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A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed

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A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed

Total Updated

🏠 Contents


Name Description Author Stars
1 pokecrystal Disassembly of Pokémon Crystal pret 2150
2 pokeheartgold Decompilation of Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver pret 376
3 pokediamond Decompilation of Pokémon Diamond/Pearl pret 431
4 pokegold Disassembly of Pokémon Gold/Silver pret 565
5 hello-world Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see for contribution instructions! leachim6 11160
6 pokeyellow Disassembly of Pokemon Yellow pret 737
7 pokered Disassembly of Pokémon Red/Blue pret 4139

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Name Description Author Stars
1 eAutocomplete The class provides a programmable interface allowing to easily integrate a custom word autocomplete function in a given ahk script or project. A-AhkUser 26
2 Easy-Auto-GUI-for-AHK-v2 Alguimist's 'Easy AutoGUI' GUI-Designer-Builder modified for Autohotkey v2.0, using mmikeww's AHKv2 converter samfisherirl 282
3 Pulovers-Macro-Creator-for-AHKv2 A modified version of Pulover's Macro Recorder for AHKv2 samfisherirl 75
4 AHK-v2-script-converter AHK v1 -> v2 script converter mmikeww 636
5 ahk-scripts-v2 A collection of useful AutoHotkey v2 scripts and functions jNizM 107
6 ahkpp AHK++ provides AutoHotkey v1 and v2 support for VS Code, Theia IDE, and more mark-wiemer 198
7 ahk AutoHotkey for use every day temoridao 17
8 AHK-Studio Created with AHK Studio maestrith 368
9 AHK-EXE-Swapper A Utility to easily manage which version of AutoHotkey that uncompiled scripts use. ahkscript 25
10 Class_Hotkey An OOP wrapper for the Hotkey command in AutoHotkey v1.1 Run1e 5
11 Hotkey A simple wrapper for the AutoHotkey Hotkey command. A-AhkUser 2
12 PuloversMacroCreator Automation Utility - Recorder & Script Generator Pulover 1731
13 AHK_Script SaifAqqad 8
14 PortaLock PortaLock is a portable Windows lockscreen written in AutoHotkey. dmack6464 6
15 FillX-Windows Realtime window resizing to maximize dimensions without overlapping other windows nimdahk 3
16 MsgBox2_AHK Enhanced MsgBox / InputBox class for collecting user input. TheArkive 14
17 Qonsole A Quake-like Console Emulator written in AutoHotkey. joedf 87
18 AHK-Library Most of my personal AHK stdlib. Masonjar13 78
19 dbgp DBGp client scripts for AutoHotkey Lexikos 41
20 SuperClicker An autoclicker script I'm writing for my wife, mostly for AdVenture Capitalist, but can be used for any autoclicking needs. slashwq 1
21 waifu2x-gui waifu2x-gui written in ahk maz-1 88
22 wait [AHK v2] – Function that waits for a value to become true or a function to return true. Emulates built-in WinWait, KeyWait, etc. but supports any kind of check. SALZKARTOFFEEEL 5
23 AHK-libs-and-classes-collection This is a collection of currently around 3600 Autohotkey libraries, classes with examples. Ixiko 407
24 AutoHotkey-Lib-TrayIcon pacobyte 10
25 Autohotkey-Scripts Windows utilities written in Autohotkey. Mostly just proof-of-concepts. dufferzafar 62
26 KeyPress-OSD This program is an On-Screen Display or a Heads-Up Display for keys. It displays every key press at a clearly visible text size. It is developed for people with poor eye sight. It is meant to aid desktop computer usage. It is especially useful while chatting or for occasional typing. The user no longer has to squint or zoom in the entire screen to see what s/he writes in small text fields. marius-sucan 365
27 LibCon.ahk LibCon - AutoHotkey Library For Console Support joedf 61
28 AHKCommandPicker An AutoHotkey (AHK) script that allows you to easily run AHK functions. Instead of having to remember what shortcut key maps to each of your AHK scripts, this displays a list of all your AHK functions and allows you to easily run them. deadlydog 86
29 WindowPadX Enhancements on original WindowPad (by Lexikos) hoppfrosch 228

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Name Description Author Stars
1 MSEdgeRedirect A Tool to Redirect News, Search, Widgets, Weather and More to Your Default Browser rcmaehl 4416

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Microsoft-Activation-Scripts Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, TSforge, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting. massgravel 118290

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Name Description Author Stars
1 sotn-decomp Decompilation of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSX+Saturn) Xeeynamo 582
2 mgba mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator mgba-emu 5934
3 sclocka The real screensaver/lock for terminals mezantrop 23
4 SDL Simple Directmedia Layer libsdl-org 11405
5 color-names Provides color names and HTML/RGB mappings in various output formats. codebrainz 221
6 stb stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++ nothings 27863
7 libuv Cross-platform asynchronous I/O libuv 24814
8 fastfetch A maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool. fastfetch-cli 12439
9 86Box Emulator of x86-based machines. 86Box 3119
10 WSL2-Linux-Kernel The source for the Linux kernel used in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) microsoft 8380
11 Zelda64Recomp Static recompilation of Majora's Mask (and soon Ocarina of Time) for PC (Windows/Linux) Zelda64Recomp 5681
12 psv.c This is a reference implementation of a Markdown to JSON converter, designed specifically for parsing Markdown tables into JSON objects. It allows for easy conversion of Markdown documents containing tables into structured JSON data. psv-format 2
13 VeraCrypt Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt veracrypt 7265
14 sway i3-compatible Wayland compositor swaywm 15007
15 dosbox-x DOSBox-X fork of the DOSBox project joncampbell123 2934
16 jq Command-line JSON processor jqlang 31203
17 ExplorerPatcher This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows valinet 26001
18 LuaJIT Mirror of the LuaJIT git repository LuaJIT 4898
19 altdrag 📁 Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key. (Windows) stefansundin 1469
20 modem Modulator/Demodulator programs for 1200 baud transmission standard (kansas city standard) ShortRoundDev 29
21 mpv 🎥 Command line video player mpv-player 29698
22 catimg 🦦 Insanely fast image printing in your terminal posva 1443
23 pokeplatinum Decompilation of Pokémon Platinum pret 249
24 pokeruby Decompilation of Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire pret 823
25 pokefirered Decompilation of Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen pret 1050
26 c-algorithms A library of common data structures and algorithms written in C. fragglet 3412
27 opus Modern audio compression for the internet. xiph 2451
28 raylib A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming raysan5 24952
29 doom DOOM translated from C to V. vlang 500
30 coreutils upstream mirror coreutils 4430
31 cmatrix Terminal based "The Matrix" like implementation abishekvashok 4229
32 tmux tmux source code tmux 36485
33 systemd The systemd System and Service Manager systemd 13784
34 gpt4all.cpp Locally run an Assistant-Tuned Chat-Style LLM zanussbaum 506
35 DOOM64-RE Doom 64 Reverse Engineering By [GEC] Erick194 203
36 TIC-80 TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games. nesbox 5220
37 rofi Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement davatorium 13693
38 sumatrapdf SumatraPDF reader sumatrapdfreader 14269
39 FFmpeg Mirror of FFmpeg 47834
40 gbdk-2020 An updated version of GBDK, C compiler, assembler, linker and set of libraries for the Nintendo Gameboy, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear. gbdk-2020 1820
41 qmk_firmware Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families qmk 18739
42 zelda3 snesrev 4323
43 git Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements. git 53546
44 cute_framework The cutest framework out there for creating 2D games in C++! RandyGaul 567
45 HandBrake HandBrake's main development repository HandBrake 18752
46 cc65 cc65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems cc65 2375
47 stuxnet Open-source decompile of Stuxnet/myRTUs micrictor 737
48 RetroArch Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3. libretro 10902
49 mupen64plus-core Core module of the Mupen64Plus project mupen64plus 1351
50 ncdu inofficial fork of "NCurses Disk Usage" rofl0r 520
51 nnn n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager jarun 19685
52 sm64 A Super Mario 64 decompilation, brought to you by a bunch of clever folks. n64decomp 7911
53 Ventoy A new bootable USB solution. ventoy 64854
54 linux Linux kernel source tree torvalds 187886
55 surge Synthesizer plug-in (previously released as Vember Audio Surge) surge-synthesizer 3249
56 NTop 💻 htop-like system-monitor for Windows with Vi-keybindings. gsass1 1298
57 scrcpy Display and control your Android device Genymobile 117705
58 gedosato The Generic DownSampling Tool PeterTh 467
59 pokeemerald Decompilation of Pokémon Emerald pret 2386

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Name Description Author Stars
1 LiveSplit A sleek, highly customizable timer for speedrunners. LiveSplit 1620
2 LiveSplit.OriDE Autosplitter for Ori and the Blind Forest DE ShootMe 8
3 DoomLauncher Doom Launcher is a doom launching utility and database for custom wads and pk3s nstlaurent 248
4 Celeste Celeste Bugs & Issue Tracker + some Source Code NoelFB 3676
5 fancywm FancyWM - Dynamic Tiling Window Manager for Windows FancyWM 790
6 Mapee A simple, yet powerful Minecraft mapper & filter. GoldenTadpole 46
7 WinPaletter Advanced Windows Appearance Editor Abdelrhman-AK 1421
8 🎞 is a media player for Windows with a modern GUI. mpvnet-player 3841
9 MPVMediaControl Windows 10 System Media Transport Controls (SMTC) for MPV (or any other programs) datasone 68
10 LiteDB LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file litedb-org 8770
11 msstyleEditor an editor for windows visual styles nptr 887
12 workspacer a tiling window manager for Windows workspacer 1712
13 choco Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows chocolatey 10558
14 FamiStudio FamiStudio NES Music Editor BleuBleu 1650
15 CabMaker CabMaker is a free Windows desktop tool that lets you quickly package up an entire folder of files (including subfolders) into a .cab file. sapientcoder 90
16 Locale-Emulator Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator xupefei 10380
17 NexusMods.App Home of the development of the Nexus Mods App Nexus-Mods 1290
18 FNA FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms FNA-XNA 2703
19 hatate-iqdb-tagger Search and tag images using IQDB or SauceNAO to be imported into Hydrus. nostrenz 85
20 DefaultEcs Entity Component System framework aiming for syntax and usage simplicity with maximum performance for game development. Doraku 691
21 MonolithEngine A small, lightweight 2D video game engine based on MonoGame. Currently not under development. Lajbert 65
22 DSAnimStudio Direct3D-Accelerated Dark Souls TAE Editor Meowmaritus 432
23 Flow.Launcher 🔍 Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins Flow-Launcher 8851
24 MonoGame.InputManager An easy-to-use input manager for MonoGame A1rPun 19
25 NLua Bridge between Lua and the .NET. NLua 2083
26 MonoGame.Extended Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome craftworkgames 1459
27 MonoGame One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games. MonoGame 11821
28 BetterConsoleTables Faster, colorable, more configurable, and more robust console colors & tables for C# console applications douglasg14b 92
29 ConsoleTables Print out a nicely formatted table in a console application C# khalidabuhakmeh 961
30 csharplang The official repo for the design of the C# programming language dotnet 11779
31 omnisharp-roslyn OmniSharp server (HTTP, STDIO) based on Roslyn workspaces OmniSharp 1825
32 UniGetUI UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers marticliment 14482
33 usbipd-win Windows software for sharing locally connected USB devices to other machines, including Hyper-V guests and WSL 2. dorssel 4107
34 PixelVision8 Pixel Vision 8's core philosophy is to teach retro game development with streamlined workflows. PV8 is also a platform that standardizes 8-bit fantasy console limitations built on top of the open-source C# game engine based on MonoGame. PixelVision8 1671
35 PowerShellEditorServices A common platform for PowerShell development support in any editor or application! PowerShell 660
36 MonoGame.Samples A few cross-platform game samples using MonoGame. MonoGame 605
37 PSScriptAnalyzer Download ScriptAnalyzer from PowerShellGallery PowerShell 1901
38 Kavita Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with your friends and family. Kareadita 7150
39 tModLoader A mod to make and play Terraria mods. Supports Terraria 1.4 (and earlier) installations tModLoader 4340
40 Files A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders. files-community 35994
41 EzYuzu EzYuzu - A Portable Yuzu Updater for Standalone versions of Yuzu amakvana 312
42 csharpier CSharpier is an opinionated code formatter for c#. belav 1526
43 roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. dotnet 19271
44 theme-converter-for-vs CLI tool that allows you to convert your VS Code color theme to a VS 2022 color theme. microsoft 533
45 viasfora A Visual Studio Extension containing miscellaneous improvements to the editor. tomasr 557
46 VsVim Vim Emulator Plugin for Visual Studio 2015+ VsVim 3680
47 jellyfin The Free Software Media System - Server Backend & API jellyfin 37256
48 Discord.Net An unofficial .Net wrapper for the Discord API ( discord-net 3366
49 Jackett API Support for your favorite torrent trackers Jackett 12928
50 Radarr Movie organizer/manager for usenet and torrent users. Radarr 10992
51 Lidarr Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music. Lidarr 3898
52 Sonarr Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users. Sonarr 11334
53 ObraDinnTutorial The Project Files For My Obra Dinn Shader Tutorial Madalaski 72
54 ShareX ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from. ShareX 30860
55 daggerfall-unity Open source recreation of Daggerfall in the Unity engine Interkarma 2864
56 DuplicateHider felixkmh 53
57 PlayniteExtensionsCollection Collection of extensions made for Playnite. darklinkpower 370
58 Kirei Kirei is a application which hides the desktop icons, the taskbar and windows after the configured time period. It's very useful in combination with Wallpaper Engine. LegendaryB 12
59 doki-theme-visualstudio Cute anime character themes for Visual Studio. doki-theme 132
60 PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity microsoft 114862
61 gsudo Sudo for Windows gerardog 5448
62 PSReadLine A bash inspired readline implementation for PowerShell PowerShell 3845
63 ConsoleGuiTools Modules that mix PowerShell and GUIs/CUIs! PowerShell 829
64 shellprogressbar ShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application Mpdreamz 1463
65 Terraria-Map-Editor TEdit - Terraria Map Editor - TEdit is a stand alone, open source map editor for Terraria. It lets you edit maps just like (almost) paint! It also lets you change world settings (time, bosses downed etc), edit chests and change sign, make epic dungeons, castles, cities, and add rewards for your adventurers! TEdit 1642
66 PowerShell PowerShell for every system! PowerShell 46429
67 Playnite Video game library manager with support for wide range of 3rd party libraries and game emulation support, providing one unified interface for your games. JosefNemec 10089
68 PlayniteSound An extension for playnite to play audio during events joyrider3774 22
69 SizeCalculator A Game Installation Directory Size Calculator for Playnite library manager. Gerren 10
70 Windows-Hacks Creative and unusual things that can be done with the Windows API. LazoCoder 2420
71 HelpfulScripts A collection of random, useful scripts cjacobwade 627
72 lively Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3. rocksdanister 15763
73 windows-terminal-quake Enable Quake-style dropdown for (almost) any application. flyingpie 622
74 WinDynamicDesktop Port of macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop feature to Windows t1m0thyj 4513
75 MinecraftAutoClicker smith-j-travis 174
76 HyperVSwitch Hyper-V Switch – A simple GUI to enable or disable Hyper-V without uninstallation, allowing the use of other virtualisation solutions. ygoe 297
77 AutoHotInterception An AutoHotkey wrapper for the Interception driver evilC 780
78 DeveloperConsoleUnity Made for a short youtube series, this project contains a prototype for a Developer Console in Unity. Currently working are single commands with no Arguments. joeythelantern 9
79 WinTermPlus Windows Terminal PLUS (Unofficial) dotjosh 21
80 NBTExplorer A graphical NBT editor for all Minecraft NBT data sources jaquadro 2386
81 Ombi Want a Movie or TV Show on Plex/Emby/Jellyfin? Use Ombi! Ombi-app 3816
82 STROOP SuperMario64 Technical Run-time Observer and Object Processor SM64-TAS-ABC 173
83 Aurora Unified lighting effects across multiple brands and various games. antonpup 1833
84 Cemu-Shortcut-Generator Lets you generate shortcuts for your CEMU-Games! LordOsslor 2
85 command_terminal Unity Command Terminal: In-Game Console stillwwater 455
86 unity3d-console mikelovesrobots 250

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Name Description Author Stars
1 NeuralAmpModelerPlugin Plugin for Neural Amp Modeler sdatkinson 2089
2 JoltPhysics A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library. Written in C++. Suitable for games and VR applications. Used by Horizon Forbidden West. jrouwe 7322
3 DoomRunner Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines (an alternative to ZDL) Youda008 263
4 gzdoom GZDoom is a feature centric port for all Doom engine games, based on ZDoom, adding an OpenGL renderer and powerful scripting capabilities ZDoom 2662
5 shadPS4 PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++ shadps4-emu 18015
6 airwave Airwave is a WINE-based VST bridge, that allows for the use of Windows 32- and 64-bit VST 2.4 audio plugins with Linux VST hosts psycha0s 578
7 yabridge A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2, VST3 and CLAP plugins on Linux robbert-vdh 2706
8 neo Simulates the digital rain from "The Matrix" (CMatrix clone with 32-bit color and Unicode support) st3w 735
9 BespokeSynth Software modular synth BespokeSynth 4197
10 stochas The Stochas Sequencer surge-synthesizer 446
11 sqlitebrowser Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project. Previously known as "SQLite Database Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". Website at: sqlitebrowser 21853
12 ueberzugpp Drop in replacement for ueberzug written in C++ jstkdng 924
13 spectral-compressor Everything can be pink noise if you try hard enough! robbert-vdh 127
14 taskwarrior Taskwarrior - Command line Task Management GothenburgBitFactory 4669
15 renderdoc RenderDoc is a stand-alone graphics debugging tool. baldurk 9349
16 MPD Music Player Daemon MusicPlayerDaemon 2254
17 duckdb DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system duckdb 26550
18 SpectralSuite andrewreeman 219
19 rt64 RT64 is an N64 graphics renderer for playing with enhancements in emulators and native ports. rt64 1154
20 N64Recomp Tool to statically recompile N64 games into native executables N64Recomp 6493
21 glslViewer Console-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders patriciogonzalezvivo 4844
22 dosbox-pure DOSBox Pure is a new fork of DOSBox built for RetroArch/Libretro aiming for simplicity and ease of use. schellingb 808
23 SecureUxTheme 🎨 A secure boot compatible in-memory UxTheme patcher namazso 2471
24 love LÖVE is an awesome 2D game framework for Lua. love2d 6044
25 Waybar Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. ✌️ 🎉 Alexays 7230
26 MuseScore MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit Fork and make pull requests! musescore 12675
27 xbmc Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS and Windows. xbmc 18972
28 The-Powder-Toy Written in C++ and using SDL, The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat. The-Powder-Toy 4706
29 nifskope A git repository for nifskope. niftools 568
30 modorganizer Mod manager for various PC games. Discord Server: if you would like to be more involved ModOrganizer2 2333
31 edb-debugger edb is a cross-platform AArch32/x86/x86-64 debugger. eteran 2764
32 The-Forge The Forge Cross-Platform Rendering Framework PC Windows, Steamdeck (native), Ray Tracing, macOS / iOS, Android, XBOX, PS4, PS5, Switch, Quest 2 ConfettiFX 4955
33 Kaguya D3D12 Rendering Engine kcloudy0717 394
34 bgfx Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library. bkaradzic 15407
35 sddm QML based X11 and Wayland display manager sddm 1971
36 gBar Blazingly fast status bar written with GTK scorpion-26 527
37 Hyprland Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. hyprwm 23461
38 rpcsx RPCSX 1368
39 raylib-cpp C++ Object Oriented Wrapper for raylib RobLoach 727
40 imgui Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies ocornut 63232
41 Bento4 Full-featured MP4 format, MPEG DASH, HLS, CMAF SDK and tools axiomatic-systems 2098
42 DebugViewPP DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you! CobaltFusion 1068
43 SLADE It's a Doom editor sirjuddington 728
44 video-compare Split screen video comparison tool using FFmpeg and SDL2 pixop 1128
45 qBittorrent qBittorrent BitTorrent client qbittorrent 29895
46 sfizz SFZ parser and synth c++ library, providing a JACK standalone client sfztools 424
47 qzdl Qt version of BioHazard's ZDL lcferrum 209
48 C-Plus-Plus Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes. TheAlgorithms 31248
49 winmerge WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle. WinMerge 6916
50 neovim-qt Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5. equalsraf 1898
51 llama.cpp LLM inference in C/C++ ggml-org 74533
52 pygpt4all Official supported Python bindings for llama.cpp + gpt4all nomic-ai 1020
53 gpt4all GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use. nomic-ai 72485
54 ModEngine2 Runtime injection library for modding Souls games. WIP soulsmods 936
55 rpcs3 PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger RPCS3 16191
56 pcsx2 PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator PCSX2 12509
57 lmms Cross-platform music production software LMMS 8435
58 tesseract Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) tesseract-ocr 64610
59 Cockatrice A cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games Cockatrice 1597
60 hawck Key-rebinding daemon for Linux (Wayland/X11/Console) snyball 584
61 cmder Lovely console emulator package for Windows cmderdev 26177
62 ConEmu Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style, hotkeys and more Maximus5 8715
63 ImHex 🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM. WerWolv 47109
64 keepassxc KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”. keepassxreboot 22261
65 git-crypt Transparent file encryption in git AGWA 8621
66 luajit-remake An ongoing attempt to re-engineer LuaJIT from scratch luajit-remake 1202
67 godot Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine godotengine 94047
68 notepad-plus-plus Notepad++ official repository notepad-plus-plus 23825
69 docklike-plugin A Dock-like Taskbar Plugin for XFCE nsz32 340
70 PrismLauncher A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once (Fork of MultiMC) PrismLauncher 6353
71 qView Practical and minimal image viewer jurplel 2186
72 mpc-hc Media Player Classic clsid2 12051
73 kakoune mawww's experiment for a better code editor mawww 10140
74 Cemu Cemu - Wii U emulator cemu-project 7737
75 clink Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe chrisant996 3936
76 winget-cli WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface). microsoft 23810
77 luanti Luanti (formerly Minetest) is an open source voxel game-creation platform with easy modding and game creation luanti-org 11129
78 vital Spectral warping wavetable synth mtytel 1647
79 DOOM DOOM Open Source Release id-Software 15130
80 jack2 jack2 codebase jackaudio 2254
81 JUCE JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, LV2 and AAX audio plug-ins. juce-framework 6917
82 paulxstretch PaulXStretch - Extreme Timestretching application and plugin essej 476
83 Cardinal Virtual modular synthesizer plugin DISTRHO 2418
84 wslg Enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux to include support for Wayland and X server related scenarios microsoft 10440
85 EmulationStation A Fork of Emulation Station for RetroPie. Emulation Station is a flexible emulator front-end supporting keyboardless navigation and custom system themes. RetroPie 873
86 EmmyLuaCodeStyle fast, powerful, and feature-rich Lua formatting and checking tool. CppCXY 144
87 AwesomeBump AwesomeBump is a free program written using Qt library designed to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image. Since the image processing is done in 99% on GPU the program runs very fast and all the parameters can be changed in real time. AB was made to be a new alternative to known gimp plugin called Insane Bump. kmkolasinski 1681
88 ppsspp A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++. Want to contribute? Join us on Discord at or just send pull requests / issues. For discussion use the forums at hrydgard 11766
89 dolphin Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. dolphin-emu 13373
90 tiled Flexible level editor mapeditor 11503
91 MilkyTracker A Fasttracker II compatible music editor milkytracker 1784
92 btop A monitor of resources aristocratos 23008
93 AnalogTapeModel Physical modelling signal processing for analog tape recording jatinchowdhury18 1143
94 macemu Basilisk II and SheepShaver Macintosh emulators cebix 1426
95 Proton Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components ValveSoftware 25384
96 AutoHotkey AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows. AutoHotkey 9794
97 deskflow Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video). deskflow 15868
98 Open-Shell-Menu Classic Shell Reborn. Open-Shell 7333
99 terminal The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place! microsoft 97058
100 xenia Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project xenia-project 8470
101 argotlunar Surreal transformations of audio streams mourednik 174
102 waifu2x-converter-cpp Improved fork of Waifu2X C++ using OpenCL and OpenCV DeadSix27 792
103 7zipDarkmode Dark Mode for 7zip huanrenfeng 246
104 stk-code The code base of supertuxkart supertuxkart 4627
105 opentoonz OpenToonz - An open-source full-featured 2D animation creation software opentoonz 4642
106 vidupe Vidupe is a program that can find duplicate and similar video files. V1.211 released on 2019-09-18, Windows exe here: kristiankoskimaki 167
107 LibCorsairRGB ⌨️ Windows library for controlling lights on Corsair RGB keyboards Palmr 57
108 aseprite Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux) aseprite 30769
109 mandelbulber2 Official repository for Mandelbulber v2 buddhi1980 928
110 imgbrd-grabber Very customizable imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming features. Bionus 2667
111 CEFOverlayEngine HTML Overlay Engine for game ZCube 22
112 KeyboardVisualizer Audio visualizer and effects engine for RGB keyboards, mice, and accessories using the OpenRGB SDK. Supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Issue tracker on GitLab ( CalcProgrammer1 588

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Name Description Author Stars
1 obsidian-modular-css-layout CSS Layout hack for efemkay 1138
2 Easing Functions Cheat Sheet ai 8174
3 dalai The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine cocktailpeanut 13090
4 nerd-fonts Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more ryanoasis 56382
5 homer-theme 🎨 A custom Homer theme! walkxcode 457
6 github-markdown-css The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style sindresorhus 8168
7 awesome-obsidian 🕶️ Awesome stuff for Obsidian kmaasrud 7076
8 Cybertron A revised retro theme for Obsidian inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, Dynalist, Tron, The Terminator, Synthwave, and Keanu Reeves nickmilo 114
9 theme.park A collection of themes/skins for 50 selfhosted apps! themepark-dev 2513
10 HotkeylessAHK Using the power of AutoHotkey - without hotkeys! sebinside 91
11 Deluge-Dark A dark skin for Deluge WebUI to use with Organizr HalianElf 44

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Name Description Author Stars
1 penpot Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration penpot 36450
2 FiraCode Free monospaced font with programming ligatures tonsky 78171
3 LightTable The Light Table IDE ⛺ LightTable 11709

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Common Lisp

Name Description Author Stars
1 jak-project Reviving the language that brought us the Jak & Daxter Series open-goal 2933

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Name Description Author Stars
1 tmux-fingers copy pasting in terminal with vimium/vimperator like hints. Morantron 1047
2 AHK_X11 AutoHotkey for Linux (X11-based systems) phil294 876

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Name Description Author Stars
1 LoliSnatcher_Droid A booru client with support for batch downloading NO-ob 423

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Name Description Author Stars
1 nocode The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere. kelseyhightower 61559

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Emacs Lisp

Name Description Author Stars
1 treemacs Alexander-Miller 2154
2 emacs-dashboard An extensible emacs dashboard emacs-dashboard 1365
3 swiper Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man! abo-abo 2332
4 magit It's Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs. magit 6682
5 all-the-icons.el A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs. domtronn 1490
6 nerd-icons.el rainstormstudio 255
7 doom-modeline A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design. seagle0128 1340
8 highlight-indent-guides Emacs minor mode to highlight indentation DarthFennec 589
9 evil The extensible vi layer for Emacs. emacs-evil 3460
10 writeroom-mode Writeroom-mode: distraction-free writing for Emacs. joostkremers 615
11 chemacs Emacs profile switcher plexus 654
12 git-gutter Emacs port of GitGutter which is Sublime Text Plugin emacsorphanage 854
13 .emacs.d My personal Emacs config with any quirks, oddities, bugs, and man-eating errors I live with on a daily basis. jimeh 121
14 emacs-libvterm Emacs libvterm integration akermu 1746
15 themes A megapack of themes for GNU Emacs. doomemacs 2214
16 org-roam Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode org-roam 5614
17 chemacs2 Emacs version switcher, improved plexus 806
18 yay-evil-emacs 😈 A lightweight literate Emacs config with even better "better defaults". Shipped with a custom theme! ianyepan 396
19 doomemacs An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker doomemacs 19952

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Name Description Author Stars
1 marksman Write Markdown with code assist and intelligence in the comfort of your favourite editor. artempyanykh 2260
2 csharp-language-server Roslyn-based LSP language server for C# razzmatazz 653
3 Rewrap Rewrap extension for VSCode and Visual Studio stkb 520

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Lorien Infinite canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Made with Godot. mbrlabs 5723
2 godot-demo-projects Demonstration and Template Projects godotengine 6360
3 godot-psx-starter-project A base project for creating retro psx style games in the godot engine. HeroRobb 46
4 Rakugo-archive Framework (inspired by Ren'Py) for story driven games in Godot. rakugoteam 322

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Default-Dark-Mode 🌙 The Dark Mode Resource Pack for Minecraft: Java Edition nebuIr 159
2 Vulkan C++ examples for the Vulkan graphics API SaschaWillems 10666

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Name Description Author Stars
1 lazysql A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go. jorgerojas26 1354
2 pet Simple command-line snippet manager knqyf263 4692
3 opengist Self-hosted pastebin powered by Git, open-source alternative to Github Gist. thomiceli 2075
4 dynomark Markdown Query Language Engine k-lar 29
5 tgpt AI Chatbots in terminal without needing API keys aandrew-me 2304
6 asmfmt Go Assembler Formatter klauspost 288
7 fabric fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere. danielmiessler 28764
8 dolt Dolt – Git for Data dolthub 18293
9 base16-universal-manager A universal manager to set base16 themes for any supported application pinpox 92
10 toru Bittorrent streaming CLI tool. Stream anime torrents, real-time with no waiting for downloads. sweetbbak 323
11 ollama Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models. ollama 127004
12 tldr fast and interactive tldr client written with go isacikgoz 1384
13 efm-langserver General purpose Language Server mattn 1410
14 tools [mirror] Go Tools golang 7486
15 chezmoi Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely. twpayne 14138
16 cobra-cli Cobra CLI tool to generate applications and commands spf13 757
17 color Color package for Go (golang) fatih 7496
18 kong Kong is a command-line parser for Go alecthomas 2319
19 cobra A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions spf13 39203
20 viper Go configuration with fangs spf13 27856
21 gotestsum 'go test' runner with output optimized for humans, JUnit XML for CI integration, and a summary of the test results. gotestyourself 2176
22 ahkpm The AutoHotkey Package Manager joshuacc 66
23 boilr fork of boilr with merged Pull-Requests an automatic builds 6uhrmittag 2
24 podman Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. containers 25316
25 glow Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻 charmbracelet 17052
26 lf Terminal file manager gokcehan 7954
27 sh A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt mvdan 7512
28 dstask Git powered terminal-based todo/note manager -- markdown note page per task. Single binary! naggie 835
29 go The Go programming language golang 125896
30 zk A plain text note-taking assistant zk-org 1879
31 ctop Top-like interface for container metrics bcicen 15810
32 gitea Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD go-gitea 47158
33 traefik The Cloud Native Application Proxy traefik 53277
34 lazydocker The lazier way to manage everything docker jesseduffield 41917
35 micro A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor zyedidia 25629
36 lazygit simple terminal UI for git commands jesseduffield 56630
37 fzf 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder junegunn 67982
38 act Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀 nektos 57776
39 filebrowser 📂 Web File Browser filebrowser 27878
40 wired-logic Wired Logic - a pixel based logic simulator martinkirsche 678
41 cli GitHub’s official command line tool cli 38306
42 error-pages 🚧 Pretty server's error pages in the docker image & git repository (for traefik, k8s, nginx and so on) tarampampam 981
43 oh-my-posh The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer JanDeDobbeleer 18281
44 scraper A scraper for EmulationStation written in Go using hashing sselph 451
45 awesome-go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software avelino 138307
46 gotop A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop cjbassi 7391

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Name Description Author Stars
1 jp2a Converts jpg images to ASCII cslarsen 844
2 language-server-protocol Defines a common protocol for language servers. microsoft 11543
3 minimal-mistakes 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio. mmistakes 12700
4 base-jekyll-template 📘 Knowledge base template for Jekyll CloudCannon 328

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Name Description Author Stars
1 xdg-ninja A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories. b3nj5m1n 2611
2 shellcheck ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts koalaman 36929

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Name Description Author Stars
1 nvim-treesitter-context Show code context nvim-treesitter 2652

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Flashback Moulberry 221
2 bindiff Quickly find differences and similarities in disassembled code google 2409
3 jpexs-decompiler JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler jindrapetrik 4732
4 ghidra Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework NationalSecurityAgency 53898
5 Paper The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies PaperMC 10550
6 fabric Essential hooks for modding with Fabric. FabricMC 2494
7 simple-voice-chat A working voice chat in Minecraft! henkelmax 492
8 fabric-carpet Fabric Carpet gnembon 1766
9 ReplayMod Minecraft ReplayMod ReplayMod 912
10 processing Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE) processing 6496
11 logisim-evolution Digital logic design tool and simulator logisim-evolution 5290
12 Digital A digital logic designer and circuit simulator. hneemann 4648
13 baritone google maps for block game cabaletta 7511
14 circuitjs1 Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser sharpie7 2445
15 WorldPainter WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft. Captain-Chaos 379
16 mcaselector A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export. Querz 3451
17 amidst Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking toolbox4minecraft 2177
18 TachiWeb-Server A port of the Tachiyomi manga reader to the desktop and server TachiWeb 411

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 open-webui User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...) open-webui 75546
2 BetterViewer a replacement for the image viewing mode built into Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers. Ademking 272
3 cuid2 Next generation guids. Secure, collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. paralleldrive 2824
4 bootswatch Themes for Bootstrap thomaspark 14630
5 Obsidian-Code-Styler A plugin for for styling codeblocks and inline code mayurankv 345
6 cm-editor-syntax-highlight-obsidian A plugin for Obsidian which allows syntax highlighting for code blocks in the editor. deathau 525
7 tag-wrangler Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the Obsidian tag pane pjeby 683
8 indie-wiki-buddy Browser extension that automatically notifies and redirects you to independent wikis. KevinPayravi 345
9 GDLauncher GDLauncher is a simple, yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher with a strong focus on the user experience gorilla-devs 1215
10 write-good Naive linter for English prose btford 4971
11 retropad-editor Edit onscreen gamepads for RetroArch Valent-in 63
12 active-forks Find active github forks of a repo techgaun 2313
13 GitHub-userscripts Userscripts to add functionality to GitHub Mottie 1846
14 dear-github-2.0 📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects drop-ice 1877
15 nodegarden HTML5 Node Garden pakastin 398
16 vimium The hacker's browser. philc 24070
17 husky Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof! typicode 33110
18 prettier Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. prettier 49961
19 AnOrdinaryUsername heyo AnOrdinaryUsername 22
20 javascript JavaScript Style Guide airbnb 146134
21 atom :atom: The hackable text editor atom 60316
22 uBlock uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. gorhill 49677
23 markdownlint A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files. DavidAnson 4972
24 shields Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format badges 24331
25 todo-tree Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view Gruntfuggly 1515
26 p5.js p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. processing 22074
27 Impact HTML5 Game Engine phoboslab 2028
28 three.js JavaScript 3D Library. mrdoob 104344
29 awesome-vscode 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. viatsko 25980
30 markdown-preview.nvim markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim iamcco 7041
31 stargazed 📋 Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! abhijithvijayan 476
32 BOOLR A digital logic simulator GGBRW 620
33 markdown-plus-plus Markdown syntax highlighting for Notepad++, by customized UDL file (user defined language) Edditoria 1506
34 OpenPWA This is a PWA boilerplate, with cache busting mechanism and preconfigured Github Pages deployment PranoySarkar 20
35 edex-ui A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support. GitSquared 41592
36 color-names Large list of handpicked color names 🌈 meodai 2484
37 makegirlsmoe_web Create Anime Characters with MakeGirlsMoe makegirlsmoe 3397
38 blog-post-workflow Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed gautamkrishnar 3077
39 github-readme-stats ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes anuraghazra 71493
40 storyboarder ✏️ Storyboarder makes it easy to visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures. wonderunit 3309
41 Sozi A "zooming" presentation editor sozi-projects 1611
42 GoogleHomeKodi Control kodi via Google Home / Assistant OmerTu 525
43 nostegama A Non-Steam Game Manager Hafas 6

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Your favorite operating systems in one place. A network-based bootable operating system installer based on iPXE. netbootxyz 9792

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Name Description Author Stars
1 keyboards Simulated annealing code for video AtomicFrontierCode 287

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Jupyter Notebook

Name Description Author Stars
1 Anime4K A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video bloc97 18932
2 stable-diffusion A latent text-to-image diffusion model CompVis 69595
3 doki-theme-jupyter Cute anime character themes for your Jupyter Notebook. doki-theme 20
4 WhirlwindTourOfPython The Jupyter Notebooks behind my OReilly report, "A Whirlwind Tour of Python" jakevdp 3774
5 PyRevolution Python tutorials and puzzles to share with the world! snazrul1 168

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Name Description Author Stars
1 mihon Free and open source manga reader for Android mihonapp 11958
2 WallYou Privacy focused wallpaper app built with MD3 you-apps 716
3 kotlin The Kotlin Programming Language. JetBrains 50016
4 ideavim IdeaVim – A Vim engine for JetBrains IDEs JetBrains 9496

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Name Description Author Stars
1 userDefinedLanguages Notepad++ User Defined Languages Collection notepad-plus-plus 627

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Moan.lua A messagebox library for LÖVE elennick 6
2 markview.nvim A hackable markdown, Typst, latex, html(inline) & YAML previewer for Neovim OXY2DEV 2409
3 animatedbg.nvim Animate neovim's buffer with extmarks and highlights. alanfortlink 60
4 zk-nvim Neovim extension for zk zk-org 590
5 ccc.nvim Color picker and highlighter plugin for Neovim. uga-rosa 832
6 love-console An easy to integrate in-game console for Love2D games. rameshvarun 23
7 baton An input library for LÖVE. tesselode 226
8 love-gamepadguesser Guess what a gamepad should look like and provide a default set of art that matches the input gamepad. idbrii 10
9 busted Elegant Lua unit testing. lunarmodules 1466
10 STALKER-X Camera module for LÖVE a327ex 283
11 lume Lua functions geared towards gamedev rxi 1071
12 bump.lua A collision detection library for Lua kikito 969
13 eldritch.nvim A theme for the Ancient Ones! (NVIM) eldritch-theme 208
14 pvim Portable Neovim. Contain it all to just one directory RoryNesbitt 69
15 hardtime.nvim Establish good command workflow and quit bad habit m4xshen 1690
16 avante.nvim Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE! yetone 10037
17 neogen A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions. danymat 1428
18 neovim Soho vibes for Neovim rose-pine 2497
19 yanky.nvim Improved Yank and Put functionalities for Neovim gbprod 975
20 hop.nvim Neovim motions on speed! smoka7 580
21 codeium.nvim A native neovim extension for Codeium Exafunction 928
22 mini.splitjoin Neovim Lua plugin to split and join arguments. Part of 'mini.nvim' library. echasnovski 57
23 oil.nvim Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer stevearc 4671
24 compiler.nvim Neovim compiler for building and running your code without having to configure anything Zeioth 552
25 overseer.nvim A task runner and job management plugin for Neovim stevearc 1357
26 rustaceanvim 🦀 Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim mrcjkb 2058
27 fzf-lua Improved fzf.vim written in lua ibhagwan 2973
28 nvim-highlight-colors Highlight colors for neovim brenoprata10 778
29 lazydev.nvim Faster LuaLS setup for Neovim folke 938
30 nabla.nvim take your scientific notes ✏️ in Neovim jbyuki 668
31 render-markdown.nvim Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim MeanderingProgrammer 2262
32 csharp.nvim Neovim plugin written in Lua, powered by omnisharp-roslyn, that aims to enhance the development experience for .NET developers. iabdelkareem 246
33 structlog.nvim Structured Logging for nvim, using Lua Tastyep 82
34 noice.nvim 💥 Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu. folke 4757
35 nvim-nio A library for asynchronous IO in Neovim nvim-neotest 335
36 flatten.nvim Pipe from wezterm, kitty, and neovim terminals into your current neovim instance. Like code -r on steroids. willothy 571
37 hologram.nvim 👻 A cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim. Extensible and fast, written in Lua and C. Works on macOS and Linux. edluffy 1340
38 glslView-nvim timtro 37
39 fzy-lua A lua implementation of the fzy fuzzy matching algorithm swarn 74
40 mpv-menu A simple 0-dependency mpv menu to launch commands from jonniek 50
41 harpoon ThePrimeagen 7585
42 nvim-lint An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support. mfussenegger 2182
43 conform.nvim Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim stevearc 3652
44 tl The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua teal-language 2263
45 satellite.nvim Decorate scrollbar for Neovim lewis6991 612
46 love-modular [####-] Define modules for LÖVE, enable/disable them, manage all love callbacks (load, update, draw, ...) automaticaly tst2005 6
47 LICK livecoding library for LÖVE usysrc 132
48 lurker Auto-swaps changed Lua files in a running LÖVE project rxi 306
49 ChatGPT.nvim ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API jackMort 3897
50 none-ls.nvim null-ls.nvim reloaded / Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua. nvimtools 2785
51 iron.nvim Interactive Repl Over Neovim Vigemus 1056
52 cmake-tools.nvim CMake integration in Neovim Civitasv 420
53 lsp-progress.nvim A performant lsp progress status for Neovim. linrongbin16 223
54 telescope-luasnip.nvim Neovim plugin. Telescope.nvim extension that adds LuaSnip integration. benfowler 207
55 nvim-lightbulb VSCode 💡 for neovim's built-in LSP. kosayoda 836
56 rainbow-delimiters.nvim Rainbow delimiters for Neovim with Tree-sitter HiPhish 640
57 flash.nvim Navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions and Treesitter integration folke 2832
58 telescope-undo.nvim A telescope extension to view and search your undo tree 🌴 debugloop 709
59 dressing.nvim Neovim plugin to improve the default vim.ui interfaces stevearc 1971
60 gopher.nvim Neovim plugin that makes golang development easier olexsmir 336
61 luacheck A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code. lunarmodules 379
62 SchemaStore.nvim 🛍 JSON schemas for Neovim b0o 793
63 cmp-dap nvim-cmp source for nvim-dap REPL and nvim-dap-ui buffers rcarriga 154
64 sqlite.lua SQLite LuaJIT binding with a very simple api. kkharji 503
65 obsidian.nvim Obsidian 🤝 Neovim epwalsh 4801
66 LazyVim Neovim config for the lazy LazyVim 19301
67 tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp.nvim 🌈 A Neovim plugin to add vscode-style TailwindCSS completion to nvim-cmp roobert 347
68 mini.animate Neovim Lua plugin to animate common Neovim actions. Part of 'mini.nvim' library. echasnovski 216
69 vim-moonfly-colors A dark charcoal theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim bluz71 945
70 lsp-inlayhints.nvim lvimuser 420
71 org-bullets.nvim nvim-orgmode 142
72 neodev.nvim 💻 Neovim setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API. folke 2012
73 telescope-symbols.nvim nvim-telescope 205
74 cmp-cmdline nvim-cmp source for vim's cmdline hrsh7th 577
75 nvim-web-devicons Provides Nerd Font icons (glyphs) for use by neovim plugins nvim-tree 2245
76 nvim-ts-rainbow2 Rainbow delimiters for Neovim through Tree-sitter HiPhish 336
77 clink-fzf Fzf integration for Clink chrisant996 90
78 nvim-ts-context-commentstring Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file. JoosepAlviste 1215
79 symbols-outline.nvim A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages. simrat39 1850
80 hex.nvim hex editing done right RaafatTurki 242
81 one-small-step-for-vimkind Debug adapter for Neovim plugins jbyuki 453
82 cmp-path nvim-cmp source for path hrsh7th 650
83 friendly-snippets Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages. rafamadriz 2221
84 nvim-dap-go An extension for nvim-dap providing configurations for launching go debugger (delve) and debugging individual tests leoluz 528
85 nvim 🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim catppuccin 5995
86 barbecue.nvim Visual Studio Code inspired breadcrumbs plugin for the Neovim editor utilyre 866
87 rust-tools.nvim Tools for better development in rust using neovim's builtin lsp simrat39 2161
88 log.lua A tiny logging module for Lua rxi 318
89 skel-nvim nvim skeleton plugin motosir 12
90 lsp_signature.nvim LSP signature hint as you type ray-x 2159
91 neovim-ayu Ayu theme for Neovim. Shatur 459
92 gruvbox.nvim Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme ellisonleao 2072
93 lazy.nvim 💤 A modern plugin manager for Neovim folke 16278
94 inspect.lua Human-readable representation of Lua tables kikito 1416
95 nvim-navic Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context SmiteshP 1486
96 tabout.nvim tabout plugin for neovim abecodes 775
97 cellular-automaton.nvim A useless plugin that might help you cope with stubbornly broken tests or overall lack of sense in life. It lets you execute aesthetically pleasing, cellular automaton animations based on the content of neovim buffer. Eandrju 1939
98 awesome awesome window manager awesomeWM 6506
99 mason-lspconfig.nvim Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim. williamboman 3101
100 mason-null-ls.nvim jay-babu 572
101 nvim-unception A plugin that leverages Neovim's built-in RPC functionality to simplify opening files from within Neovim's terminal emulator without nesting sessions. samjwill 224
102 nvim-jdtls Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for mfussenegger 1206
103 nvim-autopairs autopairs for neovim written in lua windwp 3447
104 guess-indent.nvim Automatic indentation style detection for Neovim NMAC427 442
105 Comment.nvim 🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more numToStr 4143
106 impatient.nvim Improve startup time for Neovim lewis6991 1180
107 dope a modern structure neovim config template write in lua nvimdev 368
108 telescope-dap.nvim Integration for nvim-dap with telescope.nvim nvim-telescope 339
109 mason.nvim Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters. williamboman 8402
110 Sakura.nvim Nice color scheme for neovim numToStr 30
111 nvim-ts-autotag Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag windwp 1799
112 clipboard-image.nvim Neovim Lua plugin to paste image from clipboard. ekickx 319
113 cmp-nvim-lsp nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client hrsh7th 1361
114 playground Treesitter playground integrated into Neovim nvim-treesitter 902
115 kanagawa.nvim NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai. rebelot 4659
116 nvim-colorizer.lua The fastest Neovim colorizer catgoose 838
117 doom-nvim A Neovim configuration for the advanced martian hacker doom-neovim 1016
118 neorg Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim. nvim-neorg 6678
119 indent-blankline.nvim Indent guides for Neovim lukas-reineke 4421
120 auto-session A small automated session manager for Neovim rmagatti 1414
121 nvim-dap-ui A UI for nvim-dap rcarriga 2842
122 git-conflict.nvim A plugin to visualise and resolve merge conflicts in neovim akinsho 1079
123 hydra.nvim Create custom submodes and menus anuvyklack 1072
124 nvim-dev-container Neovim dev container support - Mirror of esensar 596
125 zen-mode.nvim 🧘 Distraction-free coding for Neovim folke 1859
126 octo.nvim Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor pwntester 2547
127 config_manager My configuration files and tools tjdevries 1181
128 gruvbox-flat.nvim Another attempt of a flat Gruvbox theme for Neovim eddyekofo94 244
129 copilot.lua Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot zbirenbaum 3035
130 nvim Blazingly fast SHUTTHEFUCKUP. dharmx 86
131 nvim-cmp A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua. hrsh7th 8478
132 focus.nvim Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids! nvim-focus 742
133 headlines.nvim This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg. lukas-reineke 718
134 indent-o-matic Dumb automatic fast indentation detection for Neovim written in Lua Darazaki 191
135 nvim neovim configuration written in lua glepnir 742
136 material.nvim 🔱 Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins marko-cerovac 1026
137 luaspec A specification framework for lua mirven 70
138 project.nvim The superior project management solution for neovim. ahmedkhalf 1435
139 luarocks LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language. luarocks 3381
140 LunarVim 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven. LunarVim 18628
141 trouble.nvim 🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing. folke 5899
142 vlog.nvim Single file, no dependency, easy copy & paste log file to add to your neovim lua plugins tjdevries 136
143 lualine-lsp-progress LSP Progress lualine componenet arkav 239
144 nvim-lsp-installer Further development has moved to! williamboman 1983
145 orgmode Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.10.0+. nvim-orgmode 3223
146 cheovim Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs. NTBBloodbath 334
147 fidget.nvim 💫 Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages. j-hui 2124
148 LuaSnip Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua. L3MON4D3 3691
149 gitsigns.nvim Git integration for buffers lewis6991 5485
150 lua-language-server A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua LuaLS 3545
151 telescope-file-browser.nvim File Browser extension for telescope.nvim nvim-telescope 1793
152 null-ls.nvim Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua. jose-elias-alvarez 3637
153 nvim-tree.lua A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua nvim-tree 7511
154 nvim-dap Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim mfussenegger 5972
155 plenary.nvim plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice. nvim-lua 2968
156 tabline.nvim A "buffer and tab" tabline for neovim kdheepak 234
157 diffview.nvim Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev. sindrets 4321
158 session-lens A session-switcher extension for rmagatti/auto-session using Telescope.nvim rmagatti 226
159 toggleterm.nvim A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows akinsho 4676
160 cmp-cmdline-history Source for nvim-cmp which reads results from command-line or search histories dmitmel 81
161 todo-comments.nvim ✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects folke 3487
162 which-key.nvim 💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type. folke 5847
163 lualine.nvim A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. nvim-lualine 6612
164 telescope.nvim Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. nvim-telescope 16808
165 vscode.nvim Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code Mofiqul 778
166 barbar.nvim The neovim tabline plugin. romgrk 2414
167 nvim-lspconfig Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP neovim 11265
168 neogit An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit NeogitOrg 4347
169 tokyonight.nvim 🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish. folke 6772
170 dashboard-nvim vim dashboard nvimdev 2499
171 onedark.nvim One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles navarasu 1689

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 ci-template.nvim A template for Neovim plugin CI with GitHub actions lukas-reineke 23
2 Lakka-LibreELEC Lakka is a lightweight Linux distribution that transforms a small computer into a full blown game console. libretro 1804

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 github-profile-achievements A collection listing all Achievements available on the GitHub profile 🏆 Schweinepriester 4856
2 awesome-advent-of-code A collection of awesome resources related to the yearly Advent of Code challenge. Bogdanp 3105
3 tldr 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands tldr-pages 53627

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 dotnet9x Backport of .NET 2.0 - 3.5 to Windows 9x itsmattkc 2408
2 EdgeDeflector A tiny helper application to force Windows 10 to use your preferred web browser instead of ignoring the setting to promote Microsoft Edge. Only runs for a microsecond when needed. da2x 2877

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Name Description Author Stars
1 vim_cubed Vim rendered on a cube for no reason oakes 2715

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Name Description Author Stars
1 distro-grub-themes A pack of GRUB2 themes for each Linux distribution AdisonCavani 958

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Name Description Author Stars
1 focus A simple and fast text editor focus-editor 1997
2 gf A GDB frontend for Linux. nakst 2027

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Odin Odin Programming Language odin-lang 7769

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 godot-minimal-theme Godot Minimal Editor Theme passivestar 2171
2 TES3-ImHex-patterns Pattern files for use with ImHex to open Morrowind esm, esp, ess and bsa files C3pa 1
3 LLS-Addons Addons for use with Sumneko's Lua Language Server LuaLS 73
4 MathJax Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers mathjax 10339
5 kontakt-piano-template A template for anyone looking to make a piano instrument in Kontakt dhilowitz 23
6 DND.SRD.Wiki Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition SRD converted to Markdown. OldManUmby 355
7 chip8-roms ROMs for CHIP-8. kripod 141
8 Icaros Official issue tracker and download location for Icaros Shell Extensions Xanashi 919
9 project-based-learning Curated list of project-based tutorials practical-tutorials 217971
10 Gorgeous-GRUB Collection of decent Community-made GRUB themes. Contributions welcome! Jacksaur 1696
11 awesome-monogame A collection of interesting libraries/tools for Monogame based game projects aloisdeniel 1238
12 awesome-love2d A curated list of amazingly awesome LÖVE libraries, resources and shiny things. love2d-community 3544
13 GulfOfMexico perfect programming language TodePond 11884
14 mastering-zsh Advanced topics to take advantage of zsh 👩‍💻👨‍💻 rothgar 1413
15 awesome-emacs A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and other items. emacs-tw 8717
16 gitignore The largest collection of useful .gitignore templates toptal 1734
17 codexffmpeg Support for GyanD 1604
18 awesome-PICO-8 A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more pico-8 2690
19 Faithful Faithful x32 FaithfulTeam 183
20 dear-github 📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects dear-github 5149
21 naming-convention Templates for naming convention - TSQL, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, Powershell ktaranov 1850
22 gex Git Explorer: cross-platform git workflow improvement tool inspired by Magit Piturnah 296
23 rEFInd-minimal A stunningly clean theme for the rEFInd UEFI boot manager. evanpurkhiser 2079
24 ahk_notepad-plus-plus Setup Notepad++ for AutoHotkey jNizM 251
25 awesome-c A curated list of awesome C frameworks, libraries, resources and other shiny things. Inspired by all the other awesome-... projects out there. oz123 9799
26 computer-science 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! ossu 175415
27 awesome-actions A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub sdras 25692
28 awesome-tmux A list of awesome resources for tmux rothgar 8131
29 awesome-jsgames A curated list of awesome JavaScript Games 🎮 proyecto26 755
30 nvim-lua-guide A guide to using Lua in Neovim nanotee 5890
31 awesome-emulators A curated list of awesome open source emulators. alnacle 351
32 awesome-lua A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources. LewisJEllis 4086
33 awesome-neovim Collections of awesome neovim plugins. rockerBOO 17071
34 obsidian-releases Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian. obsidianmd 10560
35 nocom-explanation block game military grade radar nerdsinspace 772
36 awesome-minecraft 📝 The curated list of awesome things related to Minecraft. bs-community 481
37 flskinner-skins-collection A collection of a skins from flskinner discord + previews hubert664 54
38 docker-traefik-prometheus A Docker Swarm Stack for monitoring Traefik with Promethues and Grafana vegasbrianc 342
39 Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books Anime Girls Holding Programming Books cat-milk 20258
40 awesome-icons A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons vkarampinis 1354
41 awesome-gog-galaxy A list of GOG Galaxy 2.0 integrations and upcoming features Mixaill 1890
42 awesome-github-profile-readme 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile which updates in real time abhisheknaiidu 25634
43 RedDress-PlantUML Stylesheets for PlantUML Drakemor 248
44 simple-dark Simple and dark GUI Resource Pack for Minecraft Nesewebel 5
45 GameDev-Resources 🎮 🎲 A wonderful list of Game Development resources. Kavex 4156
46 Projects 📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language. karan 45772
47 gitignore A collection of useful .gitignore templates github 164444
48 Awesome-Hacking A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers Hack-with-Github 88988
49 awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers awesome-selfhosted 216961
50 awesome-wsl Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux sirredbeard 5701
51 awesome-AutoHotkey A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources. ahkscript 2726
52 awesome 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics sindresorhus 347441

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Name Description Author Stars
1 mediawiki 🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. Mirror from See for contributing. wikimedia 4415
2 Organizr HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP causefx 5308
3 github-readme-streak-stats 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README DenverCoder1 5279

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Name Description Author Stars
1 fpPS4 PS4 compatibility layer (emulator) on Free Pascal red-prig 2090
2 cheat-engine Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding cheat-engine 15607

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Name Description Author Stars
1 winutil Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates ChrisTitusTech 29729
2 Windows-Sandbox Disposable, secure and lightweight Windows Desktop Environment microsoft 378
3 DirColors DirColors is a Powershell implementation of GNU coreutils' dircolors/LS_COLORS support DHowett 42
4 posh-git A PowerShell environment for Git dahlbyk 7836
5 PSProfiler PowerShell Script Profiler IISResetMe 132
6 winget-pkgs The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository microsoft 9077
7 Scoop A command-line installer for Windows. ScoopInstaller 21762
8 ModuleBuilder A PowerShell Module to help scripters write, version, sign, package, and publish. PoshCode 461
9 PowerShell-Docs The official PowerShell documentation sources MicrosoftDocs 2084
10 Terminal-Icons A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal devblackops 2591
11 Jelovnik.PS1 Jelovnik is fast, simple, "less than 100 lines of code" keyboard-warrior's open-source menu system for rapid-development of console menus. SomwareHR 6
12 PlayPowershell KurtDeGreeff 178
13 PSFzf A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf kelleyma49 887
14 InstallModuleFromGitHub Install PowerShell Modules from GitHub dfinke 87
15 ZLocation ZLocation is the new Jump-Location vors 581
16 PowerShellForGitHub Microsoft PowerShell wrapper for GitHub API microsoft 612
17 Write-Menu PowerShell - A console menu for PowerShell (CLI) - Keyboard navigation + Pages + MultiSelect + Nested Menu's QuietusPlus 90
18 PSGitHub This PowerShell module contains commands to manage GitHub through its REST API. pcgeek86 189
19 PowerShell-Watch A PowerShell Watch-Command cmdlet for repeatedly running a command or block of code until a change in the output occurs. markwragg 88
20 AutomatedLab AutomatedLab is a provisioning solution and framework that lets you deploy complex labs on HyperV and Azure with simple PowerShell scripts. It supports all Windows operating systems from 2008 R2 to 2022, some Linux distributions and various products like AD, Exchange, PKI, IIS, etc. AutomatedLab 2050
21 awesome-powershell A curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources janikvonrotz 4980
22 Win10-Initial-Setup-Script PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 Disassembler0 4695
23 Write-Menu PowerShell - A console menu for PowerShell (CLI) - Keyboard navigation + Pages + MultiSelect + Nested Menu's matthieu-labas 1
24 Invoke-Obfuscation PowerShell Obfuscator danielbohannon 3855

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Name Description Author Stars
1 mtgjson MTGJSON build scripts for Magic: the Gathering mtgjson 385
2 manim A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations. ManimCommunity 29942
3 Universal-Controller-Script A free and open source program that integrates with FL Studio to provide deep integration between hardware controllers and software. MaddyGuthridge 69
4 pipx Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments pypa 11120
5 TagStudio A User-Focused Photo & File Management System TagStudioDev 5611
6 pywinsandbox Windows Sandbox Utillities Python Package karkason 141
7 peewee a small, expressive orm -- supports postgresql, mysql, sqlite and cockroachdb coleifer 11381
8 borg Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption. borgbackup 11532
9 glitch-this 📷 Glitchify images and GIF - with highly customizable options! TotallyNotChase 1768
10 pixelsort Pixel sorting images in python. satyarth 801
11 Img_link_to_local_markdown Obsidian Plugin to save online linked images as local files dj-jayu 41
12 python-tabulate Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. Repository migrated from astanin 2257
13 Obsidian-Table-Top-Templates Table Top / World Building templates for Obsidian mProjectsCode 84
14 bython Python with braces. Because python is awesome, but whitespace is awful. mathialo 2288
15 sherlock Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks sherlock-project 62478
16 azote Wallpaper manager for wlroots-based compositors and some other WMs nwg-piotr 377
17 diaphora Diaphora, the most advanced Free and Open Source program diffing tool. joxeankoret 3738
18 shell_gpt A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently. TheR1D 10309
19 hydrus-video-deduplicator Video Deduplicator for the Hydrus Network hydrusvideodeduplicator 44
20 perception Perceptual hashing tools for detecting child sexual abuse material thorn-oss 181
21 fofix Frets on Fire X: a fork of Frets on Fire with many added features and capabilities fofix 420
22 freesound-python python client for the freesound API MTG 135
23 freesound The Freesound website MTG 323
24 minegrub-theme A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft! Lxtharia 3361
25 CustomTkinter A modern and customizable python UI-library based on Tkinter TomSchimansky 11987
26 poetry Python packaging and dependency management made easy python-poetry 32590
27 ruff-lsp A Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff. astral-sh 1402
28 click Python composable command line interface toolkit pallets 16059
29 AnilistPython AniList Python library for easy anime, manga, animation studio, and character information lookup. Provides bot support. ReZeroE 79
30 jikanpy Python wrapper for the Jikan API abhinavk99 221
31 pyfzf A python wrapper for fzf nk412 192
32 scrycall A command line tool for querying the API for Magic cards 0xdanelia 17
33 advent-of-code-data Get your Advent of Code data with a single import statement wimglenn 605
34 hugging-chat-api HuggingChat Python API🤗 Soulter 905
35 Bard-API The unofficial python package that returns response of Google Bard through cookie value. dsdanielpark 5296
36 terminal-colors Utility to test color capabilities of terminal. eikenb 160
37 yadm Yet Another Dotfiles Manager yadm-dev 5519
38 NeoVintageous Vim for Sublime Text. NeoVintageous 696
39 stable-diffusion-webui Stable Diffusion web UI AUTOMATIC1111 147947
40 free-midi-chords A collection of free MIDI chords and progressions ready to be used in your DAW, Akai MPC, or Roland MC-707/101 ldrolez 1818
41 FlareSolverr Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection FlareSolverr 8686
42 faker Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. joke2k 18031
43 ChatGPT Reverse engineered ChatGPT API acheong08 28059
44 transformers 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. huggingface 139557
45 diffusers 🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image, video, and audio generation in PyTorch and FLAX. huggingface 27544
46 sygil-webui Stable Diffusion web UI Sygil-Dev 7892
47 black The uncompromising Python code formatter psf 39597
48 pycodestyle Simple Python style checker in one Python file PyCQA 5069
49 flake8 flake8 is a python tool that glues together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code. PyCQA 3539
50 pyright Static Type Checker for Python microsoft 13842
51 cpython The Python programming language python 65335
52 yt-dlp A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader yt-dlp 100726
53 kitty-themes Themes for the kitty terminal emulator kovidgoyal 446
54 waifu-diffusion stable diffusion finetuned on weeb stuff harubaru 1948
55 plotext plotting on terminal piccolomo 1842
56 diffusiondb A large-scale text-to-image prompt gallery dataset based on Stable Diffusion poloclub 1240
57 QualityScaler QualityScaler - image/video AI upscaler app Djdefrag 2268
58 calibre The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager kovidgoyal 20589
59 3270font A 3270 font in a modern format rbanffy 1844
60 Monocraft A monospaced programming font inspired by the Minecraft typeface IdreesInc 8623
61 An API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Rapptz 15137
62 deluge Deluge BitTorrent client - Git mirror, PRs only deluge-torrent 1588
63 github-gitea-mirror Simple Python Script To Mirror Repository From Github To Gitea varunsridharan 188
64 bleachbit BleachBit system cleaner for Windows and Linux bleachbit 3237
65 github-stats Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too jstrieb 3052
66 github-stats-transparent Automatically generate summary GitHub statistics images for your profile using Actions, no server required rahul-jha98 367
67 gallery-dl Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites mikf 12793
68 dupeguru Find duplicate files arsenetar 5726
69 explainshell match command-line arguments to their help text idank 13402
70 numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. numpy 28839
71 cookiecutter A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects. cookiecutter 23077
72 WSL Issues found on WSL microsoft 17893
73 ursina A game engine powered by python and panda3d. pokepetter 2287
74 ArchiveBox 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more... ArchiveBox 23246
75 PhotoGIMP A Patch for GIMP 2.10+ for Photoshop Users Diolinux 4339
76 kitty Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal kovidgoyal 26316
77 the only cheat sheet you need chubin 38953
78 dotbot-template A template directive for dotbot ssbanerje 8
79 dotbot-crossplatform msdrigg 5
80 gibMacOS Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple corpnewt 6091
81 psutil Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python giampaolo 10482
82 dotbot-sudo DrDynamic 9
83 bpytop Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor aristocratos 10501
84 dotbot A tool that bootstraps your dotfiles ⚡️ anishathalye 7275
85 Red-DiscordBot A multi-function Discord bot Cog-Creators 4939
86 vcsi Create video contact sheets, thumbnails amietn 516
87 Blender-Launcher Standalone client for managing official builds of Blender 3D DotBow 893
88 DownloaderForReddit The Downloader for Reddit is a GUI application with some advanced features to extract and download submitted content from reddit. MalloyDelacroix 527
89 wave Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R h2oai 4051
90 szurubooru Image board engine, Danbooru-style. rr- 762
91 qbt-theme collection of themes for qbittorrent jagannatharjun 2003
92 PEL PEL (Pygame Effects Library) yoyoberenguer 3
93 nest_asyncio Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops erdewit 720
94 Scrython A python wrapper for the Scryfall API NandaScott 144
95 cascadia-code This is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal. microsoft 26440
96 Game-Console Full-featured Pygame console that can be integrated in your python game in order to execute python command/scripts/custom functions xdoko01 19
97 notion-py Unofficial Python API client for jamalex 4324
98 PlexAniSync Sync Plex anime library to AniList RickDB 305
99 raveberry A multi-user music server with a focus on participation raveberry 718
100 superpaper A cross-platform multi monitor wallpaper manager. hhannine 1169
101 Python-Map-Generator Generates procedural maps using perlin noise. My first python project artnas 26
102 service.discord.richpresence Hiumee 54
103 md2notion A better Markdown importer Cobertos 663
104 Varken Standalone application to aggregate data from the Plex ecosystem into InfluxDB using Grafana as a frontend Boerderij 1164
105 PlexTraktSync A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription) Taxel 1735
106 Free-Games Please use the new-and-improved version that uses the Epic Games Desktop application instead of the web browser: MasonStooksbury 265
107 trakt Import CSV to list and Export list into CSV xbgmsharp 294
108 Watch videos from the anime platform on Kodi MrKrabat 133
109 notion-cli A CLI for (in the tune of Taskbook) kris-hansen 103
110 gkeepapi An unofficial client for the Google Keep API. kiwiz 1549
111 jupyter Jupyter metapackage for installation, docs and chat jupyter 15008
112 wol-kodi Wake up Kodi on your Raspberry Pi using any WoL compatible remote danifr 9
113 hydrus A personal booru-style media tagger that can import files and tags from your hard drive and popular websites. Content can be shared with other users via user-run servers. hydrusnetwork 2502
114 discord-rich-presence-plex Displays your Plex status on Discord using Rich Presence phin05 304
115 Hama.bundle Plex HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA) ZeroQI 1236
116 fb2cal Fetch Facebook Birthdays events and create an ICS file for use with calendar apps mobeigi 428
117 manim Animation engine for explanatory math videos 3b1b 75074
118 awesome-machine-learning A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software. josephmisiti 66968
119 awesome-python An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. vinta 234293
120 docker-blender-render-cluster A docker based multi machine render setup cozybuild 89
121 blender-cli-rendering Blender Python scripts for rendering images directly from command-line interface yuki-koyama 789
122 pinry Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format. It's open-source and self-hosted. pinry 3138
123 ahk Python wrapper for AutoHotkey with full type support. Harness the automation power of AutoHotkey with the beauty of Python. spyoungtech 921
124 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python TheAlgorithms 197395
125 pygame-boilerplate A dead simple pygame boilerplate tasdikrahman 22
126 PySnooper Never use print for debugging again cool-RR 16429
127 eht-imaging Imaging, analysis, and simulation software for radio interferometry achael 5292
128 NESTER Simple script to lay parts out flat in Fusion 360 tapnair 203
129 real-terrain Generate 16-bit PNG heightmaps from USGS raster data. MacroPolo 42

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Name Description Author Stars
1 python-calendar koroshiya 12

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Name Description Author Stars
1 brew 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) Homebrew 42532
2 linguist Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request! github-linguist 12541
3 vagrant Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments. hashicorp 26477
4 community Public feedback discussions for: GitHub Mobile, GitHub Discussions, GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Sponsors, GitHub Issues and more! community 7006
5 jekyll 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby jekyll 49604
6 jekyll-remote-theme Jekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme benbalter 297
7 rdoc RDoc produces HTML and online documentation for Ruby projects. ruby 853

⬆ Back to Index


Name Description Author Stars
1 kanata Improve keyboard comfort and usability with advanced customization jtroo 4246
2 gitu A TUI Git client inspired by Magit altsem 2076
3 nih-plug Rust VST3 and CLAP plugin framework and plugins - because everything is better when you do it yourself robbert-vdh 1931
4 full-moon A lossless Lua 5.1 parser Kampfkarren 417
5 uv An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust. astral-sh 39856
6 yazi 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O. sxyazi 22123
7 markdown-oxide PKM for the LSP Feel-ix-343 1212
8 rust Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. rust-lang 101307
9 comtrya Configuration Management for Localhost / dotfiles comtrya 531
10 glazewm GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm. glzr-io 7518
11 komorebi A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉 LGUG2Z 10327
12 universal-android-debloater-next-generation Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device. Universal-Debloater-Alliance 3147
13 robco-term A recreation of the hacking mini-game from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas written in Rust using ncurses. euclio 38
14 gobang A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust TaKO8Ki 3018
15 xplr A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer sayanarijit 4294
16 bevy A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust bevyengine 37974
17 aoc-cli Advent of Code command-line tool scarvalhojr 299
18 czkawka Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc. qarmin 22040
19 tree-sitter An incremental parsing system for programming tools tree-sitter 19593
20 eza A modern alternative to ls eza-community 14078
21 ruff An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. astral-sh 35854
22 trashy a cli system trash manager, alternative to rm and trash-cli oberblastmeister 406
23 wiki-tui A simple and easy to use Wikipedia Text User Interface Builditluc 458
24 ncspot Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust, inspired by ncmpc and the likes. hrkfdn 5260
25 cargo The Rust package manager rust-lang 13182
26 bob A version manager for neovim MordechaiHadad 1538
27 dust A more intuitive version of du in rust bootandy 9368
28 mprocs Run multiple commands in parallel pvolok 1627
29 zellij A terminal workspace with batteries included zellij-org 23095
30 gitui Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀 extrawurst 19124
31 macchina A system information frontend with an emphasis on performance. Macchina-CLI 1569
32 git-graph Command line tool to show clear git graphs arranged for your branching model mlange-42 602
33 nerdfix 🔣 nerdfix helps you to find/fix obsolete Nerd Font icons in your project loichyan 448
34 delta A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output dandavison 25362
35 sd Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative) chmln 6085
36 xh Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests ducaale 6105
37 coreutils Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils uutils 18355
38 selene A blazing-fast modern Lua linter written in Rust Kampfkarren 641
39 cbfmt A tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents. lukas-reineke 173
40 rustfmt Format Rust code rust-lang 6164
41 pop A project for managing all Pop!_OS sources pop-os 2510
42 paru Feature packed AUR helper Morganamilo 6517
43 eyedropper Pick and format colors FineFindus 278
44 helix A post-modern modal text editor. helix-editor 35887
45 nushell A new type of shell nushell 33895
46 krabby Print pokemon sprites in your terminal yannjor 158
47 zoxide A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells. ajeetdsouza 24938
48 StyLua A Lua code formatter JohnnyMorganz 1723
49 sniprun A neovim plugin to run lines/blocs of code (independently of the rest of the file), supporting multiples languages michaelb 1540
50 onefetch Command-line Git information tool o2sh 10739
51 wezterm A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust wezterm 19280
52 starship ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! starship 47065
53 rpg-cli Your filesystem as a dungeon! facundoolano 1559
54 fd A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' sharkdp 35602
55 bat A cat(1) clone with wings. sharkdp 51143
56 ripgrep ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore BurntSushi 50361
57 neovide No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust neovide 13581
58 lsd The next gen ls command lsd-rs 14003
59 alacritty A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. alacritty 57685
60 monolith ⬛️ CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file Y2Z 12822

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Obsidian--ITS-Theme Theme designed with readability and customizability in mind. Change it easily to your liking with the Style Settings plugin installed. SlRvb 606
2 sfz instruments website sfzinstruments 34
3 WhiteSur-gtk-theme MacOS like theme for all gtk based desktops vinceliuice 6312

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Name Description Author Stars
1 svg-spinners A collection of 24 x 24 dp SVG spinners! (CSS & SMIL) n3r4zzurr0 6381

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Name Description Author Stars
1 nvim-treesitter Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer nvim-treesitter 11398

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Name Description Author Stars
1 tmux-sensible basic tmux settings everyone can agree on tmux-plugins 1874
2 valheim-server-docker Valheim dedicated gameserver with automatic update, World backup, BepInEx and ValheimPlus mod support lloesche 2023
3 TOTK-Mods-collection Mod repo for Tears of The Kingdom (TOTK) for Switch and Switch Emulation hoverbike1 3074
4 zsh-defer Deferred execution of Zsh commands romkatv 372
5 jq-zsh-plugin jq zsh plugin reegnz 323
6 woodo Amusing bash script pieman72 2
7 bash and zsh key bindings for Git objects, powered by fzf junegunn 771
8 rofi A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus. adi1090x 7088
9 pandoc-latex-template A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. Wandmalfarbe 6389
10 ssg5 My custom script for a posix compliable static site generator built by Roman Zolotarev fmash16 72
11 fast-syntax-highlighting Feature-rich syntax highlighting for ZSH zdharma-continuum 1256
12 Let It Rain! lbgists 42
13 papirus-icon-theme Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux PapirusDevelopmentTeam 6899
14 Top-5-Bootloader-Themes Bash script to automatically change GRUB to listed themes ChrisTitusTech 180
15 grub2-themes Modern Design theme for Grub2 vinceliuice 3714
16 tdrop A Glorified WM-Independent Dropdown Creator noctuid 1172
17 vscode-langservers-extracted vscode-langservers bin collection. hrsh7th 634
18 zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh zsh-users 32254
19 clangd clangd language server clangd 1656
20 tmux-continuum Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on. tmux-plugins 3429
21 tpm Tmux Plugin Manager tmux-plugins 12689
22 stable-diffusion-webui-docker Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI AbdBarho 7005
23 zap ⚡ Zap is a minimal zsh plugin manager zap-zsh 1032
24 zsh-syntax-highlighting Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. zsh-users 20690
25 neofetch 🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ dylanaraps 22514
26 tmux-resurrect Persists tmux environment across system restarts. tmux-plugins 11624
27 tmux-power 🎨 Tmux powerline theme wfxr 586
28 tmux-fzf Use fzf to manage your tmux work environment! sainnhe 1053
29 zsh-vi-mode 💻 A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH. jeffreytse 3499
30 shell-mommy Mommy is here for you on the command line ~ ❤️ sudofox 434
31 distrobox Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at: 89luca89 10530
32 vim-dirtytalk spellcheck dictionary for programmers 📖 psliwka 151
33 zsh-shift-select Select text in Zsh command line using Shift, as in many text editors and GUI programs jirutka 130
34 Hack A typeface designed for source code source-foundry 16663
35 zsh-completions Additional completion definitions for Zsh. zsh-users 7145
36 sprites Repository containing many Pokémon sprites PokeAPI 1165
37 pokeshell A featureful shell program to show pokemon sprites in the terminal. acxz 142
38 action-gitea-mirror Simple Python Script To Auto Trigger Gitea Mirror Using Github Action varunsridharan 35
39 docker-minecraft-bedrock-server Containerized Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server with selectable version itzg 1277
40 awesome-zsh-plugins A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials. unixorn 15927
41 RetroPie-Setup Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores RetroPie 10120
42 pi-hole A black hole for Internet advertisements pi-hole 50267
43 fzf-tab Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf! Aloxaf 3608
44 Fallout3Terminal A recreation of the Fallout 3 terminal via a linux bash script! Requires cool-retro-term, sox and pv installed as packages. fohtla 264
45 GRUB-Theme GRUB Themes with the theme from the anime The Quintessential Quintuplets, Fate Series, Lycoris Recoil, VTuber, Game Doki Doki Literature Club, and Touhou Project 💻 ❤️ 13atm01 372
46 fallout-grub-theme Fallout GRUB theme shvchk 739
47 bash-preexec ⚡ preexec and precmd functions for Bash just like Zsh. rcaloras 909
48 PowerShell-Bash-Dual-Script-Templates Hold both bash and PowerShell code in a single script file and/or make a PowerShell.ps1 script executable on windows, *nix, linux, macOs chrisfcarroll 4
49 docker-minecraft-server Docker image that provides a Minecraft Server for Java Edition that automatically downloads selected version at startup itzg 10551
50 dynamic-wallpaper A simple bash script to set wallpapers according to current time, using cron job scheduler. adi1090x 1950
51 TheFrenchGhostys-Ultimate-YouTube-DL-Scripts-Collection The ultimate collection of scripts for YouTube-DL. TheFrenchGhosty 2368

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Name Description Author Stars
1 obsidian-projects Plain text project planning in Obsidian marcusolsson 1630

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Gifski 🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac sindresorhus 7915

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Name Description Author Stars
1 chatbox User-friendly Desktop Client App for AI Models/LLMs (GPT, Claude, Gemini, Ollama...) Bin-Huang 30992
2 bash-language-server A language server for Bash bash-lsp 2256
3 obsidian-auto-note-mover This is a plugin for Obsidian ( axelson 16
4 obsidian42-brat BRAT - Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for Obsidian. TfTHacker 704
5 obsidian-lsp LSP server for operating the note-taking system Obsidian gw31415 39
6 mermaid Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown mermaid-js 75799
7 yaml-language-server Language Server for YAML Files redhat-developer 1162
8 obsidian-languagetool-plugin languagetool plugin for obsidian Clemens-E 492
9 metadatamenu For data management enthusiasts : type and manage the metadata of your notes. mdelobelle 561
10 obsidian-plantuml Generate PlantUML Diagrams inside joethei 439
11 obsidian-wikipedia Grabs information from Wikipedia for a topic and brings it into Obsidian notes jmilldotdev 105
12 obsidian-style-settings A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian mgmeyers 1414
13 obsidian-plugin-prettier Format notes using prettier hipstersmoothie 91
14 advanced-tables-obsidian Improved table navigation, formatting, and manipulation in tgrosinger 2212
15 obsidian-advanced-uri Advanced modes for Obsidian URI Vinzent03 827
16 obsidian-completr Auto-completion plugin for the obsidian editor. tth05 336
17 media-extended enhanced media(video/audio) playback for PKM-er 675
18 quickadd QuickAdd for Obsidian chhoumann 1655
19 obsidian-tasks Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base. obsidian-tasks-group 2679
20 note-refactor-obsidian Allows for text selections to be copied (refactored) into new notes and notes to be split into other notes. lynchjames 554
21 obsidian-excalidraw-plugin A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian zsviczian 4674
22 obsidian-filename-heading-sync plugin to keep the filename and the first header of the file in sync dvcrn 179
23 obsidian-db-folder Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders RafaelGB 1293
24 obsidian-attachment-management Attachment Management of Obsidian trganda 204
25 obsidian-book-search-plugin Obsidian plugin that automatically creates notes by searching for books anpigon 511
26 obsidian-image-toolkit An Obsidian plugin for viewing an image. sissilab 325
27 Waypoint Obsidian plugin that gives you the power to generate dynamic MOCs in your folder notes. Enables folders to show up in the graph view and removes the need for messy tags! IdreesInc 602
28 obsidian-linter An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. platers 1341
29 obsidian-auto-note-mover This is a plugin for Obsidian ( farux 303
30 obsidian-importer Obsidian Importer lets you import notes from other apps and file formats into your Obsidian vault. obsidianmd 844
31 obsidian-iconize Simply add icons to anything you want in Obsidian. FlorianWoelki 1006
32 datacore Work-in-progress successor to Dataview with a focus on UX and speed. blacksmithgu 1638
33 obsidian-banners An Obsidian plugin that adds banners to your notes noatpad 683
34 obsidian-omnisearch A search engine that "just works" for Obsidian. Supports OCR and PDF indexing. scambier 1385
35 obsidian-vimrc-support A plugin for the note-taking software esm7 1179
36 Templater A template plugin for obsidian SilentVoid13 3574
37 feishin A modern self-hosted music player. jeffvli 3333
38 sonixd A full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player jeffvli 1866
39 vscode-front-matter Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more... estruyf 2124
40 json-formatter Makes JSON easy to read. callumlocke 3870
41 selene-action GitHub action for selene lua linter NTBBloodbath 6
42 desktop Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git. desktop 20186
43 refined-github :octocat: Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features refined-github 25785
44 pokemon-showdown Pokémon battle simulator. smogon 4904
45 vscode-better-folding VS Code extension to improve your folding experience mtbaqer 327
46 tech-interview-handbook 💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers yangshun 121904
47 vscode-which-key which-key like menu for Visual Studio Code VSpaceCode 187
48 firenvim Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others. glacambre 5448
49 obsidian-kanban Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian. mgmeyers 3416
50 Vim ⭐ Vim for Visual Studio Code VSCodeVim 14233
51 immich High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution. immich-app 58387
52 stylua-action GitHub action for StyLua JohnnyMorganz 58
53 Background The most advanced background image extension for VSCode KatsuteDev 94
54 portainer Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy. portainer 32018
55 vscode-python Python extension for Visual Studio Code microsoft 4375
56 prettier-vscode Visual Studio Code extension for Prettier prettier 5214
57 vscode-spell-checker A simple source code spell checker for code streetsidesoftware 1479
58 shader-toy Shadertoy-like live preview for GLSL shaders in Visual Studio Code stevensona 610
59 overseerr Request management and media discovery tool for the Plex ecosystem sct 4168
60 Vortex Vortex Development Nexus-Mods 966
61 gistpad VS Code extension for managing and sharing code snippets, notes and interactive samples using GitHub Gists lostintangent 962
62 codeswing VS Code extension for building web applications ("swings") using a interactive and editor-integrated coding environment lostintangent 979
63 org-roam-ui A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten org-roam 2035
64 foam A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode foambubble 15701
65 doki-theme-vscode Cute anime character themes for VS-Code. doki-theme 930
66 vscode Visual Studio Code microsoft 167453
67 coc.nvim Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers. neoclide 24687
68 obsidian-git Integrate Git version control with automatic commit-and-sync and other advanced features in Vinzent03 7367
69 Hybooru Hydrus-based booru-styled imageboard in React funmaker 110
70 blender_vscode Visual Studio Code extension for Blender development. JacquesLucke 598
71 vscode-powershell Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code PowerShell 1755
72 github-profile-trophy 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme ryo-ma 5548
73 obsidian-dataview A data index and query language over Markdown files, for blacksmithgu 7450
74 darkreader Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension darkreader 20244
75 vscode-notion Browse Notion pages right inside Visual Studio Code. frencojobs 329
76 MALSync Integrates MyAnimeList/AniList/Kitsu/Simkl into various sites, with auto episode tracking. MALSync 2355
77 autohotkey-plus AutoHotkey language support for Visual Studio Code cweijan 132
78 TraktRoller scrobbling integration for the Crunchyroll and Funimation websites sttz 21
79 iCUE-wallpaper-engine Backend for controlling Corsair's iCUE with a file, using Wallpaper Engine profezzional 9
80 code-server VS Code in the browser coder 69842
81 uBO-YouTube Easier way to exempt your favorite YouTube channels from adblocking. x0a 126

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Name Description Author Stars
1 v Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. vlang 36045

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Vim Script

Name Description Author Stars
1 vim-airline-themes A collection of themes for vim-airline vim-airline 2059
2 vim-dadbod dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim tpope 3889
3 vim-dadbod-ui Simple UI for kristijanhusak 1643
4 vim-dadbod-completion Database autocompletion powered by kristijanhusak 691
5 nvimgelion Evangelion but for Vimmers nyngwang 122
6 undotree The undo history visualizer for VIM mbbill 4059
7 vim-markdown-toc A vim 7.4+ plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files. mzlogin 618
8 indentLine A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines Yggdroot 4145
9 vim-sleuth sleuth.vim: Heuristically set buffer options tpope 1970
10 mkdx A vim plugin that adds some nice extra's for working with markdown documents SidOfc 485
11 vim The official Vim repository vim 37470
12 edge Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material sainnhe 935
13 lf-vim Vim syntax highlighting for the lf config. file (lfrc) andis-sprinkis 22
14 copilot.vim Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot github 9285
15 editorconfig-vim EditorConfig plugin for Vim editorconfig 3144
16 gruvbox Retro groove color scheme for Vim morhetz 14122
17 vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air vim-airline 17852
18 neoterm Wrapper of some vim/neovim's :terminal functions. kassio 1323
19 conflict-marker.vim Weapon to fight against conflicts in Vim. rhysd 514
20 fzf.vim fzf ❤️ vim junegunn 9784
21 vim-plug 🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager junegunn 34539
22 vim-fugitive fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal tpope 20365
23 vim-code-dark Dark color scheme for Vim and vim-airline, inspired by Dark+ in Visual Studio Code tomasiser 967
24 neovim Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability neovim 86253
25 nerdtree A tree explorer plugin for vim. preservim 19787

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Vim script

Name Description Author Stars
1 vim-vinegar vinegar.vim: Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing tpope 2266
2 vim-run-in-blender Execute python scripts in Blender without leaving Vim mipmip 33
3 vim-hardtime Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keys takac 835
4 scratch.vim Unobtrusive scratch window mtth 396

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Visual Basic .NET

Name Description Author Stars
1 display-drivers-uninstaller Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) a driver removal utility / cleaner utility Wagnard 575
2 TaskbarX Center Windows taskbar icons with a variety of animations and options. ChrisAnd1998 7849

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Name Description Author Stars
1 homer A very simple static homepage for your server. bastienwirtz 9714

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Name Description Author Stars
1 eMixedNiteMC Playnite theme based on eMixedNite MCC321-QC 30

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Project_Brutality This is the primary repository for collaborative efforts between Doom developers on Project Brutality. This is the bleeding-edge version that is constantly being developed on, and not meant in any way shape or form to be representative of the final version of the mod. pa1nki113r 1194

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Name Description Author Stars
1 scoop-search Fast scoop search drop-in replacement 🚀 shilangyu 301
2 zig General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. ziglang 37423

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Name Description Author Stars
1 shulker-preview Data+resource pack for viewing inside of shulker boxes in your inventory tryashtar 65

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📝 License

To the extent possible under law, daephx has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed



