh Renderer" by H. Kato, Y. Ushiku, and T. Harada. ↗️
61 @istellartech/OpenGoddard Trajectory Optimization for Python ↗️
61 @nagadomi/kaggle-coupon-purchase-prediction Code for RECRUIT Challenge. 5th place.
61 @tatsuyah/CNN-Image-Classifier A Simple Deep Neural Network to classify images made with Keras
60 @mariotaku/twitter-tools
59 @YutaroHayakawa/ipftrace [Deplicated] Now we have more sophisticated (and compact) implementation in ipftrace2 repository. Please check it as well.
59 @crond-jaist/cyris CyRIS: Cyber Range Instantiation System
59 @hvy/chainer-visualization Chainer implementation of the paper Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks, 2013
59 @jilljenn/ktm Knowledge Tracing Machines: Factorization Machines for Knowledge Tracing ↗️
59 @lepture/safe Is your password safe? ↗️
58 @freedomofkeima/messenger-maid-chan [Deprecated] Maid-chan feat Facebook Messenger bot to accompany personal daily life ↗️
58 @philipperemy/very-deep-convnets-raw-waveforms Tensorflow - Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks For Raw Waveforms -
57 @OTL/rostensorflow TensorFlow ImageNet demo using ROS sensor_msgs/Image
57 @hirofumi0810/asr_preprocessing Python implementation of pre-processing for End-to-End speech recognition
57 @soskek/convolutional_seq2seq fairseq: Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning (Gehring et al. 2017) by Chainer
57 @upa/nante-wan Open Source Software-based yet another SD-WAN
57 @yohokuno/count-ngram Count frequent n-gram from big data with limited memory.
56 @PINTO0309/MobileNetV2-PoseEstimation Tensorflow based Fast Pose estimation. OpenVINO, Tensorflow Lite, NCS, NCS2 + Python. ↗️
56 @PINTO0309/TensorflowLite-UNet Implementation of UNet by Tensorflow Lite. Semantic segmentation without using GPU with RaspberryPi + Python. In order to maximize the learning efficiency of the model, this learns only the "Person" class of VOC2012. And Comparison with ENet. ↗️
56 @hirokiky/django-reportmail Django library to send 'report' mail of django management command easily.
56 @philipperemy/japanese-words-to-vectors Word2vec (word to vectors) approach for Japanese language using Gensim and Mecab.
56 @philipperemy/tensorflow-maxout Maxout Networks TensorFlow implementation presented in
56 @takano32/skype-bridge Bridge for Skype and other communication networks ↗️
56 @thombashi/pytablereader A Python library to load structured table data from files/strings/URL with various data format: CSV / Excel / Google-Sheets / HTML / JSON / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / TSV. ↗️
55 @PINTO0309/TensorflowLite-bin Prebuilt binary for TensorflowLite's standalone installer. Fast tuning with MultiTread. For RaspberryPi. A very lightweight installer. ↗️
55 @crond-jaist/cytrone CyTrONE: Integrated Cybersecurity Training Framework
55 @ku-nlp/pyknp A Python Module for JUMAN++/KNP
55 @mariotaku/wtb WHO TO BLOCK
55 @philipperemy/google-news-scraper Google News Scraper for languages like Japanese, Korean... [VPN Support]
55 @riywo/sample-fluentd-on-mesos-docker Fluentd on Mesos + Docker + Marathon
54 @miyakogi/wdom Web technology based GUI library for desktop applications
54 @rishikksh20/vae_tacotron2 VAE Tacotron 2, an alternative of GST Tacotron
53 @arubdesu/Extinguish Generates configuration profiles to set Sparkle-updater-enabled apps off by default
53 @delphinus/dotfiles my dotfiles ↗️
53 @dsanno/chainer-dfi Implementation of Deep Feature Interpolation
53 @jneen/python-cache Caching for humans
53 @miyosuda/scan SCAN: Learning Abstract Hierarchical Compositional Visual Concepts
53 @moskomule/shampoo.pytorch An implementation of shampoo
53 @philipperemy/stock-volatility-google-trends Deep Learning Stock Volatility with Google Domestic Trends:
53 @thombashi/pathvalidate A Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc. ↗️
53 @toru34/li_emnlp_2017 Deep Recurrent Generative Decoder for Abstractive Text Summarization in DyNet
53 @ykamikawa/tf-keras-PSPNet PSPNet for Semantic Segmentation with tensorflow and keras
53 @yoshiya0503/Flask-Best-Practices このリポジトリはFlaskのベストプラクティス、実施的なテクニックを紹介するリポジトリです。
52 @Hironsan/asari Japanese sentiment analyzer implemented in Python. ↗️
52 @hassyGo/NLG-RL Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Sentence Generation by Vocabulary Prediction
52 @ikegami-yukino/pymlask Emotion analyzer for Japanese text
52 @lambdalisue/lista.nvim Neovim/Vim buffer filtering plugin
52 @minorua/TileLayerPlugin [QGIS Plugin] add a web tile map as a layer onto your map canvas ↗️
52 @philipperemy/Stanford-NER-Python Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER) - Python Wrapper
52 @wkentaro/chainer-mask-rcnn Chainer Implementation of Mask R-CNN. (Training code to reproduce the original result is available.)
52 @youzaka/ariblib python implementation of arib-std-b10 and arib-stb-b24
51 @ChunML/DeepLearning Repo where I play with some outstanding well-known DNN models
51 @applenob/pick_a_name 😄 从此爸妈没烦恼!!!
51 @guicho271828/latplan LatPlan : A domain-independent, image-based classical planner
51 @jrjohansson/version_information IPython magic command for showing version information for dependency modules in a notebook.
51 @moskomule/cca.pytorch CCAs for looking into DNNs
51 @tokibito/django-ftpserver FTP server application that used user authentication of Django. ↗️
51 @ykamikawa/tf-keras-SegUNet Composite architecture of SegNet and UNet for Semantic Segmentation with keras
51 @ymyzk/tox-gh-actions Seamless integration of tox into GitHub Actions
51 @yohokuno/neural_ime Neural IME: Neural Input Method Engine
51 @yyuu/fabric_deploy capistrano like deploy recipe for Fabric
50 @BrambleXu/news-graph Key information extraction from text and graph visualization
50 @GINK03/5ch-analysis 5chの過去ログをスクレイピングして、過去流行った単語(ex, 香具師, orz)などを追跡調査
50 @KLab/myprofiler Sampling profiler for MySQL ↗️
50 @jojonki/Pointer-Networks Pointer Networks is a new neural architecture to learn the conditional probability of an output sequence with elements that are discrete tokens corresponding to positions in an input sequence.
50 @philipperemy/tensorflow-cnn-time-series Feeding images of time series to Conv Nets! (Tensorflow + Keras)
49 @chakki-works/Japanese-Company-Lexicon
49 @g6ling/Reinforcement-Learning-Pytorch-Cartpole Simple Cartpole example writed with pytorch.
49 @hotchemi/m-permissions-checker You can check whether you have to handle your app permission or not in Android M. ↗️
49 @kanryu/pipeffmpeg A frontend for ffmpeg using only pipes, not under GPL, but under BSD license.
49 @kvmanohar22/img2imgGAN Implementation of the paper : "Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation"
49 @lepture/opencc-python OpenCC binding for Python.
49 @mblondel/ivalice Boosting and ensemble learning in Python.
49 @mitmul/chainer-fast-rcnn Chainer folk of Fast R-CNN (Object Detection Method) ↗️
49 @parosky/poissonblending Python implementation of poisson blending
49 @ymym3412/textcnn-conv-deconv-pytorch text convolution-deconvolution auto-encoder model in PyTorch
48 @GINK03/fasttext-vs-word2vec-on-twitter-data fasttextとword2vecの比較と、実行スクリプト、学習スクリプトです
48 @chantera/blstm-cws blstm-cws : Bi-directional LSTM for Chinese Word Segmentation
48 @id774/finance Python for Financial Data Analysis with pandas
48 @ljvmiranda921/gym-lattice An HP 2D Lattice Environment with a Gym-like API for the Protein Folding Problem
48 @merkremont/LineChivas May the Chivas be with you...
48 @michilu/python-functools32 Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 for use with Python 2.7 and PyPy. Includes lru_cache (Least-recently-used cache decorator) ↗️
48 @miurahr/unihandecode unihandecode is a transliteration library to convert all characters/words in Unicode into ASCII alphabet that aware with Language preference priorities ↗️
48 @mizzy/maglica A Simple Internal Cloud Tool
48 @nzw0301/lightLDA fast sampling algorithm based on CGS
48 @philipperemy/keras-seq2seq-example Toy Keras implementation of a seq2seq model with examples.
47 @guozhaohui/TSParser Python script used to parse MPEG-2 TS stream
47 @kazuto1011/pspnet-pytorch PyTorch implementation of PSPNet
47 @knjcode/cifar2png Convert CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets into PNG images
47 @lepture/july DEACTIVATE.
47 @sukeesh/GoCF Contest parser for ↗️
47 @wkentaro/video-cli Command line tools for quick video editing.
47 @ymyzk/kawasemi A Python library for sending notifications to services such as Slack, HipChat, Twitter, and so on. ↗️
46 @c-bata/pysearch Web crawler and Search engine in Python. ↗️
46 @himkt/pyner 🌈 Implementation of Neural Network based Named Entity Recognizer (Lample+, 2016) using Chainer. ↗️
46 @moskomule/ssl-suite SSL using PyTorch
46 @orangain/scrapy-s3pipeline Scrapy pipeline to store chunked items into AWS S3 bucket. ↗️
46 @shogo82148/TinySegmenterMaker
46 @sinhrks/cesiumpy Lightweight Python wrapper of Cesium.js for 3D geospatial visualization
46 @tatsuyah/deep-improvisation Easy-to-use Deep LSTM Neural Network to generate song sounds like containing improvisation.
45 @arubdesu/Moscargo Helps techs and other savvy folk find the most current version of the software you curate, and makes them available for ad-hoc download.
45 @chakki-works/CoARiJ Corpus of Annual Reports in Japan
45 @dhgrs/chainer-ClariNet A Chainer implementation of ClariNet.
45 @methane/git-largefile Store binary files in git to S3
45 @ntddk/virustream A script to track malware IOCs with OSINT on Twitter.
45 @saitoha/trachet Tell you what is happening on your terminal ↗️
45 @yokawasa/envoy-proxy-demos Set of Envoy Proxy feature demos
45 @yugui/jsonnetunit Unit testing framework for Jsonnet
44 @PINTO0309/MobileNet-SSDLite-RealSense-TF RaspberryPi3(Raspbian Stretch) + MobileNetv2-SSDLite(Tensorflow/MobileNetv2SSDLite) + RealSense D435 + Tensorflow1.11.0 + without Neural Compute Stick(NCS) ↗️
44 @farizrahman4u/huffmax Huffman tree based hierarchical softmax
44 @lepture/terminal A terminal environment tools for python. ↗️
44 @lepture/tower-slack 将 的消息发送到 Slack 上
44 @thombashi/DateTimeRange DateTimeRange is a Python library to handle a time range. e.g. check whether a time is within the time range, get the intersection of time ranges, truncating a time range, iterate through a time range, and so forth. ↗️
43 @GINK03/GIZYUTSUSHOTEN-08 技術書典8用の資料とmarkdown(コロナで中止)
43 @IshitaTakeshi/Tadataka Visual SLAM framework under development
43 @ayato-p/clojure-beginner Clojure 初心者のためのドキュメント
43 @chengstone/Face_Recognizer face recognition application
43 @cydonia999/Learning_to_See_in_the_Dark_PyTorch Learning to See in the Dark in PyTorch ↗️
43 @dhgrs/chainer-WaveGlow A Chainer implementation of WaveGlow.
43 @dsanno/chainer-image-caption
43 @hirokiky/django-basicauth Basic auth utilities for Django.
43 @hirokiky/django-keeper Authorization library for Django, with ACL, not depends on models.
43 @lambdalisue/django-inspectional-registration Django registration app with Inspection before activation ↗️
43 @sjitech/mac_list_windows_pids Mac OS X: list all windows title and their owner process ids
43 @thombashi/pingparsing pingparsing is a CLI-tool/Python-library parser and transmitter for ping command ↪️ ↗️
42 @Bayonetta/BookLibrary 简易图书管理系统
42 @PINTO0309/OpenVINO-EmotionRecognition OpenVINO+NCS2/NCS+MutiModel(FaceDetection, EmotionRecognition)+MultiStick+MultiProcess+MultiThread+USB Camera/PiCamera. RaspberryPi 3 compatible. Async. ↗️
42 @henry0312/CDAE Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoder (CDAE)
42 @knorth55/chainer-fcis [This project has moved to ChainerCV] Chainer Implementation of Fully Convolutional Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation
42 @shimizukawa/django-redshift-backend Redshift database backend for Django
42 @upura/nlp100v2020 「言語処理100本ノック 2020」をPythonで解く ↗️
42 @ymyzk/wsgi_lineprof WSGI middleware for line-by-line profiling ↗️
42 @yyuu/botornado An asynchronous AWS client on Tornado.
41 @AdiChat/senpai 💨Making communication📞easier and faster🚅for all 👦 + 👧 + 👴 + 👶 + 🐮 + 🐦 + 🐱 ↗️
41 @wolfv/jupyter-ros Jupyter widget helpers for ROS, the Robot Operating System
40 @Hiroshiba/pytorch-trainer PyTorch's Trainer like Chainer's Trainer
40 @tell-k/vim-browsereload-mac vimplugin. scripts to reflesh your browser. works only MacOS ↗️
40 @tkmru/pwn_collection CTF & practice exploit collection
40 @upura/ml-competition-template-titanic Kaggle Titanic example
39 @MiCHiLU/python-functools32 Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 for use with Python 2.7 and PyPy. Includes lru_cache (Least-recently-used cache decorator) ↗️
39 @c-bata/pandas-validator Validation Library for pandas' DataFrame and Series. ↗️
39 @civic/elitech-datareader Elitech RC-4 data access tool and library.
39 @dav009/contra OpenData - Extractor de Informacion de
39 @hvy/chainer-inception-score Inception Score Module for Chainer
39 @icoxfog417/python_exercises short exercises for Python
39 @icoxfog417/tying-wv-and-wc Implementation for "Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling"
39 @miurahr/py7zr 7zip implementation in pure python3 with various compression methods: LZMA2, LZMA1, Delta, BCJ, BZip2, Deflate, and AES encryption. ↗️
39 @philipperemy/speaker-change-detection Paper:
39 @philipperemy/tensorflow-fifo-queue-example Example on how to use a Tensorflow Queue to feed data to your models.
39 @r9y9/dnnsvs WIP: DNN-based singing voice synthesis library
39 @rmackay9/ardupilot-balloon-finder Code meant to be run on an Odroid to allow an ArduCopter Pixhawk based multicopter to find red balloons for Sparkfun's AVC 2014 competition
38 @abhaikollara/flare A Keras inspired training utility for PyTorch
38 @abhaikollara/flare-archived A Keras inspired training utility for PyTorch
38 @c-bata/kobin A statically-typed wsgi micro web-framework for Python3. ↗️
38 @icoxfog417/gensim_notebook explain how to develop the topic model and how to evaluate it. ↗️
38 @lambdalisue/django-observer Watch modification of any type of field in Django's model and call registered callback ↗️
38 @lambdalisue/neovim-prompt A python library to produce a customizable Neovim/Vim prompt. ↗️
38 @mitmul/chainer-siamese Siamese Network implementation using Chainer
38 @mnrkbys/vss_carver Carves and recreates VSS catalog and store from Windows disk image.
38 @mono0926/alfred-git-commit-message-example Alfred Git Commit Message Example ↗️
38 @tsukkee/lingr-vim lingr.vim: Lingr client for Vim
38 @tuvistavie/python-i18n Easy to use i18n library for Python ↗️
38 @yunabe/pysh Write shell scripts in Python
38 @yusugomori/deeplearning-keras-tf2-torch 詳解ディープラーニング 第2版
37 @atsuoishimoto/tse Text Stream Editor in Python
37 @farizrahman4u/RNN-EM Recurrent Neural Network with External Memory in Keras
37 @jojonki/Hybrid-Code-Networks Hybrid Code Networks in PyTorch ↗️
37 @kyamagu/faiss-wheels Unofficial faiss wheel builder
37 @nttcslab-sp/dnn_wpe
37 @takerum/vat_chainer Implementation of Virtual adversarial training with chainer
37 @toritori0318/redash-dynamic-query A tool for executing dynamic query of redash.
37 @ykamikawa/Seg-UNet Composite architecture of SegNet and UNet for Semantic Segmentation with keras
36 @KLab/green-hakai Interenet hakai by gevent. ↗️
36 @lepture/getbook-chinese
36 @lightnet328/kurokumo Web application to create a wordcloud from Twitter.
36 @mono0926/Python-3-Object-Oriented-Programming
36 @ryusas/maya_greenCageDeformer A study of the cage deformer implementation for Maya based on Green barycentric coordinates.
36 @ykamikawa/tf-keras-yolov2-tracking yolo v2 implementation for object detection and object tracking(SORT) with tensorflow and keras
35 @applenob/simple_crf simple Conditional Random Field implementation in Python
35 @chakki-works/namaco Character Based Named Entity Recognition.
35 @icoxfog417/machine_learning_in_application Practical Machine Learning Implementation In the Application
35 @ikegami-yukino/oseti Dictionary based Sentiment Analysis for Japanese
35 @lepture/tornado.third third party for tornado, see howto at
35 @mokemokechicken/keras_BEGAN Implementation BEGAN(Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks) by Keras.
35 @ryusas/maya_rotationDriver Two methods of the rotation decomposition and composition.
35 @taikomatsu/BlackbodyMaya Blackbody radiation tool for Maya
34 @MasazI/InceptionV3_TensorFlow Inception v3 (GoogelNet V3) using TensorFlow and Tensor-Slim
34 @hiroshi/simplenote-backup Backup simplenote as text files
34 @jaseemkm/loco-hack Bot that helps to play loco trivia game in real time.
34 @lepture/flask-storage Uploader extension for Flask. [WIP]
34 @lepture/mistune-contrib Contribution for mistune.
34 @miyakogi/syncer Async to sync converter
34 @nicolas-raoul/Feedindicator RSS feed updates in Ubuntu Unity indicator area ↗️
34 @polm/posuto 🏣📮〠 Japanese postal code data.
34 @ryankanno/locust-swarm Swarm of locusts in the clouds
34 @statefb/dtwalign Comprehensive dynamic time warping module for python
34 @tkm2261/kaggler_ja_slack_archiver Slack log archive system and veiwer on GAE
34 @yasulab/SimpleTwitterBot Gather tweets including 'search_term' on Twitter, and re-tweet it. This bot runs on Google App Engine. The following twitter account shows a sample bot run on Google App Engine.
33 @AtsushiSakai/pycubicspline Cubic spline library on python
33 @akiym/pedal PEDAL - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB Lite
33 @hiroaki-yamamoto/mongoengine-goodjson More human-readable json serializer/deserializer for MongoEngine
33 @k0sukey/TiCornerRadius
33 @keitaoouchi/seleniumwrapper selenium webdriver wrapper to make manipulation easier. ↗️
33 @leemengtaiwan/airflow-tutorials 「一段 Airflow 與資料工程的故事:談如何用 Python 追漫畫連載」一文的程式碼 ↗️
33 @lepture/flask-shorturl Short URL generator for Flask.
33 @mitmul/chainer-imagenet-vgg
33 @neubig/mtandseq2seq-code Code examples for CMU CS11-731, Machine Translation and Sequence-to-sequence Models
33 @satopirka/Lasso This is implementation of Coordinate Descent for Lasso.
33 @xcir/vsltrans
33 @yusugomori/tftf TensorFlow TransFormer🍔
32 @GINK03/alt-i2v alternative illustration2vec implitation of sigmoids of fully connected layer
32 @PINTO0309/OpenVINO-DeeplabV3 [4-5 FPS / Core m3 CPU only] [11 FPS / Core i7 CPU only] OpenVINO+DeeplabV3+LattePandaAlpha/LaptopPC. CPU / GPU / NCS. RealTime semantic-segmentaion. Python3.5+Tensorflow v1.11.0+OpenCV3.4.3+PIL ↗️
32 @chakki-works/arXivTimesIndicator Indicator Dashboard for arXivTimes ↗️
32 @dhgrs/chainer-Fast-WaveNet A Chainer implementation of Fast WaveNet(mel-spectrogram vocoder).
32 @k0sukey/TiBubbleView
32 @shogo82148/svg2css An Inkscape Plugin which converts SVG to HTML+CSS. ↗️
32 @ykamikawa/yolov2-tracking yolo v2 implementation for object detection and object tracking(SORT) with tensorflow and keras
31 @achiku/pgpart Creating PostgreSQL partitioned table DDL should be easier.
31 @aonotas/interpretable-adv Code for Interpretable Adversarial Perturbation in Input Embedding Space for Text, IJCAI 2018.
31 @jojonki/MemoryNetworks End-To-End Memory Networks in PyTorch ↗️
31 @lambdalisue/django-author Automatically update author and updated_by fields on any models
31 @leemengtaiwan/gist-evernote A Python application that sync Github Gists and save them to Evernote notebook as screenshots.
31 @moskomule/eve.pytorch
31 @orisano/owiener A Python3 implementation of the Wiener attack on RSA
31 @skmhrk1209/GANSynth TensorFlow implementation of "GANSynth: Adversarial Neural Audio Synthesis"
31 @smzht/fakeymacs Emacs-like key bindings for Keyhac
31 @studio-ousia/gsocketpool A simple connection pool for Python gevent ↗️
31 @utahta/Flask-MVC-Pattern mvc pattern, using flask ↗️
31 @ykamikawa/PSPNet PSPNet for Semantic Segmentation with tensorflow and keras
30 @AtsushiSakai/PyJSONViewer A JSON viewer using pure python ↗️
30 @Hironsan/tensorflow-nlp-examples TensorFlow Examples for Natural Language Processing
30 @dhgrs/pytorch-UniWaveNet
30 @gaujin/tornado-crontab tornado-crontab is a library that can make the task apps like crontab.
30 @moskomule/pytorch.snapshot.ensembles PyTorch implementation of "SNAPSHOT ENSEMBLES: TRAIN 1, GET M FOR FREE" [WIP]
30 @neubig/lxmls-2017 Slides/code for the Lisbon machine learning school 2017
30 @ryuichiueda/opy onelinerers' Python, which works like AWK ↗️
30 @sebastibe/django-rest-skeleton A Django project skeleton to quickly bootstrap a REST API
30 @syoyo/eson ESON, Exa-scale Storage Object Notation
30 @typcn/php-load-test CVE 2015-4024 , bug #69364 , multi process php load test
29 @IanLewis/django-newauth Django auth done right ↗️
29 @IshitaTakeshi/RoadDamageDetector Implementation of a road damage detector in Chainer
29 @arubdesu/EAs Scripts to return inventory information for use in the JamfPro, heavily leveraging osquery
29 @c-bata/django-auth-example Sample project for my talk at DjangoCongress JP 2018. ↗️
29 @drumichiro/nmf-and-ntf The sample code to study non-negative matrix and tensor factorization.
29 @hvy/gan-resize-convolution Replacing deconvolutions in GANs with resize-convolutions
29 @jrjohansson/ipython-asymptote IPython extension for rendering and displaying asymptote in an IPython notebook.
29 @katsura-jp/efficientnet-pytorch PyTorch implementation of "EfficientNet", ICML 2019
29 @m2wasabi/nfcpy-suica-sample nfcpy 0.10.0 sample codes
29 @mitmul/chainer-nri Reproduction work of "Neural Relational Inference for Interacting Systems" in Chainer
29 @tell-k/django-modelsdoc Create models definitions document from your django project. ↗️
29 @tem6/badapple Play Bad Apple!! PV on Terminal.
29 @wkentaro/gshell Navigate in Google Drive as you do on shell (gshell = Google Drive + Shell).
28 @ShigekiKarita/espnet-semi-supervised ESPnet extensions for semi-supervised end-to-end speech recognition ↗️
28 @ayemos/akagi Codenize your datasources.
28 @c-bata/outlier-utils Utility library for detecting and removing outliers from normally distributed datasets using the Smirnov-Grubbs test. ↗️
28 @claudetech/python-slack-log Python Slack log handler using webhook ↗️
28 @crcrpar/chainer-VAE DEPRECATED!!! the same as official VAE example, but using Trainer in this repo
28 @fukatani/rujaion Rust / C++ / Python IDE for programming athlete
28 @humiaozuzu/black-dnsync DNS Syncer...
28 @jrjohansson/enplot one-line plotting tool
28 @peaceiris/mkdocs-material-boilerplate MkDocs Material Boilerplate (Starter Kit) - Deploy documentation to hosting platforms (Netlify, GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, and AWS Amplify Console) with CircleCI, Docker, pipenv, GitHub Actions ↗️
28 @piuccio/sublime-esformatter JavaScript formatter plugin for Sublime Text
28 @shinespark/dvorakjp-romantable Google 日本語入力用DvorakJPローマ字テーブル / DvorakJP Roman Table for Google Japanese Input ↗️
28 @soskek/chainer-openai-transformer-lm A Chainer implementation of OpenAI's finetuned transformer language model with a script to import the weights pre-trained by OpenAI ↗️
27 @AtsushiSakai/PyCoolPlot A cool plotting module on Python
27 @AtsushiSakai/rosbag_filter_gui A GUI tool for rosbag filtering
27 @GINK03/kaggle-dae kaggleのporto-seguro-safe-driver-prediction, michaelのsolver ↗️
27 @Hironsan/awesome-text-classification Text classification meets word embeddings.
27 @KLab/fluenpy Fluentd clone written in Python
27 @Surgo/aws_emojipacks Slack emojis of AWS services
27 @c-bata/chalice-linebot LINE BOT on AWS Lambda + API Gateway built with Chalice
27 @dsanno/chainer-vae-gan Variational auto encoder + DCGAN using chainer
27 @gengo/decanter A web framework based on bottle ↗️
27 @hermanschaaf/pythai A collection of tools for working with the Thai language in Python
27 @lepture/dotfiles my dot files
27 @mblondel/smooth-ot Python implementation of smooth optimal transport.
27 @mitmul/ssai Semantic Segmentation for Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Network ↗️
27 @moqada/django-simple-spam-blocker Simple spam blocker for Django
27 @rishikksh20/Liveness-Detection Liveness Detection for human face
27 @rishikksh20/gmvae_tacotron Gaussian Mixture VAE Tacotron
27 @sinhrks/daskperiment Reproducibility for Humans: A lightweight tool to perform reproducible machine learning experiment.
27 @slankdev/tinet The aim of this PJ is building Network Test-Env with Container easily. User can generate the script to build the L2 container network from YAML file. (Currently this is under the development) This is moved to
27 @studio-ousia/wikipedia2vec A tool for learning vector representations of words and entities from Wikipedia ↗️
27 @sugyan/Zenra 全裸にする ↗️
27 @teto/nvim-palette Easy access to nvim options
27 @tk0miya/diff-highlight
27 @tmaesaka/python-kyototycoon Python client library for Kyoto Tycoon.
26 @13o-bbr-bbq/SAIVS SAIVS (Spider Artificial Intelligence Vulnerability Scanner).
26 @GINK03/keras-seq2seq minimal seq2seq of keras
26 @Jwata/sushi_detector_dataset This dataset is used to train sushi recognition model using Tensorflow Object Detection API ↗️
26 @OTL/ros_book_programs ROSではじめるロボットプログラミングのサンプルプログラムです。
26 @ZhenjianYang/SoraVoiceScripts Voice scripts for Sora no Kiseki / Trails in the Sky
26 @bluele/redis-semaphore A distributed semaphore and mutex built on Redis.
26 @bungoume/mecab-web-api MeCabを利用した日本語形態素解析WebAPI
26 @fukatani/ChainerWing GUI deep learning IDE based on chainer.
26 @hiroharu-kato/view_prior_learning
26 @ianlewis/django-newauth Django auth done right ↗️
26 @konifar/android-theme-attrs-to-markdown-table Simple tool to parse Android theme attrs.xml to markdown table
26 @kyamagu/psd2svg PSD to SVG converter.
26 @mitmul/chainer-svm Support Vector Machine (SVM) implementation using Chainer
26 @non117/Boxnya twitter等の通知システム ↗️
26 @philipperemy/mercari-python-api The Python Mercari API.
26 @r9y9/pyreaper A python wrapper for REAPER ↗️
26 @shirou/kptool KeePass v1 DB tool
26 @studio3104/line-bot-sdk-python
26 @tatsy/tf-generative TensorFlow implementation of deep generative models, such as VAEs and GANs.
26 @ymyzk/django-channels A Django library for sending notifications ↗️
26 @yukitsuji/voxelnet_chainer VoxelNet implementation in Chainer
25 @OTL/rqt_ez_publisher ROS topic publisher GUI for rqt ↗️
25 @adilmoujahid/Coursera_Analytics Source code for blog post: Data Mining Coursera for Popular Courses with Python
25 @gengo/gengo-python A Python library to interface with the Gengo API for translation. ↗️
25 @himkt/tiny_tokenizer 📝A tiny sentence/word tokenizer for Japanese text written in Python ↗️
25 @ikegami-yukino/flati Flatten nested iterable object for Python (Pure-Python implementation)
25 @katryo/wordnet_python 日本語版wordnetをPythonで扱うためのラッパー
25 @keitaoouchi/easyimap Simple imap wrapper. ↗️
25 @kokimame/joytan Audio/Textbook Maker for Vocabulary Builders 🎵 📖 See our YouTube channel ! ↗️
25 @ku-nlp/bert-based-faqir
25 @lepture/tforms
25 @luslab/scRNAseq-WGAN-GP Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network for analysing scRNAseq data
25 @philipperemy/tensorflow-grid-lstm Implementation of the paper (Tensorflow 1.0, Python 3)
25 @saitoha/sentimental-skk 三 三 ( ´_ゝ`)< Japanese Input Method SKK (Simple Kana to Kanji conversion) on your terminal ↗️
25 @uidilr/ppo_tf Implementation of proximal policy optimization(PPO) with tensorflow
25 @v2e4lisp/pdf417-text-mode-decoder Decode pdf417 barcode in text mode(only)
25 @ymym3412/mlflow-docker-compose Deploy mlflow with docker-compose
25 @yusuga/alfred-codic-workflow codic (v3) Workflow for Alfred 2
25 @yusugomori/conveyer Machine Learning for everybody.
24 @Keats/django-drf-template A django template to start a DRF project
24 @Shougo/deoplete-rct deoplete rcodetools source for Ruby
24 @cournape/cython-codegen some experiment to use ctypes codegen for cython
24 @farizrahman4u/eywa Open source framework for building conversational agents [WIP]
24 @fukatani/soinn Unsupervised Learning by SOINN (Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network).
24 @hiromu/robust_audio_ae Robust Audio Adversarial Example for a Physical Attack
24 @hvy/chainer-gan-denoising-feature-matching Chainer implementation of Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with Denoising Feature Matching
24 @ithurricane/SampleCode Some source code snippets In my development.
24 @mrorii/tabebot tabelog crawler
24 @polm/showmemore SHOW ME MORE OF [-----]
24 @riken-aip/pyHSICLasso Versatile Nonlinear Feature Selection Algorithm for High-dimensional Data
24 @tork-a/roswww Tiny web server for ROS (forked from
24 @yamahigashi/MayaManipulatorDrawer Custom render override plugin for drawing manipulator even during playback for Autodesk Maya
23 @GINK03/keras-resnet-food-reverse-engineering resnetが料理の材料をあてます
23 @Makopo/sublime-text-lsl Syntax definitions for LSL(Linden Scripting Language) in Second Life and OSSL(OpenSimulator Scripting Language) in OpenSimulator.
23 @aflc/pyter
23 @ajayns/amoc-project Moodify: Recognizes emotion from face, generates a suitable playlist in the music player
23 @ajayns/moodify Moodify: Recognizes emotion from face, generates a suitable playlist in the music player
23 @arubdesu/recipeGenerationUtils Scripts to mass-generate specific autopkg recipes
23 @cohalz/CertUpdater Lambda implementation for automatically getting and uploading to S3 for Let's Encrypt certificates.
23 @cournape/samplerate
23 @hiroharu-kato/neural_renderer_v2
23 @kanezaki/pytorch-unsupervised-segmentation-tip
23 @mattn/mkdpreview-vim Markdown previewer for vimmer. ↗️
23 @miquelcampos/GEAR_mc GEAR_mc is a fork of Jeremie Passerin's GEAR project.
23 @mitsuse/typedjson-python JSON decoding for Python with type hinting (PEP 484).
23 @morishin/minecraft-lambda-function AWS Lambda function for managing Minecraft server ↗️
23 @nabetama/gimei random Japanese name and address generator from python. ↗️
23 @nus/web2py-for-fluxflex web2py for fluxflex package. ↗️
23 @philipperemy/bitmex-liquidations Minimal code to show how to receive the liquidations in realtime on Bitmex.
23 @saiten/TiSocketIO module for Titanium mobile
23 @takuyani/SLAM-Robot_Simu SLAM-Robot_Simulation
23 @tatsy/hydra Python HDR image processing library
23 @wantedly/recsys2020-challenge
23 @yugui/rules_ruby Ruby rules for Bazel
22 @AtsushiSakai/googleearthplot Python library for plotting on google earth
22 @PINTO0309/TPU-Posenet Edge TPU Accelerator / Multi-TPU / Multi-Model + Posenet/DeeplabV3/MobileNet-SSD + Python + Sync / Async + LaptopPC / RaspberryPi ↗️
22 @aidiary/pygame Pythonでゲーム作りますが何か?の全ソースコード
22 @c-bata/webframework-in-python "How to develop WSGI WEB Framework" talked at PyConJP 2016 ↗️
22 @hacarus/spm-image Sparse modeling and Compressive sensing in Python
22 @higepon/twitter_conversation_crawler Twitter Conversation Crawler
22 @icoxfog417/mlimages prepare the image data set for machine learning
22 @kana/vim-version-manager curl | python - setup
22 @kevincobain2000/email_extractor Yes it works! Email Extractor by Full Url Crawl. Extract emails and web urls from a website with full crawl or option depth of urls to crawl using terminal and python. ↗️
22 @lambdalisue/django-mfw Django framework for developing mobile site. ↗️
22 @lepture/vino Vino Is Not ORM [DONT USE IT]
22 @lucidfrontier45/scikit-chainer scikit-learn like interface to chainer
22 @naoto0804/pytorch-VAT Unofficial pytorch implementation of a paper, Distributional Smoothing with Virtual Adversarial Training [Miyato+, ICLR2016].
22 @naoto0804/pytorch-domain-adaptation Unofficial pytorch implementation of algorithms for domain adaptation
22 @philipperemy/NiceHash-api-monitoring-client Simple NiceHash client to monitor your mining rigs. Configure alerts and emails!
22 @satopirka/CharSCNN-theano implementation of CharSCNN and SCNN.
22 @sayonetech/django-blockchain A simple Blockchain in Python/Django ↗️
22 @stanaka/go-rest-api-server REST API server implementation by Go/Perl/Ruby for benchmark
22 @tkm2261/kaggle-youtube-porto Kaggle Tutorial materials ↗️
22 @wkentaro/logboard logboard: Monitor and Compare Logs on Browser/Terminal.
21 @AtsushiSakai/PyRoombaAdapter A Python library for Roomba Open Interface ↗️
21 @KamitaniLab/icnn iCNN: image reconstruction from CNN features
21 @LawOfTime/KakoBotnet Botnet should be fully functioning now. All commands work including the attacks in If you can think of anything I can add please email me the suggestion.
21 @PINTO0309/MobileNetv2-SSDLite My proprietary procedure. Caffe implementation of SSD and SSDLite detection on MobileNetv2, converted from tensorflow. ↗️
21 @ZhuangCY/DGCN Dual Graph Convolution Networks
21 @aflc/git-ticket git-ticket is a git extension to help developers manage the issue/ticket tracking system.
21 @chomstudio/mmdbone_rename.blender rename Japanese bone name of pmd/pmx to Engilish for blender
21 @dhgrs/chainer-DiscoGAN A Chainer implementation of DiscoGAN.
21 @gunyarakun/gunyanza A toy shogi AI
21 @k0sukey/TiDKLiveBlur Frosted glass effect in TiUITableView and TiUIListView
21 @komorin0521/darknet_server darknet server
21 @leetenki/googlenet_chainer GoogLeNetの学習済みモデルをchainerに移植し、他の画像分類問題でファインチューニングしやすいようにしたもの。
21 @liu-vis/DualResidualNetworks Dual Residual Networks Leveraging the Potential of Paired Operations for Image Restoration
21 @mattn/vim_kernel A Jupyter kernel for Vim script
21 @namidairo777/Distributed-MADDPG Distributed Multi-Agent Cooperation Algorithm based on MADDPG with prioritized batch data.
21 @naoina/pyroonga Python interface for groonga
21 @nejumi/tools_for_kaggle They are tools for Kaggle competition for me
21 @nocotan/born_again_neuralnet Unofficial pytorch implementation of Born-Again Neural Networks.
21 @rcmdnk/parse-plist
21 @shiba24/birdsong-generation-project Generating birdsong with WaveNet ↗️
21 @shirosaidev/saisoku Saisoku is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch file/directory transfer/sync jobs. ↗️
21 @soskek/der-network Dynamic Entity Representation (Kobayashi et al., 2016)
21 @techno/python-twoauth OAuth supported Twitter library for Python ↗️
21 @toru34/zhou_acl_2017 Selective Encoding for Abstractive Sentence Summarization in DyNet
21 @toshi-k/kaggle-champs-scalar-coupling 19th place solution in "Predicting Molecular Properties"
21 @wkentaro/octomap-python Python binding of the OctoMap library.
21 @yasumat/RobustPhotometricStereo Robust Photometric Stereo
21 @yono/python-extractcontent extractcontent.rb の python 版
20 @0todd0000/spm1d One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping in Python
20 @arosh/BM25Transformer (Python) transform a document-term matrix to an Okapi/BM25 representation ↗️
20 @c-bata/feedy RSS Feed Fetching Framework for Python
20 @hiromu/VoiceConversion Voice conversion tools for STRAIGHT
20 @hvy/chainer-wasserstein-gan Chainer implementation of the Wesserstein GAN
20 @jrjohansson/sympsi-notebooks Test and demo notebooks for the sympy.physics.quantum
20 @koko1000ban/SublimeGtags GNU GLOBAL(gtags) support for Sublime Text 2/3
20 @mitmul/tfchain Run a static part of the computational graph written in Chainer with Tensorflow
20 @mtoshi/airwaveapiclient Aruba Networks AirWave API Client.
20 @philipperemy/wavenet A general TensorFlow implementation of the Wavenet network to be used to model long term sequences with less trainable parameters.
20 @r9y9/pyopenjtalk Python wrapper for OpenJTalk ↗️
20 @ryugoo/TiExtendTab Titanium custom tab module for iPhone
20 @yaneurao/Ayane python Adaptor to YaneuraOu
19 @AtsushiSakai/pyplotjuggler Python plot juggler
19 @MakeNowJust/govm GoVM is the Version Manager of Go.
19 @alice1017/url2markdown-cli Convert website to markdown from URL. Powered by kennethreitz/url2markdown
19 @andy-yangz/nlp_multi_task_learning_pytorch A multitask learning architecture for Natural Language Processing of Pytorch implementation
19 @arubdesu/microsoft-recipes OLD - DO NOT USE! Use arubdesu/office-recipes instead ↗️
19 @hvy/chainer-infogan Chainer implementation of InfoGAN
19 @knakayama/mac-os-x-setup mac os x setup files
19 @knjcode/kaggle-kuzushiji-recognition-2019
19 @knorth55/chainer-light-head-rcnn [This project has moved to ChainerCV] Chainer Implementation of Light Head RCNN
19 @knorth55/coral_usb_ros ROS package for Coral Edge TPU USB Accelerator
19 @marcan/hackit Hack It Framework
19 @mikupaccho/gutto-paccho グッとパーッで分かれましょ
19 @ntddk/onionstack A Pictorial Book of Tor Hidden Services. ↗️
19 @philipperemy/information-extraction-with-dominating-rules Information extraction based on Stanford open IE Library and domination decision rules.
19 @r9y9/pysinsy Python wrapper for Sinsy
19 @ryuji/peep This software is a TUI front-end for Google Reader ↗️
19 @sgk/tepco-usage-api Tepco power usage API ↗️
19 @shiroyagicorp/japanese-word2vec-model-builder A tool for building gensim word2vec model for Japanese.
19 @shunk031/nvhtop A tool for enriching the output of nvidia-smi forked from peci1/nvidia-htop.
19 @skatsuta/vrp-solver Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW) solver written in Python.
19 @soskek/arxiv_leaks Whisper of the arxiv: read comments in tex of papers
19 @t-sin/lisc LISP as a python's LISt Comprehension
19 @takat0m0/AAE adversarial autoencoder (AAE) with tensorflow for MNIST
19 @timakin/qunosy Personal Gunosy for Qiita
19 @utatti/ClassHierarchy Class Hierarchy with CTags for Sublime Text 2
19 @xcir/python-varnishapi
19 @xcir/varnishHostStat Display to the Statistics for each domain or url-pattern
19 @yokawasa/scrapy-azuresearch-crawler-samples Scrapy as a Web Crawler for Azure Search Samples
19 @yteraoka/googleapps-directory-tools command line tools for managing google apps users and groups
19 @yuk7/arch-systemctl-alt systemctl alternative script package for Arch Linux container/WSL environment
19 @yusugomori/barbar Progress bar for deep learning training iterations💈
18 @MasazI/python-r-stan-bayesian-model-2 bayesian model by r and stan『StanとRでベイズ統計モデリング』by Python
18 @butsugiri/chainer-rnn-ner Named Entity Recognition with RNN, implemented by Chainer
18 @cydonia999/Grad-CAM-in-TensorFlow Grad-CAM in TensorFlow, presented in Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization. ↗️
18 @dsanno/chainer-neural-style implementation of neural style using Chainer
18 @dsanno/deep-learning-study
18 @hakobera/luigi-bigquery-exercise Example code of bq_sushi2 ↗️
18 @harusametime/RUSBoost Classifier of imbalanced data by boosting with random under sampling
18 @hirokiky/ebi Simple CLI tool for ElasticBeanstalk with Docker.
18 @hiromu/arrow-judge Arrow Judge is open source online judge system.
18 @hirose31/ganglia-pymodule_skeleton skeleton code for python module of Ganglia
18 @k0sukey/TiSBTickerView Wrapping SBTickerView, on Titanium app.
18 @knjcode/filter-response-normalization-layer-pytorch Unofficial PyTorch implementation of "Filter Response Normalization Layer: Eliminating Batch Dependence in the Training of Deep Neural Networks" ↗️
18 @knorth55/chainer-sort Simple, Online, Realtime Tracking of Multiple Objects (SORT) implementation for Chainer and ChainerCV.
18 @lambdalisue/django-googlemap-widget Use Googlemap on your Django app ↗️
18 @mandel59/mutsuki Mutsuki - Mincho style font
18 @minhpqn/vietner A Feature-based Vietnamese Named-Entity Recognition Model
18 @mitmul/chainer-conv-vis Convolution filter visualization tool for VGG-net using Chainer
18 @mkasa/json2xlsx A tool to generate xlsx (Excel Spreadsheet) files from JSON files
18 @mkouhei/iori deploying and config management tool for LXC
18 @non117/zoi 今日も一日がんばるぞい
18 @noraesae/ClassHierarchy Class Hierarchy with CTags for Sublime Text 2
18 @otiai10/dataviper Data Profiling and Basic Quality Assessment tool, for the very beginning phase of your project. ↗️
18 @philipperemy/Facebook-Profile-Pictures-Downloader 😆 Download public profile pictures from Facebook.
18 @philipperemy/Sentiment-Analysis-NLP Sentiment Analysis applied to different datasets such as IMDB
18 @ryanmcgrath/django-rednoise An opinionated addon for WhiteNoise, with a focus on Django environments.
18 @ryanmcgrath/pythentic_jobs A pure Python wrapper around the Authentic Jobs ( API.
18 @saeeeeru/dtc-tensorflow Implementation of Deep Temporal Clustering.
18 @shunk031/Multi-task-Conditional-Attention-Networks A prototype version of our submitted paper: Conversion Prediction Using Multi-task Conditional Attention Networks to Support the Creation of Effective Ad Creatives.
18 @soskek/variational_dropout_sparsifies_dnn Variational Dropout Sparsifies Deep Neural Networks (Molchanov et al. 2017) by Chainer
18 @tk0miya/testing.mysqld
18 @tsurumeso/chainer-grad-cam Chainer implementation of Grad-CAM
18 @upura/ayniy Ayniy, All You Need is YAML ↗️
18 @wanasit/chrono-python A natural language date parser. (Python version of chrono.js)
17 @5t111111/denite-rails denite-rails is a Denite.nvim source for Rails.
17 @GINK03/pytorch-pix2pix a fork of pytorch-pix2pix ↗️
17 @Hiroshiba/hihobot 自分のチャットボットを作る
17 @JohnnyZhao/peatio-client-python peatio client written in python
17 @KKeishiro/Yahoo_recommendation Yahoo! news article recommendation system by linUCB
17 @SerialLain3170/VideoProcessing VideoProcessing with using GAN
17 @Shougo/deoplete-terminal Terminal completion for deoplete.nvim
17 @Yagami360/MachineLearning_Exercises_Python_TensorFlow Python&機械学習ライブラリ TensorFlow の使い方の練習コード集。特にニューラルネットワークを重点的に取り扱い。 ↗️
17 @achiku/hipnotify Deadly simple HipChat API V2 room notification library
17 @arabian9ts/SSD300 Single Shot MultiBox Detector implemented with TensorFlow
17 @astronaughts/SublimeNFDToNFCPaste
17 @atoring/frostpunk_mod Frostpunk / Mod Tools / 非公式日本語化MODツール
17 @dayaman/dsc_readup Discordで読み上げをやってくれるやつ
17 @fukatani/Pyverilog_toolbox
17 @hogefugabar/CharSCNN-theano implementation of CharSCNN and SCNN.
17 @hotchemi/mvns CLI tool to search library in maven central repository ↗️
17 @jaseg/pixelterm Render pixel images (including animated GIFs) on 256-color ANSI terminals
17 @kakakakakku/docker-hands-on Docker study materials for beginners 🐳 ↗️
17 @kanru/calibre-haodoo HaoDoo PDB Plugin Adds HaoDoo PDB/uPDB support to core PDB plugin
17 @katryo/tfidf_with_sklearn
17 @knorth55/chainer-dense-fusion Chainer implementation of Dense Fusion
17 @koron/online-update zipで配布されているVimをオンラインアップデートするためのPythonスクリプト。現在ベータ&人柱募集中。
17 @manse/BigComment Generate ascii-art comment to display text on Minimap.
17 @mattn/hatenabookmark-meets-delicious post hatenabookmark to delicious periodically using google app engine ↗️
17 @motemen/furoshiki2
17 @ngxbac/Kaggle-Jigsaw
17 @ntddk/inshort 論文を読んだふりしてライバルに差をつけろ
17 @philipperemy/LSTM-text-generation Generating NEW Reuters articles from Reuters articles.
17 @technolize/zsh-completions Moved. ↗️
17 @umegaya/pb3sol protobuf3 compiler plugin for solidity and protobufjs integration support
17 @yamahigashi/MayaEnvEditor Environment Variable "Maya.env" editor for Autodesk Maya
17 @yoyoyo-yo/DCGAN_keras KerasでDCGANつくってみました MNIST, CIFAR10、自分のデータセットでつかえます!!!!!
17 @yuka2py/cnvk Python で全角・半角・ひらがな・カタカナ等を変換する ↗️
17 @yukitsuji/Faster_RCNN_tensorflow Implementation of Faster RCNN for Vehicle Detection
17 @ziyan/ssh-otp One-time password authentication for SSH.
16 @J1wu/wechat-enterprise-bot A silly parrot bot for WeChat Enterprise account written in Python and Flask
16 @MasazI/crfasrnn-training trainging tools for crf as rnn
16 @UedaTakeyuki/mh-z19 Read CO2 concentration from mh-z19 sensor on the Raspberry Pi & handle it. Detect Raspberry Pi model automatically and read value from appropriate serial device.
16 @arubdesu/jss-autopkg-addon INACTIVE - Use instead
16 @atsusy/TiInstagramUtil Hooks Instagram from Titanium Mobile app. ↗️
16 @baku89/baku-hda Digital Assets to supplement non-procedural features of Houdini
16 @be-hase/ghe-line-notify LINE Notify Gateway for Github Enterprise.
16 @codelibs/fess-docs Fess Docs. ↗️
16 @gengo/avalon Avalon : Makes localizing or translating your web app as simple as print _("Hello World")
16 @heavenshell/py-sqlalchemy_seed Simple data seeder using SQLAlchemy.
16 @hiroaki-santo/deep-photometric-stereo-network This is the project page for our ICCVW 2017 paper 'Deep photometric stereo network' by Hiroaki Santo, Masaki Samejima, Yusuke Sugano, Boxin Shi, and Yasuyuki Matsushita.
16 @icoxfog417/pykintone Python library to access kintone
16 @ikeikeikeike/tastypie-queryset-client Client for Tastypie. Provide operation similar to the Django Model API . ↗️
16 @j1wu/wechat-enterprise-bot A silly parrot bot for WeChat Enterprise account written in Python and Flask
16 @kieferyap/forkpi ForkPi: An open-source door access control system with Raspberry Pi. Done for my undergrad project with @matthewdeeco
16 @laysakura/SQLiteDbVisualizer Visualize SQLite database fragmentation
16 @lazydroid/deep-murasaki Deep learning chess engine, that has no idea about chess rules, but watches and learns
16 @lunardog/kelner Serve your models ↗️
16 @miyosuda/episodic_control Model-Free Episodic Control
16 @moskomule/mixup.pytorch an implementation of mixup
16 @oist/DenseObjectDetection Detection of objects in an image using segmentation
16 @ojii/django-birthday Happy Birthday! ↗️
16 @ojii/django-load loader utilities for Django
16 @ojii/django-server-manager Manage (restart/...) your Servers from Django Admin
16 @philipperemy/keras-snail-attention SNAIL Attention Block for Keras.
16 @r9y9/nlp100 Assignments for NLP 100 ↗️
16 @sayonari/twitchTransFreeNext
16 @shufo/python-lambda-image A thumbnail generator with AWS lambda and python.
16 @skoczen/mindful-browsing A chrome extension to beautifully interrupt mindless browsing and get you back to life. ↗️
16 @soskek/captioning_chainer A fast implementation of Neural Image Caption by Chainer
16 @spiralray/nhk2015_back_ros ROS programs of ABU Robocon 2015
16 @takiyu/DeepPose deeppose implementation with Chainer (subsequent stages are supported)
16 @takuti/datadog-anomaly-detector 🐶 Anomaly detection system for Datadog multiple metrics
16 @tk0miya/testing.redis
16 @toru34/rush_emnlp_2015 A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Sentence Summarization in DyNet
16 @viirya/flickr_fetcher Research codes for image interestingness
16 @y-lan/python-hiveserver2 Python binding for HiveServer2
16 @yono/gae-twibot GAE/P 上で動作する TwitterBot です
15 @38elements/sanic-admin sanic-admin is a command line tool for automatically restarting sanic.
15 @Aquasys/django-ajaxmiddleware A middleware to handle ajax requests for all views implementing a get_json_context()
15 @Aquasys/django-sphinx-autodoc Add all your django docstrings into sphinx
15 @AtsushiSakai/matplotrecorder A simple Python module for recording matplotlib animation
15 @GRGSIBERIA/mmd-transporter This is MMD files importer/exporter plugin on Maya Python Plugin.
15 @PINTO0309/zumo32u4 Zumo32u4(ATmega32u4) + RaspberryPi3(RaspberryPi) + SLAM(CartoGrapher/Gmapping) + RPLiDAR A1M8 ↗️
15 @Shougo/deoplete-nextword A deoplete source for nextword for completing words in English.
15 @alexbowe/debby A demo implementation of Succinct de Bruijn Graphs. ↗️
15 @attakei/errcron Crontab implementation for Errbot ↗️
15 @c-bata/concurrency-in-python Tutorial of concurrency in Python3 (Multi-threading, Multi-processing, Asynchronous programming)
15 @cynthia/kosentences Large scale unannotated Korean corpus for unsupervised tasks. (e.g. Language modeling)
15 @doloopwhile/diff2html Colorize script for unified diff
15 @glassesfactory/Shimehari moderate framework for Python. ↗️
15 @hakobera/luigi-bigquery Luigi integration for Google BigQuery
15 @hassyGo/pytorch-playground My PyTorch playground for NLP
15 @hfm/change_anomaly_detection Change point detection with Python
15 @hhatto/poyonga Python Groonga Client
15 @hiroaki-kaneda/voxcelchain 3-D convolution neural network using the Chainer
15 @ikegami-yukino/sengiri Yet another sentence-level tokenizer for the Japanese text
15 @jrjohansson/ipython-circuitikz IPython extension for rendering and displaying circuit diagrams using LaTeX/Circuitikz in an IPython notebook.
15 @komi1230/Predict-Stock-Price Predict Stock Price with PyTorch
15 @koturn/nvim-denite-sample Sample denite-source
15 @lepture/example-oauth1-server This is an example of OAuth 1 Server. ↗️
15 @macaron-et/wasabi-aeg Yet another implementation of AEG (Automated Exploit Generation) using symbolic execution engine Triton.
15 @mblondel/projection-losses Python implementation of projection losses.
15 @mopemope/pure-python-mysql This is PyMySQL original code. Pure python interface to MySQL. ↗️
15 @moskomule/distillation.pytorch Implementation of several knowledge distillation techniques on PyTorch
15 @naoto0804/chainer-adversarial-examples Adversarial attack methods, FGSM and TGSM, implemented in Chainer
15 @nitoyon/clnch3_extensions CraftLaunch3 ( )の自作拡張 (3.30 のみ対応)
15 @nknytk/face-classifier-cnn 顔写真から人を特定するCNN分類器とデータセット作成ツール
15 @nttcslab-sp/torchain WIP: pytorch FFI wrapper for Kaldi chain loss (a.k.a. Lattice Free MMI)
15 @nyk510/gradient-boosted-decision-tree 勾配ブースティングのpythonによる実装
15 @ojii/django-csv-export DEPRECATED in favor of ↗️
15 @ojii/django-statictemplate This project aims at providing a compromise between dynamic error pages for Django (that use template tags etc and therefore potentially error too) and having to write static error pages by hand.
15 @orangain/pika-twisted-example Example code handling multiple connections using pika and twisted
15 @rishabh135/MAD-GAN-MLCAMP Repository for MAD-GAN Paper done in ML CAMP Jeju
15 @skatsuta/cvrptw-solver Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW) solver written in Python.
15 @syoyo/python-rdma-examples Python RDMA sample scripts
15 @thombashi/DataProperty A Python library for extract property from data. ↗️
15 @thombashi/typepy A Python library for variable type checker/validator/converter at a run time. ↗️
15 @tkengo/tf TensorFlow samples
15 @tsu-nera/oanda-forex-study FX システムトレードの秘密開発室
15 @uiureo/neo-meguro-line super privacy tool powered by machine learning technology
15 @yoshi1125hisa/amazon-automation Script to make an automatic purchase on Amazon
15 @yuntan/crypkograph Generate your crypko tree graph on ↗️
14 @13o-bbr-bbq/Broken_FaceRecognition The system is broken face recognition for adversarial example testing.
14 @AtsushiSakai/PyOptSamples Optimization sample codes on Python
14 @GINK03/minimal-search-engine 最小のサーチエンジン/PageRank/tf-idf
14 @IanLewis/django-lifestream django-lifestream is a full featured lifestream application that you can use with django. Please see the wiki and issues at bitbucket. ↗️
14 @adilmoujahid/schelling_simulations Python implementation of Schelling segregation model
14 @airtoxin/Achievement Add some achievements on your sublime text 3 editor
14 @arabian9ts/VGG16 VGG16 network for recognition
14 @cournape/numscons Using scons within distutils
14 @drillbits/pycure All about Japanese battle heroine "Pretty Cure".
14 @fqj1994/renren-photo-download Download all photos of a renren friend.
14 @fvbock/gDBPool asynchronous, gevent based DB connection and interaction pooling
14 @gear/gfnn Graph Filter Neural Network
14 @gifbitjapan/pytunes-reporter Library to download analytics data from iTunes Reporter
14 @hakobe/anime_recommend
14 @hatsukiotowa/QnAMaker_Django_LineChatBot A Line Chatbot Build By Django + QnAMaker + Heroku + Linebot Sdk
14 @hhatto/gruffy Gruffy is Python implemetation of Gruff(Ruby's Graphing Library ↗️
14 @hnakamur/ansible-role-atom-packages Ansible role for installing pacakges for the Atom editor
14 @ianlewis/django-lifestream django-lifestream is a full featured lifestream application that you can use with django. Please see the wiki and issues at bitbucket. ↗️
14 @ikegami-yukino/rakutenma-python Rakuten MA (Python version)
14 @kanezaki/SHREC2017_track3 Scripts for SHREC2017 Track3 using RotationNet
14 @knqyf263/CVE-2020-10749 CVE-2020-10749 PoC (Kubernetes MitM attacks via IPv6 rogue router advertisements)
14 @michaelhenry/Localizr Localizr is a Tool that handles and automates the generation of localization files for IOS and Android so there will be only one source of truth for all of your localization strings. ↗️
14 @michilu/jinja2-precompiler Pre-compile Jinja2 templates to Python byte code
14 @mrkn/tf-waifu2x
14 @ninoseki/eml_analyzer EML analyzer is an application to analyze the EML file ↗️
14 @non117/yuyushiki Yuyushiki Annotation tool
14 @orangain/baraag Preview Markdown-formatted note in Evernote with browser
14 @orangain/serverless-crawler Sample of server-less crawler using AWS Fargate and Lambda
14 @qwexvf/flask-webpack-vue-sample a example of using flask-webpack with vuejs and hot module replacement.
14 @ryugoo/TiImageManipulator Image manipulator module for Titanium 3.2 (only iOS)
14 @sideffect0/django-fileprovider protected/large media file handler for django ( nginx, apache, caddy ) with development server support (python)
14 @takuti/anompy A Python library for anomaly detection
14 @teitei-tk/Simple-AES-Cipher Pycrypto based very simple AES cipher client
14 @teto/mptcpanalyzer Tool to help analyze mptcp pcaps
14 @thortex/rpi3-webiopi WebIOPi for Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, and zero ↗️
14 @toru34/tf_optimizers Optimizers in tensorflow from scratch
14 @toshi-k/kaggle-3d-object-detection-for-autonomous-vehicles 22th place solution in "Lyft 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles"
14 @upa/ofpot OpenFlow Honeypot
14 @upura/nishika-yuho Nishika 財務・非財務情報を活用した株主価値予測 2位ソースコード
14 @wkentaro/conque.vim [MIRROR] Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer. ↗️
14 @wkentaro/pascal3d Toolkit for PASCAL3D dataset.
14 @woohgit/aws-security-group-auditor AWS EC2 Security Group Auditor Tool
14 @yokawasa/azure-shell [Unofficial] interactive Azure CLI 2.0 command line interface
14 @yuku/Pyzon Python module for Amazon Product Advertising API.
13 @IshitaTakeshi/SCW Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning in Python
13 @MasazI/DeepLearning_TensorFlow DeepLearning Examples using TensorFlow
13 @MasazI/audio_classification audio classification using TensorFlow
13 @OsciiArt/Freesound-Audio-Tagging-2019
13 @abhaikollara/Chromosome-Segmentation Chromosome image segmentation using Keras
13 @airtoxin/Sublime-Sound Sublime-Text plugin to play event sounds
13 @alexbowe/keyphrase Key phrase extraction using Hadoop + Dumbo + NLTK
13 @aodag/WebDispatch ↗️
13 @arubdesu/Sikuli-AutoAppleID-Creator Drive iTunes to batch-create Apple IDs, inspired by
13 @chakki-works/elephant_sense content itself quality evaluation by machine learning ↗️
13 @cou929/Japanese-Translation-of-Google-JavaScript-Style-Guide Japanese translation of Google JavaScript Style Guide ( Using sphinx for documentation.
13 @cydonia999/visimportance-in-pytorch PyTorch code for 'Learning Visual Importance for Graphic Designs and Data Visualizations' ↗️
13 @darashi/chainer-example-overfeat-classify Image classifier built with Chainer, an implementation of OverFeat.
13 @dhgrs/chainer-WGAN-GP A Chainer implementation of WGAN-GP.
13 @fukatani/RefineDet_chainer RefineDet Network based on chainer
13 @hanhdt/esp32-flash-tool A simplify flashing tool of ESP32 boards on multiple platforms.
13 @ianlewis/kay Kay is a web framework completely specialising on Google App Engine. But basic design is based on the Django framework, like middleware, settings and pluggable application, etc. Kay uses Werkzeug as lower level framework, uses Jinja2 as template engine, uses babel for handling language translations. This software is distributed under BSD license. See LICENSE for the details. ↗️
13 @k0sukey/TiBCGenieEffect Wrapping BCGenieEffect module.
13 @kazunori279/raspi
13 @kiruto/Weixin-Article-Spider [Deprecated]微信公众号爬虫,专爬文章,爬取+一键转载示例 ↗️
13 @knjcode/pytorch-finetuner
13 @leetenki/YOLOtiny_v2_chainer YOLOtiny v2をchainerに移植したもの
13 @marioyc/CCA-images-text Canonical Correlation Analysis for joint representations of images and tags
13 @milk-cocoa/python_sdk Milkcocoa python sdk
13 @minhpqn/nlp_100_drill_exercises_ver_2020 Bản dịch tiếng Việt của 100 bài luyện tập NLP (cập nhật bản 2020) dịch từ 言語処理100本ノック 2020 (
13 @mokemokechicken/docker_capture_web Docker Container to take full screenshot of a web page
13 @mpenkov/receipt-ocr A toy project for extracting the amounts from a paper receipt
13 @naoto0804/chainer-cyclegan Unofficial chainer implementation of 'Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks' [Zhu+, ICCV2017]
13 @noagarcia/knowit-rock ROCK model for Knowledge-Based VQA in Videos
13 @nocotan/qitReader Qiita Reader in konsole
13 @odashi/chainer_nmt Neural machine translation tools built on Chainer
13 @ojii/django-better-test A better test command for Django
13 @orisano/olll A Python3 Implementation of LLL ↗️
13 @philipperemy/instant-music-playlist-downloader Download MP3 songs from the web.
13 @puhitaku/typedmarshal (WIP) Smart (un)marshaller between Python object and JSON inspired by Golang's unmarshaller.
13 @rcmdnk/MenuBarGmail Gmail notification in Menu Bar for Mac
13 @shaoanlu/experiment-with-res2net Experiment with Res2Net.
13 @shiba24/pretrained-model-collections Framework-free pre-trained model data links for neural network.
13 @shiraco/linnabot
13 @shunk031/TedScraper 💬 Scraper for TED Talks in Python. Get talk title, transcript, talk topics and so on.
13 @shunk031/chainer-MeanTeachers Chainer implementation of the paper "Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results" (
13 @soskek/homemade_bookcorpus Make BookCorpus by myself: crawl, scrape and preprocess
13 @studio-ousia/textent Representation Learning of Entities and Documents from Knowledge Base Descriptions
13 @studio3104/pytest-chalice A set of py.test fixtures for AWS Chalice
13 @takat0m0/CVAE_GAN CVAE_GAN with tensor flow
13 @tkmru/biwx binary editor
13 @unnonouno/chainer-memnn Now it is exported as an official example ↗️
13 @valda/garybash An alternative port of the "Wrye Bash" for Fallout 3/NewVegas. ↗️
13 @yamahigashi/MayaStickySupraTool Tool activation commands like Softimage style (sticky/supra mode) for Autodesk Maya
13 @ymyzk/python-gyazo A Python wrapper for Gyazo API ↗️
13 @yokawasa/azure-search-ta Azure Search Test Analyzer API Client Tool
13 @yono/python-markovchains マルコフ連鎖ライブラリ
13 @yuku-t/Pyzon Python module for Amazon Product Advertising API.
13 @yuroyoro/Japanese_Translations_of_Scala_Articles Japanese translation of Apocalisp's articles.
12 @Dosugamea/l-api-tips Some tips of using l-api
12 @IanLewis/kay Kay is a web framework completely specialising on Google App Engine. But basic design is based on the Django framework, like middleware, settings and pluggable application, etc. Kay uses Werkzeug as lower level framework, uses Jinja2 as template engine, uses babel for handling language translations. This software is distributed under BSD license. See LICENSE for the details. ↗️
12 @Lewuathe/tf-sne tf-sne is a light weight visualization tool on Tensorflow
12 @MasazI/stock_reinforcementlearning_tensorflow an implementation of reinforcement learning problem, stock prices
12 @SerialLain3170/IllustrationGenerator Illustartion Generation with using GANs
12 @aidiary/keras_examples Kerasのサンプルプログラム
12 @amake/TMX2Corpus A tool for converting TMX files into bilingual corpora
12 @azu/busterjs-ebook Buster.JS free e-book ↗️
12 @bgnori/gae-reverse-proxy HTTP reverse proxy on google application engine written in Python
12 @cou929/Japanese-Translation-of-How-Browsers-Work Japanese translation of How Browsers Work ( ↗️
12 @dealforest/swift_lldb_plugin
12 @dhananjaysathe/python-twitter-with-proxy python-twitter-0.8.2 with support for proxies ↗️
12 @dragon3/rhythmbox-twitter-plugin No longer maintained, Sorry! - This is a plugin for Rhythmbox that posts current played song album title and author. ↗️
12 @dsanno/chainer-cifar Chainer implementation of CIFAR-10 dataset training
12 @ertlnagoya/lwip-bug-finder lwipのバグを半自動検出くん。First introduced in 「2018年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム」(SCIS2018).
12 @euske/pyntch Python static analyzer
12 @farizrahman4u/keras-sru Implementation of Simple Recurrent Unit (SRU) using Keras and Recurrentshop
12 @furushchev/respeaker_ros A ROS Package for Respeaker Mic Array
12 @giginet/alfred-autojump-workflow Alfred 2 workflow to provide you a faster way to navigate your filesystem via autojump
12 @hirose31/connexion-tiny-petstore
12 @hvy/chainer-param-monitor Monitor parameter and gradient statistics during neural network training with Chainer
12 @jojonki/Taiyaki PythonとCythonで出来てる日本語形態素解析エンジン🚧
12 @kdrl/GloVe-PyTorch A simple PyTorch implementation for "Global Vectors for Word Representation".
12 @keisukefukuda/msgpack-python-pure Pure Python implementation of Msgpack serialization protocol
12 @kivantium/rnn-twitter
12 @lepture/Vealous This project is DEACTIVE ↗️
12 @lepture/burglar Let's rob the fat guys, and publish everything into feeds.
12 @lin714093880/llbot LoveLive SIF Auto-Play Bot
12 @making/jsug-spring-boot-handson ↗️
12 @mkasa/ffton Fast File Transfer over NAT
12 @mkouhei/tonicdnscli TonicDNS client tool ↗️
12 @nyanp/kaggle-homecredit
12 @philipperemy/keras-frn Keras Filter Response Normalization Layer.
12 @polm/ndl-crop Script for cropping photos from the NDL.
12 @saitoha/canossa Provides basic, transparent, off-screen(invisible) terminal emulation service, for terminal apps.
12 @scokobro/pandoc-abbreviations Pandoc filter to replace listed abbreviations with their expansions.
12 @showwin/kintai-paccho Slackから勤怠入力するSlack Botだぱっちょ
12 @snaga/Hecatoncheir Hecatoncheir: The Data Stewardship Studio
12 @soskek/efficient_softmax BlackOut and Adaptive Softmax for language models by Chainer
12 @tell-k/pypi-updates Unofficial bot to flow PyPI recent updates. ↗️
12 @teto/home Configurations
12 @thombashi/subprocrunner A Python wrapper library for subprocess module. ↗️
12 @tkm2261/analytics_ansible Ansible for building kaggle environment
12 @tsurumeso/pysparcl Python implementation of the sparse clustering methods
12 @unnonouno/mrep Morpheme Regular Expression Printer
12 @viirya/fastdict Research codes for binary code indexing and search
12 @virusvn/streamlit-components-demo An application demo Streamlit's components ↗️
12 @vitroid/GenIce A swiss army knife to generate proton-disordered ice structures for GROMACS.
12 @vivienseguy/Large-Scale-OT Stochastic algorithms for computing Regularized Optimal Transport
12 @yosisa/pyfluent A python client library for Fluentd
12 @yugui/grpc-custom-serializer An set of example implementations which shows how to serialize gRPC messages in JSON
12 @zh/cronhooks CronHooks is UNIX cron-like service, calling remote webhooks every x (x=1,5,10,30,60) minutes. ↗️
11 @4kubo/bacf_python A port of implementation fo BACF to python 2
11 @Bemmu/gender-from-name Gender from name in Python
11 @BrainPad/cliboa application framework for ETL(ELT) processing
11 @Fuuzetsu/torrentinfo Fork of torrentinfo as released on 30 December 2008 at v1.0.2
11 @GINK03/DomainDependencyMemeJsai2017 Jsai2017で炎上した論文を追加研究しました
11 @GINK03/keras-image2text
11 @IanLewis/luigi-demo A vagrant demo for luigi.
11 @KamitaniLab/bdpy Python package for brain decoding analysis (BrainDecoderToolbox2 data format, machine learning analysis, functional MRI)
11 @KamitaniLab/smlr Python package for Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression (SMLR)
11 @PINTO0309/gesture-drone Drone + OpenVINO + ObjectDetection + FaceRecognition + MobileNetV2 PoseEstiation ↗️
11 @Surgo/python-innosetup distutils extension module - create an installer by InnoSetup.
11 @TanUkkii007/deepvoice3-tensorflow A tensorflow based implementation of DeepVoice3
11 @achiku/sample-flask-sqlalchemy sample set up for Flask + SQLAlchemy + py.test + factory_boy
11 @anandsaha/rl.capstone My Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree capstone project in Reinforcement Learning
11 @astronaughts/SublimePHPBuiltinWebServer display the console of PHP Built-in WebServer to Sublime Text 2
11 @beam2d/elog Header only logging utility
11 @beam2d/sara Sample implementation of suffix array construction algorithm, SA-IS.
11 @buhii/tomato Python SWF Processor (for Flash Lite 1.1) ↗️
11 @chezou/cloudera-parcel customized cloudera-parcel
11 @civic/webrtc webRTC python webapp2 demo-
11 @dav009/serverless-aws-alarms-notifier Cloudwatch alarms on Slack with no effort via Serverless Framework
11 @dsanno/chainer-dqn
11 @eastxe/picture-clustering Image clustering with unsupervised learning using CNN
11 @fukatani/TreeSet Python Binary-Tree set like java Treeset.
11 @futoase/PyQCheck PyQCheck
11 @hachibeeDI/py-json-rpc JSON RPC toolkit for Python ↗️
11 @hamano/flask-mail-sendgrid Flask extension for sendgrid. It has same interface with Flask-Mail. ↗️
11 @hasenj/arabic-writer For writing arabic onto programs that don't support arabic shaping and RTL ↗️
11 @heavenshell/py-qiita Python wrapper for Qiita API v1.
11 @henry0312/pytest-pycodestyle pytest plugin to run pycodestyle
11 @hiroaki-santo/light-structure-from-pin-motion This is the project page for our ECCV 2018 paper 'Light Structure from Pin Motion: Simple and Accurate Point Light Calibration for Physics-based Modeling' by Hiroaki Santo, Michael Waechter, Masaki Samejima, Yusuke Sugano, and Yasuyuki Matsushita.
11 @hiroharu-kato/fast_gaussian_filter
11 @ianlewis/luigi-demo A vagrant demo for luigi.
11 @idobatter/wxAutoMine minesweeper solver ( python winmine.exe auto cruiser ) ↗️
11 @ikegami-yukino/python-tr A Pure-Python implementation of the tr algorithm
11 @ishikawa/modipyd Modipyd is a Python module dependency analysis and monitoring modification framework ↗️
11 @jilljenn/voyageavecmoi
11 @kawazrepos/Kawaz3rd All your game are belong to us ↗️
11 @kfdm/gntp-regrowl Regrowl GNTP messages on OSX - #growl #gntp
11 @ktnyt/cat_chainer ねこでもわかるChainer
11 @lambdalisue/Shareboard
11 @lambdalisue/django-thumbnailfield Enhanced ImageField of Django which support automatically generating thumbnail files ↗️
11 @lepture/pedantmark Python binding of GitHub CommonMark with extensions and renderers.
11 @mainyaa/bitmech
11 @making/spring-boot-camp-instruction Spring Bootキャンプのハンズオン資料です
11 @marcan/lighthouses_aicontest Euskal Encounter 21 AI Contest
11 @minhpqn/aivivn_1_ensemble_7th_place Mã nguồn của mô hình xếp hạng 7 tại cuộc thi phân loại sắc thái bình luận do Aivivn tổ chức.
11 @mitmul/ofChainer
11 @monochromegane/starchart StarChart is a tool to manage Google Cloud Machine Learning training programs and model versions.
11 @moskomule/introvae.pytorch
11 @mrkn/webdb_deep_learning WEB+DB PRESS Vol.89 特集2のサンプルコード群
11 @namidairo777/xiao_multiagent Research project - real-time multi-agent pursuit a moving target
11 @nocotan/chainer-examples This is implementation examples by Chainer.
11 @nocotan/pyndlsearch Python wrapper of NDL Search.
11 @odashi/ase15-django-dataset Django Dataset for Code Translation Tasks
11 @ojii/django-cms-html5-1140px-boilerplate No more tedious setups. Start designing and developing right away. ↗️
11 @ottati/markdown-editor GFM対応リアルタイムプレビューMarkdownエディター
11 @pabitralenka/Customer-Feedback-Analysis Multi Class Text (Feedback) Classification using CNN, GRU Network and pre trained Word2Vec embedding, word embeddings on TensorFlow.
11 @petitviolet/qiita_py Python Wrapper for Qiita API v2
11 @philipperemy/vision-api Google Vision API made easy!
11 @rishikksh20/Movie-Recommender-System
11 @rjyo/SubWatch A tool to automate sub downloading
11 @ryanmcgrath/drinkkitcom A Foursquare clone written in Django to let Redditors broadcast DC bar crawls. ↗️
11 @ryuichiueda/raspimouse_ros ROS package for Raspberry Pi Mouse (for book sample, information for new version below)
11 @safx/swift-idl Swift-idl is a tool to generate Swift source code from Swift source code.
11 @satojkovic/ml-algorithms-simple A collection of machine learning algorithms in python
11 @satopirka/deep-learning-theano Theano
11 @shirosaidev/airbnbbot Airbnb Messaging Bot (TOBOT) - AI assistant for Airbnb Hosts
11 @shirou/sphinxcontrib-ansibleautodoc autodoc for ansible playbook
11 @sin-tanaka/radipy Radipy is CLI radiko Downloader written by python3.
11 @sinhrks/pyopendata
11 @soskek/ROCStory_skipthought_baseline A novel baseline model for Story Cloze Test and ROCStories
11 @studio-ousia/entity-vector Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities
11 @sugyan/tf-face-detector Face Detector
11 @takahashi-yugo/php-internals-book-ja PHP Internals Book 日本語訳 ↗️
11 @techno/twittext Simple text-based Twitter client. ↗️
11 @tkm2261/TokyoWebmining_40_tkm2261
11 @tomoyukun/convolutional-pose-machines-chainer
11 @tork-a/rqt_joint_trajectory_plot
11 @upura/nlp-recipes-ja Samples codes for natural language processing in Japanese
11 @ymotongpoo/pysuddendeath 突然の死ジェネレータ
11 @yukitsuji/monodepth_chainer Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency by chainer
11 @yuroyoro/Japanese_Translation_of_Monads_are_Elephants Japanese Translation of Monads are Elephants
10 @1024jp/LensCalibrator Convert coordinates in a picture to the real world based on multiple reference points in the picture.
10 @1zc/VisorWare Software for my wearable smart-glasses project based on the Raspberry Pi.
10 @Aixile/PatchMatch A simple patchmatch implementation
10 @CALIL/openbookcamera 高速な書影撮影システム「オープンブックカメラ」 ↗️
10 @CaiJiJi/DirScan A DIrScan
10 @Ceruleanacg/Miyo 💖 Miyo is the back end of ouenu of a star fans app
10 @GINK03/google-cloud-function-pythonic pythonic implitation of google cloud function
10 @GINK03/keras-distillation keras google-vision's distillation
10 @GINK03/scraping-designs 様々なサイトのスクレイピングチャレンジです
10 @Hironsan/kintone-handson
10 @IshitaTakeshi/SBA Python implementation of Sparse Bundle Adjustment ↗️
10 @KamitaniLab/slir Python package for Sparse Linear Regression (SLiR)
10 @Means88/docker-django-react Start an application with Django and React, deploy with Docker quickly.
10 @MihailJP/Muktamsiddham a free Siddham font ↗️
10 @PINTO0309/OpenVINO-ADAS [1 FPS / CPU only] OpenVINO+ADAS+LattePandaAlpha. CPU / GPU / NCS. RealTime semantic-segmentaion. Python3.5+OpenCV3.4.3+PIL ↗️
10 @ShigekiKarita/pytorch-distributed-slurm-example
10 @Vasistareddy/python-rlsa RUN LENGTH SMOOTHING ALGORITHM(RLSA) is a method mainly used for block segmentation and text discrimination. It helps to extract the necessary block from the document image.
10 @abhaikollara/MemN2N-Tensorflow An Tensorflow implementation of End-to-End Memory Networks for language modelling.
10 @adilmoujahid/Sabermetrics-intro Source code for my blog post: Baseball Analytics - An Introduction to Sabermetrics using Python ↗️
10 @ahq1993/human-tracking-with-Pepper This project uses Pepper robot for human tracking, RGBD data acquisition and physical interaction with people.
10 @butsugiri/chainer-qrnn Re-implementation of Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks by Chainer
10 @callmekohei/deoplete-fsharp ✏️deoplete.nvim source for F# ↗️
10 @chakki-works/maccha Calculating sentence similarity by word mover's distance
10 @chakki-works/xbrr eXtensible Business Report Reader
10 @cocuh/.dotfiles my awesome .dotfiles repository! wow!!
10 @crond-jaist/cylms CyLMS: Cybersecurity Training Support for LMS
10 @csakatoku/python-mogilefs-client MogileFS client library for Python
10 @farizrahman4u/neuralkey Neural Key Exchange using Tree Parity Machine in Python
10 @gentom/sentences-similarity-cluster Calculate similarity of sentences & Cluster the result.
10 @hakobe/hakoblog-python A little simple blog for my python practice.
10 @hamukazu/python_quizzes Python千本ノック
10 @heavenshell/py-doco Client library for docomo API written in Python.
10 @heavenshell/py-doq Docstring generator
10 @icoxfog417/pyoxford Python Client for Microsoft Project Oxford
10 @icoxfog417/rnn_demo Recurrent Neural Network Demo by PyBrain
10 @ikeikeikeike/django-spine Spine plugin for Django ↗️
10 @iyuuya/denite-ale denite-ale is a Denite.nvim source for Asynchronous Lint Engine(ale)
10 @kanru/vim-colorscheme-converter Convert a GUI only vim colorscheme file to a gui/256xterm compatible version
10 @katryo/bing_search_naive_bayes Search, Train, Classify
10 @keit0222/motion-data-analyzer parse bvh file.
10 @kvmanohar22/sparse_depth_sensing Estimate dense depth maps from RGB image and sparse depth maps
10 @lambdalisue/vim-rplugin Allow to support Vim 8 in a python/python3 of a remote plugin in Neovim
10 @legnaleurc/wcpan.telegram
10 @lepture/feedme Feeds by Doocer
10 @mainyaa/im2txt_api Machine Learning image to text captions API
10 @matanki-saito/SimpleInstaller Simply installer
10 @mitmul/1f-chainer
10 @mitmul/onnx-chainer Add-on package for ONNX format support in Chainer
10 @mkouhei/backup2swift Data backup to OpenStack Swift
10 @mkouhei/bootstrap-py Bootstrap Python package
10 @mokejp/holidays_jp 日本の祝日 祝祭日 を計算するPythonライブラリ
10 @mpenkov/tiddlywiki-splitter Split a TiddlyWiki into multiple text files, one file per tiddler.
10 @naoina/alnair A simple system integration framework
10 @nayutaya/20160228-gdg-kobe 2016年2月28日開催されたGDG神戸 機械学習勉強会での発表資料とそのソースコード。
10 @nekoya/garoonbot
10 @ninoseki/uzen Uzen: YARA with (headless) Chrome
10 @notani/python-glad A Python Implementation of GLAD
10 @nzw0301/pb-contrastive Codes for PAC-Bayesian Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning
10 @oist-cnru/reproducible Keep track of your results
10 @ojii/arsenic async selenium
10 @ojii/django-dashboard Dashboard App for django
10 @ojii/django-template-server Easily test Django templates
10 @philipperemy/selenium-python-examples Selenium examples in Python (web scraper).
10 @philipperemy/which-of-your-friends-are-on-tinder Discover which of your Facebook friends are on Tinder!
10 @pika-shi/sphinx_information_retrieval
10 @ponko2/deoplete-fish deoplete.nvim source for fish
10 @rockkingjy/DataFormat_sdd2kitti Convert the data from stanford drone dataset to kitti format
10 @ryosan-470/factordb-pycli CLI for factordb and Python API Client
10 @s14t284/TorchCRF An Inplementation of CRF (Conditional Random Fields) in PyTorch 1.0
10 @satojkovic/NLP-ML-Example
10 @sayonari/GoogleSpeechAPI_stream Google Cloud Speech GRPC API を使ってストリーム音声認識
10 @shogo82148/JO_RI_bot 狼とボット ↗️
10 @shunk031/chainer-skin-lesion-detector Skin Lesion Detector using HAM10000 dataset with Chainer / ChainerCV
10 @shunsuk/kurewa-sugoi 「[これはすごい] in リアルタイム」のGoogle App Engine用コード。 ↗️
10 @smallerhand/newbie (mostly) easy coding examples (just practice, not worth reading) ↗️
10 @smihica/py-q4pg A simple transactional message queue using PostgreSQL in Python.
10 @t-hiroyoshi/django-lint2 Lint2 is a linter work on Django.
10 @takano32/brainfuck Brainf*ck implementation with other languages ↗️
10 @taku-buntu/Keras-DCGAN-killmebaby Generate "Kill me baby" images by DCGAN implemented in Keras
10 @tell-k/goolabs Goo labs API client for python. And provide some command line tools. ↗️
10 @teritos/tero-saas A Home Surveillance Software implemented in Python ↗️
10 @teto/i3-dispatch Allows i3 to move focus differently depending on the focused window
10 @tk0miya/flake8-coding
10 @tk0miya/sphinxcontrib-markdown
10 @tkm2261/kaggle_talkingdata 11th Solution of Kaggle TalkingData AdTracking Fraud Detection Challenge ↗️
10 @tokuda109/flask-docs-ja Japanese Translation of Flask documentation. ↗️
10 @udonmai/douban_m a client to do with doubanFM and douban music
10 @upura/deep.learning.diabetic.retinopathy Simplified version implementation of "Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Retinal Fundus Photographs" ↗️
10 @utahta/flask-on-fluxflex Flask running on fluxflex
10 @wkentaro/chainer-cyclegan Chainer implementation of "Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network".
10 @wyukawa/eboshi
10 @ymym3412/DeepEmbeddedClustering chainer implementation of Deep Embedded Clustering
10 @yukitsuji/Yolo_v2_chainer Yolo v2 implementation in Chainer, ChainerCV
10 @yusugomori/deeplearning-pytorch Deep learning model zoo with PyTorch 1.X
10 @yutannihilation/ansible-module-cran An Ansible module to install/uninstall R packages
9 @BetaF1sh/commit-telegram-bot ⏰ Remind your commit and coding every day with Telegram bot!
9 @Constellation/import-kernel-symbols tiny python script to import kernel symbols
9 @GINK03/keras-cnn-character-code-detection 文字化けしうるもじコードが不明な状態であるバイト列から、UTF-8, SJIS, EUCをCNNで予想します
9 @GINK03/keras-rnn-music-super-resolution DeepLearningで音楽をアップサンプリングします
9 @Hiroshiba/hihobot-synthesis 自分の声で音声合成
9 @IanLewis/pyaws Local branch to implement ItemSearch using unicode keywords. ↗️
9 @IshitaTakeshi/NaiveBayes ナイーブベイズで中二病判定
9 @MiCHiLU/jinja2-precompiler Pre-compile Jinja2 templates to Python byte code
9 @MizukiSonoko/iroha-cli YACI: Yet Another Cli of Iroha 👏👏👏
9 @PuchatekwSzortach/face_detection A deep learning model for face detection
9 @ShigekiKarita/mir-pybuffer buffer protocol interface for Python and D
9 @TsingJyujing/tushare-data-center TuShare数据中心样例代码
9 @alfredfrancis/natural-language-intent-classifer A Natural Language Intent classifier in Python using NLTK and Scikit-Learn
9 @araobp/neutron-lan DevOps tool for networking
9 @astj/flake8-formatter-junit-xml JUnit XML formatter for flake8
9 @b123400/purescript-ide-sublime Purescript IDE integration for Sublime Text 3
9 @bluele/Flask-request-params Flask-request-params provides Rails-like interface to HTTP Request Parameters for Flask.
9 @c-bata/TDD-with-Django QiitaのDjango入門をTDDで書いてみる
9 @chantera/bicnn-mi Yin, W. and Schütze, H., 2015, May. Convolutional neural network for paraphrase identification
9 @chavdim/facial_expressions_cam visualisation of areas used for classification.
9 @chengstone/end2end-chinese-ocr This is end2end chinese ocr demo using CNN + BiLSTM + ctc_loss
9 @cocodrips/negima Negima is a Python package to extract phrases in Japanese text by using the part-of-speeches based rules you defined.
9 @cournape/yaku A simple build system in python to build C extensions
9 @crcrpar/instance_normalization_chainer chainer v2 implementation of instance normalization
9 @csakatoku/mobilejpcodecs Python codec library for Japanese cell phones
9 @cydonia999/variational-autoencoders-for-collaborative-filtering-pytorch Implementation of variational autoencoders for collaborative filtering in PyTorch ↗️
9 @dhgrs/MemGEN
9 @dsanno/chainer-deepdream Deep Dreams implementation using Chainer
9 @farizrahman4u/rlwars Framework for deploying reinforcement learning agents in multiplayer games
9 @farizrahman4u/treehouse Learn programs from data
9 @giginet/beddit-python API Client for Beddit Sleep Tracker 😴
9 @henry0312/pytest-codestyle pytest plugin to run pycodestyle
9 @hnakamur/gae-oauth2-sample Google App Engine OAuth 2.0 sample
9 @huydx/fulltext_engine simple inverted index full text search engine written in python
9 @hvy/chainer-faster-rcnn
9 @hvy/chainer-gan-improvements Chainer implementation of Improved Techniques for Training GANs
9 @ianlewis/pyaws Local branch to implement ItemSearch using unicode keywords. ↗️
9 @icoxfog417/chainer_pong learn pong by chainer ↗️
9 @icoxfog417/karura Easy machine learning platform on the kintone ↗️
9 @ikeike443/Sublime-Scalariform Formatting scala source file in Sublime Text 2
9 @ikeikeikeike/celery-tracker Receive/Sending event tracking data for the celery.
9 @in9lude/line 残骸
9 @ishikawa/python-plist-parser Parser for Apple's Property List XML
9 @jojonki/QA-LSTM QA-LSTM model in PyTorch
9 @jojonki/Structured-Self-Attentive-Sentence-Embedding A Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding Zhouhan Lin, Minwei Feng, Cicero Nogueira dos Santos, Mo Yu, Bing Xiang, Bowen Zhou, Yoshua Bengio, ICLR 2017 ↗️
9 @kana/py-monad An implementation of monad in Python
9 @karlcow/Grange-Tools A few quick tools usually not very well written for managing stuff on my Web site.
9 @kazuto1011/nn-c3d C3D features + simple MLP
9 @kin-y/miningReviewRepo
9 @kmc-jp/2016-aplil-fool
9 @lentinjoseph/Social-Robot Social robot which can interact with humans using speech and vision capabilities. It is an artificial intelligent robot
9 @lin714093880/bangdream-twitterbus-helper 邦邦手游(BanG Dream! バンドリ!ガルスバンドパーティー)推特上车助手
9 @littleflow3r/attention-bilstm-for-relation-classification Pytorch: BiLSTM-Attention for Relation Classification
9 @lon9/waifu2x-keras Waifu2x keras implementation
9 @masuidrive/TiFacebookExt Titanium.Facebook extension module for Titanium Mobile for iPhone
9 @methane/mysql-driver-benchmarks
9 @misogil0116/Enc-Dec-AD Anormaly Detection With Deep Learning Encoder Decoder(
9 @mitmul/chainercmd Command Line Tools for Chainer
9 @miurahr/picast A Simple Wireless Display Receiver on Raspberry Pi
9 @mrkn/chainer-waifu2x Yet another waifu2x implementation by using chainer
9 @naoina/generator-django-angular Django with AngularJS generator
9 @nicolas-raoul/selfie-or-not Using machine learning, tell whether an image is a selfie or not
9 @niusounds/Blender-Keyconfig Unity like key config preset for Blender
9 @nkjm/virtzfs A tool to enable quick provisioning and snapshot/rollback of Virtual Machine in Xen or KVM environment leveraging ZFS
9 @nknytk/ml-study Personal study of machine learning
9 @noagarcia/SemArt Semantic Art Understanding with Multi-Modal Retrieval for PyTorch ↗️
9 @noagarcia/context-art-classification Automatic art classification with deep learning and knowledge graphs.
9 @nocotan/pya3rt pya3rt is an API wrapper for A3RT in Python.
9 @ntddk/Abyss-Watcher Abyss Watcher - Malware Downloader
9 @oinume/dmm-eikaiwa-tsc Teacher Schedule Checker for DMM Eikaiwa
9 @orangain/scraping-hands-on Pythonでクローリング・スクレイピングのやり方を学ぶハンズオンです。
9 @otamachan/sphinxcontrib-ros
9 @philipperemy/Facebook-Profile-Deep-Learning 😆 Applying Deep Learning to Facebook public information to extract interesting patterns.
9 @philipperemy/tensorflow-isan-rnn Input Switched Affine Networks: An RNN Architecture Designed for Interpretability.
9 @pocari/vim-denite-gists denite.nvim plugin for show and browse Gist
9 @saitoha/PyDRCS Make DRCS(Soft Character Set) glyphs for some terminals(DEC VT-series, RLogin, tanasinn, mlterm) from image files
9 @satopirka/deep-learning-chainer Deep Learning implementation by Chainer
9 @satopirka/nlp-nnabla Tiny implementation of deep learning models for NLP with Sony's NNabla
9 @seikichi/tuitwi TUI twitter client ↗️
9 @shoma/mysqlmonitor MySQL Monitoring tools written in python
9 @shutingrz/prefix2as IPアドレスとAS番号を相互変換する Threat Intelligence ツール
9 @sss/calibre-at-bzr calibre: e-book management ↗️
9 @tkm2261/dnn-voice-changer voice changer with DNN & GAN on Keras
9 @tokibito/django-example-todo Todo app.
9 @tomoyukikashiro/dropbox-paper-alfred-workflow search dropbox paper document in alfred workflow
9 @toshi-k/kaggle-google-landmark-retrieval-challenge 17th place solution in "Google Landmark Retrieval Challenge"
9 @toshi-k/kaggle-nips-2017-adversarial-attack 5th place solution in "NIPS 2017: Non-targeted Adversarial Attack" (with solution in targeted attack and defence)
9 @unnonouno/jqp JSON processor with Python one-liner
9 @wakanawakana/python python utils
9 @walf443/teng-doc teng's tutorial. ↗️
9 @wanasit/enml-py Evernote's ENML library in Python.
9 @wolfv/GtkOnline A replacement for HTML and JavaScript with Gtk and Python
9 @xcir/vtctrans convert varnishtest output to easy.
9 @ymym3412/chainer-PointerSentinelMixtureModels Chainer implementation of Pointer Sentinel Mixture Models
9 @yokawasa/azure-ssh-config A command to generate SSH config file from Azure ARM VM inventry in subscription ↗️
9 @yyuu/python-virtualenv this project has been renamed to "pyenv-virtualenv". please use "pyenv-virtualnv" inplace of "python-virtualenv". ↗️
9 @zchee/deoplete-asm deoplete.nvim source for Assembly base by google/EXEgesis
8 @0h-n0/forex_py [WIP] predicting forex.
8 @Akkiesoft/RPi-tools Raspberry Piで使える感じの細々としたスクリプトとか
8 @GINK03/bookmeter-recommender python3 bookmeter scraping tools
8 @GINK03/bot-detect-and-block Twitterで検索汚染となるボットを機械学習と特徴量エンジニアリングを利用して検出 & ブロック
8 @GINK03/income-expression 転職サイトから、年収の条件を明らかにし、良さげな条件とは何かを明らかにします
8 @GINK03/python-block-chain python3によるblock chaineによる公文書などの改竄がないことの保証の例です
8 @Gotham13121997/python-telegram-bot-openshift3 Starter kit for running a telegram bot built with the python-telegram-bot library on openshift3
8 @Himanoa/Cocoa はぁ…ココアちゃん…!などします。
8 @KLab/IDLite Simple and lightweight IDL for C#, Python and JSON
8 @NibuTake/LiNGAM-fast
8 @SeitaroShinagawa/summary-to-pptx paper slide summary maker using python-pptx on Windows
8 @SerialLain3170/ImageStyleTransfer Style transfer with using CycleGAN, StarGAN, etc
8 @Sixeight/bunco
8 @TanUkkii007/learning-deep-learning-from-scratch coding work of deep-learning-from-scratch from Oreilly
8 @Tanukium/msemi msemi 2018
8 @UdonDa/3D-UNet-PyTorch implementation of 3DUNet by PyTorch 1.0
8 @UnixJunkie/smi2sdf3d 3D diverse conformers generation using rdkit
8 @Wizcorp/
8 @Y-oHr-N/kenchi A set of python modules for anomaly detection ↗️
8 @YumaInaura/YumaInaura いなうらゆうま YumaInaura 稲浦悠馬 This is "ABOUTME" repository 🤖 Few codes and many issues about engineering and not engineering.
8 @aereal/osx-workstation-playbooks Ansible playbooks for Mac OS X workstation
8 @aidiary/conv-vae Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
8 @anhvvcs/corana Corana is a Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine for ARM Cortex-M aiming to incrementally reconstruct the precise Control Flow Graph (CFG) of IoT malware under the presence of obfuscation techniques e.g., indirect jumps
8 @beam2d/imagenet_downloader Download ImageNet images from list of IDs and URLs
8 @benmurden/HomePasser StreetPass from your home with your 3DS and Mac OSX
8 @benmurden/django-intl-tel-input A Django form widget for international telephone numbers based on intl-tel-input.
8 @chokkan/nlp100 Codes for NLP 100 training ↗️
8 @cordarei/ Python module for working with the Penn Treebank
8 @crossroad0201/fabric-aws-cloudformation Fabric task generator for AWS CloudFormation
8 @csakatoku/uamobile User-Agent parser, mainly for Japanese mobile phones ↗️
8 @dav009/LPForTopicIdentification Using Semi-supervised learning for Topic Mining of Tweets
8 @eastalter/picture-clustering Image clustering with unsupervised learning using CNN
8 @gengo/memsource-wrap Memosource API Wrap Library
8 @giginet/dqx_helper useful tool collection for DragonQuest X
8 @gorogoroyasu/mnist-Grad-CAM implemented Grad-CAM for mnist datasets in Keras
8 @gsi-cyberjapan/vector_tiles_convert
8 @hamano/python-niku ローストビーフとかつくるやつ
8 @henry0312/pytest-docstyle pytest plugin to run pydocstyle
8 @henry0312/pytest-pydocstyle pytest plugin to run pydocstyle
8 @hhatto/zsh_completions my zsh compeltion functions
8 @himkt/optuna-allennlp 🚀 A demonstration of hyperparameter optimization using Optuna for models implemented with AllenNLP. ↗️
8 @hirokiky/dripper Cleaning your messy data.
8 @hogefugabar/deep-learning-chainer Deep Learning implementation by Chainer
8 @icoxfog417/acl-anthology Script to get ACL Anthology
8 @icoxfog417/sms-tools-workspace sms-tools workspace
8 @icoxfog417/yans-2019-annotation-hackathon Yans2019 Annotation hackathon ↗️
8 @ikegami-yukino/jctconv Rename jctconv -> jaconv. Please use the jaconv ↗️
8 @itiut/sublime-text-2-open-with-vim open current file with vim on terminal (ST2 plugin)
8 @jaseg/python-lmap A ldap object mapper for python, also containing a very minimal python ldap interface based on the openldap-libldap
8 @k0kubun/perf-profile Profiling C code with Linux perf made easy
8 @k0sukey/TiCookies
8 @kanezaki/MIRO
8 @kazuyamashi/cReComp
8 @komamitsu/td-fdw Multicorn based PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper for Treasure Data
8 @lambdalisue/conda-offline-channel Create an offline conda channel which contains all dependencies ↗️
8 @lambdalisue/django-universaltag Django's universaltag library ↗️
8 @leetenki/YOLO_train_data_generator YOLOの訓練用データを自動で合成したり、生成するためのツール
8 @lepture/aiowhoosh Whoosh over HTTP by aiohttp
8 @lepture/flask-alchemy Flask-Alchemy is designed to work with SQLAlchemy default declarative_base, with powerful master-slave and seprated databases support.
8 @marcan/blitzloop-tools
8 @marcan/pacemaker-exporter Prometheus Pacemaker exporter
8 @marcy-terui/kflogs Amazon Kinesis Firehose logging handler and utilities ↗️
8 @masuidrive/TiInAppPurchase InAppPurchase for Titanium mobile iphone
8 @mattn/gtkjsonviewer A simple json viewer written in GTK. ↗️
8 @mayank0403/Project-Management-System-IIT-BHU This project is a online project management system for undergraduate and graduate students and their supervisors. It is Django Framework in Python and RDBMS is built in MySQL.
8 @methane/MyKaze Tornado <= greenlet => PyMySQL
8 @mikheyev/MinION-review Review of the Oxford Nanopore MinION platform
8 @miyamotok0105/ai_chatbot
8 @moriyoshi/pyakb48 A port of Perl module Acme::AKB48 by Hideo Kimura
8 @mrorii/cookbot minimal crawlers for scraping recipes from various recipe sites
8 @mrorii/gastroglot machine translation for recipes
8 @neutronest/eulerproject-douby a factory to store the answer of euler-project, and the point is MULTIPLE LANGUAGE!!!
8 @nguyenlab/TBCNN_kNN_SVM
8 @nicolas-raoul/OxygenGuide Offline world travel guide ↗️
8 @nobnak/Igarashi09
8 @nwtgck/multi-svr-python SVR for multidimensional labels
8 @nyanp/kaggle-PLASTiCC
8 @ojii/django-shop-example Example project for the django Shop, easiest way to get started with that awesome project.
8 @orisano/bqspec SQL testing tool for Google BigQuery.
8 @ottati/django-email-registration-demo A Django demo app using email + password auth with activation key
8 @philipperemy/japan-weather-forecast Japanese Meteorological Agency (scraper + data)
8 @philipperemy/stock-split-calendar Python 3 interface to
8 @philipperemy/twitter-arxiv-sanity Your daily "top hype" papers.
8 @rystylee/chainer-dcgan-mnist a Chainer implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network.
8 @shunk031/chainer-IMSAT Implementation of IMSAT in Chainer
8 @sorah/skype-irc-bridge
8 @t2y/python-study Public repository in Python Study event group (
8 @tai/python-ucdev Python library for Cypress CY7C65211/CY7C65215 USB-Serial bridge (USB to UART/I2C/SPI/GPIO) chip, with drivers for various I2C/SPI chips
8 @tk0miya/testing.elasticsearch
8 @tork-a/hakuto ROS package suite for robots at Hakuto, a Google XPRIZE contender
8 @tsuyo/cloudera-boot Cloudera Boot - Cloudera Altus Director Utilities
8 @upura/atma-comp5 ↗️
8 @utgwkk/ crawler
8 @uyamazak/oceanus Send event data to Google BigQuery and redis pub/sub using HTTP beacons simply
8 @v2e4lisp/ underscore python and a wrapper for chaining
8 @vitroid/TrainScanner Convert a video to a slitscanned train image.
8 @wkentaro/chainer-bicyclegan Chainer implementation of "Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation".
8 @yagitoshiro/TiRebootAndroidApp Reboot your Android app made with Appcelerator Titanium
8 @yamachu/WORLD4py WORLD python wrapper
8 @ymotongpoo/pyoauth2 A simple OAuth 2.0 client
8 @yoshimov/publish-layar Layar contents publishing service using Google App Engine for Python ↗️
8 @yoshiso/fancytable fancy pandas dataframe
8 @yusugomori/dl-book-generative 詳説ディープラーニング(生成モデル編)
8 @zchee/deoplete-docker deoplete source for Dockerfile.
8 @zh/ReaTiWe Your Real Time Web Playground ↗️
7 @1000ch/Sublime-svgo SVGO plugin for Sublime Text 🐯 ↗️
7 @AtsushiSakai/SimpleTkGUIKit Simple GUI kit with Python tkinter
7 @Eiji-Kb/mahalita ディープラーニングによる白黒アニメの自動彩色
7 @FairyDevicesRD/FairyMaCorpus Fairy Morphological Annotated Corpus
7 @GINK03/keras-cnn-text-classify simple CNN text classification with Keras
7 @GINK03/keras-multi-agent-tiny-reinforcce-game kerasでマルチエージェントラーニングを行い、簡単なゲームをします
7 @Harurow/sublime_markingchangedrows mark changed row.
7 @HirokiNakahara/FPGA_AI_Edge_Contest_2019 Sample scripts for FPGA-based AI Edge Contest 2019
7 @HirokiNakahara/GUINNESS-Tutorial sample scripts for the GUINNESS tutorials
7 @IshitaTakeshi/Tomasi-Kanade Implementation of Tomasi-Kanade 3D reconstruction
7 @PEmugi/geohex-py Python Libraries for GeoHex
7 @ProjectMonika/Sayori Poem image generator service for Monika, using Pillow and a HTTP adapater. ↗️
7 @SeitaroShinagawa/MTRNN implementation of multiple timescale recurrent neural network
7 @TakesxiSximada/csvorm
7 @Yagami360/MachineLearning_Exercises_Python_scikit-learn Python&機械学習ライブラリ scikit-learn の使い方の練習コード集。機械学習の理論解説付き ↗️
7 @ZhenjianYang/ZeroAoVoiceScripts Voice Scripts for PC/PSP games Zero & Ao no Kiseki
7 @a2chub/tw2 twitter & wassr terminal client
7 @achiku/ansible-playbook-lnd Ansible role to install and manage lnd configuration
7 @akiradeveloper/HeiankyoView A fast algorithm to visualize tree structures
7 @akiradeveloper/radikorec A Simple Radiko/Radiru Recorder
7 @aodag/conda2wheel
7 @aonotas/MemoryNetwork Memory Network in Chainer
7 @applenob/intern_email 爬取实习信息,并发送邮件。
7 @arubdesu/office-recipes Unofficial (meaning not supported by or affiliated with Microsoft) recipes for autopkg
7 @atsusy/TiStoreProductView Titanium Mobile module for supporting SKStoreProductViewController. (Only works on iOS6)
7 @bluemooninc/ikinari-ai Prototype of the robot with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
7 @butsugiri/bokete Generate "boke" from image with the power of neural network
7 @cftang0827/pedestrian_detection_ssdlite Use TensorFlow object detection API and MobileNet SSDLite model to train a pedestrian detector by using VOC 2007 + 2012 dataset
7 @cftang0827/python-computer-vision-environment-setting The shell script of environment installation of Python3, including opencv, dlib, face_recognition ...etc
7 @chezou/NLTK-pyspark Example repository for NLTK execution on PySpark cluster with Cloudera Data Science Workbench
7 @clear-code/firefox-support-common Common information for Firefox support in corporation use
7 @code4nara/jcp_maps List of TMS (Tile Map Service) data based on U.S. Army's Japan City Plans, PCL Map Collection, University of Texas Libraries.
7 @codelibs/esanpy Python Text Analyzer based on Elasticsearch
7 @cournape/import-profiler A basic python import profiler to find bottlenecks in import times
7 @daiiz/tfPhotoClassifier The series of flows to classify photos in TensorFlow
7 @ddk50/voxy A Web-browser based thin-client system
7 @dhgrs/chainer-WGAN A Chainer implementation of Wasserstein GAN.
7 @dhgrs/chainer-phoneme-alignment
7 @dongri/play Play ♪ - your company's dj ↗️
7 @dsanno/chainer-etl9 ETL9 recognition using Chainer
7 @dsanno/chainer-high-resolution-texture-transfer Neural style stransfer with high resolution texture
7 @dsanno/chainer-object-detection Object detection sample using Chainer
7 @dtaniwaki/ucrspawner JupyterHub spawner for Marathon Universal Containerizer Runtime (UCR)
7 @ellie-icekler/StanfordCoreNLP-Chinese Chinese implementation of the Python official interface for Stanford CoreNLP Java server application to parse, tokenize, part-of-speech tag, etc. Chinese texts.
7 @euske/pymwp Python MediaWiki parser
7 @euske/pytcdb A Python implementation of cdb/tcdb reader and writer. ↗️
7 @fakufaku/pyramic-dataset 48-Channel Anechoic Audio Recordings of 3D Sources ↗️
7 @freedomofkeima/rss-twilio-bot An experimentation to use Twilio Trial SMS as a notification medium for RSS Feed updates (Anime, Manga, etc)
7 @fukatani/systemverilog2verilog Converting systemverilog to verilog.
7 @futoase/fizzbuzz fizzbuzz ↗️
7 @gatgui/excons extension module for SCons
7 @genfifth/cvopt Machine learning's parameter search and feature selection module which is integrated log management and visualization.
7 @gengo/bottle-cors Adding headers and request preflighting to enable CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) in bottle
7 @giginet/alfred-ghq-workflow Search and get repository on GHQ via Alfred
7 @giginet/django-debug-toolbar-vcs-info Add VCS info onto your django-debug-toolbar
7 @ha1t/python-keepasshttp
7 @haradashinya/heroku-ready
7 @haruyama/ssh_rfc_ja Japanese translations of SSH RFCs and Internet Drafts ↗️
7 @heavenshell/py-autodoc Autodoc Python implementation.
7 @hhatto/kuroko Minimalistic Python Task Executor
7 @hiroaki-yamamoto/django-good-otp Yet Another Implementation of One-Time-Password-Authentication for Django
7 @hiroakis/simple-bbs-cassandra
7 @hirofumi0810/pytorch_end2end_speech_recognition End-to-end ASR implementation with dynamic frameworks (pytorch, chainer).
7 @hiroharu-kato/cnn_vlm Source code for "Visual Language Modeling on CNN Image Representations"
7 @hirokiky/django-websettings Django application to provide a web interface to set a yet another django's settings.
7 @hiromu/rpca_svs Python Implementation of Singing Voice Separation using RPCA
7 @hnakamur/ansible-role-osx-defaults DEPRECATED: Please use instead
7 @hogefugabar/deep-learning-theano Theano
7 @icoxfog417/number_recognizer handwritten number recognizer by scikit-learn ↗️
7 @iij/eng-blog-20160531 IIJエンジニアブログ 2016-05-30「ドキュメントの継続的な開発方法」 ↗️
7 @ikegami-yukino/asa-python Japanese Argument Structure Analyzer (ASA) client for Python ↗️
7 @ikegami-yukino/mecab-as-kkc Converting Mozc dictionary to MeCab dictionary for Kana-Kanji conversion (KKC)
7 @ikegami-yukino/zunda-python Zunda: Japanese Enhanced Modality Analyzer client for Python.
7 @imajoriri/finger-snap
7 @junichi11/gimp_psd inkscape extension. create a psd file.
7 @k0sukey/TiDisplay getting applicationFrame width / height
7 @kazuki/epub3-converter epub3 packaging script + online novel to epub3 converter
7 @kazuki-hayakawa/fine_tuning
7 @kazuto1011/cifar10-pytorch CIFAR-10 experiments with PyTorch (WIP)
7 @kei-s/chainer-ptb-nsteplstm
7 @kendemu/yolo9000_tensorflow YOLO9000 running on tensorflow.
7 @kienduynguyen/Adaptive-Computation The implementation of Adaptive Computation function used in RNN "" and Universal Transformer Network ""
7 @kk6/poetrify Pipfile (or requirements.txt) to pyproject.toml for Poetry
7 @kk6/python-annict Annict API for python ↗️
7 @knmkr/dbsnp-pg PostgreSQL schema for NCBI dbSNP
7 @ku-nlp/kyoto-reader A processor for KWDLC and KyotoCorpus
7 @kuraha4/roguelike-tutorial-python A roguelike game study with Python 3.6 (64bit) + BearLibTerminal + tdl.
7 @kyamagu/photoshop-connection Python package to remotely execute ExtendScript in Adobe Photoshop. ↗️
7 @lambdalisue/Minilog Djangoでブログを作るチュートリアル的何か ↗️
7 @lambdalisue/django-object-permission [Obsolute] Use django-permission insted. This library is no longer supported. ↗️
7 @lambdalisue/django-roughpages A template based the django's flatpages like app ↗️
7 @lambdalisue/e4u Bundle Library of emoji4unicode at Google
7 @lepture/pydouban deactived. see tornado.third instead. ↗️
7 @m-mizutani/docker-based-home-router
7 @marcan/mt7687flash Portable MT7687 flasher/recovery utility
7 @marioyc/Sentence-Classification Sentence embeddings and sentence classification
7 @methane/kancolle-tools
7 @mikewlange/KETTLE A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming - full Keras support coming!
7 @minorua/SimpleWCSServer a simple WCS (Web Coverage Service) server, which can serve coverages to WCS clients such as QGIS.
7 @miyakogi/flyjedi.vim Asynchronous Jedi auto-completion plugin for vim, using job and channel feature
7 @mkouhei/Genenga Generate Nengajo(Japanese new year card) pdf, from address list.
7 @mkouhei/ansible-role-includecsv Load variables from a CSV file, dynamically within a task.
7 @mokemokechicken/PlayingChainer
7 @mono0926/AlfredWorkflow AlfredWorkflow ↗️
7 @morishin/spinner Show spinner animation during processing
7 @moriyoshi/pyramid_dogpile_cache Pyramid dogpile.cache
7 @mrtc0/scapy-knife The knife of Scapy
7 @mtoshi/rancidcmd RANCID Command Wrapper
7 @naokishibuya/micro-mouse Micromouse in a virtual maze
7 @nasa9084/py-org The Org-mode Parser for Python
7 @nicolas-raoul/Troois Like Amazon S3 on Google App Engine
7 @ninoseki/iocingestor An extendable tool to extract and aggregate IoCs from threat feeds
7 @ntddk/pyrebox-playground A repository to store PyREBox plugins.
7 @nyarla/gily (OBSOLETED) This code is no longer maintenance
7 @ojii/django-ci-info Information about the Django CI (Jenkins) server running at ↗️
7 @okamurayasuyuki/heroku-ready
7 @panther-king/PyQt4-tutorial Practice of PyQt4
7 @pasberth/Bellsend パスベルスの物語
7 @petitviolet/py_nifty_cloud Python wrapper for Nifty Cloud Mobile Backend
7 @philip30/chainn This is an old code Please take a look at nmtrain instead.
7 @philipperemy/Github-full-data-set Generating GitHub data (~1M repositories May 2017).
7 @philipperemy/bitstamp-realtime-order-book Gives you low latency access to Bitstamp Realtime Order Book.
7 @philipperemy/cocktails Generate the best cocktail ever with Machine Learning !
7 @philipperemy/github-backup Back up all your Github repositories in a directory.
7 @pocari/vim-denite-emoji
7 @polm/chargen Random generator taking literature as input.
7 @predominant/deploy Deploy module for python. This is designed to easy the deployment of PHP websites on remote servers. It requires Fabric to run. ↗️
7 @r9y9/bayesian-kalmanfilter Variational Baysian Kalman Filter
7 @rcmdnk/gmail_filter_manager Tools to convert gmail's mailfilters.xml to yaml, and convert yaml to xml.
7 @rhythm92/Unsupervised-Pixel-Level-Domain-Adaptation-with-GAN Implementation of Unsupervised Pixel–Level Domain Adaptation with Generative Adversarial Networks by Google
7 @ryanmcgrath/jTransliterate Transliterate [Hirag/Katak]ana to Latin/English and back with Python. Convert half/full-width Japanese text.
7 @ryuichiueda/raspimouse_ros_2 The current version of the ROS base package for Raspberry Pi Mouse ↗️
7 @ryusas/maya_dopycmd A tiny Maya plug-in for executing any python callable object as command that can be undo and redo.
7 @ryuuji/openbd-downloader openBDのデータをすべてダウンロードするツール
7 @sfiera/flac-test-files FLAC test files for multi-channel sound systems
7 @shibukawa/sphinxcontrib-ssmlbuilder Sphinx's SSMLBuilder to convert your document into MP3 files
7 @shikajiro/ Is a script to run rsync to monitor for Mac OS X(BSD), update and delete additional files.
7 @shirou/sphinxcontrib-indesignbuilder sphinx indesignbuilder
7 @shogo82148/Grongish 日本語とグロンギ語の相互変換スクリプト ↗️
7 @shunk031/LSUV.pytorch Implementation of LSUV (Layer-sequential unit-variance) in PyTorch
7 @skmhrk1209/PGGAN TensorFlow implementation of "Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation"
7 @skmhrk1209/RAN TensorFlow implementation of "Residual Attention Network for Image Classification"
7 @skozawa/japanese-wordnet-affect
7 @sobamchan/VDCNN
7 @sugyan/tf-embedding-visualization-demo
7 @syobochim/syobochimMEMO いろいろなメモをSphinxドキュメントで残す
7 @tagomoris/scribe_line Python script collection for log transfer with scribe
7 @tell-k/pyconjp2015 PyconJP 2015 の発表資料です。 ↗️
7 @tell-k/vim-autoflake autoflake plugin for Vim ↗️
7 @termoshtt/articles convert bibtex file into HTML involving link to .pdf file
7 @thorikawa/re-sign-apk Small script to re-sign Android apk with different signature
7 @tkruse/unilint unified lint recurses over directories runs e.g. pychecker, pylint, pep8, cppcheck
7 @tmizu23/geotiff2utfgrid This program convert geotiff to utfgrid.
7 @tokuda109/requests-docs-ja Japanese Translation of Requests documentation. ↗️
7 @tonyqtian/melody-generator A midi melody generator based on LSTM.
7 @toru34/kim_emnlp_2014 Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification in DyNet
7 @toshi-k/kaggle-trends-assessment-prediction 20th place solution in "TReNDS Neuroimaging"
7 @tuian/hacking-script hacking-script
7 @uidilr/deepirl_chainer Implementation of GAIL and AIRL using chinerrl
7 @upura/probspace-youtube
7 @wgkoro/Dropbox_photo_arrangement This script replaces photos in Camera Uploads to 'Camera Uploads/year/month/day/xxx.jpg'
7 @yacchin1205/pepper-web-boxes Box library for pepper to cooperate web resources
7 @yoshiori/pyLingr
7 @ytakzk/edges2architecture edges become architecture. ↗️
7 @yubessy/sqlcsv Import/Export data to/from relational databases using SQL statements with CSV files
6 @1000ch/cobra cobra = flask + mongodb + heroku; ↗️
6 @1234224576/XvideosThumbnailMaker
6 @193s/ebil Exploit code framework for CTFs
6 @5t111111/alt-gtags.vim Alternative GNU GLOBAL integration plugin for Vim
6 @BcRikko/markovchain_python3 マルコフ連鎖で文章を自動生成する
6 @Dosugamea/NEXT-OCS-API-forPy NextCloud OCS API for Python
6 @Dosugamea/l-tl-api Another LineTimeline API (DONT' USE FOR SPAMMING OR TROLL)
6 @Fandekasp/learn_japanese Software to help learning japanese
6 @GINK03/keras-enigma-rnn kerasのRNNでEnigmaを解きます
6 @GINK03/rnn-bitflyer-predictor kerasでbayesian nuralnetworkを実装し、mona coinの値段を予想します
6 @GINK03/tiny-japanese-wikipedia-tfidf-dic-generator
6 @GRGSIBERIA/MayaToPMD Convert the Maya object to the MikuMikuDance polygon model.
6 @Gnurou/jmdict-i18n Scripts for handling internationalization of the JMdict on Transifex
6 @Gotham13121997/SeleniumFbPostScheduler Python + Selenium script to automate a post per day on your facebook page starting from a particular date.
6 @Hironsan/japanese-news-crawler A complete automated japanese news crawler built on the top of Scrapy framework
6 @KamitaniLab/End2EndDeepImageReconstruction
6 @KentaKomai/slack_logger slackのログをメールに投げるやつ
6 @MasazI/gan_basic An implementation of GANs in tensorflow for understanding basic generative adversarial networks. GANs, DCGANs, WGANs and Encoder.
6 @Mazyod/ethogram Telegram bot for ethOS!
6 @MihailJP/Sophora 手書きフォント
6 @ProjectMonika/Libitina A network of interworking neural networks to provide a natural conversational experience.
6 @TsingJyujing/MongoDBClusterDeploy A deploy tool written in Python, can deploy mongoDB cluster simply.
6 @TsingJyujing/goproxy-tunnel-server A server to manage goproxy tunnel, thanks snail007's goproxy:
6 @UnixJunkie/mol2ecfp4 convert molecules to their ECFP4 fingerprint using rdkit
6 @Wizcorp/Eruditio Algorithms for Machine Learning
6 @addsict/iOSRuntimePreview iOS runtime tool to execute modified source codes without rebuilding them ↗️
6 @adilmoujahid/streamlit-messi-ronaldo Analyzing Messi and Ronaldo's Games using Python and Streamlit
6 @akanshajainn/K-means-Clustering-on-Text-Documents Using Scikit-learn, machine learning library for the Python programming language.
6 @alice1017/SelectMenu SelectMenu is the input form to choose from menu by arrow keys.
6 @alice1017/url-stocker Stock the site url that keep on twitter ↗️
6 @amake/pbxproj-lint A linter for Xcode .pbxproj files
6 @amaotone/spica Utilities for data science competitions.
6 @antb123/stcli stcli - a repl command line crypto wallet for stellar that is simple and all in one python file
6 @applenob/tf_jieba Tensorflow Operation Wrapper of cppjieba (Chinese Word Segamentation)
6 @ariarijp/pandash Convert Redash Query Result as Pandas DataFrame
6 @ascentai/flatlands-gym An openAI gym driving simulator
6 @astronaughts/SublimeStyleStats
6 @atsuoishimoto/demo_pkgrsrc
6 @atyenoria/janus-gateway-benchmark 🚧 performance investigation about janus gateway
6 @ayoko/micropython_esp8266_tweetbot Tweet bot for MicroPython v1.8.4 (ESP8266)
6 @bleis-tift/how-to-install-git How to install Git.
6 @bobbens/line_thinning Line thickness normalization network using in the SIGGRPAH 2018 paper "Real-Time Data-Driven Interactive Rough Sketch Inking".
6 @c-bata/django-httpbench HTTP load testing tools for Django. Like an apache bench but requests are sent from authenticated users.
6 @chantera/teras Teras: Experimental Routines Ain't Standards
6 @chezou/cdsw-simple-serving-python
6 @daiiz/cloud-vision Google Cloud Vision API Client: Flask + tfPhotoPalette
6 @daiz713/tfPhotoClassifier The series of flows to classify photos in TensorFlow
6 @drillbits/nhk-api Python client for NHK API
6 @dsanno/chainer-cf-nade
6 @dsanno/chainer-slimming Implementation of Network Slimming
6 @dsanno/chainer-stack-gan
6 @farizrahman4u/evolve Evolutionary Strategies for Training Neural Networks
6 @fumieval/Curtana Twitter Client for Chosen One ↗️
6 @furushchev/chainervr Chainer implementation of Networks for Learning Video Representations
6 @furushchev/euslime Emacs SLIME for Euslisp
6 @gimite/kanjy-wave Google Wave Robot to perform Japanese IME using Social IME API.
6 @girisagar46/ My personal blog. Built using Pelican (a static site generator)
6 @golddranks/ClozeFuriganaTools Anki addon: Cloze Furigana Tools. Also available here:
6 @heavenshell/py-mackerel-client Mackerel client implemented by Python.
6 @hhatto/fpath fast Python's os.path module written in Rust
6 @himkt/docstring.nvim ✒️ Python docstring generating tool for NeoVim
6 @hnakamur/gae-oauth2client-spreadsheet Sample for reading Google Drive spreadsheet cells with OAuth2
6 @hvy/chainer-spatial-transformer-networks A Chainer implementation of Spatial Transformer Networks trained on MNIST
6 @hyuki0000/tropy Try ↗️
6 @isis/CheckApp Titanium module (Android) for check whether application installed or not
6 @jiali-ms/punctuator JP puncuator
6 @jj1bdx/wspr WSPR for Lubuntu/Ubuntu
6 @jojonki/CNN-Daily-Mail-Reading-Comprehension-Task CNN/Daily Mail Reading Comprehension Task Code for the paper: A Thorough Examination of the CNN/Daily Mail Reading Comprehension Task.
6 @joker1007/wcnavi トイレの場所をナビゲートする。
6 @k0sukey/MakeAlloy MakeAlloy is Sublime Text 2 plugin.
6 @k0sukey/TiStrokeView Stroke line on your Titanium app.
6 @kamino410/procam-calibration Calibration program for projector-camera system using chessboard and structured light.
6 @kanryu/sbpl SBPL(SATO Barcode Printer Language) module for remote printing
6 @katryo/google_simple_search Search with Google custom search API
6 @kawazrepos/Kawaz2nd [Obsolute] All your game are belong to us. ↗️
6 @kazunori279/automl-self-checkout Self-checkout demo for AutoML Vision + Edge TPU
6 @kfdm/adium-logs Parses an Adium logfile and converts it into a text only format
6 @kfdm/bitbar-alertmanager
6 @knakayama/aws-lambda-playground
6 @knmkr/pubmed-downloader [WIP] Download full text pdf and supplemental materials for each PubMed IDs.
6 @kot10n5tn/bitflyer_trade_tools
6 @ktaneishi/dlvs Deep Learning for Virtual Screening
6 @kvvzr/melete-core
6 @lambdalisue/django-spaminspector Django's generic spam inspection library via Akismet
6 @lepture/writeup Don't use it. This is designed for my own. ↗️
6 @littleflow3r/keras-elmo-glove Keras: using Keras with ELMo vs Glove for sentiment analysis task
6 @ljvmiranda921/dataflow-cookiecutter Create production-ready Dataflow projects in a zap! ⚡
6 @lucidfrontier45/PyFinance PyFinance
6 @maepon/SublimeTreetext2Markdown Convert template for mark down the TXT file that was output by
6 @marcy-terui/spec2019-benchmarker The benchmarker of S.P.E.C. - Serverless Performance Empowerment Challenge
6 @matsubara0507/simple-ismlnj SML/NJ simple kernel for Jupyter/IPython Notebook
6 @mattn/kobita
6 @minorua/fgddemImporter [QGIS Plugin] translates DEM files of fundamental geospatial data provided by GSI into GeoTIFF ↗️
6 @miyakogi/m2rdemo M2R Demo Editor
6 @mokemokechicken/reversi-arena
6 @montblanc18/persephonep Some people are prohibited to use their favorite web browsers. The faster we browse web pages, the more efficient we collect the information.
6 @moqada/django-js-error-logging Logging Client-Side JavaScript errors for Django
6 @moriyoshi/muppet Muppet will be a lean server configuration management tool.
6 @moskomule/gsync Simple PyDrive wrapper and command line tool.
6 @mtoshi/sysdescrparser SNMP sysDescr parser.
6 @mursts/recommend-lunch-bot 近くのランチできる店を紹介してくれるLINE Bot
6 @nagadomi/blender_mmd_lip_tools A blender addon for creating lip motion from a text, blink motion and idle motion, assuming MMD model structure.
6 @naoto0804/fast-line-drawing-vectorization Fast Instance Segmentation for Line Drawing Vectorization [Inoue+, BigMM2019(short)].
6 @nguyen-toan/FundamentalsOfComputing
6 @nguyenlab/DGCNN
6 @ngxbac/Kaggle-QuickDraw Quick, Draw! Doodle Recognition Challenge (Rank 11/1316)
6 @nkjm/oraload a super simple load testing tool for Oracle Database written in python.
6 @nnsnodnb/django-file-uploader Django file uploader sample
6 @ntddk/transcibe A script to transcribe audio files with Google Cloud Speech API.
6 @ohbarye/Hermes Generate dummy data, or mask sensitive data with dummy. 😷
6 @oinume/iocapture Capture stdout, stderr easily.
6 @ojii/leftronicd
6 @philipperemy/GPU-Activity-Monitoring Python monitoring tool for the nvidia-smi command on Linux.
6 @philipperemy/Kaggle-PKDD-Taxi-I
6 @philipperemy/arma-scipy-fit Estimating coefficients of ARMA models with the Scipy package.
6 @philipperemy/japanese-street-addresses-scraper Scraper for Japanese street addresses (住所).
6 @pocari/vim-denite-command-history denite.nvim plugin for executing command from history
6 @primenumber/donburi-tairiku MastodonでトゥートするためだけのCUIクライアント
6 @puhitaku/naam Truly pythonic argument parser. ↗️
6 @qwexvf/sanic-webpack sanic version of
6 @r9y9/naive_bayes Naive Bayes implementation with digit recognition sample
6 @ran-sama/python3_https_tls1_3_microserver Threaded python3 HTTPS+TLS1.3 server w/ CryptCheck & SSL Labs 100% A+ rating.
6 @recurser/trac-gantt-calendar Gantt chart and calendar functionality for Trac.
6 @reiinakano/gnuradio-go
6 @rezoo/imagenet-python imagenet-python is a python library to download images from ImageNet
6 @rhythm92/CNN3D_Medical 3D Convolutional neural network for medical image segmentation
6 @ryuichiueda/pimouse_slam 「Raspberry Piで学ぶ ROSロボット入門」の13章のプログラム ↗️
6 @sastrarobotics/pyHerkulex Python library for Herkulex Smart Servos
6 @satopirka/cnn-animeface-keras
6 @shiba24/kaggle-Kobe-Bryant-Shot-Selection Kaggle solver ↗️
6 @shibu/pyspec Behavior Driven Development Framework for Python ↗️
6 @shirou/infodrawer
6 @shogo82148/acme-cert-updater
6 @shuuji3/manaba-attend 💻 コマンドラインから筑波大学の Manaba の出席カードを提出するプログラム
6 @slankdev/cns Container Network Simulation tools. User can generate the script to build the L2 container network from YAML file. (Currently this is under the development)
6 @soskek/learning_to_learn Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent, Andrychowicz et al., NIPS 2016
6 @soskek/weight_normalization Weight Normalization (Salimans and Kingma, 2016) by Chainer
6 @sp4ghet/nsga2 Non-dominated Sort Genetic Algorithm II
6 @suin/raspi-felica ⚙ RaspberryPi + FelicaリーダでSuicaの履歴を読み込み、そのデータをJSON形式にしてウェブに投げる半部品です。
6 @summerwind/l3dsr-packet-forwarder DSCP based L3DSR packet forwarder using XDP
6 @suzana-ilic/ML_poetry Multimedia art: The synthesis of machine-generated poetry and virtual landscapes ↗️
6 @suzuki-shunsuke/ansible-pyenv-module ansible module to run pyenv command ↗️
6 @taky/SublimeLinter-redpen SublimeLinter linter module for RedPen
6 @taky/android-runner Android ant runner
6 @takyamamoto/FirstExplicitMethod-HDM Implementation of Hamiltonian Descent Methods (First explicit method) with Python3
6 @takyamamoto/Hopfield-Network Hopfield network implemented with Python
6 @tell-k/csquery A simple query builder for Amazon Cloudsearch Structured query parser. ↗️
6 @teramonagi/py_HestonModel2 Analytical solution and calibration
6 @tilemapjp/jcp_maps List of TMS (Tile Map Service) data based on U.S. Army's Japan City Plans, PCL Map Collection, University of Texas Libraries.
6 @tk0miya/sphinxcontrib-apiblueprint
6 @tkm2261/ga_aa_optimize 遺伝的アルゴリズムでAAを作るプログラム
6 @tkm2261/shogi-alpha-zero
6 @tkruse/ackg ackg is a Linux command line tool written in Python that wraps find, xargs and grep to search in files quickly and conveniently.
6 @tokuhirom/mprofile-python Python port of mprofile
6 @tomofumikitano/Kindle-Comic-Generator
6 @tork-a/spur ROS package suite for SPUR, mobile base robot with extensible arm made at Tamagawa University.
6 @tyokuyoku/Twitter_Images_Crawler いつか作り直したい
6 @uidilr/bayesian_irl Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning with simple environments
6 @uiureo/demae A framework to build a machine learning batch
6 @unnonouno/excelcsv
6 @upa/flowchain
6 @voluntas/heroku-template-flask flask and flask-sqlalchemy template on heroku
6 @vwrs/bb8 control BB-8(Sphero) by OpenPose
6 @wyukawa/ayd
6 @y-ken/fluent-cron Wraps commands and reports failing ones to fluentd.
6 @yagitoshiro/TiKeychain Keychain module for Titanium (iOS) with UICKeyChainStore
6 @yamahigashi/MayaCallbackManager Sample code for qiita: Maya Python Advent Calendar 2017 ↗️
6 @yamahigashi/mgear_shifter_components
6 @yfuruyama/iOSRuntimePreview iOS runtime tool to execute modified source codes without rebuilding them ↗️
6 @yoshiori/pit account management tool ↗️
6 @yosisa/TracBlockdiag Integrate blockdiag series into Trac wiki
6 @yuroyoro/tracticketgraph This is a Ticket Timeline Chart Graph creation plugin for Trac 10.4. ↗️
6 @zEttOn86/3D-Unet Chainer implementation of 3D Unet for brain segmentaion.
6 @zchee/libclang-python3 libclang bindings for Python 3
5 @13o-bbr-bbq/techbookfest4 技術書展4:「俺らの愛したセキュリティ」
5 @AtsushiSakai/PythonTranslation Translation script with Python
5 @BrainPad/PyConTutorialSampleCode
5 @Dranithix/keita My personal toolkit for PyTorch development.
5 @Ekim-Yurtsever/DeepTL-Lane-Change-Classification Driving risk assessment with deep learning using a monocular camera. Related paper:
5 @Fandekasp/django-nuages Complete Profiling Application. automatization, versioning, graphviz, kcachegrind
5 @GINK03/cupy-parallel-kmeans-similarity-ranking GPU accerarated K-means, and similarity ranking engine
5 @Hironsan/protext Python library for processing Japanese text.
5 @HoshinoTouko/NVIDIA-JetsonTX1-Console
5 @IanLewis/homepage My homepage/blog
5 @KLab/Flask-PyMemcache PyMemcache integration for Flask
5 @Keats/gutenberg-themes
5 @LAC-Japan/MISP-CSVImport CSV import tool for MISP
5 @Lonlykids/Xunlei_FastD1sk Forked from fffonion/Xunlei-Fastdick ↗️
5 @MiCHiLU/pycrypto-PKCS7 Python Cryptography Toolkit (pycrypto) Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Version 1.5
5 @OsciiArt/GoogleLandmarkRetrieval
5 @PINTO0309/TinyYolo Challenge the marginal performance of YoloV2 + Neural Compute Stick + RaspberryPi YoloV2+Neural Compute Stick(NCS)+Raspberry Piの限界性能に挑戦 ↗️
5 @ProjectMonika/Ivy A network of interworking neural networks to provide a natural conversational experience.
5 @PuchatekwSzortach/voc_fcn Fully Convolutional Network trained on Pascal Visual Object Classes dataset
5 @Rompei/waifu2x-keras Waifu2x keras implementation
5 @Surgo/django-on-gae Running Zipped Django on GAE with "Google App Engine Helper for Django" ↗️
5 @Swall0w/arxiv-bot This is a repository for creating issue to my papers through my tweet. ↗️
5 @TakesxiSximada/django-rest-swagger-swaggerdoc
5 @Terminus-IMRC/RPiCluster2 Yet another Raspberry Pi cluster, version 2 ↗️
5 @Vasistareddy/pythonRLSA RUN LENGTH SMOOTHING ALGORITHM(RLSA) is a method mainly used for block segmentation and text discrimination. It helps to extract the necessary block from the document image.
5 @Wizcorp/Dawn Docker-based infrastructure setup and operation
5 @Yellowen/Djamo Yet another Mongodb driver for Django web framework
5 @a-r-g-v/nata deployment toolkit for google compute engine
5 @abhaikollara/light An simple interpreter written in Python
5 @airtoxin/codic-sublime sublime text plugin for codic
5 @airtoxin/twitterbot twitterで指定ユーザーのタイムラインからマルコフ連鎖で文章を作成してツイートするbotです。
5 @akyoto/sugoi 🔧 Mini tools for Linux.
5 @alexbowe/cardgen Python script to generate flash cards in LaTeX
5 @alexbowe/debdec Python library for efficiently decodable de Bruijn sequences (WiP).
5 @astronaughts/SublimeOpenFromPath open file from path.
5 @atsuoishimoto/disptrace Generate Python trace log in HTML
5 @avallark/Bijur-BugDB- A simple Bug database solution. Ticketing, task assignment etc. Post comments at
5 @ayemos/babysage
5 @bijohnvincent/ScheduleAmiAndSnapshot-Lambda This project is for developing a solution for automating AMI and EBS backups using AWS Lambda. Scheduling is done using CloudWatch.
5 @bongole/TiGoogleAnalyticsNative Native Google Analytics module for Titanium
5 @bungoume/debug-server return server_name, network_route and request_header retortion
5 @callmekohei/tigaDebugger 🍷Tiny debugger for F#. ↗️
5 @clear-code/pikzie Pikzie is a Unit Testing Framework for Python. Pikzie's interface is easy to write and easy to debug your code. ↗️
5 @cockscomb/SublimeMakeExecutable A plugin for Sublime Text 2. If the file you saved has no extension and start with shebang, this plugin make executable that file.
5 @cocodrips/doc-cov doc-cov is a tool for measuring docstring coverage of Python project.
5 @cocuh/declipnet declipping audio with deep learning technique(wavenet)
5 @coinjinja/coinview-python-sdk Python SDK for CoinView with examples ↗️
5 @cpprefjp/site_generator cpprefjpとboostjpの静的コンテンツを生成するバックエンド
5 @crond-jaist/cnt2lms CyLMS: Cybersecurity Training Support for LMS
5 @csakatoku/freunde OpenSocial RESTful API test server
5 @dhgrs/download_dataset Download datasets for machine learning.
5 @euske/whebap Whebap is a Web application nanoframework.
5 @fang2hou/nobo A spider for fetching data from Manaba+R & CampusWeb. (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
5 @farizrahman4u/pyux Utility to check API integrity in Python libraries
5 @fruwe/mac-ansible Uses ansible, homebrew and homebrew-cask to privision your MacOSX machine
5 @gengo/rules_pypi Experimental implementation of PyPI package support in Bazel
5 @giginc/conoha A command-line interface to the ConoHa. ↗️
5 @giginet/django-slack-invitation Automatic invitation to Slack team
5 @glassesfactory/skypit skype echo test
5 @gunyarakun/python-qwiic-CCS811-BME280 For
5 @hachibeeDI/FontReducer reduce font size
5 @hachibeeDI/masala some metaprogramming spice for Python
5 @henry0312/datadog-gpustat Agent Check to get metrics from NVIDIA Management Library (NVML)
5 @hideki-saito/instagram-following
5 @himkt/bulletin_bot A notification tool for students in University of Tsukuba ↗️
5 @hirokiky/cookiepatcher Tool to apply updates of cookiecutter templates for projects.
5 @hirose31/ganglia-pymodule_traffic1
5 @hogelog/kestrel-cli command-line kestrel interface
5 @ianlewis/homepage My homepage/blog
5 @icoxfog417/DialogueBreakdownDetection2016 2016年度の対話破綻検出チャレンジの提出モデル ↗️
5 @icyflame/tnpedia-csv-to-wiki Convert responses from all the students to a readable HTML file (anonymized) ↗️
5 @ikegami-yukino/pytypo English spelling correction
5 @inokappa/slack_bot-python
5 @jaseg/nyanping
5 @jbking/django_learning
5 @jiali-ms/emoji2vec Example code - use word embeddings to make emoji prediction smarter with context ↗️
5 @jilljenn/dktm Deep Knowledge Tracing Machines
5 @jj1bdx/ads-b-analysis dump1090 data analysis scripts in Python and Geographiclib
5 @k0sukey/TiWSEvaluateJS JavaScript code injection WebSocket server to Titanium app.
5 @kanezaki/goselo_caffe
5 @karlcow/notebook A simple python CLI notebook
5 @karno/HaruIconSurvey Haru on Rails
5 @keralaai/workshops Content for Workshops
5 @keyskey/SPDpy Multi agent simulation code for 2×2 Game on complex network
5 @kkosuge/open_nsfw_server
5 @knjcode/jirou_deep ラーメン二郎識別bot(@jirou_deep) ↗️
5 @knmkr/lift-over-vcf UCSC liftOver (genome build converter) for vcf format
5 @koji-kojiro/hylang-hypo Build small applications from Hy source files.
5 @koty/python-stackpath A Python REST Client for StackPath REST Web Services. This package is forked from ↗️
5 @ktnyt/Noh A circuit based platform for connecting and planning machine learning algorithms.
5 @ku-nlp/pyknp-eventgraph
5 @kumagi/ transaction over memcached for python
5 @kvmanohar22/DeepNets How weight initialization affects forward and backward passes of a deep neural network
5 @kvvzr/image-classifier Example of image classifier by chainer
5 @lambdalisue/django-packageutils Utilities for packaging Django app ↗️
5 @lambdalisue/gittag-changelog Create CHANGELOG from tags in git repository
5 @lambdalisue/notify Notify a command termination via email ↗️
5 @lepture/ebook ebook library for mobi and epub
5 @lepture/ Parse open graph and twitter card from HTML content.
5 @liris/samples sample and test programs
5 @lmiller1990/python-opencv-lake-recognition Recognition and outlining a lake with opencv and python
5 @lpninja/ELCCpv1 The ElectriCChain (ELCCpv1) text comment space protocol for an open blockchain. It reports information about Solar PV generation parameters directly to blockchain in the minimum number of steps between the generation of electricity and the bockchain. It currently works with SolarCoin and other blockchain(s) if they support JSON at the Tx layer. It is maintained by ELECTRICCHAIN. If you want to be certified to implement this on your datalogger to receive solarcoin please contact ↗️
5 @m-mizutani/slips Serverless Log Iterative Processor from AWS S3
5 @macrat/how-to-flask Python/FlaskでなんとなくSNS的なものを作る講座。ボツになった。
5 @mainyaa/tensorflow_mnist_cloudml TensorFlow on Google Cloud Machine Learning
5 @manzyun/Setsuna Micro SNS or BBS, maybe.
5 @marucc/ ↗️
5 @matsubara0507/iprolog Prolog kernel for Jupyter/IPython Notebook
5 @mattn/lingr-radar-linux notify messages in lingr. should be work well for linux/windows. ↗️
5 @mblondel/iphoto2html Generate a static html gallery for your iPhoto library.
5 @michilu/pycrypto-PKCS7 Python Cryptography Toolkit (pycrypto) Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Version 1.5
5 @mitesh98/Machine-Learning Challenges from Siraj 100 days Machine Learning course
5 @miyosuda/evolution_and_ai
5 @mkouhei/shiori bookmarking tool based on Web UI and JSON REST API
5 @mkouhei/swiftsc Simple client library of OpenStack Swift
5 @morishin/alfred-xcfind-workflow
5 @moriyoshi/tableau Tableau is a collection of helper classes for building test fixtures and seed data
5 @mrkn/chainer-srcnn SRCNN implementation using Chainer
5 @mshr-h/moonboard-ml Experimental repo for MoonBoard x Machine Learning
5 @mugifly/homeassistant-mornin Home Assistant platform for mornin' plus smart curtain (Unofficial)
5 @murawaki/lattyp Bayesian learning of latent representations of language structures
5 @najeira/emoji-python 絵文字変換用Pythonライブラリ
5 @naota/emerge-wrapper
5 @nguyenlab/ConvAMR AMR parser
5 @nknytk/disk-performance-xen-kvm Tools and sample results for comparing disk I/O performance of Xen and KVM.
5 @nnsnodnb/django-ios-storekit iOS In-App Purchase's receipt validation server plugin for Django ↗️
5 @nonakap/taptst10ctl SANWA SUPPLY TAP-TST10 control tool
5 @nvnmo/pychromepdf Creates PDFs from HTML rendered using chrome or chromium
5 @nwiizo/workspace_2017 workspace in 2017
5 @o-kei/design-computing-aij 『デザイン・コンピューティング入門 -Pythonによる建築の形態と機能の生成・分析・最適化-』リポジトリ
5 @odashi/nn_parsers
5 @oinume/btfly
5 @ojii/blackfast black, but faster
5 @ojii/django-app-manage for your reusable Django applications.
5 @ojii/django-utils Utilities for django
5 @oldgeese/toysynth PyConJP2012
5 @orisano/embexpr safe embedded python expression parser (for mainly easy DSL or config file)
5 @parosky/faceavsearch
5 @philip30/nmtrain An NMT trainer + decoder with chainer.
5 @philipperemy/bitflyer Bitflyer API Realtime Feed Python.
5 @philipperemy/japanese-sentences-to-vectors Sentences2vec (sentences to vectors or s2v) algorithm using different papers such as skip-thoughts vectors.
5 @philipperemy/neural-probability-dist-sampler Training a network to sample from any probability distributions such as exponential distribution.
5 @philipperemy/python-darknet-yolo-v4 Using python to interface with Darknet Yolo V4
5 @philipperemy/tf-easy-model-saving An easy way to load and save checkpoints in Tensorflow!
5 @polm/jp-ner [abandoned] Work on generating an NER dataset for Japanese
5 @r9y9/stav Statistical voice conversion written in Go for signal processing backend, Python for model training and parameter conversions
5 @rahulremanan/Image-search A basic image search engine using python
5 @raskr/skipgram-word2vec-keras
5 @regonn/polar_bear 🐼 -> cleansing -> polar bear!! ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ
5 @ryankanno/django-skeleton Django skeleton project
5 @rystylee/pix2pix-Next-Frame-Prediction pix2pix-Next-Frame-Prediction generates video by recursively generating images with pix2pix.
5 @ryugoo/TiNativeJson TiNativeJson provides iOS SDK's NSJSONSerialization bridge API for Titanium.
5 @saitoha/termprop detects some terminal glitches and advanced facilities information
5 @salexkidd/django_double_post_blocker Provide a Double post blocker function for your Django's project
5 @satopirka/RL Reinforcement Learning Programs (e.g., Q-Learning)
5 @seikichi/shoshi 国立国会図書館,Amazon,楽天,Wikipedia のAPIを組み合わせて書籍のメタデータを取得するプログラム/ライブラリ
5 @shikajiro/android_stackdriver_log Android of the log is a project to be able to display in StackDriver of GCP
5 @shimakaze-git/responder-todo responder todo application tutorial
5 @shirou/menes Menes is an web application which generates a PDF file from Sphinx builder
5 @shirou/sphinx-websupport-demo-for-heroku
5 @shirou/sphinxcontrib-reviewbuilder Sphinx to Re:VIEW
5 @shoyo-inokuchi/acoustic-keylogger Pipeline of a keylogging attack using just an audio signal and unsupervised learning (Intelligent Software Laboratory)
5 @shu-yusa/tensorflow-hub-sample Inception-v3 with Tensorflow Hub.
5 @shu-yusa/tensorflow-mirrored-strategy-sample MNIST sample using MirroredStrategy in TensorFlow1.8
5 @shunk031/chainer-FocalLoss Chainer implementation of the paper "Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection" (
5 @shunk031/chainer-RICAP Chainer implementation of the paper "RICAP: Random Image Cropping and Patching Data Augmentation for Deep CNNs" (
5 @shunk031/yans2019-hackathon
5 @shyamjos/Fire_Bot Fire_Bot is a simple Jabber/XMPP bot for openfire
5 @snaka/hatetra お気に入りユーザのはてブWebHookを受信してNotify.io経由でデスクトップに通知するWebサービス ↗️
5 @snakazawa/qibluemix NAOqiとIBM Bluemixの連携用ライブラリ
5 @soskek/SDCGAN Sentence generation by DCGAN
5 @soskek/decode_from_mask Generate a sentence from a masked sentence
5 @soskek/elmo-chainer Chainer implementation of contextualized word representations from bi-directional language models. Copied into
5 @sspiral/zenhan-py Python Library to convert between Zenkaku(fullwidth Japanese) and Hankaku(halfwidth Japanese)
5 @stakedtechnologies/ink-playground
5 @studio-ousia/el-helpfulness-dataset A dataset used in the paper "Evaluating the Helpfulness of Linked Entities to Readers"
5 @suin/update-query 🛠 データベーススキーマ変更の失敗しにくい管理方法支援ツール ↗️
5 @taizan/chainer_img2img_example an example of chainer learning code
5 @takat0m0/VAE_GAN VAE + GAN with tensorflow
5 @takp/stock-price-predictor 🤖 Predicting the stock price with LSTM (Deep Learning)
5 @takuti/PyHivemall Using machine learning model from Apache Hivemall 🐝 in Python 🐍
5 @tanaikech/gdoctableapppy This is a python library to manage the tables on Google Document using Google Docs API.
5 @technohippy/appengine_multi_robot_runner Run many wave robots on one GAE slot ↗️
5 @tell-k/django-variantmpl Provide a mechanism for Django that switching template based on request context. ↗️
5 @tell-k/pyconjp2016 Pycon JP 2016 の発表資料 ↗️
5 @tell-k/uadetector WSGI Middleware and web framework extensions for handling User-Agent. ↗️
5 @thombashi/pytest-md-report A pytest plugin to make a test results report with Markdown table format.
5 @thombashi/sqliteschema sqliteschema is a Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file.
5 @tk0miya/docutils-stubs
5 @tk0miya/sphinxcontrib-toc
5 @tk0miya/testing.common.database
5 @tkamishima/kamrecsys KamRecSys: a python package of algorithms for recommender systems
5 @tkmru/im2pdf Tool to convert images to pdf and unite them.
5 @tkmru/maruko malware crawler inspired by 'ちびまる子ちゃん'
5 @tksmd/twitter2backlog a small utility to collect twitter mentions in a certain period and post them to backlog as an issue
5 @tmizu23/mapproxy_plugin This QGIS plugin allows you to access to the tiled map images by installing MapProxy to local PC.
5 @tmk/alps64_plate KiCAD design for Alps64 Plate
5 @tokibito/django-edamame One idea of Class-based view module.
5 @tokibito/django-skypehub helper for skype bot.
5 @tototoshi/feedly-tweet feedly → twitter
5 @ugo-nama-kun/nonpara_discrete_rl Simple Nonparametric Reinforcement Learning with Universal Interface
5 @ukyo/pyahooapis Yahoo! Japan Text APIs Python Wrapper
5 @urakubo/UNI-EM A unified environment for DNN-based automated segmentation of neuronal EM images
5 @utahta/amazonsbr Amazon Social Book Ranking ↗️
5 @utgwkk/marisa-chan A script that detects tweets you liked in Twitter and posts the tweet's URL to your Slack channel.
5 @uyorum/zabbix-alert-slack Alertscript posting to
5 @v2e4lisp/pipeto pipe for python
5 @vrano714/max30102-tutorial-raspberrypi This repository is unofficial porting of Arduino sample code of MAXRESDEF117#(max30102) HR/SpO2 sensor
5 @wasabi0522/flaskr it is custmized blog system.
5 @wataoka/tsuki
5 @wkentaro/github2pypi Release tools from GitHub to PyPi.
5 @wkentaro/pycd cd to python modules.
5 @wkentaro/togif Moved to
5 @wozozo/KittyWalk2 2ch browser "KittyWalk" by @torufurukawa ↗️
5 @ymoch/pyjpmesh Japan grid square code (JIS X 0410) utility for Python.
5 @ymym3412/ELMoConverter Convert ELMoForManyLangs ELMo file into AllenNLP format
5 @ymyzk/python-gyazo-backup A command-tool for creating backup of Gyazo ↗️
5 @yoko/twittan-dm Twittan in GAE ↗️
5 @yono/py-extractword 日本語文を単語に分解
5 @yoshiso/retrykit The easiest python retry module with context, for lazy people.
5 @yukimochizuki/nempy NEM offline signature tool.
5 @yukitsuji/ENet_chainer Implementation of ENet by chainer
4 @AtsushiSakai/cvxpy_benchmark Benchmark for cvxpy
4 @BayashiPascal/SDSIA SDSIA is a Python module to generate synthetic data sets for image analysis.
4 @BeeBeansTechnologies/sitcpy Python Library for SiTCP
4 @CaseAnon/Cheatsheet A cheatsheet with a bunch of handy commands and tool usages as well as other stuff that I've been gathering over time
4 @Chachay/DeepQNetworkTest initial commit
4 @DaisukeMiyamoto/swc2vtk swc to vtk converter for visualization of neuron and neural circuit simulation in ParaView
4 @Dosugamea/PokerBot 高専祭 ポーカーができるLINE Bot
4 @Dosugamea/l-m-api Another LINE Messaging API wrapper writable like unofficial API. [OLD]
4 @Fandekasp/lumosity_tools Tools to get more efficient when training at Lumosity
4 @Fandekasp/sample_django_latex Sample application generating pdf files with django and latex
4 @G10DRAS/JasperModules Jasper Modules
4 @GINK03/5ch-blog-depression-machine-learning 5chのうつ傾向があるメンタルヘルスとその他の違いをボキャブラリや代名詞の使い方から明らかにします
4 @GINK03/KindleReferencedIndexScore kindleをスクレイピングして、加重平均、調和平均、TF、ロジスティック回帰を考慮してランキングするソフトウェアです
4 @GINK03/a_book_of_life 人生の一冊
4 @GVLABHernandez/OpenSim Python programming class to use musculoskeletal model through OpenSim
4 @HideakiImamura/MinimaxErrorRate
4 @Hironsan/PyFaceRecognizer
4 @Hiroshiba/kiritan_singing_label_reader The reader for 東北きりたん歌唱データベース's label data in python.
4 @IanLewis/oauth-python-twitter Fork of oauth-python-twitter that fixes a couple bugs. ↗️
4 @IshitaTakeshi/TruthFinder TruthFinder finds true facts from a large amount of conflicting information
4 @JunKikuchi/flask-gae
4 @JunKikuchi/gae-webapp2-skeleton
4 @KLab/myslowexplain
4 @Kajiyu/MANNs Memory Augmented Neural Networks (Pytorch)
4 @Kajiyu/MERLIN
4 @LawOfTime/amplification A repository for all of my Amplification ddos scripts :P Enjoy
4 @LysandreJik/Roxxor Roxxor is a conversational chatbot in the making. Its speech capabilities are based on the video-game Dofus. The name 'Roxxor' is a reference to the game and to its players.
4 @MasazI/Transform2Tfrecords_TensorFlow create 'tfrecrods' format file from list of image file
4 @MihailJP/MarathiCursive Free Modi font ↗️
4 @MoriKen254/DeepLearningWithPython Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithm with Python from scratch.
4 @MuShare/Rate-News New module of Rate Assistant
4 @Na27i/biyoritter ヽ(廿Δ廿 )にゃんぱすー。これでだれでもウチになれるのんな~。
4 @OTL/genrb ruby ROS message generator
4 @Petitsurume/cinderella 魔法って、なんだろう。 魔法は、本当にあったのかな?
4 @Qithub-BOT/Qiita-SPAMS 【Qiita記事墓場】Qiita のスパム記事をアーカイブしています。
4 @Quramy/face_of_the_year
4 @ResByte/HMM-occupancy_grid It contains codes for developing HMM over occupancy grid in dynamic environments for robot mapping and localization.
4 @ResByte/mtcnn-face-detect Detects face from webcam using MTCNN
4 @SakurabaKiyoka/ProxyListDecoder A decoder works with proxy list decode
4 @SakuragiYoshimasa/pyplfv Python package for the analysis of EEG data from BrainVision's 'Analyzer' and 'Recorder'. Used methods are Phase-locking factor and Phase-locking value.
4 @SeitaroShinagawa/DCGAN-chainer DCGAN implementation using chainer
4 @SeitaroShinagawa/chainer-StarGAN chainer implementation of StarGAN
4 @SeitaroShinagawa/simple_beamsearch simple_beamsearch example
4 @Swall0w/chainer-crnn crnn implemented in chainer
4 @Swall0w/microservice-ml-demo Micro service architecture using rest API
4 @Tsutomu-KKE/alpine-python Python3.4 and scientific packages on alpine.
4 @Tydus/qqdown An commandline API for qq offline download
4 @Vezqi/ Python package used with interacting with the Twitch IRC API.
4 @WHILL/pywhill WHILL Model CR SDK for Python ↗️
4 @Xincoz/Kronos Kronos node manager utility for Kronos cluster monitor and control system.
4 @Y-oHr-N/TextCategorization Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning, with scikit-learn
4 @ZHAOTING/hierarchical-neural-network-for-dialog Hierarchical neural network for dialog processing
4 @a-r-g-v/gmo-payment-python payment gateway library
4 @aidiary/deep-learning-theano TheanoによるDeep Learningの実装
4 @aike/ simple interface for I2C ambient light sensor TSL2561
4 @airtoxin/Sublime-iTunes Show iTunes playing track on sublime status bar.
4 @alice1017/miniparser miniparser can parse command-line options on Python app
4 @aliceinwire/elivepatch-server elivepatch-server ↗️
4 @aodag/nosecolor nose plugin to display colored results.
4 @aonotas/dynamic_cnn_for_nlp dynamic convolutional neural network for NLP
4 @applenob/tf_chat_seq2seq A Seq2Seq generative chat-bot baseline implemented by Tensorflow.
4 @applenob/weibo_spider 使用selenium和Firefox浏览器,模拟登陆新浪微博,并且爬取微博内容和评论。
4 @ariarijp/python-appsflyer
4 @astronaughts/SublimeCombineMediaQueries Sublime Text Package for grouping CSS media queries.
4 @asukiaaa/gerber_to_order A KiCad plugin project to create gerber files and zip files.
4 @atsuoishimoto/emitjson Python module to help composing objects to emit JSON
4 @beam2d/arpaca Thin wrapper of ARPACK for real symmetrix eigenproblem in C++ with Eigen
4 @beam2d/inception Inception networks ported to Chainer with TF checkpoint loader
4 @blitzprog/sugoi 🔧 Mini tools for Linux.
4 @butsugiri/chainer-dashboard visualize the result of the (chainer's) experiment
4 @c-bata/django-api-practices Sample source code for my talk at PyConJP 2018. ↗️
4 @calmery/Pawopy A Python wrapper for the Mastodon API like tweepy
4 @chakki-works/chaFiC chakki Financial Report Corpus
4 @chck/mecab-server A stand-alone mecab server for NLPers
4 @chezou/amazon-movie-review Recommendation for Amazon movie review data
4 @chezou/hocon-validator HOCON validator
4 @cocoatomo/GCBook-Quasi-code-Simulator Simulates quasi-codes in gcbook written by Narihiro Nakamura and Hikari Aikawa ↗️
4 @cocuh/WallpaperChanger Python Wallpaper Changer
4 @crond-jaist/cyprom CyPROM: Scenario Progression Management for Cybersecurity Training
4 @dayjournal/AttributeAssignment Easy to assign an attribute on QGIS. (QGISv3.x)
4 @delphinus/vim-denite-memo The denite source for mattn/memo
4 @dodocho/GatedCNN-based-summarizer Tensorflow implementation of GatedCNN-based summarizer
4 @drillbits/miraclelight
4 @dritoshi/gaexpr2 Gene Expression Database on Google App Engine ↗️
4 @edy555/LeapTheremin Simple Leap Motion Example using PyAudio and python
4 @ellie-icekler/MeCab-python Example usage of the python wrappers for MeCab Japanese parser in MacOSX.
4 @fakufaku/nerdledger CLI family accounting sw in Python
4 @fakufaku/timeseries-api A dead simple API to store measurements taken with IoT devices such as ESP8266 or ESP32.
4 @fang2hou/Nobo The api that you could get your manaba+R, Campus Web data. (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
4 @farizrahman4u/worldlang
4 @frkwy/xvfb_screenshot_on_docker
4 @fukatani/PreTrainingChain Pre-training DNN by using chainer.
4 @fukayatsu/SublimeTweetLine make it easy to tweet from sublime text 2
4 @funalab/QCANet Convolutional Neural Network-Based Instance Segmentation Algorithm to Acquire Quantitative Criteria of Early Mouse Development
4 @georgeOsdDev/m101j Homework files of M101J MongoDB for Java Developers
4 @giginet/MachiMatch 新感覚アクションパズルゲー! ↗️
4 @gion-xy/beamer2pptx Convert Beamer slides to Powerpoint w/ notes
4 @gkzz/deephotel scraping TripAdvisor, with Scrapy
4 @goofmint/Social-Guidebook Social Guidebook site repository. ↗️
4 @gumuncle/xvfb_screenshot_on_docker
4 @gunyarakun/django-wikipedia-search Wikipedia search with django, including a Python wikipedia parser.
4 @gunyarakun/nicopealert alert tool for niconico-pedia with PyQt. ↗️
4 @hachibeeDI/IRKit IRKit api client kit and command line interface
4 @halcat0x15a/fpy functional programming in python.
4 @hamukazu/nyan Just tweets にゃーん (nyan)
4 @hamukazu/primenumber_bot
4 @haradashinya/sketch_auto_export
4 @haru01/EasyOpen Sublime Text2 Package
4 @haruyama/SecurityPolicySample 情報セキュリティポリシーのサンプル ↗️
4 @heavenshell/py-pixela Pixela API client for Python.
4 @heavenshell/py-robo Dead simple bot framework
4 @hhatto/fcsv yet another Python csv module written in Rust
4 @hidekiy/allow-any-origin ↗️
4 @hidenorigoto/symfony-docs-trans jptomo/symfony-doc-trans-env を利用してください ↗️
4 @himkt/allennlp-NER ☯️ AllenNLP training configurations for promising models on Named Entity Recognition. (BiLSTM-CRF, BiLSTM-CNN-CRF, BERT, BERT-CRF)
4 @hirocaster/opencv_sandbox OpenCV sandbox
4 @hirokiky/genaa genaa, a ASCII Art generator.
4 @hiromu/system_scan "System Scan" is a new online examination system.
4 @hnakamur/django-bootstrap-table-example ABANDONED: An example Django app using bootstrap-table, mithril.js, and django-rest-framework-json-api
4 @hsm-hx/combapp 部活用備品管理システム
4 @huydx/datamining-collection school projects (image processing/ data mining/ voice processing algorithms implemented, almost in python with scipy )
4 @i2y/purple ↗️
4 @icoxfog417/python_doc_sample sample python project that documented by Sphinx ↗️
4 @icoxfog417/python_training python研修用リポジトリ
4 @ikaro1192/CCS_WebLec サークルのWebアプリケーション講座資料
4 @ikegami-yukino/udon Rename udon -> pytypo. Please use the pytypo ↗️
4 @informationsea/networkxxgmml XGMML parser for networks
4 @iruca3/vertex_group_checker Blender Addon for making easy checking used vertex group
4 @istellartech/OpenVerne rocket Instantaneous Impact Point(IIP) calculation
4 @jdmoore7/simplex_algorithm Simplex algorithm - can handle minimization and maximization problems with several variables under linear constraints. (Collaboration/help requested)
4 @jilljenn/sakt Implementation of Self-Attentive Knowledge Tracing
4 @jj1bdx/rtl_power-fm-multipath FM broadcasting multipath distortion estimation by D/U ratio measurement with rtl_power
4 @jnamika/fcompop Function composition operators(>>, <<) for Python
4 @joy13975/elfin A tool suite for designing massive protein assmeblies
4 @jrjohansson/ipynb-launcher Script for starting and stopping ipython notebooks for a given list directories with notebooks, and for a given list of ipython interpreters. It also generates a static HTML dashboard page for navigation to all the notebook directories.
4 @k3nsuk3/docker-webtex Web-based LaTeX editor and compiler in an Arch Linux docker container. ↗️
4 @kamalkraj/Malayalam-News-Classifier
4 @kamekoopa/git-lab subcommand of git for access gitlab
4 @kanryu/wffmpeg wffmpeg is a wrapper to ffmpeg command line program, written in python. Is structured as a base library, easy to extend by combining standard ffmpeg features. ↗️
4 @karlcow/cssdb Extract CSS values for each of the CSS properties.
4 @kazuyamashi/cocore
4 @kcct-fujimotolab/StackGAN Implementation of "なんちゃって" StackGAN model using Keras
4 @kcct-fujimotolab/keras-super-resolution Easy model running super resolution based on SRCNN using Keras.
4 @kcct-fujimotolab/minimum-StackGAN Implementation of "なんちゃって" StackGAN model using Keras
4 @kenbeese/DataProcessor
4 @kencyke/hopfield-mnist A scikit-learn implementation of hopfield network for MNIST
4 @keralaai/rankerboi Automatic code testing, ranking and plagiarism detection
4 @kgtkr/tweepy-streaming-api-emu
4 @kivantium/DeepTrump
4 @kiwenlau/registry-ceph Using Ceph and the storage driver for Docker Registry with s3 and swift API
4 @kiwenlau/tensorflow-101 TensorFlow入门教程
4 @kiyomaro927/chainer-attention-nmt Chainer implementation of attention-based neural seq2seq model
4 @kkkwbt/autoplait without smoothing algorithm
4 @kkosuge/hatebu-to-imkayac GAEではてなブックマークの Web Hook を受け取って im.kayac に通知するやつ
4 @kmaehashi/pypict Python Binding for Microsoft PICT (Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Tool)
4 @knorth55/app_manager_utils app_manager utils packages
4 @knorth55/easyocr_ros ros package for easyocr
4 @koji/Art-DCGAN DCGAN for artistic images
4 @koji/icTrainer image classifier train program
4 @koji/tinder-bot
4 @kompiro/osgi-tutrial OSGiのチュートリアル
4 @korosuke613/spec2test 仕様書からテストケースを出力する ↗️
4 @kosaki/
4 @koudaiii/ml-handson use docker-compose ↗️
4 @ktaneishi/crbm Conditional RBM
4 @kuenishi/envy
4 @kuronekomichael/dartcop Simple dartanalyzer wrapper convert to checkstyle format
4 @kvmanohar22/Localization Implementation of filters for Mobile Robot Localization
4 @laiviet/SentSum Sentence Summarization System with Bi-enc-dec model ↗️
4 @lambdalisue/django-qwert [Obsolute] Django's useful snippets collection
4 @lanyusea/py_imageFileConverter
4 @laysakura/prml-python PythonでPRMLの題材ゴニョゴニョしてニヨニヨする場
4 @legnaleurc/galtrace Let you trace game release ↗️
4 @lepture/hentry Parse hentry from microformats
4 @lepture/ipinfo Query an IP Information.
4 @lepture/nico-boilerplate An example for nico blog on GitHub.
4 @letusfly85/python_de_pcc pythonでPCC本を練習してみる
4 @mahesh147/Multiple-Linear-Regression A simple python program that implements a very basic Multiple Linear Regression model
4 @marcan/kinlarm Kinect security system
4 @marcy-terui/jeffy Serverless "Application" Framework for Python
4 @marron-akanishi/yayoi iM@S chara detect with TensorFlow ↗️
4 @mats116/ElasticBigQuery GAE Application for BigQuery
4 @mats16/ElasticBigQuery GAE Application for BigQuery
4 @mattd429/docker-django-nginx-postgres-redis-containers 🐳 Build a web app Docker. this stack will include 1 web/Django container, 1 nginx container, 1 Postgres container, 1 Redis container, 1 data container
4 @mattn/mumbles-github-growler github growler using mumbles plugin and checker script. ↗️
4 @methane/pyconjp2012-gevent-slide
4 @methane/pytest-tut を py.test で写経
4 @mikoim/flickr-dl The photo urls collector for Flickr written in Python
4 @minikomi/Brubeck-Chat Simple chat using gevent / long polling
4 @miseyu/luigi-etl luigi app for own
4 @mitmul/marlo-handson
4 @mitsuse/dotfiles My config files for Vim, Zsh, tmux, etc.
4 @miyakogi/asyncjedi Asynchronous Jedi auto-completion plugin for vim, using job and channel feature
4 @mksekibang/EmpowerYourData BeaconITIE03
4 @momotaro98/momotaro-task-management momotaro98 original web application ↗️
4 @moongift/Social-Guidebook Social Guidebook site repository. ↗️
4 @mori97/JKNet-dgl A dgl implementation of Jumping Knowledge Networks (arxiv 1806.03536)
4 @moskomule/maguro A simple job scheduler for GPUs
4 @moskomule/neuralcompressor.pytorch PyTorch Implementation of Compressing Word Embeddings via Deep Compositional Code Learning
4 @mrorii/findjatbar find Jason and Terry on Yelp
4 @mrorii/pyjvm yet another jvm, written in pure Python
4 @mrtc0/SnortTools Snort Utility Tools
4 @mugifly/homeassistant-natureremo Home Assistant platform for Nature Remo (Unofficial)
4 @nabetama/slacky A Python package for Slack's JSON REST API. ↗️
4 @najeira/raginei A lightweight framework for Google App Engine / Python
4 @naoina/html5-pronama-demo WebSocket demonstration for HTML5 pronama study session. ↗️
4 @naoina/nicovideo A library for nicovideo
4 @naoki-kishi/btcbot_sample This is the Bitcoin Trade Bot Sample for bitFlyer Lightning
4 @nayutaya/amayadori 雨宿り最適化計画 for Google App Engine ↗️
4 @netmarkjp/myvardiff dump/diff MySQL global variables tools
4 @ninoseki/emailrep-analyzer Cortex Analyzer for
4 @nnsnodnb/djabaas Self-made mBaaS in Django ↗️
4 @noagarcia/context-art-retrieval Multimodal retrieval in art with context embeddings.
4 @nocotan/chppL C/C++ package manager for header only libraries ↗️
4 @nocotan/density_fixing Implementation of the density-fixing training method
4 @nonylene/slack-client my super useful slack client
4 @noraesae/osx-screen-capture Screen capture and upload tool for OS X.
4 @notani/CLKP-MTKBC Cross-lingual Knowledge Projection Using Machine Translation and Target-side Knowledge Base Completion
4 @nus/pyURG Hokuyo-URG Laser Range Sensor in Python
4 @nzw0301/pytorch_skipgram
4 @ojii/alert-grid python alert grid utility
4 @ojii/clint Python Command-line Application Tools ↗️
4 @ojii/django-sitepermissions Site Specific permissions (for groups) for django
4 @ojii/ircbotframework An IRC Bot framework for Python
4 @ojii/tokyotrainstatus
4 @okadalabipr/intro_to_param_estim Parameter Estimation of ODE Models
4 @ongxuanhong/MapReduce-with-Python
4 @onolab-tmu/blinky-iva Multimodal formulation of IVA using conventional microphones and power sensing blinkies. ↗️
4 @penta515/slash-command-decorator
4 @philipperemy/3.7-billion-passwords-tools Tools to manipulate the data behind Collection #1 (and #2–5) - AntiPublic.
4 @philipperemy/fmylife-vdm /
4 @philipperemy/fxrt Realtime FX prices from the Oanda broker.
4 @philipperemy/keras-mode-normalization Keras Implementation of Mode Normalization (Lucas Deecke, Iain Murray, Hakan Bilen, 2018)
4 @philipperemy/keras-simple-attention-mechanism Simple attention mechanism implemented in Keras.
4 @philipperemy/ssh-failed-attempts Tool to detect and analyze failed SSH attempts.
4 @plenprojectcompany/plen_ros PLEN series robots' firmware using ROS.
4 @puhitaku/Booth-algorithm The implementation of Booth's multiplication algorithm in C++.
4 @ran-sama/python3_https_tls1_2_microserver Threaded python3 HTTPS+TLS1.3 server w/ CryptCheck & SSL Labs 100% A+ rating.
4 @realglobe-Inc/-
4 @remirobert/DigitalOcean DigitalOcean for python3.4
4 @richursa/zap-it ever wanted to send data over the internet or lan but you worry that your neighbourhood aunty's might be snooping on your data ,worry no more this simple program helps you send files across platforms and devices with ease
4 @rjyo/eyefi-diskstation Pure python implementation of Eye-Fi server, with geotagging support
4 @ryankanno/state-api-hawaii This is the start of an API for my home state of Hawaii. If this spawns more people to think about how to free up data about our state, then this was a job well done. :) ↗️
4 @sakuraio/python-sakuraio A python library for Sakura Communication Module
4 @salexkidd/restframework-definable-serializer restframework-definable-serializer
4 @saorisakaue/MIGWAS A software to detect genome-wide miRNA-gene enrichment signal.
4 @satopirka/cymf Cython implementation of matrix-factorization based algorithms
4 @satopirka/topic-model Cythonized implementation of Topic modeling.
4 @satyr/miscapis Tiny web APIs for GAE ↗️
4 @seikichi/kytea-python
4 @seikichi/pumblr A python library for the Tumblr API. ↗️
4 @sgk/BulkDM Send twitter direct message to multiple destinations. GAE / Tweepy / Flask ↗️
4 @sgk/google-auth-demo Demo to use Google Account authentication on GAE
4 @shamoji101/Pytorch-Gym Learning How To use Pytorch
4 @shibukawa/interpreter-in-python
4 @shibukawa/ High performance pure Python/JavaScript search engine
4 @shino/sphinx_to_pdf_via_tex_jp 日本語 Sphinx ドキュメントの PDF 化(TeX 経由)のサンプル
4 @shinobukawano/sublime_surround Sublime Text 2 plugin that surround region by input word.
4 @shirou/blockdiag_interactive_shell_for_fluxflex
4 @shirou/sphinxcontrib-redpen sphinx extension for Redpen
4 @shtaxxx/pyminisat Python MiniSat Wrapper
4 @shunk031/chainer-Xception Chainer implementation of the paper "Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions" (
4 @shunk031/chainer-center-loss Implementation of Center Loss in Chainer
4 @shyamjos/flipkart_checker Python script to check if a product is back on stock at ↗️
4 @slankdev/wiki my misc wiki ↗️
4 @smallerhand/py_practice simple coding such as web scrapping, game, machine learning and so on, and so forth...
4 @spiralray/canusb A ROS node to provide access to LAWICEL CANUSB
4 @sreecodeslayer/bmtc-api-python Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC recently released its Intelligent Transport System (ITS) , But as of now there is no official public api available. This is an approach to build a python wrapper.
4 @sugyan/shogi-recognizer
4 @syohex/python-gtk-tutorial Python Gtk Tutorial for me
4 @t2y/extenum Extended Enum classes for the Python 3 enum module
4 @t2y/iostat-tool parse and visualize iostat output
4 @t2y/learnnlp To learn natural language processing
4 @t9md/anki-accelerate-image-drag-and-drop Accelerate workflow when you drag&drop image to a cards repetitively
4 @takerum/vae Implementation of Variational Auto Encoder with Chainer
4 @takp/bayesian-linear-regression Sample program to model the data by (normal) linear regression and Bayesian lineaer regression.
4 @takuti/wims-2015 User Modeling in Folksonomies: Relational Clustering and Tag Weighting
4 @takuya/play-radiko radikoのプレイをするスクリプト
4 @tatsy/bssrdf-estimate Implementation of "BSSRDF Estimation from Single Images" by Munoz et al. (Eurographics 2011)
4 @tattn/tensorflow-chatbot-jp
4 @tell-k/djangocongressjp2019
4 @terasakisatoshi/chainer-food-101 classify category of food with Chainer
4 @tetsuwo/zabbix-memcached-template Zabbix Template for Memcached
4 @thombashi/NFStest NFStest mirror with command help wiki. ↗️
4 @thombashi/cmakew cmakew is a CMake wrapper CLI tool. ↗️
4 @tkm2261/kaggle_santa2019_youtube kaggle santa 2019コンペの解説動画で使ったコード
4 @tkruse/cpplint Fork of google cpplint, deprecated
4 @tksmd/backloglib Backlog API wrapper for Python
4 @tma15/python-tabelog python wrapper for tabelog API
4 @tmsanrinsha/deoplete-mozc
4 @tnakamura/python-linq LINQ for Python
4 @tork-a/baxter_seminar Seminar sourcecode for the Baxter (Research) Robot from Rethink Robotics
4 @toshi-k/kaggle-google-landmark-retrieval-2019 26th place solution in "Google Landmark Retrieval 2019"
4 @tototoshi/github-timeline-tweet Github timeline → twitter
4 @tsub/albert-github Open GitHub repository in browser with Albert
4 @tuvistavie/bigcode-tools Set of tools to help working with "Big Code"
4 @uetchy/baseN Create your ever dreamed baseN (base64, base256, or whatever) serialization algorithm.
4 @uichi/EroticRestFramework なうでトレンディなエロティックRESTフレームワーク
4 @uiureo/ossan-filter ossan filter using Convolutional Neural Network and TensorFlow
4 @upura/kaggler-ja-qa
4 @utahta/pyahocorasick AhoCorasick
4 @utatti/osx-screen-capture Screen capture and upload tool for OS X.
4 @vwrs/dcgan-mnist simple keras implementation of DCGAN
4 @wadahiro/trac-multiselectlist-plugin
4 @wakita/glvis OpenGL programming using PyQt5
4 @wkentaro/chainer-modelzoo Model-Zoo for Chainer.
4 @wkentaro/gotenshita See Gotenshita(御殿下) court open status. ↗️
4 @wkentaro/label_octomap Probabilistic 3D Multilabel Real-time Mapping for Multi-object Manipulation (IROS2017)
4 @wkentaro/vgg16 VGG16 object recognition network. (Chainer Implementation)
4 @wolfv/pyjays Python AST to ECMA 6 / Javascript transpiler
4 @woohgit/changelog-client-python Python client for
4 @yagitoshiro/TiBrightness Titanium module to handle screen brightness
4 @yahoojapan/fastpay-python
4 @yamachu/VoiceConversionWithAzureML C95で使用したスクリプトなどのドラフト版
4 @yanbe/chirp-client Twitter User Stream (a.k.a chirpstream) client written in PyGTK 2.0.
4 @yasumat/NormMinimization General norm minimization solver
4 @ymotongpoo/TwCmd Twitter command line client written with Python ↗️
4 @ymotongpoo/hatena2rst Command line tool for converting archived Hatena diary XML file into reST file.
4 @ymym3412/Hydra-MLflow-experiment-management Experiment management with Hydra and MLflow
4 @ymyzk/bottle-yotoslack NO LONGER MAINTAINED: Send notifications to Slack when you received Yo!
4 @ymyzk/hue-party A joke script :)
4 @yonchu/ranking-shell-history Show ranking for shell(bash/zsh) commands
4 @yosida95/python-jsmapper Object - JSON Schema Mapper ↗️
4 @yoyoyo-yo/Gengosyori100knock 言語処理100本ノックの答えなんじゃーーーー
4 @yubessy/pdprpr PanDas PRePRocessor: Preprocess Pandas Objects for Machine Learning
4 @yubessy/prepkit Preprocessing pandas objects for machine learning
4 @yuroyoro/benchmark_asynchronous_servers ( ゚∀゚)o彡°おっぱい!おっぱい!
4 @yuuki/cfstacker A simple AWS CloudFormation stacks manager
4 @zchenry/lottery-ticket-hypothesis Lottery Ticker Hypothesis in Chainer
4 @zh/atomgen Generate new valid atom entries every x minutes (for testing purposes) ↗️
4 @zh/gae-robot Google Wave Robot ↗️
3 @0h-n0/chrono_initialization chrono initialization pytorch implementation. See
3 @0h-n0/pytorch-chemistry [WIP]This repo is forked from chainer-chemistry.
3 @4K17O/create-cmsToken Create cmsToken.
3 @9SQ/jma-eqxml2geojson 地震に関する気象庁XML電文からGeoJSONを生成する
3 @ATR-DNI/BrainLinerDataConverter Open source conversion libraries for the BrainLiner HDF5 data format. ↗️
3 @Aixile/Chainer-FlowNet Chainer adaptation of FlowNet
3 @Apolotary/My-tetris-on-python
3 @AraiYuno/Path-Planning-Wheeled-Robot Implementation of Path Planning Wheeled Robot using a few A.I. techniques.
3 @AshishCdev/Pi-Buddy Simple Raspberry pi controlled IOT based home automation project that will allow you to communicate with your home appliances with the Twitter at front end.
3 @AtsushiSakai/kivy_samples Python sample code with kivy
3 @AtsushiSakai/pycollisioncheck collision check library
3 @AtsushiSakai/pyqp Simple quadratic programming solver only using numpy.
3 @AtsushiSakai/python_sandbox
3 @Bemmu/wirecard_email_parser WireCard email parser
3 @Brainiarc7/ml-samples-and-docs Created for the event
3 @BrambleXu/keras_fastqa
3 @CaiJiJi/WebShellCheck Webshell Detection Based on Deep Learning
3 @ChunML/OCR Repo where I play with OCR projects
3 @ClarityMoe/kitsuchan A bot framework in Python 3.6. Can be used with Discord, Twitch, IRC, or anything else of your choosing
3 @ClarityMoe/revolution The AI Revolution is at hand!
3 @Corruption13/Scraper-Scripts A repo containing all the scripts related to scraping the web!
3 @Corruption13/Useful_Scripts A random collection of useful programs that can be used in our daily lives.
3 @CouchDB-JP/watchcat Post photos taken by motion, and delete photos from Picasa.
3 @DaikiMaekawa/git-commit-checker A git pre-commit hook to check commits ↗️
3 @Densyakun/BlenderAddon_JapanRoadGenerator 日本の道路を生成するBlenderアドオン。This blender addon is road generator of japan.
3 @Dosugamea/scriptkiddie-nano Rewrite with Hooks
3 @Eiji-Kb/simple-pix2pix-pytorch simple implementation of pix2pix by pytorch
3 @FBergeron/FeedNotifier Feed Notifier is a Windows application that resides in the system tray and displays pop-up notifications on your desktop when new items arrive in your subscribed RSS or Atom feeds. This is a fork of the original project. The goal is to make the application available in French and try to port it on Linux and Mac. Anyone is welcome to contribute. Please note that I have absolutely NO experience in Python. ↗️
3 @Fandekasp/github_bot Small web-scraper bot to get list of people with their email
3 @Fuuzetsu/BakaBT-tools Tools for automating BakaBT
3 @GINK03/deep-hash-algorithm-crack Deep LearningでHash Algorithmの大小を予想します
3 @GINK03/edward-bayesian-neural-network Edward Bayesian Neural Network
3 @GINK03/emotion2vec
3 @GINK03/jin115-article-predictor jin115.comのサイトから、記事情報からどの程度、バズるか、バズりやすくするにはどうすればいいのか、機械学習で計算します
3 @GINK03/kaggle-introduction-for-newcomers Kaggle Introduction for newcomers. (最初のKaggleの一歩と、ブートアップまで)
3 @GINK03/keras-rnn-function-approximate RNNで代表的な関数近似を行います。
3 @GINK03/keras-rnn-webdesign2html rnn genereate html code with site design images.
3 @GINK03/multi-ip-scraping aws-gcp-squid-config-dotfile
3 @GINK03/pixabay-scraper A Scraper of Pixabay. ↗️
3 @GINK03/pytorch-matrix-factorization PytorchのMatrix Factorizationの実装
3 @GNUPlusVet/ebin Made with my friend Ungentoo
3 @GVLABHernandez/FFS-ANN Force Feasible Set prediction with artificial neural network and musculoskeletal model
3 @Gab-km/papylon Random testing for Python ↗️
3 @Gotham13121997/Vivaldi-SpeedDial-Thumbnail-Fetcher Automatically fetches and changes the thumbnail of sites in Vivaldi's speed dial. inspired by
3 @Gotham13121997/subreddit_bot Telegram bot for getting new posts from public subreddit
3 @Himanoa/Raijin Python製のTwitterクライアント
3 @Himenon/TaskQueueLearn TaskQueue ServerをDockerとPythonで理解するためのリポジトリ
3 @Himenon/learn-task-queue TaskQueue ServerをDockerとPythonで理解するためのリポジトリ
3 @HirokiNakahara/FPGA-based-YOLOv2-on-Google-Colaboratory FPGA-based YOLOv2 on Google Colaboratory
3 @Hiroshiba/openjtalk-label-getter
3 @Hiroshiba/yukarin_autoreg
3 @HoshinoTouko/MachineLearning This is a repository of the source code and notes when studying machine learning.
3 @HoshinoTouko/ha-ss-autogen A python script for generating haproxy config.
3 @IanLewis/wordpress_django_admin A simple Django admin for WordPress 3.5.x
3 @ImNotAVirus/NostaleAuth-PoC Simple PoC for the Gameforge NosTale authentication
3 @Intel0tw5727/OreimoDetection
3 @IshitaTakeshi/DVO Visual SLAM framework under development
3 @K-rot-0615/savlog 乃木坂46の好きなメンバーの過去全てのブログデータを個別に保存するシステム
3 @KLab/PyCake Python 3 Web framework inspired by DietCake
3 @KLab/rlogger-py python logging handler with rlogd's rlogger
3 @KUT-ProgrammingGrup/KOJ_System KOJ is a online judge system to learn computer programs. ↗️
3 @KamitaniLab/BrainLinerDataConverter Open source conversion libraries for the BrainLiner HDF5 data format. ↗️
3 @KamitaniLab/cnnpref
3 @KatsuhiroMorishita/Aso_Sea_Clouds_Pridiction 阿蘇に雲海が出現するか予想する機械学習器です。Pythonで作っています。
3 @KeisukeMiura/tsp Solve the Travelling Salesman Problem with a Hopfield network
3 @KotaTanaka/TrainSmileCNN Smiling face recognition by deep learning (CNN/Chainer)
3 @LysandreJik/AutoEncoderCrypto Using an auto-encoder to crypt and decrypt data and share it with your friends in a private manner
3 @MasazI/clahe_python_opencv clahe_python_opencv (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization)
3 @MaxMEllon/kagawa-udon-awesome 🍲 Umai udon tabetai. tabetakunai?
3 @Mazyod/homebrew-truck Homebrew formula for Truck
3 @MiCHiLU/watchlion A simple shell utility to monitor file system events on Mac OS X 10.7+ (Lion or newer). ↗️
3 @MihailJP/TexturaLibera Free Textura blackletter font family
3 @MizukiSonoko/ed25519-python Python binding for Warchant/ed25519
3 @Nanamachi/Suiterans Simutrans addon (pak) manager & viewer
3 @Nikhil713/CC Competitive Coding Problems
3 @OTL/jps json pub sub
3 @PEmugi/geohex3
3 @PINTO0309/YoloTrainDataGenerate Procedures and tools for semi-mechanically automatically generating YoloV2 original learning data from video. ↗️
3 @ProfoundisLabs/vibe-python Python bindings for Vibe API
3 @Prokuma/kyutech-board-twitter-bot
3 @ResByte/imfeatures Minimal image feature extractor using deep learning models in PyTorch
3 @Satoh-D/CloseCommentTag HTMLの閉じタグの前にコメントを入れるプラグイン
3 @SeeedJP/handson
3 @Siketyan/TouchKey Maybe the Most Secure Hardware Password Manager with NFC on Raspberry Pi and Arduino Pro Micro
3 @SilverBut/DrunkenBlog A blog based on Tornado 4.2 and Python 3.4. Still under development.
3 @Surumerf/Stock-Price Plot and Export as CSV Stock Prices Data
3 @Swall0w/ImageMarker Annotation tool for Faster R-CNN, YOLO, SSD and so on. It is under development.
3 @SystemLLH/TornadoPractice Practice for using the tornado
3 @TakesxiSximada/azoth
3 @TanUkkii007/wavenet An implementation of WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio
3 @ToruMakabe/Azure_Batch_Sample
3 @TsingJyujing/homedia 一个基于Django和Bootstrap的家庭视频、图片和小说的资源站。
3 @UedaTakeyuki/slider A simple data collector.
3 @Umisyo/ihcamonoihS_ai
3 @Vasistareddy/image.title This project shows how to extract the title from the image
3 @Wild-Family/new-obachan-camera
3 @YujiAzama/python-soracomclient SORACOM SDK for Python
3 @YukiSakamoto/Starbucks_Japan
3 @a-know/a-know-home-server a-know-home chef recipe repository
3 @a-yasui/atysPy self Python scripts
3 @achiku/sample-h2o-mruby Sample setup for h2o + mruby
3 @achiku/sample-uwsgi-pypy Sample setup for uwsgi + pypy
3 @addsict/bqlib BigQuery Python Library
3 @aibou/datadog-for-golang-stats のメトリックをdatadogに送るためのカスタムチェックスクリプトです。
3 @airtoxin/plugin-loader import helper for your app's plugin
3 @akisute/sphinx_rst2blogger Sphinx Extension for Translates reST drafts into Blogger non-WYSIWYG editor.
3 @alexbowe/Euler My Project Euler solutions. Pretty much all in Python, though might have some Haskell or Ruby or Mathematica. For some extremely easy questions I won't have saved my solution. ↗️
3 @alexbowe/wavelet-paper (WIP) Paper based on my thesis on multiary wavelet trees.
3 @alfredfrancis/rbi-bank-ifsc-parser Python script to parse and store bank ifsc details from rbi website in Mongodb
3 @algas/shrinkwrap2yarn Migration shrinkwrap to yarn for npm
3 @algobasket/LocalBitcoins LocalBitcoins WebApp (Clone) - Under Development
3 @alice1017/psdwatcher You can watch the change log of psd file using git.
3 @alice1017/pypicf PYPI Classifiers for Humans ↗️
3 @aliceinwire/elivepatch-client Elivepatch-client ↗️
3 @andoshin11/AirbnbKyotoScrape Python Function To Scrape Airbnb Listing in Kyoto
3 @aodag/MySQLAlchemy sqlalchemy expression library for mysql
3 @aodag/virtualsetup manage egg for virtualenv
3 @applenob/delta_demo A demo for delta-nlp usage
3 @arosh/image-classifier image classifier by BoVW ↗️
3 @artec-kk/pystuduino Python library for Studuino
3 @ascentai/mdn_pyro Implementation of a Mixture Density Network in the deep probabilistic programming language Pyro.
3 @astronaughts/README-Preview preview Package's README.
3 @at-wat/eagle2svg Eagle cad to SVG converter
3 @atsuoishimoto/localproxy
3 @attakei/errbot-pomodoro-timer Errbot Pomodoro timer plugin
3 @bakanaouji/DeepQNetwork
3 @bengo4/cloudtts
3 @bluele/Flask-jsonrpc-over-websocket-example Example flask code to implement jsonrpc over websocket.
3 @c-bata/awesome-flask This is flask awesome libraries and example application.
3 @c-bata/google-translate-po Auto-input po-style translation files using Google Translate API.
3 @cachedout/eventdriventalk A talk on event-driven infrastructure, first presented at DevOpsDays Singapore in 2016
3 @chakki-works/edinet-python EDINET API Client for Python
3 @chezou/JPKyteaTokenizer Japanese tokenizer with KyTea for nltk ↗️
3 @cho45/Keble Keyboard project
3 @chokkoyamada/elasticRDS auto-scaling like feature in RDS using python and boto. developed at Qiita AWS Tools Hackathon in May 2013.
3 @chrislgarry/SlackTerminator Simple script to delete all of the messages in a slack channel.
3 @cocoatomo/Dictionary
3 @cocuh/Ame えそらんっぽいもの
3 @cocuh/python-rust-ext Python distutils helper for Rust Extension.
3 @colspan/csreliefmap CS Relief Map Tile Image Generator ↗️
3 @cournape/aio-winrm A python 3.5+ async library for the WinRM protocol
3 @cournape/waf-old waf mirror
3 @cournape/zipfile2 An improved ZipFile class for python
3 @crcrpar/LSGAN Chainer implementation of LSGAN. WorkInProgress(2017/03/04)
3 @crcrpar/cagan.pytorch !!!!! CAUTION !!!!! WIP repository
3 @csakatoku/mobile-gadget-engine gadget engine for mobile clients
3 @cynthia/toyfactory Opera widget development and test deployment suite ↗️
3 @danielthank/pytorch-multilabel
3 @dann/gae-hatebu2delicious post a bookmark entry from hatena bookmark to delicious on Google App Engine ↗️
3 @dann/python-pystarter python module starter
3 @dav009/congresovisible Data dumps of Colombian Senate votes
3 @delphinus/vim-denite-window
3 @dhgrs/chainer-ExponentialMovingAverage
3 @dohzya/sublime_scalariver Scalariver plugin for Sublime Text
3 @donayama/TiCustomPasteboard Simple Custom Pasteboard access Module for iOS
3 @dora1998/Keisanki-Kogaku-FBViewer 月4の授業「計算機工学」のフィードバックを簡単に閲覧できるようにしたプログラム
3 @drillbits/tirds A command-line tool to backup and restore Google Cloud Datastore Entities via local
3 @drumichiro/convex-clustering
3 @dsanno/chainer-fashion-mnist Fashion MNIST classifier using Chainer
3 @ehauckdo/AIWoof Documentation and agent scripts for AIWolf Competition ↗️
3 @euske/shoveler Lightweight Japanese speech synthesizer (text-to-speech engine).
3 @euske/tenjer Japanese Braille Translator
3 @fakufaku/AudioTools Audio signal processing toolbox in python.
3 @fakufaku/bss_speech_dataset A dataset to test blind source separation algorithms
3 @fakufaku/piva Performance-oriented implementation of independent vector analysis for blind source separation.
3 @farizrahman4u/GoogleDevFest17 Pure Numpy NN
3 @farizrahman4u/boxyboi Boxing primitives in python
3 @farizrahman4u/unbias
3 @forester3/micropython-samples MicroPython Sample Programs
3 @fqj1994/useful-codes
3 @fqj1994/where-is-qijiang-fan The implementation of "Where is Qijiang Fan" ( )
3 @frodo821/requests-for-qpython
3 @fuchami/ANOGAN anomaly detection using GAN
3 @fukatani/rust-gui-debugger Lightweight rust GUI debugger
3 @fukayatsu/SublimeSuddenDeath A fun plugin which provide text decoration
3 @garaemon/m5stack-spotify
3 @garaemon/nico-downloader command line niconico downloading tool
3 @gentom/enigma Enigma Machine in Python.
3 @gentom/similarity-cluster Cluster the similarity of sentences. See new version
3 @glassesfactory/gae-spreadsheet-example spreadsheet use like db. on google app engine python. ↗️
3 @gmoaozora/gmo-aozora-api-python Python SDK for GMO Aozora Net Bank, Ltd.
3 @gosyujin/sphinxcontrib-releasenotes Sphinxを導入するためのあれこれ
3 @grocio/neural-network-models R code for "Computational Modeling of Cognition and Behavior" was ported to Python!!
3 @gsi-cyberjapan/ckanext-basemaps ckanext basemaps plugin
3 @h1sat0r1/KeyPointMatching Keypoint detection, description, matching and thresholding based on my thesis and paper.
3 @hachibeeDI/letexpr That is python module imitate 'let expression' like a Haskell
3 @hachibeeDI/namedparser named.conf parser
3 @hachibeeDI/pyparsing mirror of
3 @hackerkid/project-buterin-backend
3 @hakatashi/takuboku-project takuboku-project
3 @hakobe/python-Intern-Exercise Python version of Hatena-Exercise
3 @halcat0x15a/satellite
3 @hanks/MIT-OCW-Introduction-to-Computer-Science-and-Programming-6.00 the assignment of 6.00 of MIT OCW (Finish) ↗️
3 @hanks/Supervisord_Notifier Use classic Observer Pattern to implement a simple supervisord PROCESS_LOG listener, and send message to HipChat or Mail or else place.
3 @hanksudo/githubstars List repository stars and info through Github v4 GraphQL API
3 @harawata/sublime-delete-lines Sublime Text plugin simulates Delete Line command in Eclipse
3 @hasenj/mangareader Read manga by scrolling! ↗️
3 @heavenshell/cliff-samples Cliff sample application
3 @heavenshell/py-pyltsv Dead simple LTSV parser written in Python C extension
3 @hermanschaaf/catvalidate A simple example Decanter app to demonstrate JSON Validation for PyCON APAC 2013
3 @hhatto/python-workq Python Client for Workq (
3 @hhatto/slowfast Two Python code compare using timeit module
3 @hideki-saito/FSA
3 @hideki-saito/Price-Scraper
3 @hideki-saito/deathbycaptcha
3 @hideki-saito/portfolio
3 @hideo54/TomoriNao575 友利奈緒575bot
3 @hightensan/2015NLP_100knocks 言語処理100本ノック2015をPythonでやってみた
3 @himkt/keras_example Reimplementations
3 @himkt/keras_examples Reimplementations
3 @hiroharu-kato/nmr
3 @hirokiky/django-myapp way to create third paty django app.
3 @hiromu/mecab_dic scripts for generating dictionaries of MeCab
3 @hirose31/ganglia-pymodule_apache_status sends metrics on Apache process status
3 @hkawash/feature-matching-example Example of real-time feature point detection and matching (AKAZE, ORB)
3 @hnakamur/ansible-callback-plugin-example
3 @hogefugabar/Lasso This is implementation of Coordinate Descent for Lasso.
3 @hogefugabar/cnn-animeface-keras
3 @hokaccha/i-sourceview HTML source viewer for iPhone/iPad. ↗️
3 @holidayworking/PRML
3 @holysugar/gae-amazon-proxy Amazon REST API auth proxy in Google App Engine, written in Python.
3 @homata/geodjango-hands-on
3 @houtbrion/raspberryPi-grove seeed studio grove module software for raspberry pi
3 @hvy/chainer-gan-trainer Chainer implementation of the Generative Adversarial Network using the training module
3 @hydrocoast/python3_training PEP8を大分無視しているので,今後修正します。怒らないでください。
3 @hymzoque/TSP-by-Particle-Swarm-Optimization solve the TSP problem by PSO
3 @iKrishneel/fcn_object_detector Simple multi-class object detector using fully convolutional network.
3 @ianlewis/kombu-appengine-pullqueue A kombu backend for the appengine pull queue API
3 @ianlewis/oauth-python-twitter Fork of oauth-python-twitter that fixes a couple bugs. ↗️
3 @ianlewis/wordpress_django_admin A simple Django admin for WordPress 3.5.x
3 @icoxfog417/airflow-ml-pipeline The repository to learn Machine Learning with Airflow
3 @icoxfog417/cartpole-q-learning Solve CartPole environment on OpenAI Gym by simple q-learning algorithm ↗️
3 @icoxfog417/enigma_abroad let's travel by choosing the photo ↗️
3 @icoxfog417/robinchorus Robin Chorus is group chat service ↗️
3 @iinm/jawiki_word2vec
3 @ikeikeikeike/django-impala-backend Unofficial impala backend package for Django. ↗️
3 @ikeikeikeike/python-eco Python Eco Compiler ↗️
3 @ikeikeikeike/scrapy-proxies proxy utility
3 @invitecomm/asterisk-ivr Work Area for IRV
3 @istellartech/OpenLaval Supersonic Impulse Turbine Blade Design
3 @jackee777/babelnetpy A python 3 interface for BabelNet
3 @jacksemancik/PokemonPerlaBot A Bot Programmed to Play Pokemon Perla.
3 @jackxu/mongoperformance a suit of code to test mongoengine's performance
3 @jaseg/altium_svg Hacky script to import svg into altium
3 @jaseg/clippy Clippy as a service
3 @jbking/heroku-pyramid an example app of pyramid on heroku
3 @jbking/pyramid_auth_demo The authn/authz demo of Pyramid framework for Pyramid Conference Tokyo 2012. ↗️
3 @jilljenn/hashcode2016 Solutions for Hash Code 2016
3 @jilljenn/ Composing text, music, etc.
3 @jilljenn/vf Vrai/Faux pour révisions
3 @jnamika/pyfunctor A Functor library for Python
3 @jnamika/w3m-2chpy 2ch viewer using w3m
3 @jojonki/BeamSearch Beam search decoding with Pytorch
3 @jorgebucaran/anki-add-ons My Anki Add-ons
3 @jun66j5/tracganttcalendarplugin This is NOT mirror. This fork is used to do development and maintenance for tickets in ↗️
3 @junderw/btcnews btcnews.jpの投稿した記事内容と書いたソースを公開する場。
3 @k0sukey/TiNend
3 @k0sukey/TiWebViewClearCache
3 @kairozu/Peristaltic-Pump-Reward-System Quick code combined w/a peristaltic pump for providing research animals with a fluid-based reward.
3 @kanryu/pyvfw PyVFW WILL BE another implementation for 'Video for Windows' or DirectShow(DMO) with supported the codecs
3 @karlcow/Petit-Poucet Stones, Colors and emails
3 @karlcow/shoki shoki (書記) is a secretary in Japanese. This python program is here to help take a text only file of meeting minutes and convert it into structured data. This structured data can then be converted into other formats.
3 @karlcow/websurvey Script and Data to analyze the Web
3 @karlcow/ymir new script(s) for managing La Grange from 2012
3 @kazuto1011/smoothgrad-pytorch PyTorch implementation of SmoothGrad
3 @kazuyamashi/lightdeepy
3 @kcct-fujimotolab/Super_resolution Easy model running super resolution based on SRCNN using Keras.
3 @kdrl/Algorithm-and-Data-Structure Kyoto University Algorithm Study Group
3 @keigan-motor/pykeigan_motor Python Library on Linux for Keigan Motor ↗️
3 @keik/nmftools Implementation of NMF and extentions of NMF
3 @kentaro/otenki-buzzer
3 @kfdm/alfred-cli Alfred plugins ↗️
3 @kfdm/salt-deployhook Automatically deploys with SaltStack and Webhooks
3 @khirayama/lisps
3 @kikuchy/zoi-json 休む時はしっかり休みたいの
3 @kinokorori/rpi_psg_mml MML player using Raspberry Pi with YMZ294(PSG).
3 @kitaro-tn/ansible-init ansible template generator
3 @kiyomaro927/chainer-pointer-generator-nets Chainer implementation of pointer generator networks
3 @kjirou/python-mjson This is the "mjson" module at PyPI ↗️
3 @kmaehashi/popin-aladdin-light CLI to control popIn Aladdin 2 ceiling light
3 @knakayama/aws-sam-ci-cd
3 @knjcode/imgtile A script to tile images
3 @knorth55/chainer-epic-kitchens Chainer dataset class and examples for Epic Kitchens Dataset
3 @knorth55/ros_chainercv ROS wrapper for chainercv with catkin_virtualenv
3 @knorth55/ros_chainercv_gpu ROS package of ChainerCV with GPU dependencies
3 @knqyf263/CVE-2018-11776 Environment for CVE-2018-11776 / S2-057 (Apache Struts 2)
3 @knqyf263/CVE-2018-7600 CVE-2018-7600 (Drupal)
3 @knuu/Introduction_to_Computing_and_Programming_Using_Python Python言語によるプログラミングイントロダクション by Python3
3 @kohkimakimoto/buildsh Several script files make it easy to run commands in an isolated docker container for building, testing and deploying softwares.
3 @koji/gifCamera gif camera
3 @koji-kojiro/clop
3 @koji-kojiro/pure-lisp A Pure LISP implementation in Python
3 @koki-h/xurrency_json_gae A GAE application converting rss feed from to JSON
3 @komi1230/Sokoban
3 @komi1230/article_classifier
3 @komi1230/mini_lisp Very small Lisp written in Python
3 @kota7/mecabwrap-py Yet another Python wrapper for MeCab Morphological Analyzer ↗️
3 @kozo2/biopython-tutorial-ja Japanese biopython tutorial
3 @kurianbenoy/Spammy A web App to classify your spam Emails or SMS-text
3 @kurisubrooks/kobra Prototype Discord Bot in Python
3 @lambdalisue/Kawaz 3rd Portal Website for Kawaz ↗️
3 @lambdalisue/django-modify-history Automatically create object modify history on Django
3 @lambdalisue/django-package-skeleton Django App Package Skeleton ↗️
3 @lambdalisue/django-userel Extend ForeignKey field for User relation
3 @lecongaizu/Raspberry-GPS Raspberry-GPS
3 @leemengtaiwan/awesome-datascience-tw 資料科學家的學習資源、推薦閱讀以及各式相關工具的快速指南 ↗️
3 @lepture/init init: for a simple life [not ready]
3 @lepture/mistune-renderers Changed to
3 @lesguillemets/termblr View your tumblr timeline and posts from tags you're tracking in terminal.
3 @lmt-swallow/Burp-Body2Header This extender helps your Burp send a CSRF Token in the HTTP Header (e.g. X-CSRF-Token).
3 @lycopersin/x6hr-python Download logs from SUUNTO X6HR ↗️
3 @m-mizutani/aws-honeypot-templates CloudFormation templates of low interaction honeypot on AWS
3 @m-mizutani/wowclp World of Warcraft Combat Log Parser
3 @mahesh147/K-Nearest-Neighbors A simple implementation of K Nearest Neighbors classifier model in python.
3 @mahesh147/Kernel-SVM Implementation of the Gaussian RBF Kernel in Support Vector Machine model.
3 @mahesh147/Logistic-Regression A very basic implementation of Logistic Regression classifier in python.
3 @mahesh147/Random-Forest-Regression A simple implementation of Random Forest Regression in python.
3 @mahesh147/Support-Vector-Regression A very basic Support Vector Regression model implemented in python
3 @marcan/ctf Random CTF tools and writeups
3 @marocchino/python-basic python 勉強会の study codes
3 @masayukig/presentty This is a cloned repo from ↗️
3 @mashiro/fortunella IRC bot framework for Python
3 @massongit/word2vec2glove A script to convert Word2Vec model to GloVe format
3 @masuidrive/juno-with-user-auth-on-gae juno-with-user-auth-on-gae
3 @matanki-saito/CK2JPModAppendixI Release interval : sun 17:00 (JST), wed 17:00(JST) ↗️
3 @matasukef/binary-classifier-between-bikini-idol-and-AV-adol
3 @matsu911/code_metrics source code metrics tool for various languages
3 @mattn/wassr-fav wassr favorite feed ↗️
3 @mecab/BVHToolkit A helper library for cgkit This provides some useful function to handle BVH animation format with cgkit
3 @methane/pixiv-isucon2016-python
3 @methane/vmprof-flamegraph
3 @michilu/watchlion A simple shell utility to monitor file system events on Mac OS X 10.7+ (Lion or newer). ↗️
3 @michilu/zenhan-py Converter between Full-width Japanese and Half-width Japanese ↗️
3 @mikoim/email2slack MIME E-mail forwarding script for Slack written in Python
3 @minorua/xyz2wmts OGC WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) metadata generator
3 @misogil0116/Biscotti [WIP]Faster implement than Guetzli with Deep Learning
3 @mitmul/animeface
3 @mitszo/redisohm
3 @mizzy/funnel SSH routing framework based on twisted
3 @mkouhei/hatena2rest Convert Hatena Diary XML exported data to Tinkerer (reST format).
3 @mkouhei/pgraph Drawing graph of the dependencies of Python packages
3 @mkouhei/pydebsign
3 @mmiyaji/icat draw image on terminal by ANSI Escape codes.
3 @mohayonao/YouHaShock YOUはSHOCK / 知らない誰かにひでぶと言わせるTwitter/GAEアプリ ↗️
3 @mono0926/mono-firebase
3 @moriyoshi/play-forked play! framework forked
3 @moskomule/kotonoha NLP utilities for research
3 @moskomule/miniargs A wrapper of argparse which I can remember the APIs.
3 @moskomule/mixmatch.pytorch PyTorch implementation of "MixMatch: A Holistic Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning"
3 @mrorii/tsukurepo-predictor predict COOKPAD's Tsukurepo count
3 @mrsekut/animal_img_decision_app
3 @msakai/chainer-optnet
3 @mzyy94/ Chinachu client add-on for Kodi ↗️
3 @nabeka/x6hr-python Download logs from SUUNTO X6HR ↗️
3 @nabeken/certmaster certmaster ↗️
3 @nak3/mptcp-testsuite Tests for mptcp-kernel and tools for making test envrionment
3 @nakamura001/JIS_CharacterSet
3 @nakatsuma/python_for_finance 「Pythonによるファイナンス入門」の正誤表とPythonコード
3 @naltoma/python_intro Python programming for beginners
3 @naoki-kishi/ku-cancel-announcement-bot 京都大学の休講情報をTwitterに呟くBot ↗️
3 @naokishibuya/reversi Reversi - an automated player
3 @naokishibuya/smart-cab Q-learning driver learns how to follow traffic rules and navigator instructions
3 @naoppy/ForSchool-sBoringTask F4CKING HOMEWORK!
3 @narusemotoki/appengine_django_blank AppEngineでDjangoを動作させるための空プロジェクトです。
3 @netmarkjp/pybacklog Backlog API v2 Client
3 @nghialv/opencv-optical-flow OpenCV, Python
3 @nishimotz/micropython_demo MicroPython for the ESP8266 (PyCon mini Hiroshima 2016)
3 @nkjm/interview a python module to provide interactive configuration of the options on program execution
3 @nnsnodnb/django-mbaas Self-made mBaaS in Django ↗️
3 @non117/boxnya-plugin boxnyaのプラグインをここに集める
3 @nonylene/2048AI プログラミング入門用にコンテスト向けAIを作成した遺物
3 @nonylene/tf-yuruyuri Yuruyuri with TensorFlow
3 @ntddk/immortan A project to locate and visualize enemies of the internet. ↗️
3 @ntddk/seisan 傾斜配分を支える技術
3 @ntddk/userstream_image_downloader Twitter Userstream Image Downloader
3 @nyk510/chainer-dcgan ChainerによるDCGANの実装
3 @nyuichi/NLisp Simple Scheme Interpreter
3 @nzw0301/supervised_fasttext.pytorch
3 @odashi/nlptools My Python NLP scripts
3 @oist/varroa_parallel Parallel genomic evolution of parasite tolerance by wild honey bee populations - source code.
3 @oist-cnru/mouse_drawing_app A simple GUI app for the generation of 2D mouse input data
3 @ojii/cmsircbot
3 @ojii/django-cms-quickstart
3 @ojii/django-fixture-shell An easy way to create django fixtures
3 @ojii/django-rat django Rosetta App-specific Translations
3 @ojii/expertdjango 100% unittested improved version of django
3 @ojii/imgsize Pure Python image size library
3 @ojii/ojii Some utilties
3 @ojii/puppet-django-test-project
3 @ojii/pymaging-jpg JPEG support for pymaging
3 @ojii/strslice Python 3 style emoji-safe string slicing for Python 2.
3 @ojii/unity-indicators
3 @okamurayasuyuki/sketch_auto_export
3 @okuzawats/deep-learning-from-scratch ゼロから作るDeep Learning写経用のリポジトリです。
3 @onevcat/Flower-Data-Set
3 @onolab-tmu/audio-processing-100-knocks 音響信号処理100本ノック - Learn audio signal processing in a 100 problems.
3 @orangain/data-collection-hands-on Webデータ収集ハンズオン ↗️
3 @orangain/helloscrapy Scrapy example spiders ↗️
3 @orangain/masecret A command to mask secret information of images using OCR
3 @orisano/sese sese is extended ses mock based on moto-server
3 @oyamad/simplex_grid Generate grid points on a simplex
3 @papamitra/grass-python Grass implementation, written in Python.
3 @pauljacobv/Violent-Python "Violent Python" a book which shows you how to move from a theoretical understanding of offensive computing concepts to a practical implementation. Instead of relying on another attacker's …
3 @peroon/deepanalytics_food_classification Deep Learning Food Classification Reproduction Code
3 @philipperemy/Visual-Ballistic-Roulette-python Visual Ballistic Roulette written in Python.
3 @philipperemy/beer-dataset The biggest beer database is in this repo!
3 @philipperemy/chinese-code-characters-GB2132 Script to translate a chinese code B0A1 to 啊 (GB2132).
3 @philipperemy/facebook-auto-accept-group-requests Automating Facebook!
3 @philipperemy/fmylife
3 @philipperemy/record-your-internet-speed Record your internet speed at fixed intervals.
3 @picaosgeo/MergeTiles Merge two mbtiles
3 @pinfort/gitlab_activities_tweeter gitlabのactivitiyをtweetします
3 @pinfort/jpeg-analyzer JPEGの仕組みを理解しよう!
3 @pocari/vim-denite-kind-open-browser
3 @polm/unidic-py Unidic packaged for installation via pip.
3 @polygonplanet/Clibor-Macro-for-JavaScript クリップボード履歴ソフト Clibor のマクロを JavaScript で書けるようにするパッチ
3 @poppen/gaeo-amazon-auth-proxy Authentication Proxy Server of Amazon Product Advertising API using Google App Engine Oil
3 @pottava/docker-dl-framework Lightweight docker images of TesorFlow, Mxnet and so on ↗️
3 @qrtl/pci-custom
3 @reiinakano/wifisniffer Automatically decrypts and displays WiFi packets captured from the air. This is unfinished and no longer maintained.
3 @rhythm92/keras_mnist_cae Convolutional autoencoder example using Keras and MNIST dataset
3 @richursa/commitmentRockPaperScissor
3 @riseshia/deep-learning-from-scratch-ruby 『ゼロから作る Deep Learning』のソースコードのルビ版
3 @rkanai/CEA4py use NASA CEA from python
3 @rmiya56/CSToolbox Python Toolbox for Compressive Sensing
3 @rmoehn/gnucash_autobudget Automatically adjust GnuCash transactions for envelope budgeting (discontinued)
3 @rmoehn/piglet_pbvi Implementation of point-based value iteration (for POMDPs)
3 @rokujyouhitoma/python-project-template
3 @ryoooo1128/learning-python studying with o'reilly books from scratch
3 @ryosms/pixela2img Create image files (or objects) from Pixela graphs. ↗️
3 @saitoha/drcsterm DRCSTerm aims at reviving the DRCS(Dynamically Redefined Character Set) feature to the Terminal World.
3 @saitoha/libsixel-python
3 @saorisakaue/GREP GREP: Genome for REPositioning drugs
3 @satojkovic/BigQueryDev
3 @satojkovic/DeepTrafficSign Traffic sign recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
3 @seratch/python-slack-scim slack-scim - Slack SCIM API Client ↗️
3 @sgk/amazon-wish-japan アマゾンの「ほしい物リスト」で被災地支援の自動まとめサイト ↗️
3 @sgk/imap-apps-migrator IMAP4 to Google Apps email migration tool
3 @sgur/vim-py3diff Vim diffexpr plugin using difflib via if_python3
3 @shgtkshruch/udacity
3 @shikajiro/GaryutenPaste delete last return plugin for sublimetext.
3 @shikajiro/yukkuri-voice-tweet ツイートをゆっくりボイスが読み上げてくれるスクリプトです。
3 @shinespark/django2_tutorial_docker Django 2.0 tutorial with Docker ↗️
3 @shirosaidev/pipeline-cache Python pipeline cache - Cache expensive json.load or common os calls like os.listdir over network mounts
3 @shirou/golightan [DISCONTINUTED] Syntax highlighter for golang
3 @shirou/sphinxcontrib-satysfibuilder sphinx SATysFi builder just for fun
3 @shirou/toodledobackup Toodledo Task Backup Tool
3 @shogo82148/twopy Pythonistaのための2chライブラリ"twopy"
3 @shotat/submodular-summarization
3 @shunk031/GWork Classify gunosy news articles by Naive Bayes classifier and predict article category at django server
3 @shunsukuda/NLP100Drill 言語処理100本ノック
3 @shutingrz/RFC2308Test RFC2308の検証レポート
3 @sile/kurobako-py A Python library to help implement kurobako's solvers and problems
3 @skkallayath/django-knockout-fixture-generator Create knockout fixtures using django
3 @skmhrk1209/HATS HATS: Hierarchical Attention-based Text Spotter
3 @skmhrk1209/Single-Path-NAS-PyTorch PyTorch implementation of "Single-Path NAS: Device-Aware Efficient ConvNet Design"
3 @skoczen/correlationbot The simplest way to find insights in data.
3 @skoczen/qi-toolkit A collection of tools and scripts we use for development. Mostly django/python/js - focused ↗️
3 @sobamchan/unsupervised-machine-translation-using-monolingual-corpora-only-pytorch [WIP]
3 @sorah/heroku-netbox
3 @soskek/skip_thought Language Model and Skip-Thought Vectors (Kiros et al. 2015)
3 @soskek/vqvae_chainer Chainer's Neural Discrete Representation Learning (Aaron van den Oord et al., 2017)
3 @sotakan/RPi-Incubator Incubator controlled with a RaspberryPi
3 @sreecodeslayer/cookiecutter-flask-restful Cookiecutter template for Flask-Restful along with Mongoengine and various extensions
3 @sugarsweetrobotics/idl_parser OMG IDL parser. This parses OMG IDL file and output intermediate Python object.
3 @sugarsweetrobotics/tenvislib Tenvis Low-cost Pan-Tilt Network Camera Library for Python
3 @suztomo/BrowserChat chat in browsers using Flex and Twisted.
3 @suzuken/xbrlparser Parsing xbrl published by EDINET ( This code is not maintained.
3 @syakesaba/webhack Web関係の攻撃を実際に試すことができるツールです。
3 @syoyo/espnet-tts ESPNet TTS standalone execution
3 @t-imamichi/qiskit-utility
3 @t-usui/Iwamura_system A malware classification system using machine instruction sequence's LCS [Iwamura11, IEEE ICC2011]
3 @tableau03/theta_hack theta_hack for cicp project
3 @tagomoris/remote_driver
3 @takahirom/android-theme-and-style-graph
3 @takano32/python-XmlHttpRequest
3 @takat0m0/BourGAN
3 @takat0m0/pix2pix pix2pix with tensorflow
3 @takat0m0/regularized_gan
3 @takatoshiono/ a community of chin-ma-ya ↗️
3 @takiyu/image_servers Image server modules for development of deep learning or image processing.
3 @takuti/algorithms Algorithm implementations in a field of computer science
3 @takuti/incremental-approsvd Implementation of Incremental ApproSVD [X. Zhou, et al. 2015]
3 @takuti/project-euler-solutions @takuti's solutions for Project Euler ↗️
3 @takuti/pytd Yet Another Treasure Data Driver for Python
3 @taky/kbabel Automatic Kana-Kanji Conversion Core
3 @taky/pyredpen Client library for RedPen, text validator
3 @takyamamoto/PredNet_Chainer Deep Predictive Coding Network (PredNet) implemented with Chainer
3 @tamanobi/ccv Compute Color Coherence Vector
3 @tanaikech/getfilelistpy This is a python library to retrieve the file list with the folder tree from the specific folder of Google Drive.
3 @taniwha/cfgnode KSP ConfigNode parser
3 @tell-k/djangocongressjp2018 DjangoCongress JP 2018 の発表資料です。 ↗️
3 @termoshtt/toggl.nvim Toggl client in NeoVim using neovim/python-client
3 @theauditor/PyEye Python OCR (Text from Image) Teeseract python hack.
3 @thinkbell/v_disparity An implementation of V-disparity
3 @thombashi/mbstrdecoder Python library for multi-byte character string decoder.
3 @tinunkai/WeCli A terminal wechat.
3 @tk0miya/pycmark
3 @tk0miya/sphinxcontrib-github_ribbon
3 @tkamishima/kamfadm Fairness-aware Data Mining ↗️
3 @tkm2261/Hofstede_analysis
3 @tkmru/anti-debugging-poc anti-debugging PoC
3 @tkmru/anti_debugging_test anti-debugging test code
3 @tkoyama010/getfem_presentation
3 @tociyuki/python-diff3lib Python module to compute three way diff from texts.
3 @toru-ver4/ColorChecker_for_ST2100
3 @toshi-kawanishi/felica-client-server Pair-programming with sinsoku_listy
3 @toshihr/cythontemplate
3 @tsu-nera/fanza-twitter-bot Fanza API から情報を取得して Twitter に定期投稿する Bot
3 @tuvistavie/deepsentence 和文文書からの要点抽出 ↗️
3 @twingo-b/cloudformation_troposphere
3 @uiureo/nn neural networks from scratch
3 @upa/amesh Amesh: a wireguard mesh control plane using etcd
3 @upa/flowfall FlowFall : an openflow application
3 @upamune/merquery UNOFFICIAL Mercari(jp) item search query builder
3 @uprush/druid-satori-demo Real-time ingestion and visualization crypto currency demo using Nifi, Druid and Superset.
3 @upsilon/cit_lunch_json Get the lunch menu of CIT cafeteria in JSON format ↗️
3 @upura/kaggler-ja-faq
3 @uraway/gensim-api
3 @v2e4lisp/termcolor2 simple wrapper for termcolor (cli colored stirng)
3 @vbkaisetsu/ganglist CUI frontend of Ganglia
3 @voluntas/heroku-template-django Django and gunicorn template on heroku
3 @vwrs/ali-mnist Simple PyTorch implementation of Adversarially Learned Inference
3 @w1mvy/twitter_bot_on_gae-py create twitter bot on gae
3 @walkingmask/Everyday Write a code every day
3 @walkingmask/microexpnetjs Translation of MicroExpNet to JavaScript using TensorFlow.js.
3 @walkingmask/tMNIST My TensorFlow Tutorial
3 @wgkoro/flask_mongodb Sample application using Flask + MongoDB ↗️
3 @withgod/mumble-misc mumble support application.
3 @withgod/py-tumblr-photo-down tumblr photo downloader
3 @wkentaro/archives.apc-od Object detection for Amazon Picking Challenge.
3 @wkentaro/real-harem Transgender of real persons to achieve real harem, with mixed reality on Hololens.
3 @wolfv/duckduckgo-lens A DuckDuckGo Lens for ubuntu's Unity
3 @y-matsuwitter/django_crawler_sample My hobby sample django crawler
3 @y-yu/qrand A fair gacha using Quantum simulator
3 @yasulab/Interesting-Tweet-Ranking Given your (or someone's) twitter account, twitter list and its owner, find interesting tweets from the list for you (or for someone). ↗️
3 @yfuruyama/bqlib BigQuery Python Library
3 @ykamikawa/SegUNet Ensemble architecture of SegNet and UNet for Semantic Segmentation with keras
3 @ymizushi/nicosearch [this repository is no longer maintained] The wrapper library for niconico search API with python. ↗️
3 @ymoch/preacher Web API Verification without Coding ↗️
3 @ymotongpoo/developer-support-handbook-ja Japanese translation of Developer Support Handbook (
3 @ymym3412/pytorch-cross-modal-retrieval PyTorch sample implementation for Flickr 30K
3 @ymyzk/sasm Simple Assembler for SIMPLE Architecture ↗️
3 @ymyzk/tinyc Tiny C Compiler written in Python 2
3 @yokawasa/TwitterEventHubFeed Stream feed from Twitter to EventHub
3 @yokoyama-flogics/ibp_monitor_2 International Beacon Project Monitor 2
3 @yono/py-twilog Twilog から発言を取得する
3 @yosida95/ip2country Lookup country code (iso 3166) by IP address ↗️
3 @yoyoyo-yo/cnn_keras
3 @yu-iskw/click-custom-multi-commands-example Example to dynamically load sub-commands with click
3 @yu-iskw/tensorflow-hub-with-ml-engine Example of transfer learning with tensorflow-hub and Google ML Engine
3 @yuin/rays A "LESS PAIN" lightweight WSGI compatible web framework ↗️
3 @yukinarit/python-cookbook-in-modern-cpp Writing python cookbook in Modern C++ (C++17)
3 @yukitsuji/Fast_RCNN_tensorflow Implemention of Fast RCNN by Tensorflow
3 @yusuga/alfred-beautifulratio-workflow Calculates the Golden ratio and Silver ratio.
3 @yusugomori/deep-learning-cheat-sheet Deep learning cheat sheet 🖌
3 @yusugomori/lect-pub
3 @yvt/yvt-pysnip-scripts Add-on scripts for piqueserver and PySnip
3 @zephiransas/okajug Okayama Java Users Group