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Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Applying_EANNs | A 2D Unity simulation in which cars learn to navigate themselves through different courses. The cars are steered by a feedforward neural network. The weights of the network are trained using a modified genetic algorithm. | ArztSamuel | 1175 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gnatstudio | GNAT Studio is a powerful and lightweight IDE for Ada and SPARK. | AdaCore | 248 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | memset_benchmark | nadavrot | 228 | |
2 | mal | mal - Make a Lisp | kanaka | 8589 |
3 | pics | Posters, drawings... | corkami | 5718 |
4 | BLAKE3 | the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function | BLAKE3-team | 3341 |
5 | nes-test-roms | Collection of test ROMs for testing a NES emulator. | christopherpow | 352 |
6 | x86-bare-metal-examples | Dozens of minimal operating systems to learn x86 system programming. Tested on Ubuntu 17.10 host in QEMU 2.10 and real hardware. Userland cheat at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat#userland-assembly ARM baremetal setup at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat#baremetal-setup 学习x86系统编程的数十个最小操作系统。 已在QEMU 2.10中的Ubuntu 17.10主机和真实硬件上进行了测试。 Userland作弊网址:https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat#userland-assembly ARM裸机安装程序位于:https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat#baremetal- 设置 21世纪新政宣言(2020年4月5曰笫四次修改稿)(2020年6月19曰第七次修改,以下“【】”内文字为非正文内容的说明)20世纪苏联的消亡和东欧的大变革,使这21世纪初的现中国大陆成为世界关注的最主要焦点和影响新世纪文明发展的关键。特别是大陆这些年对外意识形态渗透,震撼整个世界。美中贸易战实际已打响人类意识形态领域最后的冷战,海峡两岸关系恶化,香港不断的百万人游行,南海邻国关系紧张。大陆经济急速下滑衰退,内外矛盾激化高端深感前所未有的生存危机。包括中共上下在内的几乎所有人都很清楚,大陆已到非政治体制改革而不可的时候了,大变革将是民意世潮下的必然结局。中国大陆内外即全球正合力促成这人口第一大国的大变革,这也为中国开创新政提供了一次最佳机会。综合各政体和各国现实,绝大多数国家改革选择了西方民主政体,但其固有的越来越明显的缺陷已成为有人攻击、拒绝或怀疑的理由。这也是近年来西方国家出现了宽容那必将灭亡的独裁专制政府的左翼当选,是不少选民失去信心的表现和原因。不仅如此,西方现民主制的缺陷还有: 很难产生最佳决策而大多是不优不劣成心对抗后的折衷方案使施政不理想选民失去信心;财团商界巨头对政治影响过大;对立政党轮流执政决策易翻来覆去劳民伤财前后混乱选民也易失去信心; 并不只是几人而是几党几大群体竟争最高权力,强对抗易使社会撕裂更易使选民失望;另外还有竞选的形象口才和资金作用偏重,不利于博才寡言的理论家和不利于无大财团资助的竞选人;大多数博才的却不善辩的竞选人易被仅仅是形象口才好的竞选人击败等等;最明显的例子,就是西式政体在伊拉克之类的国家就完全失败,根本无法解决誓不两立的多党多教派的执政问题,还有西方政客易被共党惯用的手段暗地收买,如WHO、VOA等机构和政党的要员被收买为独裁制辩护或服务,或为打击政敌和政党利益而丢弃原则不顾国家利益;而实西式的治国非举贤制度对国家不是很有利,这西式民主制也势必改革。另外,美国无限自由混血的全国灰色人种化,结果显而易见,若干年后美国将没有白种人黄种人和黑种人,全是“灰色“人种。是一例纯种人的自寻消失,一国还可,他国不可推广,物种特别是人种的保护更为重中之重!旨为人类非灰一色的丰富多彩而圆满理想的未来,所以“美国模式”并非最佳榜样。中国是影响新世纪文明发展的关键,人们也普遍希望中国大变革应该和平过渡避免付出巨大社会成本和沉重代价,新世纪社会变革更要终止杀人流血。旨在也包括左翼的更多中国人欢迎和接受的, 不完全西化中西结合的,有利两岸和平统一的,最佳选择必是都相聚在中共也一惯崇敬的孙中山先生的旗帜下,完善健全和发展孙中山的五权分立体制。这一使命由中共真改革派完成所付代价则最小,应当引起他们的高度关注,劝其为国为民勇于担当。 倒退则是自取灭亡,必是遗臭万年的大罪人。中共改革派和大多数党员也不会愿意被往往只可能得势一时的倒退势力捆绑连累,中共改革派要去做的第一件事是促成落实中共曾在联合国签署的《世界人权宣言》包括中共所立宪法的基本人权和自由。【中共也许有人会说这是使党变色,那这几十年变的色还少吗?不是那些名“社”实“资”的变色不就早和前东欧苏联一样完蛋了吗?既是如此无可否认就再变最后一次又何妨?而且已是面临无法逃避的大变革前夜,天堂与地狱只一念一步之差!】只有中国完成了顺民意世潮的大变革,才是21世纪文明的开始。改革西方民主制,是加入东方元素,将孙中山先生的西式政党政治较浓厚的五权分立体制,进一步改革为不完全政党政治,突显中国史来长期无政党执政的传统,中国古代就有“结党营私”一说。所有政党社团参政议政,无执政党和在野党之分, 避免执政党自身权益高于一切的政党政治弊病。除了那拒绝政改变革而要倒退的是主动自杀,将不会有执政党下台被动推翻消亡或被他党取代的艰险和痛苦从而长存久安。【这是中共唯一可选择的能主动体面而又圆满的过渡, 是和平自救或重整求生的唯一有利有效的办法。包括中共在内的几乎所有世人都认为中共政治体制改革已到尽头,再真政改只会亡党或改名,这里提出的新政则是使其可不亡党可不改名的唯一圆满理想的办法,而且在这转型过程中中共仍可能会是人数第一大党。】中共转型为参政议政党,同样如此,海内外华人其他政党社团也应放弃争取执政的目标也仅参政议政,为全中华复兴和和平统一,发挥高尚的政治智慧和修养,修改各自政党社团和要员个人的利益诉求,放弃过高权力欲望更改奋斗目标,以两岸各地全中国各族人民的利益为重。【若如此,可以说历史进程偏偏給中共以任何政党社团都不易有的改革出新型政体真正复兴中华的优先机会,应当明智果断地把握住,失之必然逃不过亡党受审全被清算的命运!】华人必定都希望和平统一复兴一个文明而又富强的中国,这一伟大使命也需要全球所有华人和政党社团以及政治家们的共同努力。这可供和平过渡的中西结合的一切政党参政议政不执政不完全政党政治的,高智商群体智者执政治国的新型政体即三府合政体制的架构概述为:1,改革孙中山先生提出的五权分立和西式三权分立为三府合政: (1)由新科举后全民大选出的行政府(简称官府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之行政相似;(2)民选不需新科举的旨在立法的议政府(简称民府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之议会相似;(3)新科举不需民选的具多重制衡权的理政府(简称士府),理政府包括行使提供全民免费的教育院、医疗院和社保院等生存权【中共强调的】;文物院、(包括专利的)私产院和(包括国土的)资源院等资产权;科学院、智库和科举院等考试权;检查院、廉政院和法院等司法权;(包括网络的)传媒院、诚信院和监察院等监察权等的,组成松散结合的理政府。2,每届政府任期四年,大选为四年一次,科举为两年一次。参加新科举的人必须是经体检、诚信和前科等资格审查的规定范围的名校博士获得者,新科举是必选的行政科管理学、政治科法学和经济学和辅助的全面众多学科,专职类由必选的加自选学科。新科举是超极限数量试题的考试,和才能智商检测(此项检测跟随高科技发展逐步推进深化)。3,最终引入逐步精细化的公正而且高效的“投票份额”制,即选举公决和提案表决等一切重要公事投票表决的,历次累积的取决于对错结果并经电脑统计出的,每人每次投票的各自不同不断变化的“份额”,并记入诚信、资历和各资格等项。使所有人所有重要投票表决更认真谨慎,特别是更为有效。新科举及大选、政迹统计、新政评估和投票份额等等要充分紧跟并利用不断飞速发展的电脑网络技术的资源和作用,不断提高新政的管理水平。4,行政府总理(兼军队最高统帅)由最早新科举的未任过两届总理参选最多三次的申请参选的,两名头名新科举贤士为总理候选人,并同样在这些头名贤士中自主结合成两组竞选伙伴受总理级保护,再全民大选出正副总理,总理最多可竞选连任一届。各正副部长级行政府官员由总理在各届科举前三名贤士中任命,经另两府半数通过,可被辞但无再聘次数限制。各省长、各市长和各县长级以上地方正副行政长官各职位取两名,在各届新科举合格贤士中按规定届序名次经电脑处理出的申请参选人经民选出。5,各级行政长官当选后辞去原社团党派教派之类职务,行政不带社团教派党派偏见,按需灵活择取各方各党各派争辩而出的非仅一方一党的全部最优决策。【不会因执政党的变更而翻来复去折腾。】6,公民个人或以辖内注册的各党各派社团身份参选人员经资格审查后均可在各级议政府角逐正副议长或议员,经由民选出不需新科举,当选届次不限。议员各区配额的总人数与另两府参加三府联席会议的人数相当。【不会被动推翻或消亡的而只要回归一度曾放弃暴力革命和阶级斗争等违宪非法不合理教条的现共产党,放弃违宪易撕裂社会的台独主张的民进党和国民党等即经辖内注册的海内外华人政党社团, 都可在两岸各地发展并竞选各级议政府正副议长或议员。】7,理政府的正副理士、院士、考官、检查官和法官等要员及各地方理政府要员由各届新科举合格人士即贤士,定期内三志愿对口投档按规定届序名次经电脑处理再公榜后上任,不需民选,也不由行政长官任命不对之负责,不同与西式政体,使司法权、监察权和考试权等更分权独立。8,只有行政府设县以下机构;立法提案三府均可提出和审核,最终由议政府审定立法;修宪和各府正副最高长官弹劾案主席团成员请辞除名等大案需至少两府提出,三府联席会议过三分之二通过。9,主席团为新任总理的无权资政和礼仪特使及参与独立调查巡视报告等职能【为国为民再作贡献发挥余热,填补和缓解下台后中老年生活的心理空虚和猛然变化,这一变化易产生下台后各种纠葛并影响不少下台国家首脑的寿命】,卸任总理依次为国家主席(象征性国家元首),其余卸任正副总理为两届国家副主席、卸任正副议长和卸任正副理士可任两届主席团资政。10,新政为民选和新科举有分有合的叁式选举制,既顺民意而又规范于学理, 也有利于博才寡言的理论家和灵话善辩的活动家及两者兼优人才都有发辉和贡献的机会。这新政的民选与新科举不受年龄,姓别、民族、党派、贫富、形象和口才等局限,公平合理,远强于现西式选举。11,新政为士辅民主制,至今为止所有所谓民主,都是只有那些强大的党派和利益集团才有能力导向的。经新科举和民选脱颖而出之贤人贤士则是民意与学理的代表,而不是某政党、社团、教派或利益集团的代表。12,各民族和各具特色地区有充分自治权,一个最小的群体最小的民族或最小地区只要出智者就有出总理、理士、院士或贤士等最大摡率,远比现西式选举摡率大得多,突显平等公正。历史上曾附属过的或有民意支持的邻邦可入此新政,无条件接受对其军事保护灾难救援请求和经济协助等,其有参选被选和完全自治权。全球效仿此新政而大同共享,可延伸扩大为联合新政中华共同体。党不执政与军不从政同理合理, 易天下太平避免社会撕裂和政变动乱等,这三府合政体制该是真正理想而先进的东西结合的新型政体。【若中共签署或实施本新政宣言,可能有两三年过渡期在签署宣言的多党群体选出的新政筹备委员会中主政,包括完成连续三年以上筹备期突击新科举及筹备大选等,为21世纪新政奠基。中共也可让香港立即启动先行,这也是解决香港大难题的一劳永逸最理想的方案。很明显,香港西式政党易争得执政权是中共不愿香港普选的最主要原因,而这新政正是摆在中共面前的一理想台阶,是唯一圆满解决香港问提的双赢方案!而且中共很可能最终也在大陆作这一选择,现在暂时不想也最好收藏这一方案。全国和全香港人要齐心协力集中精力追求新政这一可行不动荡易于接受的政改主要诉求!】这中西结合的不完全政党政治的高智商群体智者治国的新型政体让中国人也真正感受且超越美国人所一直感受的,对政体的自信和骄傲,并为包括他们在内的世界树立榜样!也是世界真正进入新世纪的里程碑。【希望大家全面广泛地讨论,求得最大共识,以创新决定全中国乃至全人类命运的最佳21世纪新政体】。起草:赫连禾 2019.8.6签署:(在中共还未签署前或签署人及政党社团不具一定代表份量数额则暂不公开发表签署名)注:“【】”内文字为非正文注解;两岸各地及海外的,特别是香港正活跃的政党社团各界人士请涌跃签署或提议请发电子邮件:wanghunn@gmx.com 同时发挥各自政治智慧尽全力劝说中共或其一切愿改革的派系人士签署本新政宣言。自我简介:男,70岁,政论收集华人。= 三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁:china-dictatorship-media-base: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship-media/master:cirosantilli-media-base: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cirosantilli/media/master:idprefix::idseparator: -:sectanchors::sectlinks::sectnumlevels: 6:sectnums::toc: macro:toclevels: 6:toc-title:toc::[]== 【23】三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁大陆修宪香港恶法台湾武统朝鲜毁约美中冷战等都是王沪宁愚弄习思想极左命运共同体的大策划中共窃国这半个多世纪所犯下的滔天罪恶,前期是毛泽东策划的,中期6.4前后是邓小平策划的,后期是毛的极左追随者三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁策划的。王沪宁高小肆业因文革政治和情报需要保送“学院外语班“红色仕途翻身,所以王的本质是极左的。他是在上海底层弄堂长大的,因其本性也促成其瘪三下三滥个性,所以也都说他有易主“变色龙””哈巴狗“的天性。大陆像王沪宁这样学马列政治所谓"法学"专业的人,在除朝鲜古巴所有国家特别是在文明发达国家是无法找到专业对口工作必定失业,唯独在大陆却是重用的紧缺“人才”,6.4后中共信仰大危机更是最重用的救党“人才”。这也就是像王沪宁此类工农兵假“大学生”平步青云的原因,他们最熟悉毛泽东历次运动的宫庭内斗经验手段和残酷的阶级斗争等暴力恐怖的“政治学”。王沪宁能平步青云靠他这马毛伪“政治学”资本和头衔,不是什么真才实学,能干实事有点真才实学的或许在他手下的谋士及秘书班子中可以找到。王沪宁的“真才实学”只不过是一个只读四年小学的人,大半辈子在社会上磨炼特别是在中共官场滚打炼出的的手段和经验而已,他和习近平等保送的工农兵假“大学生”都一样,无法从事原“专业”都凭红资本而从政。六四学运期间各界一边倒支持学生,王沪宁一度去法国躲避和筹谋,他还加入了反学运签名,成为极少有的反学运者仕途突显,在六四和苏联垮台后中共意识形态危机,江泽民上台看上唯一能应急的王沪宁聚谋士泡制的"稳定统一领导"和之后的"新权威"谬论。左转被邓小平南巡阻止后,王策划顺邓经济改革却将政治改革逐步全面终止和倒退,泡制“三个代表”为极左转建立庞大牢固的红色既得利益集团。因此六四后各重大决策和危机难题都摆在中共中央政策研究室王沪宁桌面上,使王沪宁成了此后中共三朝都无法摆脱的幕后最有决策性实权的人,中共中央政策研究室是王为其野心巨资经营几十年,聚众谋士的间谍情报汇总研究的特务机关和策划制定决策重要机构与基地,王沪宁本人和决定其仕途关键的首任岳父及家属就有情报工作背景。中央政研室重要到王沪宁入常后为了死抓这中共情报与决策大权,宁可放弃国家副主席和中央党校校长。后再加个除习外唯他担任的中共几核心领导小组之一的“不忘初心牢记使命”主题教育工作小组组长。此后他把持的舆论必将以宣传“不忘初心牢记使命”为主,打造众所周知的所谓“习思想”其实是”王思想“。王自从主导中央政研室开始决策后,策划中止邓小平的与美妥协路线回归毛极左的反美路线。帮助前南斯拉夫提供情报打落美机放中使馆引发炸使馆事件,以此掀起六四后唯一的全国大规模游行并借此反美而起家。后又帮江泽民提供法轮功会是超过中共组织的情报,策划决策镇压迫害开始并没有把矛头指向江的法轮功群体,策划决定阻止党内外近三十年来平反六四的呼声。胡温时期,王鼓吹与江派“和谐”,使胡温时期一直延续江时王的路线。而后亦只小学水平虚荣且蠢的习近平上台,给王沪宁更大机会公开大倒退。共党现在主要有三派,一是新组滥竽充数的习派,一是江派,另是团派。在大野心家王沪宁心中,江派和团派现没有接班的可能,习派和习的根基太子党也竟然被王政治边缘化。中共政权若没因党外而崩溃,党内只有去习才能大权变更完成王的野心。习近平若突发事件中学毛邓江镇压而双手沾血,必定会走到尽头。党内能收拾残局的只有三朝不倒的王沪宁,江派和团派都不会让对方取代习,一惯突显八面玲珑“不结帮派”的“变色龙”王沪宁渔翁得利。因此,重大突发事件如港“反送中”和大陆民众的抗争正是王沪宁学毛唯恐天下不乱而冒尖的机会,必定暗使习近平沾血镇压走向“自杀”,施计取而代之。不能的话,其极左路线被揭穿和挫败后,特别是朝鲜恼火他的教唆而使他失去唯一危机外逃地之后,这“变色龙”今后可能急变脸右转,甚至学普金窃取倒共成果,王除此绝无其他任何机会。王沪宁还策划帮助朝鲜核导实现拥核,多次金王密谈而毁川金会谈使朝鲜上当而一度疏远中共。王还多次与塔利班等国际恐怖组织密谈,中共是苏垮台后全球最大恐怖组织,种种事实证明名“无”其实的全球恐怖组织的幕后总后台,是三朝罪恶元凶中共谍报机关及决策机构中共政研室掌门王沪宁。为什么美国几十年未剿尽小小塔利班残余,我断言他们常躲与阿接壤的中国境内。塔利班和朝鲜是最合王沪宁极左专制恐怖口味的。还策划资助委瑞内拉劝说古巴企图策划全球反美阵容,策划“新共产国际大会”和马毛邪教传播输出及习独裁的“中国梦”。策划修宪破除邓后的接班制全面回归红色独裁专制,策划一带一路浮夸“国造2025”吹嘘“厉害我的国”。中共政策研究室根据情报分析制定决策,要赶上美国唯有扩大黑客网军抢窃美尖端技术,实施千人计划和留学生情报队伍,及逼迫外企尖端技术转让。甚至疯狂到超文革,红色教育从幼儿园娃娃抓起并渗透香港教育,妄想红色王朝在国际上领先崛起。策划破坏美中贸易谈判, 鼓吹新“长征”还要求用学习毛泽东著作与美打贸易战。引来美方冻结贪官境外资产断了外逃路,摆出与美国“决一死战”姿态,策划严控网络严管民众回归毛时的闭关锁国过紧日子的红色恐怖。破坏邓小平的香港“一国两制”扶持傀儡港首泡制恶法,日本G20前习一出国王令党媒大反美。“送中”恶法出笼正是针对习玩女人一书抓港人“合法”化的高极黑做法,习玩女人一书立即炒热。一来搞臭习近平,二来逼习反美极左转至悬岩边,G20时习无法起程无法与美及国际社会和解。王沪宁还策划制定武统台湾的與论准备和决策计划等等,愚弄引诱习做统领全球极左命运共同体的“世界领袖”。王罪大恶极与毛邓江李有一拼,有些没头脑的人易被隐谋多年的王沪宁那“夹着尾巴做人”所蒙蔽,这足以证明王水平文化和人格低劣,将低俗戏言捧作“座右铭”,王沪宁承认有见不得人的尾巴而要夹着是不让人给揪着踩到,他这水平文化也不可能写出虽荒谬较系统的“三个代表”“科学发展观”“习思想”之类,这都是政研室谋士们之作。。当务之急是全国上下并促共党内部一起欣起捣王高潮,彻底打倒王沪宁,清算其历经三朝的罪恶。王沪宁愚弄习助长毛派,倒了江派团派和邓家,也捣了习的根基太子党,内外树敌公愤极大下场必定最惨。毛泽东死前没有遭清算是中共还未倒,但在最后一次新冷战的决战中王一定会最惨!美国应对全球恐怖国际总后台王沪宁制裁和通辑, 操纵习近平的三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁不倒,不仅中国大陆无宁日,世界也面临中共新法西斯的威胁!(详请搜索郝雪森2019.6.12== 【22】习近平咋怕民主制而川普怎称他好友习小学毕业文革保送的"工农兵大学生"和在职读的"马列博士"全是假的,他读秘书讲稿几十年,常用词"衷心""体系""难民"等已读万遍还记不住须注音于稿。可见他学识智商和能力极差神智病态,离开注音讲稿无法作报告。习如毛也从不即兴答记者问,更无法参于竞选辩论之类事,故他最怕民主制及媒体开放等,怕露馅淘汰下台。习和他父亲深受毛独裁制迫害,其父被毛整了16年险些送命。习文革时仅13岁就被关押批斗,饿逃回家求母做饭,其母却出去举报,惨不忍睹。蠢人高抬更虚荣,黑心下作乃本性,习思想被王沪宁愚弄向文革倒退,等同清算习父开创的改革开放,低级红里高级黑。川普咋总是说习是好友?因为习曾去过美国,好色私通美女间谍并签署加入特务代号为X53,这段大陆老大详细历史,美情报局绝对不会对总统隐瞞。有了这把柄,习怎可能拒绝川普为好友?或至少是道合仅志不同?川普总爱说的"好友"竟有如此惊世来由意味深长。也正因此,习夹在川普与三朝罪恶元凶全球恐怖国际总后台王沪宁之间,内外交困,左右为难,晕头转向,神志失常,命难长矣(祥请搜索:郝雪森6.29== 【21】川普若与习签约落陷阱不挽救则连任无望香港恶法百万游行震惊世界,而中共仍未表中止恶法;仍未停反美宣传,毫不中止三朝罪恶元凶全球恐怖国际总后台王沪宁极左路线。中共急签约是为缓解内外交困处境,中共无守约习惯和记录。我预言中共连按会谈或协议原意以中文公布的最起码作法也不会有,别想会悔改,王沪宁使习挫败刘鹤而仍让刘主谈明摆是先签约再次计划毁约,使川普难连任助拜登上台望转机。美所有让步必履行,而中共绝不会履行承诺还得以喘息,川普易落陷阱告败投降。中共为达目的不择手段,腐蚀是中共一惯很见效的手段,我预言习会给川普或要员家族企业利益等礼品,话说也不会留证据何不一试?我断言会谈或签约后中共官媒会宣告胜利,极左倒退乘机造势,那还有改的空间?!中共若真想改邪归正,先答应两点足已:一是拆除网络防火墙通讯畅有利自由贸易:二是双方零关税有利两国人民,这是自由贸易最起码的保证,我预言中方连写入协议纸上也不会。打两年多贸易战若中方无任何改变川普定无法赢得连任。挽救的方法是立即计划就中共必然的毫无改过或必定违约,贸易战逐步升级彻底打垮中共,川普才能连任(祥请搜索:郝雪森== 【20】要求政府就两个问题向美国人民和国会作以检讨世界和平危害最大的中共大独裁者习近平的女儿在美国读书几年里,据悉美国政府用我们纳税人的钱派员长期保护她。她和所有外国学生一样是自愿来学,不是来访贵宾为什么要长期保护?我们是一个人生来不平等的特权社会?!对中方高官家属是否有种种名目助纣为虐的优待?如何取消他们几乎人人都有的绿卡和如何实施遣返?习家人定为习女等办好外逃资金和绿卡,针对三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁和习近平与江李等家族,政府必须全面检讨解释和道歉。第二,《全球马格尼茨基人权问责法》对犯有侵害人权或贪腐的外国官员可以实施冻结其在美资产等制裁,。由于中共历届高官及家属把持大陆经济命脉贪腐世人皆知,违反美国对几国制裁的也是他们的私家公司,其侵犯人权更是世界之最。政府下步落实上述问责法条款有无计划和行动是否冻结他们的非法所得资产?我呼吁有知情权的国会社会各届和国民,敦促政府就这两个问题作以表态解释和制定纠错计划,如颁布"中共官员腐败和侵犯人权的问责规定"。因为这些是为了世界和平,能给中共内乱升级而解体的最致命打击的关键策略,将利于终结共产邪恶,建立世界和平新秩序从而载入史册。(郝雪森== 【19】短评一,刘昕仕途暗淡从刘昕几天停职准备和中宣部外交部及官媒造势来看,中美主播辩论原是要直播的,忽然改为对话并不直播很可能是刘夫妇的原因,刘的德国丈夫若为孩子考虑也不希望为明知的没落政权如此大露锋芒。所以刘昕一开口就否认是中共党员声明不为中共说话,刘仕途若此后而止将佐证这点。(郝雪森二,大陆测试题:试试你能在几秒内数清下图有几根:ííííííìíìíìííììììíììíììíìììíìíììììíííìíìíìííììììíììíììíìììíìíììì方法一:用几秒钟粗略数后识图和联想;方法二:数上部尖头结束后以你的智商判断验算。答案:图为64根蜡烛 (大陆请别转贴答案)郝雪森原创2019.6.4(详请搜索郝雪森== 【18】纪念六四大陆全国"六月飞雪"活动倡议书我在大陆时有一邻居每年6月4日晚会在窗口点燃一烛,后来才知道是纪念6.4。出国后发现只有国外有纪念6.4活动,国内却无法纪念。今晨我想到大陆纪念6.4的全国"6月飞雪"活动:将白纸裁成64开,约为9.X12厘米(16开普通稿纸裁4张),今年是30周年一次用30来张,六月四日从楼口或行驰的公交车上或无监控头的任何地方抛出,在高楼层抛更好,形成"6月飞雪"景象。一年任何时间地点都可抛!使小纸64开与6.4形成全民常态联想,逐步扩大大陆纪念规模,还可打印64开的6.4屠杀图片或文字。同情6.4学运的大陆同胞们,现在就开始,在全国任何地方飘起"六月飞雪"!请帮转发(详请搜索郝雪森== 【17】给习总女儿习明泽的公开信习明泽小姐:你比谁都清楚你父亲的学识和能力,能影响他决策的只有他身边的人和你。他目前学毛极左独裁,一定是听信了王沪宁。但唯有你会真心为你父亲考虑,你在美国多年,传说你现在就在美国学习。应该明确主政者选择民主或独裁的区别和最终命运,这不仅对你父亲和家庭很重要,而且对我们的祖国乃至全世界也极为重要。你父亲被王沪宁等弄得焦头烂额,精神压力极大,发展下去很危险,要让你父亲解脱唯有顺世潮随民意。身为党魁要放弃这独裁的党政虽不容易,但这也是转变后能让世人原谅的理由。要回头先要严惩三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁,重新回归你祖父开启的改革开放,全面政治体制改革,融入世界文明民主社会,这才可留名青史。若知错不改你父亲必是屈指可数的历史罪人,想必你不希望如此。你父亲身边的人与你的想法就一定不同,因为你应该不会有他们那般巨大的权力欲望。然而能让你父亲清醒的只有你,你在他心中的份量应该是他人无法相比。你最可能使你父亲转变,告诉你父亲,他不转变你就不回国或不回家。找个地方躲起来,党魁女儿申请政治庇护出个世界奇闻也未尝不可,也可载入史册。如果你不这样会后悔一辈子,不信,也不容等着瞧!(郝雪森== 【16】若用这三张王牌中共必垮川普成为终结共产邪恶的英雄必赢得连任王沪宁愚弄习近平学毛极左倒退,使中共面临全面崩溃边缘。若川普用以下三张王牌施压,中共绝对熬不过两年而垮台。首先是贸易战要尽快升级,与中共谈判别抱丝毫幻想,中共从不可信,只有以失信违约尽快升级制裁甚至加以40%关税,让中共先经济快速崩溃;第二是多渠道促其社会动荡,频繁暴发较大规模的民众抗争;第三是最致命的大王牌,即挑起中共内斗加剧升级,中共高官普遍贪腐且绝大部分资产已转国外,这大王牌是尽快启动对中共贪腐高官境外资产的冻结。先选择几员开刀即可震撼整个贪腐的高层,内斗必升级加速崩溃,会非常见效。最好在习家族、极左的王栗家属和江李红色权贵中,选几员冻结其境外资产,中共内部必大乱而崩溃。美方制裁的几个国家得到中共暗助的主要是这些权贵家族公司,以此为由对其海外资产冻结顺理成章。若川普让步或达成缓解协议,让中共喘息而又未解决不公平贸易,对川普明年11月竞选连任极为不利。只有利用贸易战升级、促使大陆动荡及内斗加剧中共迅速垮台,美国和盟友打赢终结共产主义邪恶的冷战,川普便成为英雄载入史册,连任必成定局(祥请搜索:郝雪森== 【15】王沪宁如此策划令习近平再活不过两年习实是小学毕业保送工农兵"大学"坐飞机,比毛泽东初中肆业还差。故毛习都不敢临场答记者问,离秘书稿讲话必出错。王愚弄习学毛一明显不同的是,毛很少公开露面,无紧张的精神压力,故活过80岁,文明国家换届也为免于过重精神压力。但三朝罪恶策划元凶王沪宁,令习频繁开会出访开会讲话,与毛的精神压力大不相同。最近传出的习讲稿可看出,习有持续严重精神恐慌。习从政讲话几十年,连讲稿常用词"谨向"'"衷心""会晤"""体系""难民"等小学生大都认识的字,已读几万遍还记不住须注音于稿。有人难信认为高级黑,我说习已有持续严重的精神恐慌病态心理。习这几年衰老很快,面黄暗无血色,白发甚多。也许是其女的"形象"策划,近年渐露少许白发作假使人心理感觉"真实"。王若再策"习思想"古今中外一绝出口乃名言,加重习精神压力,预言年近七十的习熬不过两年随时随地粹死。王策划修宪旨在不明确安排习的接班人,习死后常委中可能掌大权的是王。王久谋从不入帮派三朝不倒都易接收,但江派和团派都绝不会让对方主政。王筹谋几十年的野心可能实现,除了习死乱局中高人涌现,激民起思变而走向民主。(祥请搜索:郝雪森== 【14】美中贸易战谁胜谁负,只需看中共是否仍然推行王沪宁极左路线美中贸易谈判过程中和履行协议期间,中共不肃清而是仍然推行王沪宁学毛文革极左路线 ,这时与之达成协议而不是加紧惩罚中共则是最大失败。美方要求中方结构性改革,中方只是书面承诺却行动仍向极左倒退,达成这种协议美方就是投降。中共三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁一惯极左仇美,中共若不肃清其路线,倒退拒绝政改,继续内外号召反美,支持反美国家,打击西方民主自由世界,企图一路称霸世界,是极端危险的。中共从不循规蹈矩 ,有极左的中共世界必乱无经济秩序可言。眼下只需看中共是否有意釆纳其党内"平反六四"的意见,对六四学运人士的打压是否加剧,就可看出中共有无改的诚意。面对倒退的中共,美国和西方世界唯有团结一致对付它。除了大陆不断暴发突发事件危急中共,外部世界只有在经济上施压能起作用,如果这一点也放弃,绝无胜算可言。是考验川普有无里根的政治远见智慧和魄力的时候,也是能造就人类终结共产邪恶的世纪英雄之时刻。在此贸易战掀起意识形态冷战的关键时刻,希望川普留名于史的是一代伟大的政治家,而不是只图眼前商场利益而有幸官场一游的商人。祥请搜索: 郝雪森== 【13】大陆军民今年要特别严防流血事件发生已是大陆政局最动荡的时期,很可能发生重大突发事件.当下王沪宁愚弄习近平学毛独裁已接近文革式恐怖状态,一旦发生重大突发事件,王必定会学毛暗使习血腥镇压以防苏式崩溃.共党目前政治格局.内斗主要有三派,一是新组习派,一是江派,另是团派.隐谋多年的大野心家王沪宁心中,江派和团派现没有接班的可能,习的根基太子党也竟然被王政治边缘化.中共政权若不因党外而崩溃,党内只有去习才能政变.习若突发事件学毛镇压双手沾血,必定会走到尽头.党内能收拾残局的只有三朝不倒的王沪宁,江派和团派都不会让对方取代习,一惯突现八面玲珑"不结帮派"的王渔翁得利.重大突发事件正是王沪宁学毛唯恐天下不乱而冒尖的机会,必定暗使习近平沾血镇压走向"自杀",施计取而代之,王除此绝无其他任何机会.大陆同胞一定要防范"六四"等大流血事件重演,关注三朝罪恶元凶幕后最有实权的王沪宁,广告天下揭穿其阴谋.请大家转发告知共军官兵们:共军绝大多数来自平民,在被派处理突发事件时,宁可向老天爷开枪,也绝不能向同胞父老兄弟姐妹们开枪!!离中南海近的可调转枪口. 祥请搜索: 郝雪森== 【12】已到中国变革复兴最佳时期,合力打倒三朝最恶元凶王沪宁!三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁一惯极左,其受益于小学肆学却因文革政治需要保送外语班而翻身和其父的马毛灌输,一生堕入马毛伪政治学仕途偏门.苏亡江恐理论危机,看上王聚谋士赶编的强权独裁谬论,左转被邓南巡阻止,王策江应合邓搞经改却停政改.阻止平反64,镇压法轮功,抗美军援前南斯拉夫核助朝鲜财输委内瑞拉,胡上台王吹和谐延续江时王路线.亦小学水平虚荣且蠢的习上台给王更大机会,大倒退修宪仿毛独裁,全面根固文革式马毛邪教,浮夸一带一路国造2025,金王多次密谈想扭转川金会谈等挑起与美冷战,王豪赌是自杀并断送中共,还除最后障碍习的根基太子党,习蠢到倒退打父脸,挣眼看王挖坑埋自己.王极左习与美打贸易战,使全球反共反谍反洗钱连带发酵,断送官员携家逃境外的后路,老百姓与各帮派官员都成了王极左倒退的人质.王要实现其隐谋多年的野心,唯有操控更庸的习傀儡学毛专横独裁,不惜让全国上下过苦日子.除习,几乎所有人都明白.( 中共必诱以川普家业和连任需要,但从不履行协议,必应借违约逐步打死中共,中共危境被动不会撕毁协议也无能报复,中共不亡必严重祸害全世界!祥请搜索:郝雪森== 【11】打倒中共幕后操手王沪宁,六四和法轮功事件才有望翻案,朝核问题才有望解决镇压法轮功和最终为六四定调阻止翻案及处理朝核危害世界和平等重大问题,表面上是江泽民及其后两继任,而实际上起决定性作用是深藏幕后的王沪宁!中共自六四政治危机和前苏东欧垮台的信仰危机后,江泽民等中共领导人全靠王沪宁的诡辩“理论”撑门面维持一直动荡的政局,法轮功并没有把矛头指向江泽民等中共领导人.中共领导人都是没经竞选的众所周知的庸人,特别是习近平,竟然是没念过初高中的小学毕业生,文革上的工农兵大学和在职校外马列法学博士更是极假.江泽民等中共领导人之所以会用残酷镇压手段,实际上是听信了中共政策研究室王沪宁对政治的分析后,幕后操作江泽民等对法轮功和六四事件延续三届二十余年的定调和阻止翻案,及在朝核问题都是耍王沪宁阴阳两面法,并正在逐步倒退至去毛臭标签的文革意识形态.这是显而易见的事实!只有先彻底揭露和打倒中共幕后操手王沪宁,六四和法轮功事件才有望翻案,朝核问题才有望解决,大陆才可能前进. 2018年1月2日== 【10】告全国同胞书和致中共汪洋李克强等高官的公开信全国同胞们、汪洋李克强等中共高官们:美国总统川普以贸易战的方式打响了终结邪恶的共产主义的冷战,中国人民真正解放的日子不远了。中共内外交困危机四起崩溃已是必然。别指望糊涂虚荣且真正只受过小学教育的习近平,他在王沪宁之类极左们的愚弄下,只会祸国殃民加速中共的灭亡。中共正处崩溃前的苏联状态,有过之而无不及,这更倍增川普成为终结共产主义英雄的信心和决心。此关键时刻,每个中国人必须行动起来! 大造舆论,制造或寻找并参与终结中共的每一件力所能及的大事或小事,摧毁中共,复兴发展中西结合五权分立统一的中华民国。为顺利和平演变避免动乱降低社会成本,能出叶利钦式人物较为理想。望有良知的汪洋李克强等中共高官们,是你们作出选择立即行动的时候了,机不可失。你们有川普同样的,成为终结共产主义的英雄载入史册的机会。此刻对中共党员特别是高官来说,没行动就是等受谴责或审判,会殃及家庭务必三思。同胞们,为了我们和子孙后代,以行动复兴发展统一的中华民国!签名:郝雪森(请搜索本文在签名最多的网页都签上名后多转发)== 【9】中国新党筹建公告中华民族正处重大关头,大陆复兴中华民国的机遇来临,我们筹建“中国新议政党”简称"中国新党"。中国新党的宗旨是创建中华民族的新型社会模式造福人民,为国际大家庭树立典范。现行目标是在大陆复兴中华民国并筹划两岸统一,重树和发展孙中山先生的"三民主义"和"五权分立"中西结合的社会模式;敦促习近平放弃马列邪教,促其宣布解散或更名重组其党和宣布开放党禁报禁履行言论自由等,促其在大陆恢复中华民国。在此前提下,我们呼吁海内外中华儿女及各社团组织,在大陆和平过渡期,接受习近平为大陆新复兴的"中华民国"临时大总统,直至一两年内全国大选。先行议会选举和新宪法的完善,及大选的筹备。在互联网信息社会中,我党暂行在网上任何网页或社交媒体或电邮声明入党并有姓名日期截图依据的申请方式,为以后初审颁发党员证用。待于大陆正式建党后,所有连带累计顶层达界定人数的介绍人,通过初审入党后为首届党代会代表。我党的方向和发展等议题事项有待您的加入、参与、组织和贡献,同时广招栋梁之才。将不从政不参与候选的创始人:郝雪森 2018.7.30. haoxuesen@gmx.com(请转发,或区块链== 【8】 王沪宁愚弄习近平大倒退与美冷战必断送中共习近平承诺大开放,若真再开放将一发不可收拾,结局必是中共垮台.若不让步开放贸易战必导致中共经济崩溃更快垮台.海南建自由贸易港是再开放的假门面缓冲地,更是权贵敛财新特色特区,内大陆不会再开放.操纵甚至可说愚弄习近平的王沪宁等人,己习惯使习不顾颜面左右摇摆,颠三倒四.让步是缓兵之计,边拖边看,假改逼到危急中共生存再变卦.王沪宁一惯疯左,阻止平反64,镇压法轮功,军援前南斯拉夫,核助朝鲜,促成既得利益集团,大倒退乃至修宪巩固独裁专制全面根固文革毛式马列邪教,一带一路扩张,中国制造2025,金王密谈想扭转川金会谈等与美冷战,所有极左策略操手是王沪宁!他是在自杀和断送中共,并捣最后政敌习根基太子党,习蠢到挣眼看王挖坑埋自己!(我2016年始发9篇揭王文章于大陆内外全网散发两年,是全网全国捣王撼陆第一人,祥请搜索:郝雪森== 【7】 王沪宁加快倒退愚弄习近平走毛独裁路,决心与美冷战妄想成为世界霸主我有文章分析过,王操纵江泽民欺骗胡锦涛玩弄习近平是中共幕后最有实权的人.升常委后以完成"习思想"加紧愚弄习,舍弃部分职位继续掌控政研室.王90年代初以其萌芽的毛式独裁新权威政治之说被江泽民看中求教,江本无主见.邓小平南巡阻止了江倒退,江为太上皇的胡温十年也没如愿倒退.习上台后,王很清楚习本性虚荣愚笨且实际只受过小学教育,易愚弄,以完成"习思想"左右习倒退走毛独裁路.与朝鲜和解则更是决心冒与美冷战之险,朝鲜不会真正弃核,与中共和解是为确保这点.除了美让步或战争解决.实际形成新冷战,迫使美国要解决朝核之险必先要如苏联崩溃一样,以中美经济之战使中共垮台,朝鲜无助也迅速崩溃,无须热战.王左右习以巨资向西方世界输出其意识形态并扩张势力,愚弄习为世界领袖做妄想主宰世界的"中国梦".王受益于毛文革上工农兵大学而升迁,他善变善于伪装,根基极左.但没善恶对错标准,可变任何左或右形态,打造不管是否有无习为傀儡的他的王国,必须广泛关注实际由他所左右的中共动向!(郝雪森== 【6】 大陆复兴中华民国全球华人行动起来,在国父孙中山旗织下统一中国!2018年将是中共内外交困全面走向崩溃的标志年,其唯一赖以生存的经济将面临前所未有的危机,美国减税,大陆国企重负,外企撤离,资金外流,企业倒闭引失业潮,银行负债,人民币贬值,生活水平下滑,贫富差距再增,股市楼市泡沫严重等。朝鲜一旦战争,将加重我东北朝核污染和可能更大范围生化武器污染及难民涌入,损害不亚于朝鲜。民怨加剧和中共内斗使局势更加动荡,皆极可能使中共黑暗独裁统治结束。在此中国乃至全世界的重要历史时期,全球华人行动起来,促大陆和平复兴中华民国。民国是孙中山领导人民推翻了历经数千年的封建社会而建立的丰功伟业,大陆复兴而统一的中华民国是真正超级大国。特拟先行主张:1,大陆现有共党及附庸党团工会等组织,只要放弃暴力恐怖的共产主义邪教条,上交全部非法党产或社团资产,其组织可存留。其在各政府机构的官员也可留用于保留机构中,前提是上缴个人非法所占资产并接受相应认证,否则依法处理。释放全部政治良心犯,在台国民党等政党社团只要没有台独等违宪主张,均可与海外民运或练功群体等在大陆发展一起参政议政。2,大陆复兴民国后,台湾香港澳门为特别行政区,保留现西藏新疆广西宁夏等自治区,享有高度自治权,内蒙也可管辖权交外蒙统一蒙古并高度自治换其回归大中华民国,其他邻邦也可自愿效仿。保留大陆现行政区的划分和留用各专职人员,直至考试院成立。3,为扭转大陆罕见的贫富悬殊,鉴于大陆大多数富翁和全部暴发官员及红色家族的财富是非法所得,作好全面大幅缩小贫富差距的准备。全国资产评估并以城市中层人均资产为参考定以基线,全球收缴红色家族及官员暴发户超出此基线之资产,包括银行存款和房产等,补足个人资产不足基线者,富翁超出的资产作合法认证后可保留。4,清除毛像毛尸堂,废除人民币,换以新中华民国元。每户长期住地,是城市则分一套住房,是乡村则分一份土地,以中共解体前资料为准。取消中共户籍制等恶规恶法,优先建立落实人权和环境与食品安全监管法规。以原中华民国宪法为基础健全宪法和五权分立的民主体制。5,全球华人开展评议备考待选的“找寻中华民国大总统”活动,无党派地区性别等限制,寻德才兼备的两对正副总统竞选伙伴,迎接大陆复兴中华民国的历史时刻!郝雪森2017,12,30== 【5】总结百年号召百姓:三字今(经)我中华,数千年.饱沧桑,封建延.孙中山,有卓见.捣皇朝,民国建.倡三民,分五权.民主制,体制坚,中西合,文明兼.创伟业,非凡缘.二战起,风云变.日寇侵,亡国险.蒋介石,抗战宣.保国土,精忠献.联合国,国威显.最可恨,是苏联.割外蒙,入侵圈.扶中共.马列奠.毁中华,民熬煎.共产党,罪恶元.苏维埃,傀儡园.斯大林,干儿牵.毛泽东,大汉奸.恶流氓,最疯癫.勾日俄,内战添.假解放,真深渊.学秦皇,焚书卷.划户籍,自由限.立特权,等级严.搞运动,文革巅.毁文化,道德践.八千万,死得冤.民疾苦,崩溃沿.邓小平,救党艰.搞经济,挣了钱.红家族,全升天.暴发户,激民怨.学运起,屠城溅.胡耀邦,政改现.赵紫阳,同遭陷.六四事,转折点.苏联垮,东欧颠.此大陆,钻钱眼.江泽民,贪不厌.人活摘,死医院.聚贪官,集红眷.搞垄断,贫富悬.假反贪,腐败遍.李鹏等,红贵殿.国资产,霸占全.仅薄家,罪查检.胡温办,祭旗典.习近平,小丑演.小学生,博士惦.无知者,无畏焉.愚蠢者,被愚骗.成傀儡,太丢脸.反腐亦,政敌歼.红族贪,无一贬.学老毛,崇拜恋.想独裁,倒退原.人权丧,网络监.王沪宁,流氓颜.妓女相,专诡辩.伪政治,满邪念.在幕后,玩两面.罪难逃,骂名连.新世纪,光明艳.普世道,民主先.独裁衰,自由乾.同胞起,醒梦眠.灭红贵,抗争掀.共产除,全民愿.新民国,幸福源.民富裕,国强健.创历史.复兴篇.世界和,结局圆.(详请谷歌:郝雪森== 【4】习近平成为多线撑傀儡的政局预测作者:郝雪森皆知习近平小学毕业遇文革,初高中未读却保送工农兵大学,后以红二代当官在职读马列,为"博士"太假!天资不足好虚荣,乃无知者无所畏惧,愚蠢者易被愚弄。但没人弄习就动弹不得, 操纵玩弄多线撑傀儡习的有王沪宁刘鹤等“高参”。对刘等来说弄习出成绩有利仕途,而对王来说习无成绩下台才继之有望,习受两相反作用力左右。人大刘等或会谋以总统制作政改秀,震动大定位可不明确,但习留任王就没戏。学毛独裁完成"习思想"是王操纵习的关键,刘父死于文革恨毛会想修宪去毛化。修宪和政策会是妥协结果,或学普京总统制和军队国家化,习还是独裁傀儡。或宪法删些过左修辞,但实质反西方。总统制更可弱化李克强等非习家常委。学毛独裁搞个人崇拜习必遭骂名而下台,王沪宁乘机收拾残局,婊子立牌坊是他的无对错求实用的特色政治。左右习的王栗赵刘丁陈等“高参”习家军都60多岁,不搞总统制按旧规,要高升延续政治生命难。修宪或去人名或留一句"马克思列宁主义毛泽东邓小平习近平三时期中国特色社会主义思想",还可改的是每届人大是在党代会半年后召开,期间有多部门半瘫痪。== 【3】 若有下届则19大最大赢家王沪宁任总书记可能性最大作者:郝雪森我发表在北京之春网三篇之一《操纵江泽民欺骗胡锦涛玩弄习近平的王沪宁是在幕后最有实权的人》中揭示和预言,原入常呼声高的王沪宁令主要官网只删除其一人的简历资料,做出局假相躲避了王歧山栗战书被暴丑闻众矢之的局面,19大再杀回马枪。这黑马王沪宁是最大赢家:1,成功入常.2,让习揽大权但没当党主席,习若当党主席20大必连任,王沪宁没戏.3,常委中无60后接习的班,20大能留任的常委排前列的又能使习和多数所接受的只有他.4,常委留三大派易树敌约束习,习的铁杆仅栗一人比预想的少,习难摆脱他.5,他最不愿废除且没废除七上八下,习想再连任仍多此约束.6,他新职曾是中共接班前的常务书记党校校长和政治思想與论等其20余年的强项领域.这对他最有利的至少6点绝非巧合,幕后就是他!他不在乎江胡习史上留什么名,可能不会自己留骂名.形势所逼他或许顺世潮起动政改,至少学普京的总统制.下一步或许会令习稳大权却无须有成就,给习树敌而已中立,掌控政局.习思想已离不开他,诱习利令痴昏(没智)学毛个人崇拜,再五年笑柄闹剧下台,习近平的确是无知者无所畏惧,愚蠢者易被愚弄.== 【2】 操纵江泽民欺骗胡锦涛玩弄习近平的王沪宁是在幕后最有实权的人作者:郝雪森{blank}[我去年开学时写了《这位可敬的老奶奶教子可谓名留青史》(习母教训习近平的电话被窃听內容)一文发表在“北京之春”网站后,开始对中共政坛及其动态感兴趣,一年里我用了大部分学余时间进行收集和分析,感觉有必要写点,以揭示中共政坛真相特色]在古今中外史无前例最大历史罪人毛泽东发动文革浩刧使中共动荡衰退之后,经邓小平仿西经济改革的挽救,逃脱了苏联东欧式的崩溃。但在中共首要的思想政治和路线上,面临“姓社姓资”的争论和危机,也是那六四天安门大屠杀之后上台的江泽民面前的最大难题,摆在中共中央政策研究室政治组王沪宁桌面上,使王沪宁有了对此后中共几届都无法摆脱的实质性的幕后掌控权。中共政治的特色,由黑厢操作私下交易产生的并非人才,所以真正实权操纵在幕后的秘书,特别是政治“智襄”手中。王沪宁何许人也?他和习近平一路人相同,文革开始时是念小学或刚进初中就停学去“闹革命”的,初中高中均未读却受益于毛泽东文革而逐步青云直上彻底改变了命运的人。有的被保送上“工农兵大学”?有的经文革后超低水平的“高考”进入大学。这类“工农兵大学生”毕业后绝大多数不能真正从事所学专业,也因此有不少人如同习近平投机改行。但大陆“政治系”专业除外,大陆所学马列政治专业的人在绝大多数国家或文明发达国家是无法找到对口工作必定改行的,唯独在大陆却是重用的紧缺“人才”,中共信仰大危机后更是最重用的救党“人才”。这也就是像王沪宁此类“大学生”平步青云的原因,他们最熟悉毛泽东历次运动的宫庭内斗经验,和手段残酷的阶级斗争暴力夺权的“政治学”。要提示一下,如上所述王沪宁此类水平也能平步青云是靠他的中共马列“政治学”资本和头衔,不是什么了不起的真才实学,能干实事有点真才实学的或许在他手下秘书班子中可以找到。王沪宁的“真才实学”不过是一个只读四年小学的人,大半辈子在社会上磨炼在中共宐场滚打的手段和经验而已(仅这点和王岐山相似)。王沪宁可能至今还不知几何代数物理化学等最初级最基本的概念,也没听过初中语文老师讲课。他们是在毛泽东文革时期受宠的最大受益者,是中共少有的有真正“红色基因”而又有变色龙双重特色的人。王沪宁是中共自邓小平死后至今,制定中共思想理论政治路线重大决策的人。从1997年邓小平死后三个月他参与撰写江泽民5.29重要讲话开始,他就以不左不右为幌子,策划只搞经济改革,不搞政治体制改革的方针路线,在他为邓之后的江泽民胡锦涛和习近平制定的纲领“三个代表”“科学发展观”和“中国梦“等等之中,只字不提政治体制改革。而实这二十来年也未作丝毫政治体制改革,相反却一步步向毛极左方向倒退。王沪宁为江泽民提供了“三个代表”一说,从而在政治思想和路线决策上操控江泽民,成?江不得不依赖的首席“智襄”,为江泽民出谋划策,打击党內政敌,以腐败引诱和网罗红色资本家各红色家族形成宠大的既得利益集团,垄断大陆各大经济命脉,全大陆贪污腐败疯行,把持政坛祸国殃民一二十年。胡锦涛上台后,王沪宁仍是无法摆脱的首席“智襄”。他又以“科学发展观”装饰门面,由他诱骗而江泽民团伙则威逼,使胡锦涛听从他的“和谐”主张,接受江派大员和既得利益集团胡作非为,延续江派的政治路线,进一步扩大各红色家族的经济侵吞垄断,使人民生存环境严重恶化。等到习近平上台之后,王沪宁更是将习玩于股掌之中,引入昏梦境地,令其独揽全部大权,也不顾及前台的习近平言行前后矛盾,左右摇摆,举国上下对立,内忧外患。利用反腐打击异己和党内政敌,那些巨贪的党内几个大佬和一大堆红色家族暴发户一个也没抓,打倒的唯一一个红二代薄熙来还是在胡温手上抓的。王沪宁利用习近平的无知愚笨和虚荣心,利令痴昏(没智)学毛搞个人崇拜,逆民意反世潮搞倒退,明显致使习近平给跟随胡耀邦赵紫阳创立改革路线的其父亲习仲勋一记响亮的耳光。 由此可见习近平的确是无知者无所畏惧,愚蠢者易被愚弄。王沪宁就是如此尽情如意地玩弄习近平,举最近一例,前不久川普第一次参加的联合国大会,本应是习近平最想以世界另一老大身份参加的。但是,习如果去参加联大,王沪宁若照惯例随行,必会如同栗战书一样成为十九大前的暴料焦点众矢之的,若不随行,则必会误为失宠而与进入常委或攀高位无缘,故其令习没去参加联合国大会。对栗战书来说随习参加联大则是有利消除暴料丑闻影响巩固地位的机会,王沪宁则不想要习参加联大所以没去。王沪宁前段时期的入常呼声很高,但在北戴河聚会和王歧山栗战书被暴料之后立即转为低调,就是为躲避锋芒,19大再杀回马枪。再举一例,胡锦涛18大裸退,习近平当时感动得几乎落下眼泪。可是,王沪宁这四五年,教唆习除了打击年老的江派人员,疾尽全力打击“少壮”的胡锦涛的团派大员。若有人问王沪宁为什么恩将仇报,他会说,胡对习有恩可不是对我王沪宁有恩,团派人都上去了我怎么办?所以有说胡锦涛提出党章去掉“三个代表”和“科学发展观”,一是打击王沪宁,二是暗地阻止19大党章写入习的啥东东。王沪宁在这二十余年幕后低调干政,隐藏着他的一大阴谋,就是只有让习近平当傀儡在前台尽力独揽大权,学毛泽东说一不二后,他才能台后操纵实现他的最终目标。若习近平十九大人事按排受阻不能如愿以偿,王沪宁也就基本上玩完了。王沪宁一个高小肆业生竟是中共二十余年来幕后真正最有实权的人,也许有人不信。但是,想想中共党魁习近平,连他也实际上只是一个小学毕业生,这又如何解释呢?这就是中共由毛泽东建立的用人特色。毛泽东学秦始皇焚书坑儒, 重用无才无能但很听话的奴才。只不过,若说的好听,王沪宁很像王岐山比习近平江泽民等机灵得多,说的不好听,王沪宁比习近平江泽民等老练狡猾得多。所以中共历史上高层腐败分子政治流氓低庸之辈层出不穷,祸国殃民至今依然,中共倒台绝对为期不远了。 2017.10.16== 【1】 这位可敬的老奶奶教子可谓名留青史郝雪森----讲讲我哥第一次做小偷时听到总书记的母亲电话教训总书记的话这次署假回家,哥哥酒后告诉我一个惊人的秘密。前几个月,他得知母亲病危准备赶回家,在他打工的城市的火车站,发现钱被偷了. 为母亲筹到的医疗费全完了,哥心急如焚。返回打工住地时,哥遇上女同事的一个亲人,想到此人是在一家很富贵的夫人家做工,便起了歹念。哥跟踪此人来到了那富贵的夫人家院门外,计划深夜偷窃钱物。等到晚上十点左右时,忽然下起大暴雨,哥乘机跳进大院,并爬上了紧靠二搂一有亮灯的窗户的一棵茂密大树。不久室内电话铃声响了,哥看到一老奶奶开始通话:“......,你爸不在了,我就每次都要反复提醒你,你身为总书记一国之主,你的责任太大!......”,哥听到这句后,吓了一大跳,想走,可又不敢动,好象一下去就会有人抓住他. 他畏缩在茂密的枝叶中,最后决定等下一阵雷雨时逃走。此时,他还能清楚地听到那老奶奶的训话:“我不想听你的辩解!有不少你爸的老部下向我暗示,你和你爸走的不是一条路。我告诉你,你要倒退,与你爸创建的改革道路背道而驰,我决不答应!”“你可能意识不到问题的实质和严重性,这里没别人,我要用'冷水'泼醒你!我做母亲的,最清楚你们几姐弟中,谁读书好,谁的水平能耐如何。这些你也应该有自知之明, 再加上你其实只有小学文凭, 你的能耐就一清二楚众所周知了。你刚进初一就文革停学,初中高中都没学过。后来保送清华上大学, 都知道那是可交白卷只是为了镀金的文凭。再后来你又当官在职读啥马列博士,国人谁会不知道这是假文凭?一个没啥能耐智慧且只念过小学只学过小学语文的人,管理这么大的国家, 你能离得开秘书半步?你完全被你周围的人利用和摆布,背离了你的父亲还蒙在鼓里, 你是活在他们编织的梦里!”老奶奶的这番话说的很激动也很不客气。我哥虽是打工仔,可也有作为一个大专毕业生对时政应有的理解, 他心想,东西是不能去偷,但能偷听到如此“国家大事”,没有白冒险一回,哥似乎是屏住呼吸倾听着:“想倒退到那文革浩"o的毛时代?忘了你和你父亲打成'反革命'被揪斗的那些年?忘了你爸被迫退下后对你们反复交代的话?你糊涂啊,太糊涂!我反复说过,你只有用对人也许名留青史,你若用错人就会遗臭万年,毁了你爸的名声!我死了也不瞑目”。“你爸有过两次只向我一人暴露过内心深处的真实思想,第一次是四人帮倒台后你爸被平反恢复工作时. 他说解放后二十多年里,毛泽东学斯大林给人民带来古今中外前所未有的苦难和浩劫. 毛所建立的体制必须改革,所以你爸在深圳搞了中国第一个改革试点。第二次是六四镇压学运以及苏联东欧共产党纷纷倒台后,你爸被迫退下时,他说中国迟早也会有苏联和东欧同样的结局. 要你们姐弟们远离政治,最好远离大陆,而你却没有做到。不过,你爸也理解你的苦衷,你四年工农兵大学是坐飞机只学了些马列毛思想,你无法从事所学化工专业。你也去过国外试了一段时期,体面的工作一件也干不了,不体面的工作你又不会去做. 工农兵大学除了学会26个英文字母,你也不认识几个英文单词。这也是你不能随前妻出国而离婚的原因之一,你只有留国内从政,有红二代金牌撑着,你爸理解你的这种无奈处境。但是他留给我的遗言反复强调要我常常提醒你: 在这个体制内当官要牢牢记住, 1, 只能做改革派; 2,只能顺世潮顺民意做对民众有益的亊. 只有这样今后才可能不被清算,你爸临终时也只对你这件事很不放心”。“你身边周围那几个人,若不是只会阿谀奉承的小丑,就是很有心计的野心家,你就是被他们这些'高参'左右摆布。所以让国人越来越对你失望, 如此再进一步便是祸国殃民, 你必定遗臭万年,你周围的'高参'一个也逃不了,必遭严惩! 你职位最高,因此今后最大的野心家也只能出在你身边。他们只有让你学毛搞假民主只集中,独断独行,他们才有破格出头的机会,种种的违规破格打破格局对他们高升是必要的,对你就没有必要却有很大的风险,他们也不会顾及你留下骂名。”“现在是最关键的时期! 要么学你父亲, 像个真正的男子汉, 大胆改革, 失败了也问心无愧。不行,回不了头就给我辞职. 你别无选择! 让别人或老百姓赶下台那就晚了,不仅会留下骂名,还可能落个前罗马尼亚的齐奥塞斯库的下场!一想到这点,我这做母亲的天天都无法安心。”“和你讲的这些,也许是我一生留给你的最后的心里话,可以留给今后来证明. 智慧对任何人无论对庸人或能人来说都是有限的,能倾听大多数人的意见则是最大的智慧,对你来说是要多思而后行!”{blank}......大概半个小时后,又一阵雷雨狂下,哥赶紧爬下树来翻墙逃脱。以上老奶奶的话,只是她反复强调和给我哥印象深刻的几句,半个来小时老奶奶反复严厉教训了许多,主要还是围绕这些内容。原本我不愿写下哥哥这企图行窃之事,但是,一想到老奶奶忧国忧民,如此正直可敬的品德,我决定公之于众,更值得新时代年轻人学习!面对国家如此危难之际, 一位高龄老奶奶都能如此大义凛然, 年轻人能无动于衷吗?(有向这位高龄老奶奶致敬的读者请留言) 郝雪森 2016年9月10日# 第五个现代化:民主及其他魏京生序言现在报刊杂志和电台中不再震耳欲聋地宣传无产阶级专政和阶级斗争了。一方面,因为它是被打倒的“四人帮”的法宝,但更重要的一方面是因为人民群众实在听腻味了,这一套再也不能拿来作欺骗人民的工具了。历史的规律是:旧的不去,新的不来。旧的既然已经去了,人们自然要拭目以待。老天不负有心人,他们终于等来了一个伟大的诺言,叫做“四个现代化”。英明领袖华主席和在有人心目中更英明伟大的邓副主席终于击败了“四人帮”,使得天安门广场上流血的伟大人民,有了实现他们梦寐以求的民主与繁荣的可能性。“四人帮”抓起来以后,人们就日日盼望有可能“复辟资本主义”的邓副主席,作为一面伟大的旗帜重新树立起来。终于,邓副主席重新回到了中央领导的岗位上,人们何等的激动,何等的兴奋,何等的……。但遗憾的是:人们所厌恶的旧的政治制度没有改变,人们所希望的民主与自由甚至连提也不被提起了,人民的生活状况没有什么改变,“提高”的工资,远远赶不上物价的飞速上涨:听说要“复辟资本主义”搞奖金制了,细打听一下,原来是马克思主义的祖先们诅咒过的那种“最大限度剥削工人”的“无形的鞭子”。有消息证实不再搞“愚民政策”了,人民不能在“伟大舵手”的领导下,但仍可以在“英明领袖”的领导下去“赶上并超过世界先进水平”的英、美、日本和南斯拉夫(?):“参加革命”不那么时髦了,“上过大学”开始身价百倍,人民也不必任凭“阶级斗争”的叫嚷来磨厚他们的耳朵的茧子了,“四个现代化”可以代表一切。当然还必须本着四。五学社向我们传达的中央精神,在统一领导下,加以指导或引导后,这整个美妙的图景才能算是完成。中国古代有个寓言,叫“画饼充饥“还有一个成语,叫做“望梅止渴”。在古代就能总结出这样幽默的讽刺性经验的人民,据说还在历史长河中不断发展、前进,以至到了今天。总不该有人会以为他们也会做这种蠢事吧。但是竟然就是有人这样认为,但是竟然就是有人这样做。中国人民在几十年内紧跟在“伟大舵手”后边用“共产主义理想”做画饼,就着“大跃进、三面红旗”的止渴梅,勒紧了裤腰带,勇往直前,三十年如一日地得到了一个经验教训;这三十年来大家都好象猴子捞月亮一样,怎么能不一场空呢?因此当邓副主席提出“务实”的号召后,人民群众就以潮水般的呼声一次又一次地把他拥上了台,人们期待着他用“实事求是”的态度检查过去,引导人们走向可以达到的未来。但是有人告诫我们了:马列主义、毛泽东思想是一切的一切的基础,甚至是谈话的基础,毛主席是人民的“大救星”,“没有共产党就没有新中国”=“没有毛主席就没有新中国”。谁否认这一点,有告示为凭——就没有好下场。而且“有人们”提醒我们注意:中国人民是需要独裁的,即使超过封建皇帝,那正说明他的伟大:中国人民不需要民主,除非它是“集中指导下的民主”,否则一钱不值,信不信由你,有监狱为凭——刚腾出来的。但是有人给你留下了出路:以四个现代化为纲,安定团结地走吧,勇(?)作革命(?)的老黄牛,你们会达到你们的天堂——共产主义和四个现代化的繁荣。好心的“有人们”又给了我们这样一个提示:如果你们想不开,就努力钻研马列主义、毛泽东思想吧!想不开是因为你们不懂,不懂正说明了学问的高深嘛!你们不要不听话,你们单位领导是不会答应的!等等,等等……我劝大家不要再相信“这一类政治骗子”了,我们明知要受人骗,还不如老老实实地信赖一下自己,文化革命的锻炼已使我们不那么愚昧了。我们自己来研究一下自己该怎么办吧!一、为什么要民主?几世纪来人们谈论这个题目已经多得很了。民主墙的诸公们也作过详细的分析,说明民主比独裁究竟好多少。人民是历史的主人,这是一个事实呢,还是一句空话?它既是事实,也是空话,说它是事实,是因为没有人民的力量,没有人民的参与,任何历史都是不可能的,任何“伟大舵手”、“英明领袖”恐怕都不会存在,更不要说什么创造历史了。从这个意义上说,没有新的中国人民就没有新中国,而不是“没有毛主席就没有新中国”。邓副主席感谢毛主席救了他的命,这是可以谅解的,但他难道就不感谢那个把他推上台的“呼声”吗?他难道就应当对“呼声”说:你们不应该说毛主席的坏话,因为他救了我的命。从这事上我们同时看出了,人民是历史的主人成为了一句空话,它之所以是空话,是人民不能按照他们大多数的愿望来掌握自己的命运,他们的功劳被记在别人的帐上,他们的权利被编织成别人的皇冠,有这样的主人吗?倒不如说是好奴隶。在历史上他们作为主人创造了一切,在现实中他们作为奴仆垂手拱立,以便让象面团中的酵母那样不断产生的领袖来“引导”他们。他们应当有民主,如果他们向谁要民主,那他们只不过是要回本来就属于他们自己的东西。如果谁不给他们民主,谁就是无耻的强盗,比抢走工人的血汗钱的资本家更纯粹的强盗。但是现在人民有民主吗?没有。人民不想当家做主人吗?当然想。共产党战胜国民党的原因就在这儿。胜利后这个诺言到哪去了呢?随着人民民主专政的口号改为无产阶级专政,在人口几千万分之一的少数中实行的“民主”也取消了。代之以“伟大领袖”个人的独裁,按照伟大领袖的教导在党内发牢骚的彭德怀也被打倒在地。又一个新的诺言:因为领袖是伟大的,所以迷信一个领袖比民主更会给人民带来幸福,人民半被迫半自愿地听信了这个诺言直到今天,但他们更幸福了吗?更不幸了,更倒退了。为什么会这样这是他们第一个要考虑的问题。现在怎么办?这是他们第二个要考虑的问题。现在根本不需要评价毛泽东几分功劳、几分错误,当初他提出这个说法只是为他自己辩护,现在人民需要反省一下,没有毛泽东的个人独裁,中国是否也必然会落到今天这一个地步。是中国人笨,中国人懒,中国人不想过更富裕的生活,中国人天生不安份吗?正相反。那为什么?答案是明显的,中国人不该走他们走过的道路,他们为什么会走这条路?不正是那个自卖自夸的独裁者引导他们走上这条路的吗?不想走就专政你,人民听不到不同的情形,还以为天下只有这是条可走的路呢。这不叫欺骗吗这里边也有几分功劳吗?这是条什么路?听说叫“社会主义道路”按马克思主义的祖先们的定义,社会主义首先是人民群众,或叫无产阶级大众当家作主人。试问中国的工人们、农民们,除了每月发给你们糊口的一点点钱以外,你们作了谁的主?作了什么的主?说来可怜,你们被人作了主,甚至婚姻也不例外。社会主义保障生产者除完成他的社会义务外,得到他的劳动成果,但你们的义务是有止境的吗?你们得到的不正是“维持劳动力的生产所必须”的一点点可怜的薪水吗?它能保证社会的每一个公民都有受教育、发挥个人能力……等等许多权利?但我们在眼前的生活中一样也看不到,看到的只有“无产阶级专政”和“俄罗斯式独裁的变种”——中国式的社会主义独裁。难道这样的社会主义道路是人民所需要的吗?难道独裁就等于人民的幸福吗?这是人民所希望的那条马克思描述过的社会主义道路吗?显然不是。那是什么?说来可笑,倒有点象《宣言》里说的封建社会主义,也就是披着社会主义外衣的封建君主制。听说苏俄已从社会封建主义升格为社会帝国主义,中国人也必须走这条路吗?有人建议把过去的帐全算在封建社会主义的法西斯独裁统治上,我是完全同意的,这里边不存在功过问题,顺便说说,臭名昭著的德国法西斯的正名叫“国家社会主义”他们也有一个独裁暴君,他们也号召人民勒紧裤腰带,他们也欺骗人民说:你们是伟大民族。最主要的是,他们也扼杀哪怕是最起码的民主,这因为他们清楚地认识到:民主是他们最可怕的、不可抗拒的敌人。在这个基础上,斯大林和希特勒握手签订了《德苏条约》;在这个基础上,社会主义国家和国家社会主义举杯瓜分了波兰;在这个基础上,两国人民遭受着奴役和贫困。我们也必须继续遭受这样的奴役和贫困吗?如果我们不想民主是我们唯一的选择,换句话说,如果我们想在经济、科学、军事等方面现代化,首先就必须使我们的人民现代化,使我们的社会现代化。二、第五个现代化:要什么样的民主我想问问大家:我们要现代化干什么?在有人看来:红楼梦那个时代不是满好吗?看看书,写写诗,还可以搞女人,饭来张口,衣来伸手,现在还加上看看外国电影,真是神仙的日子。不错,是神仙的日子,老百姓可是不能沾边的,人民要的是人民有可能真正享受到幸福的日子,最起码也要不比人家外国的人民享受的更差,而所有老百姓都能够享受到的富裕是社会普遍富裕,这种富裕只有随着社会生产力水平的提高才能够达到,这一点是十分明白的,但最重要的一点被有些人给遗漏了,社会生产力提高后人民就能够享受到富裕的生活吗?这里边还存在着支配权的问题,分配的问题,剥削的问题。解放后的几十年中人民勒紧裤腰带拼命的干,也确实创造了许多的财富,这些财富都到哪去了?有人说:拿去喂肥了象越南这样的较小型号的独裁政权,有人说喂肥了林彪、江青这样的“新生资产阶级分子”,这都对,总而言之,它没有落到中国劳动人民手里,这些财富不是被大大小小的手中有权的“一类政治骗子”直接挥霍掉了,就是被他们赏赐给了越南、阿尔巴尼亚这类与他们志同道合的混蛋们。毛泽东临死前为了老婆向他要几千块钱还难受过,他把中国人民的血汗钱几百亿地扔了出去,谁发现他心疼过?而且这还是在中国人民勒着腰带上街讨饭来搞社会主义的时候。跑到民主墙来拍毛泽东马屁的人,你们既然睁着眼睛为什么就看不到这些?恐怕是有意看不见这些吧?假如真看不见,请诸位把写大字报的功夫用来跑跑北京站永定门,或在街上注意一下上访的外地人,问问他们在外地要饭是否也算稀罕事,我想这些要饭的不一定也想把雪白的大米去支援什么“第三世界的朋友们”吧可是他们的意见重要吗?可悲的是在我们这个人民共和国里,只有那些吃饱了没事,看书写字过过神仙日子的人才有支配的权力,人民难道没有最充分的理由把权力从这些老爷们手里夺过来吗?什么是民主?把权力交给劳动者全体来掌握,就是“真正的民主”。劳动者不能掌握住国家权力吗?南斯拉夫正在这条路上走,并给我们证明了,人民不需要大小的独裁统治者,可以把事情办得更好。什么是真正的民主?人民按他们自己的意愿选择为他们办事的代理人,按照他们的意愿和利益去办事,这才谈得上民主,并且他们必须有权力随时撤换这些代理人,以避免这些代理人以他们的名义欺压人民。这是可能的吗?欧美各国人民就在享受着这种民主,他们可以按自己的愿望把尼克松、戴高乐、田中等人赶下台,如果他们需要,还可以再让他们上台,谁也干涉不了他们的民主权力。而中国人民即使谈论一下已经死去的“伟大舵手”毛泽东“历史上绝无仅有的伟人”毛泽东,监狱的大门、各种意想不到的厄运就在等待着他们,对比之下,社会主义的民主集中制与资本主义的“剥削阶级民主”真是有天壤之别呀!人民有了民主就会天下大乱、无法无天了吗?最近报刊上透露的一些情况不是说明正是由于没有民主,大小独裁统治者才得以无法无天吗?怎样维持民主的秩序,这是一个需要人民自己解决的内政问题,无需特权者老爷们替他们操心,老爷们操心的不是人民民主,而是怎样用这个籍口来取消人民民主的权利。内政问题当然不会一下子就解决,必须要在发展的过程中,不断地去解决,错误和缺点是难免的,但这是我们自己的事,总比受了老爷们的欺压无处申冤要强千百倍,耽心民主会无法无天的人,正象辛亥革命后耽心人民没有皇帝,会无法无天的人一样,他们的结论都是:安心受压迫吧,没人压迫你们,你们的脊梁会飞到天上去呢!我要恭敬的奉告上述诸君:我们要自己掌握自己的命运,不要神仙和皇帝不要相信有什么救世主,我们要做天下的主人,我们不要作独裁统治者扩张野心的现代化工具,我们要人民生活得现代化,人民的民主、自由与幸福,是我们实现现代化的唯一目的,没有这第五个现代化,一切现代化不过是一个新的诺言。我号召同志们:团结在民主的旗帜下,不要再相信独裁者的“安定团结”法西斯集权主义只能带给我们灾难,不要再对他们抱有幻想,民主是我们唯一的希望,放弃民主权利无异于重新给自己套上枷锁。相信我们自己的力量吧!人类的历史是我们创造的,让一切自封的领袖和导师滚蛋,他们把人民手中最宝贵的权利骗走已好几十年。我坚定地相信:在人民自己的管理下,生产将更发达——因为这是劳动者为自己的利益而生产;生活将更加美好——因为一切将以劳动者的生活为目的;社会将更加合理——因为社会的一切权力将以民主的方式归于劳动者全体。我并不以为人民能不费吹灰之力地从某救星手中得到这一切,我也并不认为中国会嫌困难重重而放弃这个目标。只要人民认清了目标和障碍,他们会毫无犹豫地踩扁那些拦路的螳螂。三、向现代化进军:实行民主中国人民要现代化,首先必须实行民主,把中国的社会制度现代化。民主并不完全象列宁编造的那样,仅仅是社会发达的结果。它不仅是生产力和生产关系发达到一定阶段的必然产物,也是生产力和生产关系在这个发达阶段以及更加发达的阶段中得以存在的条件,没有这个条件,社会将停滞不前,经济的增长也将遇到难以克服的障碍。因此,对于以往的历史来说,民主的社会制度是一切发达——或叫现代化——的前提和先决条件,没有这个先决条件和前提,不但进一步发展是不可能的,就连保持现有发展阶段的成果也是很难做到的,我们伟大的祖国,三十年来的经历,就是一个最好的证明。人类的历史为什么要走向发达——或叫现代化?是因为人类需要发达的社会所能够给予他们的全部现实结果,是因为这一现实结果的社会效果所能最大限度地使他们达到追求幸福的头一目标,就是自由;民主是人类现在已知的最大限度可能达到的自由。民主成为人类近代斗争的一个目标,不是十分显而易见的吗?近代历史上一切反动分子,为什么都在反民主的旗帜下团结起来呢?是因为民主给予了他们的敌人——人民大众——以一切,而不给予他们——各种压迫者—以反对人民的任何手段,最大的反动派就是最大的反民主主义者,这从德国、苏联以及“新中国”的历史中可以看得很明白;最大的反民主主义者就是社会和平与繁荣的最大、最危险的敌人,这从德国、苏联以及中国的历史中同样可以看得十分明白。人民要求幸福、社会要求发展的斗争,就集中在对反民主主义者——独裁法西斯主义者的斗争上,这也可以从德国、苏联以及中国的历史上鲜明地看出来。民主反对专制的斗争取得胜利必然给社会的发展带来最优条件和最大的速度,关于这一点,美国的历史就是一个最鲜明、最有力的证据。人民追求幸福、和平、繁荣的一切斗争,都只能以追求民主为前提,人民反抗压迫与剥削的一切斗争,也都只能以达到民主为先觉条件,以我们的全部力量投入到为民主而斗争的战斗中吧!人民所能得到的一切,都是民主的非民主的任何幻想都不是人民可能得到的,任何形式的独裁和专制集权主义都是人民最直接、最危险的敌人。敌人会让我们实行民主吗?当然不会,他们会不择手段地阻止民主的进程欺骗和蒙蔽人民的耳目,是他们可以采取的最有效的办法。一切独裁法西斯主义者都告诉人民:你们的现状实际上是全世界最美好的。民主真的到了自然而然的地步了吗?并不是,它的每一个微小的胜利都要花费巨大的代价,甚至要认识到这一点,都必须花费流血牺牲的代价。民主的敌人一贯都欺骗人民说:民主就是必然产生也必然消亡的,因此是不必花费力量去争取的。但是看看真实的而不是“社会主义政府”的御用文人们编写的历史吧!真实而有价值的民主每一个细节末枝,都浸润着烈士们和暴君们的鲜血,向民主迈出的每一步,都必须抗拒反动势力的全部打击。民主之所以会克服这些障碍,正说明它对于人民的宝贵,等于他们的一切希望,因此这一潮流是不可阻挡的。中国人民从来没有怕过什么,他们只要认清了方向,暴君们的强大就不会再是不可战胜的力量。为民主的斗争是中国人民的目标吗?文化革命是他们第一次显示自己的力量,一切反动势力都在它面前发抖了。由于人民当时还没有认清方向,民主的力量还不是斗争的主流,因此大多数斗争被独裁暴君们用收买诱入迷途、挑拨离间、造谣中伤和武力镇压的方式扼杀了,由于当时人民迷信各种独裁野心家式的领袖,因此他无意中又一次成为暴君和潜在的暴君们的工具和牺牲品。今天,十二年后的今天,人民终于认识到了目标的所在,认清了斗争的真正方向,认出了他们真正领袖——民主的旗帜。西单民主墙成为他们向一切反动势力所作斗争的第一个阵地。斗争一定会胜利—这已经是老生常谈了,人民一定会解放——这是具有新意识的口号。还会流血,还会牺牲,还会遭到更阴险的暗算。但是民主的旗帜不会再被反动势力的妖雾遮住了。让我们团结在这一伟大而真实的旗帜下,为谋求人民的安宁与幸福,为谋求人民的权利与自由,向社会制度的现代化进军吧!(一九七八年十二月五日在西单墙贴出,后发表于一九七九年一月八日出版的《探索》第一期。)六四事件 又称六四天安门事件 指1989年4月中旬开始的以悼念胡耀邦活动为导火索 由中国大陆高校学生在北京市天安门广场发起 持续近两个月的全境示威运动 6 7 也称八九民运 狭义上指六四清场 即1989年6月3日晚间至6月4日凌晨 中国人民解放军 武装警察部队和人民警察在北京天安门广场对示威集会进行的武力清场行动 8 9 1 11 六四天安门事件中华人民共和国民主运动及冷战的一部分Události na náměstí Tian an men Čína 1989 foto Jiří Tondl jpg在人民英雄纪念碑附近示威的学生日期1989年4月15日 1989年6月4日 51天 1个月2周又6天 地点 中华人民共和国 包含北京市在内的四百余个城市 起因胡耀邦逝世经济改革开放严重通货膨胀政治贪污腐败大量失业问题东欧剧变引发的世界民主化浪潮目标七项要求 解决党和国家的贪腐问题 新闻自由与言论自由 追求社会平等 推动中国大陆政治民主化方法绝食 静坐 占领广场 设置路障 焚烧车辆结果国务院总理李鹏发布戒严令 宣布北京市戒严中国人民解放军进入天安门广场干预并驱散抗议群众 进行武力清场赵紫阳被罢免 民主改革派远离政治核心江泽民成为中共中央总书记 保守派获得提拔机会中华人民共和国政治体制改革停滞中华人民共和国加强对媒体的控制市场经济改革速度放缓中华人民共和国失去自1979年以来与西方的较友好外交环境 转而形成对立局面冲突方中国共产党 中国共产党中华人民共和国 中华人民共和国政府执行机构 中国人民解放军 中国人民武装警察部队Police Badge P R China svg 中国人民警察Red star svg工人纠察队北京高校学生自治联合会等民间组织北京市和中国大陆各地大学院校学生部分工厂员工知识分子来自中国大陆各地的市民中华民国亲中华民国人士 1 领导人物强硬派 邓小平 中央军委主席 陈云 中顾委主任 李鹏 国务院总理 姚依林 国务院副总理 杨尚昆 国家主席 王震 国家副主席 李先念 全国政协主席 薄一波 中顾委副主任 李锡铭 中共北京市委书记 陈希同 北京市市长 刘华清 中央军委副秘书长 迟浩田 解放军总参谋长 江泽民 上海市委员会书记 温和派 赵紫阳 中共中央总书记 胡启立 中共中央书记处书记 万里 全国人大常委会委员长 彭冲 全国人大常委会副委员长 习仲勋 全国人大常委会副委员长 田纪云 国务院副总理 吴学谦 国务院副总理 徐勤先 陆军三十八集团军长 鲍彤 中共中央总书记政治秘书 阎明复 中共中央统战部部长 胡绩伟 全国人大常委会委员 李锐 中顾委委员 学生领袖 王丹吾尔开希刘刚柴玲周锋锁翟伟民张伯笠封从德李录沈彤王有才周勇军熊焱王超华马少方唐柏桥工人领袖 韩东方吕京花李旺阳知识分子 刘晓波2 1 年诺贝尔和平奖得主陈子明戴晴侯德健崔健江平方励之苏晓康陈佩斯茅于轼北岛包遵信汤一介辛灏年伤亡死亡18 至1 454 2 名平民不等 15至5 名军人及警察 3 各方估计并不相同 4 5 六四事件是中华人民共和国历史上的一个转折点 它的爆发标志着改革开放以来邓小平等人在中国大陆推动的后期政治体制改革失败 赵紫阳 鲍彤等中共改革派高层事后被撤职 而胡耀邦已在八六学潮中辞去中共总书记一职 于是198 年代所不同程度推动的自由化改革也就此停止 此后官方只批准了很少的游行活动 12 13 14 15 16 17 国际社会对此事件普遍表示了谴责和制裁 也有部分国家 多数位于中东及非洲 表示同情或者支持 而六四事件的后果除了造成政治从此转向收紧 经济影响也直接导致了中华人民共和国改革开放的放缓 直至1992年邓小平南巡后才重新提速 18 19 2 21 22 不过 邓小平任内推行的废除干部领导职务终身制则一直延续下来 期间更完成了3任政权的和平更替 直至习近平2 18年修宪后被废除 23 24 目录名称释义六四事件汉语六四事件字面意思六月四日发生的事件 显示 标音中华人民共和国政府使用的名称繁体字1989年春夏之交的政治風波简化字1989年春夏之交的政治风波 显示 标音汉语别称㈡繁体字八九民運简化字八九民运 显示 标音于香港维多利亚公园举办的维园六四21周年烛光晚会所摆设的标志历史名称广义上 “六四事件”或“六四天安门事件”是指1989年4月起于北京市发起并波及全国的抗议活动 更准确的称呼应为“八九民运”或“八九学运”等 事件的命名依据 一方面是要和过去发生在天安门广场的重要活动有一致的命名习惯 包括1919年的五四运动 1976年的四五运动等 有时候会直接简称“六四” 亦有人使用“六四运动”描述整起示威活动 与海外只集中在特写6月3日晚上清场的态度不同 在中国大陆境内使用“六四”这个词提及的范围与考虑的广度较大 25 指整个广义的“八九民运” 狭义上 “六四事件”是指中国人民解放军进驻天安门广场 要求抗议群众撤离的日子 尽管军队在6月3日晚上便执行清场任务 即“六四清场” 中国大陆以外的中文地区也将清场事件称作“六四镇压”或“六四屠杀” 26 官方称法自1989年以后 中国共产党和中华人民共和国政府也用数个名称指称六四事件 并被怀疑疑似借由修改事件称呼的方式 逐渐降低事件对往后社会大众的影响 27 在事件刚发生之际 中国政府将其命名为“动乱” 后升级为“反革命暴乱” 28 事件结束后以“六四风波”指称 后来在江泽民主政后期和胡锦涛主政时期 政府将当天的冲突全部改成更为中立的名称 也就是今日持续使用的“1989年春夏之交的政治风波” 29 3 或“1989年政治风波” 31 32 33 这类短语 27 34 2 19年习近平执政时期将“反革命暴乱”与“1989年春夏之交的政治风波”并行使用 35 西方称法西方世界在描述该事件的经过时 经常使用“1989年天安门广场抗议” 英语或“天安门镇压” 英语年代时西方新闻媒体经常使用“天安门大屠杀” 英语 Tiananmen Square Massacre 这类字词 36 但在近年的相关报导中则逐渐减少 37 主要是因为绝大部分暴力冲突并非发生在天安门广场上 而是在北京城西的木樨地 37 不过“天安门广场抗议”或是“天安门事件”等字词 容易让人误以为整个示威活动只发生在北京市 然而当时中国许多城市都有出现相关的抗议活动 37 代名词在中国大陆境内 上述名称皆于搜索引擎或公开论坛上被列为“敏感词” 为了要绕过网络审查 互联网上出现许多形容六四事件的替代称呼 38 包括有“5月35日” “VIIV” “6”和“4”的罗马数字写法 和“8平方” 82 64 等 39 4 “农历五月初一” 1989年6月4日为农历已巳年五月初一 这个表述一般情况很难被认为是六四的意思 对于“1989年” 则用“民国78年” “平成元年”等字眼规避审查 随着上述字词在中国网站上传播甚广 现在中国境内的多数网站也将这些视为自我审查词汇 在百度中搜索“天安门事件”则直接显示“四五运动”或者金水桥事件 但如果直接搜索“六四事件” 则会出现如中国网 中新网和中国日报等官媒发布的有关此次事件的资料 在百度贴吧里面搜索“六四事件”“5月35日”“8平方事件”“VIIV事件”都会显示“抱歉 根据相关法律法规和政策 相关结果不予展现” 事件背景改革开放参见 改革开放1977年7月 中共十届三中全会召开 大会通过恢复了邓小平的中共中央副主席 国务院副总理 中央军委副主席和解放军总参谋长的党政军职务 合称三副一长 邓小平正式复出 中共十一届三中全会在1978年12月召开后 获得最高权力的邓小平将改革开放列为重要政策 加速国民经济发展 41 同时邓小平提拔改革派成员担任重要的政府官员 其中中共中央秘书长胡耀邦在198 年2月被任命为中央书记处总书记 分割时任党主席华国锋的权力 同年9月赵紫阳则接替华国锋担任中华人民共和国国务院总理 华国锋在1981年下台后 胡耀邦接任中国共产党中央委员会主席 自此改革派进入中央最高领导层 尽管市场化的经济政策普遍受到人民的欢迎 但对官员腐败和裙带关系的担忧也不断增长 42 43 经济危机参见 价格闯关和198 年代末中国通货膨胀自195 年代以来 中国便长期透过中央制定的计划定价机制 让商品的价格稳定处在较低水平 但也减少了制造者增加产量的诱因 改革开放后 在经济改革初期 中国政府采取部分产品价格固定 部分商品允许价格波动的价格双轨制作法 但因市场上长期产品短缺而物价较高 部分人则可利用权力以低价购入产品 之后再以市场价格贩售 时谓“官倒” 44 此外 政府的货币供应量增发过多且过快 造成至少有三分之一的工厂无法获得利润 但1988年减少货币供应后 又使得许多金融贷款无法正常兑现 44 1988年 邓小平在北戴河会议上同意以市场经济为基础 让价格体系得以恢复正常 45 46 但价格管制将放松的消息传开后 随即引起民间恐慌 中国各地民众大量提领现金并购买商品囤积 45 不到两周内 政府便立即撤销价格改革的政策 但价格闯关带来的影响明显延续一段时间 民间社会面临快速通货膨胀的问题 在官方提出的消费者物价指数报告中 指出北京市的物价于1987年至1988年期间增长3 % 许多工薪阶层因为无法购买大众商品而感到恐慌 47 在新的市场经济体制下 许多无法获益的国有企业也被迫削减成本 让过去拥有工作保障与社会福利的铁饭碗开始面临生活的压力 47 48 社会问题改革开放后 中国社会出现了官倒 权钱交易 腐败 特权 贫富分化扩大等种种问题 22 49 5 51 此外 改革开放以后 改革派领导人设想知识分子会在往后发挥主导的功用 领导国家实施更多的经济改革政策 尽管政府陆续设立新的大学 并增加各校的招生名额 52 但情况并未如计划设想般实际发生 53 一方面因国家所指导的教育体制 并未充分和市场需求不断增长的农 轻工 服务业与外国投资等领域结合 54 另一方面因专精于社会科学和人文科学的学生 则必须进入有限的就业市场 52 新开设的私立企业并不接受国家分配毕业生 然而高收入的工作则由具裙带关系者取得 55 条件优厚的工作岗位都被取得后 剩下的职位往往是绩效较差的部门 掌握实质权力者则在该领域并无专长 47 面对惨淡的就业市场和有限的出国机会 知识分子与学生们认为凭借处理政治问题将能解决以上问题 这让北京市各个大学校园出现了研究政治为主的小规模“民主沙龙”社团 56 57 这些组织逐渐激发学生参与政治的兴趣 45 受到中国的经济社会逐渐朝向资本主义的影响 中国共产党名义上仍保留的社会主义 在意识形态上也面临信任危机 58 对于民营企业的审核制度 则让许多不良的商人能以宽松的法律优势致富 甚至常在过去强调“没有穷人”的社会中炫耀拥有的财富 47 59 财富分配不公的问题引起民众强烈的不满 也普遍对于国家的未来感到幻灭 6 派系斗争参见 中共八大元老保守派的中共元老中顾委主任中国国家主席李先念中顾委主任陈云 左 与国家主席李先念 右 当时人们希望中国政府能有其他改变的作为时 结果政府部门迟迟没有进一步的动作 58 在改革开放的政策制定和实施后 面对伴随而来浮现的种种问题 领导高层之间在处理办法上出现分歧 但尽管中国共产党内部因为意识形态而浮现派系冲突 双方人马都需要获得最高领导人邓小平的支持 才能实施各项重要决策 7 以中国共产党中央委员会总书记胡耀邦 中国国务院总理赵紫阳为首的改革派 又被称作“右派” 主张进一步实施政治自由化的方针 借由设立允许多种想法的渠道 让民众能够表达不满 并进一步支持改革 改革派成员还包括 胡启立 万里 彭冲 习仲勋 田纪云 鲍彤 阎明复 李锐 等等 61 62 另一方面 以中国共产党中央纪律检查委员会第一书记陈云 中国国家主席李先念为首的激进反改革派 又被称作“左派” 则认为改革开放已经施行过多政策 因而认为重新加强控制以确保社会稳定 并与中国共产党书面的社会主义主张一致 保守派成员还包括 王震 李鹏 薄一波 姚依林 邓力群 等等 62 政治体制改革主条目 中华人民共和国历史 § 政治体制改革198 年8月18日 邓小平在中共中央政治局扩大会议上作了 党和国家领导制度改革 的讲话 俗称“8 18讲话” 提出要进行政治体制改革 建议废除干部领导职务终身制 提倡民主集中制 并向全国人民代表大会提出全面修宪建议 63 64 1982年12月4日 第五届全国人民代表大会第五次会议审议通过了具有历史性意义的 八二宪法 该宪法也成为了中华人民共和国的第四部宪法 收入了许多宪政主义的内容和条款 为改革开放奠基 17 19 22 65 66 在邓小平的支持下 赵紫阳主持了后期政治体制改革随着改革开放的加速 中国社会出现了官倒 权钱交易 腐败 特权等种种问题 经济改革亦受到了原有政治体制的阻碍 22 49 5 51 1986年上半年 邓小平再次提出“政治改革”并启动了“政治体制改革”的研讨和制定 同年9月“中央政治体制改革研讨小组”成立 成员包括赵紫阳 胡启立 田纪云 薄一波 彭冲 49 65 67 68 69 1 月 赵紫阳提议的中央政改小组办公室成立 具体负责人包括鲍彤 严家其 贺光辉 周杰 7 邓小平的政治改革出发点是 在中国共产党一党专政的前提下 实行党政分开 提高行政效率 革除官僚主义弊端 推动经济制度进一步改革等 但不能照抄西方的宪政制度 他强调 “不能放弃专政 不能迁就要求民主化的情绪 要搞一个增强行政效能的体制 机构要精简 讲民主必须要和法制联系起来讲 把法制搞起来 才能有稳定的社会环境 我们的行政机构应该很有效能 ” 68 71 72 73 与此同时 其他人士还公开提出了“多党制” “三权分立” “议会民主” “司法独立”等西方宪政主义的架构 68 71 虽然这些与邓小平等人的中国共产党官方改革观点可能有所不同 但在当时比较宽松的政治气氛下 并没有受到过多的抑制与打压 68 1987年1 月 中国共产党第十三次全国代表大会在北京召开 邓小平主持了开幕式 赵紫阳作了题为 沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路前进 的报告 该报告由鲍彤负责起草 提出并论述了政治体制改革的方案和设想 阐述了社会主义初级阶段理论 提出了一个中心 两个基本点的概念 49 74 75 76 该报告的第五部分详细论述了政治体制改革 将邓小平198 年的“8 18讲话”作为改革的指导性文件 阐述了许多符合宪政主义的内容 其中包括进一步实行党政分开 权力下放 提倡法治和监督 完善选举制度等等 49 76 十三大还首次实行了差额选举 赵紫阳正式当选为中共中央总书记 鲍彤当选为中共中央委员 不久后鲍彤又被任命为中央常委政治秘书 49 74 1987年底 中共中央政治体制改革研究室成立 7 民间新思潮参见 第五个现代化 魏京生 资产阶级自由化 八六学潮和反对资产阶级自由化中国人民要现代化 首先必须实行民主 把中国的社会制度现代化 民主并不完全像苏联缔造者列宁编造的那样 仅仅是社会发达的结果 它不仅是生产力和生产关系发达到一定阶段的必然产物 也是生产力和生产关系在这个发达阶段以及更加发达的阶段中得以存在的条件 “”魏京生文化大革命结束后 早在1978年的拨乱反正时期 魏京生等中国知识分子便开始呼吁政治改革 并在北京市西单民主墙张贴不同政见的大字报 77 78 79 此时允许民众宣传政治自由和民主化的短暂时期 又被称作“北京之春” 但尔后魏京生在1979年3月遭到逮捕 8 西单民主墙也于同年12月时被迫封闭 81 1983年 中国共产党的保守派人士在发起了“清除精神污染”的左倾运动 1986年夏天 曾于普林斯顿大学任教的天体物理学教授方励之开始在中国各地大学展开个人访谈之旅 主要谈论的内容包括自由 人权 权力分立等内容 82 随后方励之成为当时社会大受欢迎的人物 83 他的发言记录也在学生间广为流传 84 对此邓小平曾警告方励之主张崇拜西方的生活方式 资本主义和多党制度 将意味着损害中国的传统价值观 社会主义的意识形态 以及中国共产党的领导能力 84 受到方励之的演讲 中国政治体制改革的重新开启以及世界各地爆发的群众运动影响 学生在1986年12月发起抗议活动 反对改革开放的步伐过于缓慢 其中参与示威游行的学生提出许多诉求 这包括有经济自由化 民主 法治等要求 85 虽然这次抗议最初是在合肥市附近进行 但很快地学生运动便蔓延至北京市等各大城市 对此中国共产党的中央领导阶层感到惊慌 并开始指责抗议学生试图煽动文革式的动乱 86 之后 中国共产党中央委员会总书记胡耀邦被中共内部指责对抗议活动的态度过于软弱 以及因为没有适当处理这次事件而引起社会动乱 胡耀邦遭到保守派人士大力谴责后 在1987年1月16日被迫辞去总书记的职务 但保留中共中央政治局委员的身份 86 87 88 在胡耀邦辞职后 中国共产党保守派在邓小平的支持下顺势展开了“反对资产阶级自由化”的左倾运动 开始针对支持胡耀邦观点 政治自由化和西方风格者进行打压 89 9 这项运动也制止了学生运动的发展 并且使得政治环境一度封闭起来 但胡耀邦也因而获得中国共产党党内的改革派人士 知识分子以及学生们的欢迎 91 92 但该运动此后遭到了代理中共中央总书记 时任中国国务院总理赵紫阳的反对 赵紫阳认为左派利用了反自由化运动来反对和否定改革开放 并以此说服了邓小平 该运动随后于1987年中期逐渐结束 67 93 94 95 国际局势主条目 东欧剧变和冷战事件起始与缓和胡耀邦逝世主条目 胡耀邦之死和对胡耀邦的纪念活动学生立起胡耀邦的巨幅画像 并在周围摆上花圈1989年4月15日 曾经在8 年代先后担任中共中央主席和中共中央总书记的胡耀邦因心脏病发作而逝世 随后引起学生强烈回响与悼念 并成为群众聚集的最初动力 96 97 大学校园里陆续出现许多歌颂胡耀邦的宣传海报 呼吁政府重新审视胡耀邦的观点 98 几天过后 大多数海报开始提到更加广泛的政治问题 包括有新闻自由 民主制度 以及官员贪污问题等 99 4月15日以后 一些悼念胡耀邦的民众也在天安门广场人民英雄纪念碑附近 自发组织小规模集会 同一天 北京大学与清华大学也在校园内设立胡耀邦的灵堂 北京当地学生陆陆续续聚集在天安门广场上 4月16日 位于西安市和上海市的学生也开始组织类似的小规模学生聚会 1 在部分大学生主导下 原本单纯悼念的活动转向要求政府控制通货膨胀 处理失业问题 解决官员贪腐 政府问责 新闻自由 民主政治与结社自由等 96 1 1 1 2 4月17日 中国政法大学的学生为了纪念胡耀邦而制做了大型花圈 在同一天有更多群众集结在天安门广场上 1 3 下午5时 5 名中国政法大学学生共同抵达靠近天安门广场的人民大会堂东门 表达哀悼胡耀邦之意 之后来自不同背景的演讲者举办公开演说 内容包括有纪念胡耀邦 讨论社会问题等 由于被视为将阻碍人民大会堂的运作 因此警方很快便介入示威群众的聚会 并试图说服学生离开天安门广场 4月17日晚上 3 多名北京大学学生在天安门广场进行学校学生的游行活动 很快地近千名来自清华大学的大学学生也参加游行 1 两队学生抵达天安门广场后 很快就与先前聚集在广场上的群众会合 随着活动规模的增长 聚会活动逐渐演变成为示威抗议 学生们开始向政府起草并提出7项要求 重新评价胡耀邦同志的功过是非 肯定其“民主 自由 宽松 和谐”的观点 严惩殴打学生和群众的凶手 要求有关责任者向受害者赔礼道歉 尽快公布新闻法 保障新闻自由 允许民间办报 要求国家领导干部向全国人民公开其本人及家属的实际财产收入 严查官倒 公布详情 要求国家有关领导人就教育政策的失误对全国人民作出正式检讨并追究责任 要求大幅度增加教育经费 提高知识分子待遇 重新评价反资产阶级自由化运动 并为在期间蒙受不白之冤的公民彻底平反 强烈要求新闻机构给予这次民主爱国运动以公正如实及时的报道 1 3 1 4 1 5 新华门事件示威学生曾一度聚集在中南海新华门静坐抗议 但最终遭到驱离4月18日上午 学生继续留在天安门广场 一些群众聚集在人民英雄纪念碑周围吟唱爱国歌曲 另外学生也在天安门广场上主办演讲活动 1 6 与此同时 数千名学生则聚集在中国共产党领导人居住的中南海入口新华门处 要求中国共产党的领导高层和学生之间展开对话 1 7 警方随即限制学生进入中南海内部 学生则决定原地静坐示威以表达不满 当天晚上 新华门前聚集了北大 人大 北师大 政法大学等校二三千名学生 围观群众六七千人 学生“会聚新华门是因为至今政府没有一个人出来表态” 学生多次齐声高呼“李鹏出来 ”“李鹏出来 ”的口号 并六次试图冲开警戒防线而未成功 1 8 1 9 11 许多学生认为他们遭到警方虐待 有关警察采取暴力驱离的传闻也迅速蔓延开来 111 新华门事件激怒了许多校园里的学生 许多过去没有积极参与政治事务的学生也因为这次事件 而决定加入抗议活动 112 在这段期间 一群自称“工人代表”的北京工人自治联合会则到处发布两份具挑战中央领导集团统治的传单 113 4月19日 立场靠近改革派的报纸 世界经济导报 决定出版纪念胡耀邦的专题报导 其中一篇由严家其所撰写的文章中 便对北京市学生发起的抗议活动给予正面评价 并且呼吁重新审视1987年要求胡耀邦下台的作为 不过在得知中央政府的立场渐趋保守后 江泽民要求 世界经济导报 删除相关的长篇敏感报导内容 但 世界经济导报 则以空白页刊登的方式抗议文字审查 114 最后江泽民马上解除总编辑钦本立的职务 115 其果断的行动赢得党内元老的正面评价 116 学运组成赵紫阳李鹏主张持续与学生进行沟通的赵紫阳 左 和主张对示威活动保持强硬态度的李鹏 右 由于胡耀邦曾经出任中共最高领导人的职务 中央决定为其举行国葬 仪式最后决定在4月22日举行 北京市人民政府下达命令封闭广场以举办葬礼 约有十万名学生则在前一天晚上无视命令 游行进驻至天安门广场 117 在4月22日当天 包括中央军委主席邓小平在内的中国党政领导高层皆前往人民大会堂内部参加典礼 并由中共中央总书记赵紫阳发表悼念词 中国国家主席杨尚昆主持仪式 尽管整个国葬过程向学生直接播出 然而由于纪念活动只持续了4 分钟便宣告结束 使得天安门广场的群众情绪更为高涨 7 118 119 12 虽然保安人员封锁了人民大会堂的东大门 但仍有数名学生共同突破封锁线 随后有三名学生跪在人民大会堂的阶梯上 表示要提交请愿书 并要求获得国务院总理李鹏的接见 121 然而没有任何中国共产党领导人自人民大会堂出现 这使得绝大部分学生感到失望与不满 121 122 4月21日至4月23日期间 学生们开始筹划成立真正的活动组织 1 在4月23日 北京高校学生自治联合会宣告成立 并选举当时就读中国政法大学的周勇军担任主席 而北京大学学生王丹 北京师范大学学生吾尔开希也被推举为各自学校的学生代表 随后北高联呼吁北京市的所有大专院校全面并无限期的罢课 以表抗议诉求 123 然而这样一个独立于管辖范围外的组织成立 挑战了中国共产党对学生的管理地位 124 另外一方面 位于湘潭市的湘潭大学学生也发起抗议行动 并且获得许多学校教授支持 同时武汉市当地的大学学生也组织起来 共同抗议湖北省人民政府 125 然而在4月22日黄昏 长沙市和西安市爆发了严重事故 其中包括在西安市有暴徒纵火毁坏车辆 房子 并且抢劫靠近西华门的商店 126 127 而在长沙市也有38家商店遭到暴徒抢劫 最后这两个城市共有超过35 人遭到了逮捕 128 随着国家局势变得更加动荡 中共中央总书记赵紫阳立即与中央政治局常委召开多次会议 对此赵紫阳强调要求学生停止进一步的抗议活动 而各自回到大学就读 他亦要求动用所有必要措施来解决动乱行为 而不同级别的政府应该与学生进行开放式对话 6 国务院总理李鹏则要求赵紫阳谴责示威群众 并认为应该要采取更加积极的防治措施 不过赵紫阳最后驳回了李鹏的看法 尽管中国共产党的领导高层就回应学生运动的方式意见分歧 而与赵紫阳关系密切的国务院副总理田纪云等人也建议赵紫阳继续留在北京市密切关注事态发展 1 但赵紫阳仍然依照原计划 应朝鲜劳动党总书记金日成的邀请 于4月23日飞往朝鲜进行国事访问 129 四二六社论主条目 必须旗帜鲜明地反对动乱为了抗议政府对 四二六社论 的定性 数百万名学生与群众发起了四二七游行 游行队伍举起写着“民主万岁 人民万岁 ” “廉洁的中国共产党万岁”的横幅赵紫阳前往朝鲜后 便由留在北京市的中共中央政治局常委 国务院总理李鹏代理领导党政机关 4月24日 李鹏和中共中央政治局委员兼北京市委书记李锡铭 以及国务委员兼北京市人民政府市长陈希同会面 希望能了解天安门广场上的情况 对此北京市官员想尽快解决危机 并认定抗议活动是一场阴谋 旨在推翻中国现有的政治制度 以及包括邓小平在内的主要党政领导人 在总书记赵紫阳缺席的情况下 中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会议认为必须立刻向示威群众采取态度坚决的行动 129 4月25日上午 中国国家主席杨尚昆和国务院总理李鹏前往邓小平的住处会见邓小平 邓小平同意政府采取强硬立场 邓小平还表示应该借由大众媒体适当地发布“警告” 借此抑制示威活动因为不断传播而扩大 13 这次会议成为中国共产党高层首次对抗议活动的正式评估 而重要问题的决定仍然以邓小平的意见为准 李鹏随后依照邓小平的意见下令起草一份公报 并向中国共产党各个机构和高阶官员要求应该设法对付示威群众 131 4月26日时 中国共产党的机关报 人民日报 头版发表社论 必须旗帜鲜明地反对动乱 四二六社论 指责“极少数别有用心的人”阴谋推翻中国共产党和现行的政治制度 132 133 134 然而这项声明激怒了学生 认为这是中国共产党故意要对付抗议活动 最后社论并没有令学生放弃示威活动 反而促成更多学生愿意团结 并共同表态支持学生活动 13 135 学生在天安门附近高举“学生的罪名 莫须有 ”的标语在北京高校学生自治联合会组织下 136 137 有五至十万名来自北京市各大学的学生在4月27日集结游行 经由街道前往天安门广场 138 学生团体成功通过警方设立的封锁线 并沿途接受以工厂工人团体为首的市民广泛支持 7 组织活动的学生领袖希望借由这次游行展现其爱国性质 特意淡化反对共产主义的口号 其中游行学生主要强调“反官僚 反贪腐 反任人唯亲”这一问题 不过学生仍强调会继续“拥护共产党” 135 这次示威游行迫使中国政府做出让步 同意与学生代表会面 4月29日 国务院发言人袁木会见由政府批准的学生社团代表 139 尽管会谈中讨论了包括报刊编辑 新华门事件 民主自由等广泛议题 并获得一些实质成果 然而包括吾尔开希等学生领袖则表态拒绝出席 14 141 142 五四对话4月3 日 中共中央总书记赵紫阳从朝鲜平壤返国并重新掌握党政权力 然而随着外界要求中国政府对学生示威活动的态度更为软化后 内部相关的讨论冲突反而更为加剧 以赵紫阳为首的温和派 主张继续与学生展开对话 以国务院总理李鹏为首的强硬派 则主张应该强硬地反对抗议活动继续进行 在5月1日召开的中共中央政治局常务委员会议上 赵紫阳和李鹏再度针对这一议题有所冲突 当中赵紫阳认为先前强硬派的作法已经证明并无实际的效力 因此政府特别允许这次活动才是唯一的选择 143 对于李鹏认为国家的稳定发展应该优先于任何事项 赵紫阳则反驳说中国共产党应该表态支持扩大民主和提升透明度的要求 最后在赵紫阳强力推行下 政府决定展开进一步的对话 144 赵紫阳随后开放新闻媒体积极报导抗议活动的发展 并在5月3日至5月4日期间发表了两次同情示威群众的演讲 145 赵紫阳发言中提到学生关切政府官员贪腐的问题是正当的 同时认为这次学生运动应该被视为一种爱国表现 146 144 在5月4日当天 有十万名学生在北京街头游行以纪念五四运动 147 同时再度重申先前示威游行所提出的要求 148 赵紫阳的发言实际基本上否定了4月26日 人民日报 发表的社论内容 149 这让很多大学生都满意政府所做的让步 15 5月4日结束时 除了北京大学和北京师范大学外 所有北京市的大学皆宣布罢课行动结束 随后大部分学生也逐渐失去参与抗议活动的兴趣 新闻自由获得口头保障 多数人主张以对话渐进推动民主 15 再度升级事件学生分歧与绝食1989年5月1 日 浦志强参加北京学运游行 要求“办报自由”和“结社自由”正当学生自治会所选举出来的正式对话代表团已经准备和中华人民共和国政府展开对话之际 131 北京高校学生自治联合会组织领袖不愿意由正式对话代表团单方面控制整个抗议活动 151 在面对学生团体内部不和以及参与群众不断减少的情况下 包括王丹和吾尔开希等具有较大影响力的学生领袖要求采取更激进的作法来恢复抗议声势 其中他们认为中国政府所提出的“对话”只不过是一种诱骗学生就范的方式 因此自5月11日开始动员学生准备进行绝食 151 希望能够改变 四二六社论 的定性 152 最后学生决定在苏联共产党中央委员会总书记米哈伊尔 戈尔巴乔夫高调对华进行国事访问的前两天 自5月13日由柴玲宣读 绝食书 展开绝食抗议 153 154 其中学生领袖认为欢迎戈尔巴乔夫的仪式必定安排在天安门广场进行 因此借由绝食抗议便能作为筹码来迫使政府满足他们的要求 此外绝食获得社会大众广泛的同情 进而使得学生运动成为一种道德行为并且受到群众的追捧 155 而北京的抗议活动促使得其他城市的大学也陆续组织了抗议和罢课行动 同时有很多学生也纷纷前往北京市参加示威游行 其中在5月13日下午便约有3 万人聚集在天安门广场上 156 整体来说于天安门广场上进行的示威活动仍保有秩序 来自北京不同地区的大学学生每天发起游行以表达抗议要求并且表示团结 同时许多学生也会在行进过程中齐唱无产阶级国际主义运动著名的 国际歌 157 在5月中旬 学生发起绝食行动 促使中国各地四百多个城市陆续集结抗议 表态支持 158 苏共总书记访华主条目 1989年戈尔巴乔夫访华戈尔巴乔夫访问中国前夕 游行的学生在天安门广场拉起中俄双语横幅宣扬民主 图为“民主 我们共同的理想”标语1989年5月 时任苏共中央总书记的米哈伊尔 戈尔巴乔夫历史性访问中国苏联共产党中央委员会总书记米哈伊尔 戈尔巴乔夫是195 年代末中苏决裂后第一位正式访问中国的苏联领袖 两国关系恶化前苏共中央第一书记尼基塔 赫鲁晓夫曾于1959年访问中国 作为国宾出席庆祝中华人民共和国国庆1 周年大会 苏联领袖相隔3 年再次访问中国 象征两国关系改善 因此中国领导人非常重视这次国事访问 159 5月上旬至5月中旬时有关采访六四事件抗议群众的审查限制获得明显地开放 国家媒体开始播放包括绝食在内关于同情抗议群众的影像 然而由于担心示威活动将会失控 邓小平要求在苏共中央总书记戈尔巴乔夫访问中国期间应该清除广场上的抗议群众 为了达成邓小平的要求 赵紫阳决定仍使用柔性办法并且指示他的下属马上与学生进行谈判 155 赵紫阳相信此时仍能够成功借由爱国主义吸引学生的关切 并且让学生了解到如果在中苏首脑会议期间让其他人士知悉内部有动乱迹象的话会使得全国难堪 5月13日上午中共中央统战部部长阎明复召开紧急会议 16 并且邀请到重要的学生领袖以及包括刘晓波 陈子明以及王军涛等知识分子 161 阎明复说表示政府已经准备与学生代表展开直接对话 但前提是学生必须先撤离天安门广场以举办戈尔巴乔夫访问中国的欢迎仪式 这样也使学生领袖们之间陷入分歧 162 5月14日时 以戴晴为首的知识分子在中共中央政治局常委 中央书记处书记胡启立的许可之下直接通过政府审查在 光明日报 提出意见 呼吁学生应该要尽快离开天安门广场 但是许多学生却认为知识分子是为了政府发言而拒绝做出让步 156 当天晚上 以阎明复为首的中国政府代表团与担任学生代表的沈彤和项小吉展开正式谈判 其中阎明复肯定学生运动的爱国性质并且恳求学生从天安门广场上撤出 162 虽然阎明复的诚意成功促使得一些学生愿意达成妥协 但是随着不同派系的学生间无法事先进行协调或者提出连贯的要求而使得会议变得越来越混乱 不久学生领袖在得知政府并不愿意承诺公开直播问题的谈判过程后宣告会议无限期中止 163 之后阎明复直接前往天安门广场尝试劝离学生 甚至表示自己愿意被学生挟持以换取撤离的决定 然而学生之间并没有理会其劝告 7 而在隔天阎明复还向李鹏询问是否愿意应学生要求正式退回四二六社论的内容 并且将学生运动定调“爱国民主运动” 但这些建议都一一遭到李鹏的驳回 12 最后戈尔巴乔夫访问中国期间学生仍然决定继续留在天安门广场 也使得中国国家主席杨尚昆为戈尔巴乔夫访华举行的欢迎仪式上改在机场内进行 这次中苏首脑会晤于中苏交恶3 年后进行 除了标志中苏关系恢复正常外 同时也被视为中国领导人其具有重要历史意义的突破 164 然而相比之下由于学生仍然坚持在天安门广场上进行运动而为这次会谈带来尴尬 进而促使得许多原本偏向温和派的领导高层也开始转向愿意实施“强硬派”的作法 165 其中邓小平与戈尔巴乔夫在人民大会堂内举行两国领导人之间的高峰会时 学生群众则在附近天安门广场上发起示威活动 155 而在5月16日戈尔巴乔夫与赵紫阳会面后 赵紫阳则在国际新闻媒体前告诉戈尔巴乔夫表示邓小平在中国仍然是“至关重要的” 对此 邓小平认为赵紫阳的这句话是要将处理学生运动失当的过错归咎于他 166 这项言论标志着邓小平和赵紫阳两个中国最高层领导人之间决定性的分裂 155 局势升级1989年6月2日的天安门广场绝食抗议的作法很快便引起中国各地对于学生的支持和同情 167 并且在5月17日至5月18日期间数百万名居住于北京市的各行各业居民共同发起示威游行 而参与者还包括有中国人民解放军军人 警察人员 中国共产党党员或者是低阶的政府官员 168 同时许多中国共产党基层组织 中国共产主义青年团以及政府资助的工会也鼓励其成员公开参与游行活动 168 此外一些中国民主党派成员学生致信给李鹏以表达意见 而中国红十字会也特别下达通知并且安排大量人员前往天安门广场为绝食群众提供医疗服务 169 而在戈尔巴乔夫离开中国后 许多外国记者仍决定继续留在中国并且报导于首都北京市进行的抗议活动 这使得学生运动成为国际关注的焦点并且也让一些西方国家政府呼吁中国政府保持克制 17 171 至此原本于四月底声势衰退的抗议行动重新获得声望 5月17日时来自中国各地的学生陆陆续续涌进首都北京市以参与学生运动 而在中国各地四百多个城市也爆发规模不一的抗议活动 其中包括中共福建省委 中共湖北省委以及中共新疆维吾尔自治区党委机关甚至都遭到学生示威游行的影响 158 但是由于中国共产党领导高层迟迟没有针对北京发起的示威活动有明确的定位 这使得地方当局不知道如何处理当地的学生运动 而且因为示威活动合并了许多范围广泛且关注点不同的社会议题 这使得中国政府无法清楚分析哪些议题可以谈判 乃至于不清楚示威活动提出了哪些诉求 与此同时由于绝食抗议的行动其本身便具有“牺牲特质” 这使得无论是权威性还是合法性都因此而逐渐丧失的中国政府感到十分棘手 168 在种种因素所形成庞大的压力情况下 中国政府内部开始讨论将戒严作为一种应对示威活动的可行手段 172 5月18日 国务院总理李鹏在人民大会堂首次与学生代表会面 并且希望能够安抚受到大众关注的绝食行为 172 在会谈中学生领袖再次要求中国政府撤销 四二六社论 并且肯定学生运动为“爱国举动” 但对此李鹏则表示政府主要关切的是因为绝食而送往医院诊治的患者 尽管这次讨论仅取得了少数实质成果 但是学生领袖也因此得以在国家电视台重要节目上有了出现的机会 173 5月19日凌晨 赵紫阳则在中共中央办公厅主任温家宝陪同下前往天安门广场 而听闻消息陪同前往的李鹏则是抵达广场后马上离开 赵紫阳在凌晨4时5 分时借由扩音器直接呼吁学生结束绝食 并且告诉学生应该健康地活着 看到中国实现四个现代化的那一天 174 这是他最后一次公开露面 174 175 戒严清场主条目 六四戒严和六四清场戒严令您可以在维基文库中查找此百科条目的相关原始文献 国务院关于在北京市部分地区实行戒严的命令北京市人民政府令 1989年5月2 日 参见 中华人民共和国国务院令支持镇压的强硬派李鹏随着示威活动不断升级并且扩大 最后作为军方最高领导人的中央军委主席邓小平决定采取果断行动 一连串游行后 以中共中央军委主席邓小平及中国国务院总理李鹏为首的强硬派决定以武力解决示威 中央顾问委员会主任陈云 时任中国国家主席杨尚昆和前国家主席 时任全国政协主席李先念等多位保守派中共元老亦支持出兵 37 5月17日 政治局常委在邓小平的住所召开会议 12 176 在这次会议上赵紫阳不断让步的处理方针遭到了其他成员的批评 其中李鹏和邓小平宣称赵紫阳于5月4日发表的和解谈话使得学生不再惧怕中国政府 176 邓小平警告说如果北京市进行中的抗议活动不迅速平息的话 意味着中国将冒着经历另外一次内战或者是文化大革命的风险 而他的意见亦得到其他中国共产党党内元老的支持 177 邓小平随后表示应该宣布戒严以表达政府无法容忍抗议活动持续进行的立场 178 同时为了证明戒严有其作用而决定将示威群众描述为资产阶级自由化倡导者的“打手” 并且指称是幕后筹划的人士试图打击中国共产党的统治并且进一步实现他们个人的野心 179 同日傍晚中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会在中南海制定有关戒严之计划 期间赵紫阳表示由于无法实施戒严而准备辞去职务 18 同时他也不确定由中央政治局常委投票做出的戒严决定是否具有法律约束力 181 之后胡启立亦表示他并不愿意实施戒严 但相对的李鹏以及姚依林都表态支持宣布戒严的决定 乔石则提到虽然他反对政府再做出进一步的让步 但是他本人并不认为实施戒严为解决这一问题的有效方法 182 而出席此次会议元老人物中华人民共和国主席杨尚昆和中国共产党中央顾问委员会副主任薄一波则强烈要求中国共产党中央政治局常务委员必须遵循邓小平的命令 之后担任中央军事委员会副主席和秘书长的杨尚昆更动用其权限开始调动军队进入首都北京市 182 5月19日 中国共产党中央政治局常务委员与军方领导人以及中国共产党党内元老会面 邓小平亲自主持会议并表示实施戒严是唯一的选择 在这次会议上邓小平宣布他“错误地”选择胡耀邦和赵紫阳担任他的继任者 并且决定从此将赵紫阳隔除在中国共产党高层领导会议外 邓小平还誓言要强硬处理赵紫阳的支持者 并且对此开始进行宣传工作 12 5月2 日 中国政府正式宣布实施戒严 183 184 132 并且从5个大军区中动员了至少3 个师的兵力 185 其中在中国人民解放军24个集团军中便至少有14个被要求部署军队 185 其中多达25 名士兵借由最终被送往首都北京市进行部署 其中有一部分军队则借由空运和铁路运输前往各自的目的地 186 而广州民航当局甚至还事先安排普通机票以准备随时运输部队 187 当天下午 杨尚昆当面明确北京军区司令员周衣冰为指挥 全权指挥戒严行动 188 然而中国人民解放军陆军部队进入城市后随即遭到大量集结的群众拦阻 在受到大量群众包围军车队伍并且阻止其进退的情况下使得部队在郊区无法继续前进 189 19 抗议群众也纷纷向士兵发表演讲并且呼吁后者加入他们的行动 同时示威群众还提供士兵食物 饮用水和相关用品 在部队迟迟无法向城市内部推进的情况下 中国政府于5月24日下令所有军队撤退至各个城市外的基地驻扎着 158 191 然而尽管示威群众成功逼使军事部队撤离被视为抗议活动“扭转颓势”的表现 但是中国政府仍然不断于中国各地调动部队以准备展开之后的行动 187 撤退与留守5月23日 天安门上的毛泽东肖像被泼墨与此同时学生运动的内部分裂则更为加剧 5月下旬学生所组织的抗议活动由于没有明确的领导人或一致的活动 情况变得越来越混乱 192 同时伴随着天安门广场上聚集著大量群众使得示威队伍出现严重的卫生问题 193 194 侯德健建议学生领袖进行公开选举以选出学生运动的发言人 但是遭到学生团体的反对 7 另外一方面王丹则认为近期中国政府将有可能发起军事行动以镇压示威活动 因此主张让学生先从天安门广场暂时撤回校园并且另外组成相关团体 但这个建议则遭到主张继续占领天安门广场的强硬派学生反对 随着派系冲突日益增加 各个派系开始争夺位在广场中央的学生广播中心 期望能够借由控制扩音器的方式掌握学生运动的控制权 各个派系也开始派遣一些学生前往火车站迎接来自全国各地声援的学生们 并趁机将他们拉到自己的派系之中以获得支持 7 学生团体开始指责其他派系的成员别有用心 这包括有勾结政府成员并且试图借由学生运动以获得个人成就 7 在5月27日时 香港将近三十万人则参与在跑马地马场举办的 民主歌声献中华 活动 不少香港名人应歌唱邀并且表示对北京学生的支持 隔天 在李柱铭 司徒华和其他组织的领导人领导下 香港15 万名群众聚集在于香港岛发起了大规模的抗议游行 而同一天世界各地也发起了全球华人大游行的活动 195 而在这期间 包括美国日本等政府也针对中国发出旅游警告 之后北京市的报刊上则陆续发表许多呼吁学生离开天安门广场并且结束抗学生运动的文章 其中在6月1日于 北京日报 刊载的 天安门广场啊 我为你哭泣 这篇文章中指称由于示威运动内部混乱和无序而使得作者感到失望 196 但是这些文章也使得许多不愿意离开天安门广场的学生感到愤怒并且开始组织抗议行动 196 数千名学生便列队自行游行至北京街头以表达不愿意撤离天安门广场 197 随后刘晓波 周舵与高新三名知识分子以及台湾歌手侯德健宣布发起第二次绝食活动 198 199 并且希望能够借此重新提振民主运动 2 而由于长期占领天安门广场后许多学生都渐渐感到疲累 这使得原先学生内部的温和派与强硬派之冲突也渐渐停息并且开始展开对话 2 1 之后刘晓波等人在发表的声明中提到绝食的目的是为了能够公开批评政府 同时提醒学生们他们现在的事业是值得奋斗的 并且促进学生能够继续占领天安门广场以提出继续改革的要求 2 2 6月2日晚间 一辆警方吉普车在行进时不慎撞击4名平民并且造成3人死亡 这件事造成示威群众开始担心军队和警察试图进驻天安门广场 2 3 对此学生领袖随即发出紧急命令 要求在主要的十字路口设置路障以防止部队进入城市中心 2 3 6月3日上午 学生和居民则发现有身穿便衣的军队试图携带武器进入城市 7 学生团体随即将其抓住并且把武器交还给北京市警方 2 4 学生随后于中南海的门口外进行抗议活动 但是遭到警方发射催泪瓦斯驱赶 2 5 另外一批没有携带武器的部队从人民大会堂出现后很快遭到抗议群众包围 并且在混乱中造成数人受伤 7 2 6 之后双方原地坐下并且开始吟唱歌曲 最后部队撤退回到人民大会堂大厅内 191 3日傍晚 中央电视台的新闻广播称戒严部队将会镇压动乱 并警告市民不要前往天安门广场 2 7 清场令指挥戒严行动的将领刘华清迟浩田戒严部队总指挥刘华清 左 上将和副指挥迟浩田 右 上将6月1日 李鹏向中共中央政治局提交 关于动乱的实质 报告 指称示威群众为恐怖分子和反革命分子 2 8 还指出抗议学生并不打算撤离天安门广场 同时示威活动也获得广泛支持 2 9 随后国安部也提交报告 强调资产阶级与自由主义已渗透到中国各处 西方观念给学生带来负面影响 21 国安部亦认为美军部队介入学生运动 期望借此推翻中国共产党的统治 211 这份报告在中国共产党党内成功营造出胁迫感 为之后的军事行动提供理由 21 同时中央政治局也收到戒严部队指挥部的报告 指出部队已经做好协助稳定首都现状的必要准备 种种因素让大多数中央政治局委员接受了戒严的必要性和合法性的说法 也同意之后借由武力清场以解决政治危机的方案 212 6月2日 随着学生的抗议运动有所增加 中共高层以武力解决政治危机的看法更加巩固 同日 中共高层再度召开会议 最终同意实施清场以“能够结束暴乱并且恢复首都秩序” 213 214 他们一致认为应尽可能和平地完成天安门广场的清场任务 但如果示威群众不愿配合的话 部队也被授权得以使用武力完成任务 国内报纸当天还报导军队部署于北京市十大重要关键地区 197 2 1 6月3日下午4时3 分 李鹏 乔石和姚依林3名政治局常委会见军方领导人 中共北京市委书记李锡铭 北京市长陈希同和国务院秘书长罗干 215 最后确定有关戒严实施的具体办法 213 216 会议确认将事件定性为“反革命暴乱” 必须果断采取强硬措施扭转局势 会议决定当日夜采取行动 “由周衣冰同志统一指挥解放军和武警部队力量 迅速开进天安门广场 坚决执行戒严任务” 217 在清场的当天晚上 中共领导人分别于人民大会堂和中南海监督执行状况 213 218 木樨地冲突6月3日晚间 国营电视台陆陆续续警告北京市居民留在室内 219 22 但受到前两周成功阻挡军队的激励 大批市民仍然走上街头以阻止部队行进 221 中国人民解放军部队从北京市各个方位逐步向天安门广场推进 分别由第38集团军 第63集团军和第28集团军负责西面 空降兵第15军 第2 集团军 第26集团军和第54集团军负责南面 第39集团军和卫戍第1师负责东面 以及第4 集团军和第64集团军负责北面 2 4 大约晚上1 时 第38集团军在广场西方约1 公里的长安街五棵松十字路口 开始向示威群众开枪 4 2 4 群众对于军队下令实弹射击感到惊讶外 转而开始向部队丢掷物品 2 4 当天晚上 32岁的航天技术人员宋晓明成为首位经证实的死者 2 4 之后军队遭指控使用射入人体会碎裂 进而造成严重创伤的达姆弹 158 222 1 时3 分 由于民众将双节无轨电车推到路上并放火焚烧 行进中的军队被迫暂时停在天安门广场西侧约5公里的木樨地 试图清除这些临时路障 223 224 住在附近公寓的居民亦出面试图拦阻军方车队 但第38集团军再度开火 并造成重大人员伤亡 158 1 5 218 根据天安门母亲运动调查后提出的死者报告中 共有36人在木樨地死亡 218 4 223 另外士兵还向木樨地附近的公寓开火 造成在建筑阳台或室内有人因而遭到枪杀 191 218 这包括数名在公寓观察事态发展的中国共产党高级党政官员 218 第38集团军最后以装甲运兵车将电车车厢撞开 并持续与尝试仓促搭建路障或组织人链的示威群众对峙 218 225 之后部队行经长安街经过南礼士路 复兴门 西单到天安门期间都有造成伤亡 2 4 226 而负责南面的空降兵第15军伞兵也使用实弹进行射击 并且在珠市口 天桥和前门等地也造成平民伤亡 4 但是亦有说法认为该类说法均为远距离观察导致的失真 在现场的CBS记者理查德 罗斯也称并未有士兵开枪 而仅仅试图驱散人群 这使得究竟是否发生开枪事故存疑 227 有说法称部队使用实弹进行射击并且造成死伤反而激怒北京市的居民 其中一些人开始以棍棒 石块和自制的汽油弹攻击士兵 228 甚至纵火焚烧军车 229 中国大陆当局以及其支持者表示军队主要是为了自我防卫而动用武力 并且提出部队的伤亡证明使用武器正当 而在报告中便有士兵在街上遭到活活烧死或者是被其他人殴打致死的纪录 23 而根据吴仁华的研究指出在6月3日晚上1 时军方开火后群众才开始向部队做出反击 231 232 不过在驱离过程中 亦有学生和居民试图保护遭攻击的士兵 而大多数的军事单位则拒绝向平民执行开枪命令 233 进驻天安门群众使用木板车运送伤员晚上8时3 分时 由于军队的直升机出现在天安门广场上空使得示威学生在各个大学校园呼吁学生加入其行列 晚上1 时 示威学生依照预定时间在民主女神的基座附近举办天安门民主大学的成立仪式 234 但是1 时16分时 由政府控制的扩音器警告说部队可以在实施戒严期间采取任何强制执行的措施 234 晚上1 时3 分 随着看见军队以实弹射击的目击者陆陆续续从北京市区西侧和南侧进入天安门广场 在天安门广场上的示威学生与群众也了解到有关暴力事件的消息 234 在午夜时分 学生扩音器则宣布一名学生在靠近中国人民革命军事博物馆的西长安街遭到杀害 这使得待在广场上的群众陷入忧郁情绪 234 学生指挥部副总指挥李录随即要求学生保持团结 并且坚持以非暴力的手段以争取继续占领天安门广场 234 凌晨 时3 分 吾尔开希则指控一名北京师范大学女学生在晚间离开校园后遭到杀害 之后吾尔开希便因为突发昏厥而被救护车带离广场 234 而在这时候 仍然有7 人至8 人继续留在天安门广场上 234 大约凌晨12时15分 军方开始发射照明弹以提供夜间照明 235 并且第一辆63式装甲运兵车自天安门广场西侧出现并且从广场前的道路快速通过 234 大约五分钟后出现第二辆装甲车 两者均往东长安街驶去 2 7 凌晨12时3 分左右则有2辆装甲运兵车抵达天安门广南侧 学生便陆陆续续向军方车辆丢掷水泥块 234 236 之后其中一辆装甲运兵车突然发生故障而无法移动 示威群众便用棍棒破坏车辆并且以浇上汽油的棉被放火焚烧 而因为车辆遭到焚烧而紧急逃出的3名军人则被示威群众殴打 但学生则组织警戒线并且护送3人到位于广场东侧中国国家博物馆的急救站医治 234 之后在承受极大压力的情况下学生领袖曾经一度放弃非暴力手段并且准备展开报复行动 237 其中柴玲便曾一度使用扩音器呼吁学生准备对抗“无耻的政府” 237 但最后她和李录同意继续维持和平手段的做法 并且没收学生所持有的棍棒 石块和玻璃瓶等可能被视为武器的物品 237 凌晨约1时3 分 第38集团军和空降兵第15军的队伍前沿分别到达天安门广场的南北两侧 238 他们开始封锁天安门广场四周并且将里面的示威学生和前往支援的居民分隔开离 而在过程中也杀死数名示威群众 37 同时第27集团军与第65集团军从天安门广场西侧的人民大会堂出现 而第24集团军也于东侧的中国国家博物馆开始进行部署 237 239 在遭到军队包围之后 数千名仍然留在广场上的示威学生与群众则开始往广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑聚集 24 凌晨2时后 部队开始尝试对人民英雄纪念碑旁的示威群众施加压力 241 而学生广播则不断呼吁军队放弃使用武力 并且提到 “我们是和平请愿 是为了祖国的民主自由 为了中华民族的富强 请你们顺从人民的意愿 不要对和平请愿的学生采取武力 238 ”大约凌晨2时3 分 几名工人则开始在人民英雄纪念碑架设其从装甲运兵车上拆解的机枪 并且发誓要向杀害许多示威群众的部队报仇 242 之后在侯德健劝说下工人们选择放弃武器 242 而刘晓波则在纪念碑的栏杆公开砸坏另外一枝没有子弹的步枪以重申非暴力运动的立场 242 群众撤离之后曾在木樨地看见军队枪杀民众的北京高校学生自治联合会常委邵江呼吁由知识分子带领示威学生与群众撤离广场 并且表示已经有太多人丧生 刘晓波原本表示不愿意撤离广场 但最后仍被说服并且和周舵 高新和侯德健一同与学生领袖商讨撤离问题 238 不过包括柴玲 李录和封从德等人在听到撤离意见后最初都拒绝撤离 238 凌晨3时3 分 在隶属于中国红十字会的两名医生建议下 侯德健和周舵同意先行尝试与士兵进行谈判 242 243 他们随即乘坐救护车抵达天安门广场东北角并且与第38集团军336军团政治委员季新国会面 24 季新国随即向戒严部队指挥总部转达请求并且获得同意为学生开辟往东南方安全撤离的通路 242 24 凌晨4点时天安门广场上的灯光突然熄灭 同时官方的扩音器宣布 “现在开始清场 同意同学们撤离广场的呼吁 238 244 ”不过此时学生们则是一同唱起 国际歌 245 并且认为军队准备执行最后一项清场任务 242 凌晨4点3 分时 天安门广场重新开启照明并发射一连串的红色信号弹 2 7 与此同时 部队开始从四面八方逼近纪念碑 132 246 随后部队在聚集于人民英雄纪念碑的示威群众周围1 米处重新部署 246 而侯德健回来后先是尝试说服事先知情的学生领袖接受他与部队的协议 在大约4时32分侯德健透过学生的广播表示他先行和部队达成谈判 246 然而许多第一次知道这次会谈的学生则气愤地指责他过于胆怯 246 封从德之后则在广播中解释由于已经没有时间召开紧急会议 而将以口头表决的方式决定示威学生之后的集体行动 但尽管“坚守”的声音比起“撤离”还要来得更加响亮 封从德仍然表示“撤离”意见较为多数而决定带领群众撤离天安门广场 223 不过大约在4时4 分时 穿着迷彩服的士兵冲向人民英雄纪念碑并且破坏学生的广播设施 246 247 而其他部队则殴打数十名在纪念碑旁的学生 并且扣押或者破坏他们的相机和录音设备 246 随后士兵开始强制驱散在人民英雄纪念碑附近的群众 之后也有学生和教授尝试说服仍然坚持坐在纪念碑底层的学生离开 246 大约早晨5时1 分学生们开始离开纪念碑 示威群众们手牵着手往广场东南角安排的通道撤离 132 223 248 不过由于当时坐在广场北部的学生颇多 因此有相当一部分学生是从广场北侧离去 246 2 7 而这时军方则要求那些拒绝离开天安门广场的学生必须加入撤离行列 247 除了以对空开枪的方式要求剩下的群众撤出广场外 246 249 并且还调动59式战车部队封锁前往广场的道路 25 251 而据从北侧撤离的学生所说 军队在纪念碑北面架起机枪向学生扫射 2 7 在确认所有示威群众都离开广场后 军方派遣军用直升机运送大型塑料袋并且命令士兵开始清理广场 251 北京医护人员对香港记者说 军队将广场的尸体装进塑料袋 由军用直升机运走 2 7 而6月4日早上6时 已经撤离天安门广场的学生队伍在沿着西长安街自行车车道上准备走回校园时 西单邮电局方向有3辆从天安门广场出发的坦克发射催泪弹并且冲撞人群 造成11名学生受伤 252 253 254 255 6月4日上午数千名先前撤离的示威群众 清场行动中伤亡者的父母以及被政府举动激怒的工人尝试从东长安街重新回到天安门广场 158 但是当人群靠近部队时士兵则随即往群众处开枪射击作为警告 158 256 然而由于有数人因而遭到部队枪击 之后暂时撤离该处的不满群众便又会尝试重新前往占领广场空地 158 257 之后群众多次尝试进入天安门广场内 但是军队则持续负责管理广场并且持续两周都不向大众开放 258 事件后续后续示威参见 王维林北京市区自6月4日军队已经控制天安门广场后便逐渐恢复稳定状态 不过在6月5日时西方媒体所拍摄和录制的王维林于长安街阻挡坦克行进的影像轰动世界各地 照片被视为整个六四事件标志性的照片之一 259 之后香港和澳门随即发起大规模示威游行以声援北京的示威群众 其中澳门有十多万至二十万人参与游行抗议 占当时澳门人口的一半 该次游行亦是澳门历史上规模最大的游行 26 另外也有一些国家也对于军队清场一事发起抗议活动 曾经加入天安门广场抗议活动的学生返回原本校园以及部队实施清场的消息传开后 中国内地包括成都市 西安市 武汉市 南京市 上海市和广州市等城市都在都爆发大规模的抗议行动并且持续数天 在广州 数万学生曾将主要干道海珠桥占领了四天 整个城市交通陷入瘫痪 到8日 因军队即将进城 人潮只得散去 261 而根据国际特赦组织的调查 在6月5日时成都市便至少有3 人丧生 其中成都市当地部队使用震撼手榴弹 警棍 刺刀和电击棒攻击平民 而当天晚上警方也刻意要求医院不能接受学生或者是提供救护车服务 262 而西安市在6月5日到6月6日期间 当地学生也发起大规模游行活动 并且联合参与罢工的工人开始设置路障 263 264 不过6月8日时陕西省人民政府便表示城市已经稳定下来 并且提出“先稳住动乱分子 尽量避免发生正面冲突 激化矛盾”的执行方针 265 上海则是在6月5日时由学生发起示威游行并且开始摆设路障 工厂工人亦发起大规模的罢工抗议行动 266 这些举动使得铁路与道路交通陷入瘫痪 同时早上许多大众交通工具也无法正常提供服务 266 英国广播公司则报导说 “数万名工作人士因而无法正常上下班 267 ”第二天在中共上海市委要求下 上海市人民政府派遣6 5 人清除道路上的路障以恢复通行 268 然而当天晚上8时3 分 来自北京的161次列车撞死在光新路道口5名尝试要封锁火车来往的群众 晚上1 时时现场便聚集超过3 万人并导致造成交通中断 而群众也开始殴打火车司机以及工作人员并且焚毁数辆火车车厢以表达不满 268 269 6月7日时 同济大学 华东师范大学和上海理工大学等学校学生纷纷强占各自学校的礼堂以及教学大楼 并且将其安排成灵堂以悼念六四事件的伤亡者 27 越来越多学生们参与架设路障阻碍交通的行动 但在听闻上海也有可能戒严后便有3 多人决定暂时离开校园 当天晚上 中共上海市委副书记兼市长朱镕基发表电视谈话 并且提到 “作为市长 在此郑重声明 市委 市政府从来没有考虑过要使用军队 从来没有打算实行军管或戒严 我们只追求稳定上海 稳定大局 坚持生产 保障生活 265 ”6月5日时 武汉当地约有2 名大学学生决定游行到天安门广场表达不满 271 另外示威群众也分别封锁武汉长江大桥的交通以及集结在武汉站前的广场 271 第二天学生继续在街头游行示威并使当地交通被迫中断 同时约有1 名学生决定直接在铁轨上静坐抗议 这导致来往北京 武汉到广州的铁路路线被迫中断 272 此外学生还鼓励当地各大大企业的工人发起罢工活动 272 6月7日凌晨学生们开始以公车和路障阻碍交通 并纷纷于各处架设灵堂来纪念六四事件的伤亡者 273 然而一小群激进的学生拦下一辆货运列车并且开始在列车上泼洒汽油 不过在准备焚烧时成功被警方阻止 273 但这使得当地警方与居民关系渐趋紧张 居民开始提领现金并且抢购物资 273 而6月5日 6月6日到6月7日 南京当地学生发起游行活动并四处发表演讲 此外示威学生亦封锁附近联络交通并尝试联合工人发起罢工 6月7日早上7时左右 包括河海大学在内几间大学4 多名学生以4辆公共汽车驾封锁南京长江大桥持续到傍晚 274 而南京大学为主的在校学生则在中央门各处摆放路障 274 一直到当天下午4时以后学生与群众才被说服并且撤离 274 也让交通一度恢复 274 然而6月8日 包括南京大学与河海大学等校学生重新控制了南京站周遭一公里的交通 275 同时学生们也陆陆续续于南京长江大桥上静坐表达不满 275 对于学生激烈的反应 中共江苏省委认为当地局势已渐趋失控 并陆续向学生表示公安部将会严惩行动的策划人 275 加强控制6月9日 在8 年代担任最高领导人的邓小平发表公开谈话 并批评示威活动者的目的军队在6月4日镇压天安门广场的示威群众后 中国政府开始加强控制新闻媒体和公民言论等自由 同时因六四事件惩处国内外媒体工作者 276 尽管国家媒体在军队实施清场刚发生后大多报导同情学生的内容 但是之后所有负责人遭到撤离职位作为处分 或者接受检讨和人人过关 其中在6月4日至6月5日在中国中央电视台播出的 新闻联播 上 个别负责报导此次事件因表现悲痛情绪的4名新闻主播分别是杜宪与张宏民 薛飞和李瑞英搭档 但事件之后央视过关学习 杜和薛的态度不改 却被调离处分三年后先后离职 而李张等人检查符合要求 才有了日后的天壤之别 中国国际广播电台英语部节目副主任 同时也是前中华人民共和国外交部部长吴学谦儿子的吴晓镛和英语播音员陈原能也因为其负责的节目对示威群众表示同情之意 277 后来吴事后被捕 陈则被禁止出国 而 人民日报 由于发表同情示威群众的报导 包括社长钱李仁与总编辑谭文瑞等编辑都因而撤职 235 而包括吴学灿等编辑人员则是因为在未经许可的情况下出版特别相关报导 纷纷被判处有期徒刑4年 278 所有国际新闻媒体在北京市实施军事行动期间被勒令停止广播 同时中共当局早在5月24日就关闭了卫星传播的线路 279 然而许多广播公司仍然无视这些禁令而尝试借由试电话向外界报告情况 而许多相关的拍摄影片纪录也很快被偷偷地运出中国大陆 这也包括西班牙电视台在6月4日凌晨所拍摄的天安门广场情势独家纪录 28 而在军事行动期间一些外国记者则遭到中国大陆有关当局的骚扰 其中哥伦比亚广播公司的记者理查德 罗斯 Richard Roth 以及搭档摄影师便遭到中国大陆当局拘留 然而在他仍然不断透过移动电话报导天安门广场的情况 281 之后几名因为报导中国大陆当局派遣部队清场的外国记者在随后几个礼拜遭到驱逐出境 而其他记者则持续遭到中共当局骚扰或者是被列入黑名单之中 282 283 各国驻上海领事馆则被中国大陆当局告知并无法保证记者的人身安全 并开始要求每家新闻媒体必须遵从新颁布的准则内容 284 6月9日 中国共产党中央军事委员会主席邓小平在其他党政高层的陪同下前往中南海怀仁堂接见戒严部队高级干部 而这也是自从学生发起示威活动以来邓小平首次于公开场合出现 132 285 132 邓小平在之后演讲中称呼因为六四事件而丧生的解放军士兵为“烈士” 286 287 并且指出示威活动的目的是为了推翻共产党以及国家 希望能进一步“建立一个完全西方附庸化的资产阶级共和国” 288 邓小平认为示威者之所以不断强调包括官员贪污等等有关的投诉 便是为了掩盖其底下试图将当前社会主义制度加以取而代之的真正动机 289 他之后还以此观点表示 “这整个都是仍坚持帝国主义之西方世界的计划 他们企图让所有社会主义国家逐一放弃社会主义道路 然后将它们带往另一条充斥着国际资本以及垄断资本主义的道路 29 ”为了排除同情天安门广场示威群众的中国共产党党内人士 中国共产党领导高层发起了长达一年半的整顿方案以“严格处理内部强烈倾向资产阶级自由化道路的党员” 根据报导有将近4 名中国大陆官员被调查其在抗议期间的作为 有超过3 名中国共产党党员的职位因此被迫调动 甚至估计有超过1 名官员其政治可靠程度遭重新评估 291 而在这一期间 几名中国大陆外交官则前往国外要求提供政治庇护 292 而抗议行动造成中国大陆当局决定加强其作用 在六四事件发生后许多在198 年代引入的自由作法遭到撤销 同时中国共产党回到传统列宁主义的模式并且重新控制新闻出版和大众媒体 不过六四事件使得中国大陆当局了解到无论是中国人民解放军或者是北京警方都缺乏如橡皮子弹和催泪瓦斯等充足的镇暴设备 因此在这次抗议行动结束后中国大陆各个城市的镇暴警察陆续获得非致命的相关装备 同时六四事件还促使得中国大陆当局决定增加国内“维稳”开支 并且扩大中国人民武装警察部队在镇压城市抗议活动时的权限 293 逮捕行动在所有被通缉学生领袖中排行第一位的王丹 同时他也是几位曾遭到中国大陆当局关押的学生领袖之一参见 黄雀行动和六四绿卡在军队成功控制天安门广场后 中国大陆当局开始针对参与示威抗议的群众展开大规模逮捕行动 并且也撤除相关工作或者支持抗议群众的政府官员的职务 294 根据北京市委办公厅所编出版的 1989北京制止动乱 平息反革命暴乱纪事 提到 北京市在“六四”后共抓捕了1 1 3名涉及“暴乱”的疑犯 有市民因为仅仅在街上拿走士兵遗下的军用包就被控以抢劫罪名 判处七年 十年的监禁 295 许多参与六四事件的人士之后陆续流亡海外 包括柴玲 吾尔开希等学生领袖便透过香港组织的黄雀行动 逃往美国 英国 法国以及其他西方国家 296 297 298 之后则被中国大陆当局长期禁止返回中国大陆境内 299 不过陈子明和王军涛则是在1989年年底准备流亡时遭到逮捕 中国大陆当局指控他们为整起抗议活动的“幕后黑手”并且于199 年判处13年有期徒刑 3 3 1 中国大陆有关当局陆续逮捕或者拘留了共计数万名来自中国大陆各地的群众 而根据对话基金会援引各省级人民政府的资料指出在1989年春天时有1 6 2名与抗议活动有关的人士被判处有期徒刑 3 2 许多人被安排至监狱监禁或者是送往劳改营 并且被禁止与他们的家人会面 而相关单位除了时常对这些涉嫌参与示威活动的群众以酷刑施压外 还将这些持有不同意见者与杀人犯或者强奸犯安排在同一个牢房内 同时由于许多人遭到逮捕使得牢房空间不足 甚至没有足够的空间让每个人都可以入睡 3 3 上海监狱和劳改队开展“平息反革命暴乱”为内容的思想政治教育 播放 飘扬 共和国的旗帜 等录像 3 4 截至2 12年5月为止 仍然至少有2名参与抗议活动人士仍然关押在北京市 另外还有5人则下落不明 3 2 另外曾经担任赵紫阳助手的鲍彤则被指控泄露国家机密和反革命宣传 并于1992年7月被判有期徒刑7年 3 5 王丹和赵长青则是少数几位被列为通缉犯并遭到逮捕的学生领袖 被列为学生领袖通缉名单之首的王丹先是被判处4年的有期徒刑 3 6 在1998年以保外就医的理由 离开监狱并获准移民前往美国居住 3 7 他在哈佛大学获得学士学位后 主要从事学术的工作 3 8 赵常青因为被视为在抗议活动中影响力较小的公众人物 在为期6个月的监禁后获得释放 但之后由于继续要求中共展开政治改革而再度遭关押 吾尔开希在事件后逃往台湾 并长期在中央广播电台从事政治评论员的工作 3 9 之后他曾三度表态愿意自首 31 并希望返回中国大陆探视亲人 不过最后都被遣返回台湾 311 李录则在华尔街成为投资银行家 并且成立了一家公司 3 8 柴玲先是流亡法国 之后再转到美国寻求政治庇护 后来她于美国高科技公司工作 并成立了关注中国大陆女性权益和计划生育问题的非营利组织女童之声 All Girls Allowed 3 8 312 2 8年11月3日至11月21日期间 禁止酷刑委员会举办第四十一届会议 并根据 联合国禁止酷刑公约 第19条审议会员国提交的报告 当中禁止酷刑委员会对于中国大陆当局处理六四事件的方式感到担忧 认为尽管许多家属提出“在1989年6月4日于北京镇压行动中遭杀害 逮捕或失踪”的申诉 但中国大陆当局却迟迟没有展开调查 313 同时禁止酷刑委员会也提到中国大陆当局并未告诉家属相关人士的下落 而对过度动用武力的负责人也无任何行政或者刑事处分 313 不过在2 9年12月 中国大陆当局回应禁止酷刑委员会建议时表示已经就“1989年春夏之交的政治风波”完全结案 314 并强调当时采取及时且果断的手段是必要和正确的 314 同时中国大陆当局认为将六四事件形容成“民主运动”已经扭曲了事件想要推翻共产党专政的本质 314 并且认为这些意见与禁止酷刑委员会的职责并不符合 314 死伤人数6月6日后的一天 北京街头一辆烧毁的车辆由于中国官方拒绝提供更多事件资料 导致数据模糊且出现多种版本 单是死亡人数的估计便从百余人至上万人都有 315 1989年6月6日 中华人民共和国国务院官员召开新闻发表会 发言人袁木表示“初步统计”包括部队士兵 大学学生 非法分子和误杀群众在内 有近3 人死亡 316 317 袁木还提到有5 名中国人民解放军的士官和士兵受伤 而包括违法暴徒和围观群众在内 有2 名平民受伤 316 318 根据北京市警方的调查 在北京市遭到杀害的平民“包括大学教授 技术人员 政府官员 工厂工人 小型私营企业拥有人 退休工人 高中学生和小学学生等 其中最年轻的仅有9岁” 319 而自中国政府于6月6日召开新闻发表会后 六四事件的实际死亡人数和天安门广场伤亡问题便不断出现争论 有“死者都在天安门广场外” 32 的说法 原因在于中国政府展开军事镇压后 便不断控制任何资讯的发布 之后则严格禁止在中国境内研究相关主题 使得今日对于实际死亡和受伤人数仍然不清楚 各方来源提供的伤亡估计亦有很大的出入 声称人数从数人丧生至数千人丧生的说法都有 5 根据 中华人民共和国国务院公报 1989年第11号 所提供资料 中国人民解放军军队 武警及警察有数十人被害 6 多人负伤 非军人有3 多人受伤 2 余人死亡 包括36名大学生 医护人员 群众 321 海外报道的死亡人数一般显著多于大陆报道 2 14年美国白宫解密文件显示约有1 454人死亡 4 人受伤 白宫的报告引述自戒严部队的消息人士提供的中南海内部文件 2 17年底 英国国家档案馆解密的文件显示 有中国国务院的成员 名字在档案中被涂黑 称1989年天安门事件至少造成1 名平民死亡 2 6月21日 纪思道在 纽约时报 专栏提到因为缺乏实物证据 而很难确认伤亡的实际人数 但也提到“合理数字应该是大约有5 名士兵或警察死亡 以及4 名至8 名平民丧生” 3 美国驻华大使李洁明则表示美国国务院外交官看见军队向未持有武器的群众开火 走访北京附近医院后认为至少有数百人遭到枪杀 322 而美国驻华大使馆的员工也曾前往现场搜集部队杀害民众的证据 323 子女因为这次事件丧生的丁子霖 张先玲等人则共同成立天安门母亲运动后 在中国政府阻止下持续尝试调查死者家属 并记录死者相关资讯 4 天安门母亲运动确认的死者清单从1999年提出的155人 2 5年提出的187人 2 1 年提出的195人 4 在2 11年8月共有2 2人获得确认 4 在天安门母亲运动所搜集的死者资料中 除了因事件而直接丧生的民众外 还包括4名自杀人士 以及6月4日后因抗议活动而遭杀害者 4 324 另一方面 根据吴仁华对于戒严执法行动的相关研究 只有15名军事人员经确认是因为遭到杀害而丧生 231 在已经确认死亡原因的15名军事人员中 有6名士兵是因为搭乘的卡车翻覆 车体随后燃烧而丧生 1 5 一名隶属第39集团军宣传单位的摄影师因为没有穿着制服 在拍照过程中遭到枪杀 以及在同年7月4日 一名第24集团军排长因为心脏麻痹逝世 231 剩下7名军事人员的死亡原因 吴仁华认为应该是排除天安门广场上的示威群众时 在任务过程中阵亡 231 此外 中国各地仍有示威者伤亡 由于当地记者较少 伤亡程度难以估计 而根据国际特赦组织的调查 在6月5日时成都市便至少有3 人丧生 其中成都市当地部队使用震撼手榴弹 警棍 刺刀和电击棒攻击平民 而当天晚上警方也刻意要求医院不能接受学生或者是提供救护车服务 间接导致死者增加 325 位于成都的天府广场因此也被称为成都“天安门” 326 地点争议香港在2 1 年举办的平反六四大游行所使用的抗议牌子至今大多认为绝大部分的枪击事件 发生在天安门广场以外处 另外也有报导指称学生离开天安门广场后 军队仍在北京音乐厅附近向学生开火 3 而中国政府在6月6日召开的新闻发表会上 军事发言人张工坚持表示并无民众于天安门广场上遭到枪杀 军队亦没有使用坦克辗压在广场的民众 316 318 邓小平在6月9日的谈话中提到 “让大家看看 解放军究竟是什么人 有没有血洗天安门 流血的到底是谁 这个问题清楚了 就使我们取得了主动 286 ”清场期间负责监督执行状况的戒严部队副指挥迟浩田 则在1996年访问美国时坚持强调天安门广场上并没有人死亡 327 相比之下 西方的新闻媒体则广泛报导天安门广场上的“屠杀” 328 柴玲便表示坦克进入天安门广场后辗压帐篷 并杀害坚持不肯离去的学生 一些从广场撤离的学生则认为 有群众因待在人民英雄纪念碑附近而遭到杀害 329 之后军方出动直升机清理天安门广场 更让怀疑论者认为中国政府试图掩盖广场发生屠杀的事实 251 但侯德健 潘文等同样在待在纪念碑旁的人士 纷纷表示尽管在天安门广场有听到枪声 但并没有看到任何针对示威群众的大规模持枪射击 或是坦克辗压群众的情况发生 33 美国国务院内部针对事件提出总结时 则提到 “屠杀发生在长安街等北京主要干道 而不是在天安门广场本身 331 ”这些说法使得之后记者依照现有证据进行判断 认定6月3日晚上至6月4日凌晨并没有民众于天安门广场上丧生 332 在维基解密所泄露的外交电报中 6月3日晚上至6月4日凌晨待在天安门广场东北角的智利外交官卡洛斯 加洛 Carlos Gallo 便告知美国大使馆工作人员在广场上并未目击到群众遭遇枪击 在这期间只有听到零星的枪声 251 不过另一篇外交电报提到一名执行清场任务士兵的母亲 从自己儿子口中得知当时隶属的部队安排在天安门广场东南角 并曾使用机枪扫射而造成许多平民丧生 该电文还提到这名士兵为基督徒 333 尽管电报中提到无法验证来源是否真实 但仍然被美国驻上海总领事馆当作目击者报告看待 333 各方反应主条目 六四事件反应官方定调这场风波迟早要来 这是国际的大气候和中国自己的小气候所决定了的 是一定要来的 是不以人们的意志为转移的 只不过是迟早的问题 大小的问题 而现在来 对我们比较有利 最有利的是 我们有一大批老同志健在 他们经历的风波多 懂得事情的利害关系 他们是支持对暴乱采取坚决行动的 虽然有一些同志一时还不理解 但最终是会理解的 会支持中央这个决定的 事情一爆发出来 就很明确 他们的根本口号主要是两个 一是要打倒共产党 一是要推翻社会 | cirosantilli | 4103 |
7 | 8086tiny | Official repository for 8086tiny: a tiny PC emulator/virtual machine | adriancable | 783 |
8 | Neslyric | 8-bit music video framework in 6502 assembly | 0xabad1dea | 46 |
9 | MS-DOS | The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0, for reference purposes | microsoft | 16490 |
10 | rav1e | The fastest and safest AV1 encoder. | xiph | 2802 |
11 | computers-are-easy | 🏳️🌈 A "Hello World" NES ROM with fully-commented 6502 assembly-language source code. | hxlnt | 185 |
12 | Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II | A running-jumping-swordfighting game I made on the Apple II from 1985-89 | jmechner | 5958 |
13 | Apollo-11 | Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules. | chrislgarry | 52813 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | refterm | Reference monospace terminal renderer | cmuratori | 1206 |
2 | skhd | Simple hotkey daemon for macOS | koekeishiya | 2766 |
3 | Mirai-Source-Code | Leaked Mirai Source Code for Research/IoC Development Purposes | jgamblin | 7325 |
4 | packit | network packet generator and capture tool | resurrecting-open-source-projects | 32 |
5 | klipper | Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware | Klipper3d | 4718 |
6 | ray-tracing-gems | Source Code for "Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs" by Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-Möller | Apress | 772 |
7 | pico-sdk | raspberrypi | 1337 | |
8 | awk | One true awk | onetrueawk | 615 |
9 | ldd3 | Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels | martinezjavier | 1838 |
10 | wasm3 | 🚀 The fastest WebAssembly interpreter, and the most universal runtime | wasm3 | 4893 |
11 | C_Interpreter | A C interpreter with matrices and pointers | Pconst167 | 31 |
12 | libhelper | Library for parsing Image4 and Mach-O formats, and working with Files and LZFSE/LZSS compression. | h3adshotzz | 32 |
13 | fbcc | Fabrice Bellard's fbcc C Compiler | DoctorWkt | 22 |
14 | c4 | C in four functions | rswier | 7685 |
15 | swieros | A tiny hand crafted CPU emulator, C compiler, and Operating System | rswier | 657 |
16 | acwj | A Compiler Writing Journey | DoctorWkt | 6372 |
17 | AngryGL | ntcaston | 322 | |
18 | basic-cpu | simple virtual cpu in c | pbohun | 54 |
19 | wax | A tiny programming language that transpiles to C, C++, Java, TypeScript, Python, C#, Swift, Lua and WebAssembly 🚀 | LingDong- | 520 |
20 | mp4-h264 | [project suspended] MP4 + H264 encoding for the browser with WASM | mattdesl | 192 |
21 | ihct | 'I Hate C Testing': A minimal testing framework for C. | ollelogdahl | 154 |
22 | av3-fc | Event driven flight computer for rockets. Flown on L-10 and L-11. | psas | 384 |
23 | minilisp | A readable lisp in less than 1k lines of C | rui314 | 1160 |
24 | linked-list-good-taste | Linus Torvalds' linked list argument for good taste, explained | mkirchner | 1380 |
25 | raylib | A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming | raysan5 | 9507 |
26 | mocha1995 | ☕️ The world's first JavaScript engine written in 1995 by Brendan Eich, now compiled back to JS and WASM! | doodlewind | 178 |
27 | csound | Main repository for Csound | csound | 967 |
28 | pigz | A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines. | madler | 1535 |
29 | linenoise | A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit | antirez | 2973 |
30 | mediancut-posterizer | Lossy PNG compressor for RGBA PNGs. Has two modes: lossy averaging filter (blurizer) that denoises the image and optimal posterization using Median Cut quantization to reduce number of unique colors in the image with minimal visual distortion | kornelski | 215 |
31 | kilo | A text editor in less than 1000 LOC with syntax highlight and search. | antirez | 5459 |
32 | h264bitstream | A complete set of functions to read and write H.264 video bitstreams, in particular to examine or modify headers. | aizvorski | 555 |
33 | quickjs | Public repository of the QuickJS Javascript Engine. Pull requests are not accepted. Use the mailing list to submit patches. | bellard | 4115 |
34 | LilySurfaceScraper | Import shaders end environments in Blender from a single URL | eliemichel | 449 |
35 | herebedragons | A basic 3D scene implemented with various engines, frameworks or APIs. | kosua20 | 1631 |
36 | libvarnam | “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator for Indian languages | varnamproject | 95 |
37 | ffmpeg-libav-tutorial | FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more | leandromoreira | 7808 |
38 | libusb | A cross-platform library to access USB devices | libusb | 3732 |
39 | tldr-c-client | C command-line client for tldr pages | tldr-pages | 222 |
40 | chafa | 📺🗿 Terminal graphics for the 21st century. | hpjansson | 1306 |
41 | apriltag | AprilTag is a visual fiducial system popular for robotics research. | AprilRobotics | 820 |
42 | x16-emulator | Emulator for the Commander X16 8-bit computer | commanderx16 | 273 |
43 | emulator101 | Source code to all the tutorials on emulator101.com | kpmiller | 460 |
44 | DungeonRush | 👾🐍 A opensource game inspired by Snake, written in pure C with SDL | rapiz1 | 1567 |
45 | blurhash | A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image. | woltapp | 10410 |
46 | chips-test | Tests and sample code for https://github.com/floooh/chips | floooh | 316 |
47 | igraph | Library for the analysis of networks | igraph | 1371 |
48 | gc | Simple, zero-dependency garbage collection for C | mkirchner | 947 |
49 | SwiftLaTeX | SwiftLaTeX, a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor | SwiftLaTeX | 1785 |
50 | renderer | A shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89 | zauonlok | 1842 |
51 | muon | Modern low-level programming language | nickmqb | 757 |
52 | scrcpy | Display and control your Android device | Genymobile | 64743 |
53 | ttyplot | a realtime plotting utility for terminal/console with data input from stdin | tenox7 | 657 |
54 | v6502r | visual6502 remixed | floooh | 148 |
55 | zstd | Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm | 16809 | |
56 | systemd | The systemd System and Service Manager | systemd | 9497 |
57 | SmallerC | Simple C compiler | alexfru | 1111 |
58 | yabai | A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning | koekeishiya | 11227 |
59 | libvips | A fast image processing library with low memory needs. | libvips | 6562 |
60 | AFL | american fuzzy lop - a security-oriented fuzzer | 2715 | |
61 | coz | Coz: Causal Profiling | plasma-umass | 2926 |
62 | linux_kernel | A repository to learn kernel modules development and how to build device drivers | bhargavbhegde7 | 1 |
63 | rcore_step_by_step_old2 | https://learningos.github.io/rcore_step_by_step_webdoc/ | LearningOS | 38 |
64 | wasm | Web assembly interpreter in C. Unfunctional and discontinued. | fourtf | 9 |
65 | BlackHole | BlackHole is a modern macOS virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency. | ExistentialAudio | 8379 |
66 | figlet | Claudio's FIGlet tree | cmatsuoka | 933 |
67 | Visualization-of-CPU-Scheduling-Algorithms | Visualization of CPU Scheduling Algorithms. | tapaswenipathak | 55 |
68 | LCUI | A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS. | lc-soft | 3721 |
69 | zfs | OpenZFS on Linux and FreeBSD | openzfs | 7798 |
70 | pngquant | Lossy PNG compressor — pngquant command based on libimagequant library | kornelski | 4261 |
71 | miniz | miniz: Single C source file zlib-replacement library, originally from code.google.com/p/miniz | richgel999 | 1443 |
72 | nmly | Easy to use bulk rename utility for the terminal | Usbac | 41 |
74 | flate2-rs | DEFLATE, gzip, and zlib bindings for Rust | rust-lang | 517 |
75 | libgd | GD Graphics Library | libgd | 725 |
76 | pure-data | Pure Data - a free real-time computer music system | pure-data | 1019 |
77 | rust-nes-emulator | NES Emulator written in Rust | kamiyaowl | 171 |
78 | daytripper | Hide-My-Windows Laser Tripwire | dekuNukem | 3358 |
79 | soso | A Simple Unix-like operating system | ozkl | 749 |
80 | cJSON | Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C | DaveGamble | 7378 |
81 | wrk | Modern HTTP benchmarking tool | wg | 31868 |
82 | libspng | Simple, modern libpng alternative | randy408 | 493 |
83 | mocp | Music On Console Player | jonsafari | 247 |
84 | GNUSim8085 | A graphical simulator, assembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 microprocessor (Needs maintainer) | srid | 118 |
85 | surge | Synthesizer plug-in (previously released as Vember Audio Surge) | surge-synthesizer | 1984 |
86 | wac | WebAssembly interpreter in C | kanaka | 411 |
87 | vm86 | 🍔 A x86 Script Instruction Virtual Machine | tboox | 442 |
88 | xmake | 🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua | xmake-io | 4872 |
89 | mathc | Pure C math library for 2D and 3D programming | felselva | 586 |
90 | lci | A LOLCODE interpreter written in C. | justinmeza | 677 |
91 | Cello | Higher level programming in C | orangeduck | 5885 |
92 | md4c | C Markdown parser. Fast. SAX-like interface. Compliant to CommonMark specification. | mity | 457 |
93 | cockpit | Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers. | cockpit-project | 6744 |
94 | jattach | JVM Dynamic Attach utility | apangin | 573 |
95 | axel | Lightweight CLI download accelerator | axel-download-accelerator | 2147 |
96 | micropython | MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems | micropython | 14072 |
97 | janet | A dynamic language and bytecode vm | janet-lang | 2399 |
98 | nnn | n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager | jarun | 14027 |
99 | noah | Bash on Ubuntu on macOS | linux-noah | 1900 |
100 | 9cc | A Small C Compiler | rui314 | 1624 |
101 | tz | Time zone database and code | eggert | 1054 |
102 | cmus | Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems. | cmus | 4605 |
103 | beanstalkd | Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue. | beanstalkd | 6118 |
104 | NetHack | Official NetHack Git Repository | NetHack | 1987 |
105 | raptorjit | RaptorJIT: A dynamic language for system programming (LuaJIT fork) | raptorjit | 787 |
106 | go-sqlite3 | sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql | mattn | 5641 |
107 | libgit2 | A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application. | libgit2 | 8408 |
108 | mpv | 🎥 Command line video player | mpv-player | 18530 |
109 | xnumon | monitor macOS for malicious activity | droe | 210 |
110 | jq | Command-line JSON processor | stedolan | 21989 |
111 | shc | Shell script compiler | neurobin | 1356 |
112 | curl | A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features | curl | 24894 |
113 | libui | Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports. | andlabs | 10242 |
114 | How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System | How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++ | SamyPesse | 19814 |
115 | Linux_Programming | shihyu | 1358 | |
116 | the_silver_searcher | A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster. | ggreer | 23589 |
117 | library-- | The papers and books I've read or am about to read. | isislovecruft | 608 |
118 | system-bus-radio | Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware. | fulldecent | 5884 |
119 | no-more-secrets | A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers. | bartobri | 5147 |
120 | Meltdown | Meltdown PoC for reading passwords from Google Chrome. | RealJTG | 473 |
121 | QuadAssault | A 2D C++ OpenGL game | ADFLin | 90 |
122 | nuklear | A single-header ANSI C gui library | vurtun | 13422 |
123 | stb | stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++ | nothings | 18735 |
124 | rboot | An open source bootloader for the ESP8266 | raburton | 276 |
125 | openresty | High Performance Web Platform Based on Nginx and LuaJIT | openresty | 10402 |
126 | webview | Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++/Golang. Uses WebKit (Gtk/Cocoa) and Edge (Windows) | webview | 9938 |
127 | h2o | H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 server | h2o | 9979 |
128 | espusb | Software-only ESP8266 USB Device | cnlohr | 1194 |
129 | wasm-game | Pixel game written with Web Assembly | samthor | 15 |
130 | esp8266_deauther | Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning | SpacehuhnTech | 9925 |
131 | db_tutorial | Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C | cstack | 6620 |
132 | Broadway | A JavaScript H.264 decoder. | mbebenita | 2525 |
133 | mips-assembler | A MIPS Instruction Set Assembler in C | nayefc | 35 |
134 | bubblewrap | Unprivileged sandboxing tool | containers | 2330 |
135 | libftdi | FTDI USB driver with bitbang mode | mdarse | 13 |
136 | kaslrfinder | Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) Recovery Software | ufrisk | 96 |
137 | movfuscator | The single instruction C compiler | xoreaxeaxeax | 7456 |
138 | slash | 🔑 Fast, efficient hash | kbrsh | 99 |
139 | fleurix | an unix-like toy os kernel | flaneur2020 | 263 |
140 | unicorn | Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86) | unicorn-engine | 5248 |
141 | FastestWebsiteEver | ultrafast single TCP packet audio/visual experience | diracdeltas | 1369 |
142 | darknet | Convolutional Neural Networks | pjreddie | 22656 |
143 | mle | Flexible terminal-based text editor (C) | adsr | 469 |
144 | Deadpool | Repository of various public white-box cryptographic implementations and their practical attacks. | SideChannelMarvels | 558 |
145 | openlase | Open source realtime laser graphics framework | marcan | 295 |
146 | tinyvm | TinyVM is a small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C. | jakogut | 2903 |
147 | SmallVM | A small virtual machine with focus on educating others about virtual machines | andrewrothman | 29 |
148 | luna | luna programming language - a small, elegant VM implemented in C | tj | 2435 |
149 | gravity | Gravity Programming Language | marcobambini | 4022 |
150 | selfie | An educational software system of a tiny self-compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor. | cksystemsteaching | 1443 |
151 | IIC_without_ACK | Fork of the library that allows an Arduino to output text to a display using the SSD1306 chip. | jpatillo | 3 |
152 | shairplay | Apple airplay and raop protocol server | juhovh | 1194 |
153 | CreepyCodeCollection | A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes | MinhasKamal | 2230 |
154 | libuv | Cross-platform asynchronous I/O | libuv | 19361 |
155 | FFmpeg | Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git | FFmpeg | 29348 |
156 | engine | Azul3D - A 3D game engine written in Go! | azul3d | 540 |
157 | HandBrake | HandBrake's main development repository | HandBrake | 9903 |
158 | KindleTool | Tool for creating/extracting Kindle updates and more | yifanlu | 104 |
159 | babyc | A toy C compiler | Wilfred | 464 |
160 | MyOS_Blundell | My attempt of writing an OS from scratch (basically starting with the OS book by Nick Blundell) | ajaysa | 20 |
161 | ivm | vm for a dynamically typed language | rod-lin | 35 |
162 | traildb | TrailDB is an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events | traildb | 1064 |
163 | netdata | Real-time performance monitoring, done right! https://www.netdata.cloud | netdata | 59091 |
164 | thinscript | A low-level programming language inspired by TypeScript | evanw | 1293 |
165 | bcc | BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more | iovisor | 14389 |
166 | goxel | Goxel: Free and Open Source 3D Voxel Editor | guillaumechereau | 2197 |
167 | level-ip | A hacker's userspace TCP/IP stack | saminiir | 1950 |
168 | wren | The Wren Programming Language. Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language. | wren-lang | 5595 |
169 | rappel | A linux-based assembly REPL for x86, amd64, armv7, and armv8 | yrp604 | 950 |
170 | emojicode | 😀😜🔂 World’s only programming language that’s bursting with emojis | emojicode | 2723 |
171 | darktable | darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer | darktable-org | 6427 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | mujoco | Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator. | deepmind | 3511 |
2 | PrimerTools | Tool used for producing Primer YouTube videos | Helpsypoo | 411 |
3 | Chess-AI | SebLague | 827 | |
4 | PowerToys | Windows system utilities to maximize productivity | microsoft | 72553 |
5 | ml-agents | The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning. | Unity-Technologies | 12838 |
6 | Jackett | API Support for your favorite torrent trackers | Jackett | 7368 |
7 | TinyOS | TinyOS in C# | shanselman | 268 |
8 | cqrs-journey | Microsoft patterns & pratices CQRS Journey sample application | microsoftarchive | 1296 |
9 | WaveFunctionCollapse | Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics | mxgmn | 18352 |
10 | FluentScheduler | Automated job scheduler with fluent interface for the .NET platform. | fluentscheduler | 2381 |
11 | eShopOnContainers | Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 6, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor. | dotnet-architecture | 20471 |
12 | StackExchange.Exceptional | Error handler used for the Stack Exchange network | NickCraver | 832 |
13 | FNA | FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms | FNA-XNA | 1558 |
14 | dwarfcorp | An open-source 3D colony management game for PC, Mac and Linux | Blecki | 496 |
15 | service-fabric-dotnet-web-reference-app | An end-to-end Service Fabric application that demonstrates patterns and features in a web application scenario. | Azure-Samples | 148 |
16 | PhoneCallScript | Source code for this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzedMdx6QG4 | loganintech | 79 |
17 | Prisma | Pepper's ghost live visuals for VRDG #4 | keijiro | 284 |
18 | beamgun | A rogue-USB-device defeat program for Windows. | JLospinoso | 177 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | splitflap | DIY split-flap display | scottbez1 | 2264 |
2 | smartknob | Haptic input knob with software-defined endstops and virtual detents | scottbez1 | 9081 |
3 | bvh | A modern C++ BVH construction and traversal library | madmann91 | 432 |
4 | duckdb | DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System | duckdb | 4882 |
5 | Amazon-SDE-Preparation | This repository includes all the interview preparation questions for Amazon SDE role | FazeelUsmani | 693 |
6 | vk_raytracing_tutorial_KHR | Ray tracing examples and tutorials using VK_KHR_ray_tracing | nvpro-samples | 768 |
7 | bolt | 10x faster matrix and vector operations | dblalock | 1465 |
8 | Vega-Strike-Engine-Source | Vega Strike Engine | vegastrike | 193 |
9 | Iyokan | Generic engine to evaluate logical circuits on homomorphic encryption | virtualsecureplatform | 78 |
10 | Drawpile | A collaborative drawing program | drawpile | 847 |
11 | ac-library | AtCoder Library | atcoder | 958 |
12 | 6502Emulator | Learning how a CPU works by emulating one | davepoo | 232 |
13 | NASSP | Project Apollo - NASSP | orbiternassp | 97 |
14 | SLProject | SLProject is a platform independent 3D computer graphics scene graph library. Read more on: | cpvrlab | 46 |
15 | Tabla | chaimgingold | 81 | |
16 | f3d | A fast and minimalist 3D viewer. | f3d-app | 464 |
17 | Vulkan-Samples | One stop solution for all Vulkan samples | KhronosGroup | 2294 |
18 | openFrameworks | openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++. | openframeworks | 8845 |
19 | yarpgen | Yet Another Random Program Generator | intel | 305 |
20 | e9patch | A powerful static binary rewriting tool | GJDuck | 627 |
21 | fmt | A modern formatting library | fmtlib | 14100 |
22 | modular_tree | MaximeHerpin | 1023 | |
23 | geometrize | 🔳 Geometrize is a desktop app that geometrizes images into geometric primitives | Tw1ddle | 987 |
24 | PureZen | WIP port of the ZenGarden PureData audio synthesis engine to Rust | NeoBirth | 28 |
25 | simbody | High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton. | simbody | 1871 |
26 | vk_mini_path_tracer | A beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++. | nvpro-samples | 758 |
27 | PlotJuggler | The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve. | facontidavide | 2809 |
28 | competitive-programming | 🔥 🖥️My competitive programming guide,reading materials, link to system and design interview preparation and my own coding solutions from Codechef, Leetcode,Geeks for Geeks, HackerRank , spoj, codesignal, codebyte, codeblocks and other online judges | omonimus1 | 567 |
29 | MuseScore | MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit MuseScore.org. Fork and make pull requests! | musescore | 7052 |
30 | pimp_my_microwave | Installing a RGB mechanical keypad on my microwave. | dekuNukem | 478 |
31 | rehex | Reverse Engineers' Hex Editor | solemnwarning | 1945 |
32 | typesense | Open Source alternative to Algolia and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences | typesense | 9750 |
33 | Leetcode-Solutions | My Submissions for over 1200 Leetcode Problems | satu0king | 75 |
34 | AmnesiaTheDarkDescent | FrictionalGames | 3296 | |
35 | stock | A practical starter for cross-platform OpenGL applications | matteblair | 11 |
36 | AnimeEffects | 2D Animation Tool | hidefuku | 681 |
37 | pridecat | 🏳️🌈 Like cat but more colorful! ✨ | lunasorcery | 237 |
38 | rack-modules | VCV Rack modules | StudioSixPlusOne | 18 |
39 | mantaflow | mantaflow is an open-source framework targeted at fluid simulation research in Computer Graphics and Machine Learning. | tum-pbs | 93 |
40 | axiom | A powerful realtime node-based audio synthesizer. | monadgroup | 640 |
41 | pbrt-v3 | Source code for pbrt, the renderer described in the third edition of "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation", by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys. | mmp | 4115 |
42 | Hazel | Hazel Engine | TheCherno | 7708 |
43 | node-canvas | Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS. | Automattic | 8522 |
44 | AprilTools | A marker-based camera tracker for Blender based around the AprilTags Library by University of Michigan | thegoodhen | 239 |
45 | AliceVision | Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework | alicevision | 2165 |
46 | watchman | Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change. | 10843 | |
47 | libfacedetection | An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS. | ShiqiYu | 11031 |
48 | emudore | emudore, a Commodore 64 emulator | marioballano | 288 |
49 | WAVM | WebAssembly Virtual Machine | WAVM | 2132 |
50 | shaderc | A collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilation. | 1296 | |
51 | polybar | A fast and easy-to-use status bar | polybar | 10370 |
52 | OTTO | Sampler, Sequencer, Multi-engine synth and effects - in a box! [WIP] | bitfieldaudio | 2457 |
53 | Sourcetrail | Sourcetrail - free and open-source interactive source explorer | CoatiSoftware | 12673 |
54 | openblack | openblack is an open-source game engine that supports playing Black & White (2001). | openblack | 563 |
55 | meshoptimizer | Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render | zeux | 3227 |
56 | Magisk | The Magic Mask for Android | topjohnwu | 25822 |
57 | The-Open-Book | joeycastillo | 6196 | |
58 | graaljs | A ECMAScript 2021 compliant JavaScript implementation built on GraalVM. With polyglot language interoperability support. Running Node.js applications! | oracle | 1241 |
59 | multi-pong | Multiplayer pong using UDP sockets and a client/server model. | Hopson97 | 21 |
60 | node-bluetooth | 🔷😬Bluetooth serial port communication for Node.js | song940 | 167 |
61 | enoki | Enoki: structured vectorization and differentiation on modern processor architectures | mitsuba-renderer | 1073 |
62 | lmms | Cross-platform music production software | LMMS | 5758 |
63 | highway | Performance-portable, length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatch | 645 | |
64 | escargot | Escargot is a memory optimized JavaScript engine for mid-range devices such as mobile phone, tablet and TV. | Samsung | 101 |
65 | hardware-effects | Demonstration of various hardware effects. | Kobzol | 2519 |
66 | openscad | OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | openscad | 4763 |
67 | Mesh | A memory allocator that automatically reduces the memory footprint of C/C++ applications. | plasma-umass | 1421 |
68 | immer | Postmodern immutable and persistent data structures for C++ — value semantics at scale | arximboldi | 2020 |
69 | OB-Xd | Virtual Analog Oberheim AAX / AU / VST / VST3 based synthesizer | reales | 437 |
70 | NanoLog | Nanolog is an extremely performant nanosecond scale logging system for C++ that exposes a simple printf-like API. | PlatformLab | 1864 |
71 | socket-playground | Playing around with TCP and UDP sockets, learning how they work etc | Hopson97 | 7 |
72 | olcNES | NES Emulator, and Tutorial Video Code | OneLoneCoder | 732 |
73 | nodegui | A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications with Node.js and CSS 🚀. React NodeGui : https://react.nodegui.org and Vue NodeGui: https://vue.nodegui.org | nodegui | 7624 |
74 | serenity | The Serenity Operating System 🐞 | SerenityOS | 19361 |
75 | tesseract | Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) | tesseract-ocr | 44999 |
76 | onnx | Open standard for machine learning interoperability | onnx | 12437 |
77 | taichi | Productive & portable high-performance programming in Python. | taichi-dev | 18943 |
78 | terminal | The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place! | microsoft | 82774 |
79 | simdcsv | A fast SIMD parser for CSV files | geofflangdale | 102 |
80 | astrobee | NASA Astrobee Robot Software | nasa | 608 |
81 | watcher | 👀 A native C++ Node module for querying and subscribing to filesystem events | parcel-bundler | 365 |
82 | gitstatus | Git status for Bash and Zsh prompt | romkatv | 1290 |
83 | lobster | The Lobster Programming Language | aardappel | 1338 |
84 | jvmti-tools | Collection of small Java serviceability improvements based on JVM Tool Interface | odnoklassniki | 111 |
85 | curv | a language for making art using mathematics | curv3d | 1020 |
86 | mumble | Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software. | mumble-voip | 4770 |
87 | xbmc | Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS and Windows. | xbmc | 13742 |
88 | calculator | Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows | microsoft | 24246 |
89 | arrow | Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing | apache | 9460 |
90 | kakoune | mawww's experiment for a better code editor | mawww | 8032 |
91 | nvk | Vulkan API for JavaScript/TypeScript | maierfelix | 847 |
92 | learn-cpp | Codecademy | Learn C++ | Codecademy | 380 |
93 | simdjson | Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second | simdjson | 15508 |
94 | Stockfish | UCI chess engine | mcostalba | 1884 |
95 | Stockfish | UCI chess engine | official-stockfish | 6125 |
96 | box2d | Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games | erincatto | 5646 |
97 | carla | Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. | carla-simulator | 7679 |
98 | Clementine | 🍊 Clementine Music Player | clementine-player | 3188 |
99 | tinykaboom | A brief computer graphics / rendering course | ssloy | 2136 |
100 | async-profiler | Sampling CPU and HEAP profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events | jvm-profiling-tools | 4997 |
101 | tinyraytracer | A brief computer graphics / rendering course | ssloy | 4157 |
102 | yoga | Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Follow https://twitter.com/yogalayout for updates. | 15174 | |
103 | cuckoo | a memory-bound graph-theoretic proof-of-work system | tromp | 768 |
104 | olive | Free open-source non-linear video editor | olive-editor | 6065 |
105 | zenphoton | The "Zen photon garden", an HTML5 raytracing art-toy. | scanlime | 732 |
106 | Gaia | A basic game engine using OpenGL and C++ | JacobHensley | 3 |
107 | ANPR | License plate recognition for iOS using OpenCV & Tesseract OCR Engine | christianroman | 242 |
108 | newsboat | An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals | newsboat | 1958 |
109 | botnets | This is a collection of #botnet source codes, unorganized. For EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY | maestron | 2604 |
110 | fizz | C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard | facebookincubator | 1005 |
111 | Tonic | Easy and efficient audio synthesis in C++ | TonicAudio | 455 |
112 | dust3d | 🐪 Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source 3D modeling software. Auto UV unwrapping, auto rigging with PBR Material support, pose and motion authoring all in one. | huxingyi | 2380 |
113 | Clara | A simple to use, composable, command line parser for C++ 11 and beyond | catchorg | 651 |
114 | apollo | An open autonomous driving platform | ApolloAuto | 20677 |
115 | devilution | Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game | diasurgical | 8306 |
116 | arangodb | 🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions. | arangodb | 12258 |
117 | foundationdb | FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store | apple | 11275 |
118 | wesnoth | An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. | wesnoth | 3886 |
119 | snappy | A fast compressor/decompressor | 5182 | |
120 | VirtualPCCpp | Virtual PC Simulation | Joco223 | 46 |
121 | dex-ui | A science fiction desktop running on Linux. Awesome. | seenaburns | 2232 |
122 | cosmos | Hacktoberfest 2021 | World's largest Contributor driven code dataset | Algorithms that run our universe | Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter | | OpenGenus | 13018 |
123 | Am-I-affected-by-Meltdown | Meltdown Exploit / Proof-of-concept / checks whether system is affected by Variant 3: rogue data cache load (CVE-2017-5754), a.k.a MELTDOWN. | raphaelsc | 546 |
124 | algorithms_and_data_structures | 180+ Algorithm & Data Structure Problems using C++ | mandliya | 4849 |
125 | bitcoin | Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree | bitcoin | 63852 |
126 | shotcut | cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor | mltframework | 6315 |
127 | Natron | Open-source compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionalities to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry. | MrKepzie | 1471 |
128 | ardour | Mirror of Ardour Source Code | Ardour | 2485 |
129 | godot | Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine | godotengine | 48698 |
130 | LibreCAD | LibreCAD is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework. It can read DXF and DWG files and can write DXF, PDF and SVG files. The user interface is highly customizable, and has dozens of translations. | LibreCAD | 2809 |
131 | FreeCAD | This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler. | FreeCAD | 11240 |
132 | heavydb | HeavyDB (formerly OmniSciDB) | heavyai | 2665 |
133 | LearnOpenGL | Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website https://learnopengl.com | JoeyDeVries | 7160 |
134 | pcsx2 | PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator | PCSX2 | 6638 |
135 | yue | A library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps | yue | 2766 |
136 | 3DStreamingToolkit | A toolkit for building powerful stereoscopic 3D experiences that run on the cloud and stream to devices. | 3DStreamingToolkit | 309 |
137 | MicroCore | A light-weight Arduino hardware package for ATtiny13 | MCUdude | 421 |
138 | epsilon | Modern graphing calculator operating system. | numworks | 1380 |
139 | phylab2.0 | PhyLab 2.0 - Data acquisition system with web interface | michelelizzit | 5 |
140 | BackgroundMusic | Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio. | kyleneideck | 11340 |
141 | MTuner | MTuner is a C/C++ memory profiler and memory leak finder for Windows, PlayStation 4 and 3, Android and other platforms | milostosic | 2057 |
142 | kata-bootstraps | Empty projects for different languages with a failing test | swkBerlin | 309 |
143 | Arcade-Learning-Environment | The Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) -- a platform for AI research. | mgbellemare | 1757 |
144 | dolphin | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. | dolphin-emu | 8430 |
145 | mazegenerator | Generate mazes of different shapes and arbitrary sizes using graph theory | razimantv | 939 |
146 | sentencepiece | Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation. | 5842 | |
147 | box8086 | 8086 Emulator. | rdbv | 7 |
148 | Programming_Practice | Programming Practices | zhenglu0 | 4 |
149 | Hoard | The Hoard Memory Allocator: A Fast, Scalable, and Memory-efficient Malloc for Linux, Windows, and Mac. | emeryberger | 877 |
150 | Nidium | nidium is an ongoing effort for a mobile hw-accelerated rendering engine to create apps and games. Embedding Mozilla JavaScript VM, Google Skia, Facebook Yoga. https://twitter.com/nidiumproject for updates | nidium | 1098 |
151 | imgui | Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies | ocornut | 37971 |
152 | leveldb | LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. | 29090 | |
153 | mipt-mips | Cycle-accurate pre-silicon simulator of RISC-V and MIPS CPUs | MIPT-ILab | 287 |
154 | uWebSockets | Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications | uNetworking | 13767 |
155 | machinery | (DEPRECATED) An open source image processing framework, which uses your USB-, IP- or RPi-camera to recognize events (e.g. motion). | kerberos-io | 492 |
156 | ns-3-dev-git | GitHub read-only mirror of ns-3-dev repository, will be kept in sync with main GitLab.com repository. Please DO NOT file pull requests here; instead, file issues and merge requests at https://gitlab.com/nsnam/ns-3-dev/ | nsnam | 269 |
157 | tinyrenderer | A brief computer graphics / rendering course | ssloy | 13618 |
158 | v8 | The official mirror of the V8 Git repository | v8 | 19459 |
159 | thor-os | Simple operating system in C++, written from scratch | wichtounet | 1425 |
160 | hypervisor | lightweight hypervisor SDK written in C++ with support for Windows, Linux and UEFI | Bareflank | 1119 |
161 | tensorflow | An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone | tensorflow | 164683 |
162 | rethinkdb | The open-source database for the realtime web. | rethinkdb | 25386 |
163 | jansi | Jansi is a small java library that allows you to use ANSI escape sequences to format your console output which works even on windows. | fusesource | 902 |
164 | licode | Open Source Communication Provider based on WebRTC and Cloud technologies | lynckia | 2852 |
165 | losslessh264 | (Deprecated) Lossless h.264 recoder/recompressor. For newest version see: | danielrh | 1054 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | vcpkg | C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS | microsoft | 15630 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | 01-on-particle-physics | Source code for On Particle Physics | ParametricPress | 7 |
2 | cli-guidelines | A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. | cli-guidelines | 1779 |
3 | noyaml | A silly emotional rant about the state of devops tooling/the infrastructure sector in 2018. #noyaml.com | ghuntley | 219 |
4 | spcss | A simple, minimal, classless stylesheet for simple HTML pages | susam | 837 |
5 | 98.css | A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs | jdan | 6524 |
6 | You-need-to-know-css | 💄CSS tricks for web developers~ | l-hammer | 4059 |
7 | css.gg | 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API | astrit | 8363 |
8 | SpinKit | A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS | tobiasahlin | 18787 |
9 | typings | typings.gg is a sleek and modern typing test website. it support many custom themes | briano1905 | 664 |
10 | cssremedy | Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS. | jensimmons | 1808 |
11 | tbd | Source for TrunkBasedDevelopment.com | paul-hammant | 362 |
12 | nord | An arctic, north-bluish color palette. | arcticicestudio | 5084 |
13 | the-internet | An example application that captures prominent and ugly functionality found on the web. Perfect for writing automated acceptance tests against. | saucelabs | 618 |
14 | plex | The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex. | IBM | 7681 |
15 | awesome-css-frameworks | List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2022 | troxler | 4840 |
16 | rust-three-days-course | Course material for Rust, taking roughly three days. English, German, Spanish available. | ferrous-systems | 386 |
17 | dejavu | The Missing Web UI for Elasticsearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create search UIs visually. | appbaseio | 7741 |
18 | css_tricks | Some CSS tricks,一些 CSS 常用样式 | QiShaoXuan | 3337 |
19 | medium.css | Compact typography for the web | lucagez | 619 |
20 | isomorphic-pwa | Example how to combine PWA with isomorphic rendering | Everettss | 13 |
21 | instagram.css | Instagram.css - Complete set of Instagram filters in pure CSS | picturepan2 | 3946 |
22 | Koa11y | Easily check for website accessibility issues | open-indy | 427 |
23 | spectre | Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework | picturepan2 | 11010 |
24 | nerd-fonts | Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more | ryanoasis | 35246 |
25 | 30-seconds-of-css | Short CSS code snippets for all your development needs | 30-seconds | 15331 |
26 | CrookedStyleSheets | Webpage tracking only using CSS (and no JS) | jbtronics | 3275 |
27 | atom-aesthetic-ui | An AESTHETIC UI theme for Atom. | dtinth | 205 |
28 | sparks | A typeface for creating sparklines in text without code. | aftertheflood | 2029 |
29 | littleosbook | Source for the little book about OS development | littleosbook | 1885 |
30 | markdown.css | markdown styles | iamcco | 59 |
31 | youtube-explore | Finding YouTube's top recommendations from any query | pnbt | 208 |
32 | tentcss | 🌿 A CSS survival kit. Includes only the essentials to make camp. | sitetent | 406 |
33 | Rpg-Awesome | A fantasy themed font and CSS toolkit. | nagoshiashumari | 758 |
34 | visualixir | A process/message visualizer for BEAM nodes.💪👁 | koudelka | 1243 |
35 | megamenu-js | Last responsive megamenu you'll ever need | marioloncarek | 353 |
36 | browser-diet | 🍟 The definitive front-end performance guide | zenorocha | 2198 |
37 | no-sane-compiler | No sane compiler would optimize atomics: the presentation | jfbastien | 106 |
38 | bulma | Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox | jgthms | 45457 |
39 | Fastlane | 🚗 Book Uber from your menubar, fast using Electron, React and Redux 🍟 | pontusab | 249 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | penpot | Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform | penpot | 10181 |
2 | quil | Main repo. Quil source code. | quil | 2750 |
3 | logseq | A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Desktop app download link: https://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases, roadmap: https://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap | logseq | 12965 |
4 | functional-programming-learning-path | A Learning Path for Functional Programming | imteekay | 736 |
5 | clojure-by-example | Workshop for programmers who are new to Clojure. | adityaathalye | 57 |
6 | clojure-koans | A set of exercises for learning Clojure | functional-koans | 3544 |
7 | LightTable | The Light Table IDE ⛺ | LightTable | 11697 |
8 | spacewar | Space War starting in Episode 55 of cleancoders.com | unclebob | 540 |
9 | overtone | Collaborative Programmable Music | overtone | 5458 |
10 | jvm-playground | Code to accompany the JVM Fundamentals for Clojure course on PurelyFunctional.tv. | lispcast | 6 |
11 | metabase | The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋 | metabase | 28305 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Coffee-Physics | A simple, lightweight physics engine written in CoffeeScript | soulwire | 1059 |
2 | taiko-react | React component selector plugin for Taiko | taiko-react | 5 |
3 | zxcvbn | Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation | dropbox | 13034 |
4 | payment | 💰 A jQuery-free general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers. | jessepollak | 510 |
5 | yakyak | Desktop chat client for Google Hangouts | yakyak | 3857 |
6 | language-babel | ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM | gandm | 474 |
7 | activate-power-mode | Atom package - Activate POWER MODE to write your code in style. | JoelBesada | 3584 |
8 | git-diff-details | View git diffs directly in atom | samu | 28 |
9 | badges | 🎴 Readme Badges – Gotta catch 'em all | boennemann | 1196 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | lisp-koans | Common Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans, python koans and others. It is a port of the prior koans with some modifications to highlight lisp-specific features. Structured as ordered groups of broken unit tests, the project guides the learner progressively through many Common Lisp language features. | 2906 | |
2 | cl-torrents | Searching torrents on popular trackers - CLI, readline, GUI, web client. Tutorial and binaries (issue tracker on https://gitlab.com/vindarel/cl-torrents/) | vindarel | 82 |
3 | nyxt | Nyxt - the hacker's power-browser. | atlas-engineer | 7544 |
4 | paip-lisp | Lisp code for the textbook "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming" | norvig | 5967 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | coq-chick-blog | 🐣 A blog engine written and proven in Coq | clarus | 176 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | mint | 🍃 A refreshing programming language for the front-end web. | mint-lang | 3697 |
2 | amber | A Crystal web framework that makes building applications fast, simple, and enjoyable. Get started with quick prototyping, less bugs, and blazing fast performance. | amberframework | 2380 |
3 | crystal | The Crystal Programming Language | crystal-lang | 17462 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | tilix | A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3 | gnunn1 | 4802 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | TWallet | tw-bc-group | 30 | |
2 | sprinkle | A convenient Flutter architecture for happy programmers | zaiste | 87 |
3 | flutter_staggered_grid_view | A Flutter staggered grid view | letsar | 2489 |
4 | image | Dart library for decoding/encoding image formats, and image processing. | brendan-duncan | 834 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | dhall-haskell | Maintainable configuration files | dhall-lang | 795 |
2 | dhall-lang | Maintainable configuration files | dhall-lang | 3494 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | codingdojo.org | Codingdojo web site, moved to gitlab : | codingdojo-org | 115 |
2 | nocode | The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere. | kelseyhightower | 52469 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | distsys_training | Distributed Systems Training with Elixir | keathley | 116 |
2 | changelog.com | Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform. | thechangelog | 2403 |
3 | nori-dom | Virtual DOM and diffing implementations | ironbay | 76 |
4 | elixir-koans | Solved Koans for elixir enlightenment | rShetty | 1 |
5 | elixir-koans | Elixir learning exercises | elixirkoans | 1830 |
6 | awesome-elixir | A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates: | h4cc | 11281 |
7 | phoenix-showdown | 🏇 benchmark Sinatra-like web frameworks | mroth | 695 |
8 | learn-elixir | 💧 Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications! | dwyl | 1353 |
9 | tilex | Today I Learned | hashrocket | 461 |
10 | app-servers | App Servers benchmarked for: Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Dart, Elixir, Java, Crystal, Nim, GO, Rust | costajob | 250 |
11 | credo | A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching. | rrrene | 4292 |
12 | poison | An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library | devinus | 1914 |
13 | elixir | Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications | elixir-lang | 20161 |
14 | tesla | The flexible HTTP client library for Elixir, with support for middleware and multiple adapters. | teamon | 1650 |
15 | 30-days-of-elixir | A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises. | seven1m | 2888 |
16 | phoenix | Peace of mind from prototype to production | phoenixframework | 17905 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | mobster | Pair and mob programming timer for Mac, Windows, and Linux. | dillonkearns | 281 |
2 | elmboy | A Nintendo™ Game Boy™ Emulator written in Elm. | Malax | 293 |
3 | level | Team communication optimized for deep work | derrickreimer | 1009 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | dark | Client, backend, and services for Dark: https://darklang.com | darklang | 1028 |
2 | Forge | F# CLI tool for project, file, and solution management | ionide | 237 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | factor | Factor programming language | factor | 1246 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Fennel | Lua Lisp Language | bakpakin | 1647 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | fluent-rs | Rust implementation of Project Fluent | projectfluent | 646 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | send | Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox | mozilla | 13169 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | frege | Frege is a Haskell for the JVM. It brings purely functional programing to the Java platform. | Frege | 3535 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | raytracers | Performance comparison of parallel ray tracing in functional programming languages | athas | 284 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | watermill | Building event-driven applications the easy way in Go. | ThreeDotsLabs | 3948 |
2 | bubbletea | A powerful little TUI framework 🏗 | charmbracelet | 10342 |
3 | fyne | Cross platform GUI in Go inspired by Material Design | fyne-io | 16596 |
4 | steampipe | Use SQL to instantly query your cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP and more). Open source CLI. No DB required. | turbot | 1311 |
5 | sat | Tiny & fast WebAssembly edge compute server | suborbital | 237 |
6 | listmonk | High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app. | knadh | 7934 |
7 | triangula | Generate high-quality triangulated and polygonal art from images. | rh12503 | 3713 |
8 | gorush | A push notification server written in Go (Golang). | appleboy | 6271 |
9 | macdriver | Native Mac APIs for Go | progrium | 3697 |
10 | ticker | Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking | achannarasappa | 4220 |
11 | esbuild | An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier | evanw | 31614 |
12 | figurine | Print your name in style | arsham | 427 |
13 | miti | miti is a musical instrument textual interface. Basically, its MIDI, but with human-readable text. 🎵 | schollz | 139 |
14 | cuteDB | A slick BTree on disk based key value store implemented in pure Go | naqvijafar91 | 96 |
15 | imgdiff | Faster than the fastest in the world pixel-by-pixel image difference tool. | n7olkachev | 1624 |
16 | nomad | Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations. | hashicorp | 10988 |
17 | owncast | Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box. | owncast | 5852 |
18 | please | High-performance extensible build system for reproducible multi-language builds. | thought-machine | 1975 |
19 | golang-for-nodejs-developers | Examples of Golang compared to Node.js for learning | miguelmota | 2953 |
20 | fider | Open platform to collect and prioritize feedback | getfider | 1908 |
21 | webrtc | Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API | pion | 9180 |
22 | ion | Real-Distributed RTC System by pure Go and Flutter | pion | 3481 |
23 | git-sizer | Compute various size metrics for a Git repository, flagging those that might cause problems | github | 2548 |
24 | gofakeit | Random fake data generator written in go | brianvoe | 2405 |
25 | alda | A music programming language for musicians. 🎶 | alda-lang | 4975 |
26 | jabba | (cross-platform) Java Version Manager | shyiko | 2311 |
27 | hnrss | Custom, realtime RSS feeds for Hacker News | hnrss | 379 |
28 | commento | A fast, bloat-free comments platform (Github mirror) | adtac | 3616 |
29 | dgit | dgit adds decentralized ownership to git - powered by Tupelo DLT and Skynet | quorumcontrol | 204 |
30 | dolt | Dolt – It's Git for Data | dolthub | 10547 |
31 | monitoror | Unified monitoring wallboard — Light, ergonomic and reliable monitoring for anything. | monitoror | 3681 |
32 | ink | Ink is a minimal programming language inspired by modern JavaScript and Go, with functional style. | thesephist | 485 |
33 | bild | Image processing algorithms in pure Go | anthonynsimon | 3518 |
34 | caire | Content aware image resize library | esimov | 9878 |
35 | Go-SCP | Go programming language secure coding practices guide | OWASP | 4160 |
36 | gofpdf | A PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images | jung-kurt | 3986 |
37 | graphjin | GraphJin - Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphQL. An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler. | dosco | 1988 |
38 | darktile | 🌘 Darktile is a GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers. | liamg | 2728 |
39 | neko | A self hosted virtual browser (rabb.it clone) that runs in docker. | nurdism | 1975 |
40 | fathom | Fathom Lite. Simple, privacy-focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact. | usefathom | 7054 |
41 | agola | Agola: CI/CD Redefined | agola-io | 1029 |
42 | gate | Benign remote code execution | gate-computer | 92 |
43 | q | Quantum Computation Simulator written in golang | itsubaki | 143 |
44 | hey | HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement | rakyll | 13419 |
45 | zoro | zoro can help you expose local server to external network. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP. Zero-Configuration. zoro 帮助你将本地端口暴露在外网.支持TCP/UDP, 当然也支持HTTP. 内网穿透. | txthinking | 1425 |
46 | userspace-vga2usb | A userspace driver implementation of the Epiphan VGA2USB LR | benjojo | 278 |
47 | snake-go | Snake game made in Go! 🐍 | tristangoossens | 312 |
48 | closestmatch | Golang library for fuzzy matching within a set of strings 📃 | schollz | 381 |
49 | gokey | A simple vaultless password manager in Go | cloudflare | 373 |
50 | kubernetes | Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management | kubernetes | 88080 |
51 | podman | Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. | containers | 13631 |
52 | devdash | 🍱 Highly Configurable Terminal Dashboard for Developers and Creators | Phantas0s | 1157 |
53 | MIT-6.824 | Basic Sources for MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems Class | chaozh | 2445 |
54 | jsonschema | golang implementation of https://json-schema.org drafts 7 & 2019-09 | qri-io | 359 |
55 | hget | interruptable, resumable download accelerator written in golang | huydx | 940 |
56 | figlet | Figlet in Go | lukesampson | 123 |
57 | photoprism | AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨ | photoprism | 20400 |
58 | machinery | Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. | RichardKnop | 6211 |
59 | kind | Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes | kubernetes-sigs | 9703 |
60 | goofys | a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go | kahing | 4109 |
61 | tcpgoon | tcpgoon, maximum TCP connections tester | dachad | 169 |
62 | chezmoi | Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely. | twpayne | 6574 |
63 | ultimate-go | The Ultimate Go Study Guide | hoanhan101 | 14809 |
64 | dns | DNS library in Go | miekg | 6255 |
65 | octant | Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters. | vmware-tanzu | 5810 |
66 | pgreplay-go | Postgres load testing tool | gocardless | 94 |
67 | blast | Blast is a full text search and indexing server, written in Go, built on top of Bleve. | mosuka | 1041 |
68 | micro | API first development platform | micro | 11099 |
69 | fx | Terminal JSON viewer | antonmedv | 14102 |
70 | bigqueue | Embedded, Fast and Persistent bigqueue implementation | grandecola | 429 |
71 | clui | Command Line User Interface (Console UI inspired by TurboVision) | VladimirMarkelov | 608 |
72 | flyover-reverse-engineering | Reversing Apple's 3D satellite mode | retroplasma | 520 |
73 | aws-vault | A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments | 99designs | 6192 |
74 | server | A simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time per WebSocket. (Includes a sleek web-ui) | gotify | 7302 |
75 | charts | helm | 15379 | |
76 | xp | Deprecared: Extreme Programming made simple. Please see github.com/gojek/xp | kidoman | 18 |
77 | kahoot-hack | Reverse engineering kahoot.it | unixpickle | 384 |
78 | ponzu | Headless CMS with automatic JSON API. Featuring auto-HTTPS from Let's Encrypt, HTTP/2 Server Push, and flexible server framework written in Go. | ponzu-cms | 5433 |
79 | lazygit | simple terminal UI for git commands | jesseduffield | 27156 |
80 | wal-g | Archival and Restoration for Postgres | wal-g | 2142 |
81 | gomacro | Interactive Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, Eval, generics and Lisp-like macros | cosmos72 | 1834 |
82 | pulumi | Pulumi - Universal Infrastructure as Code. Your Cloud, Your Language, Your Way 🚀 | pulumi | 12275 |
83 | cds | Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Open Source Platform | ovh | 3840 |
84 | 1m-go-websockets | handling 1M websockets connections in Go | eranyanay | 5074 |
85 | blend | Image processing library and rendering toolkit for Go. | phrozen | 59 |
86 | faas | OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple | openfaas | 21513 |
87 | imgproxy | Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images | imgproxy | 6168 |
88 | tilt | Define your dev environment as code. For microservice apps on Kubernetes. | tilt-dev | 5479 |
89 | tengo | A fast script language for Go | d5 | 2691 |
90 | chromedp | A faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol. | chromedp | 7564 |
91 | sourcegraph | Universal code search (self-hosted) | sourcegraph | 6027 |
92 | chroma | A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go | alecthomas | 3128 |
93 | dive | A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image | wagoodman | 31334 |
94 | golua | A Lua 5.3 engine implemented in Go | Azure | 1845 |
95 | goawk | A POSIX-compliant AWK interpreter written in Go | benhoyt | 1410 |
96 | gobyexample | Go by Example | mmcgrana | 5560 |
97 | gocity | 📊 Code City metaphor for visualizing Go source code in 3D | rodrigo-brito | 1632 |
98 | goc | A C interpreter in Go | hajimehoshi | 109 |
99 | sso | sso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services | buzzfeed | 2895 |
100 | plexdrive | Plexdrive mounts your Google Drive FUSE filesystem (optimized for media playback) | plexdrive | 1523 |
101 | pdfcpu | A PDF processor written in Go. | pdfcpu | 3141 |
102 | wired-logic | Wired Logic - a pixel based logic simulator | martinkirsche | 634 |
103 | roadrunner | 🤯 High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang | roadrunner-server | 6406 |
104 | atlantis | Terraform Pull Request Automation | runatlantis | 4745 |
105 | qlbridge | A golang expression evaluator & Library to build SQL query engine based functionality. | araddon | 785 |
106 | talisman | By hooking into the pre-push hook provided by Git, Talisman validates the outgoing changeset for things that look suspicious - such as authorization tokens and private keys. | thoughtworks | 1418 |
107 | textql | Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV | dinedal | 8784 |
108 | consul | Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure. | hashicorp | 24683 |
109 | gologin | Go login handlers for authentication providers (OAuth1, OAuth2) | dghubble | 1515 |
110 | go-cloud | The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK): A library and tools for open cloud development in Go. | 8360 | |
111 | router7 | a small home internet router completely written in Go | rtr7 | 2399 |
112 | WindowsSpyBlocker | Block spying and tracking on Windows | crazy-max | 3168 |
113 | go-jira | Go client library for Atlassian Jira | andygrunwald | 1110 |
114 | task | A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go | go-task | 5050 |
115 | gateway | Drop-in replacement for Go net/http when running in AWS Lambda & API Gateway | apex | 618 |
116 | jid | json incremental digger | simeji | 6296 |
117 | restic | Fast, secure, efficient backup program | restic | 16672 |
118 | comcast | Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems. | tylertreat | 7835 |
119 | wtf | The personal information dashboard for your terminal | wtfutil | 13410 |
120 | primitive | Reproducing images with geometric primitives. | fogleman | 11840 |
121 | micro | A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor | zyedidia | 19398 |
122 | kit | A standard library for microservices. | go-kit | 22941 |
123 | gotty | Share your terminal as a web application | yudai | 16459 |
124 | drone | Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform | harness | 24911 |
125 | nsq | A realtime distributed messaging platform | nsqio | 21269 |
126 | minio | High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage | minio | 32984 |
127 | linkerd2 | Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. Main repo for Linkerd 2.x. | linkerd | 8373 |
128 | gogs | Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service | gogs | 39102 |
129 | watchtower | A process for automating Docker container base image updates. | containrrr | 10674 |
130 | nano | Lightweight, facility, high performance golang based game server framework | lonng | 2003 |
131 | littleboss | littleboss: supervisor construction kit | crawshaw | 630 |
132 | gitbase | SQL interface to git repositories, written in Go. https://docs.sourced.tech/gitbase | src-d | 1991 |
133 | fzf | 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder | junegunn | 44023 |
134 | dry | dry - A Docker manager for the terminal @ | moncho | 2528 |
135 | gitea | Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service | go-gitea | 29702 |
136 | server | GoshawkDB server | goshawkdb | 208 |
137 | learn-go-with-tests | Learn Go with test-driven development | quii | 17522 |
138 | atmmi-info-api | Node.js webservice that turns the ATM Milano news website in a REST API JSON data. | moebiusmania | 4 |
139 | powerline-go | A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go | justjanne | 2378 |
140 | justforfunc | The repository for the YouTube series JustForFunc | campoy | 1390 |
141 | package | Metaparticle/Package: Language Fluent Containerization and Deployment in Java, .NET and Javascript (and more coming soon) | metaparticle-io | 492 |
142 | netboot | Packages and utilities for network booting | danderson | 1278 |
143 | Developer-Advocate-Bit | Bit the Developer Advocate Mascot | ashleymcnamara | 190 |
144 | upspin | Upspin: A framework for naming everyone's everything. | upspin | 5961 |
145 | tyk | Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols | TykTechnologies | 7336 |
146 | terraform | Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. | hashicorp | 32407 |
147 | goflyway | An encrypted HTTP server | coyove | 4289 |
148 | concourse | Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go. | concourse | 6305 |
149 | bolt | An embedded key/value database for Go. | boltdb | 12778 |
150 | jvm.go | A toy JVM written in Go | zxh0 | 3411 |
151 | dgraph | Native GraphQL Database with graph backend | dgraph-io | 17982 |
152 | badger | Fast key-value DB in Go. | dgraph-io | 10749 |
153 | embedmd | embedmd: embed code into markdown and keep everything in sync | campoy | 737 |
154 | goreportcard | A report card for your Go application | gojp | 1680 |
155 | xbar | Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot) | matryer | 16027 |
156 | simpletable | Simple tables in terminal with Go | alexeyco | 352 |
157 | influxdb | Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics | influxdata | 23415 |
158 | cheat | cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. | cheat | 9145 |
159 | PDF reader | rsc | 464 | |
160 | smartcrop | smartcrop finds good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes | muesli | 1627 |
161 | awesome-go | A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software | avelino | 80056 |
162 | chain | Chain Core - Open Source Ledger-as-a-Service | chain | 1759 |
163 | goruby | GoRuby, an implementation of Ruby written in Go | goruby | 575 |
164 | nakama | Distributed server for social and realtime games and apps. | heroiclabs | 5810 |
165 | golan-clean-code-example | a real world example web app in Go | alioygur | 119 |
166 | jocko | Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native) | travisjeffery | 4549 |
167 | hllpp | HyperLogLog cardinality estimation algorithm in go/golang! | retailnext | 56 |
168 | when | A natural language date/time parser with pluggable rules | olebedev | 1148 |
169 | otto | A JavaScript interpreter in Go (golang) | robertkrimen | 6653 |
170 | goja | ECMAScript/JavaScript engine in pure Go | dop251 | 2904 |
171 | gitql | 💊 A git query language | filhodanuvem | 5923 |
172 | sh | A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt | mvdan | 4707 |
173 | mattermost-server | Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle. | mattermost | 22835 |
174 | cayley | An open-source graph database | cayleygraph | 14180 |
175 | open-lambda | An open source serverless computing platform | open-lambda | 764 |
176 | simplehttp2server | A simple HTTP/2 server for development | GoogleChromeLabs | 1721 |
177 | rango | A web frontend for hugo. | stayradiated | 285 |
178 | prometheus | The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database. | prometheus | 42239 |
179 | uiprogress | A go library to render progress bars in terminal applications | gosuri | 1907 |
180 | ginkgo | A Modern Testing Framework for Go | onsi | 5854 |
181 | gauge | Light weight cross-platform test automation | getgauge | 2696 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gosu-lang | The Gosu programming language | gosu-lang | 370 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gradle-node-plugin | Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. 🚀 | srs | 865 |
2 | okta-sdk-java | okta | 113 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | klipse | Klipse is a JavaScript plugin for embedding interactive code snippets in tech blogs. | viebel | 2914 |
2 | plot | A concise API for exploratory data visualization | observablehq | 1827 |
3 | focalboard | Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. | mattermost | 10900 |
4 | clappr | 🎬 An extensible media player for the web. | clappr | 5699 |
5 | nokia-composer | Nokia Composer in 512 bytes | zserge | 99 |
6 | blog_os | Writing an OS in Rust | phil-opp | 9712 |
7 | awesome-engineering | A curated list of awesome engineering blogs, handbooks and open source repos from top technology companies | upgundecha | 88 |
8 | tuhdo.github.io | Emacs Mini Manual | tuhdo | 604 |
9 | post--augmented-rnns | Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks | distillpub | 165 |
10 | school-of-sre | At LinkedIn, we are using this curriculum for onboarding our entry-level talents into the SRE role. | 5569 | |
11 | rust-gamedev.github.io | The repository for https://gamedev.rs | rust-gamedev | 276 |
12 | SJSJ | Simplified JavaScript Jargon | KittyGiraudel | 2243 |
13 | raytracing.github.io | Main Web Site (Online Books) | RayTracing | 5073 |
14 | riscv-arch-test | riscv-non-isa | 278 | |
15 | wordsandbuttons | A growing collection of interactive tutorials, demos, and quizzes about maths, algorithms, and programming. | akalenuk | 362 |
16 | disaster-radio | A (paused) work-in-progress long-range, low-bandwidth wireless disaster recovery mesh network powered by the sun. | sudomesh | 920 |
17 | alpine | A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. | alpinejs | 20559 |
18 | webcomponents | Web Components specifications | WICG | 3931 |
19 | Sherlock | Natural-language event parser for Javascript | neilgupta | 440 |
20 | transactional-email-templates | Responsive transactional HTML email templates | mailgun | 6689 |
21 | craftinginterpreters | Repository for the book "Crafting Interpreters" | munificent | 4996 |
22 | lol-html | Low output latency streaming HTML parser/rewriter with CSS selector-based API | cloudflare | 812 |
23 | inkstone | Learn Chinese on the go - no Internet connection required! | skishore | 295 |
24 | all-contributors | ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨ | all-contributors | 6243 |
25 | go-for-javascript-developers | A comparison between Go and Javascript | pazams | 1047 |
26 | no-boilerplate | A no boilerplate website. | cutenode | 27 |
27 | bandinchina | Naming and shaming companies who kowtow to Chinese censorship requests | caffeine-overload | 1073 |
28 | WebFundamentals | Best practices for modern web development | 13124 | |
29 | java-profiling-presentation | Materials for the presentation TUT2844 "Mastering Java Performance with async-profiler" | apangin | 112 |
30 | twemoji | Emoji for everyone. https://twemoji.twitter.com/ | 14207 | |
31 | cssbattle-solutions | My solutions for cssbattle.dev | alexzaworski | 89 |
32 | public-sans | A strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text or display | uswds | 4150 |
33 | WhatTheHack | A collection of challenge based hack-a-thons including student guide, coach guide, lecture presentations, sample/instructional code and templates. Please visit the What The Hack website at: https://aka.ms/wth | microsoft | 1103 |
34 | DecorativeLetterAnimations | Some decorative shape and letter animations based on the Dribbble shot "Us By Night" by Animography. | codrops | 288 |
35 | WebGazer | WebGazer.js: Scalable Webcam EyeTracking Using User Interactions | brownhci | 3121 |
36 | javatari.js | Javatari - Online Atari 2600 Emulator | ppeccin | 179 |
37 | CSSgram | CSS library for Instagram filters | una | 5320 |
38 | unicons | 1000+ Pixel-perfect vector icons and Iconfont for your next project. | Iconscout | 1125 |
39 | chota | A micro (3kb) CSS framework | jenil | 919 |
40 | wasmweekly | Website for the WebAssembly weekly newsletter | ColinEberhardt | 56 |
41 | uikit | A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces | uikit | 17441 |
42 | web-design-in-4-minutes | Learn the basics of web design in 4 minutes | jgthms | 4220 |
43 | bibanon | The Bibliotheca Anonoma: A wikified library of the internet's treasures. Researching Something Awful, 2channel, 4chan, and other imageboard/textboard communities. | bibanon | 1194 |
44 | kubernetes-failure-stories | Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes | hjacobs | 6217 |
45 | cuttlebelle | The react static site generator that separates editing and code concerns | cuttlebelle | 515 |
46 | design-system-components | 🛠 Component code and tests for the Australian Government design system | govau | 735 |
47 | Seeing-Theory | A visual introduction to probability and statistics. | seeingtheory | 1443 |
48 | iA-Fonts | Free variable writing fonts from iA | iaolo | 2322 |
49 | caltrainschedule.io | 🚄 caltrain schedules - offline first 🐬 | paulirish | 50 |
50 | CSS-file-icons | Pure CSS icons for popular file extensions | colorswall | 299 |
51 | hyperHTML | A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative | WebReflection | 2917 |
52 | custom-elements | A polyfill for HTML Custom Elements v1 | webcomponents | 456 |
53 | webcomponentsjs | A suite of polyfills supporting the HTML Web Components specs | webcomponents | 3866 |
54 | scheduling-apis | APIs for scheduling and controlling prioritized tasks. | WICG | 779 |
55 | opensource.guide | 📚 Community guides for open source creators | github | 10514 |
56 | My-Learning-Tracker | Keeping track of my web development skills and learning in one place along with resources, highlights, interests, and everything to do with my learning. | Syknapse | 320 |
57 | milligram | A minimalist CSS framework. | milligram | 9673 |
58 | awesome-piracy | A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links | Igglybuff | 18326 |
59 | css-houdini-drafts | Mirror of https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts | w3c | 1798 |
60 | csswg-drafts | CSS Working Group Editor Drafts | w3c | 3457 |
61 | Base2Tone | 2 base hues - 32 variations > 1 theme | atelierbram | 50 |
62 | TinyEditor | A functional HTML/CSS/JS editor in less than 400 bytes | umpox | 2324 |
63 | elm-examples | Elm examples and snippets | ivanceras | 80 |
64 | foundation-emails | Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and client. Even Outlook. | foundation | 7612 |
65 | BuildYourOwnLisp | Learn C and build your own programming language in under 1000 lines of code! | orangeduck | 2472 |
66 | stdarch | Rust's standard library vendor-specific APIs and run-time feature detection | rust-lang | 464 |
67 | tc39.github.io | Get involved in specifying JavaScript | tc39 | 280 |
68 | bezierinfo | A Primer on Bezier Curves | Pomax | 698 |
69 | repo-badges | ⭐ Use repo badges (build passing, coverage, etc) in your readme/markdown file to signal code quality in a project. | dwyl | 2607 |
70 | 2018-cs109b | Harvard CS109b Public Repository | cs109 | 226 |
71 | ImageOptim | GUI image optimizer for Mac | ImageOptim | 7675 |
72 | forkgasm | Lea & Chris’ culinary adventures | LeaVerou | 25 |
73 | open-source-billing | Open Source Billing a super simple way to create and send invoices and receive payments online. | vteams | 632 |
74 | BezierInfo-2 | The development repo for the Primer on Bézier curves, https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo | Pomax | 1952 |
75 | kryo | Java binary serialization and cloning: fast, efficient, automatic | EsotericSoftware | 5399 |
76 | gohugo-theme-ananke | Ananke: A theme for Hugo Sites | theNewDynamic | 727 |
77 | gauss-distribution | A fun little project to show distribution of pixels in Gauss's portrait | anvaka | 246 |
78 | learn-tachyons | 😍 Learn how to use Tachyons to craft beautiful, responsive and fast UI with functional CSS! | dwyl | 650 |
79 | HYPE_Processing | HYPE for Processing | hype | 900 |
80 | proposal-ecmascript-sharedmem | Shared memory and atomics for ECMAscript | tc39 | 368 |
81 | EPMG | Entropic Password Manager Generator is a cross-platform, most secure and storageless password manager that generates passwords | cryptolok | 24 |
82 | distsysbook | The book Distributed systems: for fun and profit | mixu | 2288 |
83 | ECMAScript-examples | Examples for ECMAScript 20XX. | rickbeerendonk | 13 |
84 | artpluscode | 🌈 Experimenting with art via code. | dasilvacontin | 8 |
85 | AR.js | Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile! | jeromeetienne | 15524 |
86 | dom | DOM Standard | whatwg | 1307 |
87 | Rich-Hickey-fanclub | "every time I watch one of his talks I feel like someone has gone in and organized my brain" | tallesl | 2841 |
88 | weui | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. | Tencent | 26205 |
89 | grade-ladder | Capgemini UK Software Engineering Grade Ladder | Capgemini | 12 |
90 | geo-bootstrap | A timeless Twitter Bootstrap theme built for the modern web. | divshot | 2042 |
91 | machine-learning | 🌎 machine learning tutorials (mainly in Python3) | ethen8181 | 1993 |
92 | Am-I-A-Real-Dev | Find out if you are a Real Dev ™ | brunolemos | 51 |
93 | coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template | Free Bootstrap 5 admin & dashboard template | coreui | 11172 |
94 | HTTPLeaks | HTTPLeaks - All possible ways, a website can leak HTTP requests | cure53 | 1605 |
95 | gadzooks | A miscellany of adornments, accoutrements and other such trappings to Fallen London | hash-bang | 11 |
96 | JavaScript30 | 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge | wesbos | 19436 |
97 | deviceframe.es | PaulKinlan | 25 | |
98 | pdfs | Technically-oriented PDF Collection (Papers, Specs, Decks, Manuals, etc) | tpn | 5569 |
99 | RestApiTutorial.com | HTML Source code for www.RestApiTutorial.com | tfredrich | 2887 |
100 | history-of-rust | A talk about the history of Rust | steveklabnik | 35 |
101 | proposal-async-await | Async/await for ECMAScript | tc39 | 1574 |
102 | webgl-fundamentals | WebGL lessons that start with the basics | gfxfundamentals | 3574 |
103 | microbuilder | A toolset that helps you build system across multiple micro-services and multiple languages. | ThoughtWorksInc | 93 |
104 | free-for-dev | A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev | ripienaar | 55180 |
105 | savetheinternet.in | Response generator for the TRAI consultation paper | netneutrality | 184 |
106 | streams | Streams Standard | whatwg | 1205 |
107 | smc | Swathanthra Malayalam Computing repository; Visit http://www.smc.org.in for more info. | smc | 22 |
108 | editor | The official Code in the Dark editor | codeinthedark | 3013 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | book | The Rust and WebAssembly Book | rustwasm | 1314 |
2 | wet-boew | Web Experience Toolkit (WET): Open source code library for building innovative websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. This collaborative open source project is led by the Government of Canada. | wet-boew | 1436 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | ihp | 🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness | digitallyinduced | 3290 |
2 | learn4haskell | 👩🏫 👨🏫 Learn Haskell basics in 4 pull requests | kowainik | 762 |
3 | alga | Algebraic graphs | snowleopard | 654 |
4 | hadolint | Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell | hadolint | 6837 |
5 | vintage-basic | Vintage BASIC Interpreter | lylek | 69 |
6 | unison | A friendly programming language from the future | unisonweb | 4355 |
7 | leksah | Haskell IDE | leksah | 967 |
8 | shellcheck | ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts | koalaman | 28650 |
9 | asterius | A Haskell to WebAssembly compiler | tweag | 1888 |
10 | forest-compiler | A multi-syntax functional programming language that compiles to WebAssembly. | forest-lang | 590 |
11 | haskell-trainings | Haskell 101 and 102: slides and codelabs | 1319 | |
12 | dejafu | Systematic concurrency testing meets Haskell. | barrucadu | 173 |
13 | thinking-with-types | 📖 source material for Thinking with Types | isovector | 420 |
14 | graphql-engine | Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events. | hasura | 26652 |
15 | toodles | Project management directly from the TODOs in your codebase | aviaviavi | 974 |
16 | articles | Miscellaneous articles. The readme is the table of contents. | quchen | 1097 |
17 | bench | Command-line benchmark tool | Gabriel439 | 771 |
18 | haskoin-core | Haskoin Core is a Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash library | haskoin | 515 |
19 | hi | Generate scaffold for a Haskell project | fujimura | 203 |
20 | awesome-haskell | A collection of awesome Haskell links, frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome projects line. | krispo | 2699 |
21 | eta | The Eta Programming Language, a dialect of Haskell on the JVM | typelead | 2524 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | armorpaint | 3D PBR Texture Painting Software | armory3d | 2229 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | druid | Apache Druid: a high performance real-time analytics database. | apache | 11717 |
2 | rars | RARS -- RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator | TheThirdOne | 624 |
3 | capacitor | Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the Web ⚡️ | ionic-team | 7390 |
4 | supertokens-core | Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito | supertokens | 5873 |
5 | lombok | Very spicy additions to the Java programming language. | projectlombok | 11131 |
6 | JavaVerbalExpressions | Java regular expressions made easy. | VerbalExpressions | 2560 |
7 | skija | Java bindings for Skia | JetBrains | 2394 |
8 | LeetCodeAnimation | Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路) | MisterBooo | 70050 |
9 | questdb | An open source SQL database designed to process time series data, faster | questdb | 8453 |
10 | jupiter | RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator | andrescv | 358 |
11 | simple-config | A Simple Configuration System for Java | xpmatteo | 1 |
12 | PEmbroider | Embroidery Library for Processing | CreativeInquiry | 309 |
13 | tsunami-security-scanner | Tsunami is a general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence. | 7495 | |
14 | jdk | JDK main-line development | openjdk | 12961 |
15 | Digital | A digital logic designer and circuit simulator. | hneemann | 2347 |
16 | AarogyaSetu_Android | Aarogya Setu Android app native code | nic-delhi | 2848 |
17 | slice | Java library for efficiently working with heap and off-heap memory | airlift | 457 |
18 | incubator-inlong | Apache InLong - a one-stop integration framework for massive data | apache | 586 |
19 | ambry | Distributed object store | 1542 | |
20 | gdx-ai | Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines | libgdx | 1007 |
21 | CoreNLP | Stanford CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools. | stanfordnlp | 8449 |
22 | scrimage | Java, Scala and Kotlin image processing library | sksamuel | 888 |
23 | OpenRefine | OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it | OpenRefine | 8806 |
24 | JavaMyString | A tiny implementation of String class in java as final project. | BaseMax | 6 |
25 | univocity-trader | open-source trading framework for java, supports backtesting and live trading with exchanges | uniVocity | 539 |
26 | caffeine | A high performance caching library for Java | ben-manes | 11530 |
27 | pulsar | Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system | apache | 10742 |
28 | alf.io | alf.io - The open source ticket reservation system for conferences, trade shows, workshops, meetups | alfio-event | 967 |
29 | xoom-actors | The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the type-safe Actor Model, delivering Reactive concurrency, high scalability, high-throughput, and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages. | vlingo | 212 |
30 | OsmAnd | OsmAnd | osmandapp | 3111 |
31 | armeria | Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard. | line | 3596 |
32 | Java | All Algorithms implemented in Java | TheAlgorithms | 45876 |
33 | sirix | SirixDB is a temporal, evolutionary database system, which uses an append-only approach to store immutable revisions. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-efficient snapshot through structural sharing. It is log-structured and never overwrites data. SirixDB uses a novel page-level versioning approach. | sirixdb | 729 |
34 | tinkerpop | Apache TinkerPop - a graph computing framework | apache | 1507 |
35 | seata | 🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution. | seata | 22048 |
36 | junit-toolbox | Useful classes for writing automated tests with JUnit 4 | MichaelTamm | 139 |
37 | functionaljava | Functional programming in Java | functionaljava | 1498 |
38 | randoop | Automatic test generation for Java | randoop | 398 |
39 | flink | Apache Flink | apache | 18823 |
40 | smile | Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine | haifengl | 5503 |
41 | joinery | Data frames for Java | cardillo | 620 |
42 | morpheus-core | The foundational library of the Morpheus data science framework | zavtech | 218 |
43 | tablesaw | Java dataframe and visualization library | jtablesaw | 2899 |
44 | buck | A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages. | 8262 | |
45 | jdbi | jdbi is designed to provide convenient tabular data access in Java; including templated SQL, parameterized and strongly typed queries, and Streams integration | jdbi | 1636 |
46 | h2database | H2 is an embeddable RDBMS written in Java. | h2database | 3266 |
47 | CopperKitten | An exercise in programming language design and implementation. | clnhlzmn | 21 |
48 | easy-rules | The simple, stupid rules engine for Java | j-easy | 3835 |
49 | light-4j | A fast, lightweight and more productive microservices framework | networknt | 3406 |
50 | concurrency_coaster | elrob | 2 | |
51 | quarkus | Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java. | quarkusio | 9873 |
52 | graal | GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀 | oracle | 16958 |
53 | system-design-interviews | DreamOfTheRedChamber | 1763 | |
54 | ghidra | Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework | NationalSecurityAgency | 32407 |
55 | pizza-shop-example | DDD example Pizza Shop! | mstine | 41 |
56 | bt | BitTorrent library and client with DHT, magnet links, encryption and more | atomashpolskiy | 2042 |
57 | JLang | JLang: Ahead-of-time compilation of Java programs to LLVM | polyglot-compiler | 226 |
58 | RTSP-Client-Server | Implementation of a streaming video server and client that communicate using the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and send data using the Realtime Transfer Protocol (RTP) | mutaphore | 458 |
59 | samples | JavaFX samples to run with different options and build tools | openjfx | 462 |
60 | interview | Interview questions | mission-peace | 10351 |
61 | ice | AWS Usage Tool | Teevity | 2794 |
62 | dumbster | Dumbster - a simple fake SMTP server for unit testing | kirviq | 65 |
63 | agroal | The natural database connection pool | agroal | 92 |
64 | kafka-streams-examples | Demo applications and code examples for Apache Kafka's Streams API. | confluentinc | 1969 |
65 | KernelAdiutor | An application which manages kernel parameters | Grarak | 567 |
66 | bazel | a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system | bazelbuild | 18570 |
67 | onion-architecture | My Java implementation example of onion architecture | splaw88 | 44 |
68 | galen | Layout and functional testing framework for websites | galenframework | 1406 |
69 | micronaut-core | Micronaut Application Framework | micronaut-projects | 5309 |
70 | jadx | Dex to Java decompiler | skylot | 30010 |
71 | graphql-java-reactive | Reactive GraphQL execution strategy | bsideup | 52 |
72 | java-resource-server | Resource Server Implementation in Java | authlete | 27 |
73 | spring-ddd-bank | A sample project following Domain Driven Design with Spring Data JPA | christophknabe | 355 |
74 | audit4j-core | An open source auditing framework. | audit4j | 114 |
75 | ddd-java | Spring Boot + Java [ DDD Sample ] | jkazama | 206 |
76 | graphql-jpa | JPA Implementation of GraphQL (builds on graphql-java) | jcrygier | 163 |
77 | graphql-spqr | Build a GraphQL service in seconds | leangen | 967 |
78 | graphql-java-annotations | GraphQL Annotations for Java | Enigmatis | 359 |
79 | android-circlebutton | Circle button widget for Android | markushi | 1488 |
80 | gs-messaging-jms | Messaging with JMS :: Learn how to publish and subscribe to messages using a JMS broker. | spring-guides | 70 |
81 | sts4 | The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia | spring-projects | 623 |
82 | data-transfer-project | The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for people to transfer their data between online service providers. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable direct transfer of data both into and out of participating online service providers. | 3345 | |
83 | ixortalk.aws.cognito.jwt.security.filter | Spring Boot security filter for decoding Cognito JWT IdTokens | IxorTalk | 84 |
84 | shipkit | Toolkit for shipping it used by Mockito library | mockito | 156 |
85 | streamex | Enhancing Java Stream API | amaembo | 1849 |
86 | keepass2android | Password manager app for Android | PhilippC | 3112 |
87 | javacpp | The missing bridge between Java and native C++ | bytedeco | 3809 |
88 | jib | 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications. | GoogleContainerTools | 11767 |
89 | example-cognito-java | Example of using AWS Cognito from a Java web-app | kdgregory | 50 |
90 | amazon-cognito-developer-authentication-sample | aws-samples | 95 | |
91 | spring-cloud-aws | All development has moved to https://github.com/awspring/spring-cloud-aws Integration for Amazon Web Services APIs with Spring | spring-attic | 585 |
92 | geocalc | Helper classes to calculate Earth distances, bearing, etc. | grumlimited | 95 |
93 | Material-Animations | Android Transition animations explanation with examples. | lgvalle | 13568 |
94 | rxjava2-jdbc | RxJava2 integration with JDBC including Non-blocking Connection Pools | davidmoten | 380 |
95 | citrus | Framework for automated integration tests with focus on messaging integration | citrusframework | 355 |
96 | requery | requery - modern SQL based query & persistence for Java / Kotlin / Android | requery | 3093 |
97 | spring-boot-thin-launcher | Tools for building "thin" executable jars, with a focus on, but not exclusively for, Spring Boot | spring-projects-experimental | 578 |
98 | ai-n-queens | Solving and GUI demonstration of traditional N-Queens Problem using Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Local Beam Search, and Genetic Algorithm. | selimfirat | 30 |
99 | byte-buddy | Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine. | raphw | 4897 |
100 | elasticsearch-jdbc | JDBC importer for Elasticsearch | jprante | 2826 |
101 | java-design-patterns | Design patterns implemented in Java | iluwatar | 74603 |
102 | cqengine | Ultra-fast SQL-like queries on Java collections | npgall | 1489 |
103 | presto | The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data | prestodb | 13416 |
104 | spring-fu | Configuration DSLs for Spring Boot | spring-projects-experimental | 1606 |
105 | embedded-elasticsearch | Tool that ease up creation of integration tests with Elasticsearch | allegro | 261 |
106 | Elasticsearch-demo | Elasticsearch Demo | rpemsel | 4 |
107 | randomizedtesting | Randomized Testing (Core JUnit Runner, ANT, Maven) | randomizedtesting | 162 |
108 | janino | Janino is a super-small, super-fast Java™ compiler. | janino-compiler | 853 |
109 | flamegrapher | Web frontend and REST API for Java Flight Recorder with Flamegraphs 🔥 | flamegrapher | 77 |
110 | FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition | FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes. | EnterpriseQualityCoding | 17177 |
111 | zipkin | Zipkin is a distributed tracing system | openzipkin | 15340 |
112 | spring-lemon | Helper library for Spring Boot web applications | naturalprogrammer | 618 |
113 | jakduk-api | K League Community Web Application | JakduK | 23 |
114 | spring-boot-oauth2-password-flow | Spring Boot 2 - OAuth2 password-flow with JWT | zeldan | 52 |
115 | eventsourcing-examples | Examples on how to use Speedment in a Micro-Service environment. Event Sourcing with CQRS and Materialized Views. | speedment | 18 |
116 | cyclops | An advanced, but easy to use, platform for writing functional applications in Java 8. | aol | 1222 |
117 | spring-reactive-sample | Spring 5 Reactive playground | hantsy | 1067 |
118 | spectator | Client library for collecting metrics. | Netflix | 656 |
119 | jodd | Jodd! Lightweight. Java. Zero dependencies. Use what you like. | oblac | 3887 |
120 | quasar | Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM | puniverse | 4417 |
121 | SplitetFramework | Splitet is a Java based Event Sourcing framework which can be benefited by the teams who are planning to make CQRS transitions with minimum learning curve and ease of adaptation. | Splitet | 159 |
122 | RxJavaFX | RxJava bindings for JavaFX | ReactiveX | 508 |
123 | spring-boot-admin | Admin UI for administration of spring boot applications | codecentric | 10837 |
124 | spring-restbucks | Implementation of the sample from REST in Practice based on Spring projects | odrotbohm | 1055 |
125 | leveldb | Port of LevelDB to Java | dain | 1377 |
126 | event-driven-restaurant | Microservices & Event Sourcing demonstration | vvgomes | 148 |
127 | rabbitmq-advanced-spring-boot-starter | A generic library for messaging with rabbit mq with extension on spring boot amqp | societe-generale | 81 |
128 | Signal-Server | Server supporting the Signal Private Messenger applications on Android, Desktop, and iOS | signalapp | 7597 |
129 | resilience4j | Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming | resilience4j | 7927 |
130 | redisson | Redisson - Redis Java client with features of In-Memory Data Grid. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Publish / Subscribe, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, Tomcat, Scheduler, JCache API, Hibernate, MyBatis, RPC, local cache ... | redisson | 18871 |
131 | killbill | Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform | killbill | 2487 |
132 | ddd-strategic-design-spring-boot | Application to demonstrate Domain Driven Design Context Mapping patterns based on Spring Boot | mploed | 320 |
133 | java | jsoniter (json-iterator) is fast and flexible JSON parser available in Java and Go | json-iterator | 1378 |
134 | rest-api-ref-impl | ThoughtWorks-DPS | 2 | |
135 | spring-cloud-function | spring-cloud | 875 | |
136 | spring-reactive-playground | Reactive application based on Spring Web Reactive and Spring Data | sdeleuze | 151 |
137 | spring-boot-websocket-chat-demo | Spring Boot WebSocket Chat Demo with SockJS fallback and STOMP protocol | callicoder | 831 |
138 | spring-websocket-portfolio | rstoyanchev | 691 | |
139 | java-concurrency-examples | Java Concurrency/Multithreading Tutorial with Examples for Dummies | callicoder | 216 |
140 | boot2-load-demo | Demonstrates a load test with Spring Boot 2 | bijukunjummen | 77 |
141 | micrometer | An application metrics facade for the most popular monitoring tools. Think SLF4J, but for metrics. | micrometer-metrics | 3371 |
142 | nakadi | A distributed event bus that implements a RESTful API abstraction on top of Kafka-like queues | zalando | 834 |
143 | crate | CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. | crate | 3360 |
144 | orientdb | OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries. | orientechnologies | 4448 |
145 | red5-server | Red5 Server core | Red5 | 3070 |
146 | james-project | Emails at the heart of your business logic! | apache | 591 |
147 | UltimateAndroidReference | 🚀 Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer | aritraroy | 7490 |
148 | jwt-spring-security-demo | A demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2 | szerhusenBC | 2886 |
149 | multi-version-jar | Demo showing how to create multi release jar files (JEP 238) in IntelliJ IDEA | trishagee | 4 |
150 | oauth2-step-by-step | Step by step code examples for blog post on voxxed.com. Each branch is a working example. Create your own custom OAuth2 configuration and play with spring-boot and spring-oauth | exteso | 32 |
151 | spring-security-oauth | Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth": | Baeldung | 1726 |
152 | boot-stateless-social | integrating boot-stateless-auth with OAuth 2 based social login with facebook | robbertvanwaveren | 36 |
153 | springboot-jwt | Example Springboot Application for Securing a REST API with JSON Web Token (JWT). For an example Integration with Angular (version 2+) go to https://github.com/ipassynk/angular-springboot-jwt | nydiarra | 484 |
154 | Cerberus | A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security. | daniel-cottone | 482 |
155 | torrenttunes-client | DEPRECATED: A BitTorrent-based music streaming service. | dessalines | 360 |
156 | h-store | H-Store Distributed Main Memory OLTP Database System | apavlo | 485 |
157 | JVM | 自己动手实现 JVM ,了解JVM内部运行机制(write your own JVM) | zachaxy | 134 |
158 | scouter | Scouter is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool. | scouter-project | 1826 |
159 | rapidoid | Rapidoid - Extremely Fast, Simple and Powerful Java Web Framework and HTTP Server! | rapidoid | 1580 |
160 | concurrency-kata | Walkthrough the implementation of a basic chatroom, from crude locks to more abstract concurrency control | philou | 26 |
161 | pinpoint | APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems. | pinpoint-apm | 12145 |
162 | inspectIT | inspectIT is the leading Open Source APM (Application Performance Management) tool for analyzing your Java (EE) applications. | inspectIT | 524 |
163 | stagemonitor | an open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications | stagemonitor | 1671 |
164 | anonymouth | psal | 1843 | |
165 | jmonkeyengine | A complete 3-D game development suite written in Java. | jMonkeyEngine | 2990 |
166 | Singularity | Scheduler (HTTP API and webapp) for running Mesos tasks—long running processes, one-off tasks, and scheduled jobs. #hubspot-open-source | HubSpot | 810 |
167 | reactive-streams-jvm | Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM | reactive-streams | 4352 |
168 | reactor-core | Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM | reactor | 4091 |
169 | PCDP | habanero-rice | 245 | |
170 | react-native-store-review | Rate on App/Play Store directly in your React Native app | oblador | 549 |
171 | android-interview-questions | Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions | MindorksOpenSource | 8759 |
172 | circuit-simulator | Paul Falstad's circuit simulator (with improvements) | hausen | 87 |
173 | from-java-to-kotlin | From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin | MindorksOpenSource | 5617 |
174 | jdeferred | Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery. | jdeferred | 1490 |
175 | cereebro | Automate the documentation of relationships between components in a distributed system | cereebro | 56 |
176 | spring-boot | Spring Boot | spring-projects | 60978 |
177 | juds | A Unix domain socket library for Java | mcfunley | 180 |
178 | jgrapht | Master repository for the JGraphT project | jgrapht | 2103 |
179 | dagger | A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. | square | 7279 |
180 | marytts | MARY TTS -- an open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in pure java | marytts | 1761 |
181 | AlgoDS | Implementation of Algorithms and Data Structures, Problems and Solutions | sherxon | 3330 |
182 | egov-services | egovernments | 16 | |
183 | spring-boot-react-webpack-starter | Spring Boot and React using webpack starter project | dlizarra | 158 |
184 | spring-rest-service-oauth | A simple OAuth protected REST service built with Spring Boot and Spring Security OAuth | royclarkson | 668 |
185 | initializr | A quickstart generator for Spring projects | spring-io | 2825 |
186 | jedis | Redis Java client designed for performance and ease of use. | redis | 10417 |
187 | atmosphere | Event Driven WebSockets Framework with Cross-Browser Fallbacks | Atmosphere | 3573 |
188 | interviews | Everything you need to know to get the job. | kdn251 | 57128 |
189 | Phonograph | A material designed music player for Android | kabouzeid | 2642 |
190 | metrics | 📈 Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on. | dropwizard | 7532 |
191 | NuProcess | Low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process implementation for Java | brettwooldridge | 553 |
192 | HikariCP | 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last. | brettwooldridge | 16711 |
193 | awaitility | Awaitility is a small Java DSL for synchronizing asynchronous operations | awaitility | 2978 |
194 | bucket4j | Java rate limiting library based on token-bucket algorithm. | vladimir-bukhtoyarov | 1458 |
195 | authserver | spring-cloud-samples | 313 | |
196 | spring-boot-security-oauth2-minimal | Minimal implementation of Authorization Server, Resource Server and OAuth2 Client in Spring Boot with Spring Security and JWT | dynamind | 415 |
197 | sparklr-boot | Demo OAuth2 provider with Spring Boot | dsyer | 135 |
198 | java8-tutorial | Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 | winterbe | 15639 |
199 | Shuttle | Shuttle Music Player | timusus | 2183 |
200 | mapdb | MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine. | jankotek | 4502 |
201 | disruptor | High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library | LMAX-Exchange | 14777 |
202 | voldemort | An open source clone of Amazon's Dynamo. | voldemort | 2532 |
203 | javaparser | Java 1-15 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java, including preview features to Java 13 | javaparser | 4185 |
204 | javasymbolsolver | old repository --> this is now integrated in https://github.com/javaparser/javaparser | javaparser | 286 |
205 | egov-smartcity-suite | eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency, transparency, accountability and the service delivery of Municipal Governments. The solution is freely available under the license terms as mentioned below. | egovernments | 75 |
206 | unit-tck | JSR 385 - Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) | unitsofmeasurement | 5 |
207 | arquillian-core | Arquillian provides a component model for integration tests, which includes dependency injection and container life cycle management. Instead of managing a runtime in your test, Arquillian brings your test to the runtime. | arquillian | 331 |
208 | algorithms-datascience-java | Implementation of Data Science Algorithms using Java | neerajkesav | 4 |
209 | ratpack | Lean & powerful HTTP apps | ratpack | 1903 |
210 | RxJava | RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. | ReactiveX | 46015 |
211 | visualvm | VisualVM is an All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool | oracle | 2196 |
212 | circuitjs1 | Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser | sharpie7 | 1551 |
213 | android-BluetoothChat | Migrated: | googlearchive | 973 |
214 | blueocean-plugin | Blue Ocean is a reboot of the Jenkins CI/CD User Experience | jenkinsci | 2828 |
215 | speedment | Speedment is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime | speedment | 2003 |
216 | CorfuDB | A cluster consistency platform | CorfuDB | 570 |
217 | fongo | faked out in-memory mongo for java | fakemongo | 513 |
218 | HdrHistogram | A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram | HdrHistogram | 1951 |
219 | teammates | This is the project website for the TEAMMATES feedback management tool for education | TEAMMATES | 1222 |
220 | nanohttpd | Tiny, easily embeddable HTTP server in Java. | NanoHttpd | 6303 |
221 | react-native-fcm | react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification | evollu | 1731 |
222 | Conversations | Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android | iNPUTmice | 4046 |
223 | vavr | vʌvr (formerly called Javaslang) is a non-commercial, non-profit object-functional library that runs with Java 8+. It aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality. | vavr-io | 4797 |
224 | react-native-android-statusbar | A react native android module to control the android statusbar. | NishanthShankar | 145 |
225 | Smack | A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs | igniterealtime | 2294 |
226 | graphhopper | Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server. | graphhopper | 3631 |
227 | spring-loaded | Java agent that enables class reloading in a running JVM | spring-projects | 2638 |
228 | spring-react-isomorphic | Spring + React isomorphic templating application | sdeleuze | 116 |
229 | spring-security-hands-on-4.1 | rwinch | 17 | |
230 | physical-web | The Physical Web: walk up and use anything | 6034 | |
231 | VideoRecorderService | VideoRecorderService is a lightweight web-based service that offers a REST interface to easily manage the recording of screen videos. | tuenti | 36 |
232 | payments-demo | dsyer | 6 | |
233 | spring-graphql-common | Spring Framework GraphQL Library | yandooo | 131 |
234 | graphql-java | GraphQL Java implementation | graphql-java | 5491 |
235 | libgdx | Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework | libgdx | 19961 |
236 | spring-data-cassandra | Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Apache Cassandra. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access. | spring-projects | 330 |
237 | ReactiveLab | Experiments and prototypes with reactive application design. | Netflix | 204 |
238 | BroadleafCommerce | Broadleaf Commerce - Enterprise eCommerce framework based on Spring | BroadleafCommerce | 1527 |
239 | wiremock | A tool for mocking HTTP services | wiremock | 4991 |
240 | jadb | ADB Client in pure Java. | vidstige | 495 |
241 | usb-serial-for-android | Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices. | mik3y | 3488 |
242 | AppiumTestDistribution | A tool for running android and iOS appium tests in parallel across devices... U like it STAR it ! | AppiumTestDistribution | 841 |
243 | gocd | Main repository for GoCD - Continuous Delivery server | gocd | 6440 |
244 | org.intrace | Java tracing agent and live trace client | mchr3k | 73 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Consent-O-Matic | Browser extension that automatically fills out cookie popups based on your preferences | cavi-au | 470 |
2 | vdhcoapp | Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on | mi-g | 812 |
3 | nazca | A new way of creating GUI in the web | Qinti | 302 |
4 | user-agents | A JavaScript library for generating random user agents with data that's updated daily. | intoli | 649 |
5 | sheetjs | 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit | SheetJS | 30025 |
6 | phantomas | Headless Chromium-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool | macbre | 2201 |
7 | browserless | The high efficent browser driver on top of puppeteer, ready for production scenarios. | microlinkhq | 1085 |
8 | vis-network | 💫 Display dynamic, automatically organised, customizable network views. | visjs | 2010 |
9 | Index | Metarhia educational program index 📖 | HowProgrammingWorks | 2233 |
10 | creevey | Cross-browser screenshot testing tool for Storybook with fancy UI Runner. | wKich | 297 |
11 | headless-recorder | Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script. | checkly | 14133 |
12 | jest-image-snapshot | ✨ Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression testing. | americanexpress | 3027 |
13 | Typr.js | Typr.js - process fonts in Javascript | photopea | 742 |
14 | appwrite | Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative. | appwrite | 21264 |
15 | lambda-tester | Helper for unit testing AWS Lambda functions | vandium-io | 258 |
16 | synth-hack | madelineurl | 1 | |
17 | github1s | One second to read GitHub code with VS Code. | conwnet | 20900 |
18 | wasm-sudoku-solver | a WebAssembly-powered AR sudoku solver | ColinEberhardt | 295 |
19 | know-it-all | If you don't know it all, at least know what you don't know. | davidgilbertson | 711 |
20 | analytics.js | The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application. | segmentio | 4761 |
21 | fluent | Fluent — planning, spec and documentation | projectfluent | 1001 |
22 | 30-Days-Of-JavaScript | 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace. | Asabeneh | 20610 |
23 | pickr | 🎨 Flat, simple, multi-themed, responsive and hackable Color-Picker library. No dependencies, no jQuery. Compatible with all CSS Frameworks e.g. Bootstrap, Materialize. Supports alpha channel, rgba, hsla, hsva and more! | Simonwep | 3825 |
24 | vanta | Animated 3D backgrounds for your website | tengbao | 3528 |
25 | fuzzysearch | 🔮 Tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript | bevacqua | 2623 |
26 | awesome-netherlands | 🇳🇱A guide aiming to help newcomers to have a successful start in the Netherlands! | jeanbauer | 48 |
27 | blockbench | Blockbench - A low poly 3D model editor | JannisX11 | 1086 |
28 | AI-Expert-Roadmap | Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022 | AMAI-GmbH | 19231 |
29 | swanalekha | Swanalekha input method | smc | 11 |
30 | screenity | The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome 🎥 | alyssaxuu | 7092 |
31 | waveforms | An interactive, explorable explanation about the peculiar magic of sound waves. | joshwcomeau | 1309 |
32 | sweetalert2 | A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies. | sweetalert2 | 14485 |
33 | Sky-Shader | ☀️ WebGL sky and sun shader editor | Tw1ddle | 110 |
34 | ganja.js | 📐 Javascript Geometric Algebra Generator for Javascript, c++, c#, rust, python. (with operator overloading and algebraic literals) - | enkimute | 1317 |
35 | ManyTinyThingsWeb | ManyTinyThings | 6 | |
36 | circles-sines-signals | A Compact Primer on Digital Signal Processing | jackschaedler | 908 |
37 | copy-text-to-clipboard | Copy text to the clipboard in modern browsers (0.2 kB) | sindresorhus | 817 |
38 | nothing-private | Do you think you are safe using private browsing or incognito mode?. 😄 👿 This will prove that you're wrong. | gautamkrishnar | 1846 |
39 | walk_to_the_destination | See the process of finding the route to the destination in acion | shantanu0323 | 52 |
40 | ogv.js | JavaScript media player using Ogg/Vorbis/Theora/Opus/WebM libs compiled with Emscripten | brion | 1017 |
41 | wasm-synth | C++ in the browser? Webassembly? Sounds jarring? Indeed, it is! Synthesizer for the browser. | TimDaub | 108 |
42 | estimator.dev | 🧮 Calculate the size and performance impact of switching to modern JavaScript syntax. | GoogleChromeLabs | 608 |
43 | runpkg | the online javascript package explorer | FormidableLabs | 292 |
44 | json5 | JSON5 — JSON for humans | json5 | 5065 |
45 | instagram-web-api | 🤳 Instagram Private Web API client for Node | jlobos | 902 |
46 | engine | Famous | 1760 | |
47 | blockly | The web-based visual programming editor. | 10239 | |
48 | triangle-wasm | Javascript wrapper around Triangle - A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator | brunoimbrizi | 47 |
49 | remark-sectionize | Remark plugin to wrap each heading and the content that follows it in a <section> tag | jake-low | 40 |
50 | laboratory | Because good website security shouldn't only be available to mad scientists! | april | 141 |
51 | beam | ✨ Expressive WebGL | doodlewind | 458 |
52 | react-canvas | High performance <canvas> rendering for React components | 12838 | |
53 | scroller | Accelerated panning and zooming for HTML and Canvas | pbakaus | 3833 |
54 | docute | 📚 Effortless documentation, done right. | egoist | 3631 |
55 | grafica.js | A simple and configurable plotting library for p5.js | jagracar | 119 |
56 | offen | The fair and lightweight alternative to common web analytics tools | offen | 574 |
57 | generative-artistry | A website for self coding generative art tutorials. | tholman | 739 |
58 | quiver | A modern commutative diagram editor for the web. | varkor | 1892 |
59 | fractal-terrain-generator | A random fractal terrain generator in JavaScript | qiao | 196 |
60 | beautiful-react-diagrams | 💎 A collection of lightweight React components and hooks to build diagrams with ease 💎 | antonioru | 2390 |
61 | blender-resources | A list of resources and tools that have helped me learn blender | SaraVieira | 69 |
62 | momoa | A JSON parser, tokenizer, traverser, and printer. | humanwhocodes | 249 |
63 | wavedrom | 🌊 Digital timing diagram rendering engine | wavedrom | 1916 |
64 | memoizee | Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript | medikoo | 1551 |
65 | numi | Beautiful calculator app for macOS | nikolaeu | 3737 |
66 | smoothie | Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data | joewalnes | 2168 |
67 | flot | Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery | flot | 5932 |
68 | logossim | Digital logic simulator, built to be extensible | renato-bohler | 83 |
69 | paper.js | The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey | paperjs | 13123 |
70 | caniuse | Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com | Fyrd | 4906 |
71 | isomer | Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas | jdan | 2787 |
72 | rasterizeHTML.js | Renders HTML into the browser's canvas | cburgmer | 2259 |
73 | soundbox | SoundBox is an HTML5 synth music tracker/editor, suitable for creating music for small JavaScript demos (4K / 8K). | mbitsnbites | 386 |
74 | djit | Javascript Spreadsheet Engine | elis | 45 |
75 | ffmpeg.wasm | FFmpeg for browser and node, powered by WebAssembly | ffmpegwasm | 7571 |
76 | flac.js | FLAC decoder in JavaScript | audiocogs | 538 |
77 | particulate-medusae | Soft body jellyfish simulation. | jpweeks | 248 |
78 | color-thief | Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. | lokesh | 10685 |
79 | vanilla-todo | A case study on viable techniques for vanilla web development. | morris | 983 |
80 | jor1k | Online OR1K Emulator running Linux | s-macke | 1594 |
81 | country-data | Country related data such as ISO codes, currencies etc | OpenBookPrices | 489 |
82 | two.js | A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web. | jonobr1 | 7667 |
83 | Tiny-XSS-Payloads | A collection of tiny XSS Payloads that can be used in different contexts. https://tinyxss.terjanq.me | terjanq | 1341 |
84 | computer-science-in-javascript | Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript. | humanwhocodes | 8329 |
85 | heroicons | A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. | tailwindlabs | 15008 |
86 | react-datasheet | Excel-like data grid (table) component for React | nadbm | 4983 |
87 | file-type | Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer | sindresorhus | 2530 |
88 | umami | Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. | mikecao | 10807 |
89 | common-markup-state-machine | CMSM: Common markup state machine | micromark | 40 |
90 | fengari | 🌙 φεγγάρι - The Lua VM written in JS ES6 for Node and the browser | fengari-lua | 1408 |
91 | retro-ngon | A well-featured retro-oriented 3D software renderer for the HTML5 canvas. | leikareipa | 30 |
92 | json-rules-engine | A rules engine expressed in JSON | CacheControl | 1656 |
93 | zdog | Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG | metafizzy | 9123 |
94 | parser | CSS Parser | csstools | 60 |
95 | jszip | Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript | Stuk | 7906 |
96 | stdlib | ✨ Standard library for JavaScript and Node.js. ✨ | stdlib-js | 2926 |
97 | javascriptmusic | A.K.A. WebAssembly Music. Live coding music and synthesis in Javascript / AssemblyScript (WebAssembly) | petersalomonsen | 281 |
98 | AudioMass | Free full-featured web-based audio & waveform editing tool | pkalogiros | 1575 |
99 | monaco-editor | A browser based code editor | microsoft | 29262 |
100 | zen-3d | JavaScript 3D library. | shawn0326 | 177 |
101 | tsdx | Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development | jaredpalmer | 9624 |
102 | webgpu-examples | Small examples of SPIR-V compatible WebGPU usage. | tsherif | 60 |
103 | github-activity-readme | Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user | jamesgeorge007 | 518 |
104 | webgl-volume-raycaster | A WebGL Volume Raycaster | Twinklebear | 188 |
105 | canvas-confetti | 🎉 on-demand confetti gun | catdad | 3330 |
106 | WebGL-PIC-FLIP-Fluid | PIC/FLIP Fluid with WebGL | austinEng | 144 |
107 | Awesome-Profile-README-templates | A collection of awesome readme templates to display on your profile | kautukkundan | 9041 |
108 | gl-matrix | Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps | toji | 4479 |
109 | password-manager-resources | A place for creators and users of password managers to collaborate on resources to make password management better. | apple | 3540 |
110 | lime | Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier | marcotcr | 9756 |
111 | blast-radius | Interactive visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs using d3.js | 28mm | 1613 |
112 | vanillawebprojects | Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries | bradtraversy | 12830 |
113 | cnn-explainer | Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization. | poloclub | 6003 |
114 | washOS | Automatic detection of water running to trigger a countdown in the browser | charliegerard | 136 |
115 | litegraph.js | A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently. | jagenjo | 2929 |
116 | wave-experiment | A wave simulation in WebGL | dionyziz | 103 |
117 | pdfjs | A Portable Document Format (PDF) generation library targeting both the server- and client-side. | rkusa | 532 |
118 | web-experiments | Rendering, compute, GPU experiments | oktomus | 25 |
119 | beautiful-react-hooks | 🔥 A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development 🔥 | antonioru | 5484 |
120 | Recoil | Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React. | facebookexperimental | 16599 |
121 | shader-school | 🎓 A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming | stackgl | 3953 |
122 | canvas-sketch | [beta] A framework for making generative artwork in JavaScript and the browser. | mattdesl | 3942 |
123 | quill | Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. | quilljs | 32551 |
124 | responsively-app | A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool. | responsively-org | 16204 |
125 | jest-dom | 🦉 Custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOM | testing-library | 3263 |
126 | thengascript | Start programming for the web in Malayalam! | makersofkerala | 52 |
127 | response | Monzo's real-time incident response and reporting tool ⚡️ | monzo | 1376 |
128 | pose-animator | yemount | 8440 | |
129 | artyom.js | A voice control - voice commands - speech recognition and speech synthesis javascript library. Create your own siri,google now or cortana with Google Chrome within your website. | sdkcarlos | 1095 |
130 | developerFolio | 🚀 Software Developer Portfolio Template that helps you showcase your work and skills as a software developer. | saadpasta | 3180 |
131 | screenshot-tracker | Capture and track of full length web page screenshots | nomadinteractive | 108 |
132 | javascript-testing-best-practices | 📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (April 2022) | goldbergyoni | 17451 |
133 | blitz | ⚡️The Fullstack React Framework — built on Next.js | blitz-js | 11277 |
134 | torus | Torus is an event-driven model-view UI framework for the web, focused on being tiny, efficient, and free of dependencies. | thesephist | 240 |
135 | github-buttons | Unofficial github:buttons. | ntkme | 924 |
136 | downshift | 🏎 A set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete, combobox or select dropdown components. | downshift-js | 10516 |
137 | signale | Highly configurable logging utility | klaussinani | 8630 |
138 | bigbluebutton | Complete open source web conferencing system. | bigbluebutton | 7475 |
139 | quebec-power-grid-talk | 🎭 Quebec's 735kv power lines can survive the apocalypse, but can they run TCP?! | pirate | 28 |
140 | entropic | 🦝 📦 a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript 🦝 🦝 🦝 | entropic-dev | 5350 |
141 | list | List of Homeferences | homeferences | 651 |
142 | covid-19indiatracker | Track Covid-19 cases in India from MacOS menu bar | thelittlewonder | 24 |
143 | filepond | 🌊 A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library | pqina | 12427 |
144 | sorting-sorts | Simple project comparing and visualizing sorting algorithms | miloszratajczyk | 2 |
145 | size-limit | Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit. | ai | 5126 |
146 | routify | Automated Svelte routes | roxiness | 1499 |
147 | convnetjs | Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser. | karpathy | 10326 |
148 | particles.js | A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles | VincentGarreau | 25733 |
149 | cannon.js | A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript. | schteppe | 3933 |
150 | react-values | A set of tiny React components for handling state with render props. | ianstormtaylor | 1026 |
151 | netron | Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models | lutzroeder | 18545 |
152 | inertia | Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers. | inertiajs | 4021 |
153 | react-digraph | A library for creating directed graph editors | uber | 2287 |
154 | emularity | easily embed emulators | db48x | 527 |
155 | degit | Straightforward project scaffolding | Rich-Harris | 4400 |
156 | csstox | Convert CSS text to a React Native/JSS stylesheet object with ease. | jamesgeorge007 | 68 |
157 | mjml | MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy | mjmlio | 13477 |
158 | atari2600-wasm | An Atari 2600 emulator written in AssemblyScript compiled to WebAssembly | ColinEberhardt | 49 |
159 | Real-Time-Person-Removal | Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser | jasonmayes | 5002 |
160 | hoodie | 🐶 The Offline First JavaScript Backend | hoodiehq | 4318 |
161 | intl-tel-input | A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers | jackocnr | 6191 |
162 | virtual-scroller | A component for efficiently rendering large lists of variable height items | catamphetamine | 105 |
163 | schemastore | A collection of JSON schema files including full API | SchemaStore | 1702 |
164 | openrank-backend | Free and Open Source Coding Challenges Platform | coderplex-org | 126 |
165 | genderkit | Gender Construction Kit - The UK guide to changing things linked to gender | genderkit | 47 |
166 | Netflix-Clone | Netflix Clone made with React, Redux and Firebase | darwin619 | 111 |
167 | octomments | A small library that offers GitHub issues as comments for your site/blog | krasimir | 279 |
168 | progressive-image-element | ⚡️ <progressive-image> custom element | andreruffert | 246 |
169 | formula-parser | Javascript Library parsing Excel Formulas and more | handsontable | 613 |
170 | workers.cloudflare.com | The Cloudflare Workers website. | cloudflare | 101 |
171 | explainers | Explainers from WebKit contributors | WebKit | 309 |
172 | servor | Dependency free file server for single page app development | lukejacksonn | 848 |
173 | MagicMirror | MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant. | MichMich | 16530 |
174 | miragejs | A client-side server to build, test and share your JavaScript app | miragejs | 4592 |
175 | nedb | The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser | louischatriot | 13044 |
176 | react-spring-visualizer | Visualize your spring config for react-spring. | JoostKiens | 158 |
177 | postgres | Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno | porsager | 3796 |
178 | klona | A tiny (240B to 501B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more! | lukeed | 1147 |
179 | disasm.js | Disassmebler in JavaScript because C is old and obsolete | tsoding | 7 |
180 | prometheus-for-developers | Practical introduction to Prometheus for developers. | danielfm | 430 |
181 | open-source-saas-boilerpate | Free SaaS boilerplate (Python/PostgreSQL/ReactJS/Webpack) | saasforge | 657 |
182 | Villain | A free and open source web-based comic book reader. | btzr-io | 204 |
183 | bodybuilder | An elasticsearch query body builder 💪 | danpaz | 1190 |
184 | snapline | Unleash your screenshots stored in Chrome Devtool timeline files | pmdartus | 389 |
185 | cesium | An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎 | CesiumGS | 8598 |
186 | geoapi | Lightweight API service to get geolocation data from IP addresses. | risk3sixty | 698 |
187 | flowy | The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨ | alyssaxuu | 9155 |
188 | goober | 🥜 goober, a less than 1KB 🎉 css-in-js alternative with a familiar API | cristianbote | 2520 |
189 | nano-neuron | 🤖 NanoNeuron is 7 simple JavaScript functions that will give you a feeling of how machines can actually "learn" | trekhleb | 2090 |
190 | githunt | Hunt the most starred projects on any date on GitHub | kamranahmedse | 2275 |
191 | Ackee | Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. | electerious | 3338 |
192 | dribbble2react | Transform Dribbble designs to React-Native code | Shop UI Kit >> | react-ui-kit | 2462 |
193 | minisearch | Tiny and powerful JavaScript full-text search engine for browser and Node | lucaong | 1349 |
194 | tenko | An 100% spec compliant ES2021 JavaScript parser written in JS | pvdz | 498 |
195 | vscode-issue-tracker | A webapp to visualize the issue count of Microsoft/vscode | lannonbr | 249 |
196 | red-hot-chili-fanta | 🥫 @fakefantas from twitter | cool-robot-pals | 34 |
197 | Enterprise | 🦄 The Enterprise™ programming language | joaomilho | 1517 |
198 | sinuous | 🧬 Light, fast, reactive UI library | luwes | 842 |
199 | lite-youtube-embed | A faster youtube embed. | paulirish | 4182 |
200 | drawio | Source to app.diagrams.net | jgraph | 29043 |
201 | changeDPI | Javascript library that allows you to change an image's DPI settings in the browser | shutterstock | 133 |
202 | CSSOM | Unmaintained! |
NV | 718 |
203 | fuzz-lightyear | A NodeJS fuzzing toolkit that makes it easy to fuzz against a reference model. | fuzz-lightyear | 18 |
204 | geolib | Zero dependency library to provide some basic geo functions | manuelbieh | 3747 |
205 | flamebearer | Blazing fast flame graph tool for V8 and Node 🔥 | mapbox | 1508 |
206 | megadraft | Megadraft is a Rich Text editor built on top of Facebook's Draft.JS featuring a nice default base of components and extensibility | globocom | 1091 |
207 | dyo | Dyo is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. | dyo | 928 |
208 | taskbook | Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat | klaussinani | 8421 |
209 | svg-autocrop | 🚗🌽🔳An NPM module to autocrop and slim down SVGs | cncf | 91 |
210 | bull | Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS. | OptimalBits | 12396 |
211 | geopattern | Generate beautiful SVG patterns | btmills | 1723 |
212 | webpack-demos | a collection of simple demos of Webpack | ruanyf | 9508 |
213 | airplanejs | 📡 |
watson | 492 |
214 | saasify | The easiest way to monetize your API. 🚀 | saasify-sh | 1071 |
215 | threejsfundamentals | gfxfundamentals | 1038 | |
216 | resq | React Element Selector Query (RESQ) - Query React components and children by component name or HTML selector | baruchvlz | 118 |
217 | peaks.js | JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms | bbc | 2479 |
218 | juttle | Juttle dataflow programming language | juttle | 292 |
219 | node-jvm | java virtual machine in pure node.js | YaroslavGaponov | 2062 |
220 | shelljs | 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js | shelljs | 13193 |
221 | DOMPurify | DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo: | cure53 | 8883 |
222 | no-mouse-days | A package to disable the mouse cursor | marcysutton | 193 |
223 | dsp.js | Digital Signal Processing for Javascript | corbanbrook | 1626 |
224 | pow-app | Take charge of your menstrual cycle with POW! — the privacy-first menstrual cycle journal | raae | 26 |
225 | roughViz | Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser. | jwilber | 6228 |
226 | hovercraft | Make dynamic impressive presentations from text files! | regebro | 1399 |
227 | painterro | Painterro - JavaScript painting plugin | devforth | 569 |
228 | geo-maps | 🗺 High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated. | simonepri | 1143 |
229 | pidtree | 🚸 Cross platform children list of a PID. | simonepri | 89 |
230 | ogl | Minimal WebGL Library | oframe | 2713 |
231 | omgopass | *️⃣ A tiny memorable password generator for Node.js and browsers | omgovich | 157 |
232 | fractal | A tool to help you build and document website component libraries and design systems. | frctl | 2020 |
233 | teachcode | A tool to develop and improve a student’s programming skills by introducing the earliest lessons of coding. | madlabsinc | 344 |
234 | mevn-cli | Light speed setup for MEVN(Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps | madlabsinc | 780 |
235 | core | Online IDE powered by Visual Studio Code ⚡️ | stackblitz | 9055 |
236 | crocks | A collection of well known Algebraic Data Types for your utter enjoyment. | evilsoft | 1515 |
237 | octocat-day | When you joined GitHub? 🤔 WE KNOW! | NomanGul | 57 |
238 | opendrinks | 🍸 Open Source Drinks! Add your own recipe in a pull request! Inspired by 🎃Hacktoberfest! | alfg | 292 |
239 | iptv | Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world | iptv-org | 50308 |
240 | spotivy | 🎼 Download music videos from Spotify playlists | danguilherme | 73 |
241 | figlet.js | A FIG Driver written in JavaScript which aims to fully implement the FIGfont spec. | patorjk | 1887 |
242 | csswand | 🎨✨ Hover your wand and use your magic spell to copy beautiful css | oliver-gomes | 1123 |
243 | svgo | ⚙️ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files | svg | 17623 |
244 | zuck.js | A javascript library that lets you add stories EVERYWHERE. | ramon82 | 3455 |
245 | ourbigbook | Static wiki generator and lightweight markup language to write complex structured wikis/books/blogs with reference implementation in JavaScript. | cirosantilli | 23 |
246 | ServerLog | A simple, practical and innovative Node.js log library that enables you to view logs in Chrome dev tools and browser Console. | eshengsky | 117 |
247 | stargazed | 📋 Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! | abhijithvijayan | 413 |
248 | js2js | js2js is a revolutionary open-source compiler from Javascript to Javascript | eleks | 651 |
249 | cl-cookbook | The Common Lisp Cookbook | LispCookbook | 725 |
250 | framework7 | Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps | framework7io | 16724 |
251 | jsGB | JavaScript emulation of the GameBoy console | Two9A | 667 |
252 | taiko-eyes | Applitools 👀 SDK for Taiko.js | saikrishna321 | 12 |
253 | CobolScript | COBOL language compiler to JavaScript, work in progress | ajlopez | 184 |
254 | showdown | A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript | showdownjs | 12457 |
255 | topology | html5 network topology, base on SVG. | zhaodabao | 220 |
256 | pngjs | Simple PNG encoder/decoder | lukeapage | 525 |
257 | opendatacam | An open source tool to quantify the world | opendatacam | 1402 |
258 | hurried | ⚡️ JavaScript library for parallel code execution 🔀 | yankouskia | 259 |
259 | why-did-you-render | why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.) | welldone-software | 8535 |
260 | leonsans | Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. | cmiscm | 9937 |
261 | Shape-Your-Music | A web application for drawing music. | ejarzo | 87 |
262 | currency.js | A javascript library for handling currencies | scurker | 2386 |
263 | tomato-pie | A new UI for Pomodoro Technique. Schedule your time directly with a clock. | t9tio | 229 |
264 | jamovi | jamovi - open software to bridge the gap between researcher and statistician | jamovi | 387 |
265 | dagre | ⛔ [DEPRECATED] - Directed graph layout for JavaScript | dagrejs | 3576 |
266 | WebGL-Fluid-Simulation | Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile) | PavelDoGreat | 12044 |
267 | vega | A visualization grammar. | vega | 9772 |
268 | kleur | The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! | lukeed | 1330 |
269 | engineering-competencies | Evaluation metrics we use for engineering peer feedback. | Codecademy | 36 |
270 | vscode-recipes | microsoft | 5373 | |
271 | async | Async utilities for node and the browser | caolan | 27545 |
272 | TinyColor | Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript | bgrins | 4263 |
273 | chart.xkcd | xkcd styled chart lib | timqian | 7096 |
274 | hyperdex | Grandma-Friendly Atomic Swaps | atomiclabs | 151 |
275 | tech-interview-handbook | 💯 Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers | yangshun | 69557 |
276 | Orca | Esoteric Programming Language | hundredrabbits | 3810 |
277 | terser | 🗜 JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+ | terser | 6981 |
278 | flru | A tiny (215B) and fast Least Recently Used (LRU) cache | lukeed | 300 |
279 | snapper | A CSS Snap-Points based carousel (and lightweight polyfill) | filamentgroup | 362 |
280 | beef | The Browser Exploitation Framework Project | beefproject | 7106 |
281 | buster | Captcha solver extension for humans | dessant | 4738 |
282 | jsPDF | Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. | parallax | 24261 |
283 | mailtoui | A simple way to enhance your mailto links with a convenient user interface. | mariordev | 177 |
284 | tracery | Tracery: a story-grammar generation library for javascript | galaxykate | 1959 |
285 | traffic-simulation-de | Source code for javascript simulation of website | movsim | 841 |
286 | Mermrender | 🧜♀️ RESTful rendering pipeline for generating sequence and UML diagrams using Mermaid for Markdown docs (Diagrams as a Service) | Schachte | 926 |
287 | js-cloudimage-360-view | Engage your customers with a stunning 360 view of your products. Any questions or issues, please report to https://github.com/scaleflex/js-cloudimage-360-view/issues | scaleflex | 1816 |
288 | ramjet | Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions | Rich-Harris | 5453 |
289 | gitalk | Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact. | gitalk | 6064 |
290 | perflink | Low friction JavaScript benchmarks that you can share via URL | lukejacksonn | 1101 |
291 | steamdance | A multiplayer steam-based CPU simulator | josephg | 43 |
292 | Functional-Light-JS | Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter. | getify | 15290 |
293 | nano-css | Distilled CSS-in-JS for gourmet developers | streamich | 377 |
294 | lozad.js | 🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more | ApoorvSaxena | 7012 |
295 | waves | Ocean Wave Simulation - http://david.li/waves | dli | 939 |
296 | luna | Manage npm dependencies through a modern UI. | rvpanoz | 984 |
297 | nsfwjs | NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js | infinitered | 5596 |
298 | digital-garden | 🌻[WIP] Gatsby Theme to build your own digital garden 🌻🥀🌸 | johno | 218 |
299 | pizzaql | 🍕 Modern OSS Order Management System for Pizza Restaurants | pizzaql | 653 |
300 | form-backend-validation | An easy way to validate forms using back end logic | spatie | 798 |
301 | chromy | Chromy is a library for operating headless chrome. 🍺🍺🍺 | OnetapInc | 595 |
302 | cinema-microservice | Example of a cinema microservice | Crizstian | 1653 |
303 | cli-spinners | Spinners for use in the terminal | sindresorhus | 1957 |
304 | victory | A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations | FormidableLabs | 9582 |
305 | stereogram-raycaster | A raycaster that renders to random dot stereogram | ammonb | 264 |
306 | fastdom | Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM measurement and mutation tasks | wilsonpage | 6400 |
307 | tiny-react-renderer | Learn you a React Renderer for Great Good | iamdustan | 771 |
308 | lax.js | Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll. | alexfoxy | 8947 |
309 | GhostText | 👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa). | fregante | 2675 |
310 | vanilla-lazyload | LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, backgrounds, videos, iframes and scripts to when they will enter the viewport. Written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages IntersectionObserver, supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. | verlok | 6794 |
311 | sharp | High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library. | lovell | 22190 |
312 | FaxJs | Fax Javascript Ui Framework | jordwalke | 320 |
313 | mastering-chrome-devtools | 🔥 Website for teaching Chrome DevTools | jkup | 577 |
314 | lunr.js | A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright | olivernn | 8031 |
315 | femtoJS | femtoJS - Really small JavaScript (ES6) library for DOM manipulation. | vladocar | 133 |
316 | rust-wasm-worker-template | VictorGavrish | 41 | |
317 | tfjs-recycling | [WIP] Using Tensorflow.js to detect objects and help recycle | charliegerard | 104 |
318 | 8bitworkshop | web-based IDE for 8-bit programming and Verilog development | sehugg | 373 |
319 | thook | tiny, single purpose github webhook cli tool | noopkat | 13 |
320 | architect | The simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications | architect | 2121 |
321 | arc.codes | The Architect web site! 🌩 | architect | 295 |
322 | react-kawaii | Cute SVG React Components | miukimiu | 2758 |
323 | elcalc | ➗:electron: Cross-Platform calculator built with Electron! | elcalc | 88 |
324 | cash-cli | 💰💰 Convert currency rates directly from your terminal! | xxczaki | 180 |
325 | figma-platformer-engine | Build a platformer straight from Figma without code 🕹️ | alyssaxuu | 381 |
326 | unistore | 🌶 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React | developit | 2864 |
327 | react-dates | An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web | react-dates | 11810 |
328 | kadira-server | Source code to Kadira APM | kadira-open | 307 |
329 | unpkg | The CDN for everything on npm | mjackson | 2254 |
330 | ink-testing-library | Utilities for testing Ink apps | vadimdemedes | 98 |
331 | JSNetworkX | Build, process and analyze graphs in JavaScript (port of NetworkX) | fkling | 718 |
332 | astexplorer | A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers. | fkling | 4633 |
333 | figlet-js | JavaScript parser for FIGlet fonts | scottgonzalez | 113 |
334 | sloth | Sloth - an extension slowing down page loading to bring real user experience | denar90 | 195 |
335 | porthog | Identify which process is using a specific port. | coreybutler | 25 |
336 | fenix | A simple and visual static web server with collaboration features. | coreybutler | 1572 |
337 | pika-pack | 📦⚡️ Build your npm package using composable plugins. https://www.pika.dev/blog/introducing-pika-pack/ | FredKSchott | 2343 |
338 | offline-plugin | Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (https://webpack.js.org/) | NekR | 4466 |
339 | snowpack | ESM-powered frontend build tool. Instant, lightweight, unbundled development. ✌️ | FredKSchott | 19796 |
340 | snowworker | Website snow! It'll settle on anything that has a .rooftop class. | onion2k | 25 |
341 | PathFinding.js | A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games | qiao | 7713 |
342 | 500lines | 500 Lines or Less | aosabook | 27517 |
343 | zammad | Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system | zammad | 2990 |
344 | luxon | ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS | moment | 12422 |
345 | open-wc-starter-app | Starter app based on Open Web Components Recommendations | open-wc | 87 |
346 | webgl-snow | A WebGL version of Paul Lewis's "Let's make some SNOW" Youtube video | frontdatacloud | 4 |
347 | htm | Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support. | developit | 7545 |
348 | arkit | JavaScript architecture diagrams and dependency graphs | dyatko | 801 |
349 | reading-time | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display an estimated time to read some text. | michael-lynch | 639 |
350 | recurly-js | Simple subscription billing in the browser | recurly | 648 |
351 | marko | A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun | marko-js | 11261 |
352 | codecrumbs | Learn, design or document codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code. Live updates, multi-language support and more. | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 2609 |
353 | Motrix | A full-featured download manager. | agalwood | 31399 |
354 | makenews | MakeNews is for journalists and newsrooms. It helps you track news from web and social media in real-time. | media-centre | 43 |
355 | micro | Asynchronous HTTP microservices | vercel | 10076 |
356 | git-history | Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository | pomber | 12782 |
357 | strapi | 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs | strapi | 44763 |
358 | terminalizer | 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player | faressoft | 12588 |
359 | picturefill | A responsive image polyfill for <picture>, srcset, sizes, and more | scottjehl | 10042 |
360 | vue-hackernews-2.0 | HackerNews clone built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering | vuejs | 10943 |
361 | NextSimpleStarter | 🐳 Simple and Accessible PWA boilerplate with Nextjs 12 and MUI | ooade | 855 |
362 | weekender | Unofficial proof-of-concept modern update for MTA's Weekender. | louh | 21 |
363 | literary.js | Literary heroes writing JavaScript. Now a Book! -> | angus-c | 121 |
364 | awesome-IT-films | 📺 A curated list of awesome films about IT & geek people. | greybax | 758 |
365 | BoostNote-Legacy | This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing. https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote-App | BoostIO | 17310 |
366 | axe-core | Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing | dequelabs | 4516 |
367 | lqip-loader | Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) for Webpack | zouhir | 1192 |
368 | lazysizes | High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration. | aFarkas | 16092 |
369 | suncalc | A tiny JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases. | mourner | 2596 |
370 | wasm-wheel | Demo project aiming to show the diversity of languages that compile to WebAssembly. See demo at https://boyan.io/wasm-wheel/ | boyanio | 36 |
371 | Awesome-Design-Tools | The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉 | goabstract | 24161 |
372 | imba | 🐤 The friendly full-stack language | imba | 5571 |
373 | noc-syllabus-S19 | Course repo and syllabus for Nature of Code Spring 2019 at ITP. | nature-of-code | 48 |
374 | react-render-server | A node.js server for server-side rendering anything! | Khan | 141 |
375 | react-hot-loader | Tweak React components in real time. (Deprecated: use Fast Refresh instead.) | gaearon | 12188 |
376 | oc | OpenComponents, serverless in the front-end world for painless micro-frontends delivery | opencomponents | 1243 |
377 | css-in-js | React: CSS in JS techniques comparison | MicheleBertoli | 5425 |
378 | polished | A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨ | styled-components | 7210 |
379 | PWABuilder-CLI | Node.js tool for App Generation | pwa-builder | 1641 |
380 | threejs-ballooning | Buffer geometry merging, procedural terrains and shadow mapper research with Three.js | alexanderperrin | 527 |
381 | string-similarity | Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. | aceakash | 2337 |
382 | clipboard.js | ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋 | zenorocha | 32094 |
383 | graphql-fullstack-bootcamp | Complimentary repo to https://tylermcginnis.com/free-graphql-bootcamp/ bootcamp by Vladimir Novick | vnovick | 130 |
384 | not-paid | Client did not pay? Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away | kleampa | 9213 |
385 | purchasing-power-parity | 💫 Make your products affordable for everyone around the world. | rwieruch | 552 |
386 | sails | Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js | balderdashy | 22224 |
387 | miniC-hosting | A simple stack-based virtual machine that runs C in the browser. | vasyop | 639 |
388 | shards-dashboard-react | ⚛️A free and beautiful React admin dashboard template pack. | DesignRevision | 1476 |
389 | speedometer-pwa | A tiny no-frills speedometer progressive web app based on Geolocation API, AmbientLightSensor API, and WakeLock API. | justinribeiro | 341 |
390 | flexsearch | Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js | nextapps-de | 8484 |
391 | vue-scrollto | Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements. | rigor789 | 1899 |
392 | vue-select | Everything you wish the HTML <select> element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component. | sagalbot | 4246 |
393 | vue | 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. | vuejs | 195506 |
394 | rollup-starter-code-splitting | Starter project with code-splitting and dynamic imports, for modern and legacy browsers | rollup | 213 |
395 | react-fontawesome | Font Awesome React component | FortAwesome | 3496 |
396 | x-spreadsheet | A web-based JavaScript(canvas) spreadsheet | myliang | 12412 |
397 | ImmortalDB | 🔩 A relentless key-value store for the browser. | gruns | 2972 |
398 | stream-template | An ES6 Tagged String Literal tag that can interpolate Node.JS streams, strings, arrays and Promises and produces a stream. | almost | 112 |
399 | lit-html-server | Render lit-html templates on the server as Node.js streams | popeindustries | 267 |
400 | viperHTML | Isomorphic hyperHTML | WebReflection | 318 |
401 | react-visibility-sensor | Sensor component for React that notifies you when it goes in or out of the window viewport. | joshwnj | 2213 |
402 | react-move | React Move | Beautiful, data-driven animations for React | sghall | 6429 |
403 | react-swipeable-views | A React component for swipeable views. ❄️ | oliviertassinari | 4170 |
404 | react-rotation | React rotation component | andrepolischuk | 109 |
405 | circlr | Animation rotation via scroll, mouse and touch events | andrepolischuk | 182 |
406 | react-mentions | @mention people in a textarea | signavio | 1689 |
407 | rematrix | Matrix transformations made easy. | jlmakes | 385 |
408 | styled-theming | Create themes for your app using styled-components | styled-components | 1139 |
409 | iodide | Literate scientific computing and communication for the web | iodide-project | 1468 |
410 | rifm | React Input Format & Mask, tiny (≈800b) component to transform any input component into formatted or masked input. Supports number, date, phone, currency, credit card, etc | realadvisor | 1245 |
411 | labelbox | Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship computer vision applications. | Labelbox | 1622 |
412 | N3.js | Lightning fast, spec-compatible, streaming RDF for JavaScript | rdfjs | 583 |
413 | tree-shake-css | kentcdodds | 37 | |
414 | gnomon | Utility to annotate console logging statements with timestamps and find slow processes | paypal | 875 |
415 | bounty | Javascript and SVG odometer effect library with motion blur | coderitual | 782 |
416 | react-ui-interactions | UI Inspirations for React | coderitual | 98 |
417 | anime | JavaScript animation engine | juliangarnier | 42182 |
418 | Manta | 🎉 Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates. | hql287 | 5193 |
419 | shiny | 🌟 Shiny reflections for mobile websites | rikschennink | 2814 |
420 | magnet-to-torrent | convert a magnet uri to a torrent download link | lwhiteley | 38 |
421 | duktape | Duktape - embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint | svaarala | 5233 |
422 | react-jsonschema-form | A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema. | rjsf-team | 11389 |
423 | static-site-boilerplate | A better workflow for building modern static websites. | ericalli | 1661 |
424 | engine262 | An implementation of ECMA-262 in JavaScript | engine262 | 596 |
425 | eleventy | A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. | 11ty | 11915 |
426 | chip8 | 🎮 A Chip-8 emulator written in JavaScript for web, CLI, and native UI. | taniarascia | 339 |
427 | countly-server | Countly helps you get insights from your application. Available self-hosted or on private cloud. | Countly | 4933 |
428 | learn-json-web-tokens | 🔐 Learn how to use JSON Web Token (JWT) to secure your next Web App! (Tutorial/Example with Tests!!) | dwyl | 4153 |
429 | react | Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript | typescript-cheatsheets | 33287 |
430 | localtunnel | expose yourself | localtunnel | 14010 |
431 | user.js | Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening | arkenfox | 5462 |
432 | react-dropzone | Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js. | react-dropzone | 8911 |
433 | mdx-deck | jxnblk | 10702 | |
434 | marked | A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. | markedjs | 27455 |
435 | sample-pie-shop | Example e-commerce site to explore PWA (Progressive Web App) use cases. | GoogleChromeLabs | 219 |
436 | punchscript | A programming language made up of Rajinikanth punch dialogues | arocks | 16 |
437 | blog | The source code for https://philipwalton.com | philipwalton | 170 |
438 | react-sizes | renatorib | 729 | |
439 | Semantic-UI | Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language. | Semantic-Org | 49990 |
440 | resize-observer-polyfill | A polyfill for the Resize Observer API | que-etc | 1583 |
441 | responsive-components | A modern approach to styling elements based on the size of their container | philipwalton | 571 |
442 | autotrack | Automatic and enhanced Google Analytics tracking for common user interactions on the web. | googleanalytics | 4900 |
443 | constructicon | A collection of reusable react components for Professional Services | blackbaud-services | 95 |
444 | dialog-web-components | Set of react components for building messaging applications | dialogs | 413 |
445 | semantic-react | React components for Semantic UI | hallister | 229 |
446 | gestalt | A set of React UI components that supports Pinterest’s design language | 3964 | |
447 | markdown-it | Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed | markdown-it | 13370 |
448 | markdown-js | A Markdown parser for javascript | evilstreak | 7617 |
449 | rainbow | Simple syntax highlighting library written in javascript | ccampbell | 3259 |
450 | react-pwa-demo | Demo for server side rendered react pwa. | SickSAMA | 11 |
451 | gulliver | A PWA directory, focusing on collecting PWA best practices and examples. | GoogleChromeLabs | 539 |
452 | web-components-benchmark | Web Components benchmark for a various Web Components technologies | vogloblinsky | 69 |
453 | web-components-todo | A simple todo list built with various Web Components technologies | shprink | 377 |
454 | open-wc | Open Web Components: guides, tools and libraries for developing web components. | open-wc | 1763 |
455 | mdx-docs | 📝 Document and develop React components with MDX and Next.js | jxnblk | 447 |
456 | styled-system | ⬢ Style props for rapid UI development | styled-system | 7275 |
457 | body-scroll-lock | Body scroll locking that just works with everything 😏 | willmcpo | 3593 |
458 | react-masonry-css | React Masonry layout component powered by CSS, dependancy free | paulcollett | 693 |
459 | react-components | React components and other various shortcuts that I frequently use. | coleturner | 166 |
460 | unstated | State so simple, it goes without saying | jamiebuilds | 7792 |
461 | stencil-storybook-spike | A Storybook setup for Stencil components. | silentHoo | 8 |
462 | pako | high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js | nodeca | 4049 |
463 | Volumio2 | Volumio 2 - Audiophile Music Player | volumio | 1333 |
464 | WebGoat | WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application | WebGoat | 4902 |
465 | edex-ui | A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support. | GitSquared | 35349 |
466 | warriorjs | 🏰 An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence | olistic | 8756 |
467 | emotion | 👩🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition | emotion-js | 14859 |
468 | labyrinth | FOSSASIA Labyrinth | fossasia | 1510 |
469 | riot | Simple and elegant component-based UI library | riot | 14653 |
470 | emojibuilder | phlntn | 245 | |
471 | audi-ui | Audi UI components in CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and HTML | audi | 265 |
472 | karma-requirejs | Example setup with Karma and Require.js | kimjoar | 114 |
473 | vanilla-wc-hnpwa | 📱 🚀 Hacker News PWA built with vanilla JS and Web Components | alexnoz | 38 |
474 | wicked-elements | Components for the DOM as you've never seen before | WebReflection | 230 |
475 | elix | High-quality, customizable web components for common user interface patterns | elix | 651 |
476 | custom-elements-everywhere | Custom Element + Framework Interoperability Tests. | webcomponents | 949 |
477 | howto-components | Literate code examples for common UI patterns. | GoogleChromeLabs | 823 |
478 | DoodleMaster | "Don't code your UI, Draw it !" | karanchahal | 2442 |
479 | country-flags | SVG and PNG renders of all countries' flags. | hampusborgos | 2663 |
480 | accessibility-developer-tools | This is a library of accessibility-related testing and utility code. | GoogleChrome | 2176 |
481 | delegated-events | A small, fast delegated event library for JavaScript. | dgraham | 990 |
482 | uilang | A minimal, UI-focused programming language for web designers. | bendc | 731 |
483 | animateplus | A+ animation module for the modern web | bendc | 5874 |
484 | spectrum | Simple, powerful online communities. | withspectrum | 10497 |
485 | Ghost | Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters. | TryGhost | 40111 |
486 | react-instafeed | ⚛️ React + 🖼️ Instafeed = 😀️ | JeromeFitz | 61 |
487 | rawact | [POC] A babel plugin which compiles React.js components into native DOM instructions to eliminate the need for the react library at runtime. | sokra | 2572 |
488 | rebound-js | Spring dynamics in JavaScript. | facebookarchive | 1749 |
489 | react-webworker | ⚙️ Communicate with a Web Worker from React | async-library | 595 |
490 | single-spa | The router for easy microfrontends | single-spa | 11118 |
491 | ervy | Bring charts to terminal. | chunqiuyiyu | 1536 |
492 | baffle | A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements. 😲 | camwiegert | 1726 |
493 | Under-the-hood-ReactJS | Entire React code base explanation by visual block schemes (Stack version) | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 4909 |
494 | nuka-carousel | Pure React Carousel Component | FormidableLabs | 2655 |
495 | Resemble.js | Image analysis and comparison | rsmbl | 4143 |
496 | webpack-dashboard | A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server | FormidableLabs | 13870 |
497 | fastest-validator | ⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS | icebob | 1123 |
498 | glorious-demo | The easiest way to demonstrate your code in action. | glorious-codes | 3318 |
499 | carlo | Web rendering surface for Node applications | GoogleChromeLabs | 9300 |
500 | percollate | A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautiful, readable PDF, EPUB, or HTML docs. | danburzo | 3614 |
501 | pennywise | Cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window | kamranahmedse | 3447 |
502 | fastscan | quickly text search by ahocorasick algorithm | pyloque | 1087 |
503 | loadable-components | The recommended Code Splitting library for React ✂️✨ | gregberge | 6542 |
504 | vanilla-tilt.js | A smooth 3D tilt javascript library. | micku7zu | 3002 |
505 | 33-js-concepts | 📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know. | leonardomso | 48790 |
506 | react-highlight-words | React component to highlight words within a larger body of text | bvaughn | 1713 |
507 | color | 🌈 Javascript color conversion and manipulation library | Qix- | 4276 |
508 | cz-cli | The commitizen command line utility. #BlackLivesMatter | commitizen | 13451 |
509 | react-universal-component | 🚀 The final answer to a React Universal Component: simultaneous SSR + Code Splitting | faceyspacey | 1691 |
510 | react-reveal | Easily add reveal on scroll animations to your React app | rnosov | 2389 |
511 | ScrollMagic | The javascript library for magical scroll interactions. | janpaepke | 13754 |
512 | macy.js | bigbite | 1056 | |
513 | BackstopJS | Catch CSS curve balls. | garris | 6060 |
514 | hyperapp | The tiny framework for building hypertext applications. | jorgebucaran | 18754 |
515 | aos | Animate on scroll library | michalsnik | 20099 |
516 | golang-wasm-example | Example app using Go's wasm support. | mattn | 100 |
517 | flatbush | A very fast static spatial index for 2D points and rectangles in JavaScript 🌱 | mourner | 1135 |
518 | deep-dive | A deep dive into the web-audio API | Sambego | 26 |
519 | ExpandingGridItemAnimation | Grid item animation based on the Dribbble shot "Surf Project" by Filip Slováček. | codrops | 200 |
520 | ThumbnailGridExpandingPreview | A tutorial on how to create a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images. | codrops | 348 |
521 | awesome-vscode | 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. | viatsko | 20237 |
522 | reaction | Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes. | reactioncommerce | 11726 |
523 | nanostyled | A <1kB library for styling React components as if with CSS-in-JS, without CSS-in-JS | chrisfrank | 105 |
524 | walt | ⚡ Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format ⚡ | ballercat | 4549 |
525 | t-rex-runner | the t-rex runner game extracted from chromium | wayou | 1646 |
526 | 0x | 🔥 single-command flamegraph profiling 🔥 | davidmarkclements | 2528 |
527 | slang | 🎤 a simple audio programming language implemented in JS | kylestetz | 1127 |
528 | alex | Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing | get-alex | 4248 |
529 | docsify | 🃏 A magical documentation site generator. | docsifyjs | 20561 |
530 | gridsome | ⚡️ The Jamstack framework for Vue.js | gridsome | 8196 |
531 | ring-ui | A collection of JetBrains Web UI components | JetBrains | 2952 |
532 | gatsby-remark-design-system | 🎨 Create your design system with Gatsby in Markdown | LekoArts | 94 |
533 | break-on-access | break on access to a property | paulirish | 1096 |
534 | You-Dont-Need-Momentjs | List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin | you-dont-need | 12711 |
535 | dayjs | ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API | iamkun | 38793 |
536 | Awesome-JavaScript-Interviews | Popular JavaScript / React / Node / Mongo stack Interview questions and their answers. Many of them, I faced in actual interviews and ultimately got my first full-stack Dev job :) | rohan-paul | 1802 |
537 | WatermelonDB | 🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️ | Nozbe | 8286 |
538 | pdf.js | PDF Reader in JavaScript | mozilla | 38415 |
539 | react-animations-from-scratch | aholachek | 19 | |
540 | aijs.rocks | EleanorHaproff | 84 | |
541 | TheoremJS | A Math library for computation in JavaScript 📕 | arguiot | 928 |
542 | react-animation-comparison | A tour of React animation libraries with a focus on developer experience | aholachek | 671 |
543 | prism-react-renderer | 🖌️ Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism) | FormidableLabs | 1312 |
544 | micro-frontends | extending the microservice paradigms to web development | neuland | 4028 |
545 | scale | Color scale generator | hihayk | 1354 |
546 | svg-3d-builder | an elaborate tool to create 3d model with svg | captainwz | 825 |
547 | simple-icons | SVG icons for popular brands | simple-icons | 13221 |
548 | cleave.js | Format input text content when you are typing... | nosir | 17264 |
549 | markdown-here | Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending. | adam-p | 55228 |
550 | fitty | ✨ Makes text fit perfectly | rikschennink | 3382 |
551 | cssstats | Visualize various stats about your CSS | cssstats | 2764 |
552 | react-helmet | A document head manager for React | nfl | 16219 |
553 | calendarx | 📅 Your go-to, prescribed, Calendar component for React | mfix22 | 111 |
554 | front-end-interview-handbook | ⚡️ Front End interview preparation materials for busy engineers | yangshun | 33857 |
555 | shipit | Universal automation and deployment tool ⛵️ | shipitjs | 5274 |
556 | build-a-bundler | padmaia | 38 | |
557 | hello-wasm-bindgen | a presentation introducing wasm-bindgen | rustwasm | 7 |
558 | mauerwerk | ⚒ A react-spring driven masonry-like grid with enter/exit and shared element transitions | drcmda | 827 |
559 | apple-music-js | A music streaming service built from the ground up using React & Redux | tvillarete | 1768 |
560 | ndb | ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools | GoogleChromeLabs | 10672 |
561 | gun | An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data. | amark | 15851 |
562 | pa11y | Pa11y is your automated accessibility testing pal | pa11y | 3327 |
563 | react-particle-effect-button | Bursting particle effect buttons for React 🎉 | transitive-bullshit | 1421 |
564 | 0bin | Client side encrypted pastebin | Tygs | 1213 |
565 | parcel | The zero configuration build tool for the web. 📦🚀 | parcel-bundler | 40670 |
566 | v8n | ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library | imbrn | 4097 |
567 | rockstar | The Rockstar programming language specification | RockstarLang | 6695 |
568 | react-pdf | 📄 Create PDF files using React | diegomura | 10590 |
569 | waveboxapp | Wavebox Classic has been updated to Wavebox 10. Learn more Wavebox.io | wavebox | 1217 |
570 | browsh | A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers | browsh-org | 14302 |
571 | front-end-guide | 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack. | grab | 14369 |
572 | carbon-now-cli | 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal. | mixn | 5275 |
573 | Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- | A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music | MarshallOfSound | 8422 |
574 | statsd | Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation | statsd | 16393 |
575 | franz | Franz is a free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more. | meetfranz | 4157 |
576 | orbit-db | Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web | orbitdb | 6878 |
577 | hark | Converts an audio stream to speech events in the browser | otalk | 474 |
578 | viz.js | A hack to put Graphviz on the web. | mdaines | 3655 |
579 | kinesalite | An implementation of Amazon's Kinesis built on LevelDB | mhart | 774 |
580 | FreeTube | An Open Source YouTube app for privacy | FreeTubeApp | 5264 |
581 | deco-ide | The React Native IDE | decosoftware | 5861 |
582 | lumin | A JavaScript library to progressively highlight any text on a page. | pshihn | 546 |
583 | batavia | A JavaScript implementation of the Python virtual machine. | beeware | 1407 |
584 | javascript-algorithms | 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings | trekhleb | 140322 |
585 | blessed-contrib | Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript | yaronn | 14729 |
586 | badge-size | 🍻 Displays the size of a given file in your repository. | ngryman | 297 |
587 | SpaceX-API | 🚀 Open Source REST API for SpaceX launch, rocket, core, capsule, starlink, launchpad, and landing pad data. | r-spacex | 9278 |
588 | turbo-net | Low level TCP library for Node.js | mafintosh | 596 |
589 | reactjs_koans | Learn basics of React.js making the tests pass | arkency | 3136 |
590 | automerge | A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. | automerge | 13431 |
591 | trellis | Trello clone / sample app for Automerge persistence library | automerge | 446 |
592 | objection.js | An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js | Vincit | 6616 |
593 | isomorphic-git | A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers! | isomorphic-git | 6277 |
594 | husky | Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof! | typicode | 26351 |
595 | git-point | GitHub in your pocket 📱 | gitpoint | 4581 |
596 | wey | Fast open source Slack desktop app | yue | 1657 |
597 | augur-ui | Augur UI | AugurProject | 406 |
598 | nuxt.js | The Intuitive Vue(2) Framework | nuxt | 40382 |
599 | sql-parser | Parse SQL (select) statements into abstract syntax tree (AST) and convert ASTs back to SQL. | florajs | 205 |
600 | create-react-kotlin-app | Create React apps using Kotlin with no build configuration | JetBrains | 2444 |
601 | fusion-core | Migrated to https://github.com/fusionjs/fusionjs | fusionjs | 639 |
602 | node-ffmpeg-installer | Platform independent binary installer of FFmpeg for node projects | kribblo | 318 |
603 | tui.calendar | 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need. | nhn | 9869 |
604 | nodebestpractices | ✅ The Node.js best practices list (March 2022) | goldbergyoni | 77416 |
605 | sql-parser | A SQL parser written in pure JS | forward | 488 |
606 | skifree.js | 🎿 The classic PC Game SkiFree, but in JS. | basicallydan | 457 |
607 | coinlist | Comprehensive list of cryptocurrencies with metadata | lukechilds | 150 |
608 | react-testing-library | 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. | testing-library | 16330 |
609 | react-bulma | React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox | kulakowka | 464 |
610 | login-with | Stateless login-with microservice for OAuth | lipp | 2308 |
611 | prompts | ❯ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts | terkelg | 7238 |
612 | icepick | Utilities for treating frozen JavaScript objects as persistent immutable collections | aearly | 403 |
613 | 30-seconds-of-code | Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs | 30-seconds | 95273 |
614 | ux | Website user preference API | ryanve | 29 |
615 | servicebot | Open-source subscription management & billing automation system | service-bot | 876 |
616 | swag-for-dev | 😎 swag opportunities for developers | swapagarwal | 3941 |
617 | slip | Slip.js — UI library for manipulating lists via swipe and drag gestures | kornelski | 2428 |
618 | mdx-util | Utilities for working with MDX | frontarm | 720 |
619 | GustoLang | A toy language written in kotlin | Tatskaari | 16 |
620 | circles | A simple spirograph toy | anvaka | 49 |
621 | polacode | 📸 Polaroid for your code | octref | 6616 |
622 | Proton | Javascript particle animation library | drawcall | 2078 |
623 | snarkdown | 😼 A snarky 1kb Markdown parser written in JavaScript | developit | 1927 |
624 | event-sourcing-examples | Example code for my building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker presentation | cer | 2897 |
625 | key-and-pad | 🎹 Fun experiment with the Web Audio API 🎶 | joshwcomeau | 362 |
626 | react-redux-socketio-chat | Full Stack Chat Application | raineroviir | 870 |
627 | carbon | 🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code | carbon-app | 30230 |
628 | react-resume | Over-engineered React resume for use during job hunting season. | clemmy | 31 |
629 | final-form | 🏁 Framework agnostic, high performance, subscription-based form state management | final-form | 2832 |
630 | SuperTinyIcons | Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos | edent | 13406 |
631 | jspaint | 🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras | 1j01 | 6218 |
632 | cypress | Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. | cypress-io | 38221 |
633 | cipm | standalone ci-oriented package installer for npm projects (moved) | zkat | 403 |
634 | sharedb | Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT) | share | 5120 |
635 | syntaxhighlighter | SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript. | syntaxhighlighter | 5318 |
636 | disposable-email-domains | A list of disposable email domains | ivolo | 1109 |
637 | bundlephobia | 🏋️ Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project | pastelsky | 6948 |
638 | Checklist-Checklist | 🌈 A Curated List of Checklists ✔︎✔︎ | huyingjie | 2422 |
639 | uppy | The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶 | transloadit | 25192 |
640 | spring-websocket-chat-sample | bijukunjummen | 62 | |
641 | redux-websocket-example | Preact/Redux + Websocket Example: For Fun | maxnachlinger | 261 |
642 | SlickGrid | A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet | 6pac | 1483 |
643 | definitelytyped.github.io | Website content for definitelytyped.org | DefinitelyTyped | 222 |
644 | alibaba | Oauth testing interface | azuqua | 3 |
645 | surfbird | A Microblogging client built on Electron and Vue | pixeldesu | 326 |
646 | Swipe | Swipe is the most accurate touch slider. | thebird | 6819 |
647 | NodeBB | Node.js based forum software built for the modern web | NodeBB | 12567 |
648 | quaggaJS | An advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript | serratus | 4547 |
649 | taiko | A node.js library for testing modern web applications | getgauge | 3133 |
650 | chalktalk | kenperlin | 2052 | |
651 | react-detect-offline | Offline and Online components for React | cwise89 | 1260 |
652 | tailwindcss | A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | tailwindlabs | 56275 |
653 | diskDB | A Lightweight Disk based JSON Database with a MongoDB like API for Node | arvindr21 | 592 |
654 | purifycss | Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps. | purifycss | 9848 |
655 | charts | Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies | frappe | 14318 |
656 | avogadrio | Worship your favorite molecule by setting it as your wallpaper. | lambdacasserole | 272 |
657 | IAMDinosaur | 🦄 An Artificial Inteligence to teach Google's Dinosaur to jump cactus | ivanseidel | 2764 |
658 | 6502js | A JavaScript 6502 assembler and simulator | skilldrick | 371 |
659 | easy6502 | skilldrick | 1057 | |
660 | visual6502 | Transistor level 6502 Hardware Simulation in Javascript | trebonian | 804 |
661 | melonJS | a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine | melonjs | 3933 |
662 | aframe | aframevr | 14111 | |
663 | statty | A tiny and unobtrusive state management library for React and Preact apps | vesparny | 515 |
664 | openlayers | OpenLayers | openlayers | 8964 |
665 | type-profile | Collect runtime type information 😻 of your JavaScript code. | fhinkel | 521 |
666 | mail-for-good | An open source email campaign management tool for nonprofits | freeCodeCamp | 3835 |
667 | mostly-adequate-guide | Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript) | MostlyAdequate | 21698 |
668 | pomodoro-electron | Basic pomodoro app in electron | veloxy | 37 |
669 | vimium | The hacker's browser. | philc | 17813 |
670 | jslinux-deobfuscated | An old version of Mr. Bellard's JSLinux rewritten to be human readable, hand deobfuscated and annotated. | levskaya | 966 |
671 | ngraph.path | Path finding in a graph | anvaka | 2699 |
672 | src2png | 📸💻 Turn your source code into beautiful syntax-highlighted images. | mplewis | 2213 |
673 | nanoid | A tiny (130 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript | ai | 17045 |
674 | agenda | Lightweight job scheduling for Node.js | agenda | 8212 |
675 | react-powerplug | 🔌 Renderless Containers | renatorib | 2711 |
676 | editablegrid | EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running. | webismymind | 780 |
677 | electroshot | Capture website screenshots with optional device and network emulation as jpg, png or pdf (with web fonts!) using Electron / Chrome. | mixu | 550 |
678 | compiler-explorer | Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly | compiler-explorer | 10596 |
679 | computer-graphics | Homework of computer graphics. | lujjjh | 2 |
680 | Buckets-JS | A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript. | mauriciosantos | 1194 |
681 | Rythm.js | A javascript library that makes your page dance. | Okazari | 3850 |
682 | fiddio | Live-code playback meets audio explanations. | fiddioteam | 24 |
683 | tesseract.js | Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥 | naptha | 25958 |
684 | sander | Promise-based power tool for common filesystem tasks | Rich-Harris | 116 |
685 | Alembic | ⚗️ Extract a color palette from Sketch images | awkward | 570 |
686 | react-pdf | Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images. | wojtekmaj | 5830 |
687 | lad | 👦 Lad is the best Node.js framework. Made by a former Express TC and Koa team member. | ladjs | 2154 |
688 | hueify | 💡Simple controller for your Philips Hue lights, based on web technologies. | kvartborg | 91 |
689 | pa11y-ci | Pa11y CI is a CI-centric accessibility test runner, built using Pa11y | pa11y | 364 |
690 | webpack-library-starter | Webpack based boilerplate for producing libraries (Input: ES6, Output: universal library) | krasimir | 1356 |
691 | glslify | ✨ A node.js-style module system for GLSL! | glslify | 1904 |
692 | deck-of-cards | Deck of Cards (old version) | deck-of-cards | 2706 |
693 | lass | 👧 Lass scaffolds a modern package boilerplate for Node.js | lassjs | 630 |
694 | qrcodejs | Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript | davidshimjs | 11319 |
695 | evergreen | 🌲 Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment | segmentio | 11595 |
696 | dna2json | Formats your genome file as JSON | genomejs | 362 |
697 | net-sim | Simulate network conditions | yocontra | 21 |
698 | cytoscape.js | Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis | cytoscape | 8375 |
699 | dracula | JavaScript layout and representation of connected graphs. | strathausen | 802 |
700 | vis | almende | 7903 | |
701 | code-prettify | An embeddable script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier. | googlearchive | 5646 |
702 | stackedit | In-browser Markdown editor | benweet | 19194 |
703 | alexaweb | Alexa in the Browser | sammachin | 131 |
704 | imagemin-cli | Minify images seamlessly | imagemin | 828 |
705 | javascript-algorithms | 💻 JavaScript implementations of computer science algorithms | mgechev | 7228 |
706 | nwb | A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it) | insin | 5456 |
707 | hotel-manager | GNOME Shell extension to manage Hotel development servers. | hardpixel | 37 |
708 | blocked-at | Detects node eventloop block and reports where it started | naugtur | 262 |
709 | js-stack-from-scratch | 🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack. | verekia | 19041 |
710 | applets | "Living paper" applets originally designed by economist David D. Friedman | price-theory | 8 |
711 | moon | 🌙 The minimal & fast library for functional user interfaces | kbrsh | 6049 |
712 | electro | ⚡️ Personal Github pages lite. Share prototypes with teammates. Host static sites. Share documents. | pnegahdar | 80 |
713 | react-kanban | Beautiful Kanban implementation built on react-motion | hanford | 41 |
714 | weweChat | 💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron. | trazyn | 5632 |
715 | pdfmake | Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript | bpampuch | 10085 |
716 | React-Redux-Boilerplate | Awesome React / Redux boilerplate and tutorial. | buckyroberts | 822 |
717 | KievII | KievII is a GUI and audio/DSP Javascript library that aims to help develop audio web applications. | cristiano-belloni | 200 |
718 | jsmpeg | MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript | phoboslab | 5699 |
719 | template-rwb | A full-featured Webpack setup with hot-reload | SidKwok | 164 |
720 | Leaflet | 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦 | Leaflet | 34440 |
721 | dom-to-image | Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas | tsayen | 8459 |
722 | ayo | A fork of Node.js. Humans before technology. | ayojs | 1685 |
723 | pdf-bot | 🤖 A Node queue API for generating PDFs using headless Chrome. Comes with a CLI, S3 storage and webhooks for notifying subscribers about generated PDFs | esbenp | 2555 |
724 | hyperdb | Distributed scalable database | mafintosh | 745 |
725 | react-chartjs | common react charting components using chart.js | reactjs | 2953 |
726 | deku | Render interfaces using pure functions and virtual DOM | anthonyshort | 3450 |
727 | json-server | Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) | typicode | 60985 |
728 | codesandbox-client | An online IDE for rapid web development | codesandbox | 11517 |
729 | seamless-immutable | Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects. | rtfeldman | 5362 |
730 | torrent-stream | The low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses | mafintosh | 1870 |
731 | victor | A JavaScript 2D vector class with methods for common vector operations | maxkueng | 784 |
732 | frontend-interview-questions | Answers for https://performancejs.com/post/hde6d32/The-Best-Frontend-JavaScript-Interview-Questions-(Written-by-a-Frontend-Engineer) | bcherny | 981 |
733 | choo | 🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework | choojs | 6676 |
734 | enoki | ultralight tools for creating p2p sites | enokidotsite | 223 |
735 | escape-from-callback-mountain | Example Project & Guide for mastering Promises in Node/JavaScript. Feat. proposed 'Functional River' pattern | justsml | 258 |
736 | matter-js | a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■ | liabru | 13149 |
737 | react-beautiful-dnd | Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React | atlassian | 26878 |
738 | Andromeda | This is a WebGL recreation of the popular music video Gorillaz - Andromeda. | yagiz | 147 |
739 | encom-boardroom | 📈 Web tribute to the Tron: Legacy Boardroom Scene | arscan | 2106 |
740 | keyv | Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends | jaredwray | 1717 |
741 | reason-maze | reasonml-community | 101 | |
742 | hazel | Lightweight update server for Electron apps | vercel | 2661 |
743 | uBlock | uBlock: a fast, lightweight, and lean blocker for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. | uBlock-LLC | 8077 |
744 | wtfjs | 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples | denysdovhan | 26157 |
745 | grabient | UI to generate linear-gradients | johnkorzhuk | 1843 |
746 | cf-ui | 💎 Cloudflare UI Framework | cloudflare | 1297 |
747 | redux-saga | An alternative side effect model for Redux apps | redux-saga | 22174 |
748 | gpu.js | GPU Accelerated JavaScript | gpujs | 13671 |
749 | adarkroom | A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure | doublespeakgames | 5848 |
750 | project-guidelines | A set of best practices for JavaScript projects | elsewhencode | 26813 |
751 | bash-handbook | 📖 For those who wanna learn Bash | denysdovhan | 4855 |
752 | react-redux-boiler | 💎 react-redux-boiler is a boilerplate for your next React Redux app with minimal dependency bloat and maximum developer experience | baebb | 73 |
753 | superfine | Absolutely minimal view layer for building web interfaces. | jorgebucaran | 1548 |
754 | feather | Simply beautiful open source icons | feathericons | 21570 |
755 | Cumulus | ☁️ A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar. | gillesdemey | 1361 |
756 | MIDI.js | 🎹 Making life easy to create a MIDI-app on the web. Includes a library to program synesthesia into your app for memory recognition or for creating trippy effects. Convert soundfonts for Guitar, Bass, Drums, ect. into code that can be read by the browser. Supports multiple simultaneous instruments and perfect timing. | mudcube | 3495 |
757 | SoundManager2 | A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed. | scottschiller | 4795 |
758 | soundnode-app | Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API. | Soundnode | 4914 |
759 | engineer-manager | A list of engineering manager resource links. | ryanburgess | 7644 |
760 | js-git | A JavaScript implementation of Git. | creationix | 3774 |
761 | sniffly | Sniffing browser history using HSTS | diracdeltas | 935 |
762 | healthi-app | Simple app to check your laptop's battery health. | pablopunk | 47 |
763 | redux-electron-ipc | Redux Electron IPC Middleware | mariotacke | 54 |
764 | electron-rpc | 🔃 A lightweight wrapper around the electron ipc module. | marcbachmann | 60 |
765 | fraction.js | A fraction math library in javascript. | ekg | 160 |
766 | react-server-boilerplate | React server side rendering boilerplate | Roilan | 163 |
767 | isomorphic-react-example | Deprecated! ReactJS + NodeJS ( express ) demo tutorial with video. Universal/Isomorphic JS = Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server. | DavidWells | 1702 |
768 | react-pages | A complete solution for building a React/Redux application: routing, page preloading, (optional) server-side rendering, asynchronous HTTP requests, document metadata, etc. | catamphetamine | 178 |
769 | react-redux-isomorphic-example | An isomorphic example built with react and redux , see readme for detailed instructions | coodoo | 429 |
770 | insomnia | The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, and gRPC. | Kong | 20808 |
771 | building-react-from-scratch | Code for my React Rally talk. | zpao | 372 |
772 | lottie-web | Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. http://airbnb.io/lottie/ | airbnb | 26634 |
773 | gekko | A bitcoin trading bot written in node - https://gekko.wizb.it/ | askmike | 9864 |
774 | mylittledom | High-level DOM-like terminal interface library | manaflair | 125 |
775 | atom | The hackable text editor | atom | 57476 |
776 | tiny-care-terminal | 💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal. | notwaldorf | 5893 |
777 | shields | Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format | badges | 16850 |
778 | levelup | A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers. | Level | 3983 |
779 | dynalite | An implementation of Amazon's DynamoDB built on LevelDB | mhart | 934 |
780 | react-trend | 📈 Simple, elegant spark lines | unsplash | 2460 |
781 | bittorrent-dht | 🕸 Simple, robust, BitTorrent DHT implementation | webtorrent | 1076 |
782 | why-did-you-update | 💥 Puts your console on blast when React is making unnecessary updates. | garbles | 5034 |
783 | parse-css | 🏇 Standards-based CSS Parser | tabatkins | 316 |
784 | itsy-bitsy-data-structures | 🏰 All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures | jamiebuilds | 8322 |
785 | phoria.js | JavaScript library for simple 3D graphics and visualisation on a HTML5 canvas 2D renderer. It does not use WebGL. Works on all HTML5 browsers, including desktop, iOS and Android. | kevinroast | 465 |
786 | lighthouse | Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web. | GoogleChrome | 24525 |
787 | blessed | A high-level terminal interface library for node.js. | chjj | 10468 |
788 | ssb-server | The gossip and replication server for Secure Scuttlebutt - a distributed social network | ssbc | 1605 |
789 | wavedrom.github.io | Digital timing diagram editor | wavedrom | 601 |
790 | react-markdown | Markdown component for React | remarkjs | 8700 |
791 | Iosevka | Versatile typeface for code, from code. | be5invis | 13873 |
792 | lowdb | Simple to use local JSON database. Powered by plain JavaScript (supports Node, Electron and the browser) | typicode | 17568 |
793 | Vocoder | Naive WebAudio Vocoder | cwilso | 310 |
794 | reactide | Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development. | reactide | 10397 |
795 | electron-node-usb-testing | Testing node-usb with electron framework | ravikp7 | 18 |
796 | Kafkaesque | node Kafka client | apparatus | 45 |
797 | wavesurfer.js | Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas | katspaugh | 6197 |
798 | netlify-cms | A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators | netlify | 15273 |
799 | building-products-with-js | Materials and code for free course on building products with javascript | BuildingXwithJS | 203 |
800 | Oblivion | The language of Art | jweinst1 | 412 |
801 | browser-sync | Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. http://browsersync.io | BrowserSync | 11709 |
802 | acorn | A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser | acornjs | 8288 |
803 | prosemirror | The ProseMirror WYSIWYM editor | ProseMirror | 5877 |
804 | budgeting | Budgeting - React + Redux + Webpack (tree shaking) Sample App | ModusCreateOrg | 979 |
805 | cssFilters | 🌄 Custom and Instagram like photo filter playground for CSS built with React | ghosh | 464 |
806 | localcast | A shared event emitter that works across multiple processes on the same machine, including the browser! | mafintosh | 167 |
807 | hiring-without-whiteboards | ⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process | poteto | 28443 |
808 | qrcode-terminal | QRCodes in your terminal, cause thats hot. | gtanner | 1119 |
809 | serverless | ⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – | serverless | 42643 |
810 | boot-react | A starter application with spring boot and react | geowarin | 601 |
811 | fft.js | The fastest JS Radix-4/Radix-2 FFT implementation | indutny | 184 |
812 | habitica | A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. | HabitRPG | 9026 |
813 | animated | Declarative Animations Library for React and React Native | animatedjs | 1831 |
814 | fast-levenshtein | Efficient Javascript implementation of Levenshtein algorithm with locale-specific collator support. | hiddentao | 552 |
815 | muguet | DNS Server & Reverse proxy for Docker - Compatible with docker-compose, boot2docker and docker-machine | mattallty | 166 |
816 | caption | Get Caption, start watching. | gielcobben | 1293 |
817 | cerebro | Open-source productivity booster with a brain | cerebroapp | 7308 |
818 | overleaf | A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor | overleaf | 9803 |
819 | gatsby | Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React | gatsbyjs | 52806 |
820 | resume-cli | CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑 | jsonresume | 4111 |
821 | elasticlunr.js | Based on lunr.js, but more flexible and customized. | weixsong | 1839 |
822 | talisman | Straightforward fuzzy matching, information retrieval and NLP building blocks for JavaScript. | Yomguithereal | 633 |
823 | react-autosuggest | WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component | moroshko | 5828 |
824 | peerflix | Streaming torrent client for node.js | mafintosh | 5857 |
825 | hyperdrive | Hyperdrive is a secure, real time distributed file system | hypercore-protocol | 1717 |
826 | interviewPractice | interview practice problems | dengjonathan | 7 |
827 | http2-test | HTTP/2 Tests | http2 | 77 |
828 | webglstudio.js | A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more. | jagenjo | 4620 |
829 | mathsteps | Step by step math solutions for everyone | 1870 | |
830 | jit.js | JIT Assembler in javascript | js-js | 282 |
831 | turbopascal | Web-based Turbo Pascal compiler. | lkesteloot | 397 |
832 | mermaid | Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown | mermaid-js | 46892 |
833 | plop | Consistency Made Simple | plopjs | 5294 |
834 | streama | Self hosted streaming media server. https://docs.streama-project.com/ | streamaserver | 9077 |
835 | dat | 💾 peer-to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line [ DEPRECATED - More info on active projects and modules at https://dat-ecosystem.org/ ] | dat-ecosystem-archive | 8245 |
836 | release | Generate changelogs with a single command | vercel | 3439 |
837 | succinct-cybernetics | Computer Science Cheatsheets. | espadrine | 1600 |
838 | leakage | 🐛 Memory leak testing for node. | andywer | 1542 |
839 | react-three-legacy | React bindings to create and control a 3D scene using three.js | Izzimach | 1533 |
840 | knex | A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB, SQL Server, SQLite3 and Oracle, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. | knex | 15728 |
841 | awesome-seo | 🌟 A curated list of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) links. | teles | 518 |
842 | redux-subspace | Build decoupled, componentized Redux apps with a single global store | ioof-holdings | 319 |
843 | react-motion | A spring that solves your animation problems. | chenglou | 20824 |
844 | browsix | Browsix is a Unix-like operating system for the browser. | plasma-umass | 2950 |
845 | react-form | ⚛️ Hooks for managing form state and validation in React | tannerlinsley | 2332 |
846 | assetgraph | Optimization framework for web pages and applications | assetgraph | 898 |
847 | dext | 🔍 A smart launcher. Powered by JavaScript. | DextApp | 719 |
848 | webpack-blocks | 📦 Configure webpack using functional feature blocks. | andywer | 2982 |
849 | meteor | Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform | meteor | 42877 |
850 | nude.js | Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvas | pa7 | 2244 |
851 | heatmap.js | 🔥 JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps | pa7 | 5754 |
852 | wekan | The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https://transifex.com/wekan/wekan only. | wekan | 17968 |
853 | Vulcan | 🌋 A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor | VulcanJS | 8021 |
854 | next.js | The React Framework | vercel | 86256 |
855 | superfish | Superfish is a jQuery plugin that adds usability enhancements to existing multi-level drop-down menus. | joeldbirch | 915 |
856 | hotel | 🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains | typicode | 9762 |
857 | video2gif | A simple progressive web application using preact.js to create GIF from a video. | gokulkrishh | 1 |
858 | movieapp | Discover Movies and TV shows - React Native | junedomingo | 1772 |
859 | autocompletejs | AutoCompleteJS Widget | oakmac | 70 |
860 | jstree | jquery tree plugin | vakata | 4940 |
861 | pixelmatch | The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library | mapbox | 4693 |
862 | privacybadgerfirefox-legacy | LEGACY Privacy Badger for Firefox SEE README | EFForg | 413 |
863 | preact | ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. | preactjs | 31609 |
864 | poisontap | Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js. | samyk | 5752 |
865 | react-in-patterns | A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React. | krasimir | 10967 |
866 | repng | React component to PNG converter | jxnblk | 887 |
867 | FlappyLearning | Program learning to play Flappy Bird by machine learning (Neuroevolution) | xviniette | 3902 |
868 | webpack-bundle-analyzer | Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap | webpack-contrib | 11740 |
869 | graph.js | a javascript library for storing arbitrary data in mathematical (di)graphs, as well as traversing and analyzing them in various ways (ECMAScript 6 Ready) | mhelvens | 89 |
870 | source-map-loader | extract sourceMappingURL comments from modules and offer it to webpack | webpack-contrib | 316 |
871 | are-you-around | See if people are around | joehand | 73 |
872 | textures | Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns | riccardoscalco | 5925 |
873 | wp-calypso | The JavaScript and API powered WordPress.com | Automattic | 12029 |
874 | Architect | Hardware Description and Emulation Library in JavaScript | mbad0la | 190 |
875 | normalizr | Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema | paularmstrong | 20865 |
876 | redux-ignore | ♻️ higher-order reducer to ignore redux actions | omnidan | 845 |
877 | react-music | Make beats with React! | FormidableLabs | 2706 |
878 | nixmash-spring | NixMash Spring : JPA, Social, MVC, Solr, Security, Thymeleaf... | mintster | 251 |
879 | jumpsuit | v3 is coming soon. | jsonmaur | 1406 |
880 | redux-auth-wrapper | A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux | mjrussell | 2174 |
881 | redux-auth | Complete token authentication system for react + redux that supports isomorphic rendering. | lynndylanhurley | 2151 |
882 | rollup | Next-generation ES module bundler | rollup | 21583 |
883 | code-kata | 👾 Algorithms are a programmer's best friend. | jsstrn | 4 |
884 | reactcards | devcards for react | steos | 493 |
885 | the-super-tiny-interpreter | Let's explain what a closure is by writing a JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript. | keyz | 137 |
886 | awesome-mac | Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. | jaywcjlove | 49096 |
887 | sinopia | Private npm repository server | rlidwka | 5456 |
888 | beaker | An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser | beakerbrowser | 6522 |
889 | react-infinite-calendar | ✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, range selection, themes, keyboard support, and more. | clauderic | 3853 |
890 | browser-run | The easiest way of running code in a browser environment | juliangruber | 398 |
891 | compromise | modest natural-language processing | spencermountain | 10208 |
892 | natural | general natural language facilities for node | NaturalNode | 9786 |
893 | webcoin | 🌐💰 SPV Bitcoin client for Node.js and the browser | mappum | 416 |
894 | fantasy-land | Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript | fantasyland | 9364 |
895 | collada-dae-parser | Parse collada .dae 3d animation files into a WebGL friendly JSON format | chinedufn | 101 |
896 | react-track | Track the position of DOM elements. Create cool animations. | gilbox | 337 |
897 | isometric-contributions | Browser extension for rendering an isometric pixel art version of your GitHub contribution graph. | jasonlong | 3170 |
898 | algorithm-visualizer | 🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code | algorithm-visualizer | 36753 |
899 | sitespeed.io | Sitespeed.io is an open source tool that helps you monitor, analyze and optimize your website speed and performance, based on performance best practices advices from the coach and collecting browser metrics using the Navigation Timing API, User Timings and Visual Metrics (FirstVisualChange, SpeedIndex & LastVisualChange). | sitespeedio | 4334 |
900 | stf | Control and manage Android devices from your browser. | openstf | 12392 |
901 | react-native-web | React Native Components and APIs for the Web | necolas | 19919 |
902 | reactotron | A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows. | infinitered | 13544 |
903 | impress.js | It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com. | impress | 36664 |
904 | parse-server | API server module for Node/Express | parse-community | 19455 |
905 | carbon-native | A set of UI components for building React Native apps | carbon-native | 218 |
906 | jService | A set of simple trivia service that serves the answers/questions pulled from jArchive | sottenad | 447 |
907 | draft-js | A React framework for building text editors. | 21688 | |
908 | javascript | JavaScript Style Guide | airbnb | 122717 |
909 | stream-handbook | how to write node programs with streams | substack | 13928 |
910 | etch | Builds components using a simple and explicit API around virtual-dom | atom | 551 |
911 | aintcms | ryanhodson | 30 | |
912 | 1-liners | Functional tools that couldn’t be simpler. | 1-liners | 779 |
913 | cash | An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. | fabiospampinato | 5868 |
914 | favesound-redux | 🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + Redux running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + Redux as a beginner. | rwieruch | 1588 |
915 | react-virtualized | React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data | bvaughn | 23574 |
916 | WebRTC-Experiment | WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!! | muaz-khan | 10610 |
917 | theta | evanw | 619 | |
918 | reverse-http | A reverse HTTP client | watson | 32 |
919 | understanding-es6 | Simple examples to help you understand ES6 | sgaurav | 1151 |
920 | js_designpatterns | nnupoor-zz | 1689 | |
921 | Inquirer.js | A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. | SBoudrias | 16188 |
922 | chroma.js | JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations | gka | 8809 |
923 | html-minifier | Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support) | kangax | 4627 |
924 | demo-progressive-web-app | 🎉 A demo for progressive web application with features like offline, push notifications, background sync etc, | gokulkrishh | 853 |
925 | react | A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. | 187470 | |
926 | virtual-dom | A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm | Matt-Esch | 11351 |
927 | letswritecode | 🎓 code examples for Let's Write Code | shama | 762 |
928 | snapdrop | A Progressive Web App for local file sharing | RobinLinus | 12008 |
929 | walkway | An easy way to animate SVG elements. | ConnorAtherton | 4390 |
930 | qr-code-scanner | 📠 A simple, fast and useful progressive web application | code-kotis | 1018 |
931 | learnrx | A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions Library for Javascript. | ReactiveX | 1405 |
932 | the-super-tiny-compiler | ⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever | jamiebuilds | 22274 |
933 | react-native-macos | [deprecated in favor of https://microsoft.github.io/react-native-windows/] React Native for macOS is an experimental fork for writing desktop apps using Cocoa | ptmt | 11344 |
934 | awesome-react-native | Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! | jondot | 31336 |
935 | evil-icons | Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN | evil-icons | 4952 |
936 | classnames | A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together | JedWatson | 15266 |
937 | AnimateMate | Create your animations directly in Sketch using AnimateMate. | Creatide | 1340 |
938 | vm2 | Advanced vm/sandbox for Node.js | patriksimek | 2991 |
939 | resume.github.com | Resumes generated using the GitHub informations | resume | 51274 |
940 | Propel | A library to support developers implementing Web Push notifications | googlearchive | 196 |
941 | browserhtml | Experimental Servo browser built in HTML | browserhtml | 2617 |
942 | insight | A helpful Chrome extension for WebGL development | 3Dparallax | 885 |
943 | engine.io-protocol | socketio | 194 | |
944 | Hilo | A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group | hiloteam | 5785 |
945 | brackets | An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. | adobe | 33634 |
946 | dreamwriter | (NOTE! This has not been updated since Elm 0.15.1.) Streamlined long-form writing software. Written in Elm. | rtfeldman | 462 |
947 | RxJS | The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript | Reactive-Extensions | 19633 |
948 | pouchdb | 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database. | pouchdb | 14924 |
949 | webtorrent | ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web | webtorrent | 26291 |
950 | nothing-to-hide | All the newest work on Nothing To Hide goes here. It's not clean, it's not organized, but it's everything. | ncase | 767 |
951 | polygons | A playable post on how harmless choices can make a harmful world. | ncase | 1259 |
952 | HackMyResume | Generate polished résumés and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon. | hacksalot | 9056 |
953 | rejected.us | 😢 The codebase for rejected.us | Rejectedus | 800 |
954 | You-Dont-Need-jQuery | Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript. | nefe | 20141 |
955 | iron-node | Debug Node.js code with Chrome Developer Tools. | s-a | 2353 |
956 | getdocs | Getdocs is not JSDoc | marijnh | 144 |
957 | appium | 📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps. | appium | 15035 |
958 | hacker-scripts | Based on a true story | NARKOZ | 43767 |
959 | EventEmitter | Evented JavaScript for the browser | Olical | 3116 |
960 | angular-seed | Seed project for angular apps. | angular | 13188 |
961 | jsxm | FastTracker 2 .xm module player in Javascript | a1k0n | 432 |
962 | q | A promise library for JavaScript | kriskowal | 14962 |
963 | lets-chat | Self-hosted chat app for small teams | sdelements | 9571 |
964 | butter-desktop | All the free parts of Popcorn Time | butterproject | 4332 |
965 | Radio | Dependency-free Chainable Publish/Subscribe Library for Javascript | uxder | 356 |
966 | jxcore | Evented IO for ChakraCore, SpiderMonkey & V8 JavaScript | jxcore | 2339 |
967 | three.js | JavaScript 3D Library. | mrdoob | 81652 |
968 | gauge-js | Javascript runner for gauge | vishnukarthikl | 5 |
969 | smartcrop.js | Content aware image cropping | jwagner | 12399 |
970 | linux-dash | A beautiful web dashboard for Linux | afaqurk | 9917 |
971 | pen | enjoy live editing (+markdown) | sofish | 4746 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | ChemometricsTools.jl | A collection of tools for chemometrics and machine learning written in Julia. | caseykneale | 51 |
2 | Literate.jl | Simple package for literate programming in Julia | fredrikekre | 384 |
3 | JuliaInterpreter.jl | Interpreter for Julia code | JuliaDebug | 141 |
4 | TextParse.jl | A bunch of fast text parsing tools | queryverse | 47 |
5 | XLSX.jl | Excel file reader and writer for the Julia language. | felipenoris | 200 |
6 | Blink.jl | Web-based GUIs for Julia | JuliaGizmos | 308 |
7 | BenchmarkTools.jl | A benchmarking framework for the Julia language | JuliaCI | 454 |
8 | Genie.jl | 🧞The highly productive Julia web framework | GenieFramework | 1745 |
9 | Oceananigans.jl | 🌊 Julia software for fast, friendly, flexible, ocean-flavored fluid dynamics on CPUs and GPUs | CliMA | 660 |
10 | HDF5.jl | Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia | JuliaIO | 309 |
11 | julia | The Julia Programming Language | JuliaLang | 39089 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | QuantumKatas | Tutorials and programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing | microsoft | 3865 |
2 | break-the-ice-with-python | The repository is about 100+ python programming exercise problem discussed, explained, and solved in different ways | darkprinx | 1880 |
3 | fourier | An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms | Jezzamonn | 1936 |
4 | DeOldify | A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!) | jantic | 15010 |
5 | datasets | 🎁 3,000,000+ Unsplash images made available for research and machine learning | unsplash | 1852 |
6 | first-order-model | This repository contains the source code for the paper First Order Motion Model for Image Animation | AliaksandrSiarohin | 12346 |
7 | computervision-recipes | Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision. | microsoft | 8441 |
8 | fastbook | The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks | fastai | 14903 |
9 | pytudes | Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills. | norvig | 18839 |
10 | 18338 | mitmath | 54 | |
11 | Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers | aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;) | CamDavidsonPilon | 24373 |
12 | ml-workspace | 🛠 All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science. | ml-tooling | 2536 |
13 | Anime4K | A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video | bloc97 | 14705 |
14 | gather | Spit shine for Jupyter notebooks 🧽✨ | microsoft | 434 |
15 | tensorflow-without-a-phd | A crash course in six episodes for software developers who want to become machine learning practitioners. | GoogleCloudPlatform | 2524 |
16 | Virgilio | Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning. | virgili0 | 13281 |
17 | face_generator | DCGAN face generator 🧑. | gsurma | 176 |
18 | fastai | The fastai deep learning library | fastai | 22214 |
19 | MadeWithML | Learn how to responsibly deliver value with ML. | GokuMohandas | 29982 |
20 | Quantum | Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Samples | microsoft | 3520 |
21 | ml-interview | Preparing for machine learning interviews | ShuaiW | 681 |
22 | 2048-deep-reinforcement-learning | Trained A Convolutional Neural Network To Play 2048 using Deep-Reinforcement Learning | navjindervirdee | 182 |
23 | python-machine-learning-book | The "Python Machine Learning (1st edition)" book code repository and info resource | rasbt | 11554 |
24 | Deep-Learning-From-Scratch | Six snippets of code that made deep learning what it is today. | emilwallner | 260 |
25 | simplified-deeplearning | Simplified implementations of deep learning related works | exacity | 2404 |
26 | digital_video_introduction | A hands-on introduction to video technology: image, video, codec (av1, vp9, h265) and more (ffmpeg encoding). | leandromoreira | 12609 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | breakout-boards | Various simple breakout boards for electronic prototyping | myelin | 18 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | tivi | Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development. | chrisbanes | 5168 |
2 | compose-jb | Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable. | JetBrains | 8703 |
3 | clikt | Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin | ajalt | 1812 |
4 | uhabits | Loop Habit Tracker, a mobile app for creating and maintaining long-term positive habits | iSoron | 4950 |
5 | Unciv | Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V | yairm210 | 3223 |
6 | moshi | A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java. | square | 8203 |
7 | data-anon | Data Anonymization implementation in Kotiln | dataanon | 29 |
8 | graviton-browser | Graviton is an experimental app browser for multi-language JVM apps | graviton-browser | 38 |
9 | matching | A lightweight matching engine written in Kotlin using Event Sourcing, CQRS, FP and RP | jasition | 58 |
10 | batect | Build And Testing Environments as Code Tool | batect | 624 |
11 | intellij-rust | Rust plugin for the IntelliJ Platform | intellij-rust | 3924 |
12 | sourcerer-app | 🦄 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories. | sourcerer-io | 6674 |
13 | http4k | The Functional toolkit for Kotlin HTTP applications. http4k provides a simple and uniform way to serve, consume, and test HTTP services. | http4k | 2028 |
14 | javalin | A simple and modern Java and Kotlin web framework | tipsy | 5502 |
15 | mockito-kotlin | Using Mockito with Kotlin | mockito | 2864 |
16 | KGraphQL | Pure Kotlin GraphQL implementation | pgutkowski | 287 |
17 | graphql-webflux | GraphQL application using spring 5 reactive framework (webflux) | geowarin | 46 |
18 | kss | Exercises to learn Kotlin a test at a time | uberto | 22 |
19 | Barista | ☕ The one who serves a great Espresso | AdevintaSpain | 1515 |
20 | intellij-rainbow-brackets | 🌈Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco Studio | izhangzhihao | 3699 |
21 | kotlin | The Kotlin Programming Language. | JetBrains | 41350 |
22 | ktlint | An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter | 4922 | |
23 | kotlin-logging | Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions | MicroUtils | 1838 |
24 | regex-dsl | A Kotlin DSL for regular expressions | h0tk3y | 68 |
25 | orbit | Orbit - Virtual actor framework for building distributed systems | orbit | 1658 |
26 | Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin | Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin | dbacinski | 5195 |
27 | anko | Pleasant Android application development | Kotlin | 15957 |
28 | sunflower | A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack. | android | 15650 |
29 | eskotlin | Elasticsearch Query DSL for Kotlin | mbuhot | 122 |
30 | kotlinconf-app | KotlinConf Schedule Application | JetBrains | 2645 |
31 | klaxon | A JSON parser for Kotlin | cbeust | 1729 |
32 | kscript | Scripting enhancements for Kotlin | holgerbrandl | 1722 |
33 | ktor | Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort | ktorio | 9798 |
34 | okio | A modern I/O library for Android, Java, and Kotlin Multiplatform. | square | 7971 |
35 | tornadofx | Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin | edvin | 3565 |
36 | awesome-kotlin | A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java. | KotlinBy | 9896 |
37 | arrow | Λrrow - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library | arrow-kt | 4995 |
38 | oauth2-boot2 | Sample demonstrating OAuth2/Open ID Connect with Spring Boot 2 | bijukunjummen | 18 |
39 | continuum-desktop | Matrix client in kotlin | koma-im | 62 |
40 | Exposed | Kotlin SQL Framework | JetBrains | 6161 |
41 | leakcanary | A memory leak detection library for Android. | square | 27485 |
42 | Kotlin-Algorithm | Algorithms and data structures in kotlin | gazolla | 408 |
43 | FriceEngine | 🎮 JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX. | icela | 334 |
44 | okhttp | Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM. | square | 42070 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gridea | ✍️ A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端) | getgridea | 8350 |
2 | Stacks | Stack Overflow’s Design System | StackExchange | 443 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | site | Sources for kittygiraudel.com | KittyGiraudel | 92 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | LaTeX.js | JavaScript LaTeX to HTML5 translator | michael-brade | 478 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | EQE | system-wide parametric equalizer (iOS) | rweichler | 23 |
2 | koreader | An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices | koreader | 10414 |
3 | z.lua | ⚡ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits. | skywind3000 | 2270 |
4 | luaradio | A lightweight, embeddable software-defined radio framework built on LuaJIT | vsergeev | 532 |
5 | keyboard | ⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard | jasonrudolph | 1577 |
6 | openface | Face recognition with deep neural networks. | cmusatyalab | 14383 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | OpenFace | OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. | TadasBaltrusaitis | 5571 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | tucl | The first-ever paper on the Unix shell written by Ken Thompson in 1976 scanned, transcribed, and redistributed with permission | susam | 344 |
2 | rust-ffi-examples | FFI examples written in Rust | alexcrichton | 1001 |
3 | LearningLinuxKernel | 和我一起学习Linux内核吧 | ljrcore | 329 |
4 | rabbitmq-server | Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins | rabbitmq | 9510 |
5 | redox | Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox | redox-os | 13860 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | fucking-algorithm | 刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why. | labuladong | 105726 |
2 | content | The content behind MDN Web Docs | mdn | 5386 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | InteractiveMusic | Interactive Music Course Notes and Materials | tambien | 188 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | hastyscribe | Self-contained markdown compiler generating self-contained HTML documents | h3rald | 179 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | personalsit.es | 📇 A little directory of people's personal sites | xdesro | 475 |
2 | eleventy_solo | This is the repository from which the Eleventy-generated version of https://www.brycewray.com formerly was built, later replaced by https://github.com/brycewray/eleventy_site. | brycewray | 19 |
3 | eleventy-base-blog | A starter repository for a blog web site using the Eleventy static site generator. | 11ty | 764 |
4 | a11yproject.com | The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier. | a11yproject | 3501 |
5 | nhsuk-frontend | NHS.UK frontend contains the code you need to start building user interfaces for NHS websites and services. | nhsuk | 552 |
6 | eleventy-netlify-boilerplate | A template for building a simple website with the Eleventy static site generator | danurbanowicz | 446 |
7 | quicklink | ⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time | GoogleChromeLabs | 9335 |
8 | Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions | A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore. | h5bp | 53023 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | comby | A tool for structural code search and replace that supports ~every language. | comby-tools | 1482 |
2 | book | V2 of Real World OCaml | realworldocaml | 927 |
3 | fastpack | Pack JS code fast & easy | fastpack | 2272 |
4 | sweetsour | A CSS-in-JS parser and pipeline adhering to the ISTF spec 🍭 | kitten | 223 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Sparkle | A software update framework for macOS | sparkle-project | 5876 |
2 | Soundflower | MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina. | mattingalls | 8092 |
3 | UTM | Virtual machines for iOS and macOS | utmapp | 12356 |
4 | expo | An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web. | expo | 16431 |
5 | keycastr | KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer | keycastr | 8246 |
6 | BeaconEmitter | Turn your Mac as an iBeacon | lgaches | 918 |
7 | TableTool | A simple CSV editor for the Mac | jakob | 1138 |
8 | MoleculesMac | The Mac version of the open source Molecules molecular visualizer. | BradLarson | 73 |
9 | GPUImage | An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing | BradLarson | 19936 |
10 | sequelpro | MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS | sequelpro | 8667 |
11 | AnyBar | OS X menubar status indicator | tonsky | 5678 |
12 | MPlayerX | media player on Mac OS X | niltsh | 1034 |
13 | react-native-xmpp | XMPP library for React Native (iOS and Android native support) | aksonov | 303 |
14 | HexFiend | A fast and clever hex editor for macOS | HexFiend | 4358 |
15 | react-native-icons | Quick and easy icons in React Native | corymsmith | 1154 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | qiskit | Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, algorithms, and application modules. | Qiskit | 2520 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | awesome-remix | m5r | 220 | |
2 | awesome-ray-tracing | Curated list of ray tracing resources | dannyfritz | 508 |
3 | dnsguide | A guide to writing a DNS Server from scratch in Rust | EmilHernvall | 2567 |
4 | idiomatic.js | Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript | rwaldron | 19935 |
5 | programming-math-science | This is a list of links to different freely available learning resources about computer programming, math, and science. | bobeff | 1315 |
6 | wearebeautiful-models | WARNING! NSFW CONTENT! This repository contains all of the human models shown on our website. Please read README.md for important details. | wearebeautiful | 36 |
7 | awesome-ebpf | A curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF. | zoidbergwill | 2214 |
8 | awesome-web-effect | A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects | lindelof | 2558 |
9 | awesome-landing-page | A series of beautiful and practical landing page templates | nordicgiant2 | 2599 |
10 | linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes | Full reference of LinkedIn answers 2022 for skill assessments (aws-lambda, rest-api, javascript, react, git, html, jquery, mongodb, java, Go, python, machine-learning, power-point) linkedin excel test lösungen, linkedin machine learning test LinkedIn test questions and answers | Ebazhanov | 14070 |
11 | hast | Hypertext Abstract Syntax Tree format | syntax-tree | 458 |
12 | teenyicons | Tiny minimal 1px icons designed to fit in the smallest places. | teenyicons | 1695 |
13 | awesome-svelte | ⚡ A curated list of awesome Svelte resources | TheComputerM | 545 |
14 | awesome-katas | A curated list of code katas | gamontal | 1859 |
15 | osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference | Mirror of OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference | aidansteele | 518 |
16 | awesome-mathematical-notation-design | List of links of techniques to help enhance mathematical notation | fredhohman | 142 |
17 | wasm-reference-manual | WebAssembly Reference Manual | sunfishcode | 452 |
18 | isa-docs | zhangheng408 | 18 | |
19 | javascript-questions | A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨ | lydiahallie | 43320 |
20 | Learning-Resources | This repository serves as a list of resources that I have personally found useful for learning about certain concepts | LowLevelJavaScript | 27 |
21 | chromium | The official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source | chromium | 12069 |
22 | canvas2D | Update Canvas 2D API | fserb | 92 |
23 | upptime | ⬆️ Free uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub | upptime | 9694 |
24 | medical-data | beamandrew | 5192 | |
25 | awesome-iiif | Awesome IIIF-related resources | IIIF | 358 |
26 | riscv-asm-manual | RISC-V Assembly Programmer's Manual | riscv-non-isa | 842 |
27 | css-in-readme-like-wat | Style your readme using CSS with this simple trick | sindresorhus | 4828 |
28 | design-inspiration | A collection of websites to spark creativity | emmabostian | 909 |
29 | How-To-Prevent-Scraping | The ultimate guide on preventing Website Scraping | JonasCz | 1267 |
30 | Startup-Landing | Collection of free top of the line startup landing templates built using react/nextjs/gatsby. Free to download, simply edit and deploy! Updated weekly! | Startup-Landing | 417 |
31 | web-security-basics | Web security concepts | vasanthk | 1043 |
32 | openvslam | OpenVSLAM: A Versatile Visual SLAM Framework | xdspacelab | 2942 |
33 | awesome-canvas | A curated list of awesome HTML5 Canvas with examples, related articles and posts. | raphamorim | 1132 |
34 | awesome-healthcare | Curated list of awesome open source healthcare software, libraries, tools and resources. | kakoni | 1890 |
35 | awesome-made-by-indians | 🇮🇳 An awesome list for the best projects that were made and mainly contributed by Indian developers | jeswinsimon | 90 |
36 | interactivedoc | Developing interactive documentation for Rust | nbaksalyar | 12 |
37 | bevy-assets | A collection of Bevy assets, plugins, learning resources, and apps made by the community | bevyengine | 660 |
38 | frontend-development | A curated list of resources for Frontend development | codingknite | 1658 |
39 | fromthetransistor | From the Transistor to the Web Browser, a rough outline for a 12 week course | geohot | 1830 |
40 | machine-learning-roadmap | A roadmap connecting many of the most important concepts in machine learning, how to learn them and what tools to use to perform them. | mrdbourke | 5535 |
41 | interview | Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview | Olshansk | 15469 |
42 | javascript-tips-and-tidbits | A continuously-evolving compendium of javascript tips based on common areas of confusion or misunderstanding. | nas5w | 1160 |
43 | List-of-Dirty-Naughty-Obscene-and-Otherwise-Bad-Words | List of Dirty, Naughty, Obscene, and Otherwise Bad Words | LDNOOBW | 1770 |
44 | awesome-system-design | A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources. | madd86 | 5596 |
45 | awesome-gpt3 | elyase | 3504 | |
46 | awesome-cold-showers | For when people get too hyped up about things | hwayne | 4642 |
47 | renaming | Guidance for changing the default branch name for GitHub repositories | github | 2210 |
48 | awesome-webgpu | 😎 Curated list of awesome things around WebGPU ecosystem. | mikbry | 539 |
49 | formats | File formats | corkami | 772 |
50 | awesome-ssh | 💻 A curated list of SSH resources. | moul | 1848 |
51 | anti-racism-reading-list | Working on a reading list related to how technology perpetuates racism | shiffman | 134 |
52 | msgpack | MessagePack is an extremely efficient object serialization library. It's like JSON, but very fast and small. | msgpack | 6047 |
53 | design-resources-for-developers | Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more | bradtraversy | 39564 |
54 | awesome-risk-quantification | A collection of awesome projects, blog posts, books, and talks on quantifying risk | veeral-patel | 406 |
55 | be-a-hacker | roadmap for being a self-taught hacker | s0md3v | 900 |
56 | awesome-svelte | 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Svelte | CalvinWalzel | 559 |
57 | browser-2020 | Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️ | luruke | 8160 |
58 | awesome-blazor | Resources for Blazor, a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly. | AdrienTorris | 6571 |
59 | awesome-tailwindcss | 😎 Awesome things related to Tailwind CSS | aniftyco | 8742 |
60 | why-svelte | Why Svelte is our choice for a large web project in 2020 | feltcoop | 1004 |
61 | why-linked-open-transit-data | Why do we need linked open public transport data? | public-transport | 15 |
62 | COVID-19 | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE | CSSEGISandData | 28693 |
63 | computer-vision-basics-in-microsoft-excel | Computer Vision Basics in Microsoft Excel (using just formulas) | amzn | 2269 |
64 | reading | A list of computer-science readings I recommend | amilajack | 2141 |
65 | react-basic | A description of the conceptual model of React without implementation burden. | reactjs | 3992 |
66 | laravel-best-practices | Laravel best practices | alexeymezenin | 7811 |
67 | Proxyman | Modern and Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️ | ProxymanApp | 2980 |
68 | DevYouTubeList | List of Development YouTube Channels | ErikCH | 4520 |
69 | backendlore | How I write backends | fpereiro | 4994 |
70 | incremental_katas | Katas that are delivered incrementally - the full problem is not displayed at once, it is revealed when one part is done | Gianfrancoalongi | 62 |
71 | awesome-causality-algorithms | An index of algorithms for learning causality with data | rguo12 | 1956 |
72 | women-tech-speakers-in-india | A list of women tech speakers in India | siddharthkp | 118 |
73 | API | Documentation and Samples for the Official HN API | HackerNews | 8626 |
74 | starway-to-orione | The Orione Team Learning Path | xpeppers | 312 |
75 | awesome-scifi | Sci-Fi worth consuming | sindresorhus | 3312 |
76 | USA-Constitution | A history of edits to the US Constitution as it has been amended. Written in markdown to match original formatting. | JesseKPhillips | 2098 |
77 | jsemu | A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language | fcambus | 1511 |
78 | awesome-mad-science | Delightful npm packages that make you say "wow, didn't know that was possible!" | feross | 986 |
79 | estree | The ESTree Spec | estree | 4082 |
80 | quick-look-plugins | List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers | sindresorhus | 16612 |
81 | rust-for-js-peeps | Know JS, want to try Rust, but not sure where to start? This is for you! | yoshuawuyts | 1232 |
82 | open-source-how-to-popularize-your-project | rdp | 271 | |
83 | TubeMQ | TubeMQ has been donated to the Apache Software Foundation and renamed to InLong, please visit the new Apache repository: https://github.com/apache/incubator-inlong | Tencent | 2052 |
84 | startup-checklist | A checklist for incorporation so you can get back to building your product, fundraising, etc. | leonar15 | 2295 |
85 | queer-tech-speakers | List of amazing queer speakers in tech 🏳️🌈 | queerjs | 64 |
86 | established-remote | A list of established remote companies | yanirs | 5377 |
87 | ebook-1 | A collection of classic computer science books from Internet | lancetw | 2757 |
88 | gecko-dev | Read-only Git mirror of the Mercurial gecko repositories at https://hg.mozilla.org. How to contribute: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/contribution_quickref.html | mozilla | 2447 |
89 | Awesome-Hacking-Resources | A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better! | vitalysim | 11956 |
90 | reverse-interview | Questions to ask the company during your interview | viraptor | 21446 |
91 | app-ideas | A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills. | florinpop17 | 50747 |
92 | awesome-datascience | 📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems. | academic | 18583 |
93 | awesome-manifesto | Utopian developer's manifesto | cristaloleg | 298 |
94 | awesome-supply-chain | Curated list of awesome supply chain blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples. | Funkmyster | 149 |
95 | test-your-sysadmin-skills | A collection of Linux Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers. Test your knowledge and skills in different fields with these Q/A. | trimstray | 8905 |
96 | BlockZone | A faithful recreation of the original DOS font. | ansilove | 124 |
97 | Marketing-for-Engineers | A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product. | goabstract | 12051 |
98 | job-interview-questions-to-ask-companies | List of interview questions... For candidates! Pick your next company wisely | lkostrowski | 306 |
99 | in-case-of-fire | In case of fire, git commit, git push and leave the building | louim | 319 |
100 | open-source-cs | Video discussing this curriculum: | ForrestKnight | 15743 |
101 | AWS-CSA-2019-study-notes | My Study Notes for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2019 | AlessioCasco | 219 |
102 | AgileLite | Agile software development without all the burnout. | davebs | 2075 |
103 | learning-rust | Material I come across which is beneficial in reading through to learn the language | gruberb | 263 |
104 | 996.ICU | Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers. | 996icu | 262104 |
105 | awesome-puppeteer | A curated list of awesome puppeteer resources. | transitive-bullshit | 1811 |
106 | eng-practices | Prismatic's Engineering Practices | plumatic | 656 |
107 | The_Holy_Book_of_X86 | A simple guide to x86 architecture, assembly, memory management, paging, segmentation, SMM, BIOS.... | Captainarash |