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Gustas edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 4819 revisions

This is the changelog for the development branch, not the changelog for the current stable release. Archived changelogs from previous releases can be found on the historical changelogs page.

Development Branch

General improvements

  • Added custom map pool support for dedicated servers. [#21179]
  • Added a button that resets lobby options to defaults. [#21205]
  • Added persistent skirmish lobby options. [#21206]
  • Added support for installing game assets from the Steam release of The Ultimate Collection. [#21355]
  • Added sorting to army and earnings graphs. [#21410]
  • Added full remap player relationship colors instead of just health bars for better accessibility. [#20699]
  • Map editor rework. [#20226, #21315, #21318, #21255, #21317, #21446]
  • Performance Improvements. [#20140, #20965, #21028, #21038, #21065, #21019, #21022, #21059, #21146, #21149, #21165, #21164, #21186, #21178, #21299, #21311, #21261, #21328, #21343, #21358, #21361, #21359, #21357, #21363, #21360, #21369, #21371, #21383, #21408, #21448]
  • Fixed start map not working when the select map changes. [#20101]
  • Fixed unit creation/duplication crates glitching into other actors. [#20849]
  • Fixed a crash when creating a new server while the map is being updated. [#19990]
  • Fixed nudging being unavailable in waypoint mode and missing target line. [#20493]
  • Fixed units in transports detecting cloaked units. [#21128]
  • Fixed developer command /all reseting shroud. [#21185]
  • Fixed some remastered installation directories not being detected on Windows. [#21140]
  • Fixed game start notification playing slightly before game start. [#21207]
  • Fixed FPS counter being erratic in the first seconds of game starting. [#21209]
  • Fixed empty yaml comments crashing the game. [#21239]
  • Fixed a rare crash when a landed aircraft is ordered to land onto impassible cells. [#21346]
  • Fixed parallel production queues not pausing production, when all production traits are paused. [#21296]
  • Fixed renamed actors being unable to be deleted in the map editor. [#21354]
  • Fixed the screen continuing to scroll when chat is opened. [#21405]
  • Fixed OpenAL system resources not getting cleaned up on exit. [#21409]
  • Fixed games showing in server list with deselected filters. [#21421]
  • Added crushing to ground based husks. [#20338]
  • Added a Play Map button to the map editor menu. [#20120]
  • Automatically order blocking units away when trying to deploy an MCV. [#21016]
  • Improved AI's pathfinding and target selection logic. [#20227, #20228, #21071, #21348]
  • Increased the sound source pool size to the maximum. [#21174]

Red Alert

  • Added Aftermath mission Negotiations. [#20975]
  • Added mine layer operations to Turtle AI. [#20574, #20993, #21053, #21310]
  • Added a 2-3 minute delay until AI builds radar domes to allow it to focus on production. [#20981]
  • Added easy difficulty to Intervention and polished up the mission. [#21398]
  • Fixed crashes in Soviets08a, Soviets11a and Soviets11b. [#21251, #21246]
  • Fixed allies-02 having pillbox disabled. [#21249]
  • Fixed allies-05 missing shooting sounds while Tanya is freed. [#21334]
  • Made multiple improvements to Soviet 06b. [#21243]
  • Fixed a crash in "Soviet Soldier Volkov & Chitzkoi", and polished the mission overall. [#21347]
  • Added new multiplayer-only map Shuriken Island. [#20923]
  • Removed the ability to hide units and structures behind Iron Curtain. [#20832]
  • Removed map Haos Ridges. [#20923]
  • Improved Naval AI. [#21018]
  • Added a proper chrono vortex effect when a construction yard is chronoshifted. [#21148]
  • Added a flash after medic or mechanic repairs a unit. [#21269]
  • Added offsets to smudge smoke and fires. ๐Ÿ”ฅ [#21272, #21292]
  • Fixed technicians not being able to fire from a pillbox. [#20538]
  • Fixed rocket soldiers not being able to fire at aircraft from a pillbox. [#20538]
  • Fixed map import utility command mixing up barbed and wooden fences. [#21373]
  • Removed a wrong difficulty definition from Evacuation and adjusted its AI bomber attacks. [#21244]
  • Polished spy disguise targeting. [#21277]

Tiberian Dawn

  • Added offsets to smudge smoke and fires. ๐Ÿ”ฅ [#21272, #21292]
  • Fixed the cargo plane not landing at the top of the airstrip. [#21107]
  • Polished ingame info menu's. [#21168]
  • Fixed infantry in landing craft exiting in a different order than they appear. [#21362]
  • Fixed map import utility command mixing up barbed and wooden fences. [#21373]

Dune 2000

  • Use higher colour depth R16 sprites in D2k (instead of R8). [#21240, #21258, #21372]
  • Changed the beacon sound. [#21265]
  • Fixed smoke still rendering when a unit was picked up by carryall. [#21131]
  • Fixed Devastator weapon missing area of effect. [#21222]
  • Fixed an oversight in the script of Harkonnen 09a. [#21177]
  • Fixed Harkonnen02a and Harkonnen02b missing primary objectives. [#21245]
  • Fixed spice blooms triggering harvester under attack notification. [#21242]
  • Fixed trike muzzle offsets and fixed a bug where trikes sometimes stalled when on attack move. [#21267]
  • Fixed engineer being unable to repair ally Husks [#21436]
  • Polished up objectives in Ordos04 and Atreides05. [#21245]
  • Made CHAOM space frigate have a delay before and after unloading cargo. [#21107]
  • Updated maps Red Chasm, Death Depths and The Duell for equal distance from spice fields for each player, equal amount of spice for each player and minor balance adjustments. [#21221]
  • Added temporary cloaking to the Saboteur. [#20824, #21001]
  • Polished effects & palettes. [#21210]
  • Polished the AI behaviour. [#21226]
  • Added unique player join/leave and lobby option change sounds. [#21265]
  • Added a 6 minute delay before the Shai Hulud spawns. 3.3 minutes for singleplayer. [#21227]
  • Added husks for Sonic tank, Missile tank, Deviator. Use a brighter overlay. Added shrapnels to tank explosions. [#21307]
  • Added new cliff tiles. [#21221]
  • Added new map Worm Graveyard which features repairable passages. [#21221]
  • Removed map cliff maze. [#21221]

Engine and Modding

  • Fixed ProximityExternalCondition not updating actors that changed owner after activation. [#20511]
  • Fixed DropPodsPower pinging the minimap without deploying. [#20806]
  • Fixed Bullet projectile incorrectly bouncing of force fired targets. [#21061]
  • Fixed TerrainPositions for targets not being serialized. [#21021]
  • Fixed TakeOffOnCreation still blocking unit production. [#20825, #21076]
  • Fixed EmmyLua export for upstream Lua Language Server changes. [#21109]
  • Fixed the possibility of reload delays becoming 0 with modifiers. [#21074]
  • Fixed AttackOrderPower charging being circumvented by force attacks. [#21133]
  • Fixed actors not tilting on slopes in map editor. [#21271]
  • Fixed missing map files preventing map saving in the map editor. [#21345]
  • Fixed ActorSpawnManager using the same spawn point for all actors that are spawned in one go. [#21437]
  • Added support for using InstantlyRepairs via Lua. [#20980]
  • Added support for custom sounds for player leave, join and option change. [#20050]
  • Added support for more lobby options in single-player missions menu. [#20934, #21169]
  • Added more code style and quality rules. [#20957, #21000, #20996, #21013, #21176, #21175, #21192, #21211, #21199, #21216, #21217, #21202]
  • Added new traits DockClientManager and DockHost taking over functionality from Harvester and Refinery. [#20636, #21380]
  • Added a Fluent-based translation system (Part 3). [#20883, #20725, #21385, #21387, #21389, #21386, #21419, #21428]
  • Added translation support for YAML defined chrome UI. [#21134, #21171, #21300, #21309, #21324, #21321]
  • Added stricter checks for sprite sequence Facings. [#21135]
  • Added support for loading sprites with pre-multiplied alpha. [#21160]
  • Added support for changing the ZOffset of the actor preview of ActorPreviewPlaceBuildingPreview. [#21159]
  • Added support for indexed PNG bit depths 1, 2 and 4. [#21138]
  • Added the Nod mobile stealth generator to TS [#21049]
  • Added TransformsIntoDockClient for force moving transforming actors onto docks. [#20659]
  • Added RegionProximityCapturable for custom ProximityCapture footprints. [#21123]
  • Made Bullet projectile extendable. [#20931]
  • Fixed not all OpenGL errors getting reported. [#21014]
  • Fixed LockOnInaccuracy field being ignored on missiles. [#21040]
  • Fixed AI sometimes pausing UnitBuilderBotModule when it chooses to build a unit with a UnitDelay defined. [#20892]
  • Fixed a crash in EjectOnDeath and causing overlaps despite free sub cells. [#20515]
  • Fixed EjectOnDeath not cancelling actor queued activities. [#21084]
  • Fixed building placement position being incorrect on high altitude isometric maps. [#20835]
  • Fixed Armament not allowing BurstDelays of value 0. #20675, #21214]
  • Fixed ProductionBar not showing full bar when units without value are produced. [#21088]
  • Fixed light source being unused in ModelWidget. [#21117]
  • Fixed AutoCrusher trying to crush hidden actors. [#21115, #21121]
  • Fixed LeavesTrails not turning off when the unit enters a transport or carryall. [#21131, #21141]
  • Fixed InitialActor property on Carryall not being initialised correctly. [#21228]
  • Fixed a crash when several pickup orders for a carryall are queued at the same actor. [#21425]
  • Fixed muzzle position not being altered by Hovers. [#21252, #21298]
  • Fixed a crash with discord integration. [#21327]
  • Fixed WithIdleOverlay not working with facings. [#19757]
  • Removed the need for PlaceholderModelSequence in mod config. [#21066]
  • Removed default facing from ReinforceWithTransport. [#21089]
  • Removed voxel viewer from common asset browser. [#21118]
  • Improved TS map importer to better handle malformed maps. [#21150]
  • Improved PNG filesize on save. [#21225]
  • Trait changes:
    • Added GrantConditionOnDeployWithCharge trait. [#20824, #21001, #21090]
    • Added FireWarheads trait that detonates warheads periodically. [#20808, #21096]
    • Added Locomotor property for Husk trait. [#20338]
    • Added AutoCarryCondition to AutoCarryall. [#20398]
    • Added ProductionMinCashRequirement to UnitBuilderBotModule and BaseBuilderBotModuleInfo. [#20133]
    • Added AircraftTargetTypes to SquadManagerBotModule. [#21053]
    • Added Offset field to WithVoxelBody. [#20808]
    • Added Offset field to WithDamageOverlayInfo. [#21116]
    • Added VoxelCache and ModelRenderer traits. [#21066]
    • Added TargetTerrainWithoutForceFire to attack traits. [#21124]
    • Added FilenamePattern to DefaultSpriteSequence and TilesetFilenamesPattern to TilesetSpecificSpriteSequence and ClassicTilesetSpecificSpriteSequence. [#21136]
    • Added InitialDelay property to ActorSpawnManager. [#21227]
    • Added ExludeDamageTypes property to HarvesterAttackNotifier. [#21242]
    • Added RemoveOrders property to RejectsOrders trait. [#21233]
    • Added FlashTargetsInRadius warhead. [#21269]
    • Added properties IsDecoration and Armament to trait WithAttackOverlay. [#21411]
    • Added WithSwitchableOverlay trait. [#21413]
    • Made Cargo trait conditional. [#20534]
    • Made Caryall trait conditional. [#20534]
    • Made AutoCarryall trait conditional. [#20534]
    • Made AutoCrusher trait conditional. [#21115]
    • Added GrantConditionOnClientDock and rantConditionOnHostDock traits. [#21072]
    • Added MaxSmokeOffsetDistance to SmudgeLayer. [#21272, #21292]
    • Moved ValidRelations from Capturable to Captures. [#20261]
    • Added WaitTickBeforeProduce, WaitTickAfterProduce and LandOffset to trait ProductionAirdrop. [#21107]
    • Changed default value of BlockedCursor property of SpawnActorPower and GrantExternalConditionPower traits. [#21402]
    • Replaced palette modifiers with custom fragment shaders [#21142, #21153, #21237, #21331]
      • MenuPaletteEffect โ†’ MenuPostProcessEffect.
      • ChronoshiftPaletteEffect โ†’ ChronoshiftPostProcessEffect.
      • FlashPaletteEffect โ†’ FlashPostProcessEffect.
      • GlobalLightingPaletteEffect โ†’ TintPostProcessEffect.
      • Warhead property FlashPaletteEffect โ†’ FlashEffect.
    • Removed d2k palettes D2kFogPalette and PaletteFromScaledPalette. [#21210]
    • Changed resource storage traits. [#20761]
      • StoresResources โ†’ StoresPlayerResources.
      • New StoresResources takes Capacity from Harvester.
      • WithHarvesterPipsDecoration โ†’ WithStoresResourcesPipsDecoration
    • Added color shift palettes. [#21238]
      • Added ColorPickerColorShift
      • Added FixedColorShift
      • Added FixedPlayerColorShift
      • Added PlayerColorShift
    • Added vertex effects to Cloak. [#21215]
      • Added CloakStyle property with 4 options: None, Alpha, Color, Palette.
      • Added CloakedAlpha property.
      • Added CloakedColor property.
      • Palette property was renamed to CloakedPalette and is null by default.
    • Made WeatherOverlay conditional. [#21182]
      • Added property FadeOutTicks
      • Added property FadeInTicks
      • Added property InitialParticlePercentage
    • Made Hovers work on all actors. [#21338]


  • Check for Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ has been replaced by a check against any date. [#21125]


  • Deprecated OpenGL 2.1 [#21143, #21145]
  • Updated Linguini to 0.6. [#21099]
  • Updated DiscordRichPresence to [#21100]
  • Added a backwards compatible AppStream developer name. [#21406]



  • Mark deprecated Lua methods. [#21110]
  • Added a command to extract strings from rules for localisation. [#21204, #21241]
  • Added a utility command to update, unpack, repack .oramap files. [#21138, #21231]
  • Added a lint test that checks for matching actor and lua script names. [#21251]
  • Fixed subcell units bing incorrectly imported from Gen1 maps. [#21397]

Players ๐ŸŽฒ

Modders โœ๏ธ

Developers ๐Ÿ”ง

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