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3513 lines (2916 loc) · 184 KB

File metadata and controls

3513 lines (2916 loc) · 184 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Released 2023-05-22


  • feat(metrics): add experimental otel metrics collector #2988
  • feat: allow setting otelcol image globally #3051
  • feat: add optional fips suffix for otelcol images #3056
  • feat(EKS Fargate): Add multiline support to EKS Fargate #3059
  • feat(metric): allow disabling remote write proxy access logs #3062


  • feat(pvc-cleaner): run pvcCleaner as non-root user #3055


  • fix: warn about release name length #3054

Released 2023-05-11


  • chore: add support for GKE 1.26 #3047
  • chore: add support for EKS 1.26 #3047


  • feat: use timestamp as message time if exists #3039
  • chore: upgrade otelcol to 0.76.1-sumo-0 #3041
  • chore: drop support for OpenShift 4.8 and 4.9 #3043
  • chore: drop support for GKE 1.22 #3043


  • fix(logs): systemd logs with otel and Fluent Bit #3042

Released 2023-05-05


  • fix: fix setting proxy in templates #3022

Released 2023-05-04


  • Added the otel cloudwatch statefulset logs collector (fargate) with documentation updates #2982


  • chore: add support for KOPS 1.26, EKS 1.25, AKS 1.26, OpenShift 4.12; remove support for GKE 1.21, EKS 1.21, AKS 1.23 #2969
  • chore: update setup image to 3.8.0 #3000
  • chore: upgrade opentelemetry-operator chart to 0.27.0 #3008


  • fix: fix logs pipeline if systemd is disabled #3001

Released 2023-04-14


  • chore: upgrade fluent-bit chart to 0.25.0 #2968
  • chore: upgrade nginx image to 1.23.3-alpine #2970
  • chore: upgrade tailing-sidecar to 0.7.0 #2971
  • feat: stop using sumologic kubernetes tools for pvc cleaner #2973, #2983


  • fix(otelllogs): fix disabling otellogs metrics collection #2958
  • fix(pvcCleaner): don't create resources when pvcCleaner is disabled #2962
  • fix(otellogs): configure imagePullSecrets for otellogs #2984

Released 2023-03-27


  • feat: Add extraPorts parameter to metadata.logs.statefulset #2924


  • chore(metrics): remove deprecated coredns and etcd metrics #2899
  • chore: upgrade otelcol to 0.73.0-sumo-1 #2927
  • chore: bump setup image to 3.7.0 #2950


  • fix(metrics): drop cadvisor container metrics without metadata #2918
  • fix(logs): reduce the queue size of the logs collector #2923
  • fix(cleanup): proxy env vars updated. fixes #2928 #2932
  • fix(metrics): drop apiserver request histograms #2952
  • fix(setup): do not create field which already exist #2953

Released 2023-03-01


  • feat(chart): add pvcCleaner #2796


  • chore(otoperator): update opentelemetry operator, add instrumentation customization #2894 Changed #2894 OpenTelemetry-Operator was updated to v0.24.0. New configuration flags were added:

    • Flags to control metrics/traces export from specific instrumentation in Instrumentation resource.
      • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.metrics.enabled
      • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.traces.enabled
      • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.metrics.enabled
      • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.traces.enabled
    • Flags to set CPU and Memory requests and limits for OpenTelemetry-Operator
      • opentelemetry-operator.manager.resources.limits.cpu
      • opentelemetry-operator.manager.resources.limits.memory
      • opentelemetry-operator.manager.resources.requests.cpu
      • opentelemetry-operator.manager.resources.requests.memory

    Warning > This action is required only if you have enabled opentelemetry-operator with opentelemetry-operator.enabled: true. Please delete the following resources before update of the chart:

    • opentelemetry-operator-validating-webhook-configuration (validatingwebhookconfiguration)
    • opentelemetry-operator-mutating-webhook-configuration (mutatingwebhookconfiguration)
    • opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service (service)
    • opentelemetry-operator-webhook-service (service)
    • opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager (deployment)
  • chore(metrics): remove deprecated apiserver metrics #2898


  • feat(servicemonitor): fix instrumentation scraping, add tests #2892
  • fix(busybox): use exact version of busybox img #2893
  • fix: collect the right kube-scheduler metrics #2896

Released 2023-02-16


  • feat: disable otel storage compaction on start #2870
  • chore: upgrade otelcol to 0.71.0-sumo-0 #2872
  • feat: use /tmp for otel storage compaction #2873
  • chore: bump setup image to 3.6.0 #2882


  • feat(instrumentation): scrape label added and updated #2875

Released 2023-02-13


  • fix(logs): fix container attribute #2863

    Fixes #2862 Logs from two different containers of one pod show up in Sumo as coming from one of the containers

  • fix(setup): fix error when creating fields #2866

    Fixes #2865 Setup job fails trying to create fields that already exist

Released 2023-02-09


  • chore: add support for EKS 1.24 #2831
  • chore: add support for GKE 1.24 #2832
  • chore: remove support for KOPS 1.21 #2848
  • chore: add support for KOPS 1.25 #2848
  • chore: add support for AKS 1.25 #2848
  • chore: add support for GKE 1.25 #2848
  • chore: add support for Openshift 4.11 #2848
  • feat(otelcol): add max size in batch processors #2839
  • chore: bump sumologic-kubernetes-setup image to 3.6.0 and kube-state-metrics image to 2.7.0 #2857

Released 2023-02-09


  • fix(logs): fix excluding logs by container, namespace, node, pod regex #2853

Released 2023-01-20

Migration from v2

See the migration guide for details.


  • feat(logs): allow setting daemonset labels and annotations #2811

Released 2023-01-19


  • feat(logs): add sumologic.logs.container.otelcol.extraProcessors #2790


  • feat(metrics): add sumologic.metrics.otelcol.extraProcessors #2724 #2780
  • feat: add otellogs.additionDaemonSets configuration #2750
  • chore: upgrade Fluentd to v1.15.3-sumo-0 #2745
    • This also upgrades Ruby from v2.7 to v3.1 and some other dependencies. See v1.15.3-sumo-0 for more.
  • feat: adjust average utilization for metadata autoscaling #2744
  • chore: upgrade otelcol to 0.69.0-sumo-0 #2755 #2791
  • chore: remove support for AKS 1.22 #2756
  • feat(logs): add daemonset and statefulset to default fields #2766
  • feat: collect metrics from otelcol event collector #2754
  • feat: add option to specify additionalEndpoints for metrics #2788
  • chore: upgrade kubernetes-setup to v3.5.0 #2785
  • feat(logs): parse JSON logs #2773
  • feat(logs): add format setting #2794
  • chore: remove support for EKS 1.20 #2807


  • fix(logs): remove unnecessary metadata #2761
  • fix(logs): make excludeHostRegex consistent between Otelcol and Fluentd #2771
    • The sumologic.logs.container.excludeHostRegex should filter on the Kubernetes node name, to be consistent with Fluentd and chart v2.
  • fix(logs): correctly handle newlines #2805
  • fix(logs): make built-in metadata consistent between fluentd and otel #2801

Released 2023-01-02


  • chore: upgrade Fluent Bit to v1.6.10-sumo-3 #2712
  • chore: upgrade otelcol to 0.66.0-sumo-0 #2686 #2687 #2692 #2693
  • feat(otellogs): read from end #2710
  • fix(openshift): changed allowed fsgroups in SecurityContextConstraints #2717
  • fix(openshift): set securityContexts for otelcol-logs-collector #2717
  • fix: obey proxy settings in otelcol #2719
  • feat(metrics): simplify custom application metrics #2716
  • chore: downgrade kube-prometheus-stack to 40.5.0 #2723

Released 2022-12-02

If you use custom configuration for Telegraf Operator Helm Chart with cert-manager enabled (telegraf-operator.certManager.enable=true) please note that in this release Telegraf Operator Helm Chart is changed to 1.3.10 which uses the cert-manager apiVersion, previous apiVersion was deprecated in cert-manager 1.4 and removed in cert-manager 1.6, for differences between Telegraf Operator Helm Chart 1.3.5 and Telegraf Operator Helm Chart 1.3.10 please see this.

Breaking Changes

  • fix(logs): prevent Fluent Bit from doing metadata enrichment #2512
  • chore(kube-prometheus-stack): update kube-prometheus-stack chart to 42.1.0 #2446 #2651
  • feat(metrics)!: disable Thanos by default #2514
  • fix(fluentd): Removing PodSecurityPolicy for fluentd #2605
  • feat!: refactor event collection configuration #2444
  • fix(logs): configure fluentbit to send data to metadata-logs #2610
  • feat(logs): Changing the default logs metadata provider to otel #2621
  • chore!: remove replacing values in configuration marked by 'replace' suffix #2615
  • feat(metrics): service name change and switching the metrics provider default to otelcol #2627
  • feat(logs)!: simplify metadata configuration #2626
  • feat(metrics)!: simplify metadata configuration #2622
  • feat(events)!: add config.merge option #2643
  • feat(terraform)!: expect load_config_file to be not set #2648
  • feat(otellogs)!: add config.merge option #2652
  • chore!: upgrade falco to 2.4.2 #2659
  • chore!: move parameters from fluentd.logs.containers to sumologic.logs.container #2635
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.sourceHost to sumologic.logs.container.sourceHost
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.sourceName to sumologic.logs.container.sourceName
    • move fluentd.logs.contianers.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategory
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • move fluentd.logs.contianers.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.container.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.excludeContainerRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeContainerRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeHostRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.excludeNamespaceRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludeNamespaceRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.excludePodRegex to sumologic.logs.container.excludePodRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.sourceHost to sumologic.logs.container.sourceHost
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.perContainerAnnotationsEnabled to sumologic.logs.container.perContainerAnnotationsEnabled
    • move fluentd.logs.containers.perContainerAnnotationPrefixes to sumologic.logs.container.perContainerAnnotationPrefixes
  • chore!: move parameters from fluentd.logs.kubelet to sumologic.logs.kubelet #2635
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceName to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceName
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategory
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.kubelet.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeFacilityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeHostRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludePriorityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.kubelet.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.kubelet.excludeUnitRegex
  • chore!: move parameters from fluentd.logs.systemd to sumologic.logs.systemd #2635
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceName to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceName
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategory
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.systemd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeFacilityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeHostRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludePriorityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.systemd.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.systemd.excludeUnitRegex
  • chore!: move parameters from fluentd.logs.default to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd #2635
    • move fluentd.logs.default.sourceName to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceName
    • move fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategory to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategory
    • move fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategoryPrefix to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategoryPrefix
    • move fluentd.logs.default.sourceCategoryReplaceDash to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.sourceCategoryReplaceDash
    • move fluentd.logs.default.excludeFacilityRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeFacilityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.default.excludeHostRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeHostRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.default.excludePriorityRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludePriorityRegex
    • move fluentd.logs.default.excludeUnitRegex to sumologic.logs.defaultFluentd.excludeUnitRegex
  • chore!: upgrade metrics-server to v6.2.4 #2660 #2664
  • chore!: upgrade tailing-sidecar-operator to v0.5.5 #2661
  • feat(logs)!: switch from Fluent Bit to Otelcol as default logs collector #2639
  • feat(events)!: switch from Fluentd to Otelcol as default events collector #2640
  • feat!: change instrumentation related k8s objects #2647
    • move parameters from otelagent.* to otelcolInstrumentation.*
    • move parameters from otelgateway.* to tracesGateway.*
    • move parameters from otelcol.* to tracesSampler.*
  • feat: enable metrics and traces collection from instrumentation by default #2154
    • change parameter sumologic.traces.enabled default value from false to true


  • feat: enable remote write proxy by default #2483
  • chore: update kubernetes-tools to 2.13.0 #2515
  • feat(metadata): upgrade otelcol to v0.57.2-sumo-1 #2526
  • docs: update documentation around additionalRemoteWrite for kube-prometheus-stack #2549
  • chore(opentelemetry-operator): upgrade opentelemetry-operator subchart to 0.13.0 #2561
  • chore: remove support for GKE 1.20 #2578
  • chore: remove support for EKS 1.19 #2587
  • chore: remove support for kOps 1.20 #2591
  • chore(fluent-bit): update Fluent Bit Helm Chart to 0.21.3 [#2650]
  • chore(telegraf-operator): update Telegraf Operator Helm Chart to 1.3.10 #2597
  • feat(chart): restrict permissions for setup and cleanup jobs #2599
  • feat: add parameter to configure additional Prometheus remote writes #2611
  • docs: rename user-provided config from values.yaml to user-values.yaml #2619
  • feat: update opentelemetry-operator chart and fix progagators list in instrumentation resource #2628
  • feat: upgrade node-exporter to v1.4.0 #2649
  • feat: drop migration script for v1 #2654


  • fix: default.metrics source is not imported when metrics are disabled and traces are enabled #2547
  • fix(cleanup): fix cleanup job #2600
  • fix(setup): add permission to modify secrets #2653

Released 2022-12-29


  • chore: upgrade Fluent Bit to v1.6.10-sumo-3 #2730


  • The repository for the metrics-server dependency was updated #2730

Released 2022-11-24

If you use custom configuration for Telegraf Operator Helm Chart with cert-manager enabled (telegraf-operator.certManager.enable=true) please note that in this release Telegraf Operator Helm Chart is changed to 1.3.10 which uses the cert-manager apiVersion, previous apiVersion was deprecated in cert-manager 1.4 and removed in cert-manager 1.6, for differences between Telegraf Operator Helm Chart 1.3.5 and Telegraf Operator Helm Chart 1.3.10 please see this.


  • chore: remove support for OpenShift 4.6 and OpenShift 4.7 #2592
  • chore: remove support for EKS 1.19 #2592
  • chore: remove support for kOps 1.20 #2592
  • chore(fluent-bit): update Fluent Bit Helm Chart to 0.20.9 #2596
  • chore(telegraf-operator): update Telegraf Operator Helm Chart to 1.3.10 #2598
  • feat: update opentelemetry-operator chart and fix progagators list in instrumentation resource #2630

Released 2022-10-21


  • fix(setup):allow credentials to not be set if setup is disabled #2572

Released 2022-10-20

See Upgrading from v2.17 to v2.18.

This release updates Opentelemetry Operator and disables by default creation of Instrumentation resource. opentelemetry-operator.manager.env.WATCH_NAMESPACE has no longer effect on creation of Instrumentation resource. To create Instrumentation resource it is required to set opentelemetry-operator.createDefaultInstrumentation to true and opentelemetry-operator.instrumentationNamespaces to comma separated list of namespaces where Instrumentation resource will be created e.g. "ns1\,ns2". This change affects you only if you have enabled opentelemetry-operator and traces with opentelemetry-operator.enabled: true and sumologic.traces.enabled: true.


  • chore: upgrade nginx to 1.23.1 #2544
  • chore: remove support for GKE 1.20 #2579
  • chore(opentelemetry-operator): upgrade opentelemetry-operator subchart to 0.13.0 #2577 (Upgrade guide)


  • fix(openshift): fix remote write proxy - use unprivileged NGINX #2510

Released 2022-09-15


  • feat(metadata): upgrade otelcol to v0.57.2-sumo-1 #2527

Released 2022-09-13


  • feat: add dot suffix to internal dns addresses #2504
  • chore(tailing-sidecar-operator): upgrade to 0.3.4 #2519
  • feat: make creation of default Instrumentation object for opentelemetry operator configurable #2517

Released 2022-09-02


  • feat: refactor OT log collector configuration #2436
  • feat: store Sumo credentials for the setup Job in a Secret #2466
  • feat: enable compaction for OT storage #2486


  • chore: upgrade sumologic terraform provider to 2.18 #2399
  • chore: update kubernetes-tools to 2.12.0 #2472
  • chore: upgrade kubernetes-setup to v3.4.0 #2485
  • feat(otelcol/metrics/logs): adjust metric otelcol configuration #2474, #2479
  • chore: upgrade otelcol for metadata and events to 0.56.0-sumo-0 #2487

Released 2022-08-01


  • chore: update Tailing Sidecar Operator subchart to 0.3.3 #2460

Released 2022-07-29

This release changes the OpenTelemetry Collector Traces exporters configuration for otelagent component. Collecting metrics and logs from OpenTelemetry Collector Traces is added. This change affects you only if you have enabled traces with sumologic.traces.enabled: true.


  • feat: update fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-5 #2454
  • fix(tracing): loadbalancing improvements, fix metrics collection #2457

Released 2022-07-25


  • chore: add OpenShift 4.9 to supported platforms #2441
  • feat(openshift): add projected volumes to SecurityContextConstraints #2443
  • chore: add OpenShift 4.10 to supported platforms #2449

Released 2022-07-15


  • feat(otellogs): add additional volumes and env configs #2410
  • feat(otellogs/systemd): add support for systemd logs to otellogs #2364
  • feat(priorityclass): add priority class for logs and traces daemonsets #2433
  • feat(tracing): add pprof extension to the collectors #2434


  • feat(metadata): upgrade otelcol to v0.54.0-sumo-0 #2422
  • feat(setup): add tolerations and affinity to setup job #2428

Released 2022-07-06

This release changes the OpenTelemetry Collector Traces service endpoint CHART_NAME-sumologic-otelcol.NAMESPACE to deprecated. Service will still work and point to CHART_NAME-sumologic-otelagent.NAMESPACE. This change affects you only if you have enabled traces with sumologic.traces.enabled: true.


  • feat(metrics): add service metrics #2367
  • feat(events): add experimental OT event collection #2379, #2407


  • fix(metrics): remove outdated API calls #2372
  • fix(ot-operator): shorter labels values #2374
  • chore: update fluent-bit chart to 0.20.2 #2375
  • chore: update falco chart to 1.18.6 #2376
  • chore: update telegraf-operator chart to 1.3.5 #2387
  • feat: update otellogs to 0.52.0-sumo-0 #2338
  • chore: upgrade kubernetes terraform provider to 2.4 #2397
  • feat(otellogs): set fingerprint_size to 17k to include timestamp for docker driver #2325
  • chore(tracing): move k8s_tagger to otelagent #2390
  • chore(otel-collector): update to latest release 0.54.0 #2405

Released 2022-06-09

This release changes the OpenTelemetry Collector binary used for traces collection (#2334). This change affects you only if you have enabled traces with sumologic.traces.enabled: true AND you have customized the configuration in the otelcol.config.processors.source property. If you have modified these properties, make sure to compare the new configuration with the old configuration and apply corresponding changes to your config.


  • feat(opentelemetry-operator): add opentelemetry-operator for tracing #2172
  • feat(notes): add information about tracing receiver endpoints #2209


  • chore(traces): switch OTC fork to OTel Distro #2334
  • chore: add support for Kops 1.23 #2361
  • fix(logs/metadata): fix logs metadata for systemd #2363

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2336

Released 2022-06-01


  • feat(metrics): add imagePullSecrets to remote-write-proxy #2316


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287
  • chore: remove support for EKS with Kubernetes 1.18 #2312
  • chore: remove support for Kops with Kubernetes 1.18 #2313
  • chore: add support for GKE with Kubernetes 1.22 #2314
  • chore: remove support for AKS with Kubernetes 1.19 & 1.20 #2315
  • chore: add support for EKS with Kuberentes 1.22 #2321
  • docs: update tested helm version to 3.8.2 #2317
  • docs: update tested kubectl version to 1.23.6 #2317
  • chore: change minimum required version of helm to 3.5+ #2317
  • chore: add support for AKS with Kuberentes 1.23 #2324


  • fix: set cluster field in metadata pipelines #2284
  • fix(otellogs): set resources on Otelcol logs collector daemonset #2291
  • fix(events): fix setting source category #2318

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2339

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287


  • fix(otellogs): set resources on Otelcol logs collector daemonset #2291

Released 2022-05-10


  • feat(fluentd): expose extra configuration for fluentd output plugin #2244
  • feat(monitors): the Sumo Logic monitors installation as part of the setup job #2250, #2274
  • feat(dashboards): the Sumo Logic dashboards installation as part of the setup job #2268


  • fix: use custom ServiceMonitor for Prometheus' own metrics #2238
  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-2 #2245
  • feat(otellogs): upgrade to 0.49.0-sumo-0 #2246
  • feat(metadata/otc): upgrade to v0.50.0-sumo-0 #2251
  • chore: update Thanos to v0.25.2 #2272


  • fix: set source name and category in the FluentD output for events #2222
  • fix: proper handling of empty sumologic.endpoint in the setup script #2240
  • docs: FluentD buffer size configuration #2232
  • fix(templates): fix templates indentation #2276

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2340

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

Released 2022-04-29


Released 2022-04-11


  • feat: add pprof extension for otelcol #2173
  • feat(tracing): traces load balancing gateway #2137
  • feat: selectively disable cache for metadata enrichment calls #2190
  • feat(otelcol): introduce default initialDelaySeconds #2200
  • feat(otelcol): add startupProbe config option #2201
  • feat: add topologySpreadContraints config option to logs and metrics metadata providers #2211


  • feat(tracing): change otlp http receiver default port to 4318 #2170
  • chore(deps): bump prometheus node exporter tag to 2.3.1 #2177
  • chore: upgrade Fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-1 #2230
  • chore: upgrade Falco Helm Chart to 1.17.4 #2197
  • chore: bump sumo ot distro to 0.47.0-sumo-0 #2220
  • feat: remove the experimental flag for otelcol as a metadata provider #2221


  • fix(helm): always create default metrics source if traces are enabled #2182

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2342

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

Released 2022-03-03


  • feat: add otelcol's liveness and readiness probes configuration #2105
  • docs: add fluentd buffers vs DPM calculations info for metrics #2128
  • feat(otelcol/metrics): adjust metric otelcol configuration #2134
  • feat: added remote write configs for couchbase #2113
  • feat: added remote write configs for squidproxy #2143


  • fix: increase OTC liveness timeout and period #2165
  • chore: bump sumo ot distro to 0.0.50-beta.0 #2127
  • feat(metrics): drop container label for non-container kube state metrics #2144
  • feat(fluent-bit): drop all capabilities for container #2151
  • feat: allow to collect logs from /var/log/pods and add instruction how to do it #2153 #2156
  • feat(otellogs): support tolerations, nodeSelector and affinity for daemonset #2158
  • feat(otellogs): add multipart merge configuration for docker and cri #2162
  • chore(otellogs): increase send_batch_size to 10240 #2161
  • chore(fluent-bit): update to 0.14.1 #2155
  • chore: remove support for OpenShift 4.6 and OpenShift 4.7 #2586


Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2343

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

Released 2022-02-17



  • fix: make metadata StatefulSets scale above 0.5 average CPU usage #2114
  • fix(metrics): add missing telegraf (otelcol) endpoints #2100

Released 2022-02-07


  • fix: invalid checksum source for remote write proxy deployment #2091

Released 2022-02-07


  • feat: add proxy for Prometheus remote write #2065
  • feat: add CRI support to experimental otelcol log collector#2017
  • docs(readme): add support for AKS 1.22 #2075
  • docs(readme): add support for KOPS 1.22 #2080
  • feat: add fluentd.apiServerUrl property #2077
  • feat(otelcol/metrics): do not add host to metrics #2085


  • chore: upgrade Fluentd to 1.14.4-sumo-1 #2057
  • chore: update the Telegraf image to 1.21.2 #2036
  • chore(deps): bump Sumo OT distro to 0.0.48-beta.0 #2056
  • chore: update Tailing Sidecar to 0.3.2 #2073
  • chore: bump setup image to 3.2.2 #2083


  • fix: disable the metadata pipeline for OTC log collector by default #2084
  • fix: fix scheduler metrics remote write and relabel regex #2058

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2344

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

Released 2022-02-02


  • [Backport release-v2.4] chore: update Telegraf to 1.21.2 #2052
  • [Backport release-v2.4] chore: bump sumologic terraform provider to v2.11.5 #2066
  • chore: bump setup image to 3.2.1 #2064

Released 2022-01-25


  • feat: export scheduler_framework_extension_point_duration metrics #2033
  • docs: claim official ARM support #2024
  • feat: add batching to experimental otelcol log collector #2018
  • feat: add experimental otelcol log collector #1986
  • feat: add option to disable pod owners enrichment #1959


  • chore: update setup image to 3.2.0 #2020
  • chore: update kubernetes-tools to 2.9.0 #2013
  • chore: bump Thanos image to our build of v0.23.1 #1973
  • Introduced option to add cache refresh delay for metadata enrichment calls #1974
  • chore(deps): bump Sumo OT distro to 0.0.47-beta.0 #2035


  • fix(helm): add job and cronjob to clusterrole's permission set #1983
  • fix(helm): add metrics port to otelcol pods #1992

Released 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2345

Released 2022-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

Released 2021-12-21


  • fix(helm): add job and cronjob to clusterrole's permission set #1994

v2.3.1 - 2021-12-14


  • Fix otelcol agent template #1975

v2.3.0 - 2021-12-8


  • feat(helm): add fluentd init containers #1928
  • Add support for GKE 1.21 #1907
  • feat: add affinity to fluentd events statefulset #1895
  • feat(helm): add PodDisruptionBudget api version helm chart helpers #1865 #1943
  • feat: add option to disable service enrichment #1936


  • Update fluentd to 1.12.2-sumo-10 #1927

  • Update dependencies for ARM support #1919

    • Update kube-state-metrics to 1.9.8
    • Update kubernetes-setup to 3.1.1
    • Update kuberenetes-tools to 2.6.0
    • Update telegraf-operator subchart to 1.3.3
  • Bump Sumo OT distro to 0.0.42-beta.0 #1921

  • chore(deps): bump falco subchart to 1.16.2 #1917

  • Remove support for EKS 1.17, GKE 1.18 and 1.19 #1906

  • fix: fix Fluentd to support Kubernetes 1.22 #1892

  • Update OpenTelemetry Collector version to v0.38.1-sumo #1893

    • Move insecure parameter to separate configuration variable
    • Fix OTLP/HTTP metadata tagging
    • Update Cascading Filter processor to a new version which adds new features such filtering by number of errors and switches to a new, easier to use config format
    • Change the default number of traces for Cascading Filter to 200000


  • Reduced the number of API server calls from the metrics metadata enrichment plugin by a significant amount #1927

v2.2.2 - 2022-06-02


  • chore: update metrics-server to 5.11.9 #2346

v2.2.1 - 2021-05-26


  • chore(deps): upgrade fluentd to 1.14.6-sumo-3 #2287

v2.2.0 - 2021-11-17


  • Add support otelcol for metrics pipeline #1702

  • Add otelcol as alternative logs metadata provider #1697

    Adds new values.yaml property sumologic.logs.metadata.provider and associated configuration properties to replace Fluentd with Sumo Logic Distro of OpenTelemetry Collector for logs metadata enrichment.

  • otelcol: add systemd logs pipeline #1767

    • This change introduces logs metadata enrichment with Sumo Open Telemetry distro for systemd logs (when sumologic.logs.metadata.provider is set to otelcol)

      One notable change comparing the new behavior to fluentd metadata enrichment is that setting source name in sourceprocessor configuration is respected i.e. whatever is set in otelcol.metadata.logs.config.processors.source/systemd.source_name will be set as source name for systemd logs.

      The old behavior is being retained i.e. extracting the source name from fluent.tag using attributes/extract_systemd_source_name_from_fluent_tag processor. For instance, for fluent.tag=host.docker.service, source name will be set to docker.

      In order to set the source name to something else please change otelcol.metadata.logs.config.processors.source/systemd:.source_name configuration value.

  • feat(otelcol/logs/kubelet): add kubelet logs pipeline #1772

  • Enable custom labels for events, metrics and logs services #1550

  • Add remote write configs for Kafka Metrics #1554

  • Add remote write configs for MySQL telegraf metrics #1561

  • Add remote write configs for PostgreSQL metrics #1577

  • Add remoteWrite section for Apache Telegraf metrics collection #1598

  • Add regex for Nginx Plus metrics #1620

  • Add Nginx Plus to Prometheus remote write #1656

  • Add remote write configs for SQLserver Metrics #1749

  • Add remote write configs for Haproxy Metrics #1748

  • Add remote write configs for Cassandra Metrics #1747

  • Add remote write configs for MongoDB Metrics #1746

  • Add remote write configs for RabbitMQ Metrics #1734

  • Add remote write configs for Tomcat Metrics #1733

  • Add remote write configs for Varnish metrics #1779

  • Add remote write for Memcached #1780

  • Add remote write configs for ActiveMQ Metrics #1833


  • Update falco subchart to 1.11.1 #1618

  • feat: ingest stacktraces from fluentd #1585

  • feat: forward kube_hpa_status_condition metric #1632

  • refactor(prometheus): unify application metrics urls #1631

  • refactor(helm): add helper function to add quotes to annotation_match #1655

    quote function is not use as it automatically adds '' before special characters

    Change default value of fluentd.metadata.annotation_match to ['sumologic\.com.*']

  • feat(deploy/otc): ensure backward compatibility for tpl change #1721

  • fix(setup): hide custom-configmap if setup is disabled #1804

  • fix: don't include fluentd.logs.containers.excludeNamespaceRegex in ns exclusion regex when collectionMonitoring is disabled #1852

  • fix: use fluentd.excludeNamespaces helm template, also for tracing config #1857

  • Limited k8s scrape #1861

v2.1.7 - 2021-11-15


  • feat: add remote write config for Elasticsearch metrics #1819
  • fix(deps): upgrade Fluentd to 1.12.2-sumo-6 #1868
  • feat: Add fullnameOverride chart parameter #1871

v2.1.6 - 2021-09-28


  • Fixing regex for Istio logs, splitting istio logs #1781
  • docs: improve documentation for installation on OpenShift
  • chore: bump telegraf operator subchart to 1.2.0 #1723
  • feat(helm): add sumologic.serviceAccount.annotations so custom annotation cen be added #1716

v2.1.5 - 2021-07-21


  • fix(deps): Upgrade Fluentd from v1.12.2-sumo-0 to v1.12.2-sumo-2 #1693

v2.1.4 - 2021-07-12


  • feat: add nginx plus to prometheus remote write (#1656) #1685

v2.1.3 - 2021-07-12


  • [Backport release-v2.1] fix: fix fluent-bit's imageSecrets comment #1649
  • [Backport release-v2.1] chore: upgrade Tailing Sidecar Operator to v0.3.1 #1682

v2.1.2 - 2021-06-02


  • [Backport release-v2.1] fix documentation for gzip compression issue #1594
  • Labeling statefulset pvcs (#1597) #1602
  • [Backport release-v2.1] Add application_rules.yaml to falco.rulesFile #1617
  • SUMO-165923 Updating the versions of kubernetes clusters (#1610) #1619
  • [Backport release-v2.1] Fix additionalLabels in collection-fluent-bit #1630

v1.3.8 - 2021-04-29


  • update terraform to 0.13.7 #1592

v1.3.7 - 2021-04-22


  • Specify 1.3 release when installing with helm #1504
  • fix: Fix duplicated service names in metrics metadata #1570
  • release: Prepare v1.3.7-rc.0 #1575
  • release: Prepare v1.3.7 #1584

v2.1.1 - 2021-04-19


  • fix: Remove Helm warning for tolerations #1536
  • Upgrade metrics server subchart to 5.8.2 #1538
  • chore: Upgrade Fluentd from 1.12.1-sumo-0 to 1.12.1-sumo-1 #1539
  • Add troubleshooting section for the stuck PVCs #1541
  • Add chart properties for per-container annotations #1540
  • chore: Upgrade Fluent Bit and Metrics Server subcharts #1543
  • chore: upgrade metrics server to 5.8.4 #1545
  • [Backport release-v2.1] chore: Upgrade Fluentd from v1.12.1-sumo-2 to v1.12.2-sumo-0 #1568
  • [Backport release-v2.1] Downgrade fluent-bit to 1.6.10 #1564

v2.0.6 - 2021-03-31


  • [Backport release-v2.0] Add troubleshooting section about not running Prometheus pod #1517
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Check API errors when getting fields quota in setup job #1525
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Use only 10 SHA characters for dev builds instead of 40 #1527

v2.1.0 - 2021-03-30


  • Bump fluentd image to 1.12.0 #1351
  • Add gzip troubleshooting to v2 upgrade doc #1350
  • Bump sumologic terraform provider to 2.6 and relax kubernetes provider version constraints #1353
  • Add configuration for VS Code's Markdownlint extension #1352
  • Add support for Falco on OpenShift 4.6 #1354
  • Fix information about falco on GKE #1360
  • Fix ECR image repository name after migration for agent #1363
  • Use 40 SHA chars in dev helm chart versions #1374
  • Bump setup job's to work with terraform 0.13 #1385
  • Bump setup image to 2.0.1 #1387
  • Add extensibility points in values.yaml for Fluentd plugins for logs #1359
  • Bump fluentd from 1.12.0-sumo-0-rc.0 to 1.12.0-sumo-1-rc.0 #1400
  • Upgrade fluent-bit to 1.6.10 #1406
  • Switch to OTC v0.19.2-sumo #1394
  • Enable otlphttp exporter in tracing collection #1415
  • Upgrade Fluentd from 1.12.0-sumo-1.rc0 to rc.1 #1427
  • Remove traces from Terraform docs mentioned twice #1419
  • Upgrade otelagent version from 0.16.2-sumo to 0.19.2-sumo #1430
  • Upgrade Fluentd to 1.12.0-sumo-1 #1433
  • Add performance troubleshooting (fluent-bit mem buf limit) #1428
  • Allow setting securityContext per container in fluentd statefulsets #1439
  • Use the ECR repository for dependencies: Fluent Bit, Telegraf and Falco #1442
  • The v2 migration script fix - migrate Fluent Bit image key instead of deleting it #1444
  • Fix #1453, remove build-setup from Makefile and README #1454
  • Add logs-keeper to vagrant #1438
  • Change backport bot token #1471
  • Make pdb definitions and usage consistent #1469
  • Fix v2.0.0 migration script not migrating remoteTimeout #1467
  • Backport bot use github app #1476
  • Bump metrics-server to 5.5.0 #1474
  • Refine requirements for sumologic-terraform-provider to ~> 2.8.0 #1479
  • Bump setup image to 3.0.0 #1481
  • Exclude replicas from Fluentd statefulsets when autoscaled #1484
  • vagrant: add k9s to the Vagrant box #1486
  • vagrant: add script to get kubeconfig for vagrant cluster #1487
  • vagrant: get-kubeconfig: add verbose for moving old config #1488
  • Upgrade Fluentd image to 1.12.0-sumo-2 #1493
  • events: add overrideOutputConf property #1497
  • Fix match fluent.** deprecation warning #1498
  • feat: Add source category prefix annotation #1501
  • fluent-bit: disable keepalive #1495
  • Add Tailing Sidecar Operator as Helm Chart dependency #1507
  • Bump fluentd image to 1.12.0-sumo-4 #1510
  • Bump fluentd image to v1.12.1-sumo-0-rc.1 #1516
  • fix: Fix Fluentd image name #1520
  • Check API errors when getting fields quota in setup job #1524
  • Use only 10 SHA characters for dev builds instead of 40 #1526
  • Upgrade subcharts #1530
  • Upgrade subcharts #1531
  • Bump OTC, add compression, use OTLPHTTP exporter #1490
  • Upgrade Fluentd to 1.12.1-sumo-0 #1533

v2.0.5 - 2021-03-23


  • Upgrade Fluentd image to 1.12.0-sumo-2.1 #1511

v2.0.4 - 2021-03-19


  • [Backport release-v2.0] Change backport bot token #1472
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Make pdb definitions and usage consistent #1473
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Backport bot use github app #1477
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Fix v2.0.0 migration script not migrating remoteTimeout #1475
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Exclude replicas from Fluentd statefulsets when autoscaled #1485
  • prepare-v2.0.4-rc.0 #1489
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Upgrade Fluentd image to 1.12.0-sumo-2 #1494

v2.0.3 - 2021-02-23


  • [Backport release-v2.0] Allow setting securityContext per container in Fluentd statefulsets #1443
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Use the ECR repository for dependencies: Fluent Bit, Telegraf and Falco #1446
  • [Backport release-v2.0] The v2 migration script fix - migrate Fluent Bit image key instead of deleting it #1447
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Fix #1453, remove build-setup from Makefile and README #1455

v2.0.2 - 2021-02-16


  • [Backport release-v2.0] Use 40 SHA chars in dev helm chart versions #1377
  • Upgrade fluent-bit to 1.6.10 #1405
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Add deprecation date to the v1.3 release #1408
  • Switch to OTC v0.19.2-sumo #1413
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Upgrade otelagent version from 0.16.2-sumo to 0.19.2-sumo #1431
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Enable otlphttp exporter in tracing collection #1425
  • Upgrade Fluentd to 1.12.0-sumo-1 #1434

v1.3.6 - 2021-02-11


  • Add priorityClassName to events statefulset (#1006 backport) #1009
  • Bump telegraf-operator to 1.1.6 (official 1.1.5 with helm2 support)(#1008 Backport) #1010
  • add step for overriding node-exporter port in OpenShift #990
  • Override Fluent Bit image to 1.6.0 for Helm chart version 1.3 #1019
  • Otc v0.12 on v1.3 #1013
  • Use new Helm stable repo URL for Fluent Bit #1079
  • Use new Helm stable repo URL for metrics-server #1081
  • Add OTLP HTTP port to the OpenTelemetry Collector #1088
  • Adds Kubernetes App update info after successful migration (backport of #856) #1098
  • Fix for chart documentation spelling of Fluent Bit and Kube Prometheus Stack #1144
  • Add tracing to the helm chart description (backport of #1153) #1154
  • Drop kubelet/systemd logs if they are disabled #1166
  • Migrate off of the Docker Hub images into GitHub packages #1168
  • Add pushing images to for release builds #1217
  • Add travis for overrides #1221
  • Replace with public AWS ECR #1223
  • Backport Bundle kubernetes_metadata plugin with fix for Fluentd pod restarts #1193
  • Use sumologic alias for ECR #1241
  • Bump Helm 2 from 2.16.11 to 2.17.0 in CI [#1262]
  • Prevent access to uninitialized variable #1261
  • Add changes required for OpenShift support #1267
  • Use minimal scc permissions #1272
  • Do not attach empty 'node' metadata #1268
  • Add ECR push to 1.3 branch #1275
  • Upgrade Falco dependency to 1.5.7 #1278
  • Upgrade Fluentd from 1.11.1 to 1.11.5 [#1284]
  • Fix upgrade-script for logs migrations for v1.0 #1296
  • Add prom oper compatibility note to docs #1321
  • Update supported k8s versions for the v1.3: add AKS and EKS 1.18, rem… #1324
  • Upgrade the subcharts versions #1331
  • Fix #1322, update information about changing Fluentd persistence #1330
  • Add OpenShift 3.11 support info #1366
  • [Backport of #1354] Add support for falco on OpenShift with missing kernel-devel package #1369
  • Upgrade terraform sumologic provider in release v1.3 #1378
  • Use 40 SHA chars in dev helm chart versions on release-1.3 branch #1376
  • [Backport] Fix information about falco on GKE #1386
  • Make connections to k8s API server persistent #1390
  • Bump fluent-bit to 1.6.10 #1404
  • Add deprecation date to the v1.3 release #1409

v2.0.1 - 2021-01-22


  • Add new prometheus CRDs to vagrant makefile when removing them from cluster #1335
  • Pin setup image to alpine:3.12 #1339
  • Fix fluent-bit extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts migration for v2 #1342
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Bump kubernetes-tools to 2.3.1 in v2 migration doc #1347
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Add gzip troubleshooting to v2 upgrade doc #1357
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Add support for falco on OpenShift 4.6 #1358
  • [Backport release-v2.0] Fix ECR image repository name after migration for agent #1364
  • Don't build setup image #1367

v2.0.0 - 2021-01-14


  • Add check for vagrant disksize plugin in Vagrantfile #996
  • Allow HostsPorts for openshift (required for node-exporter) #997
  • Extract unit tests from and run as separate build stage #974
  • Upgrade fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter from 2.4.1 to 2.5.2 #998
  • Add known k8s api callers to vagrant values.yaml and upgrade falco chart to 1.5.0 #1003
  • exclude fluentd warning message #1004
  • Add priorityClassName to events statefulset #1006
  • Bump fluentd and enable gzip compression by default #1001
  • Bump telegraf-operator to 1.1.6 (official 1.1.5 + helm2 support) #1008
  • Add information how to setup metrics-server in kops clusters #1011
  • Bump sumologic-terraform-provider to 2.3.3 #1018
  • move metrics server chart repo #890
  • Fix vagrant values.yaml and add limits for prometheus #1024
  • fix typo in helm installation command #1028
  • Add custom terraform and bash script to the setup #1020
  • Add possibility to disable metrics coming from OTC #994
  • Always create custom setup configmap #1032
  • Add jq and kubelet webhook authorization to vagrant #1026
  • Add perf test script using avalanche #1025
  • Override Fluent Bit image to fluent/fluent-bit:1.6.0 #1017
  • Change default Fluent Bit config: use Docker_Mode #1035
  • Bump Vagrant VM to Ubuntu 20.04 #1031
  • Enable FluentD file persistence by default #1033
  • Upgrade OpenTelemetry Collector to v0.12 #1012
  • Rename OTC setting metrics_enabled into metrics.enabled #1037
  • Add persistentVolumeClaim to scc #1039
  • Add condition when creating metrics pdb #1047
  • Add metrics pdb template #1048
  • Add extraEnvVars to the otelcol #1050
  • Add extraVolumeMounts and extraVolumes to the otelcol #1051
  • Add cleanup to travis #1056
  • Update falco rules in vagrant #1058
  • Add checksum/config annotations for fluentd and otelcol #1053
  • Use helm from kubernetes-tools #1054
  • Add falco rules based on images #1059
  • Drop helm2 support #1060
  • Enable compression in fluentd output plugin by default #1062
  • Add curl and jq to docker image #1065
  • Bump terraform providers #1070
  • Create fields automatically in setup job #1064
  • Check if docker daemon is running before running tests #1075
  • Add fluentd.metrics.overrideOutputConf #1057
  • Remove overrides files, stop generating them and remove kubernetes directory #1052
  • Use new stable repo URL in #1073
  • Remove files (fixup #1052 rebase) #1078
  • Set Prometheus data retention to 1 day (#793) #1083
  • Add OTLP HTTP port #1086
  • Bump sumologic/kubernetes-tools to 2.0.0 #1087
  • Update autoscaling/v1 to autoscaling/v2beta2 #1071
  • Adds Kubernetes App update info after successful migration #856
  • Add clean up job to delete collector when collection is uninstalled #1092
  • Allow specifying pullSecrets #1104
  • Upgrade Prometheus chart to 12.0.2 and rename prometheus-operator to kube-prometheus-stack #1089
  • Migrate to new Fluent Bit helm chart #1102
  • Update Falco to 1.5.4 #1115
  • Add forwarding kubelet_running containers and pods metrics #1118
  • Push dev charts into dev directory #1122
  • Add missing space in helm merge command #1125
  • Switch back to docker_mode #1133
  • Only import sources when collector exists #1137
  • Bump metrics-server to 5.0.2 #1140
  • v2 migration script #1121
  • Bundle terraform providers in kubernetes-fluentd image #1145
  • Drop kubelet/systemd logs if they are disabled #1128
  • Migrate image to fluentd.image and sumologic.setup.job.image #1148
  • Migrate otelcol image name to otelcol image repository #1149
  • Fix fluentd systemd logs dropping (typo) #1150
  • Add tracing to the helm chart description #1153
  • Use official repo for telegraf-operator #1147
  • Bump chart API version to v2 #1159
  • Add targets to test logs and metrics from receiver-mock #1162
  • reword: docker registry -> container registry #1161
  • Clean up collector keys in values.yaml #1160
  • Bundle kubernetes_metadata plugin with fix for Fluentd pod restarts #1183
  • Update issue templates - bug report #1163
  • Update issue template for feature request #1164
  • Update issue templates - question #1165
  • Clean makefile and update vagrant due to new ruby package #1184
  • Change ServiceMonitor for fluent-bit - port and matchLabels #1188
  • Fix expose-prometheus target in Makefile #1189
  • Improve vagrant's Makefile #1194
  • Migrate off of the legacy pre-1.14 recording rules #1030
  • Add a new label for scraping metrics #1190
  • Add v2 migrations steps #1172
  • OpenTelemetry Agent support #1027
  • Set prometheus remoteTimeout to 5s #1199
  • Update coredns metrics due to 1.7.0 release #1200
  • Bump fluentd image to v1.11.5 #1204
  • Bump receiver-mock image in vagrant to kubernetes-tools:2.1.0 #1205
  • Upgrade Kube Prometheus Stack to 12.3.0 #1207
  • Upgrade Fluent Bit to 0.7.10 and Falco to 1.5.5 #1206
  • Prevent "undefined local variable or method" error from enhance_k8s_metadata Fluent plugin #1212
  • Update scheduler metrics #1219
  • Upgrade script v2 - fluentd.persistence migration #1213
  • Remove unused Travis config and badge #1215
  • kubernetes-setup Dockerfile #1226
  • Upgrade Fluent Bit to 0.7.13 #1230
  • Move from Docker Hub to ECR Public #1232
  • Use separate setup job image in Vagrant #1235
  • Remove leftovers from building Fluentd image #1236
  • Use sumologic alias for ECR #1237
  • Upgrade Kube Prometheus Stack to 12.8.0 and Falco to 1.5.6 #1238
  • Upgrade v2 script prometheus migration #1216
  • Check minimal k8s version before installation #1240
  • Upgrade Falco to 1.5.7 #1246
  • Explicitly log that is missing when using custom setup scripts #1247
  • Migration script v2 set remoteWrite remoteTimeout to 5s #1243
  • Don't install aws cli when already available in gh env with ecr-public command #1254
  • Bump kubernetes-tools to 2.2.0 #1257
  • Add migration logic to v2 upgrade script for prometheus remote write regexes #1256
  • Don't support yq version 4.0 and above in migration script v2 #1260
  • Update sumologic/kubernetes-fluentd image to 2.0.0-beta.1 #1270
  • Remove fluent-bit rawConfig mentions after upgrading to new fluent-bit chart #1264
  • Add steps required for fluent-bit to upgrade #1242
  • Use minimal scc permissions #1274
  • Upgrade Kube Prometheus Stack to 12.8.1 #1269
  • Fix upgrade v2 script image rename #1277
  • Upgrade v2 script - metrics server #1282
  • Upgrade Fluentd image to 1.11.5-sumo-0 #1286
  • Upgrade Sumologic Kubernetes Tool version to 2.2.3 #1283
  • Extract FLUENTD_METRICS_SVC from the CHART variable #1288
  • Upgrade Kube Prometheus Stack to 12.10.6 #1291
  • Add output yaml flag to helm get values #1292
  • Fix upgrade-script for logs migrations for v1.0 #1297
  • Add v2 migration logic for fluent-bit section #1299
  • Upgrade OTC to 0.16.0-sumo #1259
  • Use RELEASE-NAME placeholder in upgrade command #1298
  • Migrate prometheus pre 1.14 rules only when prometheus-operator.kubeTargetVersionOverride is set to 1.13.0-0 #1301
  • Migrate prometheus-config-reloader only when overwritten in values.yaml #1302
  • Add v2 migration for fluent bit configs #1304
  • Add v2 migration logic for prometheus retention #1303
  • Rename CHART variable into FLUENTD_LOGS_SVC #1289
  • Add information about warning when resource managed by helm is modified #1300
  • Add missing node:node_memory_bytes_available:sum prometheus recording rule #1306
  • Bump kube-prometheus-stack to 12.11.3 #1307
  • Bump OTC to 0.16.2-sumo #1311
  • Update v2 migration script logs #1308
  • Update prometheus CRDs update instructions for 2.0 migration #1310
  • kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager listen on all interfaces in vagrant #1312
  • Add if conditions to fluentd configuration templates #1314
  • Update v2 migration script - quote empty values #1315
  • v2 migration script - change wording when unexpected fluent-bit section encountered #1317
  • Don't add empty lines to Fluent-bit config #1318
  • Add migration instruction for non-helm users #1309
  • Add note on upgrading external Prometheus operator #1316
  • Update information about changing Fluentd persistence #1294
  • v2 migration script - add fluent bit multiline migration #1325
  • Update v2 migration docs with migration script in container usage #1326
  • Downgrade Kube Prometheus Stack to 12.3.0 and 0.43.2 CRD version for be… #1329
  • Rename cleanUpEnabled to cleanupEnabled #1336
  • Fix secret cleanup #1337

v1.3.5 - 2020-12-30


  • Prevent access to uninitialized variable #1261
  • Add changes required for OpenShift support #1267
  • Use minimal scc permissions #1272
  • Do not attach empty 'node' metadata #1268
  • Add ECR push to 1.3 branch #1275
  • Upgrade Falco dependency to 1.5.7 #1278

v1.3.4 - 2020-12-16


  • Backport Bundle kubernetes_metadata plugin with fix for Fluentd pod restarts #1193
  • Use sumologic alias for ECR #1241

v1.3.3 - 2020-12-04


  • Adds Kubernetes App update info after successful migration (backport of #856) #1098
  • Add tracing to the helm chart description (backport of #1153) #1154
  • Drop kubelet/systemd logs if they are disabled #1166
  • Migrate off of the Docker Hub images into GitHub packages #1168
  • Add travis for overrides #1221
  • Replace with public AWS ECR #1223

v1.3.2 - 2020-11-12


  • Use new Helm stable repo URL for Fluent Bit #1079
  • Use new Helm stable repo URL for metrics-server #1081
  • Add OTLP HTTP port to the OpenTelemetry Collector #1088

v1.3.1 - 2020-10-27


  • Remove unsupported AKS 1.15 and GKE 1.14 from the docs #984
  • Add tracing and OpenTelemetry to the overview image on the repo home page #988
  • Fix: do not change timestamps for already existing helm charts #992
  • Add priorityClassName to events statefulset (#1006 backport) #1009
  • Bump telegraf-operator to 1.1.6 (official 1.1.5 with helm2 support)(#1008 Backport) #1010
  • Override Fluent Bit image to 1.6.0 for Helm chart version 1.3 #1019
  • Otc v0.12 on v1.3 #1013

v1.3.0 - 2020-10-06


  • Don't scrape from headless services #895
  • attach node metadata to metrics when not present #854
  • add pdb for fluentd logs and metrics #781
  • add nodeSelector for setup job #783
  • add container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total metric #886
  • capture hpa metrics #884
  • Add priority class to fluentd sts #784
  • Don't mount and don't define pos volumes for fluentd #903
  • Scrap metrics from pods basing on annotations #852
  • define resources for thanos sidecar #874
  • Update Falco helm chart to 1.3.0 #909
  • add source category for default logs pipeline #780
  • change prometheus-operator repo #908
  • add alias for kube-prometheus-stack helm chart #910
  • Support all securityContext resources #889
  • Add build target to the vagrant's Makefile #913
  • Add HTTP protocol for OTLP receiver #915
  • Rename sumologic to sumo-make and add bash completion #902
  • Add telegraf operator helm chart to the requirements #893
  • Fix grafana installation in vagrant #922
  • Do not proxy kubernetes internal traffic #920
  • Fix kubeclient v4.9.1 usage with group apis #927
  • Add nginx to the vagrant environment #924
  • Point to correction section in Fields doc for pre-req step #930
  • support openshift #925
  • add resource limits to setup job pod #782
  • Increase cache refresh interval to 1 hour #912
  • Increase memory limits for thanos-sidecar to 32Mi to prevent restarts #936
  • Fix handling api versions in fluent-plugin-enhance-k8s-metadata #942
  • Add shellcheck to vagrant #943
  • Openshift docs #937
  • add psp templates to the helm chart #933
  • Install shellcheck with apt in vagrant #945
  • Add redis to the vagrant environment #921
  • Extract bundle fluentd plugins function #946
  • refactor: local variables in bundle_fluentd_plugins function in ci/bu… #947
  • Increase Vagrant disk size from 10 GB to 50 GB #948
  • Improve vagrant tests #944
  • Refactor build Dockerfile #949
  • Add jmx application to the vagrant #926
  • Forward redis metrics to the sumologic #951
  • add crio parser to fluent-bit #950
  • change prometheus-operator docs to kube-prometheus-stack #939
  • Introduce cache refresh variation #952
  • Fix tmp file path in tests #957
  • Bump requirements versions: Fluent Bit, Prometheus, Falco, Metrics Se… #958
  • update dependent helm chart matrix #955
  • Use local changes when building and running locally #953
  • Add list of jmx metrics #954
  • add resource limits for prometheus container #959
  • Extract script for getting the dashboard token #962
  • refactor: use custom template names for scc and psp metadata and labels #963
  • rename hpa metrics #965
  • change cpu limits format #966
  • Include OpenTelemetry Collector logs by default #960
  • revert prom-operator version bump #969
  • Update info about adoptopenjdk-openj9 missing metrics #970
  • Cleanup white chars from v1.2.0 #972
  • fix: remove adding new resources limits and requests from 1.3 #971
  • Revert to using helm stable for Prometheus Operator chart #975
  • Revert the FluentD image version to 1.2.3 #976
  • Revert "Revert the FluentD image version to 1.2.3" #977
  • add back all resource limits and turn off kubelet resource scraping #978
  • Revert "Revert to using helm stable for Prometheus Operator chart" #979
  • prep v1.3.0-beta2 #980
  • Add flags related to Telegraf Operator to the chart's README #983
  • Include description of otelcol Helm chart params #981

v1.2.3 - 2020-09-21


  • Backport #920 - do not proxy kubernetes internal traffic #928

v1.2.2 - 2020-09-11


  • Provide FluentD file persistence setting key in the chart notes #876
  • Add steps for disabling logs, metrics, or falco #875
  • Drop container=pod label when scraping container network metrics #879
  • Relabel pod and service dimensions for non-pod metrics #878
  • Retry creating kubeclients in FluentD when error #855
  • Fix prometheus configuration #883
  • Add troubleshooting section in Vagrant README #888

v1.2.1 - 2020-08-31


  • Use fixed kubeclient version 4.9.0 for fluent-plugin-enhance-k8s-meta… #870
  • Revert removal of traces config #868

v1.2.0 - 2020-08-28


  • Updates to fluentd base image #817
  • Enable file persistence by default #816
  • Use Otelcol 0.6.1 and corresponding configuration #808
  • add custom labels to fluentd sts and setup job pods #819
  • Fixing a typo in additional Prometheus configuration #792
  • Add customLabels for kube-state-metrics #824
  • Allow custom pod annotations in helm chart #822
  • prepare v.1.2.0-beta.0 #828
  • expose extra conf for fluentd in_forward #832
  • fix podLabels #838
  • update autoscaling section in docs #839
  • Add makefile to vagrant to install collection, receiver-mock, grafana and supports avalanche #815
  • Fix incorrectly indented podAnnotations #843
  • Fixing the indentation of the processing rule example #835
  • Unify comments in values.yaml - make them start with two hash characters #836
  • Last fixes for values.yaml #844
  • Fix broken setup job annotations #847
  • Clarify docs for custom logs conf #842
  • Allow custom pod annotations for kube-state and prometheus #848
  • Set text compress as default option for FluentD file buffer #850
  • Use variables in documentation for additional prometheus metrics #851
  • disable fluentd persistence by default #858
  • Update helm chart configuration doc with podLabels and podAnnotations changes #857
  • Bump documentation version to 1.2 #864

v1.1.0 - 2020-07-30


  • ingest retry succeeded logs and expose param in values file #671
  • Update falco helm chart #670
  • Update fluent-bit helm chart #669
  • Update metrics server helm chart #668
  • Update prometheus operator helm chart #667
  • Add dynamic generation of terraform kubernetes object #675
  • List metrics forwarded to the sumologic #629
  • Set Ignore_Older to 24h by default to prevent older logs from being ingested on install. #664
  • Expose Scrape Intervals in values.yaml to make it easier to adjust. #665
  • Ensure clusterName has no spaces to prevent issue with Explore rendering. #679
  • Generate labels and names using helm templates #685
  • add collectionMonitoring logic #682
  • expose extraEnvVars, extraVolumes, extraVolumeMounts #681
  • Use env for prometheus metrics namespace #690
  • Fix labels for headless services #689
  • Switch helm chart from helm/stable to falcosecurity/charts. #695
  • Support installation behind proxy #692
  • optional metrics resources #683
  • Expose http sources for metrics in values.yaml #672
  • Change default retry_timeout to 1h #700
  • Filter list of control-plane app metrics #697
  • Fix Travis build due to default shallow git clone #702
  • Fix terraform import and additional fields #704
  • Handle Collector name with spaces #706
  • fix indentation #707
  • expose the k8s api version and groups as params #565
  • Dynamic generation of terraform properties #705
  • Fix terraform tests #716
  • add db for systemd #713
  • Bump terraform providers #714
  • Otelcol config update with batch size and source processor #715
  • Add generator for logs, events and traces sources #708
  • enable wal compression by default #719
  • Add missing metrics to fluentd #718
  • Split on multiple terraform files #721
  • Fix potential tf race confition #722
  • set correct source host for systemd logs #725
  • Fix helm chart requirements conditions #731
  • Use as prefix for internal labels #734
  • Remove unused grafana.enabled key #739
  • Bump k8s in vagrant to 1.18 #743
  • increase fluentd evets sts resource limits #744
  • Severity1 fix 741 #745
  • Add extra volumes for events #756
  • Fix indents on FluentDs extraEnvVars and extraVolumes #757
  • Fill cluster name property for traces #754
  • Vagrant box update: use newest helm 2 and 3 versions and drop the mic… #760
  • fix: HPA for FluentDs #763
  • update non-helm migration steps to only what is needed #767
  • Bump supported k8s versions #737
  • Use retry_max_interval instead of retry_timeout for fluentd buffer #768
  • Add information about building the endpoint variable names #771
  • Update ref to falco in values.yaml #777
  • Bump supported AKS versions #794
  • Remove the unused sumologic.traces.endpoint key (clean up otelcol conf after the #778 merge) #779
  • Metrics fix: replace the scheduler_binding_latency_microseconds with … #795
  • Update values.yaml #799
  • Update values.yaml #804

v1.0.0 - 2020-05-21


  • Revert "revert all 1.0.0 changes" #509
  • Removed references to out of date helm chart versions which are no lo… #512
  • disable falco by default #465
  • [1.0.0] change default DB path for fluentbit #450
  • [1.0.0] filter metrics #466
  • [1.0.0] add fluentd to name of both logs and events fluentd statefulsets #454
  • add sed command to replace cluster name for non-helm users #517
  • Added how to modify the log level for Falco #522
  • Add vagrant configuration for testing purposes #418
  • Add helm RBAC error and solution #527
  • Added another example for filtering metrics #529
  • Reformatted CLI examples to more easily readable #534
  • Remove reference to setting cluster in Prometheus #538
  • Allow to install plugins in docker image #542
  • Explain confusing Terraform Errors #537
  • add steps for additional buffer & flush parameters #533
  • add quotes when specifying events sourceCategory #549
  • Set namepace and cluster name when deploying fluentd #553
  • [1.0.0] Upgrade script to convert values.yaml to 1.0.0 #555
  • Add fluentd to service name to fix urls #548
  • [1.0.0] expose override raw conf for container log pipeline #556
  • add plugin specific log level for metadata and output plugins #559
  • remove sourceHost from values.yaml #546
  • Update OtelCol and clean up tags #560
  • vagrant: Bump k8s to 1.15 #563
  • Fix buffers according to 1.0.0 #568
  • Bump Falco chart to 1.1.6 #567
  • Fix HPA for fluentd after changing it into statefulset #576
  • Add Zipkin write port to the Fluentd's headless service #575
  • Adjust fluentd names and app labels #573
  • Add note on how to handle Prometheus replicas. #579
  • Fix filtering metrics for old kubernetes versions #586
  • expose fluentd output section for logs #585
  • K8S diagnostics image with debugging tools #584
  • Expose resource config for prometheus node-exporter and kube state metrics. #593
  • Include serviceaccount in the usage description #590
  • Small fixes due to 0.17 to 1.0 upgrade testing #592
  • Bump sumologic fluentd output plugin and override sumo_client with helm version #597
  • split logs + metrics Fluentd sts #588
  • Do not pass histogram metrics to the fluentd #595
  • Fix fluentd url for tracing #604
  • Upgrade script fixes #613
  • Trace stress-testing generator #606
  • Use Otelcol v0.3 and send spans directly #611
  • 1.0.0 upgrade script upgrade #617
  • Adjust events naming to the new fluentd- schema #615
  • Fix the unbound variable 1 error in the upgrade script #624
  • Update previous version in upgrade script #628
  • v1 fluentd config examples #625
  • Re-cast to string for particular keys #635
  • Provide default, commented out limits and resources for Prometheus - … #637
  • Fixes for 1.0 upgrade #641
  • Add --force flag for pv #649
  • remove -o flag #651
  • Upgrade script grep sed bash fixes #647
  • add baseImage for thanos #650
  • Replace grep in favor of sed for upgrade script tests #654
  • Remove tools #658
  • [fix] FluentD's overrideOuputConf needs some indenting #659

v0.17.4 - 2020-05-20


  • add baseImage for thanos #655

v0.17.3 - 2020-05-13


  • Backport 'add quotes when specifying events sourceCategory' (#549) #619

v0.17.2 - 2020-05-06


  • Allow dev builds on release branches #544
  • change tag to release branch #551
  • Added endpoint into helm CLI until the bug fix #564
  • Clean up tag names #562
  • Use Otelcol v0.3 and send spans directly #600

v0.17.1 - 2020-03-31


  • Include otelcol metrics #503
  • Bump otelcol to newer version #510
  • Release v0.17 backports #515
  • add sed command to replace cluster name for non-helm users #524
  • Hostname and _sourceHost fix for v0.17 #530
  • Revert the _sourceHost changes #535

v0.17.0 - 2020-03-17


  • Move spans per request to configuration for zipkin plugin #493
  • Revert "Remove some non-tracing changes from v0.16 - merge them later… #494
  • Add missing source_category_replace_dash to systemd conf. #483
  • change the dynamic namespace env variable to be fluentd namespace #471
  • Remove white characters from the line ends #501
  • Expose otelcol UDP enpoints too #499
  • Bump version to 0.17.0 #502

v0.16.0 - 2020-03-12


  • [1.0.0] Bump fluentd image version to fix fluentd buffer bug #426
  • [1.0.0] Revert "Revert "[breaking change] Add pre-upgrade hook for setup"" #446
  • [1.0.0] Expose Fluentd config without ENV vars - take 3 #428
  • [1.0.0] Persistence volume #429
  • [1.0.0] Revert "Revert 116 metrics with filter" #451
  • Use endpoint for tracing from values.yaml #452
  • Strip empty fields from sending #455
  • [1.0.0] move the statefulsets and deployment configs under root level keys #453
  • Refactor otelcolDeployment into deployment as it's under the otelcol … #456
  • Add more attributes extracted for traces #438
  • Fix typo in tag name #459
  • downgrade falco helm chart to 1.1.0 #457
  • Prevent fluentd from handling records containing its own logs. #460
  • Bump otelcol and remove unused tags #468
  • Improve zipkin plugins #469
  • Support tracing in filter plugin #463
  • Expose setting resource constraints for helm dependencies #464
  • Clarify params in values.yaml #472
  • revert all 1.0.0 changes #473
  • Make Otelcol listen on rather than localhost #474
  • Remove letter v from tags for developmend builds #477
  • Allow for alpha and beta builds on Travis #478
  • Fix gem prerelease builds for dev and pre-release #479
  • Do not drop record in filter if it's 'broken' #480
  • Set new release 0.16.0 #481
  • Set the 0.16.0-rc.1 image for the future rc.1 release tests #489
  • [WIP] Use memory_limiter and better batch settings #488
  • Revert "Bump version in the docs to v0.16.0" #490
  • Prerelease docs and version bump #491

v0.15.0 - 2020-02-21


  • use yq in build script to generate overrides yamls #421
  • Update Troubleshooting docs for Helm #406
  • Support new 1.16 metrics with filter to exclude deprecated metrics #401
  • add error handling on JSON parsing for the multiline fix #423
  • remove cluster label from prometheus config in values.yaml #422
  • Update configuration for helm #417
  • add check for multiline in the multiline record transformer #427
  • Revert 116 metrics with filter #432
  • Zipkin plugins #411
  • Adds the opentelemetry collector #424
  • Fix fluentd zipkin json parsing #433
  • Support custom release and namespace #431
  • Update Helm requirement to 2.12+ #378
  • add clarifying doc for helm upgrades #437
  • add affinity config in fluentd deployment #436
  • Cut release 0.15.0 #441

v0.14.0 - 2020-02-12


  • use proper heading format #371
  • Prometheus fix for k8s 1.16 #370
  • fix typo in prometheus metrics regex #373
  • freno-helm3 #369
  • Modify regexes to match both deprecated and new metrics in 1.16 #372
  • Bump falco helm chart dep to 1.1.1 #376
  • Add support for data persistence #351
  • Modify the default multiline regex to be more flexible #380
  • expose cache params for enhance_k8s_metadata plugin #379
  • Remove sumologic.endpoint from installation commands. #381
  • Add back and expose source category for events source #377
  • fix discrepancy in metadata cache ENV name #382
  • Add missing double quotes #383
  • Rename statefulset configs to avoid breaking change #387
  • Change podManagementPolicy to Parallel for statefulsets #388
  • Add async cache and expose refresh interval in values.yaml #386
  • change buffer params #392
  • Revert "Modify regexes to match both deprecated and new metrics in 1.16" #391
  • Revert PV and statefulset related changes #390
  • Change cache refresh interval to 30 min #394
  • Add ebpf enable to helm_installation for GKE #393
  • Increase the default number of output threads to 8 #396
  • add generic fluentd pipeline to catch all logs #403
  • comment out libsonnet stuff #410
  • Add common configuration and troubleshooting tasks #408
  • filter fluentd container logs #402
  • Fix typo in container logs pipeline #413
  • Cut release 0.14.0 #415

v0.13.0 - 2020-01-15


  • Include buffer.output.conf for events configmap #327
  • Fix ambiguity in helm install command #336
  • Add Sumo Logic icon, home, sources to Helm Chart yaml #340
  • Add HorizontalPodAutoscaler for fluentd #339
  • Clean Prometheus container metrics #345
  • 1.14+-fixes-support #344
  • [breaking change] Add pre-upgrade hook for setup #335
  • Improve fluentd liveness probe #343
  • Change default fluentd log level to ERROR #350
  • Clarify usage of envFromSecret to specify env variables needed #353
  • revert readiness probe for events deployment #355
  • fix missing aggregate container metrics #354
  • Revert "[breaking change] Add pre-upgrade hook for setup" #357
  • disable metrics-server dependency by default #358
  • Change events deployment readiness probe #360
  • Remove source categories from source creation in terraform script #349
  • Clean up unused files #362
  • Re-add tiller-rbac.yaml #364
  • SUMO-124885 attach logs metadata as fields for all log formats #359
  • cut release 0.13.0 #365

v0.12.0 - 2019-12-02


  • Missed indentation in this file #292
  • Improve Docs #298
  • #293 facilitate gitops better through sourced secrets in setup Chart #295
  • Bump Chart Versions #299
  • fix missing secret ref #300
  • Update helm installation/upgrade notes on collector name #303
  • Use fully-qualified name for fluent-bit DNS resolution #304
  • Customizable annotations for setup resources #302
  • Fix alpha helm chart installation #307
  • Add Jsonnet mixin for deploying alongside kube-prometheus #283
  • Add Alpha Release Guide to Docs #308
  • Autoupdate kube-prometheus mixin #309
  • Pin Travis CI Snap Helm version to 2.16 #312
  • Fix libsonnet generation #315
  • Fix Multiline support for kubernetes collection #313
  • Add note about version flag for helm upgrade #320
  • Increase fluent-bit flush interval to lessen DNS load #319
  • Use empty endpoint URL by default for redirection #321
  • Add a note for helm 3 support #323
  • cleanup fluentd sumologic filter plugin #310
  • Update the instructions for FluentD configuration changes #324
  • fix filter plugin error with kubernetes_meta_reduce #325
  • FluentD file buffer #322
  • Cut release 0.12.0 #326

v0.11.0 - 2019-11-13


  • Update Travis CI to support PR push #262
  • using include statement vs template for better yaml support #264
  • Fix helper template variables #267
  • Update to use Terraform #249
  • Start pushing alpha helm chart releases with every alpha build #269
  • Add helm repo update #270
  • Fix helm package to also update dependencies #271
  • Fix git ignore for helm #272
  • ClusterName override in Base #273
  • Add empty setup job yaml in preparation for yaml generation #279
  • Generate setup job yaml from helm template #280
  • Add setup as pre-upgrade hook #281
  • Bump Dockerfile Sumo TF provider to 2.0.0 #282
  • Revert pre-upgrade hook for now for further testing #288
  • Cut release 0.11.0 #287
  • Also build version branches #290
  • Fix branch/tag regex validation #291

v0.10.0 - 2019-10-29


  • Scaling Fluentd #235
  • Bump version of Fluentd Output plugin to support fields #247
  • Update steps for installing side Prometheus #236
  • Dockerfile changes for Terraform support #248
  • optimize remote write settings #250
  • Re-add wget dependency for script #251
  • bump output plugin version to 1.6.1 #252
  • Fix grafana from starting via Helm deployment #253
  • Fix etcd_request_cache_(get|add)_latencies_summary to wildcard match #254
  • Add NodeSelector and Tolerations to both deployments #256
  • Cut release 0.10.0 #258

v0.9.0 - 2019-10-10


  • update overview image in main readme to include Falco #208
  • Pin gem dependency versions; Fix metadata version string #221
  • Fix fluentd log level parameter #225
  • Add instructions on deploying second prometheus in the same cluster #224
  • Bump falco chart version to 1.0.8 for EKS fix #226
  • check exact secret name in setup script #227
  • Bump fluent-plugin-prometheus version to fix breaking change from prometheus-client #229
  • Cut release 0.9.0 #230

v0.8.0 - 2019-09-26


  • Skip generated yaml check for TRAVIS_TAG builds #217
  • Fix Container Metrics Routing #218
  • Cut 0.8.0 #220

v0.7.0 - 2019-09-24


  • accesskey should be accessKey #196
  • Add setup job troubleshooting steps #199
  • Add prerequisite on endpoint and access key #201
  • Add flag to disable events collection in helm #205
  • feat(deployment.yaml): Updated to expose the EXCLUDE NAMESPACE and ot… #206
  • Cut 0.7.0 #213

v0.6.0 - 2019-09-13


v0.5.0 - 2019-09-13


  • SUMO-117711: Prevent Grafana from deploying with Helm collection chart #177
  • Pin patch version of helm dependencies #178
  • Add sed for prometheus namespaceSelector #179
  • Pre-install hook for helm #176
  • RBAC for pre-install hook #181
  • Simplify Metrics FluentD Pipeline #180
  • Assign weight to pre-install hooks #185
  • fix setup curl command url #188

v0.4.0 - 2019-09-03


  • Remove symlinks to legacy helm override files #154
  • SUMO-117653: Change docker image pull policy to IfNotPresent #165
  • fix labels, disable Fluent-Bit Helm Chart serviceMonitor, use Prometheus Operator additionalServiceMonitors to work around expectation that Prometheus Operator is already installed. #159
  • Git ignore Helm chart deps #166
  • Migrate kubernetes_sumologic filter plugin #167
  • SUMO-117261: Skip using TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE for yaml detection #168
  • Fix Helm template naming in yaml files #174
  • Cut 0.4.0 #175

v0.3.0 - 2019-08-29


  • Get rid of unstaged changes before switching to gh-pages branch #155
  • Drop labels with empty values #157
  • Cut 0.3.0 #158

v0.2.0 - 2019-08-29


  • Bump yaml version to 0.1.0 #134
  • Note On Possible Remote Write Update Changes #127
  • Added Falco specific changes. #102
  • Sync helm chart yaml and fix service selector #135
  • Add check for required software before running script to prevent issu… #136
  • Move fluent-bit INPUT config to overrides yaml #140
  • Generate yaml from helm chart on commits #137
  • Fix failing master builds #143
  • Only pass in our own yamls to helm template cmd #148
  • Automate helm chart release in #147
  • SUMO-115354 Add dependencies with overridden values.yaml #132
  • Add falco as sumologic chart dependency #150
  • Fix labels for k8s health check metrics and use versioned overrides yaml files #152
  • Cut release 0.2.0 #153

v0.1.0 - 2019-08-08


  • Enhanced metadata for Logs #73
  • Fix remote storage regex prometheus override #93
  • Don't build/push docker image with latest tag #95
  • Parameterize buffer settings for Fluentd Logs/Metrics #99
  • Fix bash script issues #100
  • add development disclaimer #101
  • Auto-tag alpha images in Git that we can generate full releases from #103
  • Use Github token to push tags #104
  • Skip pushing again for alpha tagged builds #105
  • Move Dockerfile env variables to yaml file to avoid drift #107
  • Use v1 (non-beta) API for ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding #111
  • SUMO-115364 Handle exceptions thrwon from kubeclient calls #106
  • enable fluent-bit metrics collection #112
  • Add monitoring for FluentD plugins #108
  • bump fluentd-kubernetes-sumologic v2.4.2 #114
  • Add param for alpha docker images #113
  • Tolerate any NoScheule taint regardless of key #119
  • Update README with events collection #40
  • Fix service monitor #120
  • k8s_collection_diagram #122
  • Bump versions of plugins used in Dockerfile #121
  • Optionally deploy and download yaml in #124
  • Switch to Debian fluentd Dockerfile #125
  • Helm Chart initial commit #118
  • SUMO-114676: Use multi-stage Docker build to reduce image size #128

v0.0.0 - 2019-07-25


  • Byi initial skeletons #1
  • datapoint plugin #3
  • Byi carbonv2 plugin #5
  • protobuf parser plugin #4
  • Byi deploy metrics #6
  • rename _sourceType to _origin #9
  • space_as parameter #7
  • move _origin to meta tag #10
  • Byi helm yaml #11
  • select metrics #12
  • Split metrics to multiple http sources #13
  • Byi fix timeseries #14
  • Prometheus format filter plugin #15
  • Byi override yaml update #16
  • Upload image diagram for readme #17
  • Byi tweak remote write #18
  • rename from pod_name/container_name to pod/container #19
  • Use prometheus format for metrics #20
  • Byi setup script #21
  • Byi remove container eq pod #22
  • Byi more replicas #23
  • Collect additional metrics #24
  • refine deployment script #25
  • add stateful set metrics #27
  • script fixing #28
  • plugin scaffold #30
  • add into docker image #31
  • implement enhance-k8s-metadata plugin with label reading #33
  • Added in the working_set_bytes metric #36
  • Collect logs with FluentBit and Fluentd #34
  • Events plugin #35
  • Update setup script for logs and events #38
  • Combine events yaml file with logs and metrics one #39
  • Increase the resource limits on CPU and memory for fluentd deployment #43
  • Byi oweners ref #37
  • ensure proper permissions for events... #46
  • fix-pod-name-including-filepath #47
  • Restarts Count for pods :) #44
  • Added a metric to track files on the nodes #49
  • CPU % extra metrics #45
  • Forwarding all Remote Write Metrics #42
  • Fix events plugin #48
  • Added packet dropping as a metric we pick up #50
  • Add configurable event type filter #51
  • Nik automation friendly #52
  • Fix #55
  • Fix missing metrics #56
  • Custom Metrics #58
  • Change the path example #59
  • Fix Travis Integration #61
  • Parameterize resource name to support watching other resources in events plugin #62
  • Add service metadata monitoring #57
  • enable logical default source category for all http sources #66
  • disable Alertmanager and Grafana by default. #64
  • Use fluentd helper function #65
  • SUMO-111064 Add unit test for events plugin #63
  • Update default label behaviour for metadata enhancement plugin #60
  • Fix order of assert_equal in test files #67
  • Use different label in events deployment #69
  • Attach service metadata #68
  • use v1.5.0 for output plugin #70
  • use-fields-log-format #71
  • Add overview image to main repo README #72
  • fix automatic setup script command in deploy README #76
  • Include namespace parameter in help usage #78
  • Make imagePullPolicy and latest tag explicit for now #77
  • Initialize @pods_to_services before timer_execute #80
  • Add "patch" configmaps capability for fluentd #79
  • Disable service metadata for now #81
  • SUMO-113170 Support different k8s api versions #74
  • Cleanup Dockerfile and remove Dockerfile-debian #82
  • Upgrade Dockerfile fluentd to v1.6.2 #87
  • Restructure Helm overrides directory #88
  • Strip alpha suffix from gem version to avoid prerelease behavior #90